I 00 Miles Of Nottli mm pen Timber Harvest Made Possible By Development (Ed. Note: This introduces a se ries or travel tour articles fea turing umpqua National Forest seme attractions and points of in. lerest wmch can be viewed by rnmumig on me . torest s good uuuMw ruaus oo anernoon or uay-iong lours.) ' By FRANK TERBUSH Umpqua National Forest F ew people realize that there are over 1,500 miles of road currently in place on the Umpqua National Forest. These roads, largely built by the forest products industry, open the forest to timber harvest and welcome the traveler to enjoy the beautifies they afford. Thinking that folks might hesi tate to travel into the forest when they aren't acquainted with road conditions, we recently checked out a 135-mile loop from Roseburg through Tiller and return. The trip requires roughly five hours travel time but plan on spending a day and really enjoying it. Travel oyer the weekend if you prefer not to meet logging trucks. These trucks look mighty substan tial when they swing around a cor ner unexpectedly! Before detail ing the route shown on the ac companying map, .a few, .items should be covered: Be Prepared A shovel, axe and bucket should be standard equipment in any ve hicle traveling National Forest roads in fire season. This is fire spason. You should expect some dust. Even though road oil is used on some roads, and calcium chlo ride on others, to inhibit dust, it is never altogether unavoidable. Your tires, springs and shocks should be in reasonably good shape. Regardless of the time and mon ey spent on forest roads they nev er can be as smooth as a super highway. Finally, the forest road is no place for those who feel un comfortable in high altitudes. You will drive on "shelf" roads from time to time. Views from Uiem usually are spectacular. Now to the tour. Starting from the junction of NE Stephens St. and NE Diamond Lake Blvd. in Roseburg, proceed east 16.5 miles to the Little River Road just this side of the bridge across Little River at Glide. Turn right and follow the blacktop. Just opposite the Greenwood Cafe (10.9 miles from the Glide Junction), glance up the hill to the right and note the basalt-capped pillars. You almost expect to see elves issue forth. , . , . These formations look like some- SOUTH UMPQUA FALLS is one of the most spectacular of the Umpqua National Forests scenic spots. It is located on the South Umpqua Road. An excellent campground is nearby. thig from a child's fairy book. Just beyond this (1V1 miles) is the Wolf Creek Campground. There are plenty of tables and room for pic nics. Just up the hill is a demon stration of forest tree-thinning. A sign in the campground explains the purpose and method. One and six-tenths mile beyond camp you leave the county blacktop and drive on Forest Service oil (30.2 miles from Roseburg). This is near the Watson place. Mr. Watson formerly "packed" for the Forest Service in the days when all ac cess was by trail. You get an ex cellent view of Taft Mountain rim- rock from this point. Proceed exactly 12 miles from the end of the blacktop to a bridge in a curve across Little River. This bridge is placed in a switch back that swings to the right as the road climbs. Just remember to keep the main drainage to your right at all times as you go up this stretch.. Ignore signs beckon ing you into Black Creek, White Creek, Pinnacle Creek, Junction Creek and Taft Mountain Ski Area and the rest. (Save these roads for another trip). Follow the signs leading to Lake in the Woods Forest Camp. This is 1.2 miles past the Little River switch-back bridge. . Be sure to atop and examine the trail cabin constructed by Rangers Watson, Oden and Bonebrake. These sturdy souls went into the woods with a sack of tools and a keg of nails, and built a snug trail cabin that has stood up well these past 56 years. Go inside and examine the woods tools that are displayed on the walls. The Little River Falls trail takes off just across the road from the cabin. A trail to Hemlock Creek Falls takes off from the campground. These falls are worth your time. Not Reforestation A mile beyond the cabin (44.4 miles from town) stands one of the finest examples of Douglas-fir reforestation on the Umpqua. We're proud of this one. It ap pears that every tree planted grew. Two signs point straight ahead one marked "North Umpqua Riv er 15" and one "Lookout Moun tain Viewpoint 5." A third sign directs you on up the hill "Twin Lakes Trail 12." Take this road (to the right). A few feet further on you are reminded this is a single-track road with turnouts. Take heed! One and two-tenths (1.2) miles from this important junction you will see another cluster of signs, one of which directs you up the Quartz Mountain Road 4'i miles. few f v. THE NORTH FACE of yuartz Mountain is shown as it would appear to travelers from the Little River-South Umpqua Divide. Matchless scenic beauty awaits those who venture into the Umpqua National Forest. Follow the one so marked. Exactly 48 miles from town are signs inviting you to see Hemlock Lake (one-half mile to the fight ) and Quartz Mountain Guard Sta tion (one mile to the right). At least drive into the lake. The State Game people built it and some day will rear fish there. If you feel like walking, swing across the dam and along the west side of the lake until you cross the trail into the old guard station. A short walk brings you out into a quiet little high mountain meadow. You will be glad you went. Divide Encountered . Three miles beyond this sign you come to the well-marked di vide. The elevation is 4,700 feet at this point. It is 35 miles down the mountain to Tiller and 33 miles back, the way you came, to Glide. Quartz Mountain looms up back of the sign boards. The cliff sup porting Grassho ppcr Look out makes a slash in the forest green. You look down on Acker Rock. Move cautiously south and west, continuously losing altitude. The only rather rough spot of the trip occurs 8.8 miles down from the summit (58.3 miles from Rose burg). Some ruts were formed in wet weather and are now hard. These require some skills and judgment in negotiating now that they are dry and hard. Eleven and four-tenths miles from the summit you find your self on the South Umpqua Road headed down the road 22 miles to Tiller. Stop six-tenths of a mile west of this junction and walk over to tne salmon hole. There alwavi are some big chinook swimming around in the deep water near the rocKs. a oiks have worn most of the moss off the rocks watching thpse big ones. Three miles west of the junc tion of the Quartz Mountain and South Umonna Roads vou will see me hiutn Umnaua Falls Camn ground. The falls are quite a sieht. mm in mi Floor Sample Sale! HURRY LIMITED SUPPLY 1 HOOVER POLISHER-SCRUBBER Gives your floors that hondrubbed look. Also scrubs the floor $288 1 W fc3 HOOVER LARK CLEANER The light and lively lark l cleans carpets. bare floors, and stair car - poling. $OC88 25f IV 1 fe Tw HOOVER CONSTELLATION The canister that offers more of what you want in c cleaner. - Model No. 86 $0088 I HOOVER CONVERTIBLE It Bears, as it Sweeps, as if Chans Modtl No. 33 U88 HOOVER SHAMPOO-POLISHER The safe and easy way to beautify your rugs. It Pol ishes and scrubs $5J88 HOOVER PORTABLE The cleaner that has everything INSIDE I $C188 These Are Fully Guaranteed Drive Up To The Door And Walk In! IU4, 1 ailed. 635 Southeast Stephens OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9:00 PM UMPQUA VALLEY'S WEEKEND Bonus U-Save Stamp Bargains BONUS SPECIALS GOOD FRIDAY and SATURDAY RED TAG SPECIALS 25 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Pu rchase of EKCO Kitchen Tools 50 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Purchase of Libby Tumbler Set Pressure Bar Firplace Screen $2695 25 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With $l .00 or Over Cutlery Item 22" to 32" Wide Up to 26" High Reg. 29.95 1 00 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Purchase of ANDIRONS Assorted Finishes Table Top Braziery ... $529 50 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Purchase of Corning Cookware 16" Grill Reg. $7.95 Popular Name Brand TOASTER 100 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With $5.00 Purchase FosWia Glassware 50 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Purchase of Cotton Dust Mop REG. $21.95 $1888 Roger's 4 Place Setting Silver Service 50 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Rubbermaid Drain Tray Reg. $35.00 $1588 100 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Danish Made Steak Set PowerHouse Saw 6'4" Cut, Reg. 29.88 20 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Purchase of Scott Lawn Products A $988 50 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Group of 4 ; Coffee Mugs 30 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Purchase of Disston Hand Saws Sunbeam Power Tools SAWS -DRILLS SANDERS Specially Priced 200 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Delta Power Tools Table Saw, Band Saw Drill Press. POPULAR ; Name Brand Irons $i788 300 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Purchase of Mark 5 Shopsmith 30 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Purchase of ' Rip & Claw Hammer Sprinkler Hose , 25 Ft. Hose REG. tlOfl I7W 3.25 10 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Special $3.99 Domino House Paint 15 BONUS U-SAVE STAMPS With Channelock Pliers & Side Cutters Model 304 Mitchell Spinning Reel REG. tlAOC 18.00 Be Sure To Register For Free Poodle To Be Given Away 648-658 South East Rose St. Ph. 672-1616 5:30 PM SHORT TRIPS INTO the Umpqua National Foresr take venturesome travelers to some of ine mosr spectacular scenery in tne r-acitic Northwest. Route of trip described in Travel Tour No. 1 is illustrated in map above.- ;.:. J NEW FAST- STEPPING FALL FASHION FLATS nly2u99 pair Our low prc Blissful comfort for school, shopping, casual wear. Fashiony flat-heeled pumps willi pointy toes, some with cut outs or perforations. Soft leather uppers, composition soles. Black, beige. Sizes 4 to 10. 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