Jacoby Gives N.T. Pointers .(Written For NEAI . By OSWALD JACOBY ' Mon Sept 9 JACOBY -ev Tfirina hitc anrl vnrnm-n i. ....... f.. JACOBY GIVES N.T. POINTERS j three diamonds and three clubi if I have had many requests to we really want out of no-trump and n.i.c u.u.c u.i upeiuug no-irump into a minor suit. f' bids and tlie Jacoby transfer. My opening no-trump range is from 15 to 17 high card points. This is in full accord with modern expert practice, but if you want to use 16 to 18 you will be at only a very, slight, disadvantage against NORTH S2 , VK65 . Q 8 7 4 3 4 8 5 4 WEST . AQJ6 4 VQ82 10 5 KJ7 ' SOUTH (D) " K 8 5 A94 K J2 ' A062 East and West vulnerable South West North East 1N.T. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 4 Q . . ' EAST 4 10 9 7 V J 10 7 3 ABO CJ10 3 Playing at one rio-trumrj Smith wins the opening spade lead and starts after diamonds. The defense takes four spades and the ace nf diamonds and South makes two1 ' no-trump. Of course, if West opens a club j he will beat the no-trump two tricks, but double dummy leads ! aren't made very often. j If North responds two diamonds ; that contract would be a cinch ex cept that West would back in with two spades and have no trouble I making throe odd. players who use 15 to 17. You can also apply the principles in these articles, provided you simply cut down all responder's requirements one point to allow for the differ ence. While I don't really object to 16 to 18 no-trumps, I can Assure you if you start playing 15 to 18, 14 to 16 or 11 to 14, or anything along those lines you will be hurt ing yourself substantially. The first thing to learn about no trump bidding is that there is no point in trying to get into a minor suit contract with a balanced hand. Thus we use both two diamond and two club responses as artificial Improve, your bridge garnet order your copy of "Win at Bridge With Oswald Jacoby." -st send your, name, address, and 0 csn.s to: Jacoby Bridae, News-Review, P. 0. Box 1243, Rocebur;, Oregon and a copy will be mailed to you. Or if you prefer, copies may bs purcinsed the News-Review office. Q The bidding has been: West North East South 1 N.T. Pass 7 You, South, hold: AS: VKtS QI74J 4.S5 4 What do you do? A Pass. You have no Interest in game and there is no reason to assume that one no-trump Isn't u rood as any other con trast. TODAY'S QUESTION Again your partner opens one "no-trump. You, South, hold: AQ874 3 Vtti'tSt S4 What do you do? Answer Tomorrow I ' ii wnn...B.i'rR.- j . I .... - vt Rejss Trawlers Leave Shelikov Strait After U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Appears CanyonviKle Bible Academy Notes Faculty Newcomers By BILL SPARKS News-Review Staff Writer Roseburg area farmer Ben Jones who has spent his entire life work ing the same rich land in the Gar-: old threshing machine. den Valley section where he was i To the young children of one of those neighbors, it was a big day, .! tilled w" a combination of hard L-0Cti NCWS work and a real life view of the days when farmers pitched in to offer a helping hand to men- neigiv By MRS. R. E. PROCTOR Two new teachers have been added to the faculty of the Can yonville Bible Academy, according to Mrs. Robert Shaffer of the school office. Miss Betty Allen of Bloomington, III., replaces Wanda Thompson as girls' dean and will teach world geography and world culture. Miss Esther Dine of Brush, Colo., replaces Mrs. How ard Haymes as commercial teach er and also will teach one class of general math. Miss Thompson will assume Mrs. Claude Malan's classes in English and Bible. Curriculum Enlarged New subjests added to the cur- Mr. and Mrs. James Byron and bors and the heat of the (lay was Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harder drove j made cooler by the fun of rural to.- to Ashland Friday night to see ' getherncss. the Shakespearean Festival play, Although farmers today still fol "The Merry Wives of Windsor." . low this help your-neighbor policy in many ways, there's nothing like Tk c c rl..u iirnjnn.. .i. i i m nAnpiu .taught by Miss Allen; conversa-, d"-s'-? " ,7" ,'. nTS. KrOTkS tional Spanish taught by FrankUn , , icnic , u , f M , . d t be like Dunbar; art, by Grant Ford; and j Patrick. 179 Houck Ave. Jones' arandfather. John Jones, senior mam ny Mrs. Leoia sano- T.n s(! .iinndinLf urn .nskPrf in hi inn fi,.t h tillina this same land their own table service. more than 100 years ago. Born in Ohio, be came here from Indiana JoAnn Freeman, daughter of Mr.! in 1852. seven years before Oregon and Mrs. James E. Freeman, has , was granted statehood. At that ANCHORAGE. Alaska (UPI) A Russian fishing fleet which was accused of harassing Amert : can fishermen pulled out of the ' mouth of Shelikof Strait Sunday about four hours after a U.S. i Coast Guard cutter arrived, j American fishermen had coin ' plained that the Russians were ! deliberately fouling - and ruining j American gear. The Russians were located I about 20 miles due west of Low Cape, which is on Kodiak Island. Shelikof Strait lies between Ko diak Island and the Alaskan mainland. . The area; about 300 miles south west of here, is in international waters, though most of Shelikof Strait is claimed by ' Alaska as part' of its inland waters since it separates two major parts of the state. The Coast Guard said patrol I planes and the cutter Winona I were dispatched after complaints i from American fishermen were ; received Saturday. Three Russian trawlers contin ued dragging for king crab Sun day morning while a Coast Guuard ; Diane photographed their activi ' tcs but withdrew to the south west after the Winona arrived, a Coast Guard spokesman said. He said the plane saw three trawlers, a factory ship and a salvage tug, all with Russian markings. The Coast Guard said com nluinU nhnnt thp Russians were received from the Honey B, Glad- ys R, Vicki Lee, Sunward, Lucky j born 71 years ago, brought into fo- and Don Bailey, add however, that , st2r, an,d NePfune1,t ,. I cus a bit of the past Saturday I he spends as much time helping Saturday, Vic Hansen, skipper when he and his neighbors harvest- out neighbors as be spends on his 01 th,e 225-foot crab processing H i9 .r ni ini.w u-iih a as.vear- own as aenw. i vessel Mercator, and Anton Isak-1 Saturday, it was the nei-hbors' , SKn- snipper ui uic ou-moi imiccu, turn to reply, so Bob Bailey, his tnld United Press International by ; wife and children, as well as Mrs. rauio telephone that a total of 14 ; Don Bailey and their children, join- Russian vessels had been in the cd another neighbor. Oscar Rcden- area and the harrassment had 1 bo, tq hel.) Jones with the lotus become so severe they had ceased i harvest. 'operations temporarily because' The harvest w;is done with the ! they couldn't risk the loss of In April, 1962, Alaska fish and j and charged them with fishing in. vessels iisninu in aneiiKoi strait ine a commercial license. Mon,, Sept. 9, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 V Arft - MEMORIES OF HARD WORK, but at the same time, good old-fashicned help-your neigh bor policies will be recalled by many Douglas County farm families as they view this Red River Special threshing machine. Roseburg area farmer Ben Jones is pictured atop the machine checking the seed separating mei-isnism while neighbor Bob Bailey pitches lotus into the thresher. Bailey's children, who also pitched in with a helping hand, stand beside the 35-year-old machine, nearly a th nn of the past as far as modern farming ' methods are concerned. (News-Review photo) Garden Valley Farmer, Friends Spend A Day Relaying The Past' SqbgbodS B&Cd3 niH'.'Mii) cup er. In addition, all students will 1 be required to take health and P.E., Mrs. Shaffer said. Nineteen children were register- Red River Special that was pur chased originally by Creed Cran fiel and sold to Jones about 20 years ago. "This is a better ma chine for this work than a com more gear. It was the second in cident involving Russian vessels in less than a year. In October, 1962, a Russian fleet was accused of deliberately harassing Amen bine," Jones says. "It'll give you , cans near the Trinity Islands south cleaner grain and you can save! of Kodiak Island. The fleet with more grain than you can with a ! drew after the Coast Guard ar- combine." ' rived. V 1 1 -v M ih? Asm? insniD y I Call ut for an export survey 1 of the electric heating needs P M in your home. No obligation. no maintenance cost low operating cost 10-year guarantee $10fl BONUS I W Allowance Allowance SPONSORED BY CALORE ELECTRICAL LEAGUE Authorized RAMCO CONTRACTOR ADS0N YPT0KES HUH :7 & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS . . . Commercial Industrial Residential 526 S. E. Lane Phone 672-4488 !1 ea bept. & at tne Scvenili-day Ad- returned home from a month's va-! time, the Jones ranch took in over ventist elementary school in Can-; cation in jIexico cityi Mexico. She 1 3,600 acres in the rich farming sec-; yonville, according to Mrs. Myrton ; was a guest of Ule same family ; ,ion of Gar()cn Valley. Schornstein, teacher. The children j with v,nom she s,enl thc p a s t Today, Ben Jones is in semi-re-arc from Canyonville and Myrtle t winlcr whiie attending school in tirement and farms only 35 acres, i Creek, Glendale having re-opened Mexico City us uwil sctiuui liilb Jtiar. m 1 a. Schornstein teaches grades one Airman 1C and Mrs. Bill Fin through four and Rupert Gessele oerlos and two children of Bangor, grades five through eight. Me., are visiting in Roseburg with Three Canyonville young people his narente Mr nnrl mi r w riculum include the world culture are attending Milo Academy, which 1 Fingerlos. The younger Mrsl Fin- opened Sent. 3. Included .are Mary : gerlos is the former Shirley Per- ( i,anocK, iresnman, ana oiepneu son of Glide. Both she and her j Campbell and Cindy Falk, sopho- husband attended local schools. ' mores. Riversdale Folks Host- Portia nders His newust neighbors, doctors Bob APPROVES ENVOYS WASHINGTON (UPI) Thc Senate Foreign Relations Commit tee has approved the nominations of new ambassadors to Bur Thailand and New Zealand. - The committee Friday con firmed President Kennedy's ap By BEVERLY CHRISTIAN Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lcnz of Port land were weekend visitors in Riv ersdale at the home of the for mer's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Lee, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stark went to Florence oyer thc Labor Day holiday. They attended a trailer rally on thc airport road. There were 63 trailers in attendance. O. L. "Mick" Hunnicutt of Roseburg was elected president of the Ore gon unit of thc Wally Byrum Car. avan. While in Florence, the Starks visited friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hayes. The Stark's son in-1 law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1 John Trn7pltp nnrt ri.nn'htnr Vnl. ! erie, of Portland who were camp- nelt's son ing at Waldport visited with them. I Oswego. Mr nnrl Mrs .lnrrv Wi,U-rmin unit I daughter, Suzanne, went to Salem to visit relatives over the Labor Day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burkharti and daughter. Kathie. and Sara Weil went to Salem last week to sepnd an evening at the State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Weil and children, Sara and Phillip, have returned to their home in Oak land, Calif., after vacationing in Riversdale at the summer cabin 1 of Mrs. Arthur 3aum, mother of Mrs. Weil. Employes New Two new employes at Forest Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Sarah, Philip Weil and Polntment of veteran diplomat and son, Philip, have returned to their home in Calif., following their Henry A. Byroade to the Burma post; Graham A. Martin, now deputy coordinator of the Alli ance for Progress program, to be liien liospuai ana uimc were re- Oakland porieu una wee, naroai a wie, summer vacation here visiting Mrs .' ance lor i-rogress program, 10 oe daughter of Mrs. James Lee, and woir, mnthpr Mrs Arfhn w i ambassador to Thailand, and ro- formerly of Ogden, Utah, is work- Baum and other relatives and,tired Armv Gen- Herbert B. Pow ing in the hospital office. Mrs. Eve-1 friends While here thev stayed ' c" to De ambassador to New Eng lyn Burns who moved here from ,at the ijaum summer home on the '"nd. Paradise, Calif., is the new clinic xorth Umpqua River. secretary. CAN BE TIRING WORK The new wing being built onto , Mr. end Mrs. Leroy Hiatt of this PITTSBURG, Kan. (UPI) - A the residence of Dr. Clarence , city and their son and daughter, i teen-aged girl became alarmed Campbell is for Mrs. Campbell's in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Hiatt, I when, during a long telephone father, Henry Walters, who has ; and small son, Steve, of Kenne-1 conversation, she suddenly was made his home with them since the wick, Wash., returned here Thurs-! unable to get a response from her death of Mrs. Walters. On Labor clay night, following a two weeks j girl friend on the other end of Day the Campbells joined other : vacation trip to San Diego, Calif., the line. members of the family at a re- where they visited the Leroy Hiatts' I She heard what sounded like union at the home of Dr. H. E, son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and 'gasps in the receiver. Police Cainobell in Grants Pass. Mrs. Warren Ward, and family. ! were called and when they Labor Day weekend guest at the and enjoyed a trip into Northern ' reached the home of the second A. R. Bennett home was Mrs. Ben- Mexico. Jim Hiatt is with the Armv i liirl. thev found her asleep Ai. ii. mincn, ot Lake Corps of Engineers at Ice Harbor snoring into thc telephone rcceiv Dam. er. "pit ' Hi: to install MODERN WIRING CLEAN ELECTRIC HEAT POWERFUL PLUNGER CLEARS CLOGGED TOILETS in a Jiffy NEVER AGAIN (hat lick fitllna when your foiltl overflow. TOELAFLEX Toilet Kal Plunger Unlike ordinarv plunger f, Toilafle does not permit corr.nrcMed air or messy water to splaih back or escape. With Tbtlaflei the full preiaure plows through the clogging man and swishes it down. Can't miss! DESIGNED TO FLEX AT ANT ANGLE SUCTION RIM STOPS SPLASH -SACK CENTERS ITSELF. CANT SKID AROUND TAPERED TAIL GIVES AIH-TtGHT KIT Gattha Aie Genuine ToitilVi 5W AT HARDWARE STORES EVERYWHERE H. MOTHERS HURRY ! sIiiidren Up To 16 Years! t PER POUND Tk:s ad en)l;Ss3 Holder to Receive One 11 x 14 Vigrtstte Photograph j ffc. i 3 v- Our Photographer Will Be At ROSEBURG, ORE. Rose-Etta Lodge 1067 N. E. Stephens TWO DAYS ONLY September 10th and 11th 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM (Life Size) Bring your child to Aunt Mary's Studio end ractiv a lovely 11 x 14 Partrott for 1c pound I Eiatnpk: if your child weight 16 pounds, you py only 16e, 20 pounds, 20c. Any child up to 16 years- Groups up to 5 children welcome Generous Selection of proofs - Limit on to a family Satisfaction or your money refunded 50c for wrapping & insurance . . . Minors must be accompanied by a parent. AUNT MARY'S STUDIO Modern electric appliances and clean electric heat make life easier and more pleasant for thousands of families in this area. But many homes even new ones -- are not properly wired to meet the demands of modern electric living. CalOre Electrical League heating and wiring contractors again can pay you for a limited time to install modern wiring and clean electric heat in your home, new or old! WE WILL PAY YOU A $100. BOIIUS ALLOWANCE if you install a 200-ampere service entrance panel and mod ern electric heat (6 kilowatts or more), plus circuits to pro vide for electric range, electric water heater and electric washer and dryer. - THIS ALLOWANCE MEANS THAT YOU CAN INSTALL A TRULY MODERN ELECTRIC SERVICE ENTRANCE IN YOUR HOME AT A GREAT SAVING. HOW TO QUALIFY FOR THIS BONUS ALLOWANCE Allowances vhiI Le macie only on permonent installations (mobile types excluded), ond this ollowance will apply only to those who (II ore customers of COPCO Division, Pacific Power and Light Company; KlamGth Falls, Lokeview, ond Alturas Districts of Central Division, Pccific Power and Light Company; City of Ashland, and ?vp'i'. Valley Electrifica tion Corporation; (2) Applications before November 5, 1943 on residential con struction only (wiring permits must be dated between August 5 ond November 5, 1963) (3) have their heating ond wiring thereto installed by authorized CalOre Electrical League contractors. See eligibility rules and qualifications posted by heating or wiring contractors displaying the ColOre Electrical League Emblem. ' , SPECIAL WIRE-ON-TIME PLAN AVAILABLE: In addition to the big cash saving from this special bonus allowance, home-owners and home builders on PP&L lines can make use of the Company-sponsored special Wire-on-Time Plan. Includes both home wiring and electric heat installations. Maximum $1,000.00, no down payment, as little as $10.00 a month, 36 months to pay. Wtii imnitil ilmim im rim mirn nmn For complete details en Iww Is qualify far this 100 tllovaiK, call your wiring or heating contractor. ' DEALERS Bob's Electric Caan Supply Lansing 4 Oliver Median It Stakes Toier's Heatinf ft Sheet Metal Trowbridfc Elec. 673-4484 673-4461 673-6636 672-4488 672-337? 473-5521 Participating Distributors Electric Heating Equipment The Sloan Co. Kina-Swan-Cavalier Tilman-Booth ChramaloR-Elactrend Westinghause Elec. Supply Waitlnghousa Taier't Hearing I Sheet Metal-Carrier Hoot Pump I f3tfit I.