LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Administra tor with Will annexed of the estate ol GERTRUDE M. ERVIN, deceased. All per sons having claims against the estate of such decedent are notified to present the same with proper vouchers within six months alter the date of this notice to the undersigned at the office ol HARRISON R. WINSTON, Attorney at Law, Pacific Bldg., Roseburg, Oregon. Dated and first published his 24th day ol August, 1963. R. D. BRIDGES, Administrator with Will annexed of ihe estate of GERTRUDE M. ERVIN, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Es tate of Kenneth Graham Ewens, Sr., now pending in the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at Ihe law offices of George Luoma. Umpqua Savings and Loan Building, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which dale is August 24. 1963. BEVERLY EWENS, Administratrix ol the Estate of KENNETH GRAHAM EWENS, SR., Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un dersigned has been duly appointed adminis trator with the will annexed of Martha Jane Easterday, deceased. All persons having claims against her estate are notified to present Ihe same properly verified as re quired by law to the undersigned at the law offices of Geddes, Felker, Walton & Richmond at 435 S.E. Kane Street, Rose burg, Oregon, within six months from date of first publication hereof which Is the 10th day of August, 1963. CARL M. FELKER, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of MARTHA JANE EASTERDAY, deceased NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the Estate of Albert J. Fonken, Deceased, has filed his final account in the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and said Court has fixed Tuesday, September 3, 1963, at 10 o'clock a.m. in Courtroom A of the Circuit Court in the Courthouse in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections, if any there be, to said final account for for the settlement thereof. GEORGE LUOMA, Administrator ol Ihe Estate of ALBERT J. FONKEN Deceased. Dale of first publication: August 3, 1963 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator with Ihe will annexed of Floyd Easterday. deceased. All persons having claims against his estate are notified to present the same properly verified as re quired by law lo the undersigned al the law offices ol Geddes. Felker, Walton & Richmond at 435 S. E. Kane Slreet, Rose burg. Oregon, within six monlhs trom date or first publication hereof which Is the 3rd day of August, 1963. CARL M. FELKER, Administrator with the Will Annexed of Ihe Estate of FLOYD EASTERDAY, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Es tate of EFFIE G. MORGAN. Deceased, now pending In the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the law of fices of George Luoma, Umpqua Savings & Loan Building, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the dale of the first pub lication of this notice, which date Is August 3, 1963. CHES1ER C. MORGAN and WIL LARD E. MORGAN, olnt executors of the Will and Estate of EFFIE G. MORGAN, Deceased. NOTICe OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the under signed Administratrix of the Estate of MARTHA HAGGSTROM, Deceased, has filed her final account In the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and said Court has fixed Tuesday, September 3, 1963, al 10 o'clock A.M., In Courtroom A of the Circuit Court in the Courthouse in Rose burg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the lime and place for hearing objections, if any there be, to said final account ana tor the settlement thereof. RUBY M. WELLS, Administratrix of the Estale of MARTHA HAGG STROM, deceased. Date of First Publication: August 3, 1963. NO. 7966 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY In the Estale of PERNELLA TYSTAD KIRKELIE, Deceased Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed Executor of the estate of Pcrnella Tystad Kirkeiie, De ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estale are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired, to the undersigned at Post Office Box 266, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published: August 3, 1963 Lasl publication: August 31, 1963 WILLIAM L. LASSWELL, Executor of the estate of PERNELLA TYSTAD KIRKELIE, Deceased MAYTAG Parts Sales Service We Service All Home Appliances BERGH'S APPLIANCE 672-1661 BOOKKEEPING roTke's bookkeeping service Specializing In small business accounts NOTARY PUBLIC TYPING 1225 W. HARVARD PHONE 672-2471 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS . CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young j 673-7419 . GENERAL" CONSTRUCTION, repair. Frent estimates. Call Bob - Boling at 679-5544' after 5 p.m. CUSTOM "BUILT homes, remodels, cabinets, j carports, garages. Free estimates. 100 e : finance. Ph 679-5857, Grady Roberson. , CARPENTER WORK. Cabinets, patio, car ports. Remodeling. No fob too small. Rea asonable rates No. bus on Sundays. 673-8652 CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery 1 673-8361 FIRE EQUIPMENT ?l R EEXT llG UTS H ER Sales and Service 673-7402 J. B. Nelson 693 NE Wjwhw'w GARDEN EQUIPMENT Sales - Service - Parts SMALL AIR COOLED ENGINES Jacobson powers Roto-H Tillers Brlggs & Stralton Clinton lauson Power Product! Wisconsin. Etc. Le Bleu Motors : 31, SE. Jecltson 7?;.7,5,l.1 HEARING AIDS BELTONE lor better hearing. 2i hour local phone 679-5024. KINDERGARTENS MRS. GALLUP'S KINDERGARTEN 673-7593 AMAZING lot ct values in one place - that's "Miscellaneous For iale" APPLIANCE REPAIR LANPSCAPING-TILUNG-DOZING j SAW SERVICE LEGAL NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Tues day, the 24th day of September, 1963. at 10 o'clock a.m. In Court Room B, Court House, Roseburg, Oregon, has been fixed for time and place for hearings of ob lections, If any there be, to the final ac count filed by the undersigned in the mat ter of the estate of Charles Cleveland, De ceased. Dated and first published this 24th day of August, 1963. DONALD M. ROTH, Administrator of the Estate of CHARLES CLEVE LAND, Deceased NOTICE OF SALE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS CITY OF ROSEBURG, OREGON REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ISSUE SERIES II Sealed bids will be received up to 8:00 p.m. on September 9, 1963, In the office of the City Recorder In Roseburg, Oregon, and immediately thereafter will publicly be opened In the Municipal Building for the purchase of an Issue of bonds of said City in the principal amouiit of S123.000 of an authorized issue of St 98,000, as authorized by Charter Amendment adopted by Ihe peo ple of said City at an election held on May 20, 1960. Proceeds will used for acquisition of property tor public ways and public utilities and to improve existing util ities of that type. Bonds are to be In denomination of si 000 each to be dated October 1, 1963, and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed S per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of April and October of each year during the life of said bonds. Each bidder shall specify the rate of in terest bid by him. The -bonds shall be sold to the highest responsible bidder for not less than 96 per cent of their par value and the amount of accured Interest thereon, taking into consideration the lowest effective rale of interest lo thi City and such prem iums and discounts as are offered, toaether with such items as have been and shall De Charged bv the bidder In connection with the purchase of the bonds. All bids musi contain a statement of the net Inter est cost under the terms of the bid. The bonds will be 20 year serial bonds, the principal of which shall mature and be payable as follows: Date of Maturity Nos. of Bonds Amount 1 October 1, 1964 76 - 80 $5000.00 October 1, 1965 81 - 85 5000.00 October 1, 1966 86 - 90 5000.00 October 1, 1967 91 - 95 5000.00 October 1, 1966 96 - 100 5000.00 October 1, 1969 101 - 105 5000.00 October 1, 1970 106 - 111 6000.00 October 1, 1971 112 - 117 6000.00 October 1, 1972 lie - 123 6000.00 October 1, 1973 124 129 6000.00 Oclober 1, 1974 130 - 135 6000.00 October t, 1975 136 141 6000.00 October 1, 1976 142 - 147 6000.00 October 1, 1977 14B 154 - 7000.00 Oclober 1. 197B 155 161 . 7000.00 October 1, 1979 162 - 168 7000.00 October 1, 19B0 169 - 175 ' 7000.00 " October 1, 1981 . 176 - 182 7COO.0O Oclober 1, 1982 1B3 - 190 8000.00 October 1. 1983 191 - 198 6000.00 subject, however, to redemption In numeri cal order on interest dates on and after October 1, 1974. Bonds are to be direct general obligation bonds of said City. A certified check of a bank doing business In the State of Oregon, payable to the order ol the City of Rose burg, In the amount of 2 per cent of the par value of the bonds offered for sale shall accompany each bid. Bonds will be delivered lo the purchaser or his agent at a place designated in the State of Oregon as soon as is practicable after safe. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. An approving opinion of Shuler, Savre, Winfroe & Rankin, Portland, Oregon, will be si iplled to the successful bidder. Fur ther information may be obtained from the undersigned and all bids shall be address ed to her. By authority of the Common Council of the City of Roseburg. FRANCES JELLISON City Recorder Roseburg, Oregon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672-3321 CASH RATES Advertising foi Business Within Roseburs Trade Area Cord of Thanks $2.00 1-Day rote 2 lines $1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines ..$2.00 6-Day rate 2 lines $2.75 30-Day rate 2 lines $6.00 , I -Day rate 3 lines $1.50 3-Day rate, 3 lines $2.75- 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Day rate 3 lines $8.00 CREDIT Above rates suiiiect tD SO cents service charge for credit DEADLINES Private Party Aavaitising 2 P.M. Day Prior to Publication The News-Review reserves the ng' t to classrly, edit or reject any classified Ad Copy. ADJUSTMENTS i If your advertisement appears incorrectly, I. notify us immeniately. We vrill not be res ponsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is limited to a coirect insertion ol advertisement. Relunds Will Not Be Hit, Mure Than 60 Days PETERSON'S custom tractor work Till- J ing, week, brush and grass cutting. Sub ' soiling. Leveling. 673-6848 anytime. C U STOM R Of OT ( IX IN G weed and brush I 1 cutting, leveling and grading. Call eves. ' j M. H. Foss, 679-5548. CUSTOM TILLING. New Ferguson 36 Diesel ' I new 50" rotovator. Virtis "Pat" Savage, ! 496-3730. unae. ; SPRINKLING SYSTEMS ! Lawn and Field Irrigation JACUZZI PUMPS Parts Sates Service VALLEY PUMP & IRRIGATION SERVICE 673-4923 MASONRY WORK MASONRY, fireplaces, veneer, sione, bloc. Free esl. Calvin Merge!, 672-4345. ORNAMENTAL IRON SERVICE ORNAMENTAL WrougM Iron railings Columns Posts Residential and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES 673-4002 Res. 673-3805 ROSEBURG FORGE WORKS PAINTING PAINTING (int. and ext.), ement work. No job toosma1l. 459-3738 WW. EXPERT PAINTING. Interior, reasonable rates. Will take some furniture as part payment. 672-254. PAVING EXPERT cement work. Sidewalks, drives, patios. Pree estimates. 673-3345 PLUMBING LICENSED PLUMBER. Bill Wylie. Larson Rd.. Rt. 4, Box 1145. Call 679-5252 RADIO & TV REPAIR johnny's TV Service All work guaranteed, call 673-2464 Everyone Reads The SALES AND SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS IN CLASSIFIED To List Your Firm Here, DIAL 672-3321 Personals YOUR A Etna Life agent is Vince Schuelze. Call 63-3031 or Res. 673-4819 DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An onymous, 673-6629. YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing con fidential advice may contact Catholic Char ities. 278 W. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. -Diamond 5-3642. Help Wanted 14 BEAN PICKERS wanted, drive outs. Register now. Cliff Hess. 473-8685. WANTED Man a"ndwife only for apt. house managers. References required. Write Box 704, News Review. Help Wanted Men 15 FALLERS NEEDED ON RESTON RIDGE. 673-5688 or 672-4653. HEAVY EQUIPMENT Mechanic wanted. Phone 673-5688 or 672-4652 LONG LOGGERS and short loggers wanted. Good )ob. Winter work. 673-5688 or 672-4652. WANTED single able bodied man with pen son for gardner and caretaker. Cottage, utilities and small salary. References re quired, write Box 700, News Review. COMBINATION electrician and mill wright, swing shift, tor Oregon Coast Plywood Plant. Must be able to obtain Oregon Elec trician's license. $3 per hour plus over time. Write Box 705, co News Review. COMBINATION Body and Paint Man Steady Employment Barcus Motors 673-5566 SALESMAN To Sell Frigidaire Appliances Contact Mr. West UMPQUA VALLEY Hardware Appliance G35 SE Stephens ftelp Wanted Women 16 WANT baby sitter, 5 day week, 11:30-5:30. My home, west side. 672-3417, after 5:30. EXPTRlNCEt5 beautician wanted. Take over established trade. Living quarters available. Call Cave Junction 13301. HAIR STYLIST wanted Top position for right person. Write Box 706, co News Review. Give qualifications and experience. COOK WANTED FEMALE, experienced and references re quired. Full time, 5 day week, hours 5:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Meals provided. Write Box 703, News Review. NEED EXTRA CASH? SALESLADIES needed for Ihe BAUN TOY CO. Must have car. Call 663-35S7, Myrtle Creek NEEDED AT ONCE 8 telephone receptionists to work in large office employing over 15 people. Full or part time work available. All ages accepted. Sal ary. Apply at once 327 SE Jackson. Work Wanted 17 CUSTOM COMBINING LARGE MACHINE Joel Fenn 673-5608 HOUSEWORK $1 per. nr. Own transportation. 673-8068 MIDDLE AGEbvoman wants housekeeping ob. Call 679-5350. SEWING AND ALTERATIONS 673-5825 EXPERIENCED baby sitting, my home. Ret erences. pnone 673-3138. HOUSEWORK by the hour Phone 673-4636 CARPENTER work, painting and general repair. 679-5334.. . IRONING, (l.iundry mending, and starch ing free). 2934 NE Douglas, 673-6416. CARPENTER WORK AND REPAIRS C. M. Ha 111 eld. 673-3831 CARPENTER, cabinet and general repair By hour. 672-1569. BABY SITTING in my home days, experienc ed and reasonable. 673-6466. IRONING, starching, very neatly done. Pick up and deliver. 672-4336. ALTERATIONS, restyling, fur, cloth coats, suits, dresses. Work guaranteed. 672-2803. YOUNG MOTHER with references desires to care for working molher's child. 1007 S.E. Main. BABY SITTING my home. Infant and babies. Laundry Included. By experienced mother. 672-1916. SAW SHARPENING Circular Band Chain Handsaws Saw bar recondilioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE r Supply Co. 384 NE Channon Ave. 673-4234 Near N. Safeway Market SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned. Prompt service. Reasonable. 673-8474. SEPTicf"ANKSCLEANEbTRoseburg"Sani- tsry Service. Phone 673-3356. STEAM CLEANING COOK'S Portable Steam Cleaning Service Cleaning and Sterilizing FREE ESTIMATES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 739 W. Fairhaven 673-7061 ' C. J. Cook, Owner j TOOLS - RENTALS - SERVICE ' PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 2352 ! ; Caslie Ave. Machine Shoo. 673-4697. FOR RENT McCulloch chain saws any sire McCuiioch post hole auger McCulloch stump auger HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales - Parts - Service Garden Valley Jet. - Across from M-Ward's ' TREE SURGERY ! TREE TRIMMING, topping, and removing. Insured. Free estimates. 459-2922 Oakland. ; VACCUUM SALES & SERVICE ELECTROLUX Your new CERTIFIED dealer Hank and Norma Jean Zeigler SALES 4 SERVICE 673-5045 : WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nothing down on approved credit MO HP WELL DRILLING Phor 673-2321 or Sutherlin 459-4039 WELDING WELDING M;g-wire alum, welding. Prom motor blocks to try pans. Atl tvpes special weieing. ! WINSTON f AIN SAW j Wittton, Ore. ,79-Mit 19 i PIANO INSTRUCTION Flrhaven area. Ph. '2-4314,rginla Wslter.,4, W. Falrhaven. PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Coll 6)3-7217 Loans and Finance 21 WILL PAY 7 on $23,400 for 1st mortgage on $40,0W building. 459-3851. WANTED small discounted land contracts and equities. Call 673-6193 or eves 673-6091. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 779 5E Washington 673-5581 AGRICULTURAL LOANS Southern Oregon PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN 202 Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 673-3248 Business Opportunities 22 Hotel com. turn., trade, easy terms. Call 839-4641, write Hotel. Canyonvllle, Ore. FOR SALE WAFFLE SHOP 1407 S.E. Stephens WORKING SHARE Western plywood co-op. Wages $2.60 hour. Must take physical. Call EO 2-2S7; Port Orlord. Ore. PO Box 241. FOR LEASE Cafe at 202 SE Jackson St. Roseburg. Write or call Dale Bullock Brookings, Ore. 469-2681. near Drlve-N-Save Market. 5 Karts, building J and graded track. 679-5531. j FIVE furnished rental unKs and modern bedroom home. $19,000. Mrs. Emil Hall Rl. 1, Box 23, Sutherlin, Ore. TEXACO STATION For Lease. Good tune-uo and brake potential. Modern 2 bay unit Highway access. Phone 672-1007 673-3364 REPAIR SHOP and Wrecking Yard com bination. $2500 will handle. Balance month ly payments. R8.R Auto Sales. Myrtle Creek, phone 863-3781. FOR LEASE by owner al Inventory, Pay less Service, 347 N.W, Garden Valley Blvd. Consigned gasoline Inventory. 14,000 gal. capacity. 672-9191, 347 N.W. Garden Valley Blvd. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Will trade property or sell stock and lease property. One year business grossing over $5000 per month. Doing all cash business. Interested in trad ing for valley properly. Th:t musi be clear. Located three and one half miles south of Brookings, Oregon. 250 foot frontage on highway 101. Beautiful ocean vie r. Phone 469-2874, r Toklngs, -egon, or write Rt. 1, Box 58, Ellis Grocerv. GOOD GALLONAGE SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE in down town Myrtle Creek. Same operator for many years. Approximately $3000 investment. CALL TIDEWATER OIL CO. 672-2681 for appointment Commercial Rentals 24 ROSE STREET building, 80 x 110, formerly Lockwood Motors. Call 679-5002. AVAILABLE SOON: Warehouse plus office and Apt. 40 X 40 ft. Diamond Lake Blvd Phone 673-8631 . FOR RENT SMALL SHOP IN SOUTHGATE L. W. Metiger 673-7451 Wanted to Rent 25 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 2 or 3 bedroom house, reasonable. No Sat, calls. 673-5808. GOOD 2-3" BR"home," unfurn., with garage, 220's, shower.-.Mature couple, permanent. Phone 672-4704. Apartments For Rent 26 ONE bedroom unfurnished apt. $55. 1325- SECobb. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished apt. Small child alio wed. No Pets. $65. 1406 .SE Plne. 14 KARAT APARTMENTS 2 hdrms. New apis on Winchester. Call manager 673-4329 LARGE I bedroom "furnished apt. Close In Call 673-7648 UNFURNISHED 3 room apt. Adults only. Water and garbage paid, $45. 2123 NE K lamath, Phone 673-7316. TWO" BEDROOM apt.. In West Roseburg. Heat, water and garbage furnished. Adults. No pets. Call 673-P267. SUTHERLIN UNION GAP APTS. 2 bdrm. $50. 1 bdrm, $40 mo. Furn. Including water and elec. Sutherlin 459-2128 or 679-5690. ONE BEDROOM furnished court apartment. Electric heat; water, garbage service furn. Washing facilities available. Phone 672-3986 or inquire 1294 Hlland Drive. FURNISHED duplex apt. 2 rooms, bath and utility. Water and garbage furn. $35 month. 230 NE Ivan, North Apt.; telephone 672-2329 after 4 p.m. Kohlhagen Apts. Modern. Reasonable Rent. Jackson SI. at Lane Ave. ADULTS 673-8244 "A Good Place To Live" COMPLETELY FURNISHED Beautiful 10 wide mobile homes comparable In size to most apis., yet the convenience of a private yard and parking adlolnlng trail er. Also smaller trailers available. Timber Town Trailer Park. 3010 NE Stephens. 673-8506 TODD APARTMENTS 1-2-3 Bdrm. apts., furnished or unfurn. Wa ter and garb, serv, provided also heat in some. Rents from S70 up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts., gas equipped 672-4743 Winchester Ct., Hot water heat 673-7466 Vista Homes, Hot water heat 672-2210 Westvue Ct. Wdryer 672-2549, 673-7926 Oak nil l Apts., Radiant heat 673-4340 ioomr. for Rent 27 LARGE sleeping room for reliable lady. 673-8397, 727 SE Mosher. SLEEPING rooms, gentlemen. 117 S. E Blakeley, l'a blocks SE Greyhound Depot LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. Reasonable. Phone 4J2-158I. SLEEPING ROOMS FORRENT 672-4697 NEW ROOMS Including telephone and linen service. 160 per month ai d up. Hotel Umpqua, 673-4441. i Room and Board '28 ROOM AND BOARD and lunches packed. $80 per month1673-7069. ROOM-AND BOARD, f MONTH 672-4512 , prMBbARbindOT pie, wenare or private, GOOD HOME cooking. 5 day week. J75 month. 5 miles south. JoAnn's Boarding House. Ph. 673-7979. Houses for Rent 29 j FURNISHED I bedroom cabins, S50 month. ?485 Diamond Lake Blvd. Phone 673-3360. TWO'BEDROOM furnished housr$7Sr 867 ; S.E. Pine. A BEDROOM house "on" Westiide". SI 40 per mo. 673-8232. FOR' RENT OR SALE: Wodern 2 bedroonr I house with den. Good neighborhood, Trl ! City area. Avail, abf. Aug. 19. M3-4J20. j UNFURNISHED 7 broom"dupTex,ufomat- ic nef, Med kuch and bath, ffrepk,, paved St. Adults. 673-1173 days, 672-1402 eves. I It's Easv o use News-Review Want Ads In Person, by Mail ot Phone Instruction 29 1 UNFURNISHED one bedroom duplex. $40 mo. Part utilities paid. Eeslsldeail 672-3042. ONE BEDROOM, elec. heat, partly turn. Westslde $70. 673-3791 after 6:30 P.M. FOR LEASE 3 bedroom" house. 446 NE Jackson ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or tnt;ie ideriy. Phone 673-6541. F U R N 1SHEDcabln7WeeklatesT20 N.E. $tephens. Pacific Mole I. LARGE modern 3 bedroom home in the country. 30 minutes from Roseburg. Com- pletely remodeled. Call 473-5284. FURNISHED cabins. Utilities paid. Weekly rates or by the month. Close to stores and bus line. Roseland Courts. 2050 NE Steph- ens. 672-1071 or 672-27B8. SEVEN ACRE'S, all Irrigated, nice 2 bed room home. $75 per month. Located on Hubbard Creek road. For Information call 672-1413 A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE. 2 Bedroom unlurnished duplex. Large rooms a n dosel space, garage. Adults, no pets. 713 se Kane si. Pnonc 673-5162. OPPORTUNitY for couple with small In- come or pension to supe-vlse forest prop erty and develop own living quarters. Rent free. Highway 42, 6' a mi. W of Camas valley. Write Co Box 697, News-Revle' Mobile Homes for Rent 30 VACATION TRAILERS FOR RENT Sutherlin 459-3133 EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 bedroom modern fur nished trailers. Adults only. Timber Town Trailer Park, 2010 NE Stephens. 673-8506. Mobile Home Parks 31 SPACE AVAILABLE In Ihe shade by the river. Winchester Viltage. 672-1945. mm ... YlnhllA HnttlPC ITIUUIIC IlUIUO 32 '57 ANGELUS, 48x8, 2 bedroom. - P"- ,67i').39 lter p m- EQUITY for sale cheap in mobile home. Many extras. Call 672-3640. '62 BILTMOHE 3 bdrm 10x55' expando. Wash-er-dryer. Will take small trailer. 673-3407, '57 CAPlTOL, 8'X35'. Green Meadow' Traile'r Court after 5 P.m. FORSALE OR TRADE tor smaller trailer. Equity In '62 California home 8x40 1 bed room. 459-2974. SELL EQUITY or trade tor 3 bedroom home, a 10 x 55' Expando mobile home. Call 673-6895. LOVELY MOBILE HOMES 1, 2, 3 & 4 BIT-'ROOMS Completely And Tastefully Furnished Equipped With Modern Appliances AND QUALITY FURNITURE EXPANDING MODELS Active Marlette Nashua Santa Fe Vacation Trailers Open Road Pickup Campers S.H GREEN STAMPS PARTS ACCESSORIES SHADY POINT Trailer Sales 1 Mi. South Old Hwy. 99 BR Call 672-1438 OUT of this World LUXURY - at down to earth PRICES Eastern or Oregon built k Every Modern Comfort k Years Ahead Liveability Shasta Travel Trailers Also A Good Selection of Good Used Trailers RELIABLE TOWING RAINBOW Trailer Sales 673-7272 WINCHESTER OREGON G I LLEY Trailer Sales FLEETWOODS 10 Wide 42 to 60 ft. long Trailmaster Travel Trailers By Roadmaster USED TRAILERS - SUPPLIES Complete Trailer Insurance BANK FINANCING 1980 NE Stephens 673-3356 (Formerly Earl Smllh ".raller Homes) ANGELUS Great Lakes Traveleze New ond Used Trailers J Cr J TRAILER SALES 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. 672-3441 Real Estate 34 2 BEDROOM home on Beacon Way. 673-4002 between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M. TWO" BEDROOM homer 915' Cedar Street, 13,500. 672-3565 ,r3PM- SELLORTRADE NlcVnew 1 bedroom home. Walking distanceL673-80eves. 1 "ACRE 3 bedroom. Near Hucrest and new Adventlst gradaunools. 673-7477. f HREETedroorn home. 2 'blocks trom Cour Houw. 73-024. NEW 2 bedroom. Ideal for retired couple. S,750. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE on Westside. Late model vehicle for equity. 673-1732. j Houses for Rent Real Estate FOR SALE by owner West side, 4 bed rooms, den. Sacrifice. 679-5498. THREE bedroom home7 West WinstorVaTd wood floors, lireplace, carport, covered pat JoPaved street. Ph. 679-3934. 3 BEDROOM clean modern home In N Roseburg. on 65x160 lot. New oil furr.ace Lovely view, coot yard. $9,950 with $650 down. 673-3 1 1 L FOR SALE OR TRADE, 4 bedroom house In Riddle, 1 2'3 baths, separate garage and shop. $2000 for our equity, balance $8000. Phone 874-2327, Riddle. TWO BEDROOM west side, oil heat, FrTgT dalre range and dryer, garage, large yard, recently remodeled. $6900. Will trade tor down payment. Plione 672-3733 alter 5:30. WESTSLOPES By "owner 3 bedroom, Hi 'wth, 2 car garage, built-in appli ances, oil heal, $15,900. Assume low cost G.I. loan. 888 W. Indianola. OLDER 2 bedroom home, north Roseburg, large lot, clean. $6500. Will lake clear IS' trailer as part down payment. 673-831 alter 4 p.m. TWO BR, Cool Top turn., garage wired for washer and dryer, ige fenced lot. $7300 Some trade on down payment. Springfield 746-mto collect eves. 6.67 ACRES with 2 unfinished houses, 2 bed room and 5 bedroom, barn, wood shed work shop, well of lasting water. On schoo and mail route. Between Riddle and Can yonvHle.874-2442 Riddle. LEAVING STATE "Nice 2 bedroom, fully furnished, on 1.4 acres. Beautiful view, walking distance to Hucrest or Advent 1st school. 20x20 workshop-garage. $7950 terms. 673-3837, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. BY OWNER Coiy 2 bedroom home nice-tor retired couple. Large living and dining room. Garage, new roof and paint. $8,650. Below appraisal. See to appreciate 737 NE Jackson. 673-4376. FOR SALE OR TRADE New 5 bedroom house, daylight basement, 2Vi baths, 2 fire places, birch kitchen, built-in range, dou ble carport, separate garage wllh shop On acre on Fisher Rd. 673-8560. REYNOLDS 806 SE Cass Real Estate OFFICES IN BEND & ROSEBURG - CLOSE IN TOWN GOOD, OLDER, 3 bedroom home, walking distance to town. Lots of storage area. Combination garage-shop, Only $6250, $1000 down and balance at $60 per month. 3 BEDROOM LOW DOWN PAYMENT A WELL BUILT home with fireplace, kitchen-family room combination. Large fenced lot, on sewcr. An ideal place for a growing family. $10,900. EXCELLENT SHEEP & CATTLE RANCH 900 ACRES. Good 4 bedroom ranch home, 4 barns, chicken house, cross fenced into 11 pastures. Plenty of spring water, 100 acres sub-irrigated. . .deep, rich valley land. 300 Acres additional rolling farm land. Balance in good pasture land. Vi mile from freeway on new county road. A good producing ranch. $G7,500 with $20,000 down. NORTH UMPQUA BEAUTY APPROXIMATELY 320 acres. Lodge, 2 cabins and shop build ing. Year round creek, springs, wonderful view of valley. Owner says approx. 100 M feet of timber on property. $30,000, $10,000 down and balance to be arranged. Marge Martin 673-6503 G. W. "Bill" Tipton 673-3619 Cecil Luellen 673-5820 E. H. "Doc" Pocock 673-8259 ROSEBURG REALTY cr insurance 672-3344 Umpqua OFFERS YOU this 3 bedrcom Westslde home on 1 acre. . . .Charming setting, close lo schools and markets, oil heat, clly water, Immediate possession. Owner will carry contract and will consider Huccrest or Westslde lot as down payment. Lovely Oaks for shade here too. Full price, $0,250. BRAND NEW 3 bedroom home on Channon St., Insulated, bufIMn appliances, pav ed street, sewer. Immediate possession. FHA terms, su,900 with 109. down. WANT A GARDEN? Fruit trees? Beautiful free soli lot? Comfortable, well-kept home? We have ill 3 bedrooms, beautiful patio, extra guest room or den, garage and shop. This Is a well built, beautifully landscaped properly, 100x240 ft. You'll love it. $15,900, and worth every pennyl SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT only, this lovely 3 bedroom and den very near Sr. HI. Two balhs, wall to wall carpet, beautiful fireplace, lovely covered patio. Over 1000 sq. ft. of gracious living space. Price of $17,950 Indludes the built-in TV and ail curtains and drapes. Call ui tor appol ntment. GLIDE VAX DISTRICT. .. .16 acres, well -kept 2 bedroom home, spring piped fo house, Iroul pond, Irrigation from river. Lois of wood, swimming hole, and approx. 20G0 It. frontage on Llltle River. $15,000 with substantial down and $100 per month on contract. WESTWOOD ESTATES acreages now ava liable! Beauliful, close-In building sites, scant half mile from Country Club, In Garden Valley, Deep, lush, loam soil, un surpassed N. Umpqua River frontage on huge boating and fishing pool. Only II tracts available. Come in now. . . .see our plat and aerial pholo In color, or drive out lor Inspection. See If one of these tracts doesn't fit your dreams of the future. Roseburg Realty 672-3344 Evenings Call Jim Doyle 672-3553 Martha Thomas 672-3362 Joyce Doyle 672-3502 SEPTEMBER LISTINGS MAKE STEVENSON REALTY YOUR G. 1. INFORMATION HEADQUARTERS. COME IN AND LET US ESTABLISH YOUR ELIGIBILITY AT NO COST TO YOU. S86S0.0O Nice 3 bedroom house In the Winston West side area. Vacant now. 5e down to any qualified buyer, and may consider a lease option to re sponsible parly. SI 4, 500.00 West Bodie Street. 3 bed room home situated on a lovely land scaped lot, 'enced yard, palio, double g.rage, fireplace, wardrobe ctosnls, hardwood floors and naat as a pin. Might consider a smaller two-bedroom in trade. S8950.00 S.E. Jackson a good older 3 bedroom home on a nice lot close in to town. $1500 down and owner will carry balance on a contract. $8750.00 S.E. Hamilton St. 3 bedroom home plus a lbedroom rental. Both are rented now lor a total of SI 10 per month. Buy this and let II pay itself . out, or live In one and rent the olher $1200 down balance on contract. 118,600.00 Country living at Ms finest. 3 nice acres with a lovely 3 bedroom home, 2 fireplaces large living room, combined dining and family room, beautiful birch kitchen with ceramic tile and a lovely view. This properly has 2 wells that can be used for Ir rigation their tlow is so abundant. $4500 down with local bank financing. Be sure and see thlstu $12,000.00 SW. Carnes Rd. FHA ap praised so the value is here. 3 bed room on large 80 x 160 foot lot. Fire place, hardwood floors and WW carpeting, jeparate dining room, nice kitchen, single attached garage, small barn for horse or cow, country liv ing close to town and schools. City water, and on Ihe sewer, all assess ments paid. 3 down and Its yours. 3 DOWN FHA FINANCING AVAILABLE STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Member of Independent Brokers CO-OP with II participating members Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE 672-1614 DeSpoin, 673-5477 Evenings Stedman, 673-3334 Dick bteven&on, 34Saft Aug. 31, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 9 Real Estate 34 THREE HOUSES lor salt, all rented. 14 bedrooms. 1-2 bedrooms, and a. one bed room. Phone 472-1347. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, nice location 1072 V. Nebo. Near Fremont Jr. High Inquire at 531 W. Elizabeth. $1500 EQUITY In 1 beJroom home. Green dist. Balance due $3.66.86. Payments of $45. 673-5209. TWO BEDROOM modern home. Large lot and lawn. 3 miles North of Roseburg. $500 down, balance $4838. Phone 672-3544. SUTHERLIN near Four Winds modern three bedroom, fireplace, picture windows. Cement foundation. On about Vt acre. Price $7,500 Terms. Phone owner 459-3027. TAKE ANYTHING WHAT HAVE YOU to trade for $4100 equity In a 2 bedroom home. New roof, new foundation, ne.xls some interior work. $3800 balance. Inquire at South Stephens Hard ware. "GET OUT IN THE COUNTRY!" A home and 8 acres with fruit, garden spot, live stream, plenty ot room for that pony or beef. All lor the price of a 3 bedroom home in town. $12,000. see us as to terms Call 673-M71 or 672-2958 eves, or see Roy u. Toung a, son. THREE bedooms. large living room, full day light basement, ceramic tiled kitchens, 3 baths, 2 garages, 2 fireplaces, beautifully landscaped on 1 acre lot, green house and lath house. $24,000. Can be financed. Call 679-5170. SELLING YOUR HOME??? Looking for a Home to buy? Have you thought about a mobile home? Mobile home living has become more and more popular. . .and practical toolt ) out of 10 families are now living In a mobile home. Look at the value. Sea our ad under Mobile Homes No. 32. Shady Point Trailer Sales. One mile South On Old Hwf 99 BR, Ph. 672-1438. and BAUER Phone 672-1 41 3 Lou Bassctt ' 672-3838 H. J. Bauer 672-1085 G. F. Reynolds 673-4504 Earle Soudan, Days Cr. 825-3349 Hotel Lobby , S25,000.O0 East Lane Area. Owner has JaOOO in this lovely home. 3 large bedrooms wilh two dressing rooms, 1-13 baths, fireplace, forced air oil heat, lull basement, beautiful patio on the acre ot ground that Is land ' scaped so lo give yru all the privacy of a country estate. FHA appraisal has been applied for . $15,900.00 West Broccoli. 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, fireplace built in dishwasher In the lovely kitchen with nook, also separate dining room, in side utility, double attached garage, 1 and 23 bath. FHA 3. financing. Really nice, don't let this one flip by and be sorry. $18,000.0027 acres 2 bedroom home, largo chicken house, work ship and a going Grocery Store that will pay lor the whole place. Start your small horse ranch here or some registered cattle and watch them grow and grow and grow. $30,000.0051 acres of good bottom ground on live creek. J50CO worth of irrigation and farm equipment, older 1 bedroom home. Look at this place and you will agree It could be the biggest little ranch In Douglas County, owner would consider less lor $10,000 down and balance on contract. $50,000.00 Large stock ranch, 50 acres bottom ground good 2 bedroom home, new sheep barn, all fenced and cross fenced. 6X8 acres with 10 cleared i td balance In 2nd growth timber that will grow into money. This Is all seeded to pasture and should handle JC0 head of ewes. $15,000 down, bal ance on contract. Realtor 673 B744 34 SEVERAL places, HMO up. Oni with 3 rtnt- IS, 500- 'S NE Chestnuf. TWO BEDROOM house, new roof, concrett foundation. Close in. Ph. ill-1 37. ) ACRE Vi creek bottom in Oillsrd with starter house Including lumber, plumbing and windows. Small down. OS 9-5413. TWO BEDROOM home, hardwood floors, gar age. Sutherlin area. $5500, assume A1. G.I or 1)50 down on lease OpHon. 439-2605. VERY CLEAN 1 bedroom house with car port. Newly painted Inside and oul. Con venienf location. 672-3508 alter 4 P.M. - EUGENE 5 bedroom or 2 bedroom plus rent al. Sell or trad for Rosebura properly 673-7735 BEAUTIFUL new home i-n Calkins Rd. Must see to appreciate. Call for appointment 673-8462. . MODERN : BR house and 30 acres. Approx, 12 river bottom, live crenk, spring. Low er Garden Valley. S12.50C. Call 673-9626 LOVELY 2 bedroom home with 2 acres 61 ground, 1 mile from Oakland. 459-4381. No Saturday calls. 3 BEDROOM,-fireplace, larse kitchen, sep arate dining room, double garage, largt lot. 1 13,950. 672-1275. NICE 2 bedroom 1th garage. In Winston Section, new floor furnace, large fenced lot, excellent well. $1000 down, or make offer. Call 679-5397. PAGE ROAD ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom near new Winches ler School site. In beautiful area. Pishing and swimming nearby. $17,500. 673-5883. SELL OR TRADE for property near "Rose burg 3 bedroom home In Gold Beach, at facheri garage, fireplace, overlooking air port, ocean and Rogue River. Convenient ly located near clly center, A. E. Buswell 40S Mary St., Gold Beach, Ore. Phon - C Herrv 7-9044 NEWER 3 bedroom Newt on Creek home. Large living room, fireplace, new wall to wall carpeting, plastered. Insulated, oil furnace, Birch cabinets with built-in stove, 25' garage, large patio. Close to school, city bus, paved st. Reasonable, $13,500. 673-5654 VIEW, close In East side, daylight base ment, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, air conditioned home with many extras. Not cheap, but priced below replacement. Best Investment and llvablllty you can make on today's market. Try $5030 down, 1315 SE Haw thorne Drive. Phone 673-5127. BY OWNER; Modern 7 room home on 11.16 acres with electric heat, circulating fire place, vell insulated, city water. Beautiful view lit and lots of privacy yet only Vi blocks from Mark's No. 2 at Southgate. Good water hole for stock or garden. Val ued at $16,500. owner moving to California and will sell for $15,000 on good terms. Low taxes. See at 1922 SE tchabod Lane. WILLIAMSON REAL ESTATE NICE TWO BEDROOM home. West side. Large kitchen with clay tile on dralnboards and back, large utility, fireplace, 1 car garage, lawn and flowers. On sewer and paved street. Oniy $11,000, $1250 down, balance at $75 per month. NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME, 2 full balhs, beauliful fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, nice patio, modern istic kitchen, large carport and stor age room- Nice residential district In Winston. $15,000, terms or refinance. WILLIAMSON REAL ESTATE 673-4302 Salesman Frank Mullor, Eves. 673-8209 NORTH UMPQUA 3 BEDROOM HOME, 2 baths, excel lent carpeting living and dining rooms, 2 car garage. Beautiful grounds and view overlooking river. Lot 90x400. Just for the family who appreciates privacy, fishing and out door living. Only $24,300, terms. OWNER TRANSFERRED. .3 Bed room. . desired corner lot. . panelled living roam, fireplace, sep. dining room, patio, 1V bath. Sacrificed way .below F.H.A. - appraisal.. $15,500, Terms.'1' , DUPLEX. .Panoramic View, aitrac five landscaping, large lot, 2 car garage. .Both units excellent condi tion, separate guest house In rear. '$19,000 with terms. Appointments to show. MOTEL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. .10 Units . .A-1 condition, .doing a profitable business, located In center of town plus living quarters for operator. . room for expansion $29,000. Contact ' for gross and terms. LES BLACK REAL ESTATE 673-3471 433 W. Freeway Ave. Slack 679-8412 Moran m-U7 Mumby 473-7301 it Lackey Real Estate it An Exchange for buyers & sellers Ask your neighbor, List with Lackey YOUNG COUPLE SPECIAL S6100, $600 DOWN, $70 monthly con tract. Large 2 bedroom on N.E. Jack son St. (only 5 blo:ks from downtown - Gas furnace, wall to wall carpel in , living rm., attic room, large back yard with green house. Older home needs some repairs. GOOD COUNTRY LIVING PLENTY of privacy, very neat 1200 sq. ft. noma, 3 bedrooms, large din ing area, and utility, extra guest room over garage, lots of shade trees, grape arbor and patio, a good family spot. $6000, $1500 down, $80 monthly contract. Consider small trailer exchange to $3000. Located 4 miles south. GOOD QUALITY LOW COST LARGE 3 bedroom, breakfast nook, I bedroom extra large for 2 beds, oil heat, 65X130 lot, walk to Jo Lane Jr. Hi School. View lot. Near Safeway and Wards. $9650. $300 down, $72 monthly FHA. No down payment lo veteran. We love lo show. SWIM POOL SUTHERLIN FAMILY ORCHARD, many nice shrubs end trees, kitchen-dining com bination, good quality ranch style, 3 bedroomS each 12X12, backyard swim pool, oil furnace, attached garage, $9900. $300 down, $71 monthly FHA. Nothing down to veteran. Pickup or auto exchange wanted. Ask us. $10,000 CLOVERDALE , GOOD QUALITY 3 bedroom, piped oil ' heat, k lichen-din Ing combination, large lot well landscaped, S300 down, S70 monthly FHA. Nothing down to Vet eran. We love to show. GREEN DIST. 3 BEDROOM GOOD SCHOOL In top residential area, clean electric heat, large living room, shake siding, eating area oft kitchen, attached garage. Home only 7 years old. $350 down FHA, $75 monthly. Nothing down to veteran. We love to show. NEW 3 BEDROOM WESTSIDE BEAUTIFUL ranch style, 2 blocks from Marks. Sapeli wood cabinets, many kitchen drawers and double bread board, patio sliding glass doors, roman brick fireplace, clean electric baseboard heat, bathroom counterlop, full ceramic Uled around tub, abun dant closet space. $13,900. 10 down FHA. We love to show. ROSEBURG LUMBER SPECIAL A BEAUTIFUL ranch style home 1 mile from Roseburg Lumber In quiet location. Piped oil heat, emulating fireplace, raised hearth, oversr.e bed rooms, 2 full baths, well water (run yard sprinklers 24 hours), large cov ered patio, many different shade and fruit frees, double sliding glass door to patio. Low down, FHA. We love to Show. $16,950. Lackey Real Estate 368 S.E. Jackson St. Office 7216S9 Evenings call: -Detbert Nelson 673-4072 Bill Simpson 472 3W4 Roy Keller 673-7173 Wayne Lemley 673-Wll Robert Came . 672-1IS6 Real Estate