Nxfti 'A lit , V-(J ' V , fil fen 'rSfss? .j -i&i HANK AARON, Milwaukee Braves right fielder, encountered all kinds of greeters as he crossed the plate after hitting a grand-slam homer off Los Angeles' Don Drysdale 'in the seventh inning to give the Braves a 5-3 triumph. Waiting for the hero are (L to R) Ed Mathews, Frank Boiling, Lee Maye and Del Crandall. (UPI Telephoto) Dodgers Threaten Repeat Of r62 Drive Lose Again Oh no, not again! It aure looks like a rerun of last year's race, with the flatter ing first-place Dodgers showing the same signs of folding and the surging second-place Giants mov ing closer to the top each day. That was the pattern not only a year ago but Wednesday night, too, when the Giants moved with in three games of the top with a 7-6 victory over the Reds in 10 innings while the Braves beat the Dodgers, 5-3. Slump-ridden Jim Davenport and Felipe Alou came off the bench to spark the victory for the Giants, who now have won 16 of their last 22 games. Exact ly a year ago they had won 15 to 22. . Davenport, - who ; slong with Alou had been benched recently for not hitting,' -entered the game in the sixth inning and opened the 10th with a double off Cin cinnati reliever Bill Henry. One out later, Alou pinch-hit for winning pitcher Don Larsen and singled to right field to score Davenport. Makes First Start Rookie right-hander Frank Linzy made his first major league start for San Francisco but was routed after giving up eight 1 nrl thrnn runs In I urn lie Giants necked away mnin; at Red ,urter. John "'silouris and 1 went ahead, 5-3, alter Willie Mays hit his 29th homer with one n In ll ivll. .Jn,l Wlllln 1TC. ey socked his 34th with a man aboard in the sevent'i. Vada Pinson's thr . , homer in the bottom of the Vets Patients Win Church League Tift, Face St. Joseph's St. Joseph's and the Vets Pa tients are set to meet in the finals of the YMCA Church League soft ball tournament after posting open ing round victories. St. Joseph's downed the First Christian Church crew, while the Vets Patients dumped the Bureau of Land Management, 7-1. The opening game of the best-of-three series for the championship . is scheduled for tonight at 6:30 at the Vets diamond, with the second game to be played Monday at 6:30 p.m. ' The Vets Patients capitalized on six walks and five hits to topple the BLM nine. Three runs in the first inning started the winners on the way. The first inning uprising was aided by just one hit a single with two men on base. St. Joseph s boasts an undefeat-, ed record in league and tourna-1 ment pay going into tonight's pay- off battle ' - LINESCORE: Vets Patients BLM 300 210 17 5 2 000 000 11 3 i Bay Fishing Rated Fair PORTLAND (UPI) -The week ly report on, fishing - conditions prepared by the State Game Com mission: Northwest:' Tillamook - Nestucca area fairly good for offshore sal mon angling; Alsea and Siietz tidewater fishing' improving for Ch nook; -McKenzie's South rorK! Southwest: Diamond Lake fair! to good; North Umpqua should beijj? awarded trophius and merchan fair to good: Winchester Bay pro- i al'e, ,Pr'zes. ducing Sear-one salmon per ang-1 , ll.T PuX ler- , ception three years ago. Stewart Central: Lower Deschutes goodipark has developed many low for stcelhead: Prineville Reser- handicapoers this vear and the As- fair fnr trnllers- Pelton Re- . . . stii, t ntrn ..till good for small kokance; Paulina! Lake fair: Metoiius River goodi for fly fishing. i Northeast: Canvon Creek and upper John Day River heavily; stocked: Morgan Lake continues good: Wallowa River fair between iionaowa ana inwn ui r.miu a, Anthony Lake fair for rainbow. SOUtnPaSi: small siruaiu" nt Steens Mountains good for tro;it; Deadhorse and Campbell Lakes good in Lake County. the Reds the lead again but the Giants tied the score in the eighth. Hank Aaron's grand slam hom er in the seventh inning dealt the Dodgers their third straight loss. His wallop came off Don Drys dale, who went down to his 13th defeat against 15 victories. in tuuuiibi iu me uianis. me Dodgers have won only nine ofl their last 22 games . I n,i Ah Ga!n , , I The third-place Cardinals also Mh, . 8 me uoagers-, games of first place with a 3-2 victory over the Colts. The Phil lies beat the Cubs twice, 7-2 and 9-3, to move into a virtual tie for fifth place, and the Mets downed the Pirates, 4-2. Bob Gibson struck out 10 Colt batters and walked off with his 13th victory for the Cardinals when Bill White broke a 2-all tie by rapping his 21st homer in the seventh inning off loser Ken i juiiusuii. uiDson ana Joinsnn (6-1G) each gave up eight hits, i Phils Take Two Reliever Johnny Klippstein' manned the Cubs o n two hits oyer the final 6 1-3 innings ot the nrsc game as tne Phillies capital ized on three errors to beat Lar- 17 Jackson (losnite Ernie Flunk J8"1 homer.- The Phils then came '"" behind, to win the ..nightcap wlth the help of homers by John- "V Callison and Don Demeter. UeJllHS Beiine t rS-? MX thn ...in. ner. Alvi.i Jackson heat Mm Pi,.w "r the first time in his career nth p,ivnio post His eighth victorv for thn - I Mets with Larry Bearnarth's aid in the eighth. Th Male ri,j up tiie game when they kayoed I loser Don Schwall (6-7) during a two-run rallv in the sivtl. Pi..,nt, Thomas and Donn Clendenon hit ' homers. Local Swimmers To Inter AAU Meet In Eugene Roseburg will field a strong team of junior aquatic aces this uppL- end as competition gets under way in the Northwest Open AAU Cham pionships at Eugene. The meet is scheduled for Satur p.m. Starting time Sunday is 9:30 a.m. for prelims and 2 .p.m. for iiiiais, HflV artA Qiinrlair at tUn T7..n Swim H Tonnii ri,,h preliminaries will begin at 9'30; and the finals will be held at 3: Coach Brent Arnold reports that1 13 Roseburg swimmers, will be competing for the various "'', 'T:""6 " yal"JU" pionslups.. ' ,. , ,., , 1 Competing for tlie Ropeburg team will be Mike and BoH Dirk- ' A!'" " au"e and Scott Hicks, Chris Longfellow, Mar-J rt'UL'n i.urenz. Aivce tinman, lip - ores 'Pennel, Bob Pyle, Brian Stults, Betty 'Ann Zcigler and Bill Zimmerman. SPG A Golfers To Begin Club Championship Play Qualifying rounds for the annual Stewart Park Golf Association Club championship will be played at the Municipal course m Stewart Park Aug 17 to Sept. 2. J ? lm, hers. com,P1etinS w,'11 shoot 36 holes to quality for the iinats. ine unais wiu De Held the "","UV1. the championship match to be stag- The winners and runner-uns will cnriatfnn mpmhppchin ha in.ra...' nnirll., East-West Shrine Teams Begin Training Schedule " " PENDLETON (UPI) East and West Shrine football teams worked out lodav for their 12th annual Denelll game AUg. l. , The teams are d r a vv n from sinanei si;iiuui! uiiuunuui uie state. The East team is trainint t 'at La Grande and the West team; , here. In The Majors Major League Standings By United Press International League W. L. Pet. GB 69 48 .590 67 52 .563 3 66 53 .555 4 65 57 .533 6tt 61 56 .521 8 63 58 .521 8 61 59 .508 m 60 58 .508 9Viii 45 76 .372 26 I 39 79 .331 30ttl t a..: , Francisco LouTs Cincinnati Chicago Philadelphia Milwaukee Pittsburgh t Houston New York - Wednesday's Results New York 4 Pittsburgh 2 Phila 7 Chicago 2, 1st, twi light Phila 9 Chicago 3, 2nd, night Milwaukee 5 Los Angeles 3, night St. Louis 3 Houston 2, night San Francisco 7 Cincinnati (j, 10 innings, nignt Thursday's Probable Pitchers Ks ?fe'es at Milwaukee- n'u'"?x u-;" vs- "endley (7-8). ,(!VgJ!l) San Francisco at Cincinnati (night) O'Dell (11-6) vs. Nux hall (10-5). Houston at St. Louis (night) Nottebart (6-5) vs. Sadecki (7-7). 1 -Cardwe 1 ( A2) vs c"co (7 fl V l-'rawel' vs. Cisco (7-11). 1 ...,. , a,Y,s pame5 ". 11 Its our; ""'" iUHWdUKeC LAS ngeies at iew York, night 31 rittsDurgli, u 'ht S" '.,.7 T ' T' "" "" ol- 'JUU,!1' American League W. L. Pet GB New Yor!t Chicago Minnesota 74 42 67 51 66 52 63 55 57 60 53 62 .638 .563 8 .559 9 .545 10W .487 1714 .483 18 .459 21 .457 21 .448 22 .356 33 altimore Boston Cleveland Los Angeles Kansas City Detroit Washington 42 Wednesday's Results Boston 14 New York 7, 1st, (lay Boston 5 New York 4, 2nd, night Detroit 5 Kansas' City 2 Los Ana 2 Washington 0. night Cleve 1 Chicago 0, 11 ins, night Minn 2 Baltimore 1, 12 ins, night Thursday s Probable Pitchers Washington at Los Angeles Daniels (3-8) or Duckworth (4-9) vs. Newman (0-3). Detroit at Kansas City Aguirre (10-11) vs. Segui (7-4). New ork at Boston Williams I (5-3) vs. Wilson (913). Bat'more at Minnesota (nisht) Pappas (11-7) vs. Stance (5-3). (nlv games scheduled) Friday's Games ueirou ai jjos nngcies, rogm 1 """"V" . "lJr,"R 1 Washington at Minnesota, night New York at Chicago, night Cleveland at Boston, night STANDINGS Northwest League Standings By United Press International w. u. ret. lib. 31 19 .620 29 22 .569 2',i 25 24 .510 5Vi 24 25 .490 6Vi 22 31 .415 l'j Yakima Salem i Wenatchei Eugene Tri-Citv 19 29 .396 11 I Wednesday'. Results Yakima 11 Wenatchee 10 ! Eugene 3 Salem 2 ! Lewiston 12 Tri-City 0 t :u. c.k..,i. Yak ma at Eugene ! Tri-City at Salem i Lewiston at Wenatchee LEGAL NOTICE TOCONTRACTORS CAR Y STREET, WINSTON COOPERATIVE PROJECT BETWEEN CITY OF WINSTON AND DOUGLAS COUNTY SEALED bids will be received by the County ICourt ot Douglas County, Oregon at the Courthouse in Roseburg at 10:30 A.M ! gust 27, 1963, tor the construction of 0.41 ' miles of cily street in the town of Winston I as follows: j Grading, drainage and paving with 40 foot width oavemenl. i Qualification statements. Bidders will be required to submit pre- ! l'n"",r ,'" " l'h V" j cm,? T.'ti c. Engineer, courthoue. l-'jeturg, Oregon. , STSk FTlS .TJ in bieJding. douglas county court J; 22? SUSLxUS' , . Ray E. Ooerner, Commiisioner LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY : Notice Is hereby given that under and pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Douglas County duly made and entered ot record In the matter of the guardianship ot the Estate of MARY SCHULZE. an incompetent per son, authorizing the undersigned as guardian of said MARY SCHULZE, to sell the real property hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Virginia Weisz, guardian of the Estate of MARY SCHULZE. an incompetent person, will at the law of fices of Kelley & Garrison. 70S Douglas County Slate Bank Building, Roseburg, Ore gon on and after the 31st day of August, 1963, offer at private sale for cash In hand, subject to confirmation by the court, the following described real property be longing to said Mary Schulie, to-wlt: PARCEL I That portion of Lot 4, Section 13, .. Township 28 South, Range, 7 West, Willamette Meridian, which is situat ed south and east of the Swan Hill county road and which Is more par ticularly described as follows: Begin ning at a rock at the Southwest cor ner of the John H. Hartln Oonatlon Land Claim, in said township and range, said Southwest corner being also the Southeast corner of Lot 4 of said Section 3, thence running from said beginning point, West 600.0 feet, along the south tine of said Lot 4, to a point on the East line of the Swan Hill county road, thence running along the east line of said road. North 36 East 355.1 feet;' North 323 East 275.3 feet; North 26" 46'. , East 292.7 feet; North 16" 23' East 171.7 teet and North 44 55' East 92.4 feet to a point on the West line of said Donation Land Claim, thence South 1012.0 feet, along said West line of claim, to the place of beginning, containing 6.4 acres, more or less and situated in Section 13, Township 26 South, Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian, Douglas County,. Oregon. PARCEL II ' ' 1 " Beginning at an Iron pipe on the South line of Section 13, Township 28 South, Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian, which is South 89" 42' East 2553.6 feet from the Southwest ' corner of said Section 13, thence run i nlng from said beginning point. North 2s 36' West 877.5 feet to an Iron pipe, thence North 85 48' East 431.8 feet and South 75 37' East 617.3 feet to an iron pipe on the North line of the Swan Hill county road, thence running along the North line of said road, South 33' 16' West 196.3 feet; South 27s 38' West 153.8 feet and South 33s 42' West 524.7 feet to a point on the south line of said section 13, thence run ning North 89 42' West 555.7 feet, along said section line, to the place of beginning, containing 16.4 acres, more or less, and situated In Section 13. Township 28 South, Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon. Bearings based on the south line of the above described parcel of land being South 89 3 42' East. VIRGINIA WEISZ Guardian ot the Estate of MARY SCHULZE, an incompetent person. - Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672-3321 ?ASH RATES Ailve lis us iu. 1 usmess Wiunn Roseburg Tiacie A:ea Card of Thanks .. $2.00 .1 -Day rate 2 lines $1.00 3-Day rote 2 lines $2.00 6-Day rate 2 lines $2.75 30-Day rate 1 lines $6.00 1-Day rata 3 lines $1.50 3-Day rats 3 lines $2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Day rate 3 lines .. ... $8.00 CREDIT '-- 0!.OS SUD,e-t to 50 CPOlS " - sitv.ci ctia-ee tor crocJiv '' DEADLINES , Piwa.e Pi ly Ai.vjrt.sine 2 P.M. 0a Prior to Piici.ca on ll.a Kflv.s-leview reserves the rig t to clets '.', edtt or reject any classilied Ad Cop,. ADJUSTMENTS If ' ou' . azvjrtisem:nt appears Incorrectly, notifr us immediately. Ve-.wiil not be res ponsible for rro e than one Incorrect insertion. Suctt responsibility is limited to a correct insert'oi r' advrt sempnt. Refunds Will Hot Be Held Mere Than 60 Days Personals DRINKING PGOBLEA? Call Alcotiolfcs Ar. onymous, 673-6629. YOUNG WOMEN' ot any faith needing con fidential advice may contact Catholic Char Ities, 278 W. Broadway. Eugene. Oregua Diamond - 5-3642. To List Your Firm Here, DIAL OR 2-3321, APPLIANCE REPAIR MAYTAG Parts Sales Service Are Service All Home Appliances BERGH'S APPLIANCE 472-1(41 BOOKKEEPING ROSKE'S' BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Specializing In small business accounts NOTARY PUBLIC TYPING 1225 W. HARVARD PHONE 672-2471 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young 673-7419 CUSTOM BUILT homes, remodels, cabinets, carports, garages Frea estimates. 100 finance. Ph. 679-5657, Grady Roberson. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, repair. Free estimates. Call Bob Bollng st 679-5544 after 5 p.m. CARPENfERW0Rk7abinetS, "patio, car ports. Remodeling. No lob too small. Rea asonable rales No. bus on Sundays. 673-S653. Custom Built Homes REMODELING, carports, patios, etc. E. perlenced builders. Bias Const. 6721359. CHILD CARE - Mother Goose Nursery 673-nai EXCAVATING, JAND. GRAVEL OOZING, leveling; also gravel rock, river loarr and road materials. Charles Keely. 679-5117. FIRE EQUIPMENT FIRE extinguisher: sales & Servlct ! 73-7402 J. B. Nelson 493 NE Winchester GARDEN EQUIPMENT Sales - Parts - Service Small air cooled engines Jecobson Vowers Roto-Hoe Tillers Briggl & Stralton Lilnton Lauson Power Products wlsco. in. Etc. Le Bleu Motors lit S.E. Jackson 473 7M7 ! Personals YOUR AEtna Life agent Is Vlnct Schuetie. Call 673-3031 or' Res. 673-4819. IN DEBT! ii DON'1 lei bills cost your lob. your credit, everything you own! IF you ore in debt beyond your abil ity to pay and sincerely want to set out ot debt, see BUDGET consult ants and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PI AN to you. One place to pay all bills, at a payment you can afford. No security, no co signers. NOT A LOAN COMPANY BUDGET CONSULTANTS Licensed and Bonded , Roseburg, Oregon Ph. 672-3591 433 SE Main St. Lost and Found 12 FOUND near N. Safeway Market Vi grown black and gray kitten. 673-3663. LOST light blue Parakeet, male. Ph. 672-2954 POM AND PEKE long haired, 7 yrs old, 1 white toe. Answers to "Phti." K5 rewara. 673-5201. 'ielp Wanted 14 BEAN PICKERS wanted, drive ouls. Register nowCHffHess. 673-8685. . MAN OR COUPLE to" care for elderly man. House, utilities, $150 a month. Oakland 459-2551 BEAN PICKERS Burks and Son Bean Yard In Dlllard. Trans portation provided. Bring own buckets. Phone 679-5547 Help Wanted Men 15 CAB drivers, chaufleurs license req., steady I employment. Apply Roseburg Cab. RANCH-HANrJT must be expeTienced 673- 7859 or673-5185 alter 7 COMBINATION tuneVp and servlce station man. Top wages. 673-a381or eves 673-4741. COMBTnaYTon " mechanic and tow truck operator. Apply In person. Walls Towing. ! 487 NE jryinchester WANTED married man to service established route. High school education and good car essential. Only man presently employed need answer. Write News Review Box. 689 WANTEb"1?etloble"famiiy7mon to take over sates route. Anust be willing to work at least 9 hours per day and 6 on Sat. Part time work also available. For inter view phone 672-1391 between 7 and 9 p.m. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ! Olson Rug Co. ( Part Time Sales I In Combining mall order with direct sales we are opening ROSEBURG, COOS BAY, EU I GENE, MEDFORD, and other areas..' The person selected In each area has a wonderful opportunity 10 duiii mis Busi ness. We give sales help and leads. For local Interview dignified persons should write marital status, age, experience to R. Nelson, co Sox 690, The News Review. SALESMAN To Sell Frigidaire Appliances Contact Mr. West UMPQUA VALLEY Hardware & Appliance 635 SE Stephens !ielp Wanted Women 16 TEACHER needs permanent mature baby sit ter, my home. Winston area. 679-8327. RbOMATbBOARDprusTalary, tor baby sitting and Ironing. Call 672-2304. WOMEN WANTED for motel management training. See ClaasKicatlon 19. "WOMAN" to "care for'lady In wheelchair. "Light housework. Consider lady with 1 child. Live In. 673-4006 alter 4:30 P.M. RELIABLE baby sitter wanted (with own I transportation) In my home on weslslde. Call 673-8012 after 6 pm. ELDERLY LADY would like a middle-aged i lady as companion-housekeeper. Live in, small- wage. 679-8961. , " LIVE-IN middle-aged housekeeper for elderly male wheel chair patient. No lifting. Ref. req. No drinkers. Good wages. Write Box 693, News Review. W A NTE D Com blna t Ion wool and silk press er. Steady work, tor qualified party. Fair haven Cleaners, Falrhaven and Harvard. 673-5360 Work Wanted 17 ALTERATIONS, restyling, fur, cloth Coals, suits, dresses. Work guaranteed. 672-3BQ3. IRONINGOc hour. Pickup, deliver. Call 673-7758 before VI or aHer 5 p.m. CAkPENTER WORK AND REPAIRS , C. M. Hatfield. 673-3B21 CARPENtER,cablnet and general repair. By hour. 672-1569. CARPENTER work, painting and general repair. 679-5334. , IRONING, (laundry mending, and starch ing free). 2934 NE Douglas, 673-6416. BABY SITTING, my home, between Kelly's Korner and Winston. e3-6VH. HEARING AIDS BELTONE tor better hearing, local phone 479.5024. KINDERGARTENS MRS. GALLUP'S KINDERGARTEN ' 673-7593 LANDSCAPING-TILLING-DOZING PETERSON'S custom tractor work Till ing, week, brush and grass cutting, bvo soiling. Leveling. 673-6848 anytime. CUSTOM ROl OTILLING, v.-ed and brush cutting, leveling and grading, call eves. M. H. Foss, 679-5548. CUSTOM TILLING. New Ferguson 36 Diesel new 50" rotovator. vlrt.s "Pat" Savage, 496-3230Glide; SPRINKLING SYSTEMS Lawn and Field Irrigation JACUZZI PUMPS Parts Sales Service VALLEY PUMP & IRRIGATION SERVICE 673-4923 MASONRY WORK MASONRY, fireplaces, veneer, stone, block. eeLCaM ORNAMENTAL IRON SERVICE ORNAMENTAL IRON Wrought Iron railings ColumnsPosts Residential and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES 673-4002 Ben. 673-3805 ROSEBURG FORGE WORKS PAINTING PAINTING (int. and ext.). cement work. No ob too small. 459-3731 4S9-3444. EXPERT PAINTING, Interior, reasonable rates. Will take some furniture as part pavment.47J.2544. PAINTING, exterior -Interior, (repair work. Reasonab'e rates or hourly basis. Phone 472-3115 or 673-1735. Evervone Reads SERVICE DIRECTORY Ads In Classified Work Wanted BABY SITTING M District. 473-4865. 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Oil 673-7217 MOTEL MANAGEMENT: MEN, WOMEN AND COUPLES wanted for Immediate training. Excellent future. American Mo tels, Inc., Box S25, co The News Review. Loans and Finance 21 WANTED small discounted land contracts and equities. Call 673-6193 or eves 673-6091. "WANTED$40,000"for"'5 years. Welfsecurecf. Write News Review Box 691. LOANS" AUTO, furniture, salary, etc. Wally Smith, mgr. LAURENT, DE FINANCE. 813 SE Oak, phone 673-4494. Family Finance Home Cwi.ed and Operated Loans Up to Si 500 )n notor vehicles and turnlture SE Washington 673-5581 AGRICULTURAL LOANS Southern Oregon PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN 202 Medical Arts Blo'g. Phone 673-3248 You have a record of WHOM you Paid WHEN you Paid HOW MUCH you Paid When you pay by check. Open a convenient checking account tomorrow DOUGLAS COUNTY ( STATE BANK 622 SE Jackson 672-4401 Business Opportunities 22 LOW FOR AUGUST business lots, best lo cation In Rsbg, cash or Vi down. 473-7588. FOR L E AS ECa fea f 202 SEJ ackson St . , Roseburg. Write or call Dale Bullock, Brook ings,Ore. 469-2681. FOR' SALE Frisky" FlTver's Kart Tracks, near Drive-N-Save Market. 5 Karts, building and graded (rack. 679-5531. FIVEfurnishedrental units and modern 4 bedroom homo. $19,000. Mrs. Emll Hall, Rt. l.JJox 23, SulherUnOre. TEXACO STATION For" Lease! Good tune-up and brake potential. Modern 2 bay unit Highway access. Phone 672-1007 673-3364 REPAIR SHOP and Wrecking Yard com bination. $2500 will handle. Balance month ly payments, R&R Auto Sales. Myrtle reeK, pnone oftJ-Jfll. DRIVE-IN on hlway to coast. Splendid husband-wile operation. Exc. equip. Good busi ness. Terms to right parly. Owners are ti rem co box 692. News-Review. FOR LEASE PLYING A service station In Roseburg S&H Green Stamp franchise. Doing good business. Financing for soma of Invontory may be arranged for experienced and qualified person. Par Information Cal Tidewater Oil Co. 672-2691, after 6 p.m. 673-6155. Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE RENTAL. 245 S.E. Jackson. Approx 16 X 55. Owner, 672-3026. AVAILABLE SOON: Warehouse plus office and Apt. 40 X 40 ft. Diamond Lake Blvd Phone 673-8631 FOR RENT SMALL SHOP IN SOUTHGATfr W. Metrger M3-74 Wanted to Rent 25 WANTED 1 bedroom house with stove and refrig. Close I".?3-7329. TWO or 3 bedroom house In country. Ph. 672-3490 TEACHER Coach Roseburg High desires nice two or 3 bedroom home. References. Call collect after 6 p.m. Monmouth 757-1324. Apartments For Rent 26 UNFURN. 3 room apt. Adulls. Water, garbage paid. $45. 2125 N. E. Klamath. 673-7316. LARGE 1 room furnished apt. Close in. Call 673-764B NICE 3 room apt, furnished, some utilities. Call after 5 p.m. 672-4564 14 KARAT APARTMENTS 2 bdrms. New apts on Winchester. Call manager 673-4329. THREEToom and shower upstairs apt. Fur nished Including water. Private entrance, electric heat, close In. 1559 SE Hamilton. TWO ROOM downstairs apartment, partially furnished. Private entrance and bath. Downtown location, $50. 673-7016. PAVING EXPERT cement work. Sidewalks, drives. patios. Free estimates. 673-3345. PLUMBING LICENSEO PLUMPER, Bill Wylle, Larson Rd., KI. 4, BOX 114. call 679-HH. SEPTIC TANKS 5 EWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned. Porr.pt service. Reasonable. 673-8474. SE PT I CTA N K SC LE AN E DRoieburg Sank tary Service. Phone 673-3356. SAW SERVICE SAW SHARPENING Circular Band Chain Handsaws - Saw bar reconditioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE & Supply Co. 384 NE Channon Ave. 673-4234 Near N Safeway Market TOOLS RENTALS SERVICE PLOW SHARPENING, welding. J352 SW Castle Avt. Machine Shop. 673.4687. FOR RENT McCutloch chain taws any size McCuiioch poll hole auger McC ut loch stump auger HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales & Service 672-1272 Garden Valley Jet Across Itom M-Ward's TREE SURGERY rREE TRIMMING, topping, bnu removing. Insured. Free estimates. 4S9-2922 Oakland. WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nothing down on approve! credit. MOKR WELL DRILLING Phone 677-2331 or Sutherlin 4S9-4039 WELDING WELDING Mig-wlre alum, welding. From motor block to fry pans. All types special welding. WINSTON CHAIN SAW Winston, Ore. 479-5641 7Thur., Aug. 15, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore, 7 i Apartments For Rent 26 SMALL furnished Apt, close in. 1132 SE Main SMALL furnished cottage, suitable for 1 lady. pnone 67Mwa! ONE BEDROOM apt, ground- floor, reason able. Inquire 1253 S. E. Stephens. F U RN I SH E D apt.7a"rbVge"and"watei; In cluded lnq. 13M SEPine,pt. 7. 673-3773. NEW 2 bedroom apt, partly furnished. W ter, garbage service and heat furnished Stl5. J'2-1023 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apt., $50. 1 bed room furnished apt., $45. 673-6456. ATTRACTIVE redecorated 1 bedroom apts.. electric heat, all utilities furnished. Priced from $65 to $80. 2817 W Harvard 672-1462. SUTHERLiN UNION GAP APTS. 2 bdrh. $50. 1 bdm, $40 mo. Furn. Including water and eiCC.5utrterMn 459-2128 or 679.5690. NEWLY redecorated 2 BR apt., ground floor. Stove, refrig., water and garb, furn. Call 673-6765, or 673-7964 eves. TWO BEDROOM apt.. In West Roseburg. Heat, water and garbage furnished. Adults. No pots. Call mornings 673-8267, NICE CLEAN furnished" 1 "bedrcom aptT, lights, garbage and water paid. You pay gas. Adults. $55. Apt. A, rear, 1460 Mul- holland. 673-58B9: 1 BEDROOM furnished Apt. Ground floor. Private entrance and bath. Tile dralnboard and shower. Large closets, stove with oven. Adults. Eastslde$60 a month. 672-1577 ONE ROOM completely furnished, can acco mmodate one or two working people who would iixe a iignt Housekeeping unit, water turn. Ground floor, electric heat, private entrance, iss? it Mammon. AVAILABLE AUGUST 1 Deluxe furnished 1 bedroom apts, (or adults only: Large 4 rooms, carpeted, view dining, carport, sun deck. $100; 3 rooms carpeted, picture win dows, carport, $80; 3 rooms, tree shaded, private, automatic laundry facilities, water, garbage serv. and hot water furnished. Lovely surroundings. $65. Inquire at Shady Point Trailer Sales, mllo SOUTH on Old Hwy 99 BR. 672-1438. Kohihagen Apts. Mcijuin, reasonable rent Jackson St. at Lant Ave. ADULTS 673-8244 "A Good Plact To Live" COMPLETELY FURNISHED Beautiful lb wide mobile homes comparable In ilio to most apts., yot the convenience of a private yara, and parking adlolning trail er Also smaller trailers available. Timber Town Trailer park. 2010 NE Stephens. 673-8506 iLXpU APARTMENTS 1-2-3 Qdrm, cots., furnished or unfurn. Wa ter and garb. serv. provided also heat in tome. Kenis trom ju up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts., gas equipped 673-4340 Winchester CI., Hot water heat 673-7466 vista Homes, Hot water neat 672-32, o Weslvue CI., Wdryer 672-549, 673-7926 Oaklhlll Apts, Radiant He.it 673-4340 Rooms for Rent 27 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. Reasonable. Phone 672-15B1. NEW ROOV.S Including telephone find linen service S60 per month and up Hotel Umpqua, 6734441. ; uloom and Board 28 HOME AND CARE for elderly people. Nlct rooms, 5 miles south. 673-7979 ROOM, BOARD and care lor elderly peo pie, welfare or prlyale 672-42B5. g'6615h6me cooking. 5 day week. $75 month, 5 miles south. JoAnn'i Boarding House. Ph. 673-7979. ELDERLY or Invalid care, shared or private room. Modern nome. pnone bw-4u. box 788, Myrtle Creek, Ore. Houses for Rent 29 TWO BEDROOM house. Small 3 room house, 2 rcm apt. 672-1581. THREE ROOM furnished house, $30. 673-5370, 473 N. E. Nash. TWO bedroom, close In. Clean. Automatic oil heater. Adults. $75. 673-7367. , FOR LEASE 3 BEDROOM HOME. 446 NE Jackson I BEDROOM house. 938 NE Rowe. 673-3504 or 673-8565. FURNISHED 1 bedroom house. Real nice. 2465 plamond LakB Blvd- 6"-336B. (VJE TO PO'iR Bdrm homes tor familial or tingle elderly. 673-6548. FURNISHED cabin. Weekly rales. 462C N.E. Stephens. Pacific Motel. NICE unfurnished 1 bedroom duplex, close l,i. Newly decorated. Phone 673-8580. ibBEDROMrent"al for 2 to 4 people. Rl. 1, Box 250. 673-3672. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 7lh, -Ttnfurnlshed three bedroom home downto .n area. May be seen by Inquiring at 1041 S.E. Cass. FOR RENT OR SALE: Modern 2 bedroom house with den. Good neighborhood, Tri y iH1!? Avail, abt. Aug. 19, 863-4520. CLEAN unfurnished 1 bedroom wllh gas cook and heating stove, utility room. $60, 673-455B A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE. 2 Bedroom unfurnished , duplex. Large rooms and closet space, garage. Adults, no pets. 713 SE Kane St. Phono 673-5162. WESTSIDE Duplex close to Marks. 1 bed room, tile balh, utility room. Controlled heat, Range In. Newly decorated. $65, Call evonlngs 479-6929. FURNISHED cabins. Utilities paid. Weekty rates nr by Ihe month. Close to stores and bus line. Roseland Courts, 2050 NE Ste phens. 672-1071nr 672-2788. Mobile Homes for Rent 30 VACATION TRAILERS FOR RENT Sutherlln 459-3133 extra nice 1 or 2 bedroom modern fur nished trailers. Adults only. Timber Town Trailer Park, 2010 NE Stephens. 673-B506. Mobile Homes 32 '60 KIT 2 bedroom 10X50. Have a look and make offer (or my equity. Balance due about $2,900. 679-8437. ... VAN DYKE SIXTY FEET of spacious mobile home liv ing now on display. T to and 3 peorooms with private dining room. TOWN & COUNTRY MOBILE PARK 2777 N.W. Mutholland . 672-1851 LOVELY . MOBILE HOMES 1, 2, 3 k 4 B3UR00MS Completely And Tastefully Furnished Equipped Wilh Modern Appliances AND QUALITY FURNITURE EXPANDING MODELS Active Marlette Nashua Santa Fe Vacation Trailers Open Road Pickup Campers S1H GREEN STAMPS PARTS ACCESSORIES SHADY POINT Trailer Sales 1 Mi. South Old Hwy. 99 BR Call 672-1438 ANGELUS Great Lakes Traveleze New and Used Trailers ) & J TRAILER SALES 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. 672-3441 f.lobile Homes . 32 195235' Star 2 bdrm, $1,000 cash. Myr- tie Grove Motel, Myrtle Creek. MOBLEnHOME '53 Mayflower trailer," '2'7; financing jivallable o72-3733 after 5:30. "'56 MELODY Home' trailer, M'xS'f 2 bdrm good cond.$l,795. 267-3894, CoosBay. $2000"" EQUITY In 10x54 2 bedroom mobile home. 672-3640. E-Z AWN - LIFE-SHADE S1LVERTOP LEADING names In mobile home awnings. YES WE CAN FINANCE! Town & Country Mobile pjrk GILLEY Trailer Sales FLEETWOODS 10 Wide 42 to 60 ft. long Trailmaster Travel Trailers By Roadmastcr USED TRAILERS - SUPPLIES Complete Trailer Insurance BANK FINANCING 1980 NE Stephens 673-3356 (Formerly Earl Smith Trailer Homes) TIRED f your present trailer? NEED more ipace? WANT la S-T-R-E-T-C-H your dollar? E-T-C-H your SEE the new expando DETROITER wilh bay window, complete with awningl . - ONLY $6490 DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW Trailer Sales RELIABLE TOWING 1 WINCHESTER, ORE. CALL 673-7272 Real Estate 34 NEWTON CREEK, 3 bedroom, fireplace, gar- age. 673-7904. NORTH ROSEBURG 3 BR. Buy small equity, pay $68.34 .mo. on balance. 673-8813. SELL OR TRADE Nice new 1 bedroom Jeajkjng distance. 673-8560 eves. , s7xROOM home, film, or unturn. Scenic view. Terms. 1082 NE Malheur Ave. TH RE E"-bedroom home. 2 blocks from Cour House. 673-8024. BY nwNFR Laroe 3 bedroom older home. Close to schools and swimming pool. 673-3500 THREE-BEDROOM homo will take small ' trailer as down payment. 673-5040. EUGENE 5 bedroom or 2 bedroom plus rent al. Sell or trade for Roseburg property 673-7735 LARGE home for sale or trade with rental. Lge. lot. For ranch property. Write Box 681, -Newi-Ravlcw. HOME - 1533 Alameda, Eqully cash. Bal ance FHA contract. 4Vj interest. Phono 672-4539,. EIGHT ROOMS, hardwood floor, fireplace workshop, garage, largo tot. Terms. 6?t N. E. Alameda. Phono 673-3751. THREE BEDROOM, near Winston Jr. Hifch, FHA appraised $11,000. Leaving area, must sell. $10,600. Phone 679-50H. FORSALE by owner 5 room house with rental. 1 block from school. Highway prop- arty. Call 679-52414, FIVE' ACRES. 2 BR, mod. home, unfinished. 3 ml. from town. $4000, or trailer for equity. '$7000 full price. 673-7609. 2 BEDROOM In l orthwest Roseburg. 0"i heat and fireplace. Lot 100x110. Fruit shrubs. Call owner 672-2418. MODERN 2 BR house and 30 acres. Approx. 12 river bottom, live creek, spring. Low er Garden Valley. l2,500.CaM673j626 -TWOBEDROOM home, sewer and lights, cor ner lot with room lo build. $5,950. Owner, 1649 Marsters Ave. 672-3145. THREE bedroom homo, West " WinstonTar d wood floors, fireplace, carport, covered pat lo. Paved street. Ph. 679-B934. LOVELY 2 bedroom home with 2 acres of ground, 1 mile from Oakland. 459-4381. No Salurdaycalls TS00"EQU1TY In 1 beJroom home. Green dlst. Balance due $3.66.86. Payments of $45 673-5209. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, nice location a 1072 W. Nebo. Near Fremont Jr. High Inquire at 531 W. Elizabeth. BEAUTIFUL new home on Calkins Rd. Must see to appreciate. Call tor appointment 673-B462. NEWLY redecorated 2 bedroom modern ' house In Winston, on large lot. Price $4850 . Terms. See Martin Suksdorf after 3 p.m. at Schaffer's Lodge. Winston. WESTSLOPES" By owner 3 bedroom, Vi balh, 2 car garage, built-in appli ances, oil hoat, $15,900. Assume low cost G.I. loan. 888 W. Indlanola. 2 BEDROOM house on Snow Ave. In Winston Price $3,995, down payment wjo. taiance $50 per month. Will take car or trailer as down. 679-550fj. CAN YON VILLE large 4 bedroom furnished houso wllh ivj bath plus 7 bedroom lurnisn ed rental In rear, $10,000 with small down. 839-4301iCanyonvllle. r - . NEWER 3 bedroom home. West Winston, hardwood floors, fireplace, aluminum sid ing, Irrigation well, fruit trees. 'Call 679- 5354.$1M00. . WINSTON 6 rental units showing cross re turn of $3,000 a year. Total prlco $14,000. Workable terms. Consider well secured contract partpavment.P 673-6723. OlT6wERGardco Valley duplex with 2 or 4 acres. Double garage, carport, shop. Fam ily orchard snd berries, $12,000 with acres,$l 5,000 for 4. BVojrier. 673-3739. FAMILY HOME by owner 3 bedroom (one designed for 4 kids) comfortable, ensy to care tor, hardwood floors, new rod. Par tially finished basement. Gas furnace. 673-8280. - FOR SALE OR TRADE New 5 bedroom house, daylight basement, 2Vj baths, 2 tire places, birch kitchen, built-in range, dou ble carport, separate garage wllh shop. On acre en FisherRd.673-8560. 6.67 ACRES with 2 unfinished houses, 2 bed room and 5 bedroom, barn, wood snea work shop, well of lasting water. On schoo and mail route. Between Riddle and Can yonvllle1874-2442 Riddle. THREE beioomV, large livlnsTrobm, hill day light basement, ceramic tiled kilchenv 3 baths, 2 garages, 2 fireplaces, beautifully landscaped on 1 acre lot, green house and lath house. $24,000. Can be financed. Call 679-51 70. J DIAMOND LAKE Modern Summer CoUitgu Write o Box' BS The-News-Review TREtC-BEDROOM" house in Nowtbn Creek, fireplace, garage. Double lot. $11,500. $4, 3B5 cah tor equity, take over G.I. con tract, $41 mo. Including tas.es, insurance Interest. Will Kast tor $100 per mo. In quire 134'Mosher. 473-8514. BY OWNER; Beautiful 1 yr. old, 3 bed room, den, 2 and 34 eeramfc tiled baths, air conditioned, oil furnace heat, birch throughout. Excellent location, near school and "hooping center. $21,900. See by ap pointmim! only. 473-8020 between 5 and PM. F inanclng available. : Beautiful Setting SPACIOUS 3 bedroom perlect tor your Map'e furniture. Plrni" psnejirtg, beamea ceiling, many built-lnsy carpet. dr?pos. Wall of windows faces shaded lot, nice View. 43-5883. , .