10 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672-3321 CASH RATES Advertising- For fiufiflttt Within Roseburf Trade Atea Cord of Thonks $2.00 I -Day rote 2 lines $1.00 3-Doy rote 2 lines $2.00 6-Doy rate 2 lines $2.75 30-Doy rote 2 lines $6.00 I -Day rate 3 lines $!.50 3-Day rote 3 lines $2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Doy rate 3 lines $8.00 CREDIT Above rates subject to SO centl seivice charge for credit DEADLINES Private Parts Adsertisini 2 P.M. Di Prior to Publication. The Newt-Review reserves the rigr.t to classify, edit or reject any classified Ad Copy. ADJUSTMENTS " If your advertisement appears incorrectly, notify us immediately. We will not be res ponsible for more than one incorrect Insertion. Such responsibility is limited to l correct insertion of advertisement, tlisls Will Net Bo Hew Men TUs M Days Personals 7 YOUR AEtna Llie agent Is Vlnce Schuotie. Call 673-3031 or Res. 67!Mfll9 DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An onymous. 673-6629. YOUNG WOMEN of any fallh reeding con fidential advice may contact Catholic Char ities, 27B W. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Diamond 5-364?. tst,Tssvv,vvvv,vv''s,ii-sOissiiiiiiieseri Hunter's Attention 9 WARNING No hunting, prospecting, crossing over or trespassing on "Culver Ranch." . Luther Stacy, Logging Sup't. H. C. Bellows, Agent and Owner Lost and Found 12 WILL the 3 ladles who found a lighter with Initials "M.M," pleas return It to Mark's eoiieesnop. LOST Lady's 'small gold wristwatch, vl cinlty of Newberry Safeway, Reward. Call 673-33?7. Help Wanted 14 MAN AND WIFE- to operate apt. bldg. and lanltor work. Write Box 709, News Review, COOK WANTED: Full time 5 day week. Ear ly morning shift. Experience necessary. Apply Mercy Hospital, Roseburg. Help Wanted Men 15 EXPERIENCED Cat skinner and choker setter. 679-6600- ORDERLIES needed tor morning and eve ning shifts. Apply Mercy Hosp. Roseburg, Leading Straw Hat Manufacturer needs variety-dry goods salesman Oregon, Washing ton; good secondary line; draw; perman ent; reply o. c cooper, Texas Hat Co., Laredo, Texas. WOULD YOU LIKE to earn up to M,000 per year and Increase that Income from SI .000 to COM per year? This Is possible with the Fuller Brush Co. H you are willing to work. For Interview phone 672-1391 be tween 7 and 9 p.m. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN To sell city and suburban real estate. Must be licensed. No meter problems plenty parking. KELLER REAL ESTATE Contoct George Keller 673-3610 eve 672-1935 COMBINATION Body and Paint Man Steady Employment Barcus Motors 673-5566 SALESMAN To Sdl Frigidaire Applionces Contact . Mr. West UMPQUA VALLEY Hardware & Appliance 635 SE Stephens REAL ESTATE SALESMAN wanted. Selling experience de sired but not essential. High school graduate 21 or over. See Roscoe Lackey, Lackey Real Estate, 368 SE Jackson. ; MEN WHO know the city with trans portation, to do light delivery work. Full or part time work available. Apply in person. No phone calls accepted. KYHS Radio Lucky Family Check book. 327 SE Jackson. MEN and BOYS NEEDED Over 1R with curs to do light delivery work. Mint know city. Must bo neat in appearance. Good pay. Full and part time work available. Apply in per son, only at 327 SE Jackson. No phone calls will be accept ed. Help Wanted Women 16 WANTED woman for housework. Phone 73-7979 BABY SITTER "mv 'home, call alter" 5 '"p.m. 473-1113 0AP.Y SITTER needed nighfi. Mature woman,' sleep In or have own Iramportatlon. Please wr to P. O. Box 48$. Rosrburg. TAKING APPLICATIONS" tor car" Yoileii". Need 2 girls by the 10th. Must be II. ( AB.W Drive-In, 1U7 W. Harvard. LUMBER AND PLYWOOD Invoice clerk, also need cierk-iypiit. Both posllloni require e. parlance and pood typing, minimum so words per minute. Wrilo Box 710, News Neview. NOW Is the time to start a Rawlelgh Business and cash In on big Christmas Business, lull or part time, Lillle or no Investment. For detain write Rawlelgh 306 Adeline, Oak land Calif.. 94607. NEEDED AT ONCE 8 telephone rccepllonistn to work In lurgo olflco employing over IS people. Full or part time work available. All ones accepted. Sal ary. Apply at once 327 SE Jackson. Bookkeeper Needed BY LONG ESTABLISHED FIRM. Accounts payable ledg er and general office work. Address replies to P. O. Box 689, Bosebnrg, giving experi ence and education. We will be glad to nelp you word your want ad for Best Results. Ore. Sot., Sept. 7, 1 963 1 Help Wanted Women 16 WANTED baby sitter In my home, to 4;30. can 4j-i4 WANTED baby sitter and housekeeper. Live in. Room, board ana saury. HAIR STYLIST wanted Top position for right person. Write Box 704, co News Review. Give qualifications and experience. WOMEN WHO know the city with trans portation, to do light delivery work. Full or part time work available. Apply in person. No phone calls accepted. KYES Radio Lucky Family Check book. 327 SE Jackson. Work Wanted 17 BABY SITTING in my home days. 672-27J1 IRONING 90c hour. Pickup, deliver. Call or etter 5 p.m. 673-7759 before BABY SITTING In my home days, experienc ed and reasonable. aJ-wo. ALTERATIONS, restyling, fur, cloth coats, suits, dresses. Work guaranteed. 672-2803, tRON.NG, starching- very neatly done. Pick up and deliver, tn-Mt. CUSTOM COMBINING LARGE MACHINE Joel Fenn 673-5606 HOUSEWORK SI per. Own transportation. 673-8068 MIDDLE AGED woman wants housekeeping job. Call 67?-sm SEWING AND ALTERATIONS CARPENTER work, painting and general repair. 679-5334. IRONING, (laundry mending, and starch ing free). 2934 NE Douglas, 673-641 6. CARPENTER WORK AND REPAIRS C. M. MnttieiQ. 63-3BJI CARPENTER, cabinet and general repair By hour. 672056?. HEAVY DUTY truck driver with 20 years experience, 41 years old, good health, mar ried. Mechanically inclined, want to make a change. Would like ob In or near Roseburg. Consider anything. Write Box 711, News Review. 1 Instruction 19 PIANO INSTRUCTION Falrhaven eree. Ph. 672-4314. Virginia Walter. 64s W. Falrhaven. PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call 473-7717 PRIVATE PIANO lessons. Studio at Rlcketts Music Store or K.'wton Creek area. Call Sheron Wagner, 673-2461. Loans and Finance 21 WILL PAY 7 on $23-400 for 1st mortgage n $40,000 building. 459-3651. WANTED small discounted land contracts and equities. Call 673-6)93 or eves 673-6091 Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 779 SE Washington 673-5581 Business Opportunities 22 Hole! com. turn.- trade, easy terms. Call 839-4641, write Hotel, Canyonvllle, Ore. FOR LEASE Cafe at 202 SE Jackson St. Roseburg. Write or call Dale Bullock Brookings, Ore. 469-2681. TEXACO STATION For Lease. Good tune-up and brake potential. Modern 2 bay unl Highway access. Phont 672-1007 673-3364 REPAIR SHOP and Wrecking Yard com binanon. iiyxt wtn nanoie. Balance momn ly payments. RfcR Aula Sales. Myrtle Creek, phone 863-37IJ. FOR LEASE by owner at Inventory, Pey less Service. 347 N.W. Garden Valley Blvd. Contipned gasoline Inventory. UAfM gal. cnpaciy. 673-9191, 347 N.W. Geroen VBllev Blvd. Offering For Sale 4 DUPLEXES close in. Mostly 2 and 3 bedrooms, all occupied. 1962 rental income $5000.00. Priced at only $42,000.00 re placement cost much higher. A good investment for any one able lo personally super vise. See Gerretscn Building Supply Co. Phone 672-2630. Commercial Rentals 24 ROSE STREET building, 80 X 110, formerly Locxwooa rvtorors. -an avouw. OFFICE RENTAL 245 S. E. Jackson. Ap proximately U'XSS'. Call owner. 673-3026. AVAILABLE SOON: Warehouse plus oiilca and Apt. 40 X 40 ft. Diamond Lake Blvd Phone 673-6631 Wanted to Rent 25 WANTED to rent 2 or 3 bedroom house In or near Roseburg. 673-6335. GOOD 2-3 BR home, unfurn. I" with garage, 2?0's, shower. Mature couple, permanent. Phone 472-4 704. Apartments For Rent 26 14 KARAT APARTMENTS 2 bdrms. New apis on Winchester Callmanager 673-4329 THREE ROOM fumlThedTpt. Garbarje ser'vT, water turn. $50. Call 673-34S2. 155. 1335 I DEDROOM furnished apt. AdultVpreferr'ed'. s? pl,"r sl TWO DEDROOM or f bedroom apt. Furnished 55 or65.JJ56MIII. Call 6J2-3IS3. THREE room turn.'apK WaterTnd Ga7bage paid. Gdnly Blvd. 1433 NW Falrmount. SUtllERLIN UNION GAP APTS. 2 bdrm. ISO. I bdrm, SJO mo. Furn. Including water nfinetoc. auinprnn 4593136 or 679-5690. TWO BEDROOM apt.. In VVMt-RoWburi Heal, waler and garbage furnished. Adults No pels. Call 673 267. Kohlhagen Apts. Modern. Reasonable Rant. Jackson St. at (.ana Ave. ADULTS 673-6I44 "A Good Place To Live" COMPLETELY FURNISHED Beautiful 10 wide mobile homes comparable In slie to most apts., yet tht convenience ol a private yard and parking adlolnlng trail er. Also smaller trailers available. Timber Town Trailer Park. 3010 NE Stephens. 673-8506 TODD APAUTM1SNTS 1-3-3 Bdrm. apts., furnished or unfurn. Wa ter and garb. serv. provided also heat In some. Rents from $70 up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts., gas equipped 672-4743 Winchester Ct Hot water heat 673-7466 Vista Homes, Hot water heat 677-2210 Westvue CI. Wdrver 673-2549, 673-7926 Oos-hlll Apts., Radiant heat 673-4340 Rooms for Rent 27 SLEEPING roomi, gentlemen. 117 $ e Blakeley, V blocks SE Greyhound Depot LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeplngrooms. NEW ROOMS including telephone end linen service. 140 per monlh aid up. Hotel umpqua, 'J-41. Room and Board 28 ROOM AND BOARD end hmchet pecked. M0 per month. 673-7069. ROOM,- BdAHOsrii:re "tcr ccrty" po ple,wellare or private. n-4I5. GOOD HOME cookirr $dyweeVV7s" month. S miles south. JoArm's Boarding House. Ph. 477trf, 29 1 THREE BEDROOM partly furnished house. needs some repairs. 62-uj. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house. Benson School DiSt. $55. 673-3460. DUPLEX 2 bedroom unfurnished. Adults. No pets. 713 SE Kane. 673-5162. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or single elderly. Phone 673-6548. TWO BEDROOM house. Adults only. 672-2259 TWO BEDROOM house, some furniture. 2366 Diamond Lake Blvd. 673-5795. MODERN 2 bedroom house near Kel ley's Korner, $60. 679-5217. NEW 2 bdrm unfurn. house. Good location. Ph. 672-3845 after 6 p.m. NEW 2 bedroom duplex, close in Roseburg. sw. (.an tvy-su. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished duplex except range end retrlfl., no dogs. Slv2 mo. 673 7516, (73-7234. TWO BEDROOM cottage completely furnish ed, on North umpqua Highway between Glide and Idleyld Part. SELBY'S place. WESTS IDE Small 2 bedroom unfurnished. In side utility, garage and extra storage. (72. Evenings 673-7047 ONE BEDROOM modern, unfurnished house. with carport. On South Hamilton St. S55 month. Call Williamson Real Estate, 673-4302 FOR RENT OR SALE: Modern 2 bedroorr house with den. Good neighborhood, Tri City area. Avail, abt. Aug. 19, 863-4530 FURNISHED cabins. Utilities paid. Weekly rates or by the month. Close to stores and bus line. Roseland Courts. 2050 NE Steph ens. 672-1071 or 672-2786. ATTRACTIVE TWO BEDROOM, duplex, unfurnished. With fireplace. Falrhaven dlst. Call 672-3033. Mobile Homes for Rent 30 VACATION TRAILERS FOR RENT Su then In 459-3133 EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 bedroom modern fur nlshed trailers. Adults only. Timber Town Trailer Park, 2010 NE Stephens. 673-8506. Mobile Home Parks 31 SPACE AVAILABLE In the shade by the river. Winchester Village. 672-1945. Mobile Homes 32 27 FT. PAN AMERICAN, good condition. Call Azalea wi-wi '55 15' ROD & REEL house trailer, good cond. $650. 1076 N.e. wamur. '62 BILTMORE 3 bdrm 10x55' expando. Wash- er-dryer. Will take small trailer. 673-340 KIT STATELINER, 10x55'. Will trade equity for car, furniture or anyimng Of equal value. 496-3548 Glide. 58 FLEETWOOD, 40'. Sell or trade on 2 bedroom 10x50'. See at Delight Trailer court, Space 10 or call 672-2993 mornings. FOR SALE OR TRADE for smaller trailer. Equity in '62 California noma sxw l oeo room. 459-2976. ANGELUS Great Lakes Traveleze New and Used Trailers J & J TRAILER SALES 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. 672-3441 Gl LLEY Trailer Sales FLEETWOODS 10 Wide 42 to 60 ft. long Trailmaster Travel Trailers Br Reedmaster USED TRAILERS - SUPPLIES Complete Trailer Insurance BANK FINANCING 1980 NE Stephens 673-3356 (Formerly Earl Smith trailer hornet) LOVELY MOBILE HOMES 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bl'POOMS Completely And Tastefully Furnished Equipped With Modern Appliances AND QUALITY FURNITURE EXPANDING MODELS Active Marlerte Nashua Santa Fe Vacation Trailers Open Road Pickup Campers SS.H GREEN STAMPS PARTS ACCESSORIES SHADY POINT Trailer Sales 1 Mi. South Old Hwy. 99 BR Call 672-1438 OUT of this World LUXURY at. down to earth PRICES Eastern or Oregon built Every Modern Comfort Years Ahead Liveability k Shasta Travel Trailers Also A Good Selection of Good Used Trailers RELIABLE TOWING RAINBOW Trailer Sales 673-7272 WINCHESTER OREGON It's Easy to use News-Re-vtew Want Ads In Person, by Mail ot Phone Houses for Rent Real Estate 34 THREE bdrm, basement, uwdust heat. Laur- eiwooa, snaoea. $15,300. Ph. 672-3476. BEAUTIFUL hew home on Catkins Rd. Must see to appreciate. Call for appointment THREE bedooms, targe living room, mil day light basement, ceramic tiled - kltcheni, baths, 2 garages, 2 fireplaces, beautifully landscaped on 1 acre lot, green house and lath house. $24,000. Can be financed. Call REAL BARGAINS WEST ROSEBURG, attractive mod ern home. Near schools, hospital, shopping center. Level lot, lots of flowen, shade trees, fruit trees. The furniture is Included at only M500, $750 down to reliable party. HURRY! 10 ACRES on black top road. Shade trees. Only $2500. Terms. All fenced. CHOICE home site on Nortt. Ump qua River. Lot 609' x 64S. Price $5000. HURRYI INCOME PROPERTY. A large duplex, trailer spaces, city water and sewer. Warehouse 30'xiW. Over one acre. A "Gold Mine" for right party. Full price only $16,000. Good terms. Wid ow must sell. See It today. CASH for a good ranch contract. NEED LISTINGS on small farms and acreages. Lloyd A. Wilson REALTOR 1667 S. E. Stephens CALL 673-8578 NEAR GLFNDALF, on Cow Creek, lust outside city limits. Almost 3 acres. Level, real nice building site. Some merchantible timber, estimated value $1200. Selling price $2500, terms. RIDDLE 3 bedroom home, hard wood floors, fireplace, garage. Large lot. In excellent neighborhood. Take over G.I. loan, $1600 for equity... VERY UNUSUAL 2 bedroom Riddle home on extra large lot. Huge fire place, lots of cupboards and closets, 2nd shower In utility room. Breeze way, beautiful greenhouse, garage, lawn, shrubs, flowers, fruit trees, grape arbor. Sale also Includes full house of modern furniture, garden tools and lawn mower. Make down pay ment of $1500 and move Into a com pletely furnished modern home. All for $12,750. TRI CITY AREA on the South Ump qua' Rivjr 2 bedroom home on 1 acre level lot, lots of fruit trees and shrubs. G rage. Utility room. Own well or may hook up to city water. Easy terms. $7200. LARGE 3 bedroom home almost new. : oceted near Riddle with 1 acre. 35x16' living room with fireplace, large kitchen and dining area over looks concrete patio, master bedroom Is 16x24'. Ample closets In all rooms, IVi baths, central heating unit, hard wood floors. Berries, shrubs, lawn. Will FHA or Gl. $16,500. WEAVER REALTY CO. ' Riddle, Ore. 874-2804 JIM BEVANS REAL 957 NE Stephens WEST RSBG. Splc and span large 3 bd rm. home. Wall-to-wall carpets, draperies, tile kitchen and bth, inside utility, lots of closets and built - ins. Circ. fireplace, hdwd. fls. Fenced yard. Extra Ige, dbl. carport plus work shop. $15,9S0. WEST RSBG. No yard work here. Lovely 2 bdrm. home has large den with fire place, arranged to be used as 3rd bdrm. Hdwd. fls., large living rm. with fire place, nice kitchen, attached utility and garage plus extra space tor 2nd car. Tile bath with built-in vanity. $14,500. WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF GARDEN VALLEY MKT. 2 Bdrm. home on paved street and sewer. Out-oMown owner says GET AN OFFER. $a,950 good terms. LET US SHOW YOU. N. RSBG. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 2 Bdrm. home, range, oil stove. $5,500 with $750 down, $75 per mo. L. B. Hicks 673-7243 ROSEBURG & Insurance 672-3344 Umpqua Hotel Lobby Vs BEDROOWS V this attractive small home on 90 x 100 lot on Happy Valley Road. Sewer in and paid, Roberts Creek Water, wood heat, surfaced driveway. Only $600 down on contract, or owner will consider trade. Full price only $5,500. 5 ACRES. 2 bedroom home ust 12 years old. 10 Ml. to Roseburg. Elect, heat Is on economical RE A and brand new, or wood heat available. Good Irce soil, some per manent pasture, garden spot and berries. A real buy at $8,450 with $1500 down. Owner will carry contract. WALKING DISTANCE to downtown. Nice Lane St., location. Gas heat, 2 nice bed rooms, garage, paved street and driveway AND VERY LITTLE LAWN TO MOW. This is an excellent home for a small family or working couple and it's priced way below FHA appraisal at $10,900. 10 per cenl down will swing ltd ONE OF THE NICEST Hucrest homes we've seen In a long time. Neat as a pin, lireolece, separate utility room, storage In carport. 2 good slicd bedrooms, lovely bath, and plenty of room to expand on the 90 x 180 lot-and-a-half which is complete ly fenced. This Is an excellent value at $12,500. Take over G. I. loan or relinance. OLDER HOME and renlal apartment In Hucrest, lust reduced to $15,900. 150 x 170 lot, slate roof, wood furnace, 2 bedrooms plus sleeping porch. Gas range and heat In 2 bedroom Apartment, $4,000 down, balance at 6 per cent. Wups. . . .we forgot the full basementll SEE US FOR SELECTED RANCH LISTINGS AND RIVER FRONT LOTS Roseburg Realty 672-3344 Evenings Call Jim Doyle 672-3553 Martha Thomas 672-3562 Joyce Doyle 672-3562 Wiley's For Real Estate CLOSE 1N-3 BEDUOOMS, IVi BATHS. SMALL LOT. PAVED street and sewer. Fireplace, oil furnace in basement, 2 car garage. Well built. $18,000. NEAT ONE BEDROOM NASH ST., CLOSE TO ASSEMBLY of God Church, market and down town. Nicely landscaped lot with small furnished rental at back. Shade trees, good garden. Range and oil heater included. Ideal for retired per son or couple. Rental brings in $25 Mo. Full price, $4950. 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, OIL FURNACE, GOOD BASEMENT with shop. Extra park like lot with outdoor fireplace. Shade trees and good garden. Fine family home. $18,000. m ACRES ON DEER CREEK, OLDER HOME. 4 BED rooms, fireplace, Cool-Top furnace. City sewer, bus service. Eastwood school. Irrigation system for garden and lawn. Close in country living. $15,000. 560 ACRE RANCH, 2 CREEKS. 7 SPRINGS, OLD BUT comfortable home. Good road. 40 A tillable, balance open pasture and wooded hills, lxits of re-growth. $60 per acre, down. FOR RENT 2 BEDROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. FIRE place. sawdust furnace. 3 blocks from Elks Lodge on Lane St. References required. $85. EARL WILEY REAL ESTATE 1433 SE KANE Ph. 672-2629 Our Office Is Hard To Find PHONE US! Roland Sprinxor 673 3KC, 34 ir Lackey Real Estate An exchange tor buyers & sellers We are not a member of multiple or Co-op listing NEW 3 BEDROOM - GREEN LOVELY RANCH style home, eco nomical lorcvd air perimeter heat, puiltin range and oven, on paved jtreet, sewer in, ceramic Hie in bath room, 100 x 100 x 100 lot, full price $13,750, .I01 down FHA. We love to show. SCHOOL TEACHER SPECIAL THREE LARGE BEDROOMS, west side, close to park, YMCA, shopping center and schools. Living room 14x19, economical forced air perimeter heat to every room, walk-In closets, large corner lot, double garage with Ashley wood heater to make nice winter play area, lots of built-lns In kitchen, immediate possession. Rent till loan closes. Full price $13,750, $450 down FHA. Hurry, this house will sell quickly. NORTHSIDE 1700 SQ. FT. THREE - BEDROOM, 18 x 32 fam ily room, fireplace, built-in range and oven, beautiful tree shades large patio, separate utility room, paved jtreet and on sewer, double concrete driveway, lovely J t-rd and shrubs, completely fenced, new paint outside, new roof (2 yrs old). Full price $14, 000, $450 down FHA. 4 BEDROOM WESTSIDE BUILT-IN RANGE and oven, beautiful lawn, garden, and shrubbery, fenced back yard, delightful patio, close to school and hospital, can walk to town. Move right in (or $450 down. Price: $15,000. Rent till loan closes. BEAUTIFUL-NEWTON CREEK RECENTLY BUILT 1100 sq. ft. home In popular area, 72 x 110 lot, Curtlss floor furnace, good fireplace, utility off bath, $14,900, 10 down. HUCREST 3 BEDROOM ATTRACTIVE HOME on large lot, 100 x 175, over 1000 sq. ft. in house, forced air oil furnace, built-in oven and range with hood, birch cabinets, sliding doors to patio, paneled wall in living room. Utility room In gar age, Vi balhs, $15,000, 10 down. TWO-HOUSl SPECIAL TWO HOUSES for the price of one good one. Large A bedroom, wall to wall carpeting tl roughout, large kitch en with many bullt-ins, oil furnace, ranch style, 1160 sq. ft., 100 x 300' lot, 5 yrs old, sane taxes. Has 2 bdrm rental next door. Owner would exchange for acreage, trailer home, lot, or smaller houso. Both this large 4 bedroom and the 2 bedroom rent a) for $16,900. $2,000 gets you In. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CAFE, GOOD ROSEBURG location, grosses nearly SI00 a day. 50 x 100' lot. Full price $4SO0. Lease with op tion, lease money applying to sales price; trade possible. LACKEY REAL ESTATE 3U S.E. Jackson Office 672-1659 Bill Simpson (Eve's 672-3044 ESTATE o? 672-3731 AnyHme Bevans 673-6985 REALTY Lawrence Wiley 673 7523 Real Estate 34 Real Estate THREE bedroom home, on river, 264 W. Hickory. Asking price. $10,000. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, nice location a 1073 W. Nebo. Near Fremont Jr. Hign Inquire a 531 W- Elizabeth. bVanONEW 3 bedroom home In Calkins Rd district- $14X00. Will accept tor 10S camp trailer, building lot, or pickup. 673-3268 "SELLING YOUR HOMC??? Looking for a Home to boy? Have you tlought about a mobile home? Mobile home living has become more and more popular. . .and practical loo! I 1 out of 10 families are now living In a mobile home. Look at the value. See our ad under Mobile Homes No. 33. Snady Point Trailer Sales. One mile South on Old Hwy 99 BR, Ph. 673-1438. 4 BEDROOMS AND LOTS OF ELBOW ROOM at a price that will fit the pockctbook of the breadwinner with lots of hungry mouths to feed. The 135 x 140 lot has lots of room in back where the youngsters can romp and play. If Mom likes flowers, they are here to brighten her day. Econom ical oil floor furnace and circulating fireplace; big living room and a dining area, too. All of this livability is wrapped up in a package at only $11,500. If you can qualify, you'll need just $350 down. Call us. for an appointment to see it TODAY. 3. BEDROOMS A SPLIT-LEVEL home on 3 view lots in one of Roseburg's best neighborhoods not far from the downtown shopping district. This custom-built home is being sacrificed for a qniek sale. A 2-car garage, 2 ceramic baths, a thrifty General Electric forced-air oil fur nace, paneled parly room and ample storage area arc just some of the features that add up to more FOR YOU. Over 1850 square feet of usable area, and the price now is just $17,950. Call or drop by the office right away we're anxious lo show this place to you. TRANS-ACTION IS IN ACTION every day in our office. Our teletype network which includes leading real estate brokers throughout Oregon is daily bring ing in more and more requests for property in this area, and, in addition, is giving us a complete selection of farms, ranches, income and business opportunities, and other types of proper ty all over the Northwest. You don't need to leave your own back yard to find out what is available. If you're looking for something out of town, or want to ex ' pose your property here to the greatest po tential market, come by and talk to us. There's no fee or obligation for this service, so why settle for less than the 1 best. It costs no more. ALL POINTS REALTY 428 S. E. Main REYNOLDS 806 SE Cass Real Estate OFFICES IN BEND & ROSEBURG A GOOD INVESTMENT - INCOME PROPERTY ON THE NORTH UMPQUA RIVER. Good rental area. 2 houses and one duplex each with refrigerator and electric stove. All 1 bedroom. Low tax area. $16,900. Terms to be arranged. $300 DOWN WILL BUY this 2 bedroom home in Dillard. Upstairs could be finished for 2 more bedrooms. 60 x 100 ft. lot. Immediate possession. $7,000. Balance to be arranged. OPPORTUNITY ON THIS 575 acre ranch. 150 acres cleared and 425 acres timbered pasture. City water for house anil lower pasture. Creek with water holes for stock water. 2 barns, 2 garages plus other buildings. Good woven wire fences. Exceptionally fine 3 bedroom home with furnace heat, fireplace, 1 and Vs ' balhs, all modern conveniences in the kitchen and situated on a knoll with a magnificient view. $65,000 with 29 per cent down. NEARLY NEW NORTH ROSEBURG HOME THREE BEDROOM, forced air heat to all rooms. Hardwood floors, large landscaped lot. $12,000 with $1000 down. Will take trailer as part down payment. This is a nice one. Let us show you. Immediate possession. CRESCENT HEIGHTS SPECIAL ONE BEDHOOM, fireplace, electric heat. Beautiful view. City sewer. $U5C0. Marge Martin 673-6503 C. W. "Bill" Tipton 673-3619 Cecil Lucllen 673-5820 E. II. "Doc" Pocock 673-8259 SEPTEMBER LISTINGS MAKE STEVENSON REALTY YOUR G. I. INFORMATION HEADQUARTERS. COME IN AND LET US ESTABLISH YOUR ELIGIBILITY AT NO COST TO YOU. $8650.OONice 3 bedroom house In the Winston West side area. Vacant now. 5o down to any qualified buyer, and may consider a lease option lo re sponsible party. $14,S00.0O-west Bodie Street. 3 bed room nome situated on a lovely land sedped lot, enced yard, patio, double b rage, fireplace, wardrobe closets, hardwood floors and neat as a pin. Might consider a smaller two-bedroom In trade. $8950.00 S.E. Jackson a good older 3 bedroom home on a nice lot close In to town. Si 500 down and owner will carry balance on a contract. $8750.00 S.E. Hamilton St. 3 bedroom home plus a 1-bedroom rental. Both are rented now for a total of $110 per month. Buy this and let It pay Itself out. or live In one and rent the other $1200 down balance on contract. $10,600.00 Country living at its finest 3 nice acres with a lovely 3 bedroom home, 2 fireplaces large living room, combined dining and family room, beautiful birch kitchen with ceramic tile and a lovely view. This property has 2 wells that -an be used for ir rigation their flow is so abundant. $4500 down with local bank financing. Be sure and see thislll $12.000.00 5.W. Carnes Rd. FHA ap praised so the value Is here. 3 bed room on large 80 x 160 foot lot. Fire place, hardwood ttoirs and WW carpeting, separate dining room, nice kitchen, single attached garage, smalt barn for horse or cow, country liv ing close to town and schools. City water, and on the sewer, all assess ments paid. 3 down and its yours. 3 DOWN FHA FINANCING AVAILABLE STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Member of independent Brokers CO-OP with 11 participating members Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE 672-1614 DcSpoin, 673-5477 Evenings Stedmon, 673-3334 Dick Stevenson, Realtor 673-8744 Real Estate 34 I BEDrOOM HOUSE on Westside. model vehicle for equity. 673-8333. MODERN 1 bedroom, fireplace, picture win dows, nice view of city. $6500. 673-S40S. SEVERAL places, $2600 up. One with 3 rent als, $B5O0. 615 NE Chestnut. TWO BEDROOM home on contract, 766 Dix en St. Phone 473-4U24. WESTSLOPES By owner 3 bedroom, Vj bath, 3 car garage, built-in appll ances, oil heat, $15,900. Assume low cost G.I. loan, m W. Indlanola. NEWER 3 bedroom Newton Creek home. Large living room, fireplace, new wail to wall carpeting, plastered, insulated, oil furnace. Birch cabinets with built-in stove, 35 garage, large patio. Close to school, city bus. paved st. Reasonable, $13,500. 673-56S4 Ph. 672-1608 and BAUER Phone 672-1413 Lou Bassett 672-3838 H. J. Bauer 672-1085 G. F. Reynolds 673-4504 Earle Soudan, Days Cr. 825-3349 $25,000.00 East Lane Area. Owner has SS"", In this lovely home. 3 large bedrooms with two dressing rooms. 1-13 baths, fireplace, forced air oil heat, full basement, beautiful patio on the acre of ground that Is land scaped so to give vu all the privacy of a country estate. FHA appraisal has been applied for . $15,900.00 West Bvoccotl. 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, fireplace built in dishwasher in the lovely kitchen with nook, also separate dining room, in side utility, double attached garage, 1 and 23 bath. FHA 3 financing. Really nice, don't let this one slip by and be sorry. $18,000.0027 acres 2 bedroom home, large chicken house, workshop and a going Grocery Store that will pay for the whole place. Start your small horse ranch here or some registered cattle and watch them grow and grow and grow. $30,000.0051 acres of good bottom ground on live creek. $5000 worth of Irrigation and farm equipment, older 2 bedroom home. Look at this place and you will agree it could be the biggest little ranch in Douglas County, owner would consider less for $10,000 down and balance on contract. $50.000.00 Large stock ranch, 50 acres bottom ground good 2 bedroom home, new sheep barn, all fenced and cross fenced. (0 acres with 10 cleared t d balance In 2nd growth timber that will grow into money. This is all seeded to pasture and should handle -X iitna ot ewts. $15,000 down, bal ance on contract. 3f NEW 2 bearoom. Ideal for retired couple. $6,750. 673-7850. THREE bedroom, 3"i acres, Wilbur. Owner will carry contract. Phone 673-4973. TWO BED ROOM-home, 915 Cedar Street. $3,500. 673-3565 atter 3 PM. SELL OR TRADE Nice new 1 bedroon home. Wanting distance. 673-56Q eves. Tto ACRE 3 bedroom. Near Hucrest and new Adventiit grade schools. 673-7477. EUGENE 5 bedroom or 2 bedroom plus rent al. Sell or trade for Roseburg property 673-7735 3 BEDROOM, fireplace, large kitchen, sep arate dining room, double garage, large lot. $13,950. 672-1 275. TWO BEDROOM home, hardwood flgors, gar age. suTherim area. iuod. assume 4 u,i or $150 down on lease option. 459-2605. TH3EE HOUSES for sale, all rented. W bedrooms, 1-2 bedrooms, and a one bed room. Phone 672-1347. THREE bedroom home. West Winston, hard wood floors, fireplace, carport, covered pat lo. Paved street. Ph. 679-B?34. SELL OR TRADE Terrace Ave. view home. 3 bedrooms, dining room, family room, 2 fireplaces. V.i balhs. 672-4560, 672-2212. BY OWNER, westside 3 bedroom home, IVi baths, large playroom; fenced back yard. Appraised $19,000. Ofers wanted. 138 W. Hazel. 673-8278. I BEDROOM clean modern home In N Roseburg. on 65x160 lot. New oil furnace Lovely view, cool yard. $9,950 with $650 down. 673-3111. FOR SALE OR TRADE, 4 bedroom house in Riddle, 1 23 balhs, separate garage and shop. $2000 for our equity, balance S8000. Phone 874-2327, Riddle. OLDER 2 bedroom home, north Roseburg, large lot, clean. $6500. Will take clear 18' trailer as part down payment. 673-8316 atter 6 p.m. TWO BR, Cool Top turn., garage wired tot washer and dryer, Ige fenced lot. $7300 Some trade on down payment. Springfield 746-5690 collect eves. 6"rACRES" wlth"2' unfinished houses, 2 bed ' room and 5 bedroom, barn, wood shed work shop, well of lasting water. On schoo and mail route. Between Riddle and Can yonvllle. 874-2442 Riddle. VIEW, close In East side, daylight base ment, 3 bedrooms, 3 balhs, air conditioned home with many extras. Not cheap, but priced below replacement. Best Investment and livability you can make on today'i market. Try $5000 down, 1315 SE Haw thorne Orive. Phone 673-5127. RENT BEATER $40 PER MONTH after small down payment buys cule one-bedroom cottage on corner lo. Full price of $3,500 includes gas range and heater. See at 1713 Southeast Jackson Street, Roseburg. Ore. LARGE 3 bedroom Westside, double garage. 2 baths, fireplace, built In appliances. Ap praised $16,500. Sell or lease. EUGENE 3 bedroom double garage, fire place, grade, Jr. High and High School within 3 blocks. $14,500. Terms with 4Vi"ii, interest. WINSTON 1 bedroom, redecorated and clean. About 1 acre. S55C0, $1000 down. IS BY OWNER: Modern 7 room home on 11.16 acres with electric heat, circulating fire place, well Insulated, city water. Beautitut view ' t and lots of privacy yet only IVi blocks from Mark's No. 2 at Southgate. Good valer hole for stock or garden. Val ued at $16,500. owner moving to California and wilt sell for $15,000 on good terms. Low taxes. See at 1922 SE Ichabod Lane. BARGAIN - SELL OR TRADE FIVE MILES North of Myrtle Creek, off freeway 5 acres. Two 2 bedroom houses, double garage, utility building, 8 space dog kennel, implement building, fenced pasture, 88 fruit trees, large garden area. Creek runs on edge of property. Irrigation sys tem. Close to river, close to school bus. Sell or trade far Glide property. $15,000. 863-3039 Myrtle Creek. ic Lackey Real Estate An Exchange for buyers & sellers Ask your neighbor. List with Lackey, RETIREMENT COUPLE ONE BEDROOM HOME In quiet su burban area, newly painted, lovely yard with trees and shrubs, nice fire place with raised hearth, lots of cabinets and storage. Consider ex change for 2 ot 3-bedroom home. Pay $1600 down to present . contract. Full price $5700. Newlywed special. No down to vets. YOUNG COUPLE SPECIAL $6100, $600 DOWN, $70 monthly con tract. Large 2 bedroom on NE Jack son St. (only 5 blocks from down town), gas furnace, wall to wall car pel In living room, atllc rogm, large backyard with green house. Older home, needs some repairs. TAKE OVER PAYMENTS TWO-BEDROOM WINSTON home in . excellent condition, newly painted In terior, attractive area, about 9 years old. Buy owner's equity tor only $600 and assume Federal Gl loan, $65 a . month, SVaTfc interest. Bal. of loan about $7000. .., $250 DOWN, WINSTON THREE BEDROOM, 8 yrs. old, many built-ins, nice yard and garden spot, large lot 106 x 109 best Winston section, good clean home and a real buy at $7750. No down to vet. GOOD QUALITY-LOW COST LARGE 3 BEDROOM, breakfast nook, 1 bedroom extra large for 2 beds, oil heat, 65 x 130 lot, walk to Jo Lane Jr. High. View lot. Near Safe way and Wards. $9650. $300 down, $72 monthly FHA. No down payment to vet. We love to show. SWIM POOL SUTHERLIN FAMILY ORCHARD, many nice shrubs and trees, kitchen-dining com bination, good quality ranch style, 3 bedrooms each 12 x 12, backyard ,swim pool, oil furnace, attached gar age, $9900. $300 dn, $71 monthly FHA. Nothing down to veteran. Pickup or auto exchange wanted. Ask us. $10,000 CLOVERDALE GOOD QUALITY 3 bedroom, piped oil heat, kitchen-dining combination, large lot, well landscaped, $300 down, $70 monthly FHA. Nothing down to vet. Call us. POSSIBLE 4 BEDROOM TWO GOOD-SIZED bedrooms down, partially finished upstairs, 11x43, pav ed street, sewer In, natural gas piped to house, large lot 85 x 234, nice palio and view. Assume loan or re finance. Full price $10,500. LACKEY REAL ESTATE 368 S.E. Jackson St. Off. 672-1659 Delbert and Alleyene Nelson (Eve's 673-4072) Roy Kellar (Eve's 673-7173) Real Estate Lots and Acreages 35 45x200 FT.. Sutherlln. swer, water and lights. Driveway, lawn. $550. 673-3616. FISHER ROAD lot. Near Coun: , Club, close to 200' frontage on pavement. S3500. Call eves. 673-8560. North Umpqua Village Lots ONLY 19 LEFT! PANORAMIC SETTING Mountains North Umpqua River. Beautifully wooded, se cluded. Good for homesite or vacation cabin. Exc. road with adequate drainage. Prospect for speculation with no other privately owned land available In area Water, lights, phone accessible. Inspiring climate 20S more sunshine! Surround ing area preserved for recreational and scenic sites. Large tots. $700 to $1200 E-Z terms, 6 int., how down payment 10 ml. east of Glide on Diamond Lake Hiway. Next to Frontier $tee. M. Lock wood, Idleyld Park, Ore. Ph. 496-3319. Farms and Ranches 36 20 ACRES secluded shady glen rancho, small modern home, soring and well, all $neeo fenced. Commercial timber, farm pickup. Prfce $9250, terms. Call 673-M53.