2 The News-Review, Roseburg, Big Timber Sale Held Here Friday The Roseburg District of the Bu reau of Land Management Friday sold 48,917,000 board feet of timber for a total of $790,708.15. The tim ber, located on 11 sites, contained 42 per cent salvage volume as a result of the Columbus Dry wind storm. No bids were received on a 12th tract, and it will be held open for a period of 90 days, during which time bids for nut less than the ap praised price will be received. Tract Purchased The first tract, containing 2,388, 000 board feet of timber located in the Camas Valley area, was pur chased by Lumber Sales Co. of Roseburg for $01,746.65. Bid price for the Douglas fir was $26.45 per thousand board feet. It had been appraised at $23 per thousand. Ap praised prices on other timber in the tract were $7.60 on grand fir; $35.55 on sugar pine; $13.90 on western hemlock; $11.05 on western red cedar; and $11.10 on incense cedar. Other bidder was Moore Mill and Lumber Co. Herbert Lumber Co. of Riddle purchased 4,875,000 feet of timber located near Canyonvillc for $78, 428.65. A bid of $16.50 was made on the Douglas fir, which was ap praised at $15.20. Other appraised prices were $5.75 for pondarosa pine; $4.40 for incense cedar; and $3.15 for grand fir. Other qualified bidders were the Coning Corp. and A. J. Standley. Appraisal Bid L t H Lumber Co. of Sulherlin bid the appraised price for 14, 165,000 board feet of timber located west of Scott Mountain. A. J. Standley and Evans Products Co. also qualified to bid on this tract. Appraised prices were $14.45 for Douglas fir; $4.50 for western red cedar; $3.10 for white fir; $17.25 for ponderosa pine; $22.80 for su gar pine; $7.40 for western hem lock; and $4.30 for Incense cedar. TJ. S. Plywood Corp. of Eugene purchased 10,421,000 feet of timber located in the Canton Creek area for the appraised price of $15.30 pelf thousand for the Douglas, fir; $5.15 for western red' cedar; $28.05 for sugar pine; $8.25 for western hemlock; and $5.25 for incense ce dar. National Plywood Inc., A. J. Standley and Evans Products Co. also qualified to bid on this tract. Woolley ' Logging . Co. of Drain was tho only qualifying bidder for 4,544.000 feet of timber located in the Elkhcad area. The timber was purchased for the appraised price (if $18.10 for the Dougjas-fir, $7.90 fon the western red cedar, $4.85 fop tho whito fir, $10.05 for the western hemlock, $7.80 for the in censo cedar and $15.55 for the pon derosa pine. , - i I Coning Wins Coning Corp. of noschurg bid $91,698.55 for 4,967,000 feet of tim ber located In the Tyee area. A bid of $21.30 per thousand was sub mitted for the Douglas.fir which was apprnised at $15.45. All other species were sold for the appraised price of $5.50 for the western red cedar, $2.95 for the while fir. $9.10 for the western hemlock and $6.80 for. the incense cedar. Other quali fying bidders were Lumber Sales Co., Fitzgerald Logging Co., Bir kenfcld Logging and A. J. Standley. The appraised price of $18.10 per thousand for the Douglas-fir, $7.45 for, tho western red cedar, $4.60 for tho while fir, $10.75 for the western hemlock and $7.55 for the incense cedar was paid by Woolley Logging Co. of Drain for 3,019,000 feel located in the Klkhrad area. No one else qualified to bid on this tract. He was also the only quali fying bidder for 610.000 feet lo cated near the head of Yellow Creek. This timber was appraised at $18.50 for the Douglas-fir, $4.15 for the white fir. $6.85 for the in cense cedar and $5.15 for Hie west ern red cedar. - Mt. Baldy Successful Ml. Baldy Lumber Co. of Yon calla was the only qualifying bid Surge In Profit-Taking Sales On Stock Market Is Predicted WASHINGTON (1711) The Treasury today anticipates a big surge in "profit-taking" sales on the stock market next year. Reason: It expecls Congress lo make a sharp cut, effective next Jan. 1, in the taxes levied on the safe from stocks, houses and other property. The tax release was approved Friday by the House Ways Means Committee for inclusion in the tax revision and reduction bill it is drafting. The tax saving ranging from 16 to 20 per cent would applv only to the sale of, property held by the owner for at least t w o years. Expect Selling Spree Although the legislation ulti ma'.ely would lose almost $100 million a year in annual revenue, the Treasury said the immediate result would be a selling spree that would boost Treasury tax revenues next year by more than $300 million. iWATER TANKS CONCRETE 500-1 500 Gal. f WELL CASING 12 in. to 48 in. for Permanent Installation 'And Free Estimates Coll PRE-MIX CONCRETE 1MPE CO ... 672-2694 Ore. Saf., Aug. 10, 1963 der for 3,298,000 feet located south east of Anlauf. The appraised price was $21.85 for the Douglas-fir, -7.-35 for the white fir, $13.70 for the western hemlock, $10.60 for the western red cedar and -11.40 for the incense cedar. A high bid of $26.25 per thou sand for Douglas-fir appraised at $23.80 was submitted by Pfciffer Lumber Co. of Yoncalla for 283, 000 feet located in the vicinity of Elkton. The other species sold for the appraised price of $8.10 for the white fir, $11.25 for the incense cedar and $15.25 for the western hemlock. Woolley Logging Co. was also a qualifying bidder. The appraised price of $23.10 per thousand was paid by Woolley Log ging Co. of Drain for 347,000 feet of Douglas-fir located near Drain. There were no other qualifying bid ders for this tract. Forest Holds Freida Sales Three more Columbus Day blow down salvage sales were held at the Umpqua National Forest super visor's office Friday, and all tracts were sold. The Stain Freida Salvage Sale seven miles cast of Tiller was won by Hoot Owl Logging Co. of Cent ral Point. The company bid $15, 840 for the tract of 700,000 board feet appraised at $15,809.50. It bid $24.75 per thousand for 610,000 feet of Douglas fir and nine ap praised at $24.70 and the appraised $8.25 lor ao.uou icel ol incense cc dar and other species groups. Oth er bidders were Fir-Ply Inc. of Modford , and. Herbert Lumber Co. of Riddle. Herbert was the .winner on the Burnt Freida Salvage Sale tract live miles east Ol Tiller. 1 lie tract containing 560,000 board feet and appraised at $11,974 sold for $11,976.50. The company bid tho appraised $23.55 for Douglas fir and $16.75 for pine, but $10.20 per thousand for 50,000 feet of white fir and other species appraised at $10.15. Fir-Ply was the only other bidder, Herbert also claimed the Cabin Freida Salvage Sale tract 10 miles cast of Tiller. The company paid $9,780.75 lor tne tract appraised at $9,130.50. The tract contains 405,000 feet. Douglas fir appraised at $23.95 sold for $25.75 and western hem lock appraised' at $11.30 sold for $11.35. Other bidders were American Veneer Co. of White City, Jeffries Timber Corp. of Canyonvillc and Fir-Ply. More Umpqua National Forest sales arc scheduled Monday and Tuesday. ; Planes Keep Vigil In Wake Of Storm , By United Pratt International Scout planes went out this mor ning to look for new, lightning set fires that may be smouldering in the . wake of a new wave of thunderstorms that swept south western Idaho late Friday. A dispatcher for the Boise Na tional Forest reported eight new fires from the electrical storm, two of them in the mountain Home district, four in the Idaho City dislrict and two in the Gar den Valley district. Pilots made three dangerous, nfter-siindown Bcntonile drops on the worst of the eight, in the Ida ho City district north of Boise. Four smokejumpers were dropped on that blaze. The Bureau of Land Manage ment was uncertain how many new fires may have broke out al though it did count threo of four small ones in the wake of the storm. It sent planes aloft this morning to look for new fires. These revenue forecasts and the compulation of the 16 to 20 per cent range in tax savings were based solely on the commit tee's action in approving revision in the formula for taxing capital gains. They assume that individ ual tax rates to which the for mula is linked will remain nl existing levels. But an across-the-board cut in individual tax rates is the prime ingredient of the administration hacked tax bill which the com mittee is drafting. $10 Billion Saving! The committee plans to add this final ingredient next week in wrapping up a tax package that is expected to provide net t a x savings of close to $10 billion for individuals and corporations in two annual steps starting next Jan. 1. Friday's action will boost the total tax savings on profits from sale of property held for at least two years appreciably above 20 per cent for almost every seller. The exception will be those who, under the new schedule, still find themselves in a tax bracket of 50 per cent or higher. Only the latter would be limited to tax relief of 16 per cent on their sale profits. VENETIAN BLINDS Soles and Service SERVICEMASTER C Roseburg 672-4601 We Gie S4H Green Stomps OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED The new Douglas County Mental Health Association chap ter became official this week when two of its members received a charter from state Mental Health Association President Dr. Joseph D. Matarazzo, center, in ceremonies in Portland. Receiving the charter are James Gwaltney, left, and K. C. Layer, right. In haste of taking the picture. Matarazzo apparently picked up the wrong charter, because the one he holds reads "Lane County" chapter. Kefauver Gained Prominence During 1950 Crime Hearings Sen. Estes Kefauver, who died this morning, was a rangy, soft- spoKcn man wno nccame a na tional figure when television brought his face into millions of homos during the crime hearings in 1950. Senate Democratic Whip Hu bert II. Humphrey, Minn., termed Kefauver "a crusader and an idealist." He said his contribution to the betterment and wel fare of the nation will be long re membered. . Sen. Everett Dirksen, 111., GOP Senate leader said: "Nothing has so distressed me in a long time as the news of tho passing of Sen. Kefauver. I en tertain high respect and deep af fection for him." He failed twice lo vin the pres- lucnuai nomination. Once in 1952 and again in 1956. But in 1956 he straucd a knockdown convention floor fight to edge out President Kennedy as Adlai Stevenson's running mate. Stricken During Debate The senator, who made a national reputation with his in vestigations of the crime syndi cate, was taken ill during a do nate on, me communications sat ellite program. However, lie did not require an ambulance and was driven lo the hospital in a private car. Kefauver was elected to the Senate in 1948 and reelected in 1954 and 1060. t He was a veteran of 10 years service in the House when he rocketed lo national prominence ill 1918 by bowling over the big noss ol lennessee politics and U.S. Girl Nabbed On Drug Charge HOME fUPI) - Italian police moved against an international ring today on leads developed from information supplied by an American girl under arrest on drug charges. Authorities identified the girl as Barbara .loan Spark, 22, of Pacif ic Palisades, Calif., and said she had thousands of dollars worth of mariiuana in her suitcase when picked up here last Thurs day. The Italian press pictured her as an out-and-out amateur in the illicit drug trade. "Please don't tell my parents," she was quoted as begging. Police said that under question ing the California girl supplied them with information that led to the arrest of two men in Home Friday. French police, in a development so far not connected to the arrests in Italy, picked up two Canadians Friday preparing to leave Pairs on separate flights from Oily Air port. Thirteen pounds of heroin were found in their luggage, po lice said. Today it was learned that French police, acting on a tip from Canadian authorities, have picked up a suspect believed to have supplied the pair. The sus pect was identified as Roger Courier, a resident of Paris and the Cole D'Azur who was de scribed as "one of the principal drug smugglers in the world." They said he apparently was part of an international ring bringing drugs from the Middle East to New York and Chicago via Mar seilles, Paris, Montreal and To ronto. Farm Labor Force Up For Month Of July WASHINGTON (UPI) The farm labor force in July was esti mated at 7.9t'.5.O0O persons, slight ly more than the record low for the comparable period reported for last year, according to the Agri culture Department. The number of hired hands on farms in July was 2.804.000. up 4 per cent from July last year. The number of family workers was 5.161,000. about 1 per cent less than a year earlier. NOW YOU KNOW At least 170 persons died in the h'y fog that engulfed Ixindon. KitKland, from Dec. 3 to 10 of last year, according lo the World Almanac. I snatching a Senate seat from the Crump machine. The Senate's special crime in vestigating committee, which Ke fauver sponsored in the 81st Con gress and headed in a nationwide 1950 racket inquiry, was the spearhead of a post-war campaign against crime which reached into nearly every American city. Gains Reputation Its spotlight sent scores of big time mobsters scuttling for cover and quickly won Kefauver a gang busting reputation. Early in his Senate career, he became identified with a small group of young "liberals" who prided themselves on fighting the consumer's battle in the halls of Congress. . Kefauver made the coonskin None Hurt In Two County Accidents State police investigated two non injury accidents in the southern part of Douglas County early Fri day evening. The first occurred about 6:30 p.m. on US 99 Bit in Tri Cily when a vehicle driven by Steven Ells worth Hall, 21, of Myrtle Creek, struck the rear of a vehicle driven by Linda Kay Birenbaum, 17, also of Myrtle Creek. State plice said Miss Birenbaum had stopped to make a left turn when her car was struck by the other car. The second occurred about 7 p.m. one mile south of Azalea on Inter state Highway 5. State police said a vehicle driven by Earl Lake Ri gor, -15, of Pacificia, Calif., was traveling north when Rigor lost control of the car after hitting the shoulder uf the road and began swerving back and forth across both lanes of traffic. They said a truck towing a trailer driven .by Vincent Thomas Sakarida, 41, of Mcdford, was traveling south and pulled into the northbound lane to avoid Rigor. Rigor then crossed into the northbound lane again and struck the trailer, causing the Ri gor car to roll and become totally demolished, police said. Local News Mike McCalip, 14, is leaving next week for his home "in Modesto, Calif., after spending several weeks here with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and .Mrs. F. P. Mcnden hall. Mrs. Victoria Erikson of Port land and her daughter, Solvig, uf Oakland, Calif., stopped over in Roseburg this week to visit Mrs. i A. J. Young on SE Flint St. Mrs. j Erikson is a past grand guardian of job's Daughters of Oregon. The Ladies Auxiliary of t h e Landmark Missionary Baptist Church will have a rummage sale Saturday at the Veterans .Memor ial Building on Garden Valley Blvd. Sale hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Arrangements for pick up of rummage may be made by calling Mis. A. II. Cooper, 673 1 3721. or Mrs. Lafavetle Maddox, 673-7963. ! Mr. and Mrs. Charlet Sullivan j have returned home after a week's j vacation. They drove down the Or ; egon coast to San Francisco where (hey visited Mrs. Sullivan's father. I Hay Oliger, and her sister. Mi i chelle Oliger. They also enioved seeing tlie various tourist attrac- i drive past the police station, radio tions in the California city. They I ed to one of the patrol cars, and came home by way of Reno, New : they were picked up. The incident During the Sullivans' absence, took place about 6 a.m. their son, Kevin, stayed with his ! Virgil Humerickhouse. 5". of uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Uiyd Roseburg. was arrested about 2:30 Bradley. Elder and Mrs. William Clem entt with their children from Spo kane have returned to their home after having spent several days with Mrs. Clements' parents. Mr. and Mrs. William I'pdegravc in the (Hide area, as weii as other rela tives and friends in the commun ity. Elder Clements is director of Sabbath School activities in the I'piM-r Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventi.sts with headquar ters in SMikane. He was guest speaker at the local Adventist church during the visit here. hat his trade mark. Boss Crump had labelled him the "pet coon of the Truman administration." For his answer Kefauver got a coonskin hat, waved at his aud iences and boasted: "There might be a ring around the tail but none through the nose." The Tennesseean also made the hand shake something of a potent political weapon. He would shake hundreds of hands a day on and off the campaign trail. Took Underdog Role But the key to his personality was his underdog role. He championed the man in the street in his battles against crime, and monopolistic practices. Kefauver always had his eye on the White House. He failed in two attempts to win the Demo cratic presidential nomination. But he did manage to win second place on the ticket with Adlai Stevenson in 1956. The failure to win the presi dential nomination in 1952 and 1956 was a bitter pill for Kefauv er. But he staged an all out fight at an "open convention" to win delegates to the 1956 Democratic convention. The man he defeated in the fight was President Kennedy. Bermuda Takes Arlene In Stride HAMILTON, Bermuda (UPD Hurricane Arlene, first big tropi cal storm of the year, raged against the sea and not much else today after raking Bermuda with wind gusts of nearly 100 miles an hour. The' storm lashed Bermuda for about four hours Friday, but the island was battened down and ready for it. It ripped off several roofs, caused some flooding, snapped power lines and tree limbs and sunk a few small boats. Most businesses here, however, re mained open. I lie u.b. weather liurcau an nounced at 6 a.m. EDT today that Arlene was located about 650 miles south of the Newfound land coast and was moving in a ! northeasterly direction at 30 i ill. p h. The hurricane was not expect' cd to threaten any land area dur j ing the day. the bureau said, but would be close to the coast of ! Newfoundland tonight. Shipping in the storm s path was warned to exercise caution. Highest winds at Arlenc's cen ter ranged from 75 to 100 m.p.h., with gales extending outward 150 miles to the west and north and 200 miles to the south and east. Boys Suspected In Theft Of Gas Two teen age Cottage Grove boys were taken into custody by Rose burg City Police early this morn ing on a charge of stealing gas and later placed in the Douglas County jail by order of juvenile authorities. City police said the night tele phone operator at Pacific North west Bell spotted the ooys, ages 16 and 17, apparently stealing gaso line from a car in the parking lot when she got off work. She called police and gave them a descrip tion of the car driven by the boys. Sgt. Don Webberlcy working in the police office, spotted the two a.m. following an alleged fight at a eaie in downtown Roseburg. City police said Humerickhouse was ar rested on a charge of being drunk on a public street after he had be come involved in a fight in the cafe which resulted in the break ing of a WO mirror. WRONG SIGN Milwaukee, wis. rpn Huge posters along the main street advertising the Wisconsin State Fair as running from Aug. 8 to Aug. 19. It actually runs onlv until Aug. 17. Full Candor Is Promised In Ban Talks WASHINGTON (UPI) Hubert H. Humphrey, Senate Democra tic whip, pledged today that "nothing will be held back" when administration spokesmen discuss the possible gains and risks of the nuclear test-ban treaty. The Minnesota lawmaker said administration leaders have made it clear in early discussions that they are ready to "cooperate wholeheartedly" with senators who want to .air all pertinent questions before a' ratification vote. Humphrey said he has in sisted on "complete candor." Withhold Judgment ' Many Senate Republicans have withheld judgment on the all-but-underground ban of nuclear test ing pending a detailed explora tion of the issues involved. A Democratic expert on weapons development, Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., took a similar line in a Senate speech Friday. Jackson said the Senate must get "the same type and range of evidence" which convinced Presi dent Kennedy that the treaty is in the nation's best interest. The senator, who heads the weapons subcommittee of the Senate-House Atomic Energy Committee, listed a series of questions which he proposes to pursue. Stating that the administration plans to hold nothing back, Hum phrey said in an interveiw that "whatever risks are involved will be outlined." "Whatever gains are involved will be outlined too," he said. To Produce Witnesses Senate GOP Leader Everett M. Dirksen, 111., told newsmen he be lieves President Kennedy is "fully prepared" to produce the necessary witnesses to testify that the treaty will enhance na tional security as the President has declared. Dirksen said he did not know exactly what U.S. military lead ers would say about the treaty. But he indicated he expects Ken nedy to produce Pentagon wit nesses who will endorse the agree ment. Jackson has said in the past that if there is a choice between a strong military deterrent and a test ban treaty, the deterrent must have first priority. Grand Jurors Indict Three The Douglas County Grand Jury Friday returned three true bills and onenot-true bill during its session. Exonerated was Wayne Powell, 25, Canyonvillc, who had been charged with failure to support his child. True bills were returned on Law rence Hcidenreich, 18, of Idleyld Park; Velma Irene Bell, 47, of Salem; and June Elene Lyman, 24, Winston. Heidcnrcich was charged with a burglary July 28 at the home of Kenneth W. Smith on Idleyld Route. He allegedly broke into the house with intent to steal. Velma Bell is charged with pass ing a worthless $10 check at the Rose Room of the Rose Hotel June 6. June Lyman was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. She is charged with las civious conduct in front of a 16-year-old boy. In Douglas County District Court, meanwhile, bail of $1,500 was set on Ernest P. Baziotis, 2.1, of Rt. 1, Box 439A, Sulherlin. He Is charged with non-support. And Linda Lucille Pcdcn was tried and convicted in court Fri day of vagrancy. District Court Judge Gerald Hayes sentenced her to serve six months in jail and pay $5 costs. The costs were sus pended and probation was granted for one year. Finally. James Smith. 32. Win ston, was booked in the Douglas County jail as a lugitive irom justice. He was arrested by Win ston Police Chief George Jacobs for violation of his parole in Ohio. Smith will be held for three weeks for Ohio authorities. Maurine With Minority On Space Program Trim WASHINGTON (UPK Sen. Maurine Neubcrger, D Orc., voted in the minority Friday as the Sen ate turned down an amendment to trim S307.8 million from its S5.5 billion space authorization. The vote was 37 to 32. Sen. Wayne Morse, D Orc.. did not vote. He was in Klamath Falls for the dedication of the Klamath Project Extension, a $818,950 irri gation project BLASTS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON (UPI) The i I House Republican Whip, Rep. : Leslie Arends, III., has charged the Kennedy administration with "government by crises." I Arends said this week that by j failing to act on the problems ! when thev arose, the administra tion had allowed them to become critical. "The New Frontier lead ership is now trying to alibi the inaction of this 'standstill Con gress' with references to the im pending crises civil rights, threatening railroad strike, out flow of gold and nue'ear test ban treaty requiring immediate atten tion," he said. LOST T0UI IICOSE TO Ullll ROLF'S PREFERRED INSURANCE 'tf Ful IctiM. UlUllaMM Iflillllf 939 S. I. Stephen! 473-I144 FORMER President Herbert Hoover celebroted his 89th birthday Saturday at his New York aportment. Presently f recovering from a gastro-intestinal ailment, he did not meet with the press as is his usual custom on the eve of his birthday. (UPI Telephoto) Ailing Hoover Is 89 Today, Continues Work On History NEW YORK (UPI) Ailing j former President Herbert C. Hoo ver celebrates the 89th anniver sary of his birth today with a few close relatives and friends. Hoover, instead of holding his traditional birthday eve news conference, issued a brief mes sage to fellow Americans from his skyscraper apartment in Manhattan. It said, in part: "We have a great way of life let's keep it that way." Birthday cards and sprays of flowers, some taller than Hoo ver's favorite fishing rod, adorned fables, cabinets and the mantlepiece in the sitting room of his apartment in the Waldorf Towers. Gets Special Tribute In Washington, for the second straight year, Sen. Carl T. Cur tis, R-Neb., paid a special tribute to Hoover in the Senate Friday for his "exemplary life." The 31st president, a Republi can who served in the White House from 1929 to 1932, was critically ill with a gastro-intestinal disorder for several days last June. Since then, his physicians said Hoover "has become stronger and is able to work at his desk for a short period each day. The number of his visitors still is lim ited, and. . .it is advisable that he should not assume any public obligations at the present time." Works On History One of Hoover's aides said he worked steadily on his "magnum opus," a history of the past 30 years designed for publication in several volumes. He recently completed a book on fishing, his favorite sport. The former chief executive was Teachers Attend UO Institutes Three Roseburg teachers are among 75 others from the state who are currently attending two Advanced Placement Institutes at the University of Oregon in the fields of English and American his tory. They are J. Henry Barneck, Rob ert Eskelson and Edna Turner, all of whom will cither be teaching advanced placement courses in high school or will he using ad vanced placement materials and methods in honors courses. This special high school place ment program offers freshman col lege level work to superior stu dents. Those who successfully com plete the program and tests may receive advance college credit for their work when they enter college. The summer institute program for teachers of advanced place ment courses is in its fourth year in Oregon. Girl Scout Camp Closes Because Of Vandalism PORTLAND (UPD The Port land Area Council of Girl Scouts Friday announced closing of the final camping session at Camp Wind Mountain. Stevenson, Wash., because of vandalism. Officials said the succession of unsolved acts of vandalism and petty thievery was believed to be the work of an intruder in the camp. Educational Entertaining - Enlightening ADM: AK?dfiscSe AUGUST 14-18 ROSEBURG born in West Branch, Iowa, on Aug. 10, 1874. His parents died when he was a youngster and he went to live with relatives in Oregon. After graduating from Stanford University, Hoover worked as a' mining engineer and then, during World War I, began his long ca reer in government as an admin istrator of relief funds and goods. Police Probe 3 Accidents Roseburg City Police investigat ed two accidents Friday involving youthful bicycle riders, with the riders (or in one case pusher) found to be at fault ill both in stances. Neither of the youths was injured seriously. The first occurred about 4:40 p.m. Friday on W. Harvard Blvd. when 6-ycai-old Ricky Minkler, of 1313 W. Harvard Blvd. was pushing his bike and went between two cars which had stopped for traffic. He walked into the path of an on coming car driven by Leonard Odell Warren, of Rl. 3, Roseburg. The boy was taken to Community Hospital for observation and re leased. The second occurred at 10:35 ; p.m. Friday when Mike Sherwood, I 12, of 1275 W. Rosemond St., was : riding his bike on the lot at the I Harvard Drive In and rode into ; the side of a vehicle driven by Mrs. Vivian Franklin. City police also investigated an accident at the intersection of NE i Diamond Lake Blvd. and NE Cas i per Street at 1 p.m. Friday. Police i said the accident occurred when a j car driven by Daryl Lee Stubble ! field, 15. uf Rt. 1, Roseburg, struck 1 the rear of a car driven by Doro i thy Dickcrsun, 51, of 1835 NE Pa ! tricia St., which was stopped for a J stop light. Damage was done to I the rear of the Dickerson car, po lice said. Three Injured By Rock Slide ALBANY (LTD Three men nch were hospitalized and four others treated and released Friday aft ernoon after they were hurl in a rock slide in the diversion tunnel at Green Peter Dam Site 30 miles southeast of here. Hospitalized at Eugene was Louis Anju, 33, Sweet Home. He suffered a skull fracture. Kenneth Dawson, 38. and Ward W. Schneider, 34, both of Sweet Home, were hospitalized at Sweet Home witli fractures. The :s by-28 foot tunnel is to carry the Middle Santiam River around the point where the dam is lo be constructed. Thomas Dwyer, safely engineer for Paul Hardeman Construction Co., the prime contractor, said the men were on a 20-foot high deck when a section of rock in the up per part of the tunnel face slid at an all. it- and landed on the platform. The men were thrown off. Now You Know i American forces suffered 4.435 ! battle deaths in the Revolutionary j War. according to the World 1 Almanac. DEMONSTRATIONS CERAMICS by Wilma Wyatt . of Joz Ceramics CAKE DECORATING by Bud and Norman Wirhem of Weber's Bakery DOUGLAS