H3j ' 1 MMj $d0Yh kvii l- ittri f - nJJ ,. 4. MM Fair s Success Due To Variety EXEMPLIFYING "Moods of Magic" which is the theme of. this year's Douglab County Fair are a waterfall and a pretty girl. The man-made waterfall will be focal point in the garden area at the fair, and the pretty girl is Fair Queen Donna Bourassa. She is standing on ply- ' wood platform which seems to float on water. It is here models at two. style shows will show the latest in women's wear. (Bob Leber photo) About The Cover This year's cover of the Fair Edi lion provides some of both the sight and sound of the Douglas i-oumy hair. The aerial photograph made available by the fair management shows the vastness of the grounds on which Southern Oregon's finest fair is staged. Besides the great complex of buildings and the arena and race track, the Fairgrounds has park ing space for 2,000 cars. The picture at the bottom is one of the newest, additions to the fair, the popular calliope. The fair had another one before, but it was sold to a carnival in 1961. It was de cided to secure another for this year's fair. The search led to Powers, Mont., this spring where a collector was talked into parting with what he called his "outstanding instru ment." The calliope is powered by a cut down foreign car. The artistic de sign and art work were done by artists Grace Ruthrauff and Sonja Isaacson of Roseburg, and their plans were put into finished form by Marvin I'upst and Jack Smith of the Fairgrounds staff. It has already received a con siderable workout this summer by appearing in parades and special events to advertise Uie fair. It will be displayed throughout the fair. Key Personnel Makes Fair Run Smoothly Key personnel in carrying out the directives of the Fair Board and Fair Manager Bert Allenby are Jack Smith, assistant manager; Del Plant, director of exhibits; Robert Rabins, director of publici ty and special events; and Mary Bird, office manager. GRANDSTAND BIG The grandstand at the Douglas County Fairgrounds, which will be the seating area for many during the special events in the arena and on the race track, seats 3,800 people. 2 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., Aug. 12, 163 $25,000 In Premiums To Be Awarded In '63 More than $25,000 in premiums here are livestock, farm shop will be offered to entries in this ' projects and showmanship, year's Douglas County Fair, ac-, Tne last bi section is the 4-H Starting Wednesday when gates open at 11 a.m., the annual Doug las County Fair, the biggest show in Southern Oregon heads into a five-day run, which won't end until late Sunday night. The tradition of the last few years-has been followed again this year willi the emphasis of some thing for everyone. It makes no dif ference if you are interested in horse showmanship or a ride on the Mad Mouse, it's all there. It will take more than a single visit to see everything being of fered. The theme this year is "Moods of Magic," so it's only right that magic should be a part of the big show. It is. The major entertain ment feature of the fair will be a big Mandrake the Magician show each evening. But even though this show is be ing emphasized, it's only one of many designed to titillate the fair- goer. Other magicians will put on shows during the day; two style snows are on tap; a marionette 1 show will take place at frequent in j tervals; there's a nightly amateur .talent, show; horse racing; Shet land pony show; demonstrations by tne score; ana even a big give away as a grand finale. The heart of the fair, though will be the showcase of talents dis played for the competitors for whom the fair is staged. Everything irom canned jeuy to pureDred Hol steins will be entered, in what is likely to be a. bumper field. Judiics I will be handing out hundreds of hv bons through most of the five-afys With this vast array of interests being catered to, the Douglas ! County Fair lured 61,000 people through the gates. The Fair Board i has found variety and entertain ment bring people to see the less spectacular but more important ex- ' hibits of livestock, textiles and ' cookery. The formula has been j tested and found effective. That's why the record of attendance set 'last year may be broken again. cording to Manager Bert .Allenby. Many of the departments have been enlarged arid some complete ly new ones have been added. Three major classes of judging are involved. They are open class, 4-H and Future Farmers of Amer ica. Judging will take place with in these classes. In the open class, the sections are livestock, fruits and vege tables, flowers, food preservation, baked goods, textiles, arts, cer amics, photography, hobbies and crafts, gems and minerals, school j arts and crafts. Within this class is the "magic gardens" section in which garden ! clubs will be judged for construc tion of garden plots within the new garden area. . j Probably the most work in any section has gone into the arts dc-j partment under the direction of Paul White. A large section of the Exhibit Building has been set aside for the arts. Volunteers have been working for days construct ing a special "wall" around the section, building statues and other decorating. Manager Bert Allenby says it will be a focal point of the fair. The second major section for judging is the FFA. Departments judging. Included here are agri cultural projects; livestock; poul try; horsemanship; showmanship; crops and flowers; other projects, such as health, entomology, for estry, health and safety; home economics projects; and judging contests. Our Exhibit See Fair C TOZER'S HEATING And SHEET METAL 806 S. E. Lone Ph. 672-3379 BUILDING SET ASIDE Commercial exhibits this year j will be shown in the Community ' Building at the Douglas County ; Fair., The 14,000 square feet of floor j space will have room for 55 ex-. hibits. Taking over the stage in the building will be Earl Hcnbest and his Indian Artifacts exhibit and dancers. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL SEWING SPECIAL CABINET Now Only '39.95 BE RIGHT ,THUJ wive We'll See You There . . . At The Fair! sf ELECTRIC POWER FARM HOME INDUSTRY RECREATION Q M ELECTRIC KJlMlnl CO-OPERATIVE, INC. tjjjfr 540 s. & JJckson v D0U