Community News Briefs Mr. ind Mr. John Hall of Los Altos, Calif, and the latter's sister, Mrs. Hazel Lester, of Roseburg, left Tuesday for Canada to enjoy a vacation and visit relatives. Riversdalo Grange Homt Eco nomics Club will sponsor a rum in the old Bottling Works in the 900 block on W. Harvard Satur day, Sept. 7. . Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibbons have returned to their home on SE Azalea Drive, following a few days in Portland attending to busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lynn and children, Dennis, Douglas, Drenda and Dana, of this city enjoyed the holiday weekend in Salem attend ing the State Fair. - Mrs. W. F. Forrest and son, Scott, of this city took Mr. For rest to Portland Monday, where he left for the East on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fredrickson of Pullman, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thornton and children of Seattle, Wash., spent a few days recently as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fredrickson. Mrs. William Stiewig has return ed to her home in Roseburg after spending several days in Portland, where she was called by the se rious illness of Minnie Radi, who died Tuesday. Mrs. Radi was a former Roseburg resident. Dr. R. W. Pearson, Dr. L. H. Hart, Dr. Leland Van Allen and Edwin Brown, pastor of the Rose burg Seventh-day Adventist Churc attended the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists first annual Medical-Ministerial Council at Big Lake Camp held Aug. 29-Sept. 1. More than 400 doctors and minis ters attended the council sessions. Mrs. A. J. Ellison and Mrs. Ed win Booth of this city drove to Eugene Friday to spend the day with Mrs. Don McKillop, nee Paul ine Bubar fit this city. They were joined there for the occasion by Mrs. R. B. (Shirley Knight) Hous er of Portland and Mrs. Clal (Ar lene Kilbourne) DeMott, of Eu gene. The five all attended school together in Roseburg. Kim lies, snon of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. lies, spent from Thursday to Monday in Eugene visiting his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Den dauw, and family. He returned to his work Tuesday at the Douglas County Library, where he will be working after school hours. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Motschen bacher, Mr. and Mrs. James By ron, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sherwood and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Laws of this city enjoyed the holiday week end at Waldport, where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Muncy of Portland, former Rose burg residents. The group all took their trailers to the coast for the weekend. Mrs. Eldon Caley and son, Del, and Noble Goettel of this city en joyed a trip to Winchester Bay last week, where they got excel lent catches of salmon. Mrs. G. M. lies returned to her work in the advertising depart ment of the News-Review Tuesday, following a two weeks vacation at their summer place on Little Riv- Dolores Baughman, who was graduated from Roseburg High School last June, has returned from a summer trip across the United States. She left Portland June 13 with a group of young people under the auspices of the American Heritage Association. The tour took them to Chicago, Washington, D.C., Gettysburt, Mt. Vernon, Philadelphia, Boston and New York. The group visited many of the historical places in and near these cities. After this part of the trip was over Miss Baughman stay ed on in New York for six weeks of ballet study at the School of American Ballet. She stayed with a former Roseburg girl, Miss Su san Chitwood, who is now living in New York and also studying ballet there. Miss Baughman en joyed her experiences very much and will be assisting Ralph Pat terson with classes at the Rose burg School of Dancing this year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Baughman of 2511 W. Lorraine. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Porgeter spent the holiday weekend in Se attle, Wash., visiting their son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Myron Phillips, and daughter, Cari Colleen. Mrs. Frank Danls of Fairfax, Calif., arrived here today to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Longfellow Jr., and family. She spent a week here ear lier and then went on to Eugene to visit her mother, Mrs. Charles Allen, and Mr. Allen, before re turning here for another week, mage sale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Longfellow and family have returned to their home in Warrenton, Ore., follow ing a visit over the holiday week end in Roseburg at the home of the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Long fellow, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Riley of this city were in Newberg over the weekend, where the Riley fam ily held a reunion honoring Aunt Mary Pearce, who is now 96 years old. En route home they stopped over in Lebanon to visit Mrs. Ril ey's family. The Rev. and Mrs. Elcho Red ding and daughters, Mary Elaine and Miriam, stopped by in Rose burg last week to visit the Rev. Mr. Redding's cousin, Mrs. James W. Griffin. The Beddings have been in the mission field in North ern India for the past two years. They were on their way to Med- for where they will stay until re turning to India. The Reddings' young son, LeRoy, 8, is traveling independently of his parents, in company with Gelden Lukhang, the 19-year-old son of the former prime minister of Tibet. They will join the Reddings in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Thomp son and children, Steve and Kim, visited recently at the home of Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thompson, and with Mrs. Thompson's mother, Mrs. Belle Huff. Thompson was on a 30-day leave from the U.S. Navy. He and his family have been stationed for the past four years in Hawaii. Thompson has left for his now duty at Skaggs Island, Calif., and his wife and children plan to join him as soon as housing is available. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hatfield and children, Philip, Kelli and Joan, have returned to their home in Mercer Island, Wash., following a week in Roseburg visiting the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry F. Hatfield, and with other rel atives and friends. En route home they stopped over in Portland to visit Mrs. Hatfield's family and to also visit Mr. Hatfield's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William W. Knight, and family. Wed., Sept. 4, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5 r A I """" QGDS 77c FIRE KING OVENWARE 1 Qt. round casserole with knob cover or 1 qt. oval with tray cover. Milk glass white, copper or clear crystal. 3-TIER METAL TABLE. IN WHITE OR COLORS Sturdy steel with enamel finish, Tolls on casters. Has electrical outlet. Size 20xl5x30V". CLOSING OUT DEPARTMENT CANNON'S FAMOUS NEW "ASPEN" 3.77 OUR ENTIRE Line Of Pole Lamps Many Styles To Choose From. BE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Newberry! low price Big 72x90" size! 94 rayon-6 acrilan acrylic, 6" acetate binding. 8 beau tiful colors. Complete 2 HUGE 1412" LONG 5-BATTERY FLASHLIGHT Terrific value at our low price! Power ful chrome-plated 5-ceIl flashlight, com plete with S batteries! jjj Our low Price goo 4 for TRIPLE CHROME PLATED PADt.J SIDE CHAIRS Sturdy :. tubular steel with triple chrome plate, plastic glider feet. Plas tic covered seats, backs. All whitp, yel low, turquoise; or turq., yellow, black, brown, red with white. Seat 14x15x2". 41 v IA V I I fl' jyF?$y xf ti" J 1 4 jtwf ivm Mi 950 ON YOUR DIAL Lucky Family Ckbo'ok Program This New Program Is Sponsored By Leading Merchants of Roseburg and KYES Radio Over 100.00 In Merchandise and Service For Your AUTOMOBILE HOME ENTERTAINMENT GIFTS For The Entire Family Here's All You Have To Do To Win When The KYES Lucky Question Girl Calls You On The Phone Just Answer Her Question Correctly And You'll Be Entitled To Buy . A KYES RADIO LUCKY FAMILY CHECK BOOK WORTH MORE THAN 100.00 $100.00 In Free Services and Merchandise For Only $9.95 mm mmm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mu mm mm mm mmt mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm The Lucky Family Checkbook Is Sponsored By The Following Merchants In Roseburg and KYES Radio (950 on Your Dial) JACK WEST DIAMOND SHOP 606 S. E. Jackwn DRIVE-N-SAVE-MARKET 780 N. W. Garden Volley Blvd. ROEN'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1332 S. E. Stephen! MOLVER'S SEWING BASKET 540 S. E. Jackson ERNIE KOOP PHOTOGRAPHER 627 S. E. Jackson LAUNDROMAT 918 S. E. Court UMPQUA FLORIST 539 W. Harvard Kluver Radio & Television Sales & Service 1300 N. E. Stephens ZUCK'S RADIATOR SERVICE 1470 N. E. Stephens EVERETT'S FLYING "A" SERVICE 1711 N. E. Stephens KIRBY CO. OF ROSEBURG Roseburg, Ore. LES' UNION SERVICE 981 W. Harvard FIRESTONE STORE 1807 Diamond Lab Blvd. ROGER'S TUNE-UP 625 W Wharton ROSEBURG SCHOOL OF DANCING 308 S. E. Jackson WESTERN AUTO STORE 712 S. E. Stephens SELBY'S FLYING "A" 1135 5. E. Stephana FRED'S SHOE REPAIR ' 267 N. W. Cardan Volley Blvd. FULLERTON REXALL DRUG 635 S. E. Jackson REYNOLDS-RUSHTON MUSIC 516 S. E. Jackson A 4 W DRIVE IN 1887 W. Harvard THE PHOTO LAB 627 S. E. Jackson RUTH'S FABRICS & NOTIONS 1229 S. E. Stephens MOCK MOTORS INC. 1590 N. E. Stephana ROLLETTA 2235 N. E. Diamond Loka Blvd. DUFFY'S PIANO ROLL INN 940 N. W. Gordon Valley Blvd. ROSEBURG BOWL 2400 Diamond Loka Blvd. SUITER'S BUILDING SUPPLY CO. 1236 N. E. Walnut LARIAT RESTURANT 611 5. E.Cass Ave. PINE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Alameda & Vina HONN'S NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1019 S. E. Douglas TURN AROUND INN 1023 N. E. Stephens CHH33 aH33uD3ID G33 CGEB