The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 08, 1963, Page 17, Image 17

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Sour Cre Enhances Flavor
Of High, Light Coffee Cake
The fresh, still-cool early morn- melt-in-your-niouth good. Then, to
ing hours can be the most soci-; please the heartier breakfast appe
able ones on a hot summer day. j tites. scrambled eggs and slices of
IlOW aiJOUt entertaining guests for; C:,n.Klian Wnn art. cnrvivl alnrn.
with squares of coffee cake. Sour
breakfast? Your menu can have
lust as much variety as a fancy
dinner! Here's one which makes
an especially pretty buffet table,
and it's a breakfast that pleases
appetites any time from dawn to
cream adds its smooth texture and
popular flavor to this coffee cake,
which is made with an easy mix.
It's the kind you simply squeeze
i to blend in its plastic bag. Then
i sour cream's dotted atop the cake
Menu j batter along with sprinklings of
Chilled Orange Juice I cinnamon topping that comes with
Cereal Fruit Parfaits j the package of mix. So quick
Milk Sugar I and a high, light coffee cake every
Scrambled Eggs Canadian Bacon j time
Sour Cream Coffee Cake
This fancy way to serve cereal
will delight your guests. Light,
crispy puffed wheat kernels are
featured in tall glasses wiUi lay
ers of peaches and blueberries.
Milk and sugar make each bite
For Salads
peaches shortcake Alaska
Peaches Alaska Topped
By Meringue Snowpeak
Peaches Shortcake Alaska is a
glamorous dessert that is amazing
ly simple to make. The shortcake
is a rich biscuit dough baked in a
rectangular pan instead of cut into
rounds. Topped with vanilla ice
cream and fresh peach halves, the
shortcake is frosted generously
with meringue. Only the tops of
the peaches peek out from under
the delicately browned snowcaps.
Shortcake is one o many quick
breads which takes few ingredients
and little time to prepare. Most
popular of these are baking powder
biscuits. Served plain or fancy they
are always favored at the break
fast table or with soup and a salad
for lunch.
The secret of good biscuits and
shortcake begins with the shorten
ing. A pure, white all-purpose short
ening which is a blend of vegetable
and meat fats has 100 per cent
shortening power to give biscuits a
tender crust and flaky interior. -
When the shortcake for Peaches
Alaska comes out of the
oven it is allowed to cool before
being transferred to a cutting
board. It is the wooden board on
the bottom and the meringue on
lop which act as insulation and
Delicious Cookie Bar
Is Moist, Delectable
A moist treasure of fruits and
filberts combined in, Filbert Tutti
Frui'.ies yields a tantalizing bar
cookie that just tastes like festivi
ties are on the agenda!!! A real
time saver too, because the recipe
goes together so easily. Make up
a double batch and see what a
fresh and intriguing lasle filberts
add to any favorite recipe.
Filbert Tutti Fruities
, 3 tablespoons butter
U cup sugar
2 eggs
iii cup toasted, chopped filberts
"4 cup chopped dates
"j cup seedless raisins, cut
V cup chopped candied lemon
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
Vi teaspoon salt
Beat softened butler, sugar and
eggs until light and fluffy. Com
bine flour, baking powder and
salt; add to creamed mixture to j diameter) biscuits. Place on bak-
keep the ice cream from melting
during the browning of the mer
Peaches Shortcake Alaska
Yield: 8 servings
't cup shortening
2 cups sifted flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons sugar
lsi teaspoon salt
2 egg yolks
Mi cup milk (about)
2 egg whites
3 tablespoons sugar
1 pint vanilla ice cream
8 peach halves
Sift together dry ingredients for
the shortcake. Cut the shortening
into the flour with a pastry blender
until the mixture is the consist
ency of corn meal. Separate eggs
reserving whites for topping. Place
egg yolks in a measuring cup. Add
enough milk to measure "4 cup.
Stir well. Add to dry ingredients
and blend until a soft dough
formed. Turn onto a lightly floured
board. Knead 10 times. Place in a
llx7xl'i inch baking pan. Pat
to fit the pan. Bake in a very hot
6Veh (450 Deg. F.) about 20 minutes.-
Remove from oven and cool
Beat 2 egg whites until frothy.
Gradually add 3 tablespoons sugar
and continue beating until stiff but
not drv. Place cake on a wooden
cutting board. Slice ice cream and
place on top of shortcake. Arrange
peach halves, cut side down over
ice cream. Cover cake thoroughly
with a thick coating of meringue,
leaving only lops of peaches un
covered. Bake in a very hot oven
(475 Deg. F.) for 2 to 4 minutes,
until meringue is delicately brown
ed. Slip cake from board onto a
platter. Slice and serve immediate
ly. Family's Favorite Biscuits
Yield: 14 small or 7 large biscuits
Mi cup shortening
2 cups sifted flour
2'a teaspoons baking powder
'a teaspoon salt
23 cup milk
Cut shortening into flour which
has been sifted with baking pow
der and salt, unlil the mixture is
the consistency of corn meal. Make
a well in dry ingredients, add milk
and stir. Turn onto lightly floured
board. Knead 6 times. Roll or pat
to Vi inch thickness. Cut. Will
make 14 small (2 inches in dia
meter) or 7 large (2i inches in
What is more refreshing and eye
appealing or. a steamy summer
day than a cool, colorful salad?
And what could be more freshen
ing to jaded, heat-weary appetites
than the taste-tingling combina
tion of Florida's plump, juicy can
ned grapefruit sections, the deli
cate flavor of shrimp, and the
crispness of cucumber and radish
This is a pretty self-contained
salad, too, for the liquid drained
from the canned grapefruit sec
lions, mixed with salad oil, mus
tard, Tabasco and salt, makes a
dressing in which the shrimp mar
inate for several hours or over
night to absorb the spicy flavors
The chilled marinade is then pour
cd over the completed salad ar
While the canned Florida grape
fruit sections are so easy and
convenient to use, you may prefer
the chilled or frozen fruit. If your
love of salads knows no season,
you'll especially enjoy making this
one during the fall and winter
months when the luscious, fresh
grapefruit is available,
Florida Coastal Salad
2 cans (1 pound each) Florida
grapefruit sections
1 teaspoon salt
Vj teaspoon dry mustard
'i: cup salad oil
Vi teaspoon Tabasco
2 pounds shrimp, cooked and
1 cucumber, sliced
'a cup sliced radishes
Drain grapefruit sections, reserv
ing liquid. Chill sections until
veatlv to make salad. Combine
grapefruit liquid, salt, mustard,
salad oil and Tabasco. Add shrimp
and refrigerate several Hours or
overnight, stirring once or twice.
Arrange grapefruit sections,
shrimp, cucumber and radish slic
es on lettuce. Pour marinade over
YIELD: 6 to 8 servings.
Entertain friends for breakfast
soon. On the porch or in your din
ing room, the morning hours are
sure to be a cool 'n comfortable
time to entertain even on the hot
test summer day.
Sour Cream Coffee Cake
Makes 8 servings
1 lOli-oz. pkg. easy coffee cake
1 egg, unbeaten
Vj cup milk
4 cup dairy sour cream
Heat oven to moderate (375 Deg.
F.). Put egg and milk into large
bag of mix. Squeeze upper part
of bag to force air out. Close lop
of bag by holding tightly between
thumb and index finger. With bag
resting on table, mix by working
bag vigorously with fingers. (Mix
about 40 seconds or until egg is
completely blended.)
Squeeze bag to empty baiter into
special aluminum foil pan contain
ed in package. (Do not grease
pan.) Dot top of batter with sour
cream. Sprinkle topping contained
in smaller bag over sour cream.
Bake in preheated oven (375 Deg.
F.) about 25 minutes. Open corner
folds of pan for easy cutting and
Thurs., Aug. 8, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5
breakfast Duftet
Dress up cottage pudding this
no-trouble-al-all way. Prepare your
favorite lemon sauce, using honey
instead of sugar, and add husky
slices of fresh nectarines. Very
good on ice cream, too!
Make it easy for the party-giver
and at the same time let guests
have the fun of creating their own
salads. On a large tray or lazy
Susan, arrange the makings
fresh Bartlett pear halves, fresh
berries, cantaloupe crescents, ap
ple slices or orange sections, crisp
lettuce and a choice of trench.
whipped cream-mayonnaise and
tangy boiled salad dressings.
Glamorize creamy rice pudding
with a garnish of fresh Bartlett
pear wedges arranged petal-fash
ion on top. Accent with a favorite
jam or jelly.
If Your Paper Has Not Arrived By 6:15 P.M.
Dial OR 2-3321 Between 6 & 7 P.M.
' Hatural
V Jl
Famous For
Fine Dairy
A quick and pretty cover-up for
any cake (your own. packaged,
or purchased) is Fluffy Frosting.
Here is the recipe:
1 egg
'.si cup honey
Dash of salt
Beat egg white with salt until
stiff enough to hold up in peaks,
but not dry. Pour honey in fine
stream over egg white, beating
constantly until frosting holds its
shape. Makes about 2'4 cups
frosting. '
thoroughly blend. Stir in nuts and
fruit. Spread in buttered 8-inch
square pan. Bake at 325 degrees
for 40 minutes or until done. When
cool, cut into l'a inch squares or
2" x 1" bars. Roll in powdered
sugar. Makes 3R squares or 32
bars. Store in light container.
ing sheet and bake in
oven (450 Deg. I'.) for
very hot
12 to 15
Arrange for an increase in dry
cereal consumption in your fam
ily by preparing a flavorful, new
Honey Eggnog Topping. Simply
heat two eggs well, gradually add
3 tablespoons honey and two cups
milk. Blend thoroughly. Sprinkle
with a few grains nutmeg and
serve immediately. Enough for 4
to 6 cereal bowls.
If you have everything set for
cooking hamburgers over the bar
becue grill and rain spoils your
fun. use the already-seasoned ham
burger meat to make alhondigas.
the Spanish meat-balls. Just roll
meat into one-inch meatballs,
saute in Spanish olive oil until well
browned on all sides, then add Vi i
cup red wine or sherry to the pan, j
and boil until reduced by half, -stirring
up the browned bits from !
bottom of pan. .Marvelous with saf
fron rice.
Quartered hard - cooked eggs,
cooked or canned green beans and
strips of pimiento make an attrac
when the three are served with
this dressing: Beat together "i ta
blespoon anchovy paste with Va
teaspoon prepared mustard, beat
in three tablespoons Spanish olive
oil. a tablespoon of grated Parme
san cheese and 1 tablespoon vine
gar. Serve on watercress or crisp
Danmoore Hotel
1217 S.W. Morrison St.
Portland, Oregon
Free Garage, New Location
2 block from hotel. Open
to 10:00 P.M.
316 N.E. Winchester, ot the Triangle .... Ph. 673-8091
Open Monday through Saturday, 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
25 ,, $1349
Includes: Steaks, Roasts, Stew
Meat, Ground Beef, Short Ribs,
50 $2598
Gram Fed . . . Half or Whole lb.
Smoked Pork IF' Von Dine' Chunk MM
Bacon 1 A Blade Cut 1 A i-
SQUARES . . 19"' ROAST ... 49"
Old-Fashion Oft4 Lean Stab m ft
FRANKS ... OT' BACON . . . . 59'"
STEW BEEF . 65" SIRLOIN . . . 89"
T-Bone Otc Well-trimmed Rib f f
STEAK meJ 89 STEAK ... 69 "
Sirloin Tip ft P f Flovorful ROUND t f C
STEAK ... 85,h STEAK . . . 79
o 0
7 . .
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