Soft Ha) Silhouettes Add Finishing Touch Mon., Sept. 9, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 7 GRAY GLENHAVEN 3-piece Double Knit Suit with blouse and acket touched with lighter gray trim. Hat in some shades of groy for stylish fall wear. Model Jo Darby will be most glad to show it to you at Miller's Dept. Store. Sportlight' On Newest Fashions Fashion goes to a woman's head j for fall, in soft hat silhouettes that i add the perfect "finishing touch-1 es" to autumn's chic, casual day-1 wear and elegant styles for after- five. , i Millinery's ' soft touch is inter-1 preted in felU, velours, furs, and I fabrics in a variety of young yet sophisticated shapes to suit the mood of fall fashion. Women will Call it classic, call it casual, call it sportive, sportif, sporty, sportful whatever you call it, the look of fashion is "pour le sport" this season. Often based on the adding up of several parts, it's a look women have long been cre ating for themselves, with the help of ' sportswear and separates. Thus, sportswear for the look that's sportive comes strongly to the fore for fall, "and the many women who have made this look their own. simply because it is easy to wear and to Vary, com fortable and dollar-stretching, have the happy bonus of finding them selves right in the vanguard of fashion. For the look, the "sportlight" is on little boy styling. One little boy who provides a lot of the inspira tion is Dickens'--and Broadway's Oliver. Knickers, vests, patch sleeved jackets contribute to this phase of sportive, and more borrow ing-from-the-boys takes place via extensive use of menswear fabrics, such as chalk stripes, herring bones, glen plaids. Like Oliver, fashionable women want more in this case, more ways to look sportive, and they get them. There's the ski-wear look, no longer confined to the slopes but going everywhere in town and country. Uninhibited colors, furry and stretch fabrics, hood-collars re flect the influence. . Layered look is still another ex pression of sportive and may be anything from two sweaters pair ed together to a compete series of layers skirt, bouse, vest, jacket, coat, finished off with sporty ac cessories and boots or boot-shoes. Jumbers are one of the favorite layers, in figure-skimming ver sions. Generous helpings of colors and textures supply more and more fashion. It's "the more, the mer rier" where colors are concerned . three or more neutrals and brights in one outfit. Romantic Look Ready For Brides ' However alert to current fash ions she may be on all other oc casions, today's bride cherishes a liking for romantic traditions ofi yesteryear, when it comes to her j wedding gown. i This fall's turn to the classic as an Inspiration for all fashion means that the bride may have! the best of both worlds yester-1 day's traditions plus the today: look in styling. Classic simplicity , rules in bridal gowns, with ro- mance and elegance provided by superb shaping and fabulous fab-; rics. , ... i High-rising waistlines reminis-! cent of the empire look, softly belled skirts with a suggestion of the A line, softened sheath effects give the bride the traditional love liness she likes. Thoroughly ro mantic and fashionable, too. are long, slim , sleeves. Princess lines and coat dress shapes show still other instances of the simply ele gant bridal trend. Velvets, brocades, damasks, crepes, satins, taffetas and peaus are opulently appropriate for wed ding gowns. In keeping with the classic trend, cording often re places embroidery. A surprise is the Spanish influ ence, in gowns that look very re gal but neither ornate nor fussy. find fall's softie hats perfect for town and travel. Felt is fashion's favorite fabric for fall's face-flattering hats. De-! signed in soft, slouchy silhouettes, : fall felts are side flip-ups with chin straps, stiched slouches, cloches, : carefree, snappy brims and side dips with forward tilts. In "Mannish" Mood Hats go country-casual to top off sporty daytime fashions. In a "mannish mood," but decidedly feminine, are tweed, leather, suede, j reptile and felt in rustic pork-pies, ; riding and hunting caps and be rets. , Fall's "muffed-up" look in scarv ed or bulky colafed suits and coats ' is carried out in "mysterious" 1 hats reminiscent of the Garbo era. j Slouchy felts shield the face, as ! do caps with mystery visors, and i hats swathed in scarves or buried i in fur. Fall's "lady of mystery"' will accent her cocktail dresses j and theater suits with veiled whim- i sies. ! Fur Fascinatet Fashion is fascinated with fur, j and real or frankly fake hats are j botli warm and fashionable for fall. This autumn, women can choose fur looks from an animal kingdom of minks, leopards, beav ers, Persian lambs and "off-beat" furs. Fashion has a feather in its cap for fall! The feathery look is sleek and chic in slouchy daytime millinery, and opulent in feathered fantasies for after-five. Leather makes fall fashion head lines, in casual cloche, slouch or cap shapes. Very sporty used alone, it also makes news as a trim in bands, chin straps and brims in a variety of plnin and patent leather colors. Sometimes, reptile substi tutes for leather. Fall millinery is colorhued to autumn fashions in subtle, jewel and rich dark tones. Black and while is a fashion-right color com bination that appears again and again in autumn headwear. Ai i i. VOSUf Dress Up To Stay Home -Relax In Elegant Outfit Fall 1963 will be the season when you dress up to stay home! An entirely new group of utterly ir resistable gowns and garments will be offered for your selection. And no fashion conscious woman will want to be without at least one relaxedly elegant outfit for her at-home hours, whether she's entertaining or just lounging for the evening with a book. It all started when fashion great Norman Norell who sets so many trends designed and crea ted a magnificent bathrobe long and ' luxurious and meticulously tailored in heavy, heavy satin for one of his most elegant society customers to wear for her inform al at-home entertaining. One look, and quite naturally other style-setting ladies wanted equally elegant things with this new feel. . , Other deisgners began creating. And suddenly this new way to dress at home was more than a trend. It was a reality. The look of these new things is long, always to at least the ankle. And the mood is one of easy ele gance, often achieved by the use of sumptuous fabric, or unusual combinations of fabrics, malting the ornate "hostess gowns" of past seasons very passe. As in all fashion this year, the Soortive influence is very much felt. There are lots of off-handed shirts, man-tailored or imagina tively softened, but alwavs noor length, in uncommon fabrics such as metallic plaids, laminated jer seys, and even velvets. And there are long skirts, some full and fringed, others slim and narrow or saucily slit, to be worn with carefully chosen tops for a real fashion impact around the fireside. Adding more excitement and drama to the picture arc such creations as one-piece outfits that look like separates but aren't, and new twosomes that' often pair a long sleeveless coat over a long I print shift-like shirt, or a long jumper, over a crepe blouse, slim sweater, or contrast fabric top. i You'll find flannel being paired : with chiffon, velvet with wool . plaid, fabric suede with satin, in ; these fresh and unorthodox new 1 combinations for a zest that's long been lacking in our liesure clothes. Fluid, feminine crepe appears often, as a tailored shirt, as a long i draped column, as wide-legged cu lottes with the look of a skirt, to be worn with a fake pony vest or a long, sleeveless fake fur coat. There are robes and coats in this new mood, too, but these new indoor coats don't look a thing like the old robes we once knew. They're velvet or satin, deep piled new wools, lavish brocades, fluffy mohairs and mad plaids: Fabulous Accessories Made From Fur-Pretend Fabrics Wikl and wonderful furs are coming out of the jungle and off the looms this fall . . . long hair ed and short haired, striped and spotted, to make really exciting accessories. And since the right way to look this season is the Sportive way, the furry accessories bags, vesis, ascots and stoles even boots are one of the newest and smartest ways to add your own personal signature to your coordinated cos tume. Among the pretend furs that will liven the fashion scene this fall are the zebra's stripes and the leopard's soots, both being widely used in almost everything from top to toe, from hats to vests to skirts to boots. New weaving processes and new synthetic fibers have made pos sible an entirelv new ranae of truly beautiful fake furs with all the richness of depth and color and texture, of the originals. And the creative designers, from the very tjp-ranking names on down, have gone wiM over these furry fabrics, as will you when you see them. These' are not cheap and iboddy and shamefaced imitations of the , real thing. They are frankly fake and frankly fabulous. Consider the fasion impact of a "mink" pullover sweatery top, for examole. or a floor-length "broad tail" hostess gown or a "zebra" bag. big and bold, with a stark black suit. Another dramatic use of those new "furs" is in sleeveless vests ! to be worn over plain little dress- ' es. There's an "ocelot" with "mink" trim that would be heaven , with a golden wool and there are even a wide range of "fur" shirt; and blouses, sweaters and cardigans that are wonderful ward- . robe extenders when teamed with j your skirts, pants and basic dress es. If you love the look of furs, and the luxury of fur, but not the ! cost of furs, then this fall will be the time for you to indulge your self in all the glamour that these beautiful new fabrics are offering, i New suits have a. complete look,! often "layered." A wool suit is j underscored with wool, sleeveless ! j nullover, buttoned in back. Seven ! eighth skimmer coats are worn with lijhter-weight matching skim mtr dress. The highly important cape-suit is debonair with turtle neck, sheer wool blouse. , FASHIONED for FALL Alligator grained calf enriches our shapely basic pump . . .14.95 Socialites' slender square-throat pump with the smart crescent toe actually feels as luxurious as ' it looks! For its elegant alligator Braining is im printed on soft, supple calfskin to give you utmost ease and lightness. And this fashionable mid-heel pump it made still lighter by Socialites' unique mello-flex construction . . . still softer by special Air,'?ot cushioning. Block Brown Light Ton II Sghlmts tL lor fall RELLE-SHARMEER TALKS SENSE with seamless walking sheers 1.35 8 I j justwcarasmilc andyaiitzen The winning crew, one sweater with all the earmark of a great classic; thick-as-fog texture, longer length, subtle color, . 85 wool, 15 mohair. Short tartan kiltie, 60 wool, 25 acrylic and 15 nylon. Kihie 14.98 Sweater 10.98 SPORTSWEAR 2nd Floor HOSIERY Main Floor Enjoy the grand endurance of Belle-Sharmeer A 1 . ..I. ..1. I i-l. T. tttiHUJie Willi a aiuie ui DtieiiKtu. u expressive fashion shades. 3 Legsizes: Brev, Modtte, Duchess give the Fluent Fit, most intimate ever seen in a seamless. BELLE-SHARMEER SPOKEN HERE What is a "transluminal?" I The newest category in I beauty is a'Translurninant" .a make-up that reveals 'your natural beauty as it flatters it. Veilesscence, by Charles of the Ritz, is a transluminant. With Veiles-' ' . scence, you don't "mask" your skin. don't look! artificially "made-up." Veil esscence highlights the natural life, texture and vitality of the skin. Choose from six beautiful, translucent shades. $12.50 rJi ic fnv COSMETICS, Main Floor n .18!' ft NEW FALL THEODORE HANDBAGS Wonderful selection in cut velvet, patents, Softglow, Sungtow, and Tempra. Latest in fashion ond color. Black, Fown, Mink Brown, Poodle Brown, Otter, Red, Cranberry Red, Copper Kettle, and Black Pearl. 5.98 from plus tax ACCESSORIES Main Floor Elegance with a sure but simple air . . . that's what yoa love about the R & K ilair. This Fall, it's worsted wool sculptured double knit with diagonal seaming for flawless skimmer fit. Optional belt. did you ever see an RK that wasn't You? 29.95 Other R&K 1 9.95 As Advertised in Glamour jiff f5' ' ' V mm ' FASHIONS 2nd Flor SEE OUR NEW FALL FASHION JEWELRY By America's Leading Fashion Designers' EISENBERG VENDOME LAGUNA KRAMER MARCEL,' BOUCHER JEWELRY Moin Floor Subsidiary of P. N.Hirsch & Co. The Best for the Price ... No Motter What the Price! OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9