The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 13, 1963, Page 6, Image 6

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    Inspired Bees Edge
Alaska Champs, 3-2
News-Review Sparti Editor
Warming up for the Western Re
gional tournament which opens
Thursday at Legion Field, the
Alaskan champs from Anchorage
bowed to the Roseburg Bees Mon
day. Playing under the lights for the
first time, the Fort Richardson Po
lar Bears from the Anchorage
area put up a valiant fight before
going down to an inspired Bees
team by a 3-2 count.
The Bees took advantage of a
shaky start by the Polar Bears to
collect two runs in the initial
frame. After the first inning the
game proved to be nip-ana-luck
down to the wire.
Danny Withers led off the first
inning for the winners with a dou
ble to right field which dropped in
untouched when the fielders lost
the ball in the lights. Chuck Per
son followed with a single off the
third baseman's glove, and both
runners scored when the throw
from the outfield to second base
sailed into right field.
The Alaskan champs fought back
to tie the score with single runs
in the sixth and seventh frames.
In the sixth Terry Gose was safe
on an outfield error to open the
inning. Gose advanced on a wild
pitch and a passed ball, then scor
ed when pitcher Doug Rogers drill
ed a two-out single through the
Three walks and a sacrifice fly
accounted for the tieing run in the
seventh. Jim Roddick, Dick O'Ncil
and Dick Trapp drew free passes
to load the sacks before Gose loft
ed a high fly to center which scor
ed Roddick after the catch.
Alaska's lead was short-lived,
with the Bees scoring the winning
run in the bottom of the seventh.
Butch Watson reached first when
1 lie catcher couldn't hang onto a
third strike. Watson went to sec
ond on a wild pitch and scamper
ed to third when an attempted
pick - off play at second went
astray. Withers singled to drive
in the tie-breaking counter.
Pete Woodworth, coming on in
the sixth inning in relief of starter
Russ Hubbard, was credited with
the prestige win tor tne Bees,
Woodworth fanned four, gave
up two hits and walked five bat
tcrs. Hubbard struck out five, walk'
ed three and gave up two hits in
five innings. The pitching for
Alaska was divided between Troy
Gerzine and Rogers, with Rogers
working tne linai seven irames.
At the plate the four Alaska hits
were scattered among four boys,
while Withers, Person and J i m
Coon each had two base blows for
the winning Bees. Coon's sixth in
ning triple and Withers' double in
the opening frame were the lone
extra base raps of the game.
The same two teams will collide
again tonight at 8:30 at Legion
Field, with the Alaska champs set
to meet Lewiston, laano, inurs
day at 6 p.m. in the opening round
of the western Regional tourney.
Alaska 000 001 1002 4 4
Rsbg Bees 200 000 lOx 3 9 2
Batteries: Alaska; Gerzine, Rog
ers (3) and Meany, Kautsky (7).
Roseburg; Hubbard, Woodworth
(6) and Heeter. WP: Woodworth
(3-0). LP: Rogers (6-2).
In The Majors
By United Prtss International
American League
W. L. Pet. GB
New York 74 40 .649
Chicago 66 SO .569 9
Minnesota 65 51 .560 10
Baltimore 65 54 .546 11 Mi
Cleveland 57 61 .483 19
Boston 55 60 .478 19V6 City 52 62 .456 22
Los Angeles 54 66 .450 23
Detroit 51 63 .447 23
Washington 52 74 .362 33
Musial Announces
Retirement Plans j,
ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) This
is Uio final season for Stan (The
Man) Musial.
Musial, one of the greatest hit
ters in baseball history, an
nounced Monday night he will re
lire as an active player at the
end of the current sagson.
The 42-ycar-old Musial, who
spent c quarter of a century in
the Cardinal organization as a
player, will continue to work for
the Red Birds in an executive
When the Cardinals rctiro the
familiar No. 6 this fall it will
complete the longest playing ca
reer of any major leaguer with
one team.
Owns Many Records
The lilhe, slightly stooped slug
ger, wilh the unique "corkscrew"
butlini! stance, will bow out with
complete or partial ownership of
58 major league, national j.c.uuc
and All-Slur records.
The surprise announcement al
a Cardinal picnic at the plalatial
home of club owner August A.
Busch Jr. came only a week
after Musial said he would not
mukc a statement concerning his
retirement until the end of the
current season.
"Baseball has been my life,"
Stan told tho gathering of play
ers, their wives and children, and
a few newsmen. "1 love baseball.
I like nothing belter to do than
play baseball.
"Nothing beats playing in the
big leagues and putting on that
big league uniform.
"I came in with a winner in
my first full year with tho Card
inals in 1942 and I'd like to go
out the same way. I've dreamed
for a long time of playing one
more World Series. I think we
still have a chance to do it."
Loss To Gams
General manager Bing Devine
called Musial's decision "a great
loss to llio playing end of the
game but a gain to the executive
"It's a sad thing for baseball,
for St. Louis, for Stan's many
friends, for Stan's wife and fam
ily but a happy one for the
Cardinals who need someone
like Stan to slop into our midst,"
Devine said.
Indication that Musial's retire
ment was imminent came when
his batting avcrago continued to
tumhlc this season. Musial went
for a week at a time without
being in the lineup, then when
he was put in ho would be lifted
often tor a pinch-runncr or dc
tensive replacement.
Asked if anything particular
made him decide to quit, Musial
said: "1 just think Ivc had
enough, regardless of what kind
of year I've had. I'll be 43 next
winter, mid by next baseball seas
on I'll be heading for 44."
Monday's Results
Boston 5 Minnesota 4
(Only game scheduled).
Tuesday's Probable Pitchers
New York at Boston (night)
Terry (13-11) vs Monbouquettc
Cleveland at Chicago (night)
Grant (8-10) vs DcBusschcre
Wednesday's Games
New York at Boston
Washington al Los Angeles, night
Detroit at Kansas City, night
Baltimore at Minnesota, night
Cleveland at Chicago, night
National League
W. L. Pet. GB
Los Angeles
San Francisco
St. Louis
New York
69 46 .600 ....
66 51 .564 4"
64 53 .547 6
64 56
61 54
60 57
61 58
59 59
45 74
.533 Vh
.530 8
.513 10
.513 10
.500 ll'Si
.378 26
38 79 .325 32
Monday's Results
Phila 3 San Francisco 1, night
Pittsburgh 4 Houston 2, nighl
Tuesday's Probable Pitchers
Pittsburgh al New York (night)
Schwall (6-6) vs. Jackson (7
14) San Francisco at Cincinnati
(night) Marichal (18-5) vs.
Maloney (17-4)
Los Angeles at Milwaukee
(night) Podres (U-8) vs. Spahn
Houston at St. Louis (night)
Johnson (6-15) or Bruce (5-8) vs.
Broglio (12-8),
Wednesday's Games
Pittsburgh at New York
Chicago at Phila., 2-twi-night
San Francisco at Cincinnati, nighl
Los Angeles at Milwaukee, night
Houston at St. Louis, night
Roseburg 9 Co-Favored
With Powerful Billings
In Regional Tournament
News-Review Sports Editor
WASHINGTON CHAMPS Seloh-Naches bounced back from a 2-1 setback to defeat
Kent, 5-2, in the battle for the Washington American Legion baseball championship.
The previously undefeated Yakimo area team suffered its lone defeat in the tourney at
the hands of Kent. Playing for the Washington champs in the Western Regional tourna
ment at Legion Field will be: (kneeling) manoger Bill Carlon; (front I to r) Rodney Alvord,
Jack Lambert, Ken Applegote, Jim Rust, Jim Foster, Jack Briggs and Matt Gregorich;
(back I to r) coach Mike Carlon, Terry Cochran, Gary Blaine, Rocky Briskey, Don Wald
bauer, Ron Meyer, Mike Zirkle and Jerry VanDpBrake. Washington will open in
tournament play at 1:30 p.m. Thursday against the Wyoming champs.
When a game pish takes a
minnow or other bait and
runs, give him slack line
so he feels no resistance
before he stops to swal
low it. the reel's pickup is
usually closed (engaging
line) when bait is taken,
so you must pull off some
slack line quickly by hand,
or flip pickup open so the
line spirals out. close pick
up again to set hook after
fish stops.
Florists Win
Softball Title
The Portland Erv-Lind Florists
Sunday niRht won the Northwest
Regional Women s Softball tourna
ment here by defeating Salem,'
Ore. 2-1 in the final game.
Portland scored two runs in the
first inning on a double by Mar-1
lene Piper and singles by Carolyn j
Fitzwater and Jackie Rice. I
Salem earned the right to play
in the finals by defeating Port
Angeles 1-0 in 14 innings earlier1
in the day Sunday.
Cheyenne Wins
Wyoming Title
Cheyenne, Wyo., earned the sixth
berth in the American Legion Jun
ior Baseball Regional Tournament
which starts hero Thursday by de
feating Casper 6-2 Monday morn
ing for the Wyoming state cham
pionship. Cheyenne dropped an 11-5 deci
sion to Casper Sunday night to
send the eight-team double-elimination
tournament into the final
game Monday.
Cheyenne, coached by Claud Mc
intosh, compiled a 19-U record for
the season. Big guns of the mound
staff arc a pair of lefties, Bud
McBridc and Ron Bircher. Mc
Bride won two games during the
stale tournament, including the fi
nal game Monday.
In the hitting department, I lie
Cheyenne squad is led by right
fielder Gary Tomlin and shortstop
Tom Case, both batting about .350.
Cheyenne will meet Selah-Nach-cs,
the Washington champion, in
the first game of the tournament
at 1:30 Thursday afternoon.
Lewiston, Idaho goes against An
chorage, Alaska at 6 p.m., with
Roscburg taking on Billings, Mont,
in the final game about 8:30.
New Umpires Selected
For Tournament Play
A change. in the lineup of um
pires for the American Legion Re
gional baseball playoffs due to
begin Thursday at Legion Field in
Roseburg was announced by legion
officials today.
The change was made necessary
due to the inability of two of the
men in blue from Spokane, Wash.,
to come to Roseburg as scheduled.
Al Reed of Spokane suffered a
cracked knee cap in an automo
bile accident over the weekend and
is incapacitated for umpiring du
ties. Jerry Bowcrman, also of Spo
kane, had to forego his committ
ment because of personal matters
requiring his attention.
Umpires Bo Klingman and Chuck
Stolsig, both of Springfield, have
been secured as replacements.
Klingman and Stolsig, along with
Bob Shaw of Eugene and Bob Chil
ton of Helena, Mont., will handle
the playoff series. All are selected,
certified and signed by the Nation
al Legion Baseball Commission.
6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore Tues., Aug. 13, 1963
Entries Mounting For First
Umpqua Valley Tennis Meet
the opening day between the tourn
ey co-favorites, Billings, Mont.,!
and Lockwood Motors of Kosenurg.
Lockwood Motors, sporting a
season's record of 47-9, will have
the support of the majority of the
spectators and will be performing
on its home stomping grounds.
These two factors, combined with
the outstanding record built up by
coach Bill Harper's crew sends
the Oregon champs into tourna
ment play, a slight favorite ovcri xwinner Game t draws bye
PCL Standings
By United Prtss International
Northern Division
W. L. Pet GB
Spokane 80 48 .625
Tacoma 67 61 .523 13
Hawaii 62 64 .492 17
Portland 59 69 .461 21
Seattle 57 70 .449 22Wi
O'homa City
Dallas-Ft. W.
San Diego
Salt Lake
Southtrn Dviiion
W. L. Pet GB
67 59 .532
66 61 .516 1V4
62 66 .484 6
39 66 .472 7V4
55 70 .440 llMi
Monday's Results
Dallas-Ft. Worth 17 Oklahoma
City 1
Tacoma 5 Salt Lake City 1
Hawaii 8 Portland 3
Hawaii 8 Portland 3
(Only games scheduled)
Tuesday's Probablt Pitchers
Salt Lake City (Seyfricd 0-11)
al Tacoma (Rivas 11-6)
Portland (Thies 3-7) at Hawaii
(Sovde 7-13)
Turbo Charger
1750 N. E. Stephen! 673-4156
Local and out-of-town entries arc
pouring in for the Umpqua Valley
Open Tennis Tournament which
will be staged at the Stewart Park
courts Aug. 16-17-18.
Al Hoffman reports that the
tournament promises to be a thrill
er with rugged opposition lined up
for every category.
Persons planning to enter the
tourney are reminded they have
until Wednesday to have their reg
istration blanks turned in to Hoff
man or Tom Keel, tournament di
rector. Registration blanks may
be picked up at the YMCA build
ing in Stewart Park or at the
Roscburg High Athletic Office.
Every player entered in the
Umpqua Valley Open will play
at least two matches, as a con
solation bracket has been set up
for first round losers.
In the men's division of the
tournament top entries to date
have been received from Southern
Oregon College stars Ken Steven
son and Dick Blacksmith, former
Medford ace. Stevenson and Black
smith teamed up to win the Ore
gon Collegiate Conference doubles
title in the spring.
In addition to the entries from
the south, several have been re
ceived from as far north as Port
land. At least a pair of top flight
Portland lasses will be competing
for tne women s crowns.
Among the top local entries will
be Don and Mike Harris and Bob
McKee in the junior men's di
vision, wilh Tom Gardiner, Tom
my Hill and Jim Sevall entered
in the boys 14-and-under bracket.
In the 16-and-under age group top
local players signed up are Brian
Phillips, Mike Hoffman and Jim
Thorn. Don Lowe, former Rose
burg prep star now living in Eu
gene, is expected to be here to
compete in the men's division.
Competition will be held in the
men's singles and doubles, wom
en's singles and doubles, , junior
men s singles and doubles for
players 18-and-under, boys singles
(16-and-under), and boys singles
and doubles (14-and-under).
The United States Lawn Tennis
Association rules will govern play
during the three-day tournament
and junior players will be limited
to three events.
Junior players must report to
(be Stewart Park courts by 8 a.m.
Friday, with play in the men's di
vision not starting until 6 p.m.
the same day.
Trophies will be awarded the
winner of each division, with the
runners up receiving medals.
For further information on the
Umpqua Valley Open which is
sponsored by the Roscburg Tennis
Association contact
"Baseball fever" is running
rampant throughout Roseburg as
six state American Legion champ
ions prepare to converge on Le
gion Field for the 1963 Western
Regional Tournament.
The lineup was completed Mon
day when Cheyenne captured the
Wyoming crown with a 6-2 triumph
over Casper. The victory gave
Cheyenne the sixth berth in the
tournament which opens here
Despite being the last team to
qualify for the Regionals, Chey
enne will kick-off the action Thurs
day at 1:30 p.m. when it meets
S e 1 a h-N aches, the Washing
ton champion. In a twi-mght:
doubleheader Thursday the re-!
maining four teams will see their
first tournament action.
Lewiston, Idaho, and the Fort
Richardson Polar Bears from j
Anchorage. Alaska, will lead off1
the doubleheader at 6 p.m;, fol-i Thursday
lowed by the featured game of, N10WvcmpJ,9rtltv',"wMn...n
team boasts of in Oregon, and is with a' 19-11 record after surpris-
a definite threat for the Regional ing a strong Casper crew to win
crown. The Polar Bears from the state crown in an extended
Alaska are back for the second state tournament which wound up
consecutive year at the Regional Monday.
The Alaskan champs are facing
one disadvantage in the fact that
until Monday night they had never
played under the lights. Still the
invaders from the northland field
a well-balanced club with good
pitching, and after losing an ex
hibition game to the Roseburg
Bees Monday sport an 18-5 rec
ord for the year.
Joining Alaska in an underdog
role will be the Wyoming entrant.
Cheyenne invades Legion Field
Tourney Schedule
ISM N 1)
Selah-Naches, the Washington
entrant, came through with an in
spired 5-2 win over Kent in the
state finals. The Washington team
features sharp fielding and a hard
hitting attack which could carry
it through the tournament with a
few breaks. Top hurler for Selah
Naches, a team from the Yakima
area, is Mike Dirkle, who in eight
innings struck out 16 Kent batters.
Lewiston captured the Idaho
crown with a lopsided 10-1 victory
over Idaho Falls, while Billings
won its title wtih a 7-1 win over
Helena. To reach the finals the
Fort Richardson Polar Bears ''
nipped Sitka in three straight
games in a best-of-five series,
while Roseburg came through by
winning three out of four games
in a playoff series with Sargent
i Construction (Madison) of Port
When play opens Thursday after
noon, it will be the first time
Roscburg has been the host city
for the Regionals since 1959. In
1959 the state champions from
Alaska, Washington, Montana and
Idaho battled with the Lockwood
Motors nine for a berth in the
Sectional tournev which was held
10 Winner Oamt I vl. Winner Game I 1:00 1 t nn,l t .npkwnnri's. Mini! nut nn
nUEwner Game i vt winner Game i.oo top in a thrill-packed tourney,
III Winner Game t wim Game 10) then lost out to moeniX, AriZ.,
3 Idaho vi Alaska
3 Montana vi Oregon
4 Loser Game 1 vs Loser Game 3 1:30
5 Winner Game 1 vs Loser Game 3 1:00
a Winner Game 3 vl winner Game 3 1:30
7 winner Game 4 vs Loser Game 4 4:00
Ix Winner Game i vi Winner Game 4 1:30
0 Winner Game 7 vl. Loier Game I 1:00
the -teams from Idaho and Wash
The first night out Lockwood's
meets the other tournament fav
orite in the form of perennial win
ner, Billings. Billings is boasting
a 42-9 record for the season and
will be the only team in the West
ern Regionals that reached the
Legion World Series in 1962.
However, playoffs are not new
to Idaho or Alaska's champions.
Lewiston has captured the Idaho
title for the past three seasons,
the same record as the Roseburg
Exhibition Golf
Tickets On Sale
(See Nolo 7)
I Wyoming vi Washington
t Idaho vi Alaska
3 Oregon vi Montana
4 Loser Oame 1 vi Loser Game 3
5 Winner Game I vs Loser Game 3
4x Winner Game 3 vi Winner Genu 3
7 Winner Game 4 vi Winner Game S
4 Loser Game S vs Loser Game 4
f Winner Game 4 vs Winner Game 7
ISee Note 3)
10 Winner Game I vi Winner Game 9
(See Nolo 4)
II winner Game 4 vi Winner Game V
in the Sectionals.
In recent years
The Douglas County branch of
tho Retarded Children's Associ
ation is selling tickets to a star
studded exhibition golf match In
Portland Aug. 25.
Bob Hope, Randolph Scott, Jim
Garner and' Helen Detweiller,
well-known pro woman golfer,
will square off in the benefit
match at Portland's Columbia
Edgewater Country Club at 1:30
The golf match featuring the
three famed actors is being spon
sored as a benefit by the Ore
gon Retarded Children's Associ
ation. Tickets are on sale locally at
the Roseburg Country Club, the
Stewart Park Pro Shop and J. C.
Sporting Goods.
Half of the $2.50 for each tick-
et sold in Douglas County will
remain with the county chapter
Hoffman or of the Retarded Children's As-
' sociation.
the Sectional
tournaments have been eliminat
ed, with the winner of the various
Regional tourneys heading straight
to the World Series.
The winner of the Roseburg
tourney will head straight for
Kecne, N. H., to compete in the
eight-team Legion World Series.
While the Western Regionals
,M (Region 7) arc in progress, other
j tournaments will be going on in
Springfield, Mass.; College Park.
Md.; Greenwood, S. C; Memphis,
t:oo I Tenn.: Lima, Ohio; Salina, Kans.;
(II Winner Game 4 loiei Game or ana Long Beach, Calif., to deter
winner Game I wins Game 10) I ... 3 ' ' .
xwinner Gome 4 drewo bye j mine ine oiner seven entrants in
Nolo: (l.) schedule A will be followed if, the World Scries.
Winner Game 1 wim Oame 5. (3.) Schedule i The local action is scheduled to
B will be followed only II Loser Game 3 , 11,e luLd -"-nun is sliiluuilu iu
wins Game s. (3.) Winner Game 7 and draw to a close either Aug. 19 or
winner Game I draw for bye in Game o. 20, depending on whether it takes
(4.) It three teams reman after Game V 1A . j:j .l .:
the two teams with two wim and one loss 10 or 11 games to decide the win-
will play Game 10. 1 ner.
Excitement - Thrills - Thundering Hoofs
Post Time - 1 :30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday
IliU. Atlulh, 75c
Kids, 25c
Winter Leagues Nearly Full
MONDAY Filled.
TUESDAY Women's 3 Team Spots Open.
WEDNESDAY Men's 3 Team Spots Open.
Early Shift.
THURSDAY A couple of Early spots for men.
FRIDAY Filled straight across except for
3-Man Team. Start 7 PM thru at 8:30
SATURDAY Junior Bowlers, 10 a.m.
Telephone your Chevrolet dealer for any type of truck.
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