The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 28, 1963, Page 3, Image 3

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    Birch Society Speaker Attacks
U.S. Income Tax At Local Meet
News-Review Staf Writer
The John Birch Society had its
chance to air its ideas Tuesday
night at the regular meeting of
the Roseburg Jaycees and air it
did, for about two and a half
Representing the Birchers was
Leslie Fleming, coordinator for the
society for the Oregon and South
ern Washington areas, and stand-in
for the scheduled speaker, Stacy
Adams of Yoncalla, who is a mem
ber of the Cottage Grove clan.
Adams was at the last minute de
tained from making an appear
ance. He did however, write an
opening speech which the Bircher
read. Fleming's job in the society
is to organize new groups and to
travel around giving talks.
Fleming, a soft-spoken man rare
ly raising his voice except to ac
centuate one of his beliefs, start
ed his talk by attacking the United
States tax system.
"Karl Marx devised the graduat
ed income tax for the destruction
of the capitalistic system, or our
. . residential chairman
, , lav , 7JL
, . unit chairman
Kiwanians Hear
Football Coach
"A heck of a football team."
These words were issued Tues
day noon by Roseburg High School
bead football coach Roy Thompson
in describing prospects for the
coming RHS season to members of
Roseburg Kiwanis Club.
Thompson introduced Daryl
Thornton and Jim Brackins of his
grid staff and then read excerpts
from :a Knute Rockne speech,
made many years ago, which ex
plained the philosophy of the foot
ball program at Roseburg High
He then went on to tell that the
varsity squad this season will have
only between 25 and 30 players
while the rest of the more than 80
candidates will play with the Jay
vees or the Sophs. The varsity will
be limited, he said, so they can be
better coached, play more and see
platoon action.
Thompson said the staff is op
timistic concerning the coming sea
son and indicated the only serious
problems they will- have will be
replacing Paul Brothers and Doug
John. He then proceeded to tell
about individuals available for the
various positions and he didn't in
dicate that any serious weakness
is bothering the staff at this time.
He said he is confident, his staff
is confident and the athletes ar
confident. He emphasized that fun
damentals have always been
stressed at RHS and will be this
season. He also said defense is the
key to the coming season and that,
if the offense cannot move the
hall, the defense will have to take
the ball from the opposition.
In closing, Thompson said this
year's squad has tremendous mor
ale, good discipline and will be a
good football (earn.
In response to questions, Thomp
son told of experiences with the
Shrine All-Star squad and how
proud he was of the Roseburg rep
resentatives on the state team.
. . . chairman for schools
Three More CDUF
Chairmen Named
For Annual Drive
The United Fund Board of Di
rectors at a meeting earlier this
week announced three more divi
sional chairmen and announced
the kickoff breakfast for the fund
campaign will be Monday, Sept. 9,
at 7:30 a.m. It will be held in tne
Elks Club.
The three additional division
chairmen are Cliff Hukari, unit
plan; Harry Jacoby, schools of Dis
trict 4, and Mrs. B. H. Meskell,
Mrs. Hazel Saxon, campaign
chairman, announced that the fol
lowing three divisions are com
mencing their pre-kickoff cam
paign contacts: Unit plan, Hukari;
advanced gifts, Robert Feldkamp,
and loggers' division, Henry Flury.
Much cooperation and enthusi
asm have been shown by everyone
in this year's . campaign with all
promises of reaching the goal,
Mrs. Saxon said.
Hospital News
Visiting Hours
2 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m.
Mercy Hospital
Medical: Nettie Wilbur, Charles
Patchett, both of Roseburg; Tim
Paroz, Darrell Hicks, both of Dil
lard; James Ney, Myrtle Creek;
Benjamin Doss, Glide; Mrs. Owen
Downhill Jr., Idleyld Park.
Surgery: Dennis Wright, Mrs.
John Dunn, both of Roseburg;
Daniel Clauson, Tiller.
Billie Adair, Sarah Adair, Mrs.
Harold Curry, James Gaines, Mrs.
Warren Aldrich and daughter Deb
orah Kay, all of Roseburg; Mrs.
Keith Olson, Canyonville; Roger
Deardorff, Myrtle Creek; Mrs,
Waldo Cooper, Winston; Mrs. E.
E. Fuller, Mrs. R. H. Tillery, both
of Sutherlin; Mrs. Ronald Robbins
and son Roger Glenn, North Bend.
Douglas Community Hospital
Medical: Mrs. G.W. Peterson
Maycil Hilderbrand, Mrs. Merlyn
Hornbuckle, Franklyn Parton, all
of Roseburg.
Surgery: Mrs. George Marsters,
Roseburg; Mrs. Patrick McMullen,
Richard . Flynn, Mrs. Vincent
Preschern, Mrs. Julius Cranford.
Mark Walpole, Mrs. Walter Mask
Jr. and son Gary Allen. Mrs
Curtis Abbott 'and daughter Carmi
Sue, all of Roseburg; Fritz Althos
Wilbur; Mrs. Thomas Smith, Win
ston; Mrs. John Hammons, Grants
Pass; Julia Enlow, Tenmile.
way of life," he said.
Traces Tax History
'The first American income tax
law was passed , by Congress in
1894 but declared unconstitutional
by the Supreme Court. The next
income tax law was made consti
tutional by virtue of being a con
stitutional amendment, ratified by
the legislatures of the states."
Actually, this was not ap
proved by the governed, but car
ried by default because the pack
age was sold to the people as "a
soak the rich policy, and the gov
erned did not object."
He went on to say that there
was no limit placed on the tax be
cause it was argued it would never
go over two per cent.
Because there was no limit on
this tax, and it was painless, our
federal, bureaucracy grew into a
huge machine, often without the
consent of the governed, making
an ideal situation and climate for
Commuist infiltration with t he
destruction Marx had anticipated,"
he said.
The speaker jumped from in
come taxes to patting the society
on the' back. "There are numer
ous groups and individuals fight
ing this menace. The John Birch
Society has been the most effective
one of all the groups. Do you un
derstand then, why the main at
tack on the anti-Communists .had
to be directed against the John
Birch Society? Smear tactics and
double talk has been the conspira
cy's weapons. But because Amer
icans are what they are, these tac
tics did not work 100 per cent
effectively. More and more people
are looking behind the smear
screen and liking what they find
and becoming John Birchers."
Answers Questions
A question and answer period fol
lowed Fleming's speech.
The very first question was
whether the John Birch Society is
formed of crackpots or subversives.
In answer to this he quoted a
story appearing, in a publication
on California's verdict of the
group. He said, according to "the
article, The John Birch Society is
neither secret, Fascist, subversive,
un-American nor anti-Semitic, ' as
decided by a California legislative
body. And most of its members
are not mentally unstable, crack
pots or hysterical about the
Mucins Ul CUlllIIIUIIiaill. .
Back on taxes, the Bircher stat
ed the answer to maintaining rev
enue while cutting individual in
come taxes is for the government
to sell the 1.900 odd losing business
es it owns to the public and col
lect more corporate taxes. He
says the government loses some
$42 billion a year running these
businesses, when they could make
$263 billion in revenue by 'selling
them. ' '
Wants Warren Out
On the subject of impeaching
Phipf .Tusflrp TSarl Warren, the
speaker said Warren is known to
have voted pro-communist, as me
head of the Supreme Court, by
removing Warren from office, it
will "give us back the court." He
said his group is critical chiefly of
the court's rulings. He said the
American Bar Association has also
disagreed with its rulings.
.Fleming stated the John Birch
Society is neither for or against
either political party and does not
claim to be one itself. At this point
he said the society at times has
been against the leaders of both
parties, both past and. present.
"They are both socialistic parties,"
Fleming said.
He- called for less government,
more state's rights and eliminat
ing bureaucracy arid the commu
nism threat. And. for once, the
speaker raised his voice on this
shotaun-carrvine bandit robbed a
branch of the Citizens and South
ern Bank of $19,000 recently and
escaped, although an alarm siren
sounded while the robbery was in
progress, a hidden camera took
pictures of him and a teller man
aged to slip a time-delay smoke
capsule in the money bag.
Old Home Freezer Claims Lives
Of Three Independence Youths
Joy Amouak made a point of
locking the garage so the chil
dren could not play in her old
home freezer.
Then she lost the key.
The lock was hanging open in
the hasp when the children de
cided to explore the old freezer
in the garage Monday evening.
it was shortly before supper
time, and Mrs. -Amouak had just
returned from a trip to Portland.
She watched as her son, John
Keller, 5, and Richard Speten, 10,
ana wayne speten. 9, left the
They told her they were going
to the city park or the scfcpol
playground, jne speten boys
lived with their mother, Mrs.
Frank Carrillo. next door to the
Instead of going to the park or
schoolgrounds they went to the
garage. With candles and match
es, they climbed into the chest
type freezer to play.
One end of the freezer was
shallow, and there was just
enough room at the other end for
the boys to sit side by side, sep
arated by wire partitions.
DRAWING A BEAD on the .approaching target, Pfc.
Shelby Walker readies hrs 3.5 rocket launcher for apother
round. Walker is a' member of Company B, 2nd Battalion,
162nd Infantry, Roseburg, currently on two weeks active
duty training with the National Guard at Fort Lewis, Wash.
The troops will return to their home towns Aug. 30.
Glide School District Announces
Newcomers To Faculty This Fall
Many new faces will be in evi
dence on the Glide faculty when
school begins Sept. 3. The Deer
Creek School will also have two
new tcachefs.
New this year as Glide High
principal is Raymond Kapus, who
came to the area from a principal
ship at Taft, Ore. A graduate of
Pacific Lutheran College in Park
land, Wash., he also holds a mas
ter s . degree from Linfield Col
lege. He is married and has two
Gordon Carrigan, who will teach
boys' PE and be head basketball
coach, is a graduate of Southern
Oregon College and taught for two
years at Mapleton, Ore.
Coach Is New
Head baseball coach and teacher
Circuit Rider
Back In Salem
SALEM (UPI) The circuit
rider statue: : was' back' atop its
peaestrai in tne Capitol Park today.
But the job didn't exactly go
according to schedule.
The 3 1-2-ton bronze statue was
severely damaged during last
year's Columbus Day storm, and
was taken to Vancouver, Wash.,
for repairs.
The return trip to Salem was
The statue arrived in Salem at
1:45 p.m. Tuesday and workmen
had it on its marble pedestal 30
minutes later.
That's when it was discovered
that the new stainless steel
mounting bolts were a half an
inch short.
The statue had to be removed.
and a welder was called to extend
the bolts.
It took an hour to get the job
done, and at 3:30 p.m. the statue
was again hoisted atop the pedes
tal and quickly bolted in place.
While the trip to Salem was un
eventful, it was not without wor
ries for the workmen .involved. A
special low-bed trailer was used
and the huge statue made its way
under freeway overpasses with
little more than an inch to spare
About 50 tourists, and state era
ploycs were on hand to watch
the statue being replaced.
of world geography and American
problems is Edward Morton who
came to Glide from a teaching
position at San Diega, Calif. He is
a graduate of the University of
North Dakota, is married and has
three children.
Albert Price, who wai graduat
ed from Southwestern College at
Linfield, Kans., in 1953 and receiv
ed his master s degree from Kan-
sas State College in 1960, will teach
drawing and industrial arts. He
taught previously at Burley Idaho,
is married and has two children.
Others new at the high school
are John Suhrstedt, a recent grad
uate of Oregon State University,
who will teach biology and general
science; Chester Wood, graduate of
Portland Mate College who will
teach German and English; and
Charles Vandergaw, recent gradu
ate of Southern Oregon College,
(married) ninth grade math, phys
ical science, physics and chemis
Glide Elementary newcomers are
Mrs. Harriette Jacquot, graduate
of the University of Idaho, who
will teacli mm grade; Miss Kath
Icon Danziero, also a graduate of
the University of Idaho, third
grade; Mrs. Bernice Hinshaw, who
attended Southern Oregon College,
third grade; Mrs. Lanette Vander
gaw, graduate of Southern Oregon
College who previously taught in
Medford for four years; and Mrs.
Colleen Fluke, graduate of Wash
ington State College who will teach
first grade.
New at Deer Creek are John
Edmiston, graduate of Gonzaga
University at Spokane, Wash., who
will teach eighth grade and coach
seventh grade basketball and jun
ior high track, and Edward Roley,
gradual' of Oregon College of Edu
cation at Monmouth, (married),
who will teach sixth grade. .
Extension Unit '
Programs Start
During October
Subjects of interest to all home-
makers are scheduled for the Ex
tension Unit program calendar
this coining year. Mary Fletcher,
Douglas County home agent, said
she is enthusiastic on the choice of
topics and is planning on a suc
cessful and interesting program
The unit programs will begin in
October with a study on "Meals
from the Freezer." This lesson will
include information on what foods
to freeze or not to 1 freeze, and
methods of preparation. Homemak
ers interested in making maxi
mum use of their freezers will be
interested in this program, Miss
Fletcher said.
Other topics to be covered
through the year include "Facts on
Funerals," "Developing Responsi
bility in Children," "Using Color,"
"Understanding the Middle
Years," and "Care of Kitchen
The unit programs are conduct
ed monthly and are presented ei
ther by the home agent or by a
leader trained from the unit.
There are 25 extension units
throughout Douglas County, reports
Miss Fletcher, and all county wom
en are welcome to become mem
bers. There are no membership
fees, although a small amount may
be charged for yearly dues.
More information on extension
unit membership and locations is
available at the Extension Office
in the courthouse.
No one really knows what hap
pened then.
Perhaps the lid fell shut. Or
maybe the boys pulled it closed.
A few hours later the bodies of
the youngsters were found. The
latch was tightly closed. The
thick insulated walls of the freez
er had muffled their cries. No
one heard as they struggled to
A search was started about 8
p.m. when the boys failed to re
turn home. Police Chief Harvey
Shellenbarger was notified.
He said when he arrived at
the house he was told everyplace
had been searched. There w.-is no
trace of the boys. ;
The chief sent some of his men
and volunteers to look in the
park and along the Willamette
River which borders it.
Then word came that the bodies
had been found in the- freezer.
Shellenbarger said the boys
were bruised, indicating they
had tried to force the lid open
before they smothered.
The Keller boy is survived by
his mother, three sisters, a broth
er, two half sisters and one half
The Speten brothers are sur
vived by their mother, the father,
Alvin, of Salem; a brother, and
two step sisters.
Wed., Aug. 28, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3
iff rt)
How do you like your whiskey?
Smooth and mild?
Jli !l both
CaLJifvysmH $.80
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Illegal Deer Possession
Draws Heavy Penalties
Illegal possession of a game ani
mal (deer) brought fines of $100
and sentences of 60 days each in
the Douglas County jail for three
men on pldas of guilty in Drain
Justice Court Monday.
They were Ira Qurkee of Oak
land, Byron. H. DeVore, Yoncalla,
and Donald E. Roady, Sutherlin.
They were arrested by s.tate police.
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