The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 09, 1963, Page 1, Image 1

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Uaiv-.ridty :1 Uri-ii
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Legion. Team. Wins
Established 1873 14 Paqei ROSEBURG, OREGON
FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1963 187-63 10c Per Copy
Nine Gets
sport big smiles as they crowd
1963 STATE CHAMPION lockwood Motors players a
into the pmoont Constructor! Co duaout 1o conaratulate the Portland players for a
fine state championship series. Coach Bill Harper, whose team picked up its third straight
state title with a thrilling 3-2 win Thursday night, strides to the dugout to congratulate
Sergeant Coach Bill Wiitala. The Lockwoods will see their next action storting next Thurs
day, when they enter the American Legion Junior Baseball Regional Tournament at Legion
Field in Roseburg, Additional pictures and story page 6. (Photo by Bob Leber)
Compromise Contract Seen
'Break' In Lumber Strike
PORTLAND (UPI) A conipro-1 the TOC have offered 26-cents.
mise contract agreement was Big Six officials had no coin
signed here Thursday that may be ment on the Georgia-Pacific
a major breakthrough in t h e j agreement pending a meeting be
Northwest lumber strike. itween them and unions Monday.
Georgia-Pacific Corp.. and the The Federal Mediation Service
two lumber unions signed an
agreement calling for an approxi
mate 30'i cent hourly raise over
the next three years.
The agreement was termed a
compromise between the Simpson
Timber Co. settlement of two
weeks ago and the offers of the
Big Six and Timber Operators
Council employer groups. Simpson
settled with a 33'i cent raise for
the same period. The Big Six and
Korean Defector
Trods U.S. Soil
D. Skinner, a former American
prisoner of war who chose to re
main in Communist China at the
end of the Korea War, stepped
onto U.S. soil today for 'the first
time in more than nine years.
A flight from Tokyo brought the
former Gl into New York Inter
national Airport early today. He
was greeted by neither relatives
nor friends when he stepped from
the airliner. Only a few newsmen
and an immigration official were
on hand when the turncoat de
Skinner, 32. was shaven and
neatly dressed. He said, "I def
initely have plans," but refused
to say what they were. He read
a telegram from his mother, Mrs.
Brady D. Skinner of Akron, Ohio,
and said it indicated a job was
waiting for him at home. He gave
no details.
Skinner, traveling alone, was
met at the airport by an official
of the Immigration and Naturali
zation Service. He was traveling
on a certificate of identity issued
him by U.S. officials in Hong
Kong in lieu of a passport.
Skinner confirmed he was re
maining in New York overnight,
but refused to reveal his plans,
other than to say he would go to
Akron "as soon as possible."
Two District
Boards Approve
School Merger
The Canyonvillc School Board
met in special session with the
Myrtle Creek board this week in
Canyonville and the joint boards
gave the green light to the much-
discussed topic of reorganization
which will alfect the two districts.
According to a report from Beth
Chappell, correspondent, this is the
first tangible step thus far towards
the consolidation of the two dis
tricts. Days Creek-Tiller had ear
lier in the year voted down a
three-way consolidation, and Rid
dle last year withdrew from a
four-district plan.
The way is now clear for in
stituting procedures necessary to
bring the plan to a vote of the
residents of the districts. This is
expected to take anywhere from
90 days to three or four months,
according to board members. In
itial steps according to law must
be carried out with the approval
of the State Department of Edu
cation and the county Rural School
In other action the Canyonville
board set Sept. 3 as the opening
date of school for its district,
with the provision that those stu
dents engaged in bean picking
would be excused from school for
the duration of the harvest. Some
50 students are expected to par
ticipate in the harvest, Miss Chap
pell said. Provisions will be made
for make-up work.
Bean growers Pete Ulam, Webb
Briggs and Hay den Laurance ap
peared at the meeting requesting
a delayed school opening.
The Canyonville board will meet
next in regular session on Aug. 12.
scheduled the meeting in attempt
to end the two-month old strike.
Georgia-Pacific President R. B.
Panplin said 5,000 men idled by
the G-P strike would return to
work early next week. Union
membership has yet to ratify the
agreement. A spokesman for the
Lumber and Sawmill Workers Un
ion said his union would vote be
fore Saturday night and the Re
gional Council would have the re
sults by Sunday.
Georgia-Pacific was struck in
mid-July by the two unions, about
5,000 men at 16 plants in Oregon,
Washington and California were
The contract agreed on Thurs
day provides 10 cents an hour in
crease across the board retroac
tive to June 1, 1963 ; 5 cents ef
fective December 1 of this year;
7 cents effective June 1, 1964, and
6 cents June 1, 1965 a total of
28 cents.
In addition, benefits include a
one-cent "bracket" increase to
certain skilled jobs and premium
of 6 cents for certain woods em
ployes who travel beyond desig
nated marshalling points. Both of
these are retroactive to June 1.
I Company officials said the 30'i
ceni ngure was arrivca at Dy
spreading out the premium pay.
the agreement made no men
tion of the variable work-week
formula which would eliminate
overtime pay on week-end days,
and which the unions have ob
jected to in Big Six and TOC
Georgia-Pacific spokesman said
about 65 per cent of its fir lum
ber and plywood production has
been affected by the strike.
Return of the approximately 5,
000 G-P employes and some 14.-
000 who started back to work this
week for Big Six companies who
ended their lockout would still
leave 10,000 to 11,000 men out of
Still struck are St. Regis Paper
Co., and U.S. Plywood Co., both
members of the Big Six, and a
number of smaller firms who are
members of the Timber Operators
State Title
Roseburg's American Legion
Juniors pushed across single runs
in the second, third and fourth in
nings to edge Sergeant's Construc
tion (Madison) of Portland, 3-2,
Thursday night and win an unpre
cedented third consecutive state
Ace lefty Ran Cool was credited
with the victory, coming on in re
lief of starter Rojelio Gutierrez
in the fifth inning with the champs
leading by a 3-1 score. (A starter
must pitch a full five innings to be
credited with a win.)
In gaining the victory, his 14th,
of the year, Cool avenged his lone
loss of the season which had been
handed him by Madison's Keith
Lampard. Lampard was on the
losing end of Thursday's clash.
Roseburg's Lockwood Motors
drew Billings, Mont, in the first
round of the American Legion Jun
ior Baseball Regional Tournament
which starts here next Thursday.
Billings, which won its loih
straight Montana state champion
ship by defeating Helena, 7-1, in
the final game of an eight-team
double - elimination tournament,
comes into the regionals with a 42
9 record. Roseburg is now 50-9.
The tournament will open next
Thursday at 1:30 p.m. with the
Wyoming champion taking on the
Washington champs. In the first
game of a twi-night double header.
the Idaho champions will meet the
Alaska champs at 6 p.m. The Rose
burg-Billings game will follow.
Information received from Don
Zupan, sports editor of the Billings
Gazette, indicates Billings has a
veteran team, with many of its
players returning from the squad
that won the regional tournament
at Alius, Okla., last year and
claimed one win in the national
tournament before being defeated
two straight.
Billings has been in the Little
World Series four of the last five
Leading the Billings club this
year are right-hander John Hilts,
11-0, and lefty Les Rohr, 11-2. Rohr
has chalked up 203 strikeouts in 96
innings, Zupan said.
The Billings team's leading hit
ler is Roger Brautigan, who is
currently averaging .373.
Other teams in the tournament
will be Lewiston, Idaho; Anchor
age, Alaska; Sclah-Naches, Wash.;
and the winner of the Wyoming
tournament which will be decided
either Saturday or Sunday.
For complete details of the Rose-
burg-Portland game Thursday, see
page d ot, today s wews-Keview.
U.S. Negroes
Get Backing
Of Red China
Transportation Facilities
Signed For Freedom March
and then tossed away the
By United Press International
Intcgrationists picketed city
halls, supermarkets, department
stores, a Brooklyn hospital con
struction site and locked them
selves in chains in one city
Thursday in the nationwide civil
rights drive.
And across the country a mas
sive "freedom flight" of buses',
trains and airliners began to take
shape for the August 28 civil
rights march of an estimated
100.000 persons on Washington.
Dozens of chanting teen-age
demonstrators locked themselves
together with chains strung out
across a busy street in Elizabeth,
The Weather
Several girls fainted in the
noisy demonstration in the mid
day heat. Police had to cut the
chains from the demonstrators.
Traffic was stalled about an hour.
A 33-year-old woman was arrest
ed on disorderly conduct charges.
The Southern Education Report
ing (SER) service said the larg
est number of school districts in
Southern and border states to ra
cially integrate classrooms since
1956 would mix white and Negro
pupils beginning in the fall school
Union, Big Six
To Meet Monday
Marvin Williams, business rep
resentative of the International
Woodworkers of America, advised
the local office in Roseburg to
day that he and other members
of the IWA have been called to
stay over in Portland for a Mon
day meeting with the Big 6.
Williams went to Portland ear
lier this week for the advisory
committee meeting. Highlights in
the strike situation today were the
agreements reached with Georgia
Pacific and the Scott Paper Co.
Verdo Ligon, who is in charge
of the IWA office while Williams
is in Portland, and Lumber and
Sawmill Workers union business
representative Norman Lee both
reported this morning there were
no new developmeuts locally.
Lee added, however, the situa
tion is very favorable for the
Senate Leaders
Hope To Pass
Big Space Bill
ate leaders hoped to push a S5.5
billion space authorization to pas
sage today.
Action on the big authorization
for the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA)
was scheduled for the second
successive day. Senate Democra
tic Leader Mike Mansfield,
Mont., promised a Saturday ses
sion if it cannot be acted upon
Scheduled for debate and
vote was an amendment growing
out of the new communications
satellite dispute. It would require
the controversial satellite corpor
ation, or any other non-government
user, to agree to reimburse
the government for a proportion
ate share of NASA research and
development which benefits their
Other congressional news:
Research Center: Senate Dem
ocratic Leader Hubert Humphrey
today gave his backing to a $50
million space research center for
Boston. Humphrey indicated,
however, that he did not think
one center was enough. The Min
nesota lawmaker said perhaps
"two or more" would help the
space effort.
Debt: Administration forces an
ticipated little trouble today in a
drive to persuade the Senate to
accept a House-passed bill to
keep the legal ceiling on the na
tional debt from falling below
the actual size of the debt. Un
less the bill is passed, the limit
on the debt will drop on Sept. 1
from $309 billion to $285 billion.
This would block federal govern
ment activities because the
Treasury Department would be
barred from selling new bonds.
TOKYO (UPI) Communist
Chinese leader Mao Tze Tung
Thursday called the American
Negroes' civil rights campaign a
"sharpening of the class sniggle"
and promised them Peking's sup
port. Mao, in a statement issued by
the New China News Agency,
charged that President Ken
nedy's civil rights program was
nothing but "two-faced tactics. ..
an attempt to lull the fighting
will of the Negro people and de
ceive the masses throughout the
He denied charges made by
Moscow that China's own policies
were racist. The Soviets have ac
cused the Chinese of trying to
capture leadership of nationalist
movements in Africa, Latin Amer
ica, and Asia by turning the peo
ple there against the "white, hos
tile," Soviet citizens.
"Our unity is not one of race;
it is the unity of comrades and
friends, Mao said.
His statement on the U.S. race
question was prompted by an
American Negro, Robert Wil
liams, who is "now taking refuge
in Cuba," Mao said.
(Williams fled to Cuba from
North Carolina in 1961 after the
alleged kidnaping of a white
couple during Negro protest dem
onstrations in Union County, N.
C. He had been suspended from
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
before the incident after advocat
ing violent action to meet vio
lence from whites.)
Mao, chairman of the Chinese
Communist party, said Williams
"has twice this year asked me
for a statement in support of the
American Negroes' struggle
acainst racial discrimination.
"I wish to take this opportuni
ty on behalf of the Chinese peo
ple to express our resolute sup
port of the American Negroes in
their struggle against racial dis
crimination and for freedom and
equal rights," he said.
He said the "speedy develop
ment of the struggle of the
American Negroes" was a "man
ifestation of the sharpening of
the class struggle and national
struggle within the United
"I call upon all the workers,
ueasants. revolutionary intellectu
als, enlightened elements of the
bourgeoisie, and other enlight
ened personages of all colors in
the world, white, macK, yeiiow,
brown, etc., to unite against the
racial discrimination practiced
by U.S. imperialism and to sup
port the American Negroes in
their struggle against racial dis
crimination," Mao said.
fyi o lay
SAD FATHER President Kennedy leaves Boston Chil
dren's Hospital after death of his son early this morning.
The President flew by 'helicopter to Otis AFB Hospital to
be with his wife. (UPI Telephoto)
Grief-Stricken JFK
Comforts Jacqueline
In Time Of Tragedy
SER said about 113 districts
were scheduled to desegregate, Roseburg area
raising to 1.092 the number of in
tegrated districts in the 17-state
area. Of these. 95 plan to inte-
Mostly cloudy red.y through Set- fed (0 fcdera, orders
The so-called "freedom fleet
; was expected to include more! The Myrtle Creek Fall Festival
'2 than 2,000 buses. 14 chartered' sot under way today at 10 a.m.
urday with a few lighr showers to
day and tonight. Cooler.
Highest temp, last 24 hours
Lowest temp, last 24 hours
Highest temp, any Aug. (6)
Lowest temp, any Aug. (So)
Precip. I st 24 hours
Precip. from Aug. 1
Normal Aug. Precip.
Normal Precip. 91 to 8-1
Precip. from Sept. 1
Myrtle Creek Set
For Fall Festival
-.44' trains and five airliners to bring 1 with th. opening of the midway.
1M the marchers to the nation's capi- l will rcmiin opn until p.m.
41 tal. after Hit street dance Saturday.
T The Hollywood March Commit- S.turd.y t 10 e.m. has been
T tec announced it would send two ; set for the big annual parade,
031 , pUne loads of stars to participate j which will travel from the twim-
32.72 . in the inarch. ' ming pool through town and beck
14. OS rw. Wjrian said the march to the pcol. Tonight the corona-
Sunset foniBlff.; iJ:2S p.m. am" ctfe 1e largest in I S. his- tion of gie queen is scheduled eft-
Sunrise tomeftjiw, 4:15 e.m. W, tory. 1 er a 7 p.m. bnd,
Alaskan Asks Warships
To Bar Soviet Vessels
Ernest Gruening, D-Alaska, this
week carried to President Ken
nedy his appeal fot warships to
bar Soviet fishing vessels from
Alaskan waters.
Gruening. in a telegram to Ken
nedy, said Russian fishing vessels
including whalers-were "actual
ly faster" than Coast Guard and
Navy vessels now in Alaska.
He said Soviet vessels were
"rerjeatedlv invadina" the terri
torial limits to take fish and that
protests to the Slate Department
by Alaska Gov. William bgan
"seem to be unavailing.
"It is not enought to report
these incidents and make diploma
tic protests," Grening said, "these
violators should be arrested and
brought to trial, and this cannot
be done with the inadequate naval
and Coast Guard equipment now
available." y
County Forest Fire
Danger Worsening
The vacation from forest fire
danger is over for the Umpqua
National Forest.
The forest enjoyed a damp
spring and moist summer, but
that's all in the past. Weather con
ditions have reached a stage where
a normal fire season is anticipat
ed for the balance of the summer,
reports Homer Oft, a fire official
for the Umpqua.
Forest recreation users were
urged to be additionally careful
with camp fires and to make "ab
solutely certain they are out."
Smokers were urged to use ash
trays when snuffing out cigarcts.
The advent of fire season condi
tions will require increased vigil
ance by logging operators who are
affected by the 30 per cent hu
midity shutdown law. (The law ap
plies to forests in the western
areas of Oregon and Washington.)
Under this regulation, logging
nrierators are reauired to halt oper
ations when the humidity drops to
the 30 per cent mark. Oft said Cin
namon Butte lookout reported a
humidity reading of 8 per cent
Thiircrlav morning.
Oft warned that the finer fuels of
the forest are drying out very fast
and will ignite easily. Blowdown
and slash areas were described as
State Records Extremes
In Temperatures Today
PORTLAND (UPI) Oregon had
both the high and low tempera
ture in the 48 contiguous states
Thursday, the U.S. Weather Bu
reau here said today.
Records of the state, except Ha
waii and Alaska, showed 104 de
gree temperatures at The Dalles,
Ore., and Mineral Wells, Tex.,
and i low early today of 44 at
NeTrt, Ore., and Oneota, N.Y.
Needles, Calif., had a high
Thursday of 103, and the tradi
tional hot snot. Thermal. Calif..
gwent no higher than 102 degrees.
President Kennedy consoled his
grief-stricken wife Jacqueline to
day over the loss of their two-day-old
son and then went to ' his
Squaw Island summer home to
visit his other two children.
' The anguished Chief Executive,
his eyes red and swollen, left the
base hospital after a 2 hour
and 10 minute visit with the
First Lady. He made no immedi
ate comment.
Kennedy's brothers, Ally. Gen.
Robert and Sen. Edward, rode
with hini in a convertible on the
Caroline, S, and John Jr., 2,
awaited him.
President and Mrs. Kennedy
were alone during most of his
visit. Kennedy had flown here
earlier by helicopter from Bos
ton, where his prematurely born
son had died in a hospital at
4:04 a.m.
The reddened, tear - swollen
eyes tell the story of the grief of
a father, not of a president.
And the tight lips testify to the
strain that any husband feels
when ho sets out to do something
that no one else on earth can do
for him to tell his wife that their
infant son is dead.
The saddest day in the private
life of the President of the United
States begins at 2:10 a.m. with
the ringing of a telephone in his
room at the Children's Hospital
Medical Center in Boston.
The urgent telephone message-
informing President Kennedy that
his infant son, Patrick, has taken
a turn for the worse shatters a
virtually sleepless night for the
Kennedy arrives at the hospital
to be near his ailing son at 8:30
p.m. and it wasn't until shortly
before midnight that the White
House announces the President
had retired after deciding to
spend the night at the hospital.
Appears Tense, Haggard
The telephone call sends Ken
nedy, tense and haggard, down
to the decompression chamber
where his son, his frail body
weakened by lungs that ham
pered his breathing, struggled to
cling to a life that had begun
less than 40 hours before.
For an hour the President,
joined by his brother, Atty. Gen.
Robert F. Kennedy, remains at
the boy's side while his labored
on Pies
Private Rites
Set Saturday
In Boston
BOSTON (UPI) Patrick Bou
ier Kennedy, infant son of Pres-
irlont onrl ATi't" Vannorltr rlirtrl 4a-
day 39 hours after his birth, his
neart exhausted in the struggle
with a respiratory ailment.
The President was with the
tiny infant when the end came at
4:04 a.m. EDT in a giant pres
sure chamber at Children's Hos
pital Medical Center. He lived
just 39 hours and 12 minutes aft
er his Birth by Caesarean section
at 12:52 p.m. EDT Wednesday.
wnito House press secretary
Pierre Salinger, in making the
somber announcement of the
child's death, said: "The struggle
of the baby to keep breathing
was too much for bis heart."
Strain Too Much
Salinger told newsmen the child
simply could not stand the strain
put on his 17-inch-long body by
me inability to breathe properly.
The pressuro chamber was a
final effort by pediatricians to
case this burden and for a short
umo it seemed to be working.
The official cause of death giv
en by the hospital was prema
turity and hyaline membrane dis
ease. The disease is a coating of
mucous within the lungs. Oxygen
is prevented from getting into the
lungs of the child in sufficient
It was later announced at Hyan
nis Port that the funeral for the
child would be held at 10 a.m.
EDT Saturday in Boston.
There will be a private Mass
of the Angels, said by Richard
uurmnni cusning, a close triena
of the Kennedy family, in the
ciiapci at uie prelate s Home.
Only members of the immediate
family will be admitted to the
The burial, which also will be
a private ceremony, will be in
a laimly plot at Holyhoocl Ceme-
breathing subsides steadily
ward death.
During this time he also con- tery in suburban Brookline. The
fers with the baby's doctors, hop- plot has not previously been used.
ing, grasping lor ine mcuicai me f irst iauy nas been in ex-
miracle thut never came,
At 3:10 a.m., the President re-'
turns to lus room lor about 30
minutes before being called back
to the decompression chamber to
remain at his son's side for the
final moments of his brief life.
Makes Sad Journey
Death comes at 4:04 a.m. to
this 33rd grandchild of the Presi
dent's father and in the imme
diate gloom following the end,
news of the tragedy is kept from
the boy's mother, Mrs. Jacqueline
The President retreats into se
clusion to bear his grief in private,
only- to emerge a little after 9
a.m. to leave Boston on a sad
journey to the bedside of his wife.
Kennedy, wearing a dark blue
suit, his eyes red with the tears
of grief, unives by helicopter at
9:28 a.m. at Otis Air Force Base,
Muss., where the First Lady
awaits her husband.
She is not unfamiliar with the
tragedy of death at birth. Once
before, she was rushed to a hos
pitalin 1950 at Newport, R.I.
only to givo birth to s child that
could not live. And on another oc
casion, she experienced the or
deal of miscarriage.
cellent condition at the base hos
pital since the birth. 5Vii weeks
Drcmature. of her son Wednes
day. But the infant had struggled
all the way.
Within hours of his birth, the
child had to be taken by ambu
lance to the Boston hospital
available to handle his breathing
problem, known technically as
idiopathic respiratory distress
The boy's condition seesawed
during his 34 hours at the hospital.
Kennedy cauea uacx
Thursday morning, doctors had
noted "some encouragement" but
Kennedy was summoned back
from Cape Cod, where he h a d
been visiting ms wite, in tne
(Continued on page 1)
Ward's Death
Ruled Suicide
LONDON (UPI) A coroner's
jury ruled today that Dr. Ste
phen Ward, the society osteopath
who touched off Britain's scandal
of the century, killed himself
with an overdose of sleeping
It took the seven-man jury only
three minutes to bring in its sui
cide verdict. Coroner Gavin
Thurston formally recorded the
finding that Ward died of "bi
lateral snttening of the brain re
sulting from self - administered
Ward, who had medical train
ing and knew how much to take,
died of barbiturate poisoning Sat
urday rather than face sentenc
ing on vice charges.
Ward's family arranged private
burial services today for the 50-year-old
Anglican minister's son
and refused flowers for the fu
neral, i
Two-Way Traffic
Due On Stephens
Roseburg Chief of Police John
Truelt said today that SE Steph
ens Street from SE Mother to
SE Rice Avenue will be convert
ed to a two-way street all day
Tuesday while state Highway
Department crews carry out
patching work on SE Pine Street
from SE Oak to SE Mosher ave
nues. Truett said detour signs will
be placed along the route to di
rect traffic.
Fighters Control
Big Imnaha Blaze
By United Press International
Firefighters contained a 300-
acre blaze in the desolate Imnaha
River eniintry of northeast Ore
gon late Thursday night.
The blaze, about 25 miles north
east of Enterprise in the Wallowa
Whitman National Forest, had
been controlled earlier but was
fanned anew.
Thirty-nine men were added
Thursday night to the 45 already
tignung tne ugntning-causca maze.
The fire burned over grass with
some scattered timber in rugged
country and hand equipment was
used, along with chemicals drop
ped by air.
The Forest Service reported
four small man-caused blazes in
National Forest land were con
trolled. Two were in the Wallowa
Whitman forest, and one each in
the Malheur and Winema forests.
Despite hot and drying weather,
only four small fires were report
ed on state-protected lands. The
largest was half an acre near Gold
Hill in Southern Oregon.
Assessed Valuation Shows
$2.2 Million Gain In Year
Douglas County's assessed valu
ation edged up another $2,263,741
last year to $121,566,270, reports
County Assessor Leland Svarverud
By classes, real property edged
up from $82,524,140 to $83,341,190;
personal property showed a slight
increase from $14,535,180 to $14,
557,760; and public utilities took
the biggest jump from $22,243,209
to $23,667,320.
Assessed values arc 25 per cent
of the true cash value. Taxable
property in Douglas County has a
true cash value ol $486,265,080,
Millage figures are now being
computed preparatory to printing
the tax statements for the 1963-64
The total valuation includes all
of the Douglas Rural School Dis
trict area and part of the Lane
Rural School District. The Douglas
County district valuation is $121,-
056.675, while Lane has S509,595c
where it overlaps into Douglas
County to the north.
Twelve school districts in t h e
county showed decreases, but the
others showed fairly substantial in
creases. The biggest district in the
county, Roseburg, showed a valu
ation increase from $33,988,764 to
Other big valuation was Glide
which was raised from $20,047,310
to $20,922,330.
Leading the list of cities was
Roseburg, also, with an increase
in valuation from $15,612,528 to
Seven cities showed slight de
creases in valuations.
One of the biggest jumps in valu
ation among fire districts was the
Roseburg Rural Fire District,
which showed an increase from
$10,804,412 to $13,761,485.
Among the four water districts,
Tri-City and Ridgewood showed in
creases. The North Roseburg San
itary District's valuation rose from
iKB768 to $5,253,829; the Ump
qua Hospital District from $11.
796 176 to $11,959,734; and the Port
of Umpqua from 53,592,983 to $13,-842,872.