DIAL... : 672-3321 BBHH know that the best way to get some extra cash for no longer needed items is through the News-Review Want Ads. Ads will sell anything from an outboard engine to a fish net. Call today. 10 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Mobile Homes 32 ANGELUS Great Lakes Traveleze New and Used Trailers J & J TRAILER SALES 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. 672-3441 Real Estate 34 TWO BEDROOM house, new roof, concrete foundation, uostin. pn. ez-i34. NEWTON CREEK 3 bedroom, fireplace, gar age. 673-7904, NORTH ROSEBURG 3 BR. Buy small equity, pay $68.34 mo. on balance, 673-68)3, SELL OR TRADE Nice new 1 bedroom nome. wanting 01 nance, oj-b&w eves. BY OWNER La roe 3 bedroom older home. Clote to schools and iwlmmlng pool. 673-3500 'THREE BEDROOM home will take small trailer os down payment. 073-5040. Vi ACRE 3 bedroom. Near Hucrest and new Aoventiir graae scnoois. 03-4;. TWO BEDROOM home, west side area. Will trade. 672-3733 after 5:30. THREE bedroom home. 2 blocks from Cour House. 673-8024. NEW 2 bedroom. Ideal for retired couple. $6,750. 673-7850. VERY CLEAN 1 bedroom house with car- port. Newly painted Inside and out. Con- vemem locauon. oz-wub aner 4 r.m. 26 ACRES, 2 bedroom house, 2 wells, spring 20 acres bottom , land pasture. Tenmlle area, nignway 42. ey-wsi. SELL OR TRADE: Equity In 3 bedroom home for trailer, or what have you up to 11,000. or e casn. 67z-zms. EUGENE S bedroom or 5 bedroom plus rent el. Sell or trade for Roseburg property 673-7735 LARGE home for sale or trade with rental. Lge. lot. For ranch property. Write Box 681, News-Review. HOME 1522 Alameda, Equity cash. Bal ence FHA contract, 414 interest. Phone 672-4539. BEAUTIFUL 'new home on Calkins Rd. Must see to appreciate. Call for appointment 6734462. THREE bedroom, family room, living and din Ing room, 2 fireplaces, large unfinished gar ape, 1 overgo patio, tz-nm. 3 BEDROOM In r.'orthwest Roseburg. OI heat and fireplace. Lot 100x1 to. Fruit shrubs, ceil owner 72-2i8. MODERN 2 BR house and 30 acres. Approx. 12 river bottom, live creek, spring. Low er Gerden Valley. 112,500. Call 673-8626 THREE bedroom home. West Winston, hard wood floors, fireplace, carport, covered pat 10. ravea ureor. rn. ovoym. LOVELY 2-bedroom home with 2 acres dl ground, 1 mile from Oakland. 459-4381. No saturoay cans, TWO BEDROOM home, sewer and lights, cor ner lot with room to build. $5,950. Owner 1649 Marstera Ave. 672-3145. 11500 EQUITY In 1 bedroom home. Green dlit. Balance due $3:66.86. Payments ol US. e-73-iZUY. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, nice location a 1072 W. Nebo. Near Fremont Jr. High Inquire at 531 W. Elizabeth, t ACRE Vt creek bottom In Dlllard with starter house including lumber, plumbing, ana winaows. sman aown. os v-mij. BEAUTIFUL view, 3 bedroom, IV baths, family kitchen, living room with circulating nrepiace, air conauioner. utility room, cov ered patio. $14,500. 6720445. NEWLY redecorated 2 bedroom modern house In Winston, on large lot. Price $4850 Terms. See Martin Suksdorf after 3 p.m. at Schaffar'a Lodge Winston. 2 BEDROOM house on Snow Ave. In Winston Price $3,995, down payment $350. Balance $50 per month, Will take car or trailer as down. 679-5508. CAN YONVILLE large 4 bedroom furnlsheo house with, 1ft bath plus 2 bedroom furnish ed rental. In rear, $10,000 with small down. 839-4301, .Canyonvllle. COMPLETELY furnished 4 bedroom home at Diamond, Lake, Oregon. Includes wood shed, tool shed, 2 boats. Write Frank Strahan, Ft. Klamath, Oregon. NEWER 3 bedroom home, West Winston, hardwood floors, fireplace, aluminum sld Ino, Irrigation well, fruit trees. Call 679 5354. $11,900. KELLER Real Estate 3 BEDROOM Hucresl. m baths with colored fixtures. 100 X IBS lot. Dou ble garage. Hollywood shake root. Oil furnace. Covered pallo. Move in. $18,000. i 3 BEDROOM near school and pool. Concrete foundation. Remodeled. New fixtures. Dining room. Range and re trlgerlator. $6,900. 3 BEDROOM 1400 Sq. Ft, double carport. A large roomy home. 2 years old. In A-l condition. $500 down will buy this dandy, Full price $12,500. 3 BEDROOM Westslde. Immediate possession. Fireplace, Carpets. In choice location. Large shop building. Priced at $15,900. RENT BEATER. 2 bedroom north. 175X200 lot. Priced for quick sale at $4,750. RANCH with 200 acres cultivated land. 45 acres Irrigated. Access to out' range. New home. Buildings all In A-l condition. Barns lull of hay. Price. $45,000. 853 SE Stephens 673-3610 Drothy Jones 673-7M9 F. D. Coon 670-5788 George Keller 672-1935 WASTING TIME Driving Kids To School? $15,500 move to this spacious 3 bedroom home In Laurelwood. I block from Roseburg Senior High. Hard wood floors, fireplace, dishwasher, and furnace. Full basement with large recreation room. FHA appraisal and terms. WESTSIDE $14,5002 bedroom home In en ex clusive residential area of west Rose burg. On extra large well shaded lot. Apple, pear and peach trees in addi tion to grapes and numerous shrubs for your use and enlovment. There ere 2 patios, a fireplace, hardwood floors, a huge master bedroom. FHA appraisal $14,900. Call now (or an ep ptntment to see. WELL KEPT $4,500 1 bedroom within walking distance to school and hospitals, low down payment. I BOB HORN 537 W. Horvord on n-oi Claudia H.rmi .71-3177 Horn, L.ngv 471-74U """icTREALESTAT Ore. Wed., Aug. 21, 1963 Real Estate 34 BY OWNER Westside, 3 bedroom home large playroom, Vi bains, tencea vara Asking appraisal price, will consider offers 138 W. Hazel. 673-8278. ON LOWER Garden Vailey duplex with 2 or 4 acres. Double garage, carpori, snop. rim. My orchard and berries. w,wu wun acres, $15,000 for 4. By owner. 673-3739. SACRIFICE SALE 3 bedroom house, needs WorK. Close to nucresr ong ubiiii schools. $1500, terms. 673-3837. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 6.67 ACRES with 2 unfinished houses, 2 bed room and 5 oedroom. Darn, wooa snea work shop, well of lasting water. On schoo and mall route. Between Riddle and Can yonvlllc. 874-2442 Riddle. t THREE bedooms, large living room, full day lioht bxument. ceramic tiled kitchens, 3 ' baths, 2 garages, 2 fireplaces, beautifully landscaped on i acre ioi, green nouse aim lath house. $24,000. Can be financed. Call 679-5170. BRAND NEW BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom rustic home, bath and to, built in appliances, garbage dis posal. Stone fireplace, Inter-com, covered patio. Large lot. See to appreciate. 1895 Caixms Koaa. mono oz-us. NORTH UMPQUA NEWER 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, exceltent carpeting In living and din ing rooms. 2 car garage. Beautiful grounds and view overlooking river. For the family that appreciates pri vacy, fishing and outdoor living. Lot 90 x 400. $24,300, wilh terms. HUCREST 3 bedroom home, attrac tive living room wilh fireplace and carpeting. Nice dining room, sep. util ity room, garage. Large lot, fruit trees. School 2 blocks. $15,000. Small down F.H.A. payments. $103 per month including taxes. CLOAKES FERRY Large nice 2 bed room home, carpeted living room with fireplace and wall paneling. Separate dining room. Garage with extra room and shop, covered patio with brick B.B.Q. and planters, large lot. $13, 250. Terms. LES BLACK REAL ESTATE 673-3471 433 W. Freeway Ave. Black 679-8612 Moran 6733471 - Mumby 673-7308 Southern Oregon Lond Co. 125 NW 2nd Ave., Myrtle Cr Ore. Br. Ofc. G. C. Sherlock, Realtor NEW LISTINGS 40 ACRES according to survey. Live creek through. On oiled rood. 8 to to acres fenced alfalfa field. Spring on upper side of road. On good building site. $6,300. $2,000 dowrt. Terms on balance. ' SECLUSION on 20 acres at the and of Ihe road. 7 acres In permanent paslure -wilh Irrigation system for garden and Held. 33 young fruit trees. Poultry house and barn with 2 bedroom mod ern home. Well water. $9,000 with si, 500 down. Terms to be arranged. Let us show you this bargain. 20 ACRES on South Umpqua river. AH could be Irrigated. Fenced end cross fenced. With an abundance of fruit to top this olf. The Improvements consist of a 2 bedroom house on hill toynda. tlon. House has electric heat as well as a flue. Good well and pressure sys tem. Garage. Also a 1 bedroom rental with good foundation and roof. Make an appointment today to see Ihls river view home. Tomorrow may be too late. $16,500. Eqully and mortgage . $9,500. BUSINESS MINDED: Tri-plex neatly ar ranged on 85X146' lot. City water, plaster Interior, stucco exterior. 'A mile from town. One 3 bedroom apt, one 2 bedroom apt, and a 1 bedroom apt that's furnished in tip top shape. $17,500, will trade. What do you have to trade? WE HANDLE jFED. AND STATE G.I. LOANS AS WELL AS F.H.A. FINANCING. We can always use another good listing. Bus. Ph. 8G3-38(il-Home Ph 863-3392 Frank & Loud In Zimmcrs, Sis Rep. tAt Lackey Real Estate if An Exchange for buyers & sellers Ask your neighbor, List with Lackey YOUNG COUPLE SPECIAL $6100, $600 DOWN, $70 monthly con tract. Large 2 bedroom on N.E. Jack son St. (only 5 blocks from downtown) Gas furnace, wall to wall carpet in living rm atllc room, large back yard wilh green house. Older home needs some repairs. GOOD COUNTRY LIVING PLENTY of privacy, very neat 1300 sq. It. home, 3 bedrooms, large din ing area, and utility, extra guest room over garage, lots of shade trees, grape arbor and patio, a good family spot. $8000, SI 500 down, S80 monthly contract. Consider small trailer exchange to $3000. Located 4 miles south. GOOD QUALITY LOW COST LARGE 3 bedroom, breakfast nook, 1 bedroom extra large for 2 beds, oil heat, 65X130 tot, walk to Jo Lane Jr. Hi School. View lot. Near Sateway and Wards. $9650. $300 down, $72 monthly FHA. No down payment to veteran. We love to show. SWIM POOL - SUTHERLIN FAMILY ORCHARD, many nice shrubs and trees, kitchen-dining com bination, good quality ranch style. 3 bedrooms each lvXl7, backyard swim pool, oil furnace, attached garage, SW00. $300 down, $71 monthly FHA. Nothing down to veteran. Pickup or auto exchange wanted. Ask us. $10,000 CLOVERDALE GOOD QUALITY 3 bedrvom, piped oil heat, kltchen-dlnlng combination, large lot well landscaped, $300 down, $to monthly FHA. No) nine down to Vet eran. We love to show. GREEN D1ST. 3 BEDROOM GOOD SCHOOL In lop residential area, clean electric heat, large living room, shake siding, eating area oft kitchen, attached garage. Home only 7 years old. $350 down FHA, 575 monthly. Nothing down to veteran. We love to show. NEW 3 BEDROOM WESTSIDE BEAUTIFUL ranch style. 2 blocks from Marks. Sapell wood cabinets, many k lichen drawers and double bread board, patio sliding glass doors, roman brick fireplace, clean electric baseboard heat, bathroom counter top, full ceramic tiled around tub, abun dant closet space, $13,900. ios down FHA. We love to show. ROSEBURG LUMBER SPECIAL A BEAUTIFUL ranch style home I mile from Roseburg Lumber In quiet location. Piped oil heat, circulating lireptace, raised hearth, oversiie bed rooms, 2 full baths, well water (run yard sprinklers 24 hours). Urge cov ered patio, many different shade and . fruit frees, double sliding slats door to patio Low down, FHA. We love to show. $16,950. ' Lackey Real Estate 36$ S.E. Jackson St. Office 673-119 Evenings calf: Oelbert Nelson 673-4077 Bill Simpson 677-3044 Roy Keller 673-717$ Wayne Lemley 673-MU Kooeri larne n-iiit 34 1 FURNISHED 2 bedroom, living room, kitch en, bath, large lot. Next door to King's Grocery, Norm umpqua nwy. TWO BEDROOM home, hardwood floors, gar age, auinerim area, suw, assume 4fb c.i or 150 down on lease option. 459-2605. CLEAN 6 room, 2 bdrm house. 6 acres. some timber, garden spot, berries, fruit trees. 7 miles N. Melrose. 673-6711. FOR SALE OR TRADE New 5 bedroom house, daylight basement, 2'i baths, 2 fire places, birch kitchen, built-in range, dou ble carport, separate garage with shop. On Vt acre on Fisher Rd. 673-8560. BY OWNER: Beautiful 1 yr. old, 3 bed room, den, 2 and 34 ceramic tiled bams, air conditioned, oil furnace heat, birch throughout. Excellent location, near schools and shopping center. $21,900. See by ap polntmenl only. 673-8020 between S and PM. Financing available. DIAMOND LAKE Modern Summer Cottage Write co Box 688 The News-Review "GET OUT IN THE COUNTRYI" A home and 8 acres with fruit, garden spot, live stream, plenty of room for that pony or beef. All for the price of a 3 bedroom home In town. $12,000. See us as to terms Call 673-6671 or 672-2958 eves, or see Roy O. Young & Son. Real Estate MOVE IN 1 ACRE very neat 2 bedroom home with garage, work shop, room for- pets or' garden. Freshly redecorated Inside and out. Carpeted living room, nice bath, handy kitchen-dinette. Near Winchester. Handy to school, store and FISHING. Good terms to reliable party. $8,500 $1200 down easy monthly terms. Ideal for small family or retired couple. HUCREST AREA: Everything you desire. Nice carpeted living room, family room, fireplace, birch kitchen-dinette, built-in range and oven, 2 baths 1 tub and 1 shower. 3 bedrooms, worlds of storage, double, sealed garage, sliding doors to patio, nice privately fenced yard. All for lust $17,500. , Fullerton 723 N.E. Phone 672-3172 JIM BEVANS REAL ESTATE 957 NE Stephens NEAT AS A PIN inside and out. 3 bedroom on extra large lot. Circulating fireplace with glass doors, hdwd floors, nice kitchen with adjoining over-sized utility. Many closets. Slid ing glass doors to large covered patio with concrete floor. Carport and space for truck or boat. $11,500 with $400 down FHA. EASTWOOD SCHOOL DIST. 2 bedroom home (finish upstairs and have 3rd bedroom) on dead end street. Inside utility, large fenced yard. $11,500. 3 per cent down FHA. ; SPIC AND SPAN. Large 3 bedroom, freshly redecorated in side and out new wall-to-wall carpels. Circ. fireplace, mir rors, inside utility, draperies, tile bath and kitchen. Large closets plus extra large storage closets.' Triple carport. Approx. 1400 .sq. ft. Easily accessible to schools. $15,950. IMMERIATE POSSESSION. 2 Bedroom in North Roseburg Range and oil stove. On sewer. $5,500 with $750 down. VETERANS COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR LISTINGS ON HOMES YOU CAN BY. L. B. Hicks 673-7243 ROSEBURG Cr Insurance , . 672-3344 ggg Umpqua Hotel Lobby OFFERS YOU this 3 bedroom Westside home on 1 acre. . . .Charming setting, close to schools and markets, oil heat, city water, immediate 'possession. Owner will carry contract and will consider Huccrest or Westside tot as down payment. Lovely Oaks lor shade here too. Full price, $8,250, BRAND NEW 3 bedroom home on Chahnon St., Insulated, built-in appliances, pav ed street, sewer. Immediate possession. FHA terms. $13,900 with 10 down. WANT A GARDEN? Fruit trees? Beautiful free soil lot? Com lort able, well-kept home? We have III 3 bedrooms, beautiful patio, extra guest room or den, garage and shop. This Is a well built, beautifully landscaped property, 100x240 ft. You'll love it. $15,900, and worth every penny I SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT only, this lovely 3 bedroom and den very near Sr. HI. Two baths, wall to wall carpel, beautiful fireplace, lovely covered patio. Over 1800 sq. ft. of gracious living space. Price of $17,950 Indludcs the built-in TV and all curtains and drapes. Call us for appointment. GLIDE TAX DISTRICT. .. .14 acres, well-kept 2 bedroom home, spring piped to house, trout pond. Irrigation from river. Lots of wood, swimming hole, and approx. 2000 ft. frontage on Little River. $15,000 with substantial down and $100 per month on contract. WESTWOOD ESTATES acreages now available! Beautiful, close-in building sites, scant half mile from Country Club, In Garden Valley. Deep, lush, loam soil, un- " surpassed N. Umpqua River frontage on huge boating and fishing pool. Only 11 tracts available. Come In now. . . .see our plat and aerial photo in color, or drive out tor Inspection. See If one of these tracts doesn't fit your dreams of the future. Roseburg Realty 672-3344 Evenings Call Jim Doyle 672-3553 Martha Thomas 072-3562 Joyce Doyle 672-3562 SELECT $42,500.00 3 bedrooms and den (Mas slve), 3 fireplaces, 6 acres of excel lent land, underground Irrigation sys tem from river, carrier heat pump for economical heat and air conditioning, formal dinino room, all built-in appli ances including refrigerator, wall to wall carpeting and full basement. 3 3 '3 baths and other features too numerous to mention Including the sunken living room. We will add to this a fully modern 2 bedroom guest house. $14,500.00 West Roseburg 3 bedroom home situated on W. Bodle. Hardwood Door?, electric heat, fireplece, land scaped lot, paved street. In an area of tine homes. This well kept house with double attached garage should be lust what you are looking lor. Owner may consider taking In 7 bed room home In Ihe Fairhaven district ' In trade. MAKE STEVENSON REALTY HEADQUARTERS. COME IN YOUR ELIGIBILITY AT NO $35,000.00 House of distinction situated on the east slopes of town. Extra large a acre lot fully landscaped and with desired privacy. The gracious older home has 3 bedrooms with 3 dressing rooms. 1 13 baths, forced air oil heat, fireplace, all large rooms Including the kitchen with but It -In appliances and world of birch cabi nets, spacious dinette, large dining room, double garage, full basement. Panoramic view of the city. 3b DOWN FHA FINANCING AVAILABLE STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Member of Independent Brokers CO-OP with II participating member Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE 672-1614 Evenings DcSpam 73-5477 Slcdman, 673-3334 Dick Stcvcmon, Realtor 673-8744 34 3 BEDROOM clean modern home in N Roseburg. on 65x160 lot. New oil furnace Lovely view, cool yard. $9,950 with $450 aown. ej-ji)i. SEE THIS two bedroom home on lot 62x120. Needs finishing. $4500 with small down. - , . THIS BEAUTIFUL home must be sold. Owner hasr reduced It $1495. Located in area of better homes on approximately Vi acre lot beautifully landscaped. 3 bedrooms with large closets, 2 baths, fireplace, G.E. oil forced furnace, attached double gar age, large covered patio and a well with an abundance of water. A lovely home, now $15,500 F.H.A. . 334 ACRES of young timber, all fenc ed with woven wire. 3 good springs, located close In. -This Is money In the bank. Only due to poor health can you buy this for $25,000, 29 down. ALLSTATE REALTY Winston Oregon Call Office 679-8421 Eves 672-3627 Realty Stphens 673-6998 672 - 3731 Anytime Bevans 673-6985 REALTY LISTINGS $15,600.00 West Roseburg 3 bedroom home with built-in appliances, forced air o!( heat, fireplace, fenced 100x100 toot lot, play room. Vacant for imme diate possession. G. I. or FHA fi nancing. Rent the house until your loan goes through. $18,500.00 Drain Area 77 acre (arm. 2 ponds for tish or Irrigation, live creek, 3 bedroom home, 3 car garage, barn, chicken hcv; ?rd machine shed. 30 acres of excellent growing timber , good farming land. For Drain resi dents call TE 5-9613 for owner infor mation. $36,000.00 Flsner Road huge 2 bed room home tor discriminating home owner. Beautiful river frontage, 105 X 300 foot lot, small guest house and double car-port. This a beautiful home and we could not convey the beauty and livability of this home to you without your Inspection. Terms available. YOUR G. I. INFORMATION AND LET US ESTABLISH COST TO YOU. $18.600 00 Country living at It's best In this large 3 bedroom view home situ ated 4a miles out. 3 acres of good ground with an abundance of sweet well water, large shade TREES and with all the conveniences of city liv ing. 3 fireplaces, formal dining room, ceramic tiled kilchei with birch bufit Ins (3 la iv susans. dinette, double attached garage, covered patio, fish pondi You will have to see It to ap preciate It. Real Estate 1 Real Estate 34 WESTSLOPES By owner 3 bedroom, I Mr bath, 2 car garage, built-in appli ances, oil heat, $15,900. Assume low cost G.I, loan. 888 W. Indlanola. SELL OR TRADE for property near Rose burg 3 bedroom home In Gold Beach, at tached garage, fireplace, overlooking air port, ocean and Rogue River. Convenient ly locaiea near ciry center, a. t. ouswen 405 Mary St., Gold Beach, Ore. Phon CHerry 7-9044 5ELL1NG YOUR HOME??? Looking for a Home to buy? Have you thought about a mobile home? Mobile home living has become more and more popular. . .and practical toot I 1 out of 10 families are now living In a mobile home. Look at the value. See our ad under Mobile Homes No. 32. Shady Point Trailer Staes. One mile South on Old Hwy 99 BR. Ph. 672-143B. ACREAGES 4 ACRE ON RIVER. ... IDEAL TRAILER SITE. . . .good beach and garden soil. . . .PLUS 3 Bedroom, lor use or rental, house has fireplace, furnace, dining rm., sewer, city wa ter. Only $9,300, terms. 3 ACRES. . .RIVER. . -Good 2 bed room home, 1364 sq. ft. Fireplace in living room, sep. dining and utility rooms. Only $11,000 with $2,000 dn. SB5 mo. 15.8 ACRES. . .HUCREST. . .3 Bed room older home. , .Barn, fruit trees, fenced, city water. $17,000. . . .Shown by appointment. 27a ACRES. . .Melrose. . .Large 3 Bedroom home, separate dining and utility rooms, fireplace. . .Barn, and two buildings, garden, good well, springs, fenced pastures, wood lot, black top road. $17,000. Possible G.I. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. . -MOTEL. . .10 Units. . .Al condition. . . doing a profitable business, located In center of town, plus, living quar ters for operator. . .room for ex pansion $29,000, Contact tor gross and terms. LES BLACK REAL ESTATE 673-3471 433 W. Freeway Ave. Black 679-8612 Moran 673-3471 Mumby 673-7308 OLLIE FISK Real Estate Now Is The Time To Buy IT CAN'T GO DOWN because Gov ernment, State, County, City, even Civil Rights have no one hired to make things cheaper. IT'S ATOMIC At This Price 113 ACRES beautiful 3 bedroom stone home, on a knoll over-looking heaven on earth, V mile of main Umpqua River, hunting, fishing paradise, some timber, same river bottom, same seed ed pasture. Lots of fruit and nuts. NOT $138,0001 NOW you can buy it lor $28,500, terms. GOLD MINES We Call 'Em THE BEST cocktail bar and night club In town. You and the Govern ment will make nothing but money. ' $50,000. , BEER TAVERN, eat, drink and steep In the same building. A year from now, you won't believe that you paid only SI 3,000. SEE US FOR ANY KIND OF BUSINESS. . . .or LARGE AND SMALL RANCHES. . . . 2936 Diamond Lake Blvd. Phone 672-4826 Eves: 673-4058, Orville Sconce, salesman Lots and Acreages 35 13 ACRES near Roseburg, unimproved, paved street, $5,900, terms. Phone 45?-424. LARGE VIEW LOT Reasonable. 672-1704 45x200 FT., Sutherlin. Sewer, water and lights. Driveway, lawn. $700. 673-3616. 40 ACRES End of upper Camas Valley Road. $2250 cash. 672-3440. Farm and Ranches 36 -fa Lackey Real Estate it An exchange for buyers and sellers GLIDE 25 ACRES LITTLE RIVER Water Right, spring, irrigation equipment goes. Good qual ity rustic cabin type home, barn and shed, fruit trees. $20,000. $5000 down, $100 monthly. ECONOMY 259 ACRES 15 ACRES tilled, balance hill land, 3 springs, 2 older barns, good older 3 bedroom home with Mi basement, 40 head sheep goes, fenced. $24,500. $6500 down, $2000 yearly. 94 ACRES 40 ACRES tilled, balance seeded to sub-clover, fesque and rye grasses, free soil, 3 springs, 30 acres irrigat ed, 3 bedroom good quality farm home, 2 carports, outbuildings Include 2 barns, calf barn, and chix house. Yoncalla area. $29,500. 29 dowrt, terms negotiated. Consider trade for Eugene or Cottage Grove property. '60 ACRES IRRIGATED 130 ACRES, free light loam soil, live creek wilh water right, excellent mod ern 2 bedroom home wilh "7 base ment, firet 'ace 2 barns with con crete floors, feed shed, machine shed, storage buildings, good fences. Family orchard. Consider Income property as do-.m payment. $32,000. $600 yearly plus 6 interest. 203 ACRE EXCHANGE , CAMAS VALLEY, 60 acres tillable, balance rolling hill land, good stand 2nd growth timber, 2 bedroom home, fair set outbuildings, 2 springs, creek, , fair fences. $32,500. 29b down. Ex change tor any good home or income prooerty from Roseburg area to Coast. GOING DAIRY FARM 32 ACRES Irrigated, full line of equip ment, 24 dairy cows, 6 room new ranch home, good barn and shed. Grade A milk-parlor, silo, 2 chix -buildings, 60 acres adjoining can be teased reasonably. $56,000. $18,000 down, 15 years on balance. Exchange tor small business to $50,000. 640 ACRE STOCK RANCH 170 ACRES tilled, creek and spring, . 10 acres irrigable, excellent 2 bed room nome, 3 barns, 600 acres out range rentable tor $250 yearly, lots of other free government range. $60. 000. 25 down, $3500 annually Includ ing . interest. 100 ACRES IRRIGATED 697 ACRES, 86 seeded to clover, riv er bottom loam soit. 8 room excellent home with lull basement, (a roe barn and sheep shed. Grade A mdk par lor or shop, sheep-tile fenced, W me river frontage, 300 acres open ranqe available, farm implements Included, owner runs 500 sheep, 100 cattle. $115-000. 135.000 down, ask about twms. Goad mortgage or contract paoer accepted on down payment. Lackey Real Estote 364 $. E. Jackson St. OHice $7?-3Uf Eve's call 673-4072 672-3044. $73-7173, 72-1 Mi, 673-M1I Lots and Acreages 35 BEAUTIFUL view lot. Terrace Ave. $3750 Phone 673-7613 alter 6 p.m. or weekends APPROX. Va acre, water. Myrtle Creek, $200 casn. Lioyo norm-n, ojj-o,i. 30 ACRES with North Umpqua River front building sites, $11,000. Roseburg Realty, Umpqua , Hotel, 672-3344. THREE BIG well drained tree soil lots, suitable for single houses or multiple rentals. City sewer avail able. $3000 takes all three. Rose burg Realty, Umpqua Hotel, Phone 672-3344. RIVER FRONT ACREAGES. Roseburg Realty, Umpqua Hotel, phone 672-3344. North Umpqua Village Lots ONLY 19 LEFT! PANORAMIC SETTING Mountains North Umpqua River. Beautifully wooded, se cluded. Good for homesite or vacation cabin. Exc. road wilh adequate drainage. Prospect for speculation with no other privately owned land available in area Water, lights, phone accessible. Inspiring climate 20 more sunshine! 5urround ing area preserved for recreational and scenic sites. Large lots, $700 to $1200 E-Z terms, 6 int., low down payment 10 ml, east of Glide on Diamond Lake Hiway. Next to Frontier . Store. M. Lock wood, Idieyld Pa rk,Ore.Ph .496-33 1 9. Farm and Ranches 36 RANCH 90 acres under Olalla Dam pro ject. Fair building, 3 wells. Va mile from new highway 42. $16,000, terms. 679-8803. Exchange Real Estate 38 TWO bedroom house, Vh mi. South Dlllard. Sell equity or trade for trailer house B63-3966, Myrtle Creek. Timber and Sawmills 40 WANTED Large or small tract of timber to log. 496-3437. FOUR saw Skragg mill. 4X8 American plan er. Ph. 672-2322. WANTED Oouglas fir, cedar logs and cordwood in multiples of 8 ft. We load and haul If piled along access! bit road, Keller Lumber Co. 672-1791. Building Materials 41 USED building material, 2X8's, 1X8 shiplap, building diocks, sneer meiai, eic. Old cnap el Of the Roses. 673-8882 or 672-4500. PLYWOOD blows., V. Vi, Vt. Ply press ooaros h.vb. r snop, k.w. tiign quaniv, low prices. Su4herlin Hardware. 459-2961. PLYWOOD BlQWS, Good stock. See us for your bet buy. Mt. Scott Retail Yard Phone 459-2737 Sutherlin Fuel 43 LAUREL WOOD, SI Her, you cut. Phone 679-8010 14" and 2". DRY OAK WOOD, you. haul Phone 673-4709 24" Planer ends, S16.50 till 1st ol Seol call after 5 PM. or oelore 8 A.m 672-2979. S&H GREEN STAMPS. and SUMMER RATES Large Core 17" lengths May and June Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas 672-1524 PEELER CORES Cut To Any Length Desired Dry 16" Fii Heater Wood O&CFUEL CO. C73-7508 PEELER CCRE & HARDWOOD Pond Lilies FREE SAWDUST Red Diamond Fuel Co. 1767 N.E. Airport Road ' 673-5082 WOOD (Dry or Green) SAWDUST (Blower or Dump) Dry Oak And Laurelwood LARGE PEELER CORE PLANER ENDS All Orders C.O.D. Roseburg Lumber Co. PH. 679-8741 or 673-5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Friday, 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction Col, V. Artunion, Owner end Auctioneer 670-5024 Miscellaneous For Sale 45 MOTOR BIKE, like new, $135 Ph. 672-3618 40" ELECTRIC ranqe, good condition, $50. Ph. 673-3822 after 6 p.m. SELL OR TRADE Deerborn gas heater. Excellent condition. 496-3389. 1954 METAL trailer house, 18 Serve! refrigerator. 6737797. x 19'. Gas '61 WESTINGHOUSE drop-In range top with movable cabinet, $75. 672-3733 after 5:30. USED CLOTHING BOUGHT AND SOLD. 763 S;E. Sheridan BEAUTIFUL floor length yellow formal with matching stole and jacket. 673-7391. WHIRL POOT a u toma t ic wa sher, recond it Ion- -rfGuaranteed. US. 673-6549. TOP SOIL, for "the best" call Charles Keely, 679-5117 ' ASHLEYood'heater. $35. See at Rt. 2. Box 708B, River Bend Rd. alter 6 p.m. USED "GUNS bouqM, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE KEYSTONE 8mm 750 watt prolector, cam era, case, light meter. 672-3640. TVREltATsRenT may apply on down payments. Horn's Appliance. 673-5518. CERAMlCleTsoni tree Wed. Kilns for sale. Ceramic sup. Treva's Cramics. 679-5133. STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Call 673-4773 ART EX tube textile paints. Nylon tips. Jackie Hall. 672-2739. DELUXE 40" . Kelvinator electric range; clean. SSOPhone 673-3279. LIKE NEW Vze bed, $50. 49 Sterling Drive, Space B 11. ROSE COLORED DAVENO and" chair, good cond. $20672-4303. J PORTABLE arc"wekler. 300 amp., trailer mounted, $200. See Dick Alley at Box 693. Sfh St.. Diilard. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS If bouunt from us we install free. If gun is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. REFRIGERATOR $25, Coucti $10. end tables S? 50 ea.. wrmger washer $1$, easy chair. needs covering $15. 49-S5C. PUR IT RON model No. 900 air purifier. Origin al cost $79.95, excellent condition, $40. 673-413 1 Miscellaneous for Sale 451 LEAVING town, must sell misc. household items, antiques, etc. 672-4707. CURIOSITY SHOP Antiques and by-gones. Consignments. Furni ture reflnishlng. 324 Harvard Ave. 11 cu. ft. FRIGIDAIRE upright freezer. About 2 years old. Excellent condition. (175. 672-3405 USED VACUUM cleaners AirWay $45. Eleclrolux $49.75, Klrby 175. J. E. New berry, 673-7010 or 673-3591. DOUBLE bed stead (Walnut), box springs, mattress; S50. Set of chit Chaise lounge. Patio table. 672-2B01. WESTINGHOUSE washer and dryer pair. Guaranteed. SI35. TROWBRIDGE ELEC TRIC, 721 S. E. Oak. 673-5521. ELECTROLUX. Your new CERTIFIED deal ers. Hank and Norma Jean Zeigler. Sales & Service. 673-5045. 1621 NW Rutler Lane. SHALE ROCK Carlson's Contracting 672-4117 VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, Com pact, Electrolux, Hoover, Klrby, also parts. J. E. Newberry, 673-7010; or 673-3591. AUTOMATIC washer, Hotpoint. Good condi tion. Only $59.95. TROWBRIDGE ELEC TR IC, 721 S. E. Oak. 673-5521. MAKE OFFER S40O RCA Whirlpool 21 cu. Chest freezer, $175. $500 Adlermatic sewing machine, $195. G. E. refrig. $75. S400 Phi Icq washer and dryer set, $170. 672-3407. COMBINATION washer-dryer, 1958' WhirrpooT, sold new for $540, perfect condition! only $169.95. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 S. E. Oak. 673-5521.- REPOSSESSED Westinghouse Laundromat, sold new for $349, take over $150 balance with small down payment. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 S. E. Oak. 673-5521. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. 679-8493. TWO used steam cleaners, 1 propane, 1 oil fired. See at Tidewater Oil Plant, Rose burg, P. O. Box 700. 672-26B1. RANGE, Frigidalre apartment size, 4 units, good condition. $79.95. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 S. E. Oak. 673-552). GOVERNMENT GRADED quality meats for best freezer satisfaction. Custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS, 679-5133. 6ELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, coffee urns, sewing machines, rug shampooer, $1 per day. ' - HORN'S APPLIANCE 673-5518 SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS ONLY SAVE MONEY on hedges, bank covers and landscape shrubs. PIXIE GARDENS, out Mulholland to end of Broad St. past air port. 673-6113. SWIMMING POOLS Islander Pools made In Eugene from local products. As low as $1)95, including complete guaranteed pump and filter system. Four sizes to choose from, all with diving depth. Complete fi nancing available. Can be seen In Rose burg now. Call 672-3655. Bee Supplies 1 Honey A DOUGLAS COUNTY PRODUCT LeBleu Motors. 319 SE Jackson. 673-7567. EVANS 16 ft. trailer house. Cood conditloi $375. Tire spreader, truck tires and tubes, air wrench and other shop equipment. 839-4301 Canyonvllle Overstocked Antique Sole Aug. 21st through Aug. 24th , Must m.ke room for new shipment. Prices cut as much as 50. China glassware lewelry clocks fur niture misc. No Sales to Dealers. Little House of Treasures 1426 S.E.- Main 673-6181 SAVE ON JIFY TOPS CHEVROLET and GMC: '54 to '63, narrow 6V3' box, deluxe yellow, regular $129, now $79. '60 to '63, wide 8' box, deluxe white regular $137, now $89. FORD: '57 to '63, wide iW box, red, regu lar $129, now $79. '46 to '63, narrow 6Vi box, yellow, regular $129, now $79. ROSEBURG McCULLOCH CO. 1092 N. E. Stephens 672-3621 New And Used Appliances And Furniture . ' RAINBOW TRAILER SALES 673-7272 Old Highway 99. Winchester Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED 12 volt electric winch for Ford pickup. Waller Esslinger, Elkton, Ore. JU 4-3253 WANTED used furniture and misc. Rose burg furniture. 243 SE Jackson, 673-5104. WANTED ANTIQUE co Ins, guns, china, glassware, jewelry, clocks. Pri sell la's An tiques. 247 SE Jackson. 672-1421. Musical Instruments 50 HAMILTON upright piano. Good condition. $100. 673-3200. TRUMPET for sale. Good condition. 673-3785 BALDWIN organ, 6 years old. Ph. 874-2349, Riddle USED UPRIGHT PIANOS From $95 up RICKETTS MUSIC STORE Corner Cass and Jackson Phone 673-3202 Sporting Goods 53 30:06 WITH SCOPE, accurate, see to ap preciate. Phone 673-7312 eves. 10' CAMP trailer house, $250. Canyonvllle 639-4968 between 2 and 10 p.m., except Wed. ONE HEALTHWAYS scuba tank and regula- tor, brand new, sw. 4S6-3367. CAMP traite7,ldea7 for small cars. $375. Ph. 672-4C96 ONE SCUBA tank with back pack, $50. 1 Regulator, $30. Call 673-6148. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS IF bought from us we install free, If gun Is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. Boats, Motors, Access. 55 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 18' bar boat and trailer. Inboard motor, flberglassed hull. Value $1000. Phone 673-5725. 1959 14' Elgin glass boat and 40 H.P electric starter motor, heavy duty tilt trailer, all ski equipment and boat cover, 673-1789 after 5:30 p.m. MUST SELL 13V FT. ARISTO CRAFT with 35 Evinrude motor with extra prop, TeeNee trailer with lights, also misc. ski equipment and boat cover. Call 673-6167. Make Offer JUST UNDER 14' boat, windshield, automatic controls, ski motor, skis, ropes, anchor, trailer. Norm Bleaknw, 1229 W. Harvard. Market Basket 57 PEACHES U-Pick. bring containers. Call 679-5467, or 679-5287 ROGGE'S North Umpqua peaches Hale Haven, S3 bushel. Bring containers. 496-3134. GRAVElTstEIN"pplesT"$2'upick, $2.50 pick ed. Clifford Norris, Garden Valley Rd CANNING beets, beans and cucumbers. Carl Schmidt. 673-3895. GRAVENSTEIN apples, bring containers. Marsh Ranch, Loofclngglass. 673-6485 ROGGE'S No. Umpoua peaches Western Pride, S3 bushel. Bring containers. 496-3134 GRAVENSTEtN apples, bring containers. Roger's, Lookingglass. BURBANK PEACHES, ready for canning Bring containers. Hercher's Dlllard Market SWEET CORN, peaches. Gravenstein apples Pickling cucumbers, you pick. Owens Otk lard Market. Market Basket 57 SWEET CORN - Call In orders. Also Gray ensteins and plctcllng cukes. M. O. Knaoo. Garden Vallev. 672-3618. PEACHES, Hale Havens, tree-ripened for vaM.....u. r. i. cwens, oarden Valley, Roseburg. i nrii dc rui:c d""j ..... .- J ters Now ready. Gravenstein apples. . ..... . ... i-uv.uM.utn, wanning oeans. Other fruits and vegetables. Local sweet ' corn. Harvard Avenue Fruit stnri BARTLETT PEARS, for canning, readynow. " o peanuts, large size, ready about August 24. Taking orders now Winston Orchards, 6 miles south, turn left 1st road south, Winston Bridge, from Rose burg. Phone 679-5860. Winston Orchards PEACHES RED HAVEN, Golden Jubilee, West em Pride and Improved Rochester. Also apples, plums and beans now ready. ' TOMATOES and Elberta and Hals peaches later. FRED BURKS & SONS - Blue Fruit Stand, Diilard LOCKER BEEF Cut and wrapped to your Specification BOYER MEAT CO. 673-6323 lt. 1 Box N. Umpqua H'y. Hay and Grain 61 HAY FOR SALE, S20 Ion 4S9-3355, Oakland FIRST CUTTING Alfalfa. 516 a ton. 673-8626 Livestock 63 100 GOOD EWES. No foot rot. Phone 673-8724 BAY GELDING saddle horse for sale. Ida ourgoyne, K moie, ore. WANTED Trained sheep dog ' Oakland 459-3559 YOUNG Whitelace bull, sell or trade for cow ana can. 673-6475. DOUBLE registered polled Hereford!, cows. wives, ouits. rnone tn-Wiil. GOOD SADDLE HORSE and new show sad- die, pnone 672-3054. KID'S PONY, Welsh gelding and saddle, iw, aii oj-um. SEVEN month old Charolias ' heifer, $100. Kn. 6J-JM5 or 673-4650 FOR SALE polled Hereford bull, 2Vi years am. fnone ojodU. FOUR year old Jenny Burro, gentle, $85. SHROPSHIRE RAMS. Registered. Osborne. r. u. aox wsi, Kosepurg, ore. WOOL RECEIVED DAILY. Nlchol's Store 679-8907. SADDLE HORSES for sale or trade. Za 1 1 G l ide 496-3510 TWO PURE Jersey bull calves. 1 weanef pig. 496-3253. 40 CHEVROLET IVa ton cattle truck. Good engine wilh auxiliary transmission. $250, Rt. 4, Box 1440. 673-4628. 20 SUFFOLK breeding ewes and buck. All tour year olds. Also 12 wf ewes. Lyman Farm, Canyonvllle, 839-4688. REGISTERED SUFFOLK LAMB rams .. $30 YEARLING rams $50 2 YR OLD ram . $50 3 YR OLD ram (unusual) $60 W. R. Johnson, Rt 1, Bx 93, Molalla, Ore. 829-3861 ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION BEEF and dairy cattle. 679-5320, 672-4632 S.'.DDLES and saddle repairing. Riding gear ana western wear. aa.n ureen siamps. Allen's Western Goods, 1958 SE Stephens. 673-7501. SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sutherlin 459-2146 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good active market for all kind! of livestock, i G. A. Brown, Wc-lghmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Schricker and Son. Owners Mgrs. SALE Every Saturday 1 P.M. . Livestock of all kinds. Pick-up and delivery service. Proper feeding facilities. Livestock received at any time DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET WILBUR, OREGON 672-407 1 ' Pets and Pet Supplies 67 AKC MALE poodle. Will be small miniature. 863j3039 GERMAN SHEPHERDS t male, $30, 1 fe male, $15. 496-338 PET DOG tor sale. Part Chihuahua part Manchester. Call 673-7559, after 4 p.m. REG. female black toy Poodle, 9 mos. Shots, license. $75. 1810 NW Goeti St. FOX TERRIER PUPPIES $5and $50. 673-8830 AKC R EG. Collie puppies. Luard Collie Kennels.673-3144: DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Ani mal Shelter. Phone 672-3907. AT STUD AKC Black Toy Poodle. Call 673-8756 BART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cats and dog. ''i mile NE of Diamond Lake Blvd. on NE Pine Ranoa Road. 673-7514. OBEDIENCE "TRAIN YOU RDOG Mixed Breeds as Welcome as Purebreds BOLEN KENNELS 673-4012 FOR SALE REG. A.F.S.D. English polntet pups. $70 wpapers. 672-2921 evenings or weekends. LOOKER'S KENNELS (formerly Jacobs Ken nels). Let us board your pets. Out Harvard turn left at Mac's Grocery turn right at the sign at the foot of Lookingglass Hill. 673-6879 or 672-1V3. rt,rtn Poultry and Rabbits 68 29 BREEDING RABBITS and all new cages feeders, waterers. 496-3253. YOUNG BREEDER rabbits for sale. N.2 White and I Calif- Ph. 672-2753 eves. CHICKENS, ducks- 5 mos, ready to lay. 60 young chix. TBO0 NW Mulholland. Farm Equipment 70 SELL OR TRADE 1956 International pickup Excellent condition for livestock or 12 ft tandem disc. 459-3962 Sutherlin. Heavy Equipment 72 TWO used steam cleaners, 1 propane, 1 ol fired. See at Tidewater Oil Plant, Rose burg, P.O. Box 700. 672-2611. CRANES RENTALS SALES SERVICE Equipment to do any job. Log loaders 12 to 25 ton mobile lifting cranes for construction. Booms up to 110' available. ENGLE & SONS 1520 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. 672-4332 Eves Call 496-3347 In rear of old Ppe Building