672- DIAL. are regular users of News-Review Want Ads. They use them to sell their no' longer needed cameras, lights and a hundred other items. Place your ad today. 332 Miscellaneous for Sale 45 TABLE taw and ointer, separate, $35 each. 672-4294 DEEP FREEZE. 25 cu. ft. upright. Exctllent condition. WIS. Phone Camas Valley 566. RANGE Frlgldalre, automat !c40"rex- cedent condition. $95. Call 671-3244. HAND SPLIT Cedar tapered shakes. $14 a square, m-mi. FOR SALE Electric drill press. See at 957 S.E. Pine. 673-5)80. j TYPEWRITER, small covered utility trailer with boat rack. Call 673-6027. LIKE NEW Whirlpool retrlfl. Guaranteed. Terms. SU9. Phil's Appliance. 672-1700. FROST FREE Norge refrigerator - freezer. $290 and your refrigerator. 672-3991. SPOTLESS 30" Norge range. Guaranteed. Terms. $139. Phil's Appliance. 672-1 700. WEDDING gown, head piece," mitts, etc. New cost S23B. Bargain. Phone 672-1989. USED CLOTHING BOUGHT AND-SOLD. 763 S. E. Sheridan ONE TWIN SIZE inner spring mattress and box springs, rnone ez-jas alter 6 p WHIRLPOOL automatic washer, recondition ed. Guaranteed. $45. 673-6549. USED GUNS bought, sold, traded. UMPQUA- GUN STORE TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance. 673-5518. CERAMIC lessons free Wed. Kilns for .sale. Ceramic sup. Treva's Ceramics. 679-5133. 24" BOY'S SCHWINN bike, like new, $25. 673-8389 DRYERS Your choice. U9.9S. TROW BRIDGE ELECTRIC. 721 SE Oak, 673 5521. REAL CLEAN 12 cu. ft. upright freezer. Guaranteed. Terms. $115. Phil's, Appliance. 472-1700 SHALE ROCK, Top soil, reject gravel. FOR HIRE: small cat, track layer, loader, and dump truck. 679-3117. CURIOSITY SHOP Antiques and by-gones. Consignments. Furni ture finishing. 324 Harvard Ave. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS If bought from us we Install tree, If gun Is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. USED VACUUM cleaners AlrWay $45, Etectrolux $49.75, Klrby $75. J. E. New berry, 673-7010 or 673-3591. DOUBLE bed stead (Walnut), box springs, mattress; ?50. Set of china. Chaise lounge. Patio table 672-2801. ELECTROLUX. Your new CERTIFIED deal ers. Hank and Norma Jean Zelgler. Sales & Service. 673-5045. 1621 NW Rutler Lane. AUTOMATIC WASHER Hotpolnt, good con dition, $65. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak. 673-5521. SHALE ROCK . Carlson's Contracting 672-4117 ONE DINETTE SET, 6 chairs, excellent cond. Westing house portable TV. 2 end tables, lamps, coffee table, desk. 672-3221 . VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, Com pact, Electrolux, Hoover, Klrby, also parts. J. E. Newberry, 673-7010; or 673-3591. TOP SOIL from new location. Tha best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. 679-8493. EVANS 16 ft. trailer house. Cood cond I Hot $375. Tire spreader, truck tires and lubes, air wrench and other shop equipment. 839-4301 Canyonville- GOVERNMENT GRADED quality meats for best freezer satisfaction. Custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS. 679-5133. Bee Supplies Honey A DOUGLAS COUNTY PRODUCT LeBleu Motors. 319 SE Jackson. 673-7567. SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleeners, coffee urns, sewing machines, rug shampooer, $1 per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE 673-5518 MONARCH RANGE, wood and electric com bination. Like new. $100. Diamond ac cordion 24 bass, never used, $200. Several pair roller skates. Aft. 5 p.m. 673-6692. 1958 WHIRLPOOL combination washer"and dryer. Perfect condition. Sold new $540. Now only $169. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak. 673-5521. SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS ONLY SAVE MONEY on hedges, bank covers and landscape Shrubs. PIXIE GARDENS, out Mulholland to end of Broad St. past air port. 63-6113. SW I MM ING POOLS Islander Pools made In Eugene from local products. As low as $1195, including complete auaranteed ourrtD and filter system. Four sizes to choose from, all with diving depth. Complete fi nancing available. Can be seen in Rose burg now. Call 672-3655. FRIDAY-SATURDAY ONLY HOUSEFUL of quality EASTERN BUILT MAPLE FURNITURE. Sacrifice prices. Sofa, chairs, tables, dining set, lamps, chest, desk, many odd pieces. All in 1st class condition. 2 days only, Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. No other times please. 833 SE Mosher. New And Used Appliances And Furniture RAINBOW TRAILER SALES .673-7272 Old Highway 99. Winchester Warehouse SALE All Appliances Sold As Is!! 1. MAJESTIC electric and wood combination range .... $15 2. GENERAL ELECTRIC automatic washer $15 6. FRIGID AIRE 30" ; electric range $19 7. HOTPOINT 40" electric range .-. $40 8. CORONADO 26" electric range $19 10. GENERAL ELECTRIC 40" electric range $25 11. WESTINGHOUSE 36" electric range $20 13. PHILCO refrigerator $29 14. TRU-TONE 21" TV table model $25 19. CBS 21" table model TV .. $19 20. SILVERTONE 21" TV table model . $19 21. AIRLINE 21" TV table model '. $ 5 22. SMALL electronic organ .. $19 For any of the above items please come to the appliance dept. and ask for the item by number. MONTGOMERY WARD I N. Stephens at Garden Valley 672-4811 ...... Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED small greenhouM which can oe moved. 673-3717. TRILL PRESS, bench grinder and W drill. 672-3621, 672-1176 eves. . WANTED ANTIQUE coins, guns, china, glassware, ewtlry, docks. Priscille's An tigues. 247 SE Jackson J72-1421. ELK'S HOSPITALIZED VETERANS toy pro gram needs etd toys. No cloth or plas tics please. May be left at any fire stalton. Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED USED METAL LATHE WANTED used furniture end misc. Rose- r JecKson, 673-5104; Musical Instruments 50 CONN B FLAT wood clarinet, excellent cond. T3. rnone oj-ouuj. CORNET FOR SALE, $65 473-JVa, OLDS B FLAT CORNET with mute case - n p i ec e. syu. (.ail 673-438?, BALDWIN Acronsonic spinet piano, walnut, v.cei.i i.ungi,ion. m. some Terms, zeiz W. Jay. USED UPRIGHT PIANOS MODERN, like new, refinished uprights , From $95 up RICKETTS MUSIC STORE Corner Cass and Jackson Sporting Goods 53 30 CALIBER Remington pump, excellent condition. $55. 672-2358. 306 WINCHESTER, model 66, ammunition, scope mounts, strap. 874-2562, Riddle. TWO WHEEL HUNTING TRAILER, cov ered, $110. 3612 W. Jay. 12 GA Browning auto, shot gun, rib. pad. $75. 672-3690 between J and 7 p.m. TOTE GOTE, $175 Phone 672-3452 TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS IF bought from us we install free, If gun Is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. LOGGERS, HUNTERS Elec. winches, 6, 12, 24V., 3 T. pull, holds 175' 316 cable; $69. 50. 300' Size, $95.50. 673-5333, B am 6 pm. 1962 ALOHA vacation trailer, self contained. 375 Catalina Ave. Town & Country Mobile Park. Boats, Motors, Access. 55 FOR SALE OR TRADE: IB' bar boat ano trailer. Inboard motor, fiberglassed hull, Value $1000. Phone 673-5725. 15' '60 model MARATHON Glesspar, 19S9 50 H.P. Evlnrude, '60 model till Holsclaw trailer, tach, speedometer, lights. Very Clean. 673-6156. Alter 6 Call 672-1323. 16 FT GLASS BOAT, with 2 18 ho motors. electric starter, variable pitch props, top and side curtains. Heavy duty trailer. 672-1978 atier 4 p.m. 40 HP Elcctramatic Super Sea Horse, brand new i63 moaei tor ssbd. is hp jonnson Sea Horse compact model, also new '63 model, $288. 863-3101 Myrtle Creek 8 AM to 5:30 PM. Market Basket 57 BARTLETT pears now ready call and reserve yours. 673-3726. CANNING" AND PICKLING BEETS Will deliver 672-3991 ROGGE'S North Umpqua peaches Hale Haven, $3 ousnei. Bring containers. 4y&-3ij4. GRAVENSTEIN apples, bring containers. Marsh Ranch, LooKinggiass. 673-6485 GRAVENSTEIN apples, bring containers. Roger's, Looklngglass. CANNING beans for sale, 5c and 10c per lb. 5 miles out Harvard on Melrose Road. 8 A,M. to 2 P.M. FRESH healthful organic vegetables at the colorful different Coopers Gardens, Can yonville, where every day's a flower show. CANNiNGCORNT"blackeyBdpe"as. Hllbert Lee, 1 mile west Umpqua School. Phone 459-3920. PEACHES Elbertas, Hales. Bring own containers. Call 679-5039. Box 210, Looking glass Rd, Winston. SWEET CORN, peaches, Gravensteln apples. Pickling cucumbers, you pick. Owens Dll lard Market. CANNING AND FREEZING corn. $1.50 a sack you pick. $2.00 a sack already picked. James Gardens. 6 miles south of Roseburg on Winston Section road; IMPROVED ELBERTAS AND PEARS now at F. G. Ewens Truit Stand. Bring con tainers. miles past Brown Bridge, .Garden Valley. IMPROVED ELBERTAS, Elbertas, Improved Hales. Now ready for canning. Bring your containers. HERCHER'S DILLARD MARKET BARTLETT PEARS, Gravenstlen apples, Im proved Elberta peaches. Winston Orchards, 6 miles south, turn left 1st road south, Winston Bridge, from Roseburg. Phone 679- . 5860. Winston Orchards. BARTLETT PEARS NOW READY. Short crop, reserve yours now. Denton's Orchards 673-8506. IMPROVED ELBERTA PEACHES Now starling. Also plenty of U Pick beans and cucumbers. FRED BURKS & SONS Blue Fruit Stand, Dillard LOCKER BEEF Cut and wrapped to your Specification BOYER MEAT CO. 673-6323 Rt. I Box 353-B. N. Umpqua Hwy. Hay and Grain 61 HAY FOR SALE E. Clayton. Garden Valley Rd. 67M2M ALFALFA - 3rd CUTTING PREMIUM 1st and 2nd cuffing Alfalfa hay. EASTERN OREGON ALFALFA HAY, 6 ton loads or more. De llvered. Call Creswell TW 5-2389. Livestock 63 REGISTERED ARABIAN FILLY PHONE 672-3996 TWO heifers, 16 months. Si 50 each. 1 cow, $175. A veal, 575. GOOD Whiteface cows for sale. 673-645 TWO YEAR old and 3 year old Shetland mares. $150. each. 679-8640. DOUBLE REG. 3 year old Hereford bull. Gentle. 679-5316. DOUBLE REG. Hereford cow and calf. For Information call 673-8W5, before 6 p.m. WANTED Gentle mare. Call after 6 p.n 673-2963 WOOL RECEIVED DAILY. Nichol's store. 679-S907 TWO PURE Jersey bull calves. 1 weaner pig. 496-3253. 40 BREEDING EWES 672-3991 SADDLE HORSES for sale or trade. Call Glide 496-3510 SHROPSHIRE RAMS. Registered. Osborne, P. O. Box T032, Koseourp, ure. SUFFOLK RAVS 459-2767, Oakland SHETLAND PONIES for sale or trade. tan td-tju FAT CALVES. Whiteface. Phone B63-3616, Myrtle Cree. DOUBLE REG. Polled Hereford cows, calves and bulls. Phone 6-evJ'. ?hf stn Trf-o idlna . Good rooina horse. $300. Black blaie face mare, bred, $200. Both gentle but spirited. 672-4031. T oi'aBTFR horse. 2 vears old. Green broke and gentle. 2 half Shetland mares. Good kids ponies. 6voy. FOR SALE OR TRADE for calves of larger horse, very gentle Drone srwTiana gewing Phone Oakland 459-3275 after 5 p.m. , 63 AQHA REGISTERED COLT, USD. m-un WANTED Trained sheep dog Oakland 459355? GOOD SADDLE HORSE and new show sad' die. Phone 672-3054. PARTLY Whltelace heifer, 12 rr.us old. And Baby Calves. ,73-595; GOOD FAMILY MILK COW, Guernsey. SI25. Call alter 5 p.m. 673 6897, HORSE FOR SALE BEST OFFER 673-6346 TRADE EQUITY, Income property with rev enue of $250 per month, tor herd of good beet cattle. Phone after 6 p.m. 679-6687. Write Rt. 4 Box 574 B, Roseburg. SADDLES and saddle repairing. Riding gear and western wear. S&H Green Stamps, Allen's Western Goods, 1958 SE Stephens. 673-7501. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION BEEF and dairy cattle. 679-5370, 672-4632 SHRICKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sutherlln 459-2146 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good active market for all kinds of livestock. G. A. Brown, Welghmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Schrlcker and Son. Owners Mgrs. SALE Every Saturday 1 P.M. Livestock of all kinds. Pick-up and delivery service Proper feeding facilities. Livestock received at any time DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET WILBUR. OREGON . 672-4071 Pets and Pet Supplies 67 FOX TERRIER, 1 yr, wonderful with chll- dren. 3-4601. AKC REG. Collie puppies. Luard Collie Kennels. 673-3144. TWO female Dachshund pups, 3 mos old. 673-7997 SIAMESE KITTENS, 9 weeks old Call 673-6200 or 673-4614 FOX TERRIER PUPPIES $5 and $7.50. 673-8830 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Ani mal Shelter. Phone 672-3907. BART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cats and dogs. Vi mile NE of Diamond Lake Blvd. 'on NE Rifle Range Road. 673-7514. OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG Mixed Breeds as Welcome as Purebreds BOLEN KEN NELS 673-4012 FOR SALE REG. A.F.S.D. English polntel pups. $70 wpapers. 672-2921 evenings or weekends. LOOKER'S KENNELS (formerly Jacobs Ken nels). Let us board your pets. Out Harvard turn left at Mac's Grocery turn right at the sign at the foot of Looklngglass Hill. 673-6B79orjj672-343. Poultry and Rabbits 68 29 BREEDING RABBITS and all new cges feeders, waterers. 496-3253. YOUNG BREEDER rabbits for sale. N.Z White and Calif. Ph. 672-2753 eves. Farm Equipment 70 '47 FORD Ferguson tractor, new engine, complete overhaul, very good condition. Some attachments, 459-424' Sutherlln. Power Saws 71 Mcculloch chain saw. 1026 NE Lincoln, 672-3238 JHeavy Equipment' 72 RENT OR LEASli 2 Euclid S-12 pulls 2 D-8 Cats 1 model 12 v Cat grader. By hour or contract. Phone 673-4271. FOR RENT 375 AMP. gas driven arc weld er on wheels. Also portable steam cleaner. JALOPY JUNCTION PHONE 672-4661 CRANES RENTALS SALES SERVICE Equipment to do any job. Log loaders 12 to 25 ton mobile lifting cranes for construction. Booms up to 110' available. ENGLE & SONS 1520 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. 672-4332 Eves Call 196-3347 In rear of old Pape' Building Logging Equipment 74 TD14A, A roll long track frame, blade end drum, call evenings after a p.m. 459-3352. JOHN DEERE Crawler tractor and blade, fair condition, SI 000. See at Drew, 14 mile up Devils Knob toad. FOR SALE: TD24, extra good condition . Loyd F. Sllva, 287 Union Ave., Grants Pass, 476-3641, Grants Pass. FOR SALE: Two 3T Caterpillar D-7 logging tractors. Loyd F. Sllva, Grants Pass, 476-3641. One AIR trailer hitch, 1 20 ton hydraulic lack, 1 5" chrome pre-cleaner, 1 trans mission grease gun, 3 Lebus binders with cables, chain and straps. Phone 672-4073. CLOSED WE HAVE LEASED our building and have to move. We will open again sometime in October. Our new location is 2535 NE Diamond Lake Blvd DougJajsJMachine & Welding Auto-Truck Parts 75 McCULLOCH supercharger. S100 cash. 1 Idle, erm assembly complete with spring cart ridge and pulley. 2 supercharger mountin brackets for Chevrolet. 679-8437. Trucks for Sale 76 FLAT BED 1W ton '40 Chev truck, 1 speed rear 'tnd. 459-4249 Sutherlln. TWO MACK long log trucks, Pierce trailers Hassel stakes. 673-7477, 1950 FORD 1 T truck with refrigerator box. 496-3253. REPOSSESSED: Studebaker 1 ton flat bed pickup. Can be seen at Adair's Parking Lot, j 1MI F6 Fprd truck, cab and chassis, excel-! lent condition. 1595. 673-5023, after 7 p.m. 672-0i22. INTERNATIONAL cab over, walk In van, suitable for camping or hauling. Will ac cept trade. Dial l72 1747. '55 4 ton Chev trl. puller. Cut short. Fact, duals. Excellent condition. See at Susan Creek Trailer Park, Idleyld Park, Ore. 1946 FORD 1 ton flatbed truck. 1940 Chevro let V ton flatbed. 1951 Ford o'drlvt trans mission. Winston Oi: Co. '47 INTERNATIONAL With 5th wheel, 28' semi trailer with portable sawmill. Best offer. Contact John B. Hult, Dillard. FOR SALE: Tfcree good clean LP MACK togging trucks with lett-model light weight trailers. Loyd F. Sllva, 476-3641, Grants Pass. livestock 76 ARMY 12 ton pickup, 4 wheel drive. 1540 NE Stephens COMMERCIALS '60 FORD V8 F-250 Vi ton. 4 speed. $1098 '46 CHEVROLET Hi ton with Oma ha box and 4 speed trans $ 498 '47 CHEVROLET IViton. 4 speed trans, 2 speed axle and tag axle $ 598 '48 CHEVROLET cab and chassis. 4 speed trans and 2 speed rear end $ 498 59 FORD F-250 pickup. V8, 4 speed trans., long wide box, commer cial wheels and tires $1295 '55 WILLYS 4 wheel drivo station wagon. Red and white. Warn hubs, 6 cyl motor that has been completely rebuilt. New brakes and cylinders. Rebuilt ra diator. A 1 guarantee .... $1098 '48 CMC pickup with '50 Chevrolet motor. 4 speed trans, commer cial wheels and tires $ 398 '58 CHEVROLET 6 cyl long wheel base pickup with 4 speed trans and a camper partly finished. Has range, refrigerator and sink installed. Total price for the combimd unit $1498 THREE BIG USED CAR LOTS 1430 SE Stephens 672-1441 Oak and Rose St. 673-6334 Pine St. across from Lockwood's new shop. LOCKWOOD MOTORS Motorcycles 77 .WIN I BIKE, 5 H.P. motor, good condition. 673-3442 '47 HARLEY DAVIDSON, 80" motor, good cond. 1120. 1075 W. Kenwood. 672-4727. CUSHMAN scooter, top cond. Could be con verted to trail bike, 5135. 673-5643. TRADE equity In 1960 FLH Harley David son for clear pickup. Phone 496-3253. 1960 HARLEY DAVIDSON 74 FL, good con. dltlon, no trades. $1100. Call 673-8353 after 4:30 p.m. HONDA MOTORCYCLES Sales Service Parts 12 Models to choose from Trail Touring Competition models. Feeturing the Trail "55" Dude's Gun Shop N. Umpqua Hwy. 672-2862 BECKWITH CYCLE Motorcycle Sales & Service English-Jap-ltglian-German , as low as $250 new. Trail or Road. 2928JyV rjarvard i 673-8120 Automotive Service 78 Automatic Transmission We Repair, Rebuild Units and Transmission parts for sale. AUTO SERVICE 'Swede' Mickelson 610 SE Rose 672-3157 Auto Insurance 79 S-T-R-E-T-C-H . Your Insurance Dollars NORM BLEAKMAN 1229 W Harvard 673-5084 STATE FARM Mtrtusl Automobile Insurance Compiny Heme Oiticei Eioomlniton, Illinois Autos For Sale 81 1940 FORD 2 door sedan. Hester good tires $150 cash. 673-656S. 'Si VOLVO, good condition, S498. 1075 W. Kenwood. 472.4727. '62 LARK. Will consider small camp trailer as part. 496-3416, ORIGINAL OWNER '56 Buldt hardtop. Power steering and brakes. S495. I4B2 'Alameda. 673-7113. GOING TO COLLEGE, must sell '60 Volks waaen. S1095. Riddle, 074-2552 after 4 P.m. 1952 DODGE, oood mechanical cond., $125 Call 459-2767, Oakland. '60 CHRVROLET 2 door. R&H, overdrive, SHARP S1495 '60 FORD 14 ton pickup. Long wheelbase, wide box, R&H, real sharp $1495 '58 CHEVROLET station wa gon. R&H, overdrive. RE DUCED TO $ 995 53 PLYMOUTH 2 door. Nice and clean $ 250 TOP DOLLAR PAID (or late model cars and pickups. Will buy or trade tor equities. NAPIER AUTO SALES Hlllman Sunbeam Sates and Service. 1240 SE Stephens St. 672-2243 "45 CARS To Choose From I Priced from $35 to $695 S FINANCING AVAILABLE TRADES ACCEPTED RUNNING OR NOT I Jalopy Junction One Mi South Old Hwy 99 Phone 672-4661 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CASH FOR- CARS iUsed Parts Auto Wrecking Trucks for Sale 81 '63 SKYLARK Bulck, low mileage, for more inrornwipn can w. ri. AOamson. 673-5146. FOR SALE or trade: '57 Dodge hardtop. uuvu iwnumon. nifiHA, ') VOLKSWAGEN sedan. Red. R8.H, Good cond 1 1 Ion . $1295. 625-321 0. '55 CHEVROLET 2 doo7,"Ve7Tt icTTshaTp. $595. 672-2780. '58 CHEV Impala, 348 engine, needs new trans. $150 for equity. Take over payments of 146 month. Call 626 Camas Valley. 1963 CORVAIR MONZA. low "rnileage, auto trans. White with blue Interior. $2387. 459-4252, Sutherlln. ONE OWNER A-l shape Inside and out. 1955 OeSoto, auto trans., white wall tires, accessories, $275. Sells on lot for $495. Call after 4:30 p.m., 672-4284. USED CARS '61 DODGE 4 door sedan. R Sc H, V8, automatic trans $1398 '61 FORD Galaxie town Vic toria. Loaded $1998 '59 PLYMOUTH Custom 9 passenger station wagon. R&H, V8 motor $1298 '54 OLDSMOBILE 88 2 door sedan. Real sharp $ 398 Harry Held Ford, Inc. "Your Friendly Ford Dealer" 672-4711 or 459-2266 Sutherlin, Ore. SAYRE Used Cars '62 VOLKSWAGEN sedon Heater, electric wipers, gas guage, windshield wu$hers, direction als. Excellent JICQC condition 1J7J '61 OLDSMOBILE F-85 4 door sedan. R&H, Automatic trans, air conditioning. Sharp and in excellent $1QQR condition. IO J '61 VOLKSWAGEN DOUBLE CAB pickup. 4 speed trans, excel lent tires, red In color. Per- condition. . M798 '56 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan. V8, R&H, automatic trans, whitewall tires, a $ZQC real nice car. O J WILL PAY CASH for late model cars and pickups. SAYRE VOLKSWAGEN 404 SE Stephens 672-1647 '63 CORVAIR MONZA 900 coupe. 4 speed floor shift, bucket seats, seat belts, R&H, Solid red $2350 '62 RAMBLER Classic 4 door sedan, R&H, automatic trans, reclining seats. . . .. $1895 '61 BUICK special 4 door. Solid white. Sharp. $1895 '59 FORD Fairlane 2 door ae- dan. Standard trans, solid white $995 57'CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 door V8 motor, clean $ 795 '56 BUICK Special 2 door .... $ 495 '54 OLDSMOBILE 88 2 door $ 350 '59 VOLKSWAGEN sedan .... $ 995 '60 FIAT 1200 deluxe $ 995 '62 FIAT 600-D sedan $ 895 HUNTERS '58 JEEP station wagon. 4X4 $1595 '48 FORD Vi ton pickup $ 295 '48 DODGE Vi ton pickup $ 250 RIVERSIDE MOTORS Your Oldsmobile - Datsun Fiat Dealer 988 NE Stephens 672-3461 Autos For Sale FINAL GRAND SWEEP Save On New '63s CHRYSLERS 3 TO GO PLYMOUTHS GOOD CHOICE VALIANTS 4 LEFT SAVINGS TO $700 USED CARS MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM '62 LARK $1698 '57 DODGE V8 $698 '60 RAMBLER $998 '56 FORD V8 : $498 '60 LARK $1098 '56 BUICK 4 dr. HT. $598 '59 LARK 1. $898 '55 PLYMOUTH $398 '59 RAMBLER stw. $898 '55 CHEVROLET stw. $398 McKAY MOTORS 1410 SE Stephens 673-4531 81 EQUITY tor tale In '58 oldimoblle II hard top. U. Phone ,72-1195. JAGUAR, '55 hardtop cpe, 4 tpd, elcc. over drive. 11195. 1120 SE Jacmon St. alt. 6:30, '52 CHEVROLET 2 door ledan. New paint tires, clutch, brekei. Rebuilt motor. 673-6946 't! RAMBLER, itralght stick, overdrive, will trede equity for older car or tell. 673 4165. '61 FORD 4 door sedan. Good condition. See at Montgomery Ward Auto Service Station or call 672-4111 Est. 60. Ask lor Dwayne. BARCUS BETTER BUYS TERMS TO SUIT YOU No Payments For 45 Days '62 COMET 4 door sedan. Very low mileage. Solid block with new car $ O Q O appearance I O 7 Ij '62 COMET club sedan. Standard trans, R&H, extra low mile age. New car performance and 1798 appearance '61 BUICK Le Sabre 4 door sedan, full power, R&H, 1 owner, locally $0 1 QO owned. Extra nice ' ' O '61 DODGE 6 cylinder club coupe, standard transmission. Beauti ful white and light brown in color, matching interior. White sidewall tires. A low mileage guaranteed 1 3 9 8 '61 CORVAIR 700 4 door sedan. R&H, automatic trans, solid maroon with $1.4 Oft whitcwalls. Clean.. O '60 FORD 6 cyl Ranch Wagon. nR?ce! $1198 '59 CHEVROLET V8 Nomod. R& H, all power. A J1CQO rea uxurv waaon i w w '58 OPEL. Tutone paint and cus tom luggage rack. One of the outstanding $ Z. Q O imports J7 O '57 FORD V8 Fairlane 500 4 door hardtop. Automatic fans mission, power steering, R&H, tutone. '70 ft Extra nice 7 O '57 DODGE V8 sedan. Push but ton drive, tutone, R&H. Local ly owned. Extra (ZOO special. 070 '56 PLYMOUTH V8 4 door se don. Standard $QQQ trans 07 0 '51 OLDSMOBILE 88 2 $lQO door hardtop I ' O '50 PACKARD 2 door. Automatic trans, R&H, Excellent con dition. $1QQ 1 OWNER ' O PICKUPS '53 WILLYS pickup JCQO 4 wheel drive J O '50GMC Vi ton pickup $OQO 4 speed trans O X O BARCUS MOTORS Dodge Imperial N. Stephens at Garden Valley Blvd. 673-5566 Open evct 'til B Sunday 10-4 Autos For Sale Thur., Aug. 29, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 Autos For Sale 81 I '58 VW SEOAN. new paint, good tlrei. Phone 4724382. aik for Mr. Block. Quality Buys '59 FORD Vt ton pickup. 4 cyl, Burden bumper, wide box . $U95 '55 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 4 door. Over hauled VI, automatic tram, real clean . . J 395 NOTHING DOWN (on approved credit) , USED CARS PICKUPS WANTED Cash or trade for equity Don Gary Johnson and Whelchel Used Car Lot 1358 SE STEPHENS 673-15301 ; 1963 Model Clearance DISCOUNTS UP TO : $800 DODGES - DARTS PICKUPS Your choice of 20 units. Brand new and Demonstrators. SEDANS - HARDTOPS - STATION WAGONS Huge TRADE-IN Allowance EASY BANK TERMS ' Come in TODAY!!! Drive out in a New Dodge NO PAYMENT FOR 45 DAYS Barcus Motors , Dodge Imperial N. Stephens at Garden Valley Blvd. 673-5566 Open eves 'till 8 Sunday 10-4 LABOR DAY. Week End SPECIALS ONLY $17 DOWN And On Approved Credit We'll Arrange For Financing On Balance. All below listed cars are now at our "no name lot" on Pine St. ocross from Lockwood's new Building. 'CC CADh 'T222B 4 door sedan, white R&H, $TQO JJ rUIU outomatic transmission, VS.... w Z U 'tt r-Apn 'FI35B' 4 door sedon, light green, OQQ JJ rUFL' outomatic transmission, V8.... ' 'RR CflDH 'FI87A 2 door sedan, red, R&H, OQft JJ rtJIXU automatic trammission, V8 ... - ' CC rQ 'FI70B 4 door sedon, bluewhite, R& OQ JJ Jl UJ H, outomatic transmission, V8 J"TJ S 95B 2 door Crown Victoria hardtop, white, '55 FORD $648 '55 BUICK -F3288' IJZ:. $298 'S 55A 4 door sedan, bluewhite, R&H auto- '56 DODGE kv8 M98 'CCORn S 438' 4 door sedan, redwhite, R&H $CQO JL rVJlMJ automatic transmission, V8 ... J ' O '56 DODGE F338A '5"1 pickup' red-4 speed' $498 '56 FORD F326B" 2 door sedon' B,een ,ick- 498 F253B 4 door sedon, bluewhite, R&H, auto- '56 FORD ,romrion.v8 $598 'RA PflPH F327B 4 door sedon, redwhite, R& $CQR JU rWrU H, automatic transmission, V8. J O THREE BIG USED CAR LOTS 1430 S. E. Stephens 672-1441 Oak and Rose 673-6334 Pine St. across from Lockwood's new shop. LOCKWOOD MOTORS 81 '58 OLDS, good condition. 'Si Chev. pickup. 6U w. Wharton alter 3 Sunday, anytime during week, Phont 673-7268. BEST DEALS 61 CHEVROLET Bet Air 2 door sedan. VI with standard trans. Excellent condition 11995 '55 FORD Crown Victoria. Standard j trans with overdrive, R&H, clean, t 595 - 'CASH PAID for your used car or j pickup KEN ELLISON Used Cars Jim Crlitonsensen Ken Ellison Ownerl 1328 SE Stephens . 673-7412 Autos For Sale i i- K r i: y i- d i. d m id or id Ul a te le . till i