G. Valley Folks Host Relatives Bv ADDIE SCHNEIDER Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carlson and daughter, Eileen, of Portland and their uncle, Henry Snyder of Coos Bay, stopped in Garden Valley re cently to visit their cousins, Adam Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. Clem Schneider and Marvin. Henry Sny der was on his way back to Ohio where he and Adam Schneider had resided in their boyhood years. Mrs. SiB Madson took her daugh. tcr, Anne, to Salem this week where she will attend the state School for the Deaf., Mrs. Madson will visit the remainder of the week with her sister. Dale Poteet of Bend came to Garden Valley this week to take home liis wife and daughter, Su san. They had been spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Madson. Mrs. Robert Kennedy and son David, of San Jose, Calif., spent a recent weekend witn ner parenis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunn. Her husband, Dr. Kennedy, and the other two children visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy at Redding, Cahf. Dr. Kennedy lias established his own veterinary hosoilal in San Jose. Carol Dunn, former resident, is clerking in a large dry goods store in Denver, Colo. She made her home with her brother-in-law and sister, Jack and Joanne Rone, un til the birth of their new baby. Jeff Richard, weighing 7 pounds, joined two sisters on Aug. 19. Gertrude Capelette of San Gab riel, Calif., is visiting ner niece, Mrs. Charles Dunn. Mrs. Ed Johnson of Stockton, Calif., has returned home after vis iting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Walters. Mrs. Johnson came especially to attend funeral services for her friend, Mrs. J. T. Brill of Myrtle Creek. La Brie Ritchie and sons, Mike and Bobby, have returned to their home in Oxnard, Calif., after visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ritchie. Janet Ritchie has returned to her home in San Francisco after a two-week visit with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ritchie. Winston Man I Takes Course , By PHEBE MCGUIRE ' Elmer Schweitzer, agent for State Farm Insurance In Winston, lias returned to his home after a week's stay in Seattle where he at tended the Course 3 School spon sored by State Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Vlllcrup and family with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCullum and family and Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Crawford spent a re cent weekend at Winchester Bay. They enjoyed a picnic at Light house Slate Park and fishing, which they reported as very successful. Glenn Villertip of Dillard with timer Crawford and Charles Mc Cullum drove to the coast over tho weekend to fish and return to Dillard with the former's boat for the winter. ' Bill Winston, Stanley E. Sharp, formerly of Roseburg and now re siding in Scottsdalc, Ariz., and Dan Konnerly flew to Fields on Friday whore they met Gene Krowson and son, Gregory, for a weekend of bird hunting. They returned to Win ston and thoir respective homes Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Renner of Seattle have been visiting the for mer's sister, Mrs. Ulaii Winston. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grensky and sons, Edie, Teddy an David spent Sunday and Monday at Le molo Lako for an outing and horse back riding. They also spent time at Diamond Lake and Crater Lake and stayed overnight at Klamath Falls. While at Lomolo Lake they visited George Kughn, former own er of the Winston Model Market, who now operates a storo in the area as well as several cabins. Guests at the homo of Mrs. Vio la Kendall and her son, Dale, and daughter, Wanda, in Dillard recent ly included the former's mother, Mrs. Olive Lowry of Norton, Kans., who spent the past two weeks here; Mis. Kendall's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ken dall of Madras, who spent a week end; a son, Johnnie Kendall of Portland; son, Bonnie, a marine stationed at Camp Pendleton, Cal ir.; and a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hodges of Ma dras. Mrs. Lowry accompanied the Allen Kendalls to Madras before taking a bus to return to her home in Kansas. GOOD BUY suit nut INSUHAItCf GOOD GUY fOI MTO, UFE & F1BE MSmiMKC NORM WICKS 978 N.E. Steph.ni 673-6233 In h Hillcmt Motel STATE FARM 't 9 fnsurtnc CompanM n NYLON & FOAM ' SOFA and CHAIR 1 Jfowffl LUXURIOUS SOFA SEATS 4 COMFORTABLY . . . OPENS EASILY TO MAKE UP INTO A RESTFUL DOUBLE BED. BOTH SOFA AND SPACIOUS MATCHING CLUB CHAIR HAVE TOUGH DOUBLE. SPRING CONSTRUCTION -plus A 5-YEAR GUARANTEE. IN CHOICE COLORS. unw fla,y IIYLON & FOAM SOFA BED, CHAIR and OTTOMAN (sleeps 3!) (OR NYLON AND FOAM 3 -PC. SECTIONAL IF YOU PREFER!) PREE-FORM SOFA BED IN GORGEOUS NYLON FABRICS OPENS EASILY TO MAKE UP INTO A SPA CIOUS DOUBLE BED. MATCHING NYLON CHAIR AND OTTOMAN TOGETHER WILL SLEEP 1 MORE. THE SET HAS DOUBLE SPRING CONSTRUCTION, 5-YEAR GUARANTEE. IN YOUR CHOICE OF GOR- CEOUS NYLON FABRICS I PLUS BEDROOM SET I t ir: -w-tw""I INSURE BEDROOM BEAUTY FOR YEARS TO COME WITH THIS GORGEOUSLY STYLED PLASTIC-TOPPED SET' INCLUDED ARE AN OVERSIZE DRESSER WITH BEVELED TILTING MIRROR, ROOMY ChEST OF DRAWERS uiTruivr. cut t tne riaiurt i m pilau ' KING-FISriER INNERSPRING MATTRESS AND MATCHING BOX SPRING! THE SET IN YOUR CHOICE OF BLONDE OR CHAKCOAL FINISHES! ONLY $299 complete Pay $3.00 a OPEN SUNDAY 12;00 Noon to 6:00 P.M. ' Open Tonight I m m m - r'r .... . FREE GIFT complete piy $2 a week FREE GIFT ONLY $249P!,;tjUe.! 6 -PC. DELUXE INCLUDING MATTRESS AND BOX SPRINGS week! free gift Until 9:00 . . . Open Sunday 12:00 WEEK ONLY!! JrA, Sept. BBSS GRATS What your old SOFA, DAVENO, LIVING ROOM SET or BEDROOM SET IS WORTH at Gi A Y 4 -PC. PLASTIC-TOP BEDROOM SET THIS BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM SET IN YOUR CHOICE OF BLONDE, WALNUT OR CHARCOAL FINISHES. . .. PLASTIC TOPPED FOR PERMANENT BEAUTY! THE SET INCLUDES A LOVELY MR. & MRS. 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