Make By DEAR ABBY: I am a 12-year-old girl and I have a big, fat, 14-year-old lazy slob for a sister. I try hard to keep our bedroom loqking neat, but it always looks like a pig pen because of my sister. We share this bedroom which has only one large double bed in it. My mother tells me to clean up MY half, and to let my sister's half go, but, Abby, have you ever tried to make HALF a bed? It looks just awful! I hang up all my clothes but she leaves hers piled up on a chair so high you can't use the chair for sitting. Her shoes are all over the floor. How can I keep a tidy room with a slob like her for a sister? LIKES IT NEAT DEAR LIKES: You've given me a problem that should be solved by your mother. No child should be permitted to let his room look like a "pig pen". Because your sister is sharing a room with you, your mother should Insist that she keep her half neat. A suggestion: Make the WHOLE bed. Honey. It's much easier than making half a bed. DEAR ABBY: After reading about the plight of Lefty, the gas station attendant, I had to write. I am in somewhat the same fix. I operate a restaurant. How about the carload of people who come in, order coffee all the way round, and then they bring out their own sandwiches and ask you for ketchup and mustard? If you have cherry pie, they want lemon. If you have lemon, they want apple. Whatever you don't have, they want. They order the coffee black, and when you don't bring the cream, they ask you where it is. So you bring it and one When Virgil said, "I fear the Greeks, bearing gifts," he might well have been writing a textbook on bridge play. It is a pretty good policy to assume that if your op ts The bidding has been: East South Went North 1 Double Rdble. Pass Pass IV Double Pass Pass ? You, South, hold: , AAQ87 VAK6S OS ftltSIl What do you do now? A If at first you don't sue eeed try again. Bid one' spade. TODAY'S QUESTION ' Your partner opens one no trump. You, South, hold: e3 2 VK65 QS74I e14 What do you do? Answer Monday ponent gives you a chance to take a free finesse that the play will not work for you. Club Women Slate Fall Music Series The Roseburg Woman's Club is sponsoring a series of fine arts programs put on by musicians from the University of Oregon this fall. The scries will begin Oct. 2 and continue each Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Woman's Clubhouse. Participating will be heads and assistant heads of the music department of the univer sity. Persons interested in further in formation concerning the programs may call members of the scries committee: Mrs. Clyde Carstens, Miss Helen Casey, Mrs. J. E. Campbell, Mrs. Herman Bauer or Mrs. Kenneth Ford. The program is announced as fol lows: Oct. 2, Dr. Robert Headky, associate professor of cello, lecture-recital (music and its lit erature). Oct. 9, John Hamilton, assistant professor of organ and harpsi chord, lecture-recital (the harpi sichord). Oct. 16, Gabriel Chodos, instruct or of piano, lecture-recital. Oct. 23. Dr. Robert Trotter, dean of the School of Music, orches tral music, "Full Descriptive Mu sic vs. Absolute Music." Oct. 30, university trio, Law rence Maves of Roseburg, violin; Robert Headky, cello, and William Woods, piano, lecture-recital. Nov. 6, Niel Wilson, assistant professor of voice, baritone, vocal lecture. Nov. 13, Homer Keller, associate professor of music (new music). Nov. 20, Francis Bittner, asso ciate professor of piano, (Piano and its literature.) Nov. 27, Robert Wagner, profes sor of music (modern wind instru ment and its literature). Dec. 4, Max Risinger. assistant dean of music, lecture demonstra tion (Madrigal Singers). NEED OIL? Call 673-8356 SOUTH END FUEL Co. STANDARD HEATING OILS ear rooiu The Whole Bed! ABIGAIL VANBUREN of the kids drinks the whole pitch er. When they leave they take along your silverware to, maybe, eat a melon in the car. They also take your salt shakers and two dozen paper napkins to clean off the windshield. After they re gone, you discover one of the kids left a wallet on the chair. It's got one dol lar in it, but the identification is plainly printed on a card. So you have to wrap it up and take it to the post office and mail it back. And that's the last you ever hear from them. Thank heavens! CAFE OWNER ON ROUTE No. 66 . DEAR ABBY: Maybe you THINK you have heard everything. Well, listen to this. I just received an invitation to. attend a shower for a bride. VTOYS" are request ed for "the baby". This is no joke, Abby. The two women who are giving this shower live in Worthlngton, Minnesota. HEARD EVERYTHING CONFIDENTIAL TO "WHY PSY CHIATRY": Because psychiatry gets to the CAUSE of the trouble. It works like this: If a person's shoe constantly rubs a blister on his heel, he can treat the blister. But unless he gets rid of the ill fitting shoe, thereby removing the CAUSE of the blister, he will con tinue to get blisters. For Abby's booklet, "How To Havt A Lovely Weddi. g," send 50c to Abby, Box 3365, Beverly Hills. Calif. Everybody has a problem. What's yours? For a personal re ply, write to Abby, Box 3365, Bev erly Hills, Calif. Enclose a stamp ed, self-addressed envelope. South Avoids Free Finesse (Written For NEA) By OSWALD JACOBY North's jump to four hearts was primarily intended to shut out a spade bid. The fact that South was able to make the contract was a surprise dividend. West's king of diamonds was al lowed to hold the first trick where upon West shifted to the deuce of clubs. Dummy's nine was covered by East's jack and South's king won the .trick. South led a low trump to dum my's queen and returned the suit. East discarded a low spade and West was in with the ace. West promptly led the eight of clubs and South's first impulse was to finesse dummy's ten. Recalling Virgil's advice, he de cided that West was acting like one of those ancient Greeks and of fering him a Trojan horse. Therefore South played dummy's ace and discarded a low spade. His next play was the five of clubs. Up came East's queen. South ruffed and eventually discarded another spade on his good ten of clubs. He still had to lose one spade, but that was the third and last trick for the defense. Improve, your bridge game! order your copy of "Win at Bridge With Oswald Jacoby." Just send your name, address, and SO cenis to: Jacoby Bridge, News-Review, P. 0. Box 1248, Roseburg, Oregon and a copy will be mailed to you. Or if you prefer, copies may be purchased at the News-Review office. NORTH 75 VQ8843 73 A1095 WEST , EAST AAQJ4 10863 A2 V JO KQ OJ9852 87632 QJ4 SOUTH (D) AK92 VKJ975 A 10 6 4 K East and West vulnerable South West North East 1 f Double 4 Pass Pass . Pass Opening lead 4 K GRAND OPENING The JUNCTION TAVERN & CAFE Winston, Oregon Wednesday, Sept. 11th Enjoy A Full Evening of Dining & Dancing! Featuring: Ernest Tubbs and his Band ONE NIGHT ONLY! 9:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. SPECIAL prepared by Chef GILL CORDELL Armour Choice Steaks, Seafoods & Salads. Jim and Arlene Lewis, Prop. Saturday, Sept. 7 Buckeroo Square Dance Club, at the barn, dance of the month in struction, 8:30 p.m., regular dance at 9 p.m., ladies bring light pot luck, visiting dancers and specta tors welcome. Douglas County Mounted, Fair grounds, 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 424 NE Winchester. 8 p.m. for informa tion call OR 3-6629. Lane House, 544 SE Douglas, open 1 to 5 p.m. Emblem Club rummage sale. Elks Ballroom, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Reception for - Virginia Wright and Milly Doud, officers of t h e grand chapter, Oregon Eastern Star, Myrtle Creek High School gym, 8 p.m., public invited. Nativity Shrine No. 10, Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem, Ma sonic Temple in Grants Pass, 4 p.m., potluck supper following meeting, plus reception honoring grand matron. Riversdale Grange Home Eco nomics Club, rummage sale at old bottling works, S00 W. Harvard Blvd., 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. South Deer Creek Grange, Grange Hall, 8:15 p.m. Tri 'N' Square Dance Club, Ea gles Hall in Myrtle Creek, 9 p.m. Olalla Squares, Olalla Communi ty Building, 9 p.m. Evergreen Grange, card party at the hall, 8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8 Oakland Community Presbyter ian Church, Youth Fellowship, at the church, Junior high group at 6:15 p.m., senior high group at 7 p.m. i Lane House, 544 SE Douglas, pen 1 to 5 p.m. Roseburg Rod and Gun Club, trap shooting, 10 a.m. Wilbur-Sutherlin Methodist youth choir practice, Wilbur Methodist Church, 3 p.m. Buckeroos, workshop at the barn 8-10 p.m. Benson PTA, executive board meeting, at the school, 1:30 p.m. Winston Chamber of Coiimerce, 8 p.m. Yoncalla Church of Christ, pot luck dinner at church following morning service. Yoncalla Methodist Church, offi cial board meeting at the church, 4 p.m., potluck dinner at 6 p.m. Douglas County Democratic Cen tral Committee, board meeting at Umpqua Hotel, 1 p.m., general meeting at courthouse, 2 p.m. Umpqua Chapter Gold Seal Chin chilla Association, home of Ralph Osborne, 5179 SW Lance St., 2 p.m. RHS Class of 19S4, reunion plan ning meeting, Stewart Park Pa vilion, potluck picnic, 2 p.m., fam ilies invited. American Contract Bridge League, Roseburg Unit, regular monthly meeting with master point play, Umpqua Hotel, 6:15 p.m. West Coast Singing Convention, Winston Baptist Church, 2-4 p.m. Monday September 9, Satan's Chauffeurs, 7:30 p.m. 1421 SE Micelli. Roseburg Slimmerettes (TOPS Club) 810 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church. Timber Town Duplicate Bridge Club 7:30 p.m. For Information call Mrs. Walter Ulrich, OR 2-1468, or Mrs. John Davenport, OR 3-8278. Roseburg Church Has New Pastor The Full Gospel Church of God, located at 3835 N. Stephens St. in Roseburg, announces the appoint ment of the Rev. C. S. McGuire as pastor. He replaces the Rev. Robert Van Patten, who will re main in the area. The Rev. Mr. McGuire was for merly pastor of the church until suffering a heart attack five years ago. He had been pastor of the church for two years prior to that time. He has resided in the Rose burg area for the past eight years. McGuire attended the Church of God Bible Training School in Se vierville, Tenn. He is married and has six children. The McGuire's eldest son, Charles R., 17, and eld er daughter, Pearl Anne, 15, this week enrolled in the West Coast Bible College in Fresno, Calif. The other children, three boys and one girl, attend Roseburg schools. According to McGuire, Sunday services at the church will include Sunday School at 10 a.m., morn ing worship at 11 o'clock, and the evening service at 7:30. McGuire will preach at the church begin ning this Sunday. a. . . MWCUTC tiibmorrow Master point play every third Mon day. Glide Medical Self Help, classes at Community Club, 10:30 a.m. 3'ers Club, Roseburg Womans Club, noon potluck. ' Navy Reserve, Naval Reserve Facility, 1624 W. Harvard. Knights of Pythias, Pythias Hall 8 p.jn. Umpqua Basin Life Underwrit ers' Assocation, luncheon meeting at Elks Lodge, Bill O'Hearn speak er. Roseburg Business and Profes sional Women's CLUB, dinner meeting ft Wagon Wheel on Gar den Valley Blvd., 7 p.m. Anniversary celebration, for Uie Rev. and Mrs. C. O. Ross, on oc casion of 31st wedding anniversary, 1442 NE Beulah Ave., 8 p.m., church and community friends in vited. Umpqua Valley Stamp Club, courthouse auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Yoncalla PTA, at high school, 8 p.m. Green Sanitary District, board of directors meeting in district of fice, 8 p.m. Roseburg Junior Academy, board meeting at the school, . 8 p.m. Roseburg Lady Lions, dinner meeting, Bamboo House, 6:30 p.m. Riddle Bethel Job's Daughters, Masonic Temple, 7:30 p.m. Women of the Moose, Moose Hall, 8 p.m. Valentine Chapter 98, Order of Eastern Star, Myrtle Creek. Roseburg City Council. City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Golden Age Club, ' Veterans Memorial Building, sack lunch, 7:30 p.m. Gold Star Mothers, 1269 Main St., 1:30 p.m. Movie Showtime Saturday, Sipl. 7, IIU INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 4:30. Com plete shows 7:00-9:30. "Spencer's Moun tain" 7:-: STARLITE DRIVE-IN-Open 7:30. Shows start at dusk. "Beacn party" ana "ine lan tornlan" PINE DRIVE-IN Open 7:30. Shows start at dusk. "Delicate Delinquent" and "The Sad Sack" BENETTA THEATRE (Winston) "Panic In Year Zero" and "Reptlllcus" CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN ISutherlln) Box olflce opens at 7:30. Show at dusk. "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "Cairo" GRAND THEATRE (Sulherlln) "Jumbo" and "The Brave One" TRI CITY DRIVE-IN Box office opens 7:30. Show at 8: IS. "Gypsy" and "30 Years of Fun" Sunday, Sept. I, ml INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 7 p.m. Complete show at 7:15. "PT-109" at 7:45 only STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open 7:30 p.m. Show slsrts at dusk. "Beach Party" and "The Callfornlan" PINE DRIVE-IN Bargain Night. Open 7:30 p.m. Show starts at dusk. "Horizontal Lieutenant" and "The Sundowners" CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sulherlln) Box office opens 7:30 p.m., show at dusk. "Dia mond Head" end "I Could Go On Singing" TRI CITY DRIVE IN (Trl-Clly) Box office opens 7:15 p.m., show at 8. "Giant" For Tho Finest In WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS Call M&M PRINTERS 171 till The tallowing radio end television programs era printed a I rat public lorvica tor Nowi-Ravlow readers. All program lilting! ere published received tram tht respective stations. The News Review doei not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnlihed this nevigapar. KPIC TV Ch. 4 CHANNEL 2 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:00 Today 8:00 Two Early 9:00 Yoga for Health 9:30-Piy Your Hunch-Color I0:(y Prlct , Right Color 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression Color 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:5S-Nowb 12:00- -People Wilt Talk 12:30 Thi Doctors 1:00 Lorett Young 1:30 You Don't Say 2:00 Match Game 2 : ?S Afternoon Report 2:30 Make Room (or Oa4dy (Mon-Werf.) KBES-TV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 1:00 Captain Kangaroo :0O-Calender ' t:30 I Lova Lucy 10:00 The McCoys 10:30 Pata and Gladya lt:0OUve of Ufa 11:24 CBS News 11:30 Search For Tomorrow II : JS Guiding Light 12:00 Tennessee Ernie I2:30-As The World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party I:00-To Tsll The Truth 3:24 News 3:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Secret storm KOI N TV Ch. 6 C'fANNEL 83 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30-weather Forecast 7:35 Cartoon Time 1:00 Captain Kanga'00 9:00 News 9:301 Love Lucy 10:00 The McCoys 10:30 Pete and Gladya 11:00 Love Ot Lite 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 13:00 Nawr 12:05 HI, Neighbor I3:i0 As The World Turna 1:00-KOIN Kitchen 1:30 House Party 3:00 To Tell The Truth 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Password 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15 Early Show KEZI-TV Ch. 9 CHANNEL 6 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Farm Journal 11:30 Sever. Keys :00 Tennessee Ernie Ford (2:10 Fether Knows Best 1:00 General Hospital 1:30 Compass (Mon) For Your Information (Tues) Frontlera In Science (Wed) Topic (Thurs) Adventures In Living (Frl) 3:00 Day m Court 3:30-Oane Wyman 3:00 Oieen For A Oar KRNR 1490 KC. 18-Hr Programming CBS Network music, news, weather Mr. and Mr. DoniM XSi,nliM and son. Dean, and riaiithtpr Kns. an, of this city, enjoyed a trip to uie uregon Laves bunday. The Rev. and Mrs. Blewett Smyth and family have moved from Cincinnati, Ohio, to 779 NE Alameda, bmvth is the chaplain at the VA Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Bissortette and family have moved from Boise, Idaho, to Roseburg and are resid ing at 584 NE Channon. Bissonette is a plumber with Harris Plumb ing Co. Mrs. Vince Wroble and sons, Mark and Guy, have returned to their home in Roseburg, following a month visiting the former's mother and brother in Youngs town, Ohio, and her sister in Grand Junction, Colo. Dale Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, is home on a 20-day- furlough from the Charles ton, S.C., Air Force Base. Dale, who was graduated from Roseburg High School a year ago last spring is an airman third class. He is scrv ing a four-year enlistment. Miss Jeannie Woodruff will go to Forest Grove Sunday to enter Pa cific University, where she will major in primary education. Ac companying her to Forest Grove will be her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Byron Woodruff, and their son, Scott. Mrs. Anna Aspelin of Rockford, 111., who has been visiting in Rose burg for the past two months with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr." and Mrs. Roland B. Springer, left for her home Wednesday by plane. She was accompanied by Mrs. Springer, who will visit for a time in Rockford with her mother. She will also see a sister, Mrs. Rose Wells. Sot., Sept. 7, 1963 The The OREGON JAZZ BAND "THE BEST IN THE WEST" EVERYONE SAYS "THE OLD TUNES ARE THE BEST ONES." COME AND HEAR THEM FOR YOURSELF. EN JOY THE EVENING WITH HAPPY MUSIC AND FRIENDLY PEOPLEII To get thia top "entertoinmont on o Saturday, we are forced to make a nominal cover charge of 50c par person. THAT'S TONIGHT . . . 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM BAMBOO HOUSE 2475 N. E. Diamond Lake Blvd. 2:30 Be My Guest Hues l Thurs) 3:00 T0A (Mon only) 3:00 Spectator Matinee (Tues-Fri) V-V-Wire Service (Mon only) 4:30 Lone Ranger 5:00 Capt. Shiowrtctc SATURDAY 1:30 Ruff and Redy Color t:00 Snarl Lewis Color 9:30 King Leonardo Color 10:00Fury 10:30 Make Room for Daddy 11:00 USLT NaPI. Tennis Champs 1:30 World Series of Golf 3:00 Saturday Matinee VOO Saturday Night Report 4: 15 Feature Shorts 6:30 To Be Announced 7:00-rMr. Ed 7.30 Sam Benedict 1:30 Joey Bishop 3:30-Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '63 4:S4--Americon Newsstand SATURDAY lfl.9t Calurriau Mui. I0J5 Baseball Preview 10:45 Baseball 3:00 Movie 3:30 Movie 5:00 Cheyenne 4:00 Dan Srnoot Report 4:15 Forum 4:30 Fllnlslonei 7:00 I've Got a Secret 7:30 Lucy-Desl Hour u.jv ini ueienoers :30 Have Gun Will 10:00 Gunsmoke 11:00 News Final 11:15 Late Movie Travel 4:00 Newscene 4:30 Cronklle News SATURDAY 7:30 RFD 4 1.00 Cartoon Time 1:30 SKy King 9:00 Captain Kangaroo 10:00 Alvin Show 10:30 Red Dunning 10:45 Baseball 1:30-TV Hour ol Stars 3:0OMlghty Mouse Playhouse 3:30 Rln Tlr, Tin 4:00 Roy Rogers 4:30 Sky King 5:00 Five Fingers 4:00 Man From Cochise 4:30 Federal Men 7:00 Miss Amerlce Pageant 9:00 The Defenders 10:00 Have Gun, Wll Travel 10:30 Desl-Lucy Comedy Hour 11:30 Saturday Reporter 11:45 Thealer 3:30 Open House 4:00 American Bandstend 4:30 Discovery S:00 jack's Kerteon CH enseal 5:30 Mickey Mouae SATURDAY lt:00-Cartoonavllle 11:24 Monies Funnies 13:00 Bugs Bunny 13:30 Alakazam 1:00-My Friend Flkka 1:30 Roller Derby 1:30 Film Fare i:00-Wlde World of Seortt 4:30 Keyhole 7:00-Fight Of The Week 7:45 Meke That Spare 1:00 Outdoor sportsman RADIO PROGRAM I KCJEN 1240 KC. 6 A.M. to Midnight I ABC Network musks newt, weather Community Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Vltek and two sons have moved from Bend to Roseburg and are residing at 172 E. Pleasant St. Vitek is with Evans Products.. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Wash burn have moved here from Salem and are residing at 486 SE Ramp Rd. Washburn is deputy district attorney for Douglas County. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Booth and children, Tommy and Jennifer, left Tuesday for their home in Port land, following several days here visiting the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrie W. Booth, in Laurelwood. Dr. and Mrs. Dale Harris and children, Jeffrey, Stephanie and Craig, of Sandpoint, Idaho, spent the holiday weekend here as house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Byron Wood ruff, on the North Umpqua River. Dr. Harris and Dr. Woodruff were classmates. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jurgens of Roseburg will celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary Sunday from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church. Mrs. Duncan McLean, daughter of the couple, is giving the affair. All friends and relatives are invited. Dr. James Little, Joe White and Glen Heaton of the Oakland 40-8, and Thelma Heaton and Fern Enas of the Oakland American Legion Auxiliary, assisted with the an. nual Labor Day 40-8 dance at the VA Hospital. Assisting with the Voluntary Services program Thurs day were Blue Star Mothers from Cottage Grove including: L e t a Crawford, Elsie Bostick, Blanche Denker and Dorothy Ketcherside. Also assisting were Evelyn Powell, Adeline Creason and Laura Good ell of Tri City and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore and Mrs. Deborah Brown, Camas Valley Grange. News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 7 TONIGHT t IS THE BIG NIGHT IS ALL HERE!! , across from Roseburg Bowl 9:00 Mov '2 ' tl :00 Saturday Cinema SUNDAY 8:30 Bob Poole's Gospel Favorites 9:30-1 Ms u the Life 10:0011 Is Written 10:30-Fronliers of Faith 11:00 Tennis Champs 1:30 World Series of Golf 3:00 Top Slar Bowling 4:00 Dan Smoot 4:15 Manlon Forum 4:30 Sunday Matinee 4:00 Meet The Pr Color 4:30 Huntley-Brlnkley Advance 7:00 Ensign O'Toolo 7:30 Disney World of Color Color 8:30 Car 54 9:00 Bonanza Color 10:00 Show of the Week 11:00 Checkmate SUNDAY 10:15 Faith For Today 10:35 Baseball Preview 10:45-Baseball 3:00 Oral Roberts 2:30-Hlghar Education and You 3:00 Around the Home 3:15 visit with Police 3:30 Movie 5:00 Real McCoy 5:30 Amateur Hour 4:00 30th Century 4:30-mr. Ed 7:00 The Jstsons 7:30 Dennis the Menace S:00-Ed Sullivan 9:00 Hootenanny 9:30 True Thealer 10:00 Candid Camera IO:30-Whal's My Line . ll:00-News 11:15 Slage Five SUNDAY l:00-Lamp Unto My Feet 1:30 Look Up and Live 9:00 Camera Three 9:30 Weshlngton Report 10:00 This Is The Lite 10:30 The Christophers I0:45-Baseball 1:30 Sir Francis Drake 3:00-Faltti For Today 3:30 Armchair Theatre 4:30Let'a Fare It 5:00 The Texan 5:30 Amateur Hour 4:00 Twentieth Century 6:30 Mr. Ed 7:00 Las'ie Color 7:30 Dennis The Menace l:00-Ed Sullivan Show 9:00 The Reel McCoys f:30 True Theater 10:00 Cendid Camera 10:30 What'a My Line 11:00 flews 11:15 Restless Gun 1:30 Hooteneny 9:00 Lawrence Walk IO:00-Gallant Men 11:00 News !!:IS-Theat4r SUNDAY !!:00Felth For Today 13:30 Discovery l:0O Faith 1:30 AFL Game 4:30 Pastor'a study 4:00 Theater 500 1:00 Jane Wyman 1:30 Movie 10:30 Den Smoot 11:00-News t Weekend 11:15 Suspicion I KYES 950 KC Dawn To Dusk Independent music, nawi, weather. News Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houck have moved from Grants Pass to 1518 SE Sanford St. Houck is a logger with Alberti and Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Miller and daughter have moved from Pomona, Calif., to Roseburg and are residing at 1758 NW Eden Lane. Miller is a wolder at Key stone. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Everton and on and daughter have bought the residence at 1800 NW Linwood Drive. They formerly lived in Grants Pass. Everton is bridge engineer with the state. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Beaman and two sons and daughter have moved here from Canyonvllle and ire residing at 774 NE .Nash St. Beaman is in construction work near Cottage Grove ar.d his wife is a nurse at Mercy Hospital. Tonght "JUMBO" plus "THE BRAVE ONE" In Color Michael Ray-Jol Lairlm Tonight "PANIC IN YEAR ZERO' Jean Hagen-Frankia Avalon plus "REPTILICUS" What was this BEAST born fifty million years out of time? Sunday thru Tuesday "GIANT" Elizabeth Taylor Rock Hudson James Dean Ends Tonight "GYPSY" "30 YEARS OF FUN" Gate Opens 7:15 Show at 8:00 TONITE: Shows ot 7:00 9:20 SmxfRS X 1 t HIT after MMiy vmmm HCIKieoioll r I tm I f Yf h V 'I mm 4sr rMts twits TWO JERRY LEWIS Hits: 'Sod Sock' ft 'Delinquent' Sunday Only! BARGAIN NIGHT 9Vc per Carload "THE HORIZONTAL LIEUTENANT". Paula PrenHii . Jim Hutton 2 Hits In Color 'THE SUNDOWNERS' Robert Mifchum Deborah Kerr Now! thru Sunday rBEACfif PARTY Sunday thru Tuesday "DIAMOND HEAD" Charlton Heston . Yvette Mimioux Georgo Chakiris France Nuyen James Darren plus "I COULD GO ON SINGING" Judy Garland-Dirk Bogarde Ends Tonight "To Kill A Mockingbird" "Cairo" Box Office Opens at 7:30 Show Starts at Dusk CO-HIT: -n,'; SUNDAY-MON -TUE open 7:00 - Complete Show 7:1 J "PT 109" at 7:45 ONLY The Fantastic Exploits of PT 109... A CHIP OF PLYWOOD PITTED AGAINST THE STEEL FORTRESSES OF THE IMPERIAL NAVY... Tho skipper of tho PT 109 was a young Liautenant from Boston John Fitxgerald Kennedy. 'li. "W CLIFF ROBERTSON TY HARDIN . JAMES GREGORY ROBERT CULP . GRANT WILLIAMS Technicolor SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS of course HIT1 coming nen . . . r: tovoeBr DAY