The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 26, 1963, Page 1, Image 1

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    U.uv-jr-bity ;f Oron
Hardtop 'Champion
Bud VanOsten wins Pacfic North
west hardtop driving championship.
Story and pictures on page 9.
Junk Mail
U. S. Post Office Department says
it's a good thing for the country.
Story Page 5.
Established 1873
1u Pages
10c Per Copy
Tivo Policemen
Shot To Death
In Might Club
LODI, N.J. (UPI) Two po
licemen were forced to disrobe
and then were shot to death early
today in a night club where they
ha gone to check on a disturb
ance. An ex-convict with a long police
record was arrested as a sus
pect a few hours after the dou-
At Least Four
Dead In Butte
Dynamite Blast
BUTTE, Mont. (UPI) Con
fusion, fragmentary evidence and
official silence today deepened the
mystery surrounding the Satur
day night explosion of more than
a ton of dynamite here that may
have killed as many as five per
sons. Officials, however, worked un
der the theory of at least four
dead on the basis that the man
gled remains of two automobiles
and a pickup truck were found
at the scene.
"Each car had a driver," said
Sheriff William Dalling. "They
might have had one or two pas
sengers." Motor block numbers were
about all sheriff's officers had to
identify the victim or victims,
who were believed members of a
ring of dynamite thieves.
The fragments of human body
found in the devastated area be
tween two black slag heaps' 3V4
miles east of the Butte city cen
ter were so tiny it was impossible
to determine the number of dead.
Officials conceded the possibili
ty the fragments of body could
be that of only one person.
Also unsolved was the cause of
the blast. Dalling suggested sum
mer heat may have deteriorated
the dynamite, which must be
stored in a cool place or it be
comes unstable.
The blast tore three craters four
to 5 feet deep and 14 to 18 feet
in the explosion which rained hu
man and mechanical debris over
a 300-foot circle.
Four poles of a 100,000-watt
Montana Power Co. line built
specially to serve the Anaconda
Co.'s new copper concentrator
here were toppled.
The tremendous blast was heard
over a 10-mile wide area and
broke thousands of dollars worth
of windows in nearby areas.
The 186 cases of dynamite a
little more than one ton had been
stolen three or four weeks ago
from the Lavelle Powder Co. .of
Butte, Dalling said.
Officers, tipped there was to be
a sale of the stolen dynamite, had
surrounded the area just before
the explosion.
Robeson Breaks With Soviets,
Seeks Rest At E. German Spa
BERLIN (UPI) Ailing Ne
gro singer Paul Robeson flew
Sunday to East Berlin, shortly
after a British newspaper report
ed he had broken with the Soviet
Robeson, his wife, Eslanda, and
an American woman friend iden
tified only as Mrs. Hurwitt made
the trip from London by Polish
They left the airport in a Russian-made
automobile for an un
known destination. No trace of
the 65-year-old singer has been
reported since.
Harold Davison, Robeson's ag
ent, said in London he had gone
to East Germany to convalesce
at a spa. The agent said he would
be "away four to five weeks" be
fore returning for a recording
engagement and a television
The Weather
Variable high cloudiness other
wise fair through Tuesday. A lit
tle warmer Tuesday.
Highest temp, last 24 hours
Lowest temp, last 24 hours
Hi&hest temp, any Aug. (56) 103
Lowest temp, any Aug, (Si) .... 41
Pracip. last 24 hours 0
Precip, from Aug. I T
Normal Aug. Precip. .031
Normal Prec.p. -l to 81 32. 72
Precip. from Sept. 1 3S.0S
Sunset tonight, 7:59 p.m. POT
Sunrise tomorrow, 6:32 a.m. POT
Operations Slow As
ble murder at the Angel Lounge.
Two others were sought by po
lice. The victims were detective Sgt.
Peter Voto, 40, and probationary
patrolman Garry Tedesco, 21, who
joined the force only a week ago.
Bergen County Prosecutor Guy
Calissi said Voto discovered one
of the men was carrying a pistol
when he went to the club to in
vestigate a reported disturbance.
The discovery apparently touched
off the shootings, Calissi said.
Four women and the bartender
were the only persons in the club
with the three men at the time,
he said. Three of them were later
picked up in nearby Ilackensack
after police stopped them for
driving without headlights.
Calissi said the men jumped
Voto after be found the gun.
They ordered him to strip, and
as he began taking off his clothes
one man opened fire. Voto fell
dead with bullets in the head and
While the bartender Nicholas
Kayal, 32 and the women took
cpver, Tedesco ran in from the
police car where he had been
The men grabbed the unarmed
officer, forced him to start dis
robing then shot him to death.
Police Chief Philip Wagenti said
10 shots were fired in the club,
but it was not determined if Voto
had used his weapon. Three pis
tols were found at the scene.
Police responding to a call for
help from Tedesco before he went
into the club, arrived moments
after the women fled in a car.
The men may have escaped on
foot, authorities said; ;
Texas Farm Worker
Sought In Slaying
VALE (UPI) A farm laborer
from Laredo, Tex., was sought
today by Oregon law officers aft
er a volley of shots fatally
wounded Juan Jiminez, 26, Sun
day night.
Vale Police Chief Ken James
said Jiminez was found a block
from the Catholic church's par
rish hall here, where the shoot
ing started.
Witnesses said the suspect and
another man came into the hall
during a dance. The other man
pointed out Jiminez and shouted,
"shoot him! shoot him!"
James said a fight started and
the suspect whipped out a pistol
and fired two shots at Jiminez.
James said Jiminez then ran
from the hall with the armed
suspect and his friend in pursuit.
About five more shots were fired
at Jiminez and one bullet struck
him in the back.
He died at Holy Rosary Hos
pital in Ontario.
The London Sunday Telegraph
said an attempt might be made
to "smuggle" Robeson out of
"The attempt may have been
prompted by the fact that he
may soon be well enough to
speak to the press himself," the
newspaper said.
Quotes Reaction
The Telegraph quoted Robeson
today as saying to one of its cor
respondents that "the Sunday
Telegraph article is vicious mis
representation." A Telegraph correspondent who
traveled to East Berlin on the
same plane as the Robesons
wrote that Mrs. Robeson boasted
of the "cloak and dagger" way
in which she and various Polish
officials helped Robeson o u t of
London. .
She warned him not to go near
the singer but he was finally able
to speak to him as "he sat like
an effigy" just before landing,
the correspondent wrote.
Robeson said in a Moscow in
terview in June, 1949, that Rus
sia was "the country which I
' love more than any other." He
has been 'living in Britain since
his passport was restored by the
! U.S. government in 1958.
In Nursing Homt
He had been in a London nurs-
in? home which specializes in
nervous disorders tor over
Harry Francis, a close friend!
! and assistant secretary of the I
S.Viet Nam
Students Hit
By Gunfire
SAIGON (UPI) The govern
ment concentrated today on si
lencing angry students who are
carrying on the campaign of op
position initiated by Buddhist
leaders, most of whom now are
in hospitals or jails.
Police shot and killed a girl
taking part in an anti-government
demonstration Sunday and carted
hundreds of other students off to
jail. Some estimates placed the
number under arrest at 2,000.
Several youths were wounded
by police gunfire and others
were roughed up by riot patrol
men. The crackdown began only a
few hours before U.S. Ambassa
dor Henry Cabot Lodge called on
President Ngo Dinh Diem to pre
sent his credentials and give
Diem a message from President
Talk Only Briefly
Lodge and Diem chatted amia
bly for about 15 minutes. News
men watching the ceremony could
hear only fragments of the con
versation, but it appeared that
neither man mentioned the explo
sive Buddhist crisis.
The ambassador was expected
to take that matter up at his first
private interview with Diem. It
was not certain immediately how
soon that would be.
Lodge told newsmen Sunday he
had been advised not to go to
church because of the tense situ
ation in Saigon, symbolized by
frequent government roadblocks
in the downtown streets.
"I've also been advised not to
take any long . walks," Lodge
Anti-U.S. Feelings Grew
Increasing 1 anti-Americanism
has been displayed by govern
ment forces- in the tense Vietna
mese situation. One army captain
who ordered the arrest of three
American newsmen Saturday
shouted, "To hell with Ameri
cans!" (In Washington, high U.S. offi
cials indicated there may be a
sharp reduction in U.S. aid to
South Viet Nam unless Diem fires
the secret police officials blamed
for the attacks on the Buddhists.)
Grade School Students
Must Sign Up Thursday
All elementary students in Rose
burg, grades one through six, are
to report to their respective school
buildings on Thursday, Aug. 29,
school officials said today.
This includes both new students
to the community and all students
who attended the Roseburg elemen
tary schools last year. At this time
room assignments will be made so
that students will know where they
are to report for the first regular
day of school on Sept. 3, the school
officials said.
Registration hours will be from
9 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1 to 3:30
musicians' union, said it was
"sheer nonsense" to say Robeson
had been ' smuggled" out of the
"Mr. Robeson has been unwell
for some months and has accept
ed an invitation from the East
German government to con
valesce in one of the country's
spas, Francis said.
He said Mrs. Robeson wanted
'Secrecy about their departure"
because "her husband has been
treated for exhaustion.
He said there was nothing seri
ously wrong with the singer but
thai "at his age Mr. Robeson had
to take care and needed rest
Supports Red Cause
Robeson has a long record of
supporting Soviet causes. He won
the Stalin Peace Prize m 1952,
and his son, Paul Jr., received
part of his education in the So
viet Union.
Robeson was graduated from
Rutgers University in 1919 after
compiling a brilliant scholastic
and sports record. He was Phi
Beta Kappa and a member of
Walter Camp's 1918 All-America
football team. He was graduated
from the Columbia
Law School in 1923.
A good bass voice and theatri
cal talent led Robeson to great
success as a singer and actor.
a He piayed the title
roles in
Shakespeare's "Othello'
and Eu -
gene O'Neil's
.ten WftX.
RESCUE WORKER JOHN ADAMS is brought up from the 30-inch reomed-out hole that
is being drilled toward trapped miners David Fellin and Henry Throne to check on the
progress of drilling. He was lowered 37 feet into the hole Sunday at Sheppton, Pa. (UPI
Dr. York Says Test Ban Treaty
Offers Hope For U.S. Security
director of Defense Research un
der both Presidents Eisenhower
and Kennedy said today that sci
ence and technology by them
selves offer "absolutely no solu
tion" to the problem of national
He said the test ban treaty
with' Russia offers hope in this
The testimony was given by Dr..
lierDeu. ,?,-. York, 41-year-old
chancellor of the University of
California, as the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee moved into
the final stages of its hearings on
the treaty.
The limited pact also was en
dorsed by former Ambassador
Arthur i. Dean, who said it is
in the best interests of the Unit
ed States." But he added: ,
"Keep Musket Loaded"
"I would keep the musket con
stantly loaded and put an ever
vigilent guard at the door" to de
tect possible violations by the So
viet union.
York rejected the arguments of
critics who contend the treaty
would hamper development of an
anti-missile system, nail down
Russia's lead in super bombs and
perhaps find U. S. laboratories
unprepared if Russia resumes at
mospheric shots.
He testified that although U. S.
Donkey Reported
Target Practice
Victim At Green
"Hi-Fi," a meek and docile don
key belonging to the Buster Moore
family of Castle Ave., Green, was
the victim of target practice by an
unknown assassin recently as he
grazed on his pasture at the Er
nest Schick place on Rifle Range
Members of the Moore family
were in the habit of visiting "Hi
Fi" two or three times a week to
check on his well-being. On their
last visit they found the donkey
lying in a grove of trees, killed
from shots in both head and shoul
der. He had apparentlv been dead
for about two days, the family re
The donkey had long been a fa
vorite companion of children of the
area, patiently carrying them on
rides and packing their supplies
for camping trips. One of his fa
vorite tricks was to nuzzle in the
children's pockets for treats.
The Moores and the Schicks say
they would like to hear of any
loads to the identity of the person
or persons who did the wanton
shooting. .,
In the meantime "Hi-Fi" is be
ing mourned by his many young
friends. His killing follows that of
the shooting of some of the Mt.
Ncbo goats, leading many to be
lieve that someone is using range
animals for target practice.
Boy's Body Is Found
The body of a three-year-old Lane
Brown of Idaho Falls was dis
covered Sunday morning in a can
al six miles west of the city.
Lane, the son of Mr. and Mrs
j Ron Brown, had been the object
1 of a search by more than 100
persons after
I Thursday night.
Prill Wears Trapped Miners
military power has "steadily in
creased" since shortly after
World War II, its national secu
rity has been "rapidly and inex
orably diminishing" as weapons
become more deadly. The picture
for Russia, he added, is "much
"It is my view that the prob
lem posed to both sides by this
dilemma of steadily increasing
military power and steadily de
creasing national security has no
technical solution," the scientist
"If we continue to look for so
lutions in the areas of science and
technology the only result will be
Council To Eye
Bus Franchise
Failure of the Roseburg City Bus
Co. to correct violations under
franchise agreement will be among
the reports of the city manager
when the city council meets to
night at 8 o'clock in the City Coun
cil Chambers.
The council is expected to take
some action in the matter. The city
manager will also make reports on
the award of contract for improve
ment of Bradford-Oriole paving dis
trict; final payment to Roseburg
Paving Co. for Stewart Park Road
improvements ($3,096.21), and re
pairs to the shop building.
To be considered is a request
by Lloyd Fromdahl for change of
zoning from Residential 1 to Resi
dential 2 on a portion of property
known as Brown Estate in west
Another request will be a vari
ance setback by Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Gardner, 1508 SE Sanford
Ave. (recommended by the plan
ning commission).
There will be a third reading on
an amendment to the sewer serv
ice ordinance.
The planning commission reports
will include a recommendation to
request urban planning assistance
to prepare a revised zoning ordi
nance with city contribution to be
$840 and a project cost estimated
at $2,500. There will be a recom
mendation to dispose of certain city
owned property, and recommenda
tion to proceed with swimming pool
renovation and repairs.
Portlander Drowns
As Wave Tips Boat
drowned and six other persons
were rescued after a sneaker
wave capsized two small sports
fishing boats in Nehalem Bay
about Z0 miles north of here Sun
day afternoon.
The victim was Edward Benja
min Stahly, 45, Portland.
Stahly was in a boat with his
wife, Clara, and Forest King of
Wheeler. The Coast Guard res
cued Mrs. Stahly and King. The
woman suffered mild shock and
bruises and was taken to a hos
pital at Wheeler, where she was
reported in good condition.
In the other boat were Gerald
Herbert, his two teen - age sons
and Harold Simantel. all of Hills-
j bora. They were picked up by
persons in ncaroy Doals.
a steady and inexorable worsen
ing of this situation."
"First Small Step"
On the other hand,- York said
he considered the test ban treaty
to be "a first small step towards
finding a solution" to the prob
lem of national security if it Is
followed by other steps to re
verse the arms race. .
If the treaty is not followed by
other actions' to" slow the arms
race, he said, "national security
will still continue to diminish
though perhaps less rapidly."
York emphasized that it is
probably impossible" to devel
op an anti-missile system that
would really work. But be told
the senators considering the
treaty that it would be "relative
ly easy" to modify U. S. missiles
so they could penetrate Russia's
missile defense system.
York said concern about Rus
sia's anti-missile developments is
"misplaced and primary em
phasis should be placed on mak
ing sure that U. S. ballistic mis
siles will penetrate Soviet de
fenses. Car Mishaps Claim
Five Oregon Lives
By United Press International
Two men injured in a two-car
crash near Aurora Aug. 18 have
died in Oregon City and Portland
hospitals, bringing the state s list
of dead from traffic causes to
five for the weekend.
The latest victim of the Aurora
crash was Eugene Roemer, 44,
of Woodburn, who died Sunday
night in a Portland hospital. Paul
McGrath, 50, Pendleton, suc
cumbed Friday night at Oregon
McGrath's 13-year old son,
Thomas, of Beaverton, was killed
outright in the accident
Other weekend victims were
Earl Waldron, about 50, of Bay
City; Theron Seaton, 22, Tilla
mook; and Martin S. Harris, 47,
Waldron died Sunday night when
his car went off the Wilson River
Highway about 10 miles east of
Tillamook and plunged down a
75-foot embankment. His wife,
Helen, suffered a broken arm,
DroKcn anxie and shock.
Seaton died in a Tillamook hos
pital after his car hit an over
pass abutment five miles south of
Seaside Saturday night. Two pas
sengers, Clarke Ferry. 25. Mil-
waukie, and Mike Plasker, 25,
Tillamook, were injured seriously.
Harris died in a Portland hos
pital Sunday after his car was
involved in an accident near Mol
alla a day earlier. He was
believed to have suffered only a
broken jaw. and Multnomah and
Clackamas County authorities are
investigating. The one-car crash
was not investigated at the time
by any police agency.
Few Showers Possible
The five-day weather forecast
according to the Weather Bureau
station at the Roseburg airport
calls for temperatures near nor
mal. A few showers are possible
alter Tuesday.
Roseburg Meets
Tuesday Night
Roseburg's Lockwood Motors
will make a bid to keep their Na
tional American Legion Junior
Baseball Championship hopes alive
Tuesday night when they take on
Somerville, Mass., in the second
round of the Little World Series at
Keene, N.H,
The Lockwoods suffered a stun
ning 23-9 setback at the hands of
Omaha, Neb., in the first round
of the Little World Series Dunday
night. Somerville dropped a close
2 decision to Long Beach, Calif.,
in the series opener.
Tuesday night's game will start
at 4:30 p.m., with broadcast time
scheduled for about 4:20 to 4:25
.m. (DST). j
Dick Williams, who fired one and
two-thirds innings of no-hit ball for
warmup outing in the Omaha
game, is the probable starter for
Roseburg. Williams came in in the
seventh and pitched to one batter,
forcing him to hit into a double
play, and then faced four men in
the eighth to loosen up his arm.
The highlight of Sunday's game
for Roseburg fans was the explo
sive hitting of catcher Jim Beam-
er. Beamer rapped out a pair of
three-run home runs, one in the
first inning and another in the sev
enth. He drove In seven of Rose
burg's nine runs.
Paid attendance was 1,328 for
the night game. A crowd of 3,384
fans turned out to see Long Beach,
Calif, beat Somerville, Mass. In
the afternoon opener by a score of
4-2. Among that crowd was former
major leaguer Ted Williams, who
threw out the first ball to open
the 1963 Little world Series
In today's games, Greensboro,
N.C. meets Memphis, Tenn. and
Evansville, Ind. takes on Wash
ington, D.C.
Detailed story on page 8.
Housing Project
Due Reedsport
A special session of the Reeds
port City Council held late last
week resurrected from five months
of delay and inactivity the Crest
view Heights development propo
sition by John C. Diehl and Byron
Serfling and re-affirmed the city's
acceptance of the proposal subject
to terms of the legal contract to
be drawn.
The Crestview Heights is part of
a city-owned tract of some 500
acres on the eastern edge of the
city between the Umpqua River
Highway and the Scholfield River.
Under the conditions of the ap
proved proposal, Diehl and Serf
ling are to advance $20,000 water
installation costs (work to be done
by the city) to be re-imbursed out
of water revenue over a period of
time. Sewer, access and street de
velopment costs within the project
are to be born by the developers,
according to Dawn Peseau, corre
spondent. Delay in starting the project is
attributed to a misunderstanding
as to the need for a letter of ac
ceptance following council action
March 11 of this year which gave
approval to the development pro
posal subject to the terms of a le
gal contract to be drawn.
Approval had earlier been given
by the Federal Housing Adminis
tration and the Reedsport Planning
commission for the preliminary
plat and a water survey had been
made by an engineering firm at
the city's request, Mrs. Peseau
Tito, Khrushchev
Meet In Seclusion
PULA, Yugoslavia (UPI) Pre
mier Nikita Khrushchev and Presi
dent Tito met today in the
seclusion of the latter s Brionl Is
land retreat to thresh out prob
lems affecting Yugoslavia s rela
tions with the rest of the Com
munist world. I
Questions believed to rank high
among the matters they discussed
were the expansion of Yugoslav
trade with the Moscow-bloc na
tions and the adoption of a com
mon stand against Red China's
brand of communism.
Khrushchev, about halfway
through a 15-day "working va
cation" in Yugoslavia, arrived
Sunday at Brioni aboard Tito's
luxurious yacht Seagull.
He came to the hilly, green Is
land from a triumphal tour of
southwestern Yugoslavia follow
ing Belgrade talks that apparent
ly restored Yugoslav - Soviet
friendship after a 15 year es
Tito had been feuding with
Moscow since the late - Josef
Stalin expelled him Crom the
world Communist movement in
1948 for leading Yugoslavia down
a Communist road independent
jot Moscow.
Volunteer t
To Aid Pair
ing operations slowed down sharo-
ly today in the effort to rescue
two rugged coal miners who have
been buried 308 feet underground
two weeks. Estimates of when they
may reach the surface ranged
from late afternoon to late at
Rescue workers bored oast the
250-foot mark without a major
hitch in the final stage of reanu
ing out an existing 12-inch hole
from the surface to the spot
where the two were trapped when.
mine snau couapsea.
But officials were becoming in
creasingly cautious as the drill
approached the subterranean1
chamber where David Fellin, 58,
and Henry Throne, 28, were wait-.
ing to be saved.
The miners said some dust was
falling Into the cramped chamber
despite a concrete plug at the
bottom of the 12-inch hole.
Mine experts said this was to
be expected. However, they de
cided to call a strategy con
ference when the drill, in scrap-,
ing out the smaller hole to a
diameter of 17Vi inches, reached
a aeptn ot 265 feet.
At this meeting, they planned
to decide on whether the shaft,
after being enlarged to 17&
inches, should be widened even
more, to 20 Inches.
Ftar Of Sticking
There were fears the metal es
cape capsule, which was expected
to bring the men to the surface.
wouia get siuck in the narrow
rescue shaft. ,Z
Officials also wanted to decide
whether to send a volunteer down
to help the men into the capsule.
ine 10-ioot long concrete plug
was poured to prevent dirt, rock
and coal being scraped out in the
reaming operation from falling in
to the miners' tiny prison.
Shortly before 9' a.m. EDT, one
rescuo official -spoke to Fellin
over the communications system
that links the miners to the world
No Word From Bova
He asked Fellin whether he had
heard anything from a third min
er, Louis Bova, 42, and Fellin re
plied quietly, "No."
Fellin. whose voice could be
heard over a broadcasting speak
er near the head of the mine In
which the three were entombed,
also said he had no idea where
Bova was located.
Drilling for Bova stoDned a lit
tle before 6 a.m. at a depth of
about 140 feet when water was
encountered. The drill, driven by
compressed air, will not operate
in water.
The first 38 feet of the rescue
shaft was enlarged to 30 Inches
Sunday. Then a 26-inch-wide steel
casing was inserted in that sec
tion of the hole to reinforce its
walls, and reaming with the
smaller bit was started.
In another operation, a rescue
worker said it may take until
sometime Tuesday to finish drill
ing a 3-inch hole to the spot where
a third miner, Louis Bova, 42,
was thought to be trapped.
Bova, who was with Fellin and
Throne when the mine shaft they
were in collapsed Aug, 13, . was
last heard from on Tuesday.
Hopes that he would be found
alive were dim.
Tim Estimates Vary
Some officials estimated the
drill may reach the chamber in
which Fellin and Throne are
trapped by 11 a.m., EDT, while
others predicted it would sot
break through until late in
the afternoon or evening.
Gordon Smith, deputy state sec
retary of mines, and Clyde Mac
hamer, president of the Indepen
dent Miners Association, said the
reaming operation may be fin
ished before noon. Peter Hino, a
state mine inspector, said it might
take until dusk. ;
The reaming operation proceed
ed slowly, at the rate of a few
feet an hour. Periodic delays
were caused when new sections
had to be added to the pipe that
carries pulverized rock to the
surface as the drill goes deeper.
After drilling is completed, the
capsule will be lowered to the
chamber and raised several times
in dry runs before an actual at
tempt to lift the men to the sur
face is made.
Joke With Rescuers
Throne, listening to the hum of
the drills through the smaller
shaft, said "We're gonna be like
(astronaut) John Glenn and come
shooting out of this hole."
"1'U send Hank (Throne) up
first," Fellin shouted later. A res
cue worker replied: "I figured
you'd say that."
George Gallagher, a friend of
the two, Sunday night warned
Throne that there may be "stuff
coming down the bole" from the
"We got room down the slop.-"
Throne said, indicating there Wds
space to shunt aside any loose
dirt that might fall. "Nothing is
falling now."