Young People Win Ribbons In 4-H Cook Projects Calendar Of Regional Events Outdoor Cooking C 1 Blue Award and State Pair: Champion. Jean Ann Andrews; Kathleen Cory, Loretta AAetzger and Kathy Plov. all Reedsport. Blue Award: Jeffrey Wlkston, Roseburg; Stephanie Grubb and Nora Cory. Reedsport. Red Award: Tresa Wlkslrom. R. D. Buell, Randy Graves, Bruce Ellis. Roseburg; Marie Metioer. David Peck, Sandra Rose, Harold Camie Hillier, Judy Bartow, Diane Mc Donald, Reedsport. Red Ribbons: Peggy Hopkins, Janet Brick ey, Phyllis Insley, Roseburg; Terra Glenn, Curtln; Jackie Pederson, Green; Debra Weaver, Myrtle Creek; Teresa Cherry, Oak land; Patricia Tabor, Sutherlin. White Ribbons: Kathy Carpenter, Curtln; Colleen Olson, Riddle; Patty Freadman, Win ston; Kathy Parsons, Roseburg; Ella Fu-j gate, Oakland; Elaine Abel, Reedsport. Easy Meals Class 11 Blue Ribbons: Shirley Martin, Trecia Bow lln, Roseburg; Franklin Cooper. Sutherlin;; Nancy Lyster, Reedsport. Bhje Ribbons and State Fair: Champion, Mlchele Renee Dupper, Ruth Hubbard. Rose burg; Marilyn James, Olalla; Gloria Crook. Reedsport; Rebecca Van Cleave, Wilbur. White Ribbons: Sharon Titus, Brenda Bowers, Rosebura i Sharon Hutchinson. Rid bard, Roseburg. Food Adventures (Class v, plain) Blue Ribbons: Judy Newbun and Sandra Parker. Winston. Red Ribbons: Patty Freadman, Winston. Blue Ribbons and Stale Fair: Nancy Walker, Linda Cox, 5herl Medford, Annette Brink ley, Jeanfltle Kischel, Susan Wlrlck, Shirley Klschef, Champion, Mary Nickles and Jullanne Zurcher, Roseburg. Red Ribbons; Gall Rogers; Roseburg; Su san Major. Glendale. . , Food Preparation IV ' Blue Ribbons and Slate Fair: Sue BoHen baugh, Kathy Book. Roseburg; . Jacqueline Deeds, Drain; Glnda Ulm, Winslon. Red Ribbons: Suzanne Parker, Dolores Hall. Winston; Judy- Bacon, Florence Lar Monday, Aug. If Satan's ChauH.ura, 7:30 p.m. ,411 SE Micelli. Roseburg Slimmertttes (TOPS Club) 810 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church. ' Timber Town Duplicate Bridg. Club 7:30 p.m. For information call Mrs. Walter Ulrich, OR 2-1468, or Mrs. John Davenport, OR 3-8278. Master point play every third Mon day. Roseburg Slimmeiettes (TOPS Club), 7pm. Benson School cafe teria Glide Medical Self Help, classes at Community Club, 10:30 a.m. ,3?'rs Club' Roseburg Womans Uub, noon potluck. Navy Reserve, Naval Reserve Facility, 1624 W. Harvard. Knights of Pythias, Pythias Hall 8 p.m. Winston City Council, City Hall. Douglas Camera Club, 880 SE Jackson, social, 7:30 p.m. Roseburg City Planning Com mission, 7:30 p.m. Lilac Circle, Neighbors of Wood craft, Roseburg Woman's Club, 7:30 p.m. Myrtle Creek Toastmistress Club, My-tle Creek Hotel, 8 p.m. Emblem Club, Elks Temple, 8 p.m. Douglas County Chapter of the Oregon Pilots Association, court house auditorium, 8 p.m. Douglas County Chapter of the Oregon Council of the Blind, home of Elery Jones, 1:30 p.m. Roseburg Toastmistress Club, grand jury room at courthouse, 7:30 p.m., for information call 673-3107. Tuesday, Aug. 20 Winston Dillard Kiwanis Club, dinner meeting at Junction Cafe, 6:30 p.m. Sutherlin Methodist Church, choir practice, ?:30 p.m. Boots and Calico Pattern Dance Lessons, Winston Community Hall, 8-10 p.m., Ward Cummings instruc tor. For information call OR 2-2868 or write PO Box 104. Roseburg Kiwanis Club, Ump qua Hotel Civic Room, noon. Glide Kiwanis Club, 7:30 p.m. Open duplicate bridge club 7:15 at Umpqua Hotel. For information call Mrs. W. C. Callison, OR 2-1452. Alcoholics Anonymous, 424 NE Winchester, 8 p m., for informa tion call OR 3-6629. Associated Volunteers card par ty, Veterans Hospital recreation building music room, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Army Reserve, 1614 W. Harvard, 310 p.m. Woodmen Circle Workbasket, 7:30 p.m. Roseburg Art Association. Oregon League of Seniors, Can yonville IOOF Hall, 2 p.m. Melrose Grange, Grange Hall, 8 p.m. Job's Daughters, Bethel 8, Mason ic Hall, 7:30 p.m. South Umpqua Archers Shoot, Riddle Warehouse, 7 p.m. Rose, Marcla Thompson and Tresa Brother! ton, Reedsport t vera van Tassei. uaramer. White Award: Patricia Metiger, Mike Brotherfon, Elaine Abl. Roy Peck, Steven Abel, Roy Peck. Steven Abel, Reedsport; John Barton. Gary Denny, Sherman Champ. Roseburg; Car la Juhl, Gardiner, Outdoor Cooking Class 11 Blue Award and State Fair: Champion, Randy Rentrow, Rtcky HJhn, Roy Butts. Ken Long, Roseburg. Outdoor CookingClass 111 son, Roseburg; Elhel Harris, Glendale. White Ribbons: Elizabeth Buckleair, Win ston; Donna Davli, Sutherlin; Mary Lou Anderson, Glendale. Bread Blue Ribbons and State Fair: Barbara Gail Miller, Glide, champion; Judy Harris, Roseburg. Red Ribbons: 1 Evelyn Cooper, Sutherlin LEGAL Blue Award and State Fair: Champion, dle; Dorothy Mae Young, Canyonvllle; Pa tricia Freadman, Winston; Karen Earle, Die I le Earle. Reedsport. i Red Ribbons: Mary Coakley, Janet Coop er, Nancy Ellis, Roseburg. Easy Meals Class lv Blue and Slate Fair: Mary Elizabeth Hub :.::'.'al saca of xucus ckv cuss lonya wrignr, unae. Blue Award: Terry Wright, Glide. White Award: Betty Hardwlck, Glide. Mealtime Fun Blue Ribbons: Kathleen Crouch, Oakland; Debbie Hopkins, Rachel Elaine Wallace. roUouir.e reportc . publish.! to CSS l!jO vhlch atatta In v.. county (.lsrs raU pjblicti a aurrjirv report of th- frj,r.ois' condition or th oountyj the ennual report of t! rx"cjil-st.-r ar.i it-'- arjiml rsccrt of tn Sreaaurer. , SloKart Cart Club, Roseburg Christie Qulner, Rosebura; Carta Ireland. Cartways, 7:30 p.m. Sandra Panse, Reedsport; Linda Hathaway, Mon., Aug. 19, 196?- The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 sivjxay, siais;-.2.7 c? FiftCCiAL cu;.ai:ics a:.d :.u:;s.;:io:;3 ct . U'lSttS cou:.Vx Ottoi:;, for m fiscal fcjui 2.:m;;g j;:;s jo, 196 j. Cash ar.i 2teM June 30, 1962 LiSS - Varrants Unpaid ;;st CaBh and Cach Item June jO, 1962 r,axoa and Interest iJounty Land Seles 0 i fl Lsr.d Grants P'orast Ti.ibar Sales Ciaer Cach iKavenue $ 6,C?i,196.C2 -fe07..5il.93 ' TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT (Slowing Che amount of taxes collected and turned over during the fiscal year July 1st, 1962 to June 30th, 1963 inclusive.) Fund W2-63 1961-62 1960-61 1959-60 1958-59 1957-58 &Prior Total . : t. , 3, 9747 - ' "V ; ' m "" ' ..urrants Issued lax Rebates Cash rsyaen'-a-County Funds Cash i-ayasnla-Tnist tt Agency Acctunts :,'et Cash acd Oash iteas Juris 30, 1963 Ajj - "..arrant a Unpaid Trsssurer's Cash and Cash Jteia Jiuva 3C, 1963 rld as "pllovs 193,Ct,7,2 101,472.-: 6 Cash on Hard Cash in I ante Investixent Securities ?ixe Deposits .:;s cwsia:.d:..g 6.C27.33 1,55b, 036. SO 16.C0C.C0 lg,g69,ic;..;6 ,i7,'a,i?tqo 1,874,524.55 5, 469,9i 5. 09 Virrant Fund General County General Roads Led ic at ad Roads ' Do; Control Law Library Co. of Claixs Approved and Warrants Issued 9,908 6,629' ' 2 . Sm 1 . 16,901 . Azo ur.t of Clains and '.arrant a Issued S 2,423,192.03 4,223,642.72 33,496.20 15,534.64 3975.51 . Aaount cf Asrranta 1 'Jny.aid 63063 231,977.62 2,262.95 5 6,699.341.10 $ .59530.54 afSWOHURES 0? .CAMIDMES 3Sr0ST3D I0S ?S3 M0V3IB21 6, 1963 OSISRAL ElCTtOlI Ivan P. Edwards - 3 5C6.77 Siser 3. Ketzger 463.34 hoy E. Cox 339.71 Inland W. S-zarrarud, Jr. 236.46 varverd for Assessor Coco. 424.66 G. D Ityllenbeck 663.4 CuuLTY OF DOiJGUS ) John Wa. Robertson 572.85 Rotertaoa for Clerk CoaoitieQ 18.16 V'arron ?. DelAVsrgne Kone Viard C. '..'atsba ... 5,00 Jack B. Lay . , 59.58 A. V. Kohr ' 29,15 General County ---------- $ County School - --90,609.56 Lower Umpnua Hospital ------- 32,740.16 Southwestern Oregon Education Dist. 38,572.40 Dedicated Public Road Fund - - - - 14,108.96 Interest .-- 4,418.62 Fire Patrol 62,869.33 Reforest 2,031.82 Yield Tax 1,554.09 Additional Timber Tax 91,320.23 Port of Umpqua - -- -- -- -- - Douglas Rural School ------- 1,762,021.77 Lane Rural School -------- 15,150.93 Coos Rural School -------- Roseburg Rural Fire District - - - 73,677.21 Gardiner Rural Fire District - 2,188.21 Winchester Bay Fire District - - - 2,521.62 Winston-Dillard Fire District - - - 17,773.86 Myrtle Creek Fire District - - - - 1,765.90 Tri-City Fire District ------ 4,880,38 Riddle Fire District - - - - 7,588.12 No. Roseburg Sanitary District - 21,785.99 Green Sanitary District ------ 19,016,66 Riddle Cemetery - --------- 6,085.64 Roberts Creek Water District - - - - 6,576,13 Ridgewood Water District ------ 614.23 Winston-Dillard Water District - - - 2,893,32 Tri-City Water District 15,765,13 Sewer Service Charges ------- 23.00 Non High - Special Union High --------- 162,679.63 Special Schools 3,401,722.76 Cities 826,258.31 Total $ 7,339,213.97 1, C. D. Kyllenback, County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon do'hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial condition of Douglas County, Oregon, at the close of tha fiscal year ending June 30, 1963) and that the candidates expenditures enumerated above are correct as they were reported to me and on file in ray' office,- as I verily believe, - Datad this 7th day of August, 1963. 47,047.45 1,789.41 1,527.07 18,970. 31 8, o41.19 J 11.77 2,'25.20 1,016.93 133, 471.63 ,. 154.29 4,849.59 : 128.99 100.57 1,794.13 514.22 786.64 725.63 1,772.94 2,400.22 202.44 1,028.82 17.48 532.72 2,767.48 2,558.00 15,658.95 244,379.23 83,068.15 $ 578,541.45 $ - 13,981.72 633.13 20,396.10 2,730.64 8.98 ANNUAL REPORT DOUGLAS C 0 U M T Y TREASURER Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1963 5,437.11 2,738.72 333.98 21,375.53 1,457.67 3.88 4,909.12 2,614.03 26,103.92 2,037.74 16.05 . 1,152.91 785.67 116.98 4,576.78 12,317.71 163.15 192.40 - 49,256.27 25,469.14 25,057.20 3,883.28 106.91 11.52 53.60 37.80 1,351.88 525.46 468.31 267.56 55.50 , 29.38 27.57 1.53 21.31 6.46 28.24 9.19 750.11 " 801.91 260.16 3.90 306.28 190.32 97.69 168.52 77.74 165.10 43.15 221.18 1 113.62 48.20 35.60 520.68 327.70 317.47 374.27 280.23 . 71.59 51.03 . 19.23 296.19 7.23 296.65 1,294.85 329.71 6.53 ' 490.67 221.79 465.28 31.38 1,144.00 232.50 182.50 169.50 11.90 6,044.76 5,045.55 6,137.90 , 1,209.26 60,821.67 51,354.31 40,914.64 12,962.60 22,298.84 11.469.77 12.177.22 2.718.29 $ 182,182.22 $ 128,782.90 $ 122,500,48 ? 40,917.60 Grand Total Less Rebate $ 8,392,138.62 193.032.27 $ 8,199,106.35 IRA C. BYRD, Sheri. and Tax Collector by, Nelda Svarverud, Deputy. 11,499 757,777. 85,613. 40.099. 18,685, 103,582, . 77,899, 2,172. 4,079, 91,320. 1,209. 1,999,159, 15,477 37 81,140 2,431 2,687 21,384 2,874 i 6,121 8,732 25,099. 21,838. 6,288. 7,908, ' 631. 5,353, 19,791, . ... 4,309, I'm - 196,776, 3,812,155, 957.990 14 ,15 ' ,66 ' ,47 ,74 ,19 ,72 .50 1 .29 .23 .33 .29 .25 .80 .01 .18 .39 .07 .41 .53 .35 .05 ,96 ,08 ,37 ,71 ,78 ,73 ,50 ,90 .05 .21 .58 $ 8, 392, 138.62 FTCD BALANCE 6-30-62 TAXES INTEREST CK TAXES OTHER RECEIPTS COOS BAY LAND REFOREST RE FOR TRAIL. HSE TRANSFERS WAO.ROAD SALES TAX INT LIC.FEES HISCEL. TOTAL WARRANTS REFOR PAID REBATE TAX REBATE CASH PAYMENTS TRANSFERS TOTAL BALANCE 6-30-63 GENERAL CGUtJTY ' 662,L87.3 U,li99.11i 2,921.7? 2383,395.99 Ui,098.88 193,255.02 3267,658.13 2362,753.78 , 277.81 'ii50,lit)0.00 Y $8l3,Ii71.5 Ii5b,l6.$b GENERAL ROAD 2096,993.26 3713,8oS.98 5810,799.2b 14296,157.32 1296,157.32 15Ul,6l1.92 DEDICATED PUBLIC ROAD 38,659.83 h, 576.78 1,85b. 77 15,289.90 ,, 60,581.28 33.li96.20 ' 33,1)96.20 27,085.08 Dttj LICENSE -. 6,763.98 15,891.00 22,651).98 15,1)80.26 230.65 15,710.91 6,9.01 UW LIBRARY ' 616.36 3,388.25 '501.50 U,5o6.11 3,886.93 3,88693 .619.18 CEffiluiY, COLES VALLEY : . '. 778.66 15.58 791). 21l ' 79!).2l) 791). 2l CtMETEhY, RIDDLE HAIliTEi-'ANCK 1),3U1.62 6,288.08 7.37 210.00 ' 150.30 .90 20.1)0 11,018.67 .02 170.1)9 6,0U.$0 6,215.01 lj,803.66f CITIES , ' -968.2l 957,990.58 12,857.18 1,51)0.97 2,030.01 3,398.28 978,785.26 21,296.65 957.U88.6l 978,785.26 COUNTY FOREST ACQUISITION ': . 21,775.00 21,775.00 ' 21,775.00 DISTRICT COURT 10,182.65 106,371.10 . . 116,553.75 l)0,35I).01 67,228.91) 107,582.95 8,970.80 DOUGUS COUNTY HKE 81.89 81.89 ' ' - ' . 81.89 DoUGLAS COUNTY PARKS, SINKINO 55,l)Ol).96 1,021.1)3 . 56,1)26.39 38,000.00 3B,000.00 18,1)26.39 DOUGLAS COUNTY SINKING 2195,086.01 66.77 2195,152.78 2195,152.78 2195,152.78 DRAINAGE, TENhlLE-LhKESIDE 28.1)6 . 28.1)6 28.1)6,; ESTATES IN TRUST 1)31.28 . 577.76 1,009.01) 500.0O 500.00 509.0U FAIR FUND 26,663.81 26,663.81 20,500.00 20,500.00 6,163.81 FIRE PaIROL 52.25 77,899.72 1,616.92 79,598.89 1 1,611.08 77,987.81 -. 79,598.89 FIRE DISTRICTS, RURAL 67,681.80 125,370.91) . 1,519.13 25,670.02 102,1)9 .2I4 , 1,305.99 17,077.67 238,728.28 - 2,900.75 185,20l).36 17,077.67 205,162.78 33,51)5.50 FINANCIAL RESERVE, DOUGLAS CCUNTY l86,607.71) 2068,293.35 225l),901.09 Ub3.8li 11)3.61) 2251),757.25 HOSPITAL, LOWER UKPSUA 96.26 85,613.66 268.I48 63.31) 50.37 30.23 .08 225.73 86,31)8.20 .75 2,319.21 81),028.21 86,31)8,20 JUDGEMENT ACCOUNTS 1)0.39 1)0.39 1)0.39 USD SALES . 22,970.51 81,630. 9l) 10lj,6oi.l)5 - 565.15 96,639.30 99,20l).l)5 5,397.00 LXiUtR UW ENFORCEMENT 12.1)5 1,028.50 550.00 1,590.95 1,131.85 1,131.85 1)59.10 PORT CF UMPQUA l)l).51 1,209.33 71.1)2 13.59 .02 107.80 1,1)1)6.67 .35 1,1)1)6.32 1,1)1)6.67 REGISTRY & INDEMNITY CASH ; - 1,117.76 29.1)8 1,11)7.21) 1,11)7.21 REFORESTATION 2,215.81 2,172.50 11.71) 55,57 . ' 1),1)55.6S 57.91 2,271.1)1 ' 2,329.32 2,126.33 SANITARY, GREEN GENERAL 21,211.71 21,838.96 I6I4.05 1)50.00 L7.70 1)3,715.1)2 1)22.73 9,1)77.06 23,086.75 32,986.51 10,728.88 SnMTARY, GRSEN COHSTKL'CTION 1 . .1,911.11 319,272.98 321,l81).09 320,871.51 320,871.51-. 312.58 SANITARY, GREEN BOND SINKING 2,089.59 1,665.66 23,086.75 26,81)2.00 18,380.00 18,360.00 8,1)62.00 omNITAkY, N. ROSB. BANCROFT SINKING 1,782.68 8,90l).l)0 8,302.92 18,990.00 12,71)2.50 12,71)2.50 6,21)7.50 SANITARY, N. HOoB. BANCROFT TIKE DEP 39,565.85 815.01 1)0,380.86 20,008.31) 8,302.92 28,311.26 12,069.60 oaNITArY, K.'KGSfl. GEN OBLIO. SH. 3,563.75 559.01 23,01)2.50 27,165.26 23,51)6.25 23,516.25 3,619.01 SADITAHY, N. KOSB. GEN TAX 6,938.21) 25,099.05 163.11 596.60 33,097.33 57l).l6 525.00 23,01)2.50 2l,ll1.66 , 8,955.67 SAluTAhY, N. ROSB. GEH TIKE DEP 16,058.66 1)31.11 16,189.79 16,189.79 SANITARY, N. ROSB. GEN CONSTRUCTION 111,1)50.91) , lljl,!)S0.91) 23,935.23 . .23,935.23 117,515.71 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE - li, 309.50 1, 309.50 1), 309.50 . 1), 309.50 SCHOOL BUILDING 163,890.58 . s 716,971.66 880,862.21) 553,091.69 553,091.69 . '327,770.55 COUNTY SCHOOL 30,629.66 757,789.05 5,2&.56 116,020.52 3,061.97 9,133.22 219.11 1.11 1,11)8.57 12.50 1226,325.63 5.36 18,631.96 1207,011).33 , 1225,651.65 ' 673.98 BORLAND SCHOOL CASH 1,202,0!) . -516.20 1,71)3.2!) ' 1,71)8.21) DURLAND SECURITY 17,605.76 ' ' ' 17,605.76 . . . 17,605.76 RURAL SCHOOL 9l,l2l.36 '20ll,67l.31 25,073.11 1,512.17 7,316.25 23,5M.I2 613.31 6.!j5 11,773.50 177,315.13 2656,81)3.37 15.33 17,962.31 2606,863.31) 265b,8!l,01 2,007.86 RURAL SCHOOL EMERGENCY 26,791.60 83.53 26,875.13 26,875.13 26,875.13 ' , - - SOUTH WEST OREGON EDUC. DIST. i 89.02 10,099.17 57.00 25.7U 23.20 25.53 " 166.01 10,190.97 .67 1,075.1)1 39,1)11). 89 10,190.97 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 13,311.51 3332,953.37 17,183.35 3,161.23 13,922.01 19,131.30 1,225.11 1.90 21,563.2? 3988,566.13 30.65 90,860.02 3078,609.1)9 819,065.97 3988,566.13 school DISIRICT SINKING 186,723.11 123.75 819,065.97 1006,213.13 850,795.38 85o-,795.38 155,122.75 S1ATE IRREDUCIBLE SCHOOL 2l,603.03 , 2l),603.03 21,603.03 2l,603.03 tiiiuH HIGH SCHlajL 395.33 175,972.39 1,667.38 110.10 120.92 99.70 :72 737.31 , 179,105.65 2.!! I. 533. 58 117,107.60 27,162.03 179,105.65 UNION HIO'l SCHOOL SHKE3 2U0.00 650.57 27,162.03 28,352.60 . , . 23,603.35 , 23,603.85 1), 718.75 SHERIFF'S TAX HONEY 92,921.1!) 8261,316.71 8351,737.38 8285,328.19 8285,328.19 69,1)09.39 TAX OFFSET-EXCESS FUNDS 118,857.16 192,361.57 311,721.73 118,857.16 11)8,857.16 192.86U.57 ADDITIONAL TIMBER TAX-OFFSET - 91,320.23 . 91,320.23 91.320.23 TIMBER TAX REFUND 11,897.50 11,897.50 93.23- - 98.23 11,799.27 IRAILER HOUSE LICENSE FEES 11),335.19 111, 395.06 88,730.55 Ll,335.l9 ll),335.19 liU.395.06 YIELD TAX li.079.29 l,079.2? li,079.29 WATER DISTRICTS 33,685.59 . 879.07 191). 19 233.81 3U.992.66 615.95 3U.376.71 3U.992.66 TOTAL 609U.196.02 8183,127. 2U 102,201.25 16313,U33.9U 29,330.26 93,639.30 2,253.10 13.31 UZii335.U9 3657.965.3U 35026,055.25 6711.77U.U9 55.57 193,032.27 1350,297.70 330O.9UO.13 29556,100.16 5U69.955.09 I, Bert Laurance, Treasurer of Douglas County, Oregon do hereby certify that the foregoing report is a true and correct accounting of the various funds in my custody, as I verily believe. BERT LAURAJ.'Ct;, DOUGLAS COUNTY TREASURER July 15, 1963