Over $6.5 Million For School Taxes The assessed values, millages and taxes for the 1963-64 tax year have been computed for the school taxing clistri j g ir. Douglas County. These figures are now be ing extended on the tax roll and tax statements prepared-for mail ing to taxpayers in October. A list of the school districts showing their respective millages and taxes is as follows: District Millago Tax Douglas County School 6.6 t 802,337.38' Douglas Rural School 17.1 2,070,069.14 Lane Rural School . . 22.6 11.S16.8S , School Districts 1 Oakland 28.0 191,342.93 4 Roseburg 29.S 1,032.191.90 8 Canyonville 48.8 89,779.36 9 Gardiner 12.S 60.737.S0 12 Glide " 19.2 401,708.74 15 Days Creek 52.5 109.848.69 19 Myrtle Creek 21.8 124,936.78 21 Camas Valley 25.1 31,630.74 22 Drain 40.8 154,859.58 32 Yoncalla 40.4 93,825.65 34 Elkton 29.4 89,784.01 45 Umpqua 16.8 30,126.15 70 Riddle 28.8 203,876.21 77 Glendale ' 27.2 89,632.92 105 Reedsport 34.7 178,217.81 116 Dillard 33.8 402,728.95 125 Ash 18.4 10,170.42 130 Sutherlin 33.9 173,602.27 Jl-28 Fern Ridge 16.4 5,987.64 .13-45 Cottage Grove 45.4 994.76 J5-97 Florence 33.5 4,106.56 UH 13 Reedsport 26.6 . 264,410.12 SW Ore. Education Disl. 4.9 ' 49,575.97 Total School Taxes ' , 6.677,999.03 Roseburg 'M Kegi stations Set Mug. 20 0 Registration for Roseburg Senior High School students will be held Aug. 28, 29, and 30 in the school auditorium. Classes begin Sept. 3. Vice-Principal Tom Gruwell. who is in charge of registration, an nounced the following schedule will be followed: Seniors Wednesday, Aug. 28; Juniors Thursday, Aug. 29; and Sophomores, Friday, Aug. 30. Registration each day will be divided by last names into the fol lowing catagorics: R-Z, 9-10:30; M-Q, 10:3012; E L, 1-2:30; A-D, 2:30-4. Class schedules, handbooks, and locker assignments will be issued. Students are urged to complete their registration at the time as signed. In order lo be enrolled students must come prepared to pay required fees and to purchase tl.eir books. This expense will range from $15.00 to $30.00 depend ing upon courses taken. Books are bought from the Asso ciated Student Body Rook Store and may be sold back at the end of the school year if they are in good condition and if the book will be used as a textbook the follow ing year. A portion of the lock de posit fee will be returned at the end of the school year. Required fees are as follows: Lock Deposit $1 for students taking physical education and .75 for those who do not. Towol Usagt Fee $2 for Physi- ANDERSON CHAIRMAN Dr. Verner J. Anderson is this year's chairman of the Roseburg School Board. He succeeded Dr. Nels Lindell. Vice chairman is Don Keen, me newest board member, elected this year, is Don Kruse of Riversdale. cal Education students only. English Fee $1 for all stu dents covers cost of book rental of literature books and other re quired materials. Art Fee $2 for Art students only covers materials used in classes. N Science Fee $1 Lab Fee all students enrolled in science cours es. History Fee $.50 all His tory students this includes the materials and magazines used in classes in this department. Homemaking Fee $1 for Home Economics students only covers the rental of books used in the courses. . Textbooks Oregon law forbids the School District providing text books for High School students. Roseburg Senior High School pro. yides a student-operated book ex change dealing in new and used texts in order to save parents and students considerable expense; since it is operated on or at near cost basis. Cost of textbooks per student will range from $8 to $20. Cost to stu dents enrolled in more than one science course may run slightly higher. Variance in textbook costs is dependent upon courses being taken and availability of used texts. Used books are sold on a first come first served basis. Alphabeti cal scheduling for registration is reversed on alternate years to al low equal advantage for students to purchase used texts. OPTIONAL FEES Student Body Membership Card $5 Any student participating in student body activities must have a student body card. Membership card also entitles the student ad mission to all home athletic con tests, free copies of the school paper, and qualifies the holder to vote in A.S.B. elections. Pictures for student body cards are taken at registration time. (These same pic tures are used in the Annual book. Additional pictures may be order ed for an additional fee, but this is optional). Student Insurance $3 All Roseburg High School students who turn out for athletic teams are required to purchase student insur ance. The Umpqu (The High School Annual Yearbook Publication) $5. May be purchased at registra tion and at other times during the school year. Health Examinations Entering 10th grade students are urged to present a completed health exami nation form. Local doctors have been supplied with these forms by the County Health Office. If a student withdraws from school, the unused portion of his fees will be refunded by the busi ness office and books which are in good condition may be sold back to the Student Bookstore. Students are encouraged to have a uniform type of gym suit, white shirt, (T-shirt for boys and white blouse for girls) and navy blue shorts, white gym shoes and sox. All items of clothing are to be plainly marked. AU markings may be clearly visible while being worn. Optional garments, sweatshirt, shower cap (for girls). Tuei., Aug. 20, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore, 9 Canyonville Schools Slate Pre-Registration Aug. 21-23 According' to Canyonville Supt. Norman York all teaching, admin istrative and officer personnel are ready for the school's opening, Sept. 3. ' : Pre-registration is slated for grades 7 and 8 Aug. 21 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 4 p.m. The 9th and 10th grades register Aug. 22 during the same hours. The 11th and 12th grades will reg ister Aug. 23. Registration for all students new to the district from grades one through six and all first graders who have not already pre-registered will be held in the primary school office during the Aug. 21, 22 and 23 during the same hours as stated above. ' Math and science teacher is Le land Southern who comes to Can yonville after teaching for two years in Del Norte, Colo. He re ceived his BA and master's de gree from Adams State College in Colorado. Miss Carmen San'dwick will re place Mrs. Mary Kincaid in the Home Economics Dept. Mrs. Kin caid will join her husband in Cali fornia. From Bend, Ore. Miss Sandwick has her BS degree in home economics from Oregon State University. She has previous ly taught in Yoncalla, for three years in Cathlamet, Wash, and one year in Pomeroy, Wash. Also hired was Mrs. Betty Mc Kcnzie who has taught for nine years in Indiana and California. The fifth grade teacher received her AB degree from Franklin College in Indiana. She and her husband, who will teach in the Riddle grade school, taught last year in Los Alamedes, Lain. School Districts Gain In Assessed Valuation Douglas County has shown an increase of assessed valuation from $119,302,529 last year to $121,566, 270 this year. This is an increase of $2,263,741. Fourteen school districts gained in assessed valuation. Included in the assessed valuation figures are Fern Ridge, Cottage Grove, Flor ence Union High 13, South West Or egon Education District, County, Douglas Rural School and Lane Rural School. , Assessed values are 25 per cent of the true cash value. Comparative valuations are as follows: District 11 M County $119,302,529 $121,566,270 Douglas Rural School 118,821,081 121,056,675 Lane Rural School 481,448 509,595 School Districts - Oakland 7,021,867 6,833,676 Roseburg 33,988,764 34,989,556 Canyonville 1,647,285 1,839,741 Gardiner 4,952,076 4,859,000 Glide 20,047,310 20,922,330 Days Creek 2,152,009 2,092,356 Myrtle Creek 5,731,933 5,731,045 Camas Valley 1,369,175 " 1,260,189 Drain " 3,786,562 . 3,795,578 Yoncalla 2,362,324 2,322,417 Elkton 3,094,185 3,053,878 Umpqua 1,799,849 1,793,223 Riddle ". 7,158,200 7,079,035 Glendale' 3,284,191 3,295,328 Reedsport 4,834,342 5,135,960 Dillard 9,911,862 10,379,612 Ash 556.250 552,740 - Sutherlin 5,122,837 5,121,011 , Fern Ridge 337,060 365,100 Cottage Grove 22,510 21,911 Florence 121.878 122,584 Union High 13 9,729,968 9,940,230 South West Oregon Education District 9,908,296 10,117,544 Part of Learning Not part of a formal education but just as important are lessons of thrift. Help your children leorn them by open ing a savings account for them today ot UMPQUA Jackson & Oak SAVINGS Cr LOAN ASS'N Phone 673-2656 IMS w Just In Time... FOR YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL WARDROBE! ATTRACTIVE . . , COMFORTABLE . . . EASY ON THE BUDGET! FASHION'S MOST PERFECT LOOK Popular Classic Pull-over Sizes 8 to 18 Reg, $7.98 . FINE FASHION COLORS Matching Slim Skirt Proportioned Length! Sizes 38 ond 40 Reg. $7.98 NOW NOW $599 1 trt- ' 0 mJ LADIES' SPORTSWEAR Second Floor CONCORD HOMESPUN, 45" Wide JUST ARRIVED! Mix-and-match & ffl OQ florals and plains in heavy cotton. p 0 xucai iui acpmaien. oee iu realty ap preciate ! KAPLAN WOOL FLANNEL, 54" Wide A big selection of 14 plain colors from i 4RV OO which to choose for back-to-school jjJ O time. nA aftrlA A nA .U4- 1 MM saving!. yd. LOCK - LINED FLANNEL, 60" Wide NEW. WOOL SENSATION! No I QQ separate lining problems! Protects .I jfO m mm 2 against fabric irritation . . . also re sists wrinkles! yd. Introducing C SAMSONTTE' SENTRY The Luggage that comet 1 to attention . . , martlyt new modern shape... exclusive concealed locks... strong lightweight magnesium frame... striking "designer" Interiors. Stirling tt only Cinderella Best of the new jail looks tm CHILDREN'S T V fi Dowmtoirs i J V A. . n . 0 I J M" PUtlMAN I ' n ..Ja I r -y, INjl'-"'"1 k COMMJtTON CAN SamMnile Sentry il'lavrthed with fainioo , fruhtKM...viMclis new colon... lively new linlnp... hidden kxka. Iu dent-mi tint body, Mime ma indium (fane, Katt nd itiln-raliunt eoverinfi an then to keep Hi vivid look even liter ye ft of use. Expensive? Not tt all.' You can cully fiord i matchine, let and brinl a new air of excitement to the tenteit or the ihorteit trip. Available in eight Mrikinf, colon (or men and women. KMJTtCAM itt.H unff Ton ttt.w i- usw own Iitn UOV WitOaOM tjHtl IfPUtAUMCAU tn. ll'COMMMON CAM HH Twasuma $ai.n noHtUTta new CORDUROY WRAP-AROUND SKIRT . in natural or moss green sizes 8 to 16 , $6.99 COORDINATING COTTON PRINT BLOUSE sizes 10 to 16 $3.98 LADIES' SPORTSWEAR Second Floor iiies 3 to 6 x tizet 7 to 14 $4.91 $5.98 Firkins for 100 cars at ur wtit entrant 1 HOUR FREE f ARKSNG with $2 minimum urcHiia OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 NEW EXCITINQ INTERIORS 10. MIMt lonWearIff, Mfh fiyl Rftlnff. witk t . Mw wntKt pMu far tfw "mmm tm S go." Oft WOMINi On, Ml HeWIM M lmU awttfal . fp reaVm i Ilia fcMmlful flM I 5' LUGGAGE Mezzanine . Ready for school, ready . play, pretty new little-girl dresses in warm autumn plaids, printi , stripes, or checks. AU in easy-care fabrics. Come see the collection! The Best For The Price . . . No Matter What The Price! Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co.