The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 04, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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JUDY RAE SPURGEON, above, Glide, has been chosen as
the recipient of a nurse's scholarship fund by the Women
of the Moose. Judy was graduated from Glide High School
in June and plans to take her training at Good Samaritan
Hospital in Portlond. The scholarship pays part of her
tuition for three years of training.
" "
f r-l-Ah ' , It 4
ENJOYING A FIRST TRIP to the-Hawaiian Islonds the
last two weeks in August have been Miss Stephanie Thom
as and Miss Charlotte Sproul, both members of the Doug
las County Library staff. The two made the trip via Pan
American Worldwide Airways jet. out of Portland. While
in Honolulu they enjoyed staying at the new Waikiki Inn.
(Picture by Pan American World Airways)
Mrs. Ferguson Is Honored
At Pink And Blue Shower
Mrs. Sam Ferguson of Camas
Valley was the inspiration tor a
lovely pink and blue shower re
cently, givn by Mrs. Edgar Mark
ham and' assisted by Mrs. Ncal
Brown and Jerry Ileilinan. The at
fair was held at the homo of Mrs.
Brown. The gift table was decor
ated with bouquets ot roses and
After Mrs. Ferguson opened her
many lovely gifts, refreshments
were served to Mrs. Lee Wilson,
Mrs. Leslie Catchpolc, Kristine
Cooper, Mrs. Leon Ashton, Mrs.
Noblo Slandlcy, Mrs. Allen Cooper,
Mrs. Don LaBranch and Gail; Mrs.
Garry Spencer and Dougie; Mrs.
Jean Arnold, Pam and Barbara
Brown, Mrs. Gerald Looncy, Mrs.
Dean Ferguson, and the honorec,
Mrs. Ferguson.
Those sending gifts but unable
to attend were Mrs. Bill Battles,
Mrs. Russell Harwood, Mrs. Jim
Heed, Mrs. Cyril Def fording, Mrs.
Ken Wilson, Mrs. A. R. Spencer,
Mrs. Bill Barcus, Mrs. Evcrctte
Moody, Mrs. Kay Dancer and
Judy; Mrs. Orvil Buel, Mrs. Ethyl
Brown and Esther Brown.
Miss Ellen Cole
Honored Guest
Miss Ellen Cole was guest of
honor at a bridal shower held re
cently at the home of Mrs. Charles
Beahm of Oakland.
Several games were played, with
the following winning prizes: Mrs.
Dan Baird, Mrs. Al Cole, Ellen
Cole and Mrs. Orin Gildersleeve.
The guest of honor opened her
many lovely guts, assisted by Mrs
Tracy Braak.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess to Mrs. Bill Kincaid,
Mrs. Manual Vera,' Mrs. Orin Gil
dersleeve, Mrs. Art Copeland, Mrs.
tin, Mrs. Herman Koberson, Mrs.
Albert Cole, Mrs. Charles Beahm
Jr. and Kim, Mrs. Connie Paxton
and son; Mrs. Larry Cole. Mrs,
Tracy Braak, Rosa Vera, Eddy
vara, vicki ana Joay Beahm and
the guest of honor.
Those sending gifts but unable
to attend were Mrs. Mamie Pelzel,
Mrs. Atva sorenson and Mrs. Bert
Pichette and Barbara.
Former Oakland Students
Have Reunion And Potluck
The reunion of former students
of Oakland schools was held re
cently at the Veterans Memorial
Building because of the weather.
The reunion had been scheduled ut
Stearns Park.
A potluck dinner was served at
1 p.m.
Fay Stearns was elected chair
man for the coming year. Byron
Goff is outgoing chairman.
Those enjoying the dinner and
visiting were Alenc Haines Alcllu
gill and Frank Mcllugill of Cot
tage Grove; Leroy Chcnoweth,
Rccdsport; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Todd, Winchester; Mr. and Mrs
Ralph Todd, Myrtle Point; Gene
and Lois Tapp and Kimmic Sue,
Myrtle Creek; Mr. and Mrs. James
Todd, Lebanon.
Beulah Todd Warren, Wilmcr E.
El khead Women
Picnic On River
The Elkhead Woman's Club held
a potluck dinner and picnic at the
Mack Brown Park on the Umpqua
River recently.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. James Crawford, Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Langdon, Mrs. George
Thompson, Mrs. Dennis Maguirc
and children; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Thompson and daughter, Marlcnc;
Mr. and Mrs. Lylc Lee and fain
Jy: Mr. and Mrs. llarlcy Bowman
and family; Mr. and Mrs. James
Kidwell, Mrs. Harry Dunbar, Mrs.
Romic Howard, Mrs. Harriet Rob
erts, Miss Kathryn Howard, Den
nis Thompson, and Dick L3igdon.
and Mrs. Wilbur Briner of
Lorane Rt., Cottage Grove, an
nounce the engagement of
their daughter. Linda Ann. to
Ted Wayne Jeremiah, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jere
miah, also of Cottage Grove.
Both the bride-elect and bride
groom-elect were graduated
from Cottage Grove High
School in June. No date has
been announced for the wed
I Birthday Dinner
Surprise Event
Mrs. Pearl Brandner of Oak
land was pleasantly surprised on
. i-her birthday Monday evening wnen
8 The Newt-Review Roseburg, Ore Wed., Sept. 4, 1963 la group of neighbors gathered at
- 1 1 he Crouch home for a potluck
dinner in her honor.
Those enjoying the occasion
T-ere Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monett, Su
san and David; Mrs. Vera Gibson,
Pam and Linda of Klamath
Falls; Mrs. Frankie Moore, Mrs.
Dale Woodruff and children of
Portland; Walter Davis, Mrs.
Emma Gray and children of Leoti,
Kan.; Mrs. Brandner and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Crouch, Martin, Kath
elle, Glen and Annette.
Mrs. Brandner received many
nice gifts and cards.
Lamoreaux Home
Scene Of Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamoreaux off
Oakland were hosts at a delicious
chicken dinner Sunday at their
Present were the Lamoreaux'
house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Rugg of San Diego, Calif., with
their two granddaughters, Trudy
and Kathy, and Mrs. Rugg's aunt,
i.Irs. Helen Harvey. The Ruggs
are former Oakland residents.
Other guests at the dinner were
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carson, Meryl, I
Uene, JSarl and DeWayne; Mrs.
Mabel Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Hand.
MR. AND MRS. JACK COX of Myrtle Creek celebrated
their 25th wedding anniversary at an open house held
Aug. 18 from' 2 to 7 p.m. Hosts and hostesses were Mr.
and Mrs. V. C. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. George Sosics.
of Riddle. Gladys Williams of Myrtle Creek assisted in
the serving. The beautifully decorated cake was baked
by Mrs. Knight. Seventy-five guests, from the surround-'
ing area attended. Mrs. Roland Dyer of Salem was an
out-of-town guest attending the affair. (Picture by Warren
Studio, Myrtle Creek). ...
Oakland Couple Is Married
At Church In Springfield
3t L"
Thompson Family
Enjoys Reunion
flpcnnnHantc nf Mi- ami Mi-c T-l.
mer Thompson of Yoncalla held
their annual picnic and reunion at
the Elk Creek Trail Rider's club
house Sunday.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Theron Thnmnsnn. Rnltv anil
Wayne Thompson, Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. Vnrlo Thnmnsnn. I.nri-v
and Jerry Thompson, Cottage
iiiove; iwr. ana Mrs. George
inomnson. uennie Ttinnmsnn. Mr
and Airs. Marvin Thompson, Mar
lene Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Den
nis Maffnire and Rmuilri nnH Rn.
berta Maguire, Yoncaila.
Miss Jacqueline Green, daugh
ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Orville Green
of Oakland, and Leslie Fleming
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Fleming also of Oakland, were
united in marriage Aug. 18 at 2
p.m. in the First Methodist Church
of Springfield.
Tbe bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She wore an
aqua suit with white acccsorics and
carried a bouquet of white carna
Virgil Fleming, brother of the
Mrs. Gussie Cox Honored
Ori Occasion Of Birthday
Air. and Mrs. Leroy Cox of Yon-
calla entertained at a surprise
j birthday party recently for the for
l mcr's mother, Mrs. Gussie Cox.
bridegroom, was best man.
Vicki May Van Warner was
flower girl. j
Following the ceremony, a recep- j
tion was held at the home of Mr. !
and Mrs. Beldnn Van Warner of
Springfield, with Mrs. Van Warner
serving. Only the immediate famil
ies were present.
Miss Green was graduated from
Oakland Hig1' School.
The youn3 people will make
their home at Blue' River where
the bridegroom is employed in con
struction work.
Attendi.-.l from Oakland were
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Green, and children, Or
ville Jr. and Vana.
( 0r
LEARNING to speak English
is the chief occupation of 20-year-old
Helga Falk, who has
arrived in Roseburg to make
lier home with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Falk.
The family came here from
Frankfort, Germany. After she
masters our language, Helga
hopes to become a secretary.
In Frankfort she was a book
; keeper in a medical labora
tory. The pretty German girl
' loves all kinds of sports, parti
cularly swimming. Her father
j is employed as a mechanic for
ISayre's Volkswagen.
fit Hfc05
, w r i p n r irn .1 . I . - KA-.innfc
MK), juacrn sreiven, auuvc, mc iwmuci ,T,.yic,
Shanklin of Roseburg, is visiting here from Flint, Mich.,
at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul R. Shanklin. it has been 30 years since Mrs.
Specker has visited here and she reports enjoying seeing
so many improvements and changes in Roseburg. (News
Review Photo)
BPW Members And Families
Enjoy Lovely Patio Party
Members and families of the
Roseburg Business and Profession
al Women's Club picnicked Mon
day evening in the spacious yard
at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Baker.
Pots of lovely fuchsias decorated
the patio.
Assisting Mrs. Baker were Mrs.
George West, Mrs. Ada Jane Dick,
Mrs. D. G. Palm and Mrs. Robert
Nelson. Hostesses greeting the
guests were Mrs. Laura lies and
Mrs. Stanley Kidder.
The 1963-64 yearbooks were dis
tributed to club members.
Mrs. Laura lies reported that 45
lost children were returned to their
parents through the efforts of the
Business and Professional Club
women who worked in the lost chil
dren's booth during the fair. Mrs.
Bethel 18 Enjoys
Informal Event
i Job's Daughters of Bethel 18,
I Myrtle Creek recently enjoyed a
j "Come-As-You-Are" breakfast at
the home of Honored Queen Karen
The next activity planned will be
a swim party, with a barbecue following.
lies was chairman of the project.
Visiting was enjoyed during the
evening hours.
Haymes Family
At CBA Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haymes
and daughter, Virginia, were hon
ored at a farewell dinner Sunday
after morning worship at the Steak
House on the CBA campus. The
Haymes family is moving to Sa-.
1cm. Mrs. Haymes taught in the
commercial and home economics
deDartments at CBA. Her husband
will teach at Mill City,
teach at Mill City.
Present at the farewell dinner
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaffer
i and son, Roger; Mr. and Mrs. Ray
1 mond Cox and family; Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Crumpton and family;
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Dunbar and
! daughter, Judy; Miss Serena Hodg
es, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hutto
: and daughter, Alma Grace; Mr.
! and Mrs. Ralph Dunbar and son,
'Seattle, of Eugene and Dale Hos
I kins and daughter Joann of Rose-'burg.
Descendants Of Pioneers
Have Reunion And Picnic
Descendants of Charles, Jesse,
and Lindsey Applcgate, Yoncalla
pioneers of 1843, held their annual
reunion and potluck dinner at the
Warren and Terry, Albany; Alfred
and Bcriuece Hand Smith, Salem;
saicm; uync Hammond. Klam
ath Falls; Ben Manning and Peter
Mirrasoul, San Francisco, Calif.;
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wilkerson,
Dillard; Shirley Engle nnd Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Chcnoweth, Roseburg.
Mr. and Airs. John Hakanson of
Harrisburg; Charlenc Moore Ni
chols and Hazel Moore Becker,
Corvallis; Virginia Kclley, Marcta
Alallory, Air. and Airs. H. C. Sand
ers, Fred Alallery and Jill Mallcry,
all of Eugene.
From Oakland were Eloise Hand
Lamoreaux, Walt Manning, Byron
Goff, Clyde Edward Manning, Air.
and Airs. Vern Alanning, Mr. and
Airs. Alfred Hand, Les llcaton.
Mrs. Leslie Alanning llcaton, Ed
ward Todd, Air. and Airs. Fay
Stearns, Bill and Peggy; Kenneth
Manning. Air. and Airs. Italph Hak
anson, Mr. and Airs. Jim Stearns,
Dora Anderson, Frankie Henry
Moore, Pauline and Glenn Jack
son, Jan Trumbo Cherry, Alaxinc
Baiinhridge and Ted Baiinbridgc.
Kenneth Clayton, Umpqua; Ona
Juno McKay Edwards and Ed Ed
wards, Sutherlin; and Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Manning, Drain.
Km '
Dept. R
P.O. Boi 2589, Portland 3, Ore. j
Spurgeon-Ball j
Dinner Given
A rehearsal buffet was given for
members of the bridal party and
relatives who came from out of
town to attend the wedding of Jim
Spurgeon and Donna Ball. The af
fair was held in the home of the
bride's parents at 346 Bradford
Those attending were the be
trothed couple and Air. and Mrs.
Bill F. Uickabay and son, Billy
Alike, of Sacramento, Calif.; Air.
and Airs. Ronald Bauer, Air. and
Airs. Troy Ball, Air. and Airs. H
J. Bauer, Airs. Don Greenfield,
Mr. and Airs. W. B. Spurgeon, par
ents of the bridegroom-elect, and
the host and hostess, Mr. and Airs.
Esco Ball.
Grove 51 Picnic
Event Of Sunday
The Winston Community Park
was the setting for a delightful
picnic on Sunday for members of
the Woodmen Circle umpqua
Grove 51 and their families.
A large picnic dinner was served
at 2 p.m. after which visiting and
cards were enjoyed the remainder
of the afternoon by the following:
Air. and Mrs. John Hess, Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Bixby, Air. and Airs.
John Cornilscn, Mr. and Al r s.
George Holm, Mr. and Airs. Art
AIcGuire. Mrs. Alice Christenscn,
Mrs. Josephine Parkhurst. Mrs.
Bill Fearnow, Mr. and Airs. Ervin
Vix and Ricki, Scott and Vicki
American Legion Hall in Drain '
Sunday. j
Following the dinner a business ;
meeting was held and the present ;
officers were re-elected for anoth-
er year: President, Airs. Sallie '
Farley; vice president, Mrs. Anna
Lovelace; secretary-treasurer, Airs.
iiene hporcs.
The group voted to hold the next 1
annual reunion at the Yoncalla I
City Hall if the building wwere
available on the last Sunday in I
Those present were Airs. Vivian I
Applcgate Hunt. Desert Hoti
Springs, Calif.; Airs. Charles Back I
and small son of Thurmont, Aid.;
Air. and Mrs. Robert Audley Ap
plcgate and Rich Applcgate, Dur
ham, Calif.; Airs. Frances Cross
land and three daughters of Pen
dleton; Frank Applegate, Air. and
Mrs. Thomas Barry and Lindsey
Barry of Aledford; Bcnj Hunting
ton, Coquillc; Airs. Blanche Ap
plegate lsherwood, Salem; Airs.
Hazel' Roberts, Foster; Mrs. Thel
ma Hansen, Portland; Harry Ohl
sen and family, Roseburg; Airs.
Sibyl Helms, Florence; Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Patrick, AIcAlinnville;
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kellcnbeck and
family, William Ingram and Mr.
and Mrs. Leroy Dean, Grants
Pass; Air. and Airs. Richard
Pence, Aurora: Mr. and Airs. My
ron Farley and family. Airs. Anna
Lovelace, Harry Lovelace, Al r s.
Gene Spores and family, and Airs.
Alabcllc Klcmm, Eugene; Air. and
Airs. Elmer Love, Riddle; Air. and
Airs. Douglas Farley, Cottage
Grove; Mrs. Sallie Farley, Rollic
Letsom, Air. and Airs. Horace Cun
ningham and family, Mr. and Mrs.
John Lovelace. Drain; Air. and
Mrs. Herman Miller, Air. and Airs.
Henry Hubbcll, Air. and Airs. Cody
Long, Mrs. Rachel Williams, Al
bert, Charles, Vince and Percy Ap
plegate, Mrs. Ray Turpin, Air. and
Mrs. Leroy Farley, Mr. and Airs.
Walter McKirdy and Air. and Airs.
Fred Lee, all of Yoncalla.
CARLOAD PURCHASE . . . Wide selection . . .
11 Famous Simmons Quality. . . While they last
Yes, we bought a carload of comfort ... the best there ia,
Simmons comfort. Here's a wonderful assortment of mat-
1 tiWlTF LWiBr
tresses in discontinued covers at sure-to-please low, low 22a; trADA tTrtfl
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V.iwcra. IIV" -J-V.l ...i. ... c , 1 . r ; . - . M
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o from
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