iosebwg DISPLAYING rhe trophies and pennant von Thurs day night at Legion Field is the Lockwood Motors 1963 Oregon American Legion Junior baseball team of Roseburg. Roseburg won the crown by Rams Drop 17-14 Game To Cowboys LOS ANGELES (UPI) The Los Angeles Rams bad most of the statistics but the Dallas Cowboys had the points In the scoring col umn. That was the story of Thursday night's preseason National Foot ball League game at Memorial Coliseum. The Cowboys won 1714 on a third-quarter field goal by spe cialist Sam Baker. He booted a 29-yarder to break a 14-14 tie. The crowd totaled 70,675. Coaches of the opposing teams seemed to be fairly satisfied with the performance of the players. Tom Landry of the Cowboys said. "It looked like a first game should kind of ragged. This was about as good as any defensive game we played last year." Harland Svare of the Rams said "I was pretty happy about the two points I've stressed passed protection and the running game. I haven't given our team many plays. We're bringing them along slowly." Svare stuck with quarterback Roman Gabriel, a second year man, throughout the game on of fense. He failed to use either the veteran Zeke Bratkowski or the prized rookie Terry Baker. Gabriel had three passes inter ceptedone in the fourth quarter when he brought the team down to the Cowboy six for what could have been a winning touchdown drive. He threw one scoring pass on a spectacular 40-yard play. Pervis Atkins gathered the ball into his arms in the end zone to put the Hams out in front 14-7 in the sec ond quarter. In the samo period, Cowboy quarterback Don Meredith fired a 20-yarder to end Pettis Norman and the score was tied. The first Ram score game In the closing seconds of the first quarter on a 56-yard runback of an intercepted pass by defensive halfback Eddie Mcador. Amos Bullocks rammed straight up the middle for a touchdown in ter to bring the Cowboys even, FREE! I LOOK! i YOUR REMINGTON SHAVER I 'CLEANED 1 SADJUSTED Jl-y I ONE DAY ONLY! SAT. -AUG. 10th Room 312, Umpqua Hotel 9 A.M.--5 P.M. Remington's factory representative from Eugene will be here to serve you. WHILE-YOU-WAIT SERVICE Factory Parts, Complete Repairs, Factory Prices Remington owners only, who bring in their Shaver Division of Sperry Rand Corporation 940 Ook St. Eugene, Ore. r !i v ' ' Y ' ' 1 i 4 4 er MOBBING RAN COOL is a happy group of Lockwood Motors teammates, coaches, batboys and teom manager after the oce lefty of the Roseburg mound staff had struck out dangerous Keith Lompord to record a hard-fought 3-2 victory over Sergeant Construction (Madison) of Port land Thursday to win the 1963 Oregon American Legion baseball crown. The title was Roseburg's third in a row and eorned the local teom a spot jn the Western Region al to be held at Legion Field Aug. 15-20. (Bob Leber photo) RCC Women Two Tourneys Winners of the weekly women's golf tournament at the Hoseburg Country Club were: Trudy Napier, Class A; Betty Johnnson, Class B; and Mabel McCord, Class C D. The next action for the KCC women will be an odd and-even tourney and the third round of the Western Women Golfers As sociation tournament. These events will be staged Tuesday, Aug. 13. Members wishing to sign up lor the September Eclectics arc asked Wins" nipping Sergeont Construction (Madison) of Port land, 3-2, in the fourth game of the best-of-five series played at Legion Field. After dropping the Golfers Set On Tuesday to contact Helen Jensen. Pairings for Tuesday's tourna ment arc: Class A Helen Jensen, Donna i Mocabce and Jennie Seit.. Ruth Bridges and Edna Tcague. Nor cen I'errault and Vivian llarth. Class H Nancy Lecklider, Itos amaree Longfellow and liuth Hughes. Margaret Cunz, Julia Frit, and Mary Kellcy, Put lloon an, Donna Caley and Mary Rob erts. Ann Mnehen, l.oretta Sims and Funicc Stewart. Greta Peter sen. Jeanne Barnes and Rosalind Lnnspa. Ann Sanders, F ranees Luoma and Lillian Woodruff. Class C-D Mabel McCord and Jean Moore. Ina Stults and Har riet Knblrr. Doris Mathis and Ed ith Nordling. Macy Smith and Dina Quiscnberry. Jean Markhaiu and Coleen Schvaneveldt. Kay Mouche and Kay Martin. Rita Carstens and Treva Davis. Pat Holt and Esther Burr. Rita Harcus and Jeanne Holes. Verner Denton, Bon nie Ring and Vivian Kcrshner. CONNOLY, DRAYTON WIN HAESSLEHOI.M. S'veden (UPI) Harold Connoly and Paul Dray ton won events for the United States Thursday in an interna tional track meet. Connoly set his second straight record in Sweden by heaving the hammer 220 feet, one inch. Drayton barely edged fellow Yank Hayes Jones in the too motur dash as both wore clocked in 10.8 seconds and won his second race in the 20O meters with a time of 21.6 seconds. ROSEBURG BOWL 24 LANES Winter Leagues Nearly Full A FEW SPOTS OPEN MONDAY Filled. TUESDAY Women's 3 Team Spots Open. WEDNESDAY Men's 3 Teom, Spots Open. Eorly Shift. THURSDAY A couple of Early spott for men. FRIDAY Filled straight across except for 3-Man Team. Stort 7 PM., thru ot 8:33 P.M. SATURDAY Junior Bowlers, 10 a.m. Third Straight opening contest of Douncea dock witn Leber photo) 6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore Fri., Aug. 9, 1963 Cubs Slow Dodger March With 54 Victory In 10th By United Press International Lindy Mcuanict received creu-iuie it tor nis cikiui. victory oi me year and Ron Santo hit two hom ers, including a decisive lOth-in- "'ru'e..w ..,"!?","" '"' "'-"- "'j Anenles Dnduers' nennant march! with a 5-4 triumph. Both of Santo's homers Units- clay were off Larry Sherry No. 19 tying the score in the fifth Tiger Favored 4-1 Over Fullmer IBADAN, Nigeria (UPI) In termittent rain today failed ot dampen the enthusiasm of huge crowds that converged upon lba dan by plane, bus and truck for Saturday night's Dick Tiger-Gene Fullmer world middleweight title fight. Nor did the rain prevent work men from finishing the ringside seating layout and the ring with its high protective tarpaulin in outdoor Liberty Stadium, where 15,000 arc expected to watch the third title fight between Nigeria's champion Tiger and America's ex-champ Fullmer. Because of public enthus- iasm for Tiger, fanned by em blems and signs and banners slo gancd "Tiger Must Win," he has become a 41 favorite to beat Gene of West Jordan Utah. In their previous two bouts. Ti ger took the title on a decision at San Francisco, Calif., but was held to a draw in their return bout at Las Vegas, Nov., the draw permitted Tiger to keep the crown. Tiger, who has been training in Lagos recently, was sched uled to come to Ibadan today. Fullmer has been training in Iba dan. Klamath Falls Ruthers Edge Idaho Team 5-4 KELLOGG, Idaho (UPI) final inning rally by Wallace, Ida ho, failed to produce enough runs and Wallace was downed by Kla math Falls, Ore., 5-4 in the Babe Ruth regional baseball tourna ment Thursday. Klamath Falls pitcher Bob Wil linns held Wallace scoreless until the seventh inning when Wallace put together four runs. Klamath Falls, which had scored three runs Into the 7th. scored the tying run on a squeeze play bunt' by Dave Lyman. the series, Lockwood Motors j tnree straignr mumpns. idod : inning and No. 20 breaking up game in me imn. ai rer- rara, Frank Howard and Billinlan Bros. Co. of Portland and Skowron homered for the Dodg-tnc Dougias McKay trophies for ers, who now lead the second-j the third consecutive time. ti, r.ii, i,n ti lll ll.n 1W Vnrl M..t hoi.1 Hip Cardinals, 3-2, the Cincinnati I Reds downed the Philadelphia Phillies, 6-3, and the Pittsburgh Pirates defeated the Milwaukee Braves, 1-0, in other NL action. In the American League, New York beat Washington, 3-1, Chi cago defeated Kansas City, 5-3, Minnesota shut out Los Angeles, 3-0, Cleveland nipped Baltimore, 20, and Detroit shaded Boston, 6-5. Al Jackson ended a seven-game personal losing streak and won his seventh game for the Mets on the wings of Duke Carmel's eighth-inning homer off ex-teammate Bobby Shantz. Carmcl also had two singles and Al Moran a double and a single to lead the Mets' seven-hit attack and Char ley James homered for the Car di tals. Homers by Frank Robinson and Tommy Harper paced Cincin nati's John Tsitouris to his eighth win although he needed help in the ninth from Bill Henry. Roy Sievers homered and drove in three runs for the Phillies but wasn't enough to prevent Chris Short from suffering his ninth loss. Bob Friend scattered six hits for his 13th victory as the Pi rates moved past the Braves into seventh place. Bill Mazcroski singled and scored from first base on Donn Clendcnon's ninth inning double to hand Bob Sa dowski his fifth loss against one win. In The Major League Standings By United Press International National League v W. L. Pet. GB Los Angeles 88 44 .ti07 San Francisco 63 50 .558 5V4 St. Louis 63 51 .553 6 Chicago 59 52 .532 8i Cincinnati 62 55 .530 8Mi Philadelphia 60 55 .522 9'1 Pittsburgh . 56 56 .500 12 Milwaukee 57 58 .496 12'4 Houston 44 70 .386 25 New York 36 77 .319 32H Thursday's Results New York 3 St. Louis 2 Chicago 5 tjos Angeles 4. 10 inns. Cincinnati 8 Philadelphia 3, night Pittsburgh 1 Milwaukee 0, night (Only games scheduled) Friday's Probable Pitchers ' Houston at Pittsburgh (2, twi night) Johnson (615) and Bruce (5-8) vs. Gibbon (5-7) and Fran cis (3-5). Chicago at New York (night) Toth (3-6) vs. Craig (2-20). San Kranciscu at Philadelphia (night) Marichal (17-5) vs. Culp (11-9). American League W. L. Pet GB New York 71 40 .640 LEMOLO LAKE RESORT STORE Nrjw OPEN Complete line of Groceries; Fishing Tackle, etc. HOURS 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. FISHERMEN ... Be sure to register your biggest fish eoch week for our weekly "big fish" prite! Cool, Gutierrez Share Load In 3-2 Win Over Sergeants ly NtlU CtlllR ftwunoVr hit by Hal Smith, rob- Ntr- t" ltw hin the bitter of base rap by Jov r-ii!xt iwywaw VHurwUv tonne M Artie McDonald to force nishi t UisD. fV-y ttw the runner coming Into second LookwwJ tt.vr ,wrwn baw. giott Jusvi-s iii tWiwcJ tiwtr : rite first hatter in the tilth in third trvtn Or.i trtumiM- xmt drew a free pan, and when onshiiv . tSw.r firih ntlc Oitiierrei tossed two straight balls sine IAN. iw the nut man Harper brought FifefenMatuiM hW Uwe when Owl in for his first relief per Keith l.jta'.jv!t wtt (Sown sum- formanc of the year. Cool struck ins a; lb Ut f Kan ovil the aide in the fifth to start Cod K trod the Jam with Ruse- on hi way to victory, burs twfcitajt a 5-4 U. Two more fielding gems in the Ttw Yirtwy the third in a later innings saved the game for row fvvr Uvkwwd Motors own the talented lefty. In the sixth Servant Cvulruv-KWfcMdi$on) of ! : P o r 1 1 1 o d after the invaders ; jrabivxt tlte first game of the i i boswit (wy tents by a 1-0 count i in 10 innings. After losing the i : opener Koseburg came back with i j S-l ami 13-8 triumphs prior to j j Thursday's deciding battle. fhimmnnchin art, n..l ' new ,0 "ch Bill Harper. Harp-, er s team first brought home the i ; state title in 1956 after finishing second in 1955. In 1956 Lockwood Motors breezed through the re gional and sectional tournaments before winding up third in the Le gion World Series. In 1959 Roseburg won its sec ond state title, then thrilled home fans with a victory in the region al tournament held at Legion Field before losing out in the sec tionals. State crowns were cap tured again in 1961 and 19G2, set ting the scene for the unprecedent ed third straight title. Trophies Presented Following the thrilling victory, presentation of trophies to the champions and runnersup were made by the Ford Motor Co., Morrie Druhl, state Legion ad jutant, and Jim Dimit, state Le gion baseball commissioner. Druhl presented the 1963 pennant to the champs, while Dimit awarded the first and second place trophies to Roseburg and Madison respective ly. In addition to the regular hard- ware, Roseburg received the Rich In winning the 3-2 decision, Lockwood Motors joined four oth till ill Hiuua earning berths in the Western Regionals to be staged at Legion Field Aug. 15-20. Other teams winning state crowns and set to invade Rose burg are Lewiston, Idaho; Billings, Mont.; Anchorage, Alaska; and Selah-Naches, Wash. Wyoming's champion will be decided this weekend. Single runs in the second, third and fourth innings provided Lock wood's with the winning margin Thursday as the offerings of Mad ison's Lampard still baffled the local crew. Cool, coming on in the fifth in ning, was credited with his 14th win of the season while avenging his only setback which had come Monday at the hands of Lampard. In his five-inning stint the flashy Drain southpaw fanned nine, walked one and was tagged for two hits. Gutierrez Starts Rojelio Gutierrez worked four innings plus for the winners. Gu tierrez got off to a slow start as Sergeant's collected a run in the first inning, then settled down to retire the side in order for the next two frames. Back-to-back singles in the fourth frame had the fire-balling righthander in hot water before a spectacular field ing play by second baseman Mike Markham eased the pressure. Markham raced far to his right I behind second base to grab a hot Majors -jV Chicago Minnesota Baltimore Cleveland Boston 63 48 .568 8 62 50 .554 63 53 .543 10'4 56 59 .487 17 54 57 .486 17 Los Angeles 54 63 .462 20 New York 3 Washington 1 Detroit 6 Boston 5 Minnesota 3 Los Angeles 0 Cleveland 2 Baltimore 0, night Chicago 5 Kansas City 3, night Friday's Probable Pitchers Detroit at Chicago (2, twi night) Aguirre (10-10) and Lo lich (4-6) vs. Fisher (5-8) and Horlen (6-3). New York at Los Angeles (night) Bouton (14-5) vs. Lee (5-7). Boston at Minnesota (night) Turlcy (2-8) or Morehead (6-8) vs. Perry (8-8). Kansas City at Cleveland (night) Drabowsky (3-8) vs. Kralick (1010). Baltimore at Washington (night) McNally (3-5) vs. Duck worth (4-8). Saturday's Games New York at Los Angeles Boston at Minnesota Detroit at Chicago Kansas City at Cleveland, night Baltimore at Washington, night State Tom Morrison speared a sinking liner down the right field line, then in the seventh with a runner parked at first base Bob Manning raced deep into right-center field to grab a smash off Lampard's bat at the fence just short of the -100-foot mark. RprPPHnt'lt Or.lllherl Ihp IpflH in the first inning as Dave Schacher tea on wun a aoume to ngnt- center. A walk was issued to Phil Bushman and Ron Lucas bloopcd a single to right to load the bases. Schacker romped home with the run on a passed ball. Roseburg fought back to tie the score in the second frame. Mor rison worked his way for a free pass, stole second and came home when Dave Sevall singled off the second baseman's glove. In the third inning the local powerhouse grabbed the lead with another lone tally. Mike Blom- berg walked to start the inning but was forced at second by Mc Donald's fielder's choice. McDon aid proceeded to steal second and with two away Jim Beamer All But One Champ Named For Tourney Wyoming stands as the onlv1 state to enter the Regimal Amer - ica Legion Junior Baseball Tourn- ampnl in Hntphnrn Ann 15 tlvit has not vet rieeiriort its 8 i i cnampion. The Wyoming tournament is currently taking place at Sheri dan. In that tournament are Cody, Upton. Glenrock. Casper, Chey enne, Lovcll, Rivcrton and Sheri dan. Casper and Rivcrton have been figured as the powers in the state during the season. The double elimination state tournament is scheduled to end Saturday night or Sunday. . Teams already claiming state titles set for action in the tourney include Lewiston, Idaho; Billings, Mont.; Selah-Naches, Wash.; An chorage, Alaska; and the Lock wood Motors team of Roseburg. The state crowns were the third in a row for Lewiston and Rose burg, while Billings is a long time perennial winner in Legion play. Geo. Ginders Signal Service SPONSORS THE Roseburg Speedway 3 Miles South of Roseburg On Hiwoy 99 DDDDDaDDDDDfl Youll Go Farther With Signal Gasoline But This Saturday Night Go Only V As Far As The Speedway Races For The Past 1 1 Years It Has Been Our Plea sure To Have Sponsored Jim Standley's Hard top Racer This Year's Leader In The Point Standings. WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS Geo. Cinder's Signal Service Across From Ciijcovtganrar Wards North East Stephens & Cnbn Valley Blvd. Title came through with a timely sin gle to left-center to score McDon ald. The winning run crossed the plate in the top of the fourth for Lockwood Motors. Mike Markham started the rally with a single and was forced at second by Sevall. Jerry Boucock drilled a single to right field and when the ball got by the outfielder both runners took an extra base. A passed ball al lowed Sevall to score the run which proved to be the decider The invaders picked up their final tally in the sixth when an error put Wally Linder on first base and Smith followed with a towering triple to deep left field. Sevall and Manning led Rose burg's attack at the plate with two hits each. Sevall had a 2-3 record, while Manning had a triple and a single in four trips to the plate. First baseman Tom Alklrin rapped out a pair of hits for Mad ison in four at bats, while Schach er's double and Smith's triple were the lone extra base blows. In absorbing the loss, Lampard went the distance for Madison. The big right-hander gave up sev en hits, walked four and struck out 11. The loss was the first of the year for Lampard who ended the season with a 10-1 record ROSEBURG IJI SERGEANT tl) b r h rbl all r h ttl Blombtrg, if got Schacher, 3b 4 110 McDonald, ss 5 10 0 Bushman, cf 4 0 0 0 Manning, cf 4 0 7 0 Lampard, p 5 0 0 0 Baamar, c 4 0 11 Lucas, 2b 10 10 Morrison, rf 3 10 0 Alldrin, lb 4 0 2 0 Markham, 2b 4 0 I 0 Linder, rf 4 110 Suvall, lb 3 12 1 Smilh, it 4 0 11 Soucock, 3b 4 0 10 Brown, If 4 0 0 0 Gutierrez, p 2 0 0 0 Jagielikl, c 3 0 0 0 Cool, p 2 0 0 0 'Llndblad, 2b 3 0 0 0 Burnham, If 2 0 0 0 Thorklin, (a) 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 7 2 Totals 34 2 t 1 (a) ran tor Linder In ath. ROSEBURG 011 100 0003 7 3 SERGEANT CONST. 100 001 0002 t 3 E Beamer, Sevall, Boucock, Lampard, Lin der. Smith. PO-A Rsbg. 27-7; SC 27.8. LOB Rsbg. 0. SC 10. 2B Schacher. 3B Manning, Smilh. SB McDonald, Morrison. PITCHING RECORD IP. H R. ER BB SO Gutierrez 4 4 1 12 2 Cool (WP 14-1) 5 2 10 19 Lampard (LP 10-1 ) 7 3 2 4 11 PB Beamer, Jaslelski. umps Shaw, Meyers, Walker. T 2:18. Alt. J,"a- ! ...,-- ec, . " PROVIDFNrF R T (UPI) PRO VlDMsCL, K.l. (Ull) : The Detroit RedWings of the Na- tional Hockey League Thursday sold the contract of veteran for ward Norm (Corky) Corcoran to the Rhode Island Reds of the American Hockey League. Roseburg h BOWL 2400 piamond Lake Blvd. 672-3601 OPEN BOWLING ANYTIME 3 LINES 1 iuniors 25c per line until 6 p.m. Hardtop RACES Saturday Evening Time Trials 7:30-Races 8 P.M. 0 C3 G o o Ml v. o 3