Cooper-Moreno Shower Lovely; Affair; Of Friday Jo Taylor, whose marriage to Tom Lindell will be an event of Sept. 8, was honored at a lovely miscellaneous shower party Fri day, when Miss Sally Moreno and Mrs. Lynn Cooper entertained at the attractive home of the latter on Primose Lane. ine lauie was uccoraieu wan a; pink umbrella centerpiece. Pink, dahlias, primroses and white phlox! formed the floral decorations. J Games were played with prizes! going to Mrs. Edward Lindell. Mrs. Richard Nichols and Miss Carole! Lindell. ... I After the many lovely sifts werei opened, delightful refreshments were served to Mrs. E. K. Liiidell, Mrs. H. Nels. Lindell, Mrs. C. H. Babbitt, Mrs. Richard Nichols, Mrs. Marion Wood, Mrs. Jane Stephens, Mrs. Raymond McLaughlin, Mrs. Bill Swinford, Mrs. . Eva Wade, Mrs. Jack Wade, Mrs. E. R. Buck ingham, Mrs. Glen Edwards, Mrs. Donald Cooper, Mrs. H. Louis Moreno, Mrs. Joseph Taylor, moth er of the bride-elect, from Bandon; Miss Carole Lindell, Miss Mar guerite Hnllingsworth, Miss Janet Cooper and the hostesses and from the following who were unable to attend: Mrs. Vincent Nordling, Mrs. Sharon Cannon, Mrs. Frank Hollingsworth, Mrs. Ida Nasel, Mrs. Fred Warren, Miss J u d y, Miss Sue and Miss Shcri Lindell and Mrs. Elaine Taylor. Picnic Enjoyed ! At Family Event . A family reunion of the Minter, Rader and Powell families was j held Sunday at the Tyee picnic j grounds near Elkton with the larg est crowd ever attending. More' than 100 were present. The oldest guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Will Powell. Out-of-! town guests were Evelyn Elkins' and daughter, Judy, of Eastern Or-' egon. Avery Minter gave a short talk on the book he is writing on the history of Oregon, written mostly of Elkton, Scottsburs and Kpllogg areas. Mr. And Mrs. A. F. Young Entertain At Lovely Party Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Young of Tenmile entertained at a party at the Ladies Club House in Tenmile Saturday to honor Danny Bcoges on his 15th birthday. , The young people spent the eve-! ning dancing. During the first half of the evening music was furnish ed by aii Gurney on the trom bone, Marion Ray on the saco phonc, Larry Dean on the Clari net and A. F. Young at the piano, j They finished the evening dancing to records. Birthday refreshment - were serv ed during the evening. Present were; Danny Beoges, Mike Mor gan, Gary LaDukc, Forrest La Duke, Mrs. Robert LaDuke, Jo Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cur ry, Sherry and Rosalind Abeene. Monica, Lambert and Barry Schus ter, Peggy and Becky Willis, Shir ley Roth. Norma Gurney, Janet McCoy, Barbara Magee. Deanna and Marion Ray, Sharon Myers. Bunny St. Clair, Earl Gurney, and Larry Dean and the host and host ess, Mr. and Mrs. Young. I Petersons Feted iBy Oaklanders I Before moving from Oakland to Beavcrton to reside, the Clifford I Peterson family was complimented j at several dinner parties. I The Don Fergusons hosted the ' Petersons at dinner in their home i on Cougar Creek Road. The Leland Powells entertained ! them at a Sunday evening dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Lylo Stuwe cnter- I taincd the Petersons at a lovely i buffet, and the Petersons and ' Mrs. Elsie Sharp were recent din ner Kuests of Mrs. Doris Nceley. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Gilderslecve and Miss Bertha Whittemore serv ed a farewell dinner for the couple. j Mon., Aug. 26, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 1 1 Charming Party Honors Bride-Elect Friday Night Miss Jan Riley entertained at a charming bridal shower party Fri day evening at Oak Tree Inn in compliment to Miss Karen Wis hart, who will become the bride of John Kerr Sept. 28. A beautiful arrangement of glad ioli, wedding bells and blue net cloth and blue appointments form ed the table decorations. Lovely gifts were presented to the bride-to-be from her mother, Mrs. William Wishart; Mrs. Jack Kerr and daughter, Toni; Mrs. F. C. Riley, Mrs. Wayne Harris, Mrs. Bert Corkrum and daughter, Ka thi, of Eugene; Mrs. Sandy Strom, Mrs. Brian Parseter, Mrs. Larry Rutter of Mcdford; Mrs. Henry Bailey, Miss Carol Ixrenz, Miss Lynn Forrest, Miss Cindy Sevall, Miss Jodie Stevens, Miss Steph anie Fowler, Miss Nancy Green field, Miss Linda Ellison and the hostess, Miss Riley. Games and visiting were enjoy ed and later lovely refreshments were served buffet style. Month's Vacation Trip Taken By Roseburg Couple Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Townsend ac- companied by the latler's sister,' Mrs. Florence Dailey, of Sacramen-: to, Calif., returned recently from a four week's trip. They flew by! jet airliner to Buffalo, visited; points of interest at Niagara Falls, j the cable car ride. Maid-o'-the- Mist trip and the tunnel trip un- der the Falls, and then went oni to Canada. At Toronto they visit-1 ed the Castle Loma museum at I Kingston toured old Ft. Henry and Ottawa, the Queen's Mansion. In Montreal's big shipping cen ter they were fascinated by the ocean liners. The changing of the guards, with their unique mascot, the large antlered angora goat trained to keep step with the men, ! was an interesting sight in Que-! bee. They also toured Boston with its numerous historic spots and visit-, ed the United Nations building in ' New York, Hyde Pa.'k and other '. points of interest there. Philadel- j phia with its historic interests, Gettysburg with its famous battle fields and Lancaster Penn., the home of the Amisli people they I found all very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend are both interested j in the Douglas County Farm Bu-' lean Co-operative Exchange, he as manager and Mrs. Townsend as head of the household department. 1 They visited a number of Co op stores while on their trip. Dillard Woman Is Honored On Occasion Of Birthday Mrs. Roy Gordon of Kent Creek in Dillard was the inspiration for a delightful picnic honoring her on her birthday. Hostesses for the oc casion were her daughter, Mrs. Oren Ledgerwood and Mrs. A. D. Fox. The picnic was held at the picnic grounds along the Looking glass Creek at the Foxes' ranch home. Friends and relatives of the hon ored guest provided a delicious pic nic lunch and presented her with a set of dinnerware for her mobile home. Those joining Mrs. Gordon for the lovely event were: Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Fox, Carolyn and Jim, Mrs. Maude Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Ledgerwood, Scott, Sue, Bruce and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cailahan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Shigley, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Manske, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Musick, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatten and Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cluster, Tim, Ron. Terry, Curt and Tony Gysell, all of Grants Pass, La Vina Borcher, Larry Hink, Frank Murphy, Mrs. Fran Allen and Gordon, Mrs. Al fred Daniels, Misses Debbie and Kelly Brooks of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dyer, Mr. and Mrs Ted Cadman and Mark, and Mr. and Mrs. David Nye and Candy. Barbecues Are Discussed At Meeting Of Jay-C-Ettes The recent meeting of the Rose burg Jay-C-Ettes was held at the home of Mrs. Glen Gowey. Co hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Glen Yates and Mrs. Bob Hays. Those attending were Mrs. Bill Donnelly, Mrs. Ron Strickling, Mrs. Clarence Paul, Mrs. Dick Da Yates, Mrs. Glen Gowey, Mrs. Ken Byland, Mrs. John Davis and two guests, Mrs. Duane Brown and Mrs. Jim Donnelly. At the meeting held on the patio, the special guest, Bev Lyons, showed slides and spoke on the subject of outdoor barbecues. Mrs. Gowey, of the rummage sale committee, said the sale would be held Aug. 29-30 at 247 SE Jack son St. Mrs. Jim Donnelly volunteered to chairman the year's scrapbook. Mrs. Yates said the Jaycee ban quet held at the Roseburg Country Club to honor the state Jaycee president. Frank Brawner and ' Miss Oregon, D'Ann Fullerton, was a successful affair. The club decided to do volunteer ! telephoning for the Red Cross Bloodmobile for a year, j Mrs. Yates was winner of the i door prize. Independent O Of F. Has Potluck At Jack Hill Home The Independent Order of For esters met Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill in Cam as Valley. The following persons enjoyed , a potluck dinner; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blakely from Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Walt Votland and children; Rebekah Group Plans For Meet The Three Links Club of the Elk ton Rebekah Lodge met Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs. Gene Snecd with 13 members pres ent. Plans were made for the com ing Rebekah convention which has been postponed from October to Jan. 18. Following the meeting the host ess served refreshments assisted by her daughters, Pam and Judy and Beckey. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Whelchel and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bailey and children; Mr. and Mrs. Jen Paulsen and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Curry, all from Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. V-'illiam Jones and j children from Grfen; Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph Dwight and children; Mr i and Mrs. Gary Buckholz and chil dren: Mr. and Mrs. Al Young and , children: Mr. and Mrs. Doug Croy ", and children; and Mr. and Mrs. ; Ed Dwight and children, all from ; Tenmile; and Mr. and Mrs. Archie i Richards from Myrtle Creek, i Mary Helen Pope, Linda Cum ! mings, Air. and Mrs. Ed Kirkendall j and daughter, Tracy; and the host I and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Jack I Hill and daughter, Susie, of Cam i as Valley. 1 A business meeting followed the i lovely potluck dinner. The chil dren spent an enjoyable afternoon riding pony carts, pulled by the Hills' Shetland ponies. 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