; 4 V" h 7 I l;llu FINEST PAIR from any high school ot the 16th annual Shrine game Saturday night were Roseburg's Ail-Americans, Doug John, left, and Paul Brothers. Brothers won the Most Valuable Player award ond John was named the Outstand ing Lineman for the State team, coached by Medford's Fred Spigelberg, shown here with the RHS stars. Gene Smith Wins Gene Smith with a net total of 32 strokes was winner of a three- FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have ' suffered real embtrraGsment because their plate chopped, slipped or wob bled at Just the wrong time. Do not llva In rear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FA8TEETH, the alkaline (non-aold) powder, on your plates. Bold false teeth more flrmlj. so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (den ture breath). Get FASTEETH at am ' drug counter. 42ND ANNUAL Josephine County Fair t Grants Pass, Oregon 21-22-23-24 AUGUST, 1963 EXHIBITS FAT STOCK AUCTION HORSE SHOWS HORSE RACING - WED. & THURS. TIC-TACKI & TOW - AUG. 21 thru 24 SQUARE DANCING - FRI. & SAT. 8:30 P.M. PONY RACES - FRI. & SAT. 1 :30 P.M. . . MEMBFJt: OREGON FAIRS ASSOCIATION WESTERN FAIRS ASSOCIATION ONE-HALF MILE FROM CITY ON REDWOOD HIGHWAY Tha following radio anal television prat ramr an printed a. frag reodera. All program listings erg published as racaivad tram Hia raeaaetiva Marions. Tha Nawa Raviaw deat not accept rataoaelbillra for rariatlan from original schedules furnished this nawagaaaf KPIC-TV Ch. 4 CHANNEL 2 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY :0o-Today .8:00 Two Early ' 9:00-Yoga lor Health A' 1A Pljkw Vmir Munrh TkIap IO:COPrlca Is Right Color tO:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression Color 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 News 12:00-Peopl Will Talk 12:30 The Doctors 1:00 Loretta Young KBES-TV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY l:0O Captain kangaroo t:00-Calender 9:301 Love Lucy 10:00 The McCoys 10:30 Pete and Gladys :0O Love of Llfa 11:24-CB News 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 Tennessee Ernie 12:30 As The World Turns 1:00 Pessword 1:30 House Party !:00-TO Tell The Truth KOIN-TV Ch. 6 CHANNEL 83 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 Weather Forecast 7:35 Certoon Time 1:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:301 Love Lucy I0:00-The McCoys 10:30 Pete and Gladys ll:(-Love Of Life 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light , 12:00 Newr IJ:tt5 HI. Neighbor KEZI-TV " Ch. 9 CHANNEL 6 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Farm Journal ' 11:30 Saver. Keys t. OO Tennessee Era) Ford 2: 30 Father Knows Best 1:00 General Hosoltal l:30-Compass (Mon) ' For Your Information (Tues) Frontiers hi Science (Wed I ' Topic (Thurs) 1 Adventures In Living (Frl) KRNR 1 490 KC 1 8-Hr Programming CBS Network music, news, weather 3-Club Tournament club tournament staged at Stew art Park Golf Course last week by the Stewart Park Women's Golf Association. Nineteen members of the associ ation participated. Margie Wesemen was second with a net total of 36 and Georgia Edmonds third with a net of 37, Officers said a flag tournament will be held Tuesday or Saturday of next week for all members in terested. It Pays To Patronize News-Review Advertisers 1:30 You Don't Say , 2:00 Match Game 2:25 Afternoon Report 2:30 Make Room for Daddy (Mon-Wed.) 2:30 Be My Guest (Tues & Thurs) 3:00-T8A (Mon onlyl 3:00 Spectator Matinee (Tues-Fri) 3:30-wlre Service (Mon only) 4:30 tone Ranger 5:0O-Capt. Shipwreck MONDAY 5:30 Cartoon :0O Northwest News 6:15 Huntley-Srlnkley :30 Nevy Log ' - 7:00 Sea Hunt 7:30-Movls Color 2:24 News , 2:30 Edae of Night 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '43 4:54 American Newsstand MONDAY 5:00 Alvln S:30-Rln Tin Tin 6:00-Your TV Weetherman 6:05 Channel 5 Report 6:15 News 6:30-Tralls West 7:00 My 3 Sons 7:30-Dakolas 1:30 Vacation Playhouse 12:30 As The World Turns 1:0o-KOIN Kitchen 1:30 House Party 2:00-To THI The Trot 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Secret storm 3:30 The Millionaire 4:00 Cartoon Cireua 4:15 Early Show 5:45 Newscene 4:15 Walter Cronklte MONDAY 6:30 Plpcord 7:00 Trails West 7:30 To Tell Tha Truth 1:00 I've Got A Secret 2:00 Day m Court 2:30 Jan. wyman t 3:00-Queen For A Oay 3:30-Ooen House 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery 5:00 Jack's Kartoon Cejtfieua 5:30 Mickey Mouse MONDAY 6:00-News Nine 6:15 News 6:30 WMrlyMrds 7:30 Dakotas 8:30 Funny Funny Films 9:00 Sidney Burka RADIO PROGRAM j KQEN 1240 KC. 6 A.M. to Midnight I ABC Network music newt, weather Pdi By BILL SPARKS Naws-Raviaw Sports Writer It was '.'Roseburg Night" at Multnomah Stadium Saturday, as quarterback Paul Brothers engi neered the State All-Stars to a de cisive 27-0 victory over Metro, scored one touchdown himself and was named the Most Valuable Player of the game. Roseburg tackle Doug John, whose marathon "both ways" per formance was highlighted by a crashing tackle that caused a fum ble and gave State its first touch down, was named Outstanding Line man for the State squad. And the third former Indian star, Spike Moore, stepped into the role of defensive safety man for the first time in his career' and figured heavily in keeping the - State goal line uncrossed. Moore's defensive maneuvering forced Metro to aban don hopes for any long passes down the 'middle, and when they went for the sidelines, he was there to break up the play or come through with the tackle. Brothers who added the MVP to the High School All-America hon ors he was accorded last fall, pass ed and ran State to the most de cisive victory since 1954, that year State beat Metro 50-0. In'the statistics department, State picked up 15 first downs. Brothers ran for seven of those first downs and his passes accounted for an other four. He completed five of 17 serials, but several of the dozen which went incomplete were chalk ed up as dropped passes when the State ends and backs failed to hang onto a well-thrown pass. Brothers carried the ball 17 times for a net gain of 78 yards, slightly better than 4.3 yards per carry. But it was the big 6-2, 225-pound Doug John who gave State its first break in the annual Shrine AU Star game, played before 16,194 in Portland's Multnomah Stadium. Metro had the ball on its own 44 with a second and six situation when John Crashed through the line with a jarring tackle that forc ed Metro quarterback Barry Nord loff to fumble. Corvallis tackle Bob Pond picked up the loose ball on the 37 and raced into the Metro end zone for the first touchdown. Medford's Danny Miles came in to .kick the extra point and sent State out in front 7-0 with 2:22 left in the first quarter. i For the remainder of the first quarter and throughout the entire second quarter, both teams played in their own territory. The only time either of the squads was able to cross into enemy territory came early in the second quarter when State advanced to the Metro 40. Metros Nordloff picked off Brothers pass at that point, how ever, to halt the drive. The same pattern of sparkling defense developed throughout the third quarter, as neither team was able to generate a sustained drive into the other's territory. Then with about 20 seconds left in the period. Brothers started on a roil' out to his left from the State six yard line and drew in the Metro WINS BIG RACE DEAUVILLE, France (UPI) Revoqu?e, owned by American Edward Burke, scored a two length victory Sundav over Sea well in the $40,000 "Prix Morny" horse race. Smooth Jet, an Irish-trained horse owned by John McShain of Philadelphia, finished ninth. LAVER WINS TOURNEY CANNES, France (UPI) Rod Laver of Australia defeated coun tryman Ken Rosewall, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, in the final round of the Cannes professional tennis tour nament Sunday. ...' aabtic agrvicg fat Nawa-Ravlew . :30Art Llnkletter 10:00 Brlnkley Journal 10:30-Story Of ll:00Report ll:15-Tonlght Show-Color TUESDAY 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw a:00 Northwest News 6:15 Huntley-Brlnkley 6:30 The Pioneers ?:00-4Joyd Bridges 7:30 Laramie 6:30 Empire 9:30 Dick Powell 10:30 Report from NBC ll:00-Report ll:!5-Tonlght-Co!or Oo Comedy Hour Soeciels 00-77 Sunset Strip 00 ABC News Final TUESDAY OO-Sky King 30 Quick Draw McGraw 00 Your TV Weatherman 05 Channel 5 Report 15-cbs News with Waller Cronklte :30 The Deputy 00 Password 30-AAarstiall Dillon 00-Lloyd Bridges 30-Celebrlty Talent 30 Picture This 00 Keefe Braselle 00 ABC News Final 11:1 8:30 Vacation Playhouse 9:00 Comedy Hour Special 10:00 Password 10:30 Stump the Stara 11:00 Nlghtscene ll:IS-Flying Doctor TUESDAY 6:30 Hong Kong 7:30 Marshal Olllon I.0O Lloyd Bridges Show 8:30 Talent Scouts 9:30 Pkture This 10:00-Keefe Brassetle Show 11:00 Nlghtscene 11:15 Happy Tim l!:30-lonnny Staccato 10:00 Ben Casy ll:00AaC News 11:15 News Nina Final TUESDAY 6:00 News Nina 6:15 News 6:30 The Filberts 7:00-Tho Jetsons- 7:30 Combat B:3o Hawaiian Ere , 9:00 Untouchables ' 10:30-One step Beyond 11:00 News !1:15Ntwi f Final KYES 950 KC Down To Dusk Independent music, nam, weather. rollers, defense. When a Metro lineman put the tackle on him, the Rose burg quarterback turned and pitch ed out to South Eugene's Bob Of ficer on the 15 and Officer raced down- the sidelines and into the Metro end zone 85 yards away. There was a mixup on signals on the extra point attempt and State led 13-0 going into the final period. The longest sustained drive of the game started midway in the final period, when State took a punt on its own 35. On the second play of the series, Brothers rolled out around right end of his own 40 and raced all -the way to the Metro 29, where he was finally stop ped by the Metro safety. - " . State moved the ball to the Met ro 20 in the next three plays and Brothers powered his way through on a quarterback sneak to pick up Mon., Aug. 19, 1963 The FIRST-OF-THE-WEEK Shop the Drive Cannoned CEnkkeini Evaporated! MnDk CACCE MDE CAMMED B&M BAKED BEANS 28 Ox. Tin... DEL MONTE CATSUP 14 Ox. Bottle . DEL MONTE DRINK to" ?,ri2 Pineapple Juice or Pineapple-Grapefruit. DEL MONTE GARDEN PEAS PRUNE JUICE Real Prune. 24 Ox. Bottle ! CHEESE SPREAD Chef. Delight 1 Pkg U.S.D.A. CHOICE RIBftOAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE SH0E.T ftllSS PLATE BOIL . SPECIAL DRIVE -N- Pnces Good save services Posroaa Stamp For Sola Monday - Tuesday ,arn MoBn ordan Wednesday rainn ChKkt c,,h,d Floor Polisher Far Rmt Aug. 19, 20, 21 Film Procssfna Mm Lead $M the all-important first down. On the next play, he fired a pass to Pendleton s Steve Bunker on the I 10.- . After Medford's Jack Lowery picked up a first down on the seven yard line. Brothers rolled o it around left end to the one, where he was forced out of bounds. On the next play, he crashed over right guard on a quarterback sneak into the Metro end zone. ' Miles once again added the extra point, making it 20-0 with 5:33 left in the game. Metro took the next kickoff and after picking up bne first down Nordloff punted from his own 47. Grants Pass halfback Bob Shep ard took the punt on the State 30 and raced back to the Metro 22. With State leading by 20 points, Brothers watched the next series of plays from, the sidelines and News - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 7 - N - Save Way and ib(Q lb Medford's Danny Miles took over the quarter-backing chores. On the third play of the series, he hit Crater's Mike Glines.for a first down on the Metro nine. Bend's Jim Leagjeld powered over left tackle from the nine to score the fourth and final touch down. Once again Miles split the uprights to make it 27-0 with 2:30 left. . South' Eugene halfback Bob Of ficer was named Outstanding Back for the State. Officer picked up 128 yards on 11 carries, including the 85-yard scamper on the lateral from Brothers for State's second touchdown, for an 11.6 yard per carry average. Jesuit's Pat Casey, younger brother of last year's Most Valu able Player, Tim Casey, was nam ed Outstanding Back for Metro. Casey gained 66 yards in 18 car ries and averaged 37.8 yards on eight punts. Officer averaged 37.3 Save! 3'l 699 387 AJAX -597' 29' 5)c a. torn Li '1 t7( u u J9 I 27 yards on seven punts, in spite of the fact he lost 20 yards when one of bis booming kicks rolled Into the end zone. Bob Lawrence of Marshall was named the Outstanding Lineman for Metro. ' , All-in-all, it was a great night for the many Roseburg fans who attended the game, as the Indians' two All-Americans were named co captains for their team and walked off with two top honors; a third RHS star turned in a fine per formance; and a share of the credit went to Roseburg Coach Roy Thompson, who found some sweet VENETIAN BLINDS ; Sales and Service SERVICEMASTER Of Roseburg 672-4601 W. Give StH Ghm Stomps ROUND PICNIC TABLES WITH 4 BENCHES. S Foot Diameter. CLOSE-OUT PRICE MEN'S SWEAT SHIRTS Crow Neck 100 Cotton $499 Assorted Siiet I Swift's Premium. Whole Chicken 3 4 Ox. Tin Borden's Tall Tin Swant Down. Reg. 39c ' All Varieties 25 Shasta All Flavors 12 Oz. Tin VEL LIQUID DETERGENT PALMOLIVE SOAP Rg.233e Bath Six CLEANER All Purpose with ammonia. Giant Sixe Battle SOAKY'S BUBBLE BATH 6! FLEISCHMAN'S MARGARINE ..'. Z GERBER'SBABY CEREALS 19i Large Freeh Ears PEACHES Alomar BUSHEL CUCMEBS -51 APPLES - JO" GEM PEPPEMSi 0 17m revenge as an assistant coach Sat urday night for the 28-7 defeat he suffered at the hands of Metro as head coach last season. STATISTICS Itata Metre First downs Nit Yardi Rushing Passes Attempted Passes completed Had Intercepted Net Yards Passing Total ottsnse Punting Average Yards Penalized Fumbles Lost 15 14 ' J70 . li a 7 ss MS 7-37.3 . 55 I 5T u . 2 10- JOfr.i 11-33.1 15 ' . 1." AUTHORIZED SALES SERVICE AMERICAN BOSCH Ant " ROOSA MASTER Fuel Systems DIESEL INJECTION SERVICE 17S0 N. I. Sto.lsaM i741U REG. S9c : CHARCOAL BRIQUETS Broll-Et t. Rodeo Brairds. 10 BAG 20 IB. BAG 57? ...... jTBilfi 18 Cz. )ar l sjl JJ Z:: LB. $ 5f bag Zb . H7fe rot 22 Ox. Bottle J: 225'i 59'! 291 DOZEN 40-42 LB, avo. SPECIAL DRIVE -R. SAVE SERVICES - Hmrtief & FbMaf - Licensee IT.'. Deck Stamps Year Arsiind Lay-Away