I i' s 1$ B I I 10 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Aw. 19, 1963 4-H Horticulr urists Win Variety Of Ribbon Awards Don't Be Too Proud! ABIGAIL VANSURIH DEAR ABBY: This if regarding that woman whose husband was unfaithful and then came crawling back to his wife with promises to "make it up to her." She asked you if she should let her husband share her bedroom again, and you replied with one word, "Yes. Are you crazy or something? Why should the wife take him back? I'd let him sleep out in the dog house like the dirty dog that he is. PROUD . DEAR PROUD: And then what would you have? A husband who's provided with an excuse to be have Ilk a dog because he's treat ed Ilka on. Don't build fences where you can build bridges DEAR ABBY: As a young father. married two years, I hope you'll print my gripe to snow what a MAN thinks for once? I am strug gling to pay rent, feed my family and keep up on my car expenses, plus a lot of incidental bills, we bv MtA afefS t very ; ShOT, CaCMESjr www. i vers-Arv a By - v. - canX mw r uockntand that it takw oil w Urw to driv tt mifes every weekend, plus being expected to bring a gift. She refuses to reaUie this. IRRITATED DEAR IRRITATED: If young .1. - a tkw OA thtV won't go far. Show your wife what j Biinr.cT ImVi like. And tall i I Lu. mm mm aOft.mil frrtBS Mr yer you can afford. Than lot her pick th "occasions." When a hus band lays down the law for valid reasons, his wife can only respect him for it. ( Horticulture plays an important : part in the hves of a 4-H'er, and ; the county was pretty well re pre ' seated io the Flower and Vegetable 1 Division this time. , ; The following were listed as this ear$ county fair winners: ; PlOWIftS AK: EthtJ Mrr.j. Mry Lou w- PrKhft. Roseburo; Joyc ft'SN wl SNeW Vi. DiLrd. tvt Awns; Jutfy Harris. Ars: SlWvn Vit. Dillard; Arttna Ketncr, OM.Ind; Jvtfy HArri. Ettwt Hr rs. Gnaeit: Joyc WrtaM. OilUrd; Jtnnt ftrH Ars: Javc WrioM. OilUrd: Eth- t Himv GtoocJtl:. aiM and Stat Fair: Jn Prtschcrn, Ooma Davis. Sumcrim. Rtd Amrt: Donna Davis, Sutherlin; Don im KarUnoar, Oakland; Jean Prtschtrn, Pat ty Freadman, Winston. ' Junlar cardan Btua and State Fair: Ruthan M. Jones. Dillard; Marion Tabor, Sutherlln; Julia Young, Winston. Blue Awards: Marion Tabor, Sutherlln; Julia Young, Winston; Christy Buettner, Winston; Peggy Wright, Dillard. Red Awards: Christy Buettner and Julia Young, Winston; Merle Tabor, Sutherlin; Linda Jones, Dillard; Carol Hooten, Win ston; Ruthan Jones, 01 Hard; Marion Tabor, Sutherlin. Whit Awards: Char lane Klschel. VEGETABLES . Sen lor Garden ( C lass 1 Blue and State Fair: Peter McCord. 011 lird; Bonnie Painter, Winston; Steven Stand ley, Reedsport. Red Awards: Judy Harris, Lola Standiey, Reedsport; James Liening, Winston. White Awards: James Householder, Dil lard. Junior Garden (Class 1) Blue and Slate Fair: Melissa bianoiey, Reedsport. Red Awards: Laurie Painter, Wlnslom Anne Householder, Dillard. ' i Whit Awards: Anne Householder, Dillard. Junior Garden (Class it Blue and State Fair: Jeanelt Kischel. Junior Garden (Class 4) Blue and State Fair: Bonnie Painter, Winston;' Merle Tabor, Sutherlln; Laurie Painter. Winston. Red Awards: Steven Standiey, Reedsport; Linda Thrush, Camas Valley. White Awards: Anne Householder, Dillard, Jeanett Kischel, Roseburg. Junior Garden (Class 5) Red Awards: James Householder, Dillard. Junior Garden (Class ) White Awards: Jeanette Kischel, Roseburg. Junior Garden (Class 7) Blue and State Fair: Lola Standiey, Reeds port. Red Awards: Anne Householder. Dillard. Junior Garden (Class ) ' Bhje and State Fair: Laurie Painter, Win ston. , Red Awards: Marlon' Tabor, sutherlln. White Awards: Bonnie Painter, and Patty , Freadman, Winston. ' Junior Garden (Class 10) Blue and State Falrf Bonnie Painter and Laurie Painter, Winston. i While Awards: Jimmy Liening, Winston. Junior Garden (Class 11) White Awards: Tommy Burt, Roseburg. Junior Garden (Class 1 White Awards: Terry Burt, Roseburg..' Junior Garden (Class 13) Blue and State Fair! Pat Freadman, Win ston. Red Awards: Judy Harris, Roseburg. Junior Garden (Class 14) Red Awards: James Householder, Dillard; Lola Standiey, Reedsport; Merlon Tabor, Sutherlln. While Awards: Linda Thrush, Camas Val ley. Rock, Mineral Winners Named IT PAYS TO P A T K 0 N 1 2 E NEWS - REVIEW ADVERTISERS In the 4-H racks and minerals; division at the Douglas County Fair all of the winners were either from the southern part of the county where there are several active i rock clubs or from the Glide area.' Winners and ribbons are listed as 1 follows: Blui ribbons: Steve and Kim McCord, t Glide; Ethel Harris Glendale; Oonna Scho-1 Held, Riddle. . j Red ribbons: Ann Thompson, Susan Ma! lor, Jarry Greaorv Jr., Janice Lewis, Martha ' Allen, Alanna Rodoers and Judy Blomme, all of. Glendale; John Melvln, Glide; Re becca Dalke, Azalea; Richard Holllnger, Myrtle Creek; Joseph - Schofleld, Riddle; Dorothy Young, Robert Young, Canyonvllle. White ribbons: Gall Jack, Joyce Jack, Myrtle Creek; Jerome Brown, Glide; . Ken neth Hamlin, Trl-Clty. DULY BARS 11 for 1 Get 'em at the DAIRY QUEEN 1144 W. Harvard 1 mm tST TUMI TOMMttt 1 The Last Sunset , , . ..v pul :' '; Manchurian Candidate Portrait in Black ptut It Happtni Evtry Thun. OPEN 7:45 - Shaw at Dink msk thru TUESDAY only STjuHsHasaai 305 Two Walt Disney Picturett! "SAVAGE SAM" Tommy Kirk-Brian Keith plus : ;., "YELLOWSTONE 7 CUBS" Both In Color Box Office Opens at 8:15 i Show Starts at Dusk i Tonight "THE CHAPMAN REPORT" Shelley Winters Efram Zimbolist, Jr. Jane Fonda plus "WALK ON THE WILD SIDE" Laurence Harvey ' Capucine Jane Fonda Anne Baxter Get Opens 7:45 Shew at 1:30 DEAR ABBY: I would like to 1. Mmnittnt fin that letter Ultf&c a wuiuivu. - - signed "A BUDDY'S Bl'DDY. My boy friend was siauonea m ua- nM turn vaars Wr were en- flnnaJ utfCi hf Wellt. flWSV. AitGr dating other fellows, I sent my fiance a "uear-jonn leiier uuy it was a near naipn. i ami i agree with Buddy. My promise was made in good faith. But promises are made io ne oroKen, uu a w think it lit rieht to string a guy .14 411 ho rfAte hnme aincemiy, vsusj rtstAD ncB. Ufluh mmiA "Drom- Ims are mid to b broken?" Not tn my boekl And what kind or an 4" I. Is that sMrmits tmAu m ilate Attsara? I atlll lav If a girl hn a chang of hurt when har fiinca l iwiy in nw hla cauntrv. lh theuld wait until ha comas heme to hit him with tha nawi. CONFIDENTIAL TO "BLUE BLOODS:" Battir "nouvaiu rich" than never rich. Tell your troubles to Abby. For a nersonal. unpublished reply, nlnnsn send a stamped, self-ad dressed envelope. Getting married? For Abby's booklet, "How To Have A Lovely Wedding' send 50 cents to Abby. TRvarVnnriv his I DrobleDl. What's yours? For a personal re ply, write to Abby, Box 3365, Bev erly Hills, Calif. Enclose a stamp ed, self-addressed envelope. Riddle Girl Wins Archery Trophy Bv ERMA BEST Susan O'Donnell of Riddle .was champion and winner of the trophy tor intermediate gins ai mu iiui in west Sectional shoot sponsored by the National Field Archers Associ ation recently in Fuyaiiup, wasn. Host range was Skookum Archers of Puyallup. Miss O'Donnell, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Forrist Brittain, and brother, Larry Bergstrom, spent two weeks in Washington, visited Mrs. Brittain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Newell in Tumwa ter and in Aberdeen with another daughter, Mrs. Ralph Daniels, and family. They also visited friends in Seattle where they met other friends there from Pennsylvania. They were accompanied home by a Seattle friend, Lars Peterson, who spent several days here be fore going on south; Mrs. Brit tain's grandson. Gene and Bruce Daniels; and a nephew, Mepnen Korst of Hoquiam. Another grand son, Kenny Brittain, has come down from Roseburg to join the visitors during their stay. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hilcs killed a rattlesnake in their yard at dusk one day recently. It measured 30 inches and had seven rattles and a button. Mrs. Hiles reported that this was the first rattlesnake that had been seen on the place in he 19 years they have lived on the Shoestring road. Movie Showtime Monday, Aug. It, Its STARLITE ORIVE-IN Open at 7:45 p.m. Show starts at dusk. "Fllppar" and "Tha Cltl King" PINE DRIVE-IN Open at 7:45 p.m. Show starts at dusk. "Last Sunset" and Man- churlan Candidate" CLOVERLEAF ORIVE IN (Sutherlln) Box office opens 1: 15 p.m., show starts at dusk. "Savaoe Sam" and "Yellowstone Cubs" TRI CITV DRIVE-IN (Trl-Clty) Gates open 7:45 p.m., show starts at 1:30. "The Chapman Report" and "Walk on the Wild Side" Tuesday, Aug. It, ltu STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open at 7:45. Shows start at dusk. "Flipper" and "The Cattle King." PINE DRIVE-IN Ladles nlte. Open at 7:45. Shows start at dusk. "It Happens Every Thursday" and "Portrait In Black." TRI CITY DRIVE-IN Gates open 7:45. Show sterts at 8:30. "The Chapman Re port" and "Walk On The Wild Side." CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN (Sutherlln) Bos office opens at 1:15. Shows start at dusk. "Savage Sam" arid "Yellowstone Cubs." 1 -4fc5vl f '! WOOD I SAWDUST m BLOWER I SERVCl T0r SAWDUST (Blowar at Duma) WOOD (Dry er Grain) DRY OAK Cr LAURELWOOD Large PEELER CORE PLANER ENDS ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Hl'Sil TT aft if ..HflA. IS iota Mrs. Wright's all purpose mix. For the lightest biscuits and shortcakes. 40 oz. pkg. In soft pastels. ' t Lilac, Pink, Yellow, Aqua and White. Handy 4-roll pack. 12 rolls $ : n ib. (V t7 ieog ny jj ' J Full of Juice . . . Sunk. st- Lemonade time, and we've the makin's SAVE ELH BOKfH) stamps! Jf3fii Dozen Bleach Acrion Chlorine bleach. 1 1 ex. .... 43c Baggies Plastic sandwich bags in rear-off roll. Roll of SO .:. 35c GARDENSIDE BEANS-CORN Peas-Tomatoes Stock your shelves with tasty Garden side vegetables. No. 303 con Cs(P)c FRESH SWEET COR.N Dozen 3 with instant chlorine bleach. 14 oz. Ajax Cleanser Ajax Cleaner walls. 16 oz. pkg. Ajax Cleaner Vel Liquid Super Suds detergent. 40 oz. 2 for 31c 33c Liquid with ammonia. 28 oz. i Detergent for dishes. 22 oz. .1 Ad Detergent washers. 40 oz. 1. 75c 69c 59 c 89c Fab Laundry deterganr. 5 lb. Va ei. pkg. ... 1.29 Lipron Handy tea bags. Pkg. of 48 65c Tuna Bumble Bee, solid pock. No. Vi can .... 43c Deodorant 89c F (orient room . deodorant. 4 fragrances 7V ex. Soaky Far Child'! borii. A fun Kini. 12 ei. 69c Yuban Coffee. Deea dark, dllicioul. Mb. con 79c atfF TEWING mmm Manor House Grade A. Cut-up. Flash frozen. Prices effective Monday, Augutt 19 tfiru Wesines doy, Augutt 21 at Safe way in Roseburg & Sutherlin. Limit rights reserved. LB n 4rX E ttrSlwlA R8ndom w'9h DvLVVrt fK Jumbo bologna lb 39' SAUSAGES 4. 1