SECOND SECTION ROSEBURG, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1963 186-63 Beverages Are Needed To Ensure 1' 1 A Successful Summertime Picnic 4 Jf 4r" id festive dessert for summer Party Fluff Refreshes In Summer Think of all the summer occa sions that call for a scrumptious, refreshing dessert that's simple to make but extra pretty! There are bridal showers, desserts after the summer theater and meals that need to be finished in grand style. Just the dessert to make any sum mer occasion festive is this Rasp berry Fluff. It's rosy-red, light and fluffy in filling yet rich in crust, and unbelievably easy to make. You use the oven for just a short time to toast rolled oats to crunchy Avocados Good In Sandwiches Rewarding eating experiences don't necessarily involve spending a long time in the kitchen. A good case in point is "Saucy Turkado Sandwich." For this delicious open faced sandwich, simply arrange layers of sliced avocado and turkey on toast; cover with a sauce made with canned Cheddar cheese soup, milk and ripe olives; sprinkle with paprika and beat under the broiler briefly. It's an ideal summer sup per dish. California avocados are particularly welcome on warm weather menus. They contain oil that is emulsified, easily digested and readily converted into much needed food energy. Saucy Turkado Sandwich 1 can (11 oz.) condensed Ched dar cheese soup Mi cup milk 'A cup ripe olives 1 avocado 4 slices toast , Sliced turkey Paprika Mix together soup and milk un til smooth. Heat, but do not boil. Cut olives into wedges; add to soup. Cut avocado lengthwise into halves; remove seed and skin. Slice fruit. Place toast in shallow pan. Cover with layer of avocado slices and layer of turkey slices. Pour Cheddar sauce over top. Sprinkle with paprika. Heat under broiler 2 or 3 minutes until top is very lightly browned. Serve at once. Makes 4 servings. goodness. Then no more bak- ing! The nut-like flavor of the oats combined with butter 'n brown sug ar richness makes the base deli cious. For the filling, you merely add boiling water to a large pack age of raspberry-flavored gelatin. Then, instead of cold water or ice cubes, you stir in vanilla ice cream. Tender raspberries add nuggets of fresh fruit flavor to the light and cooling filling. A fi nal sprinkle of crunch crust with a few toasted slivered almonds com pletes the dessert. Then it remains cool and fresh in the refrigerator until served to your guests. This dessert's a delight for guests and hostess alike. You'll find it's suitable for any summer occasion and you'll serve it again and again. Raspberry Fluff ' Makes 9 servings Crunch Crust: 2 cups rolled oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked) ,j cup firmly-packed brown sugar Ms cup butter or margarine, melted Filling: One 6-oz. pkg. raspberry flavor gelatin 2 cups boiling water 1 pint vanilla ice cream, softened 1 cup fresh raspberries or frozen raspberries, thawed and drained For crust, toast oats in shallow pan in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 10 minutes. Combine with sug ar and butter. Firmly press V of mixture onto bottom of 7-inch spring form pan or 8-inch square pan, reserving rest for top. Chill thoroughly. For filling, dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Immediately add ice cream, stirring until melted. Chill until partially set. Fold in rasp berries. Pour over crust; sprinkle with reserved crunch mixture and 3 tablespoons toasted slivered al monds. Chill until set. Peanut Butter Assists Informal Entertaining An English periodical of 1802 speaks of "a new species of en tertainment, common to the fash ionable world, called a picnic." And today, when we picnic, we share the delight of those lords and ladies in country sights and sounds, though our picnic baskets yield quite different fare. In fact, a most efficient 20th century wick er picnic basket holding two ther mos bottles, inspired the recipe ideas that use modern frozen foods. We have in inind a hot soup for one thermos a cold drink for the other. Cream of Spinach Soup made with frozen spinach and plenty of milk, or a Corn Chowder of frozen corn and frozen potato patties would be hearty and satisfying. For the cold drink we suggest Strawberry Lemonade Punch, a combination of frozen concentrate for lemonade and frozen strawberries. Unopened bot tles of soda can be carried along (don't forget the opener!) and the soda added to each cup of punch according to taste. The other half of this delightful picnic basket could hold such solid food as fried chicken or sand wiches, fruit and cookies. Corn Chowder 2 tablespoons diced salt pork Va cup diced onion 1 package (12 ounces) frozen potato patties 1 cup boiling water l'i teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1 package (10 ounces) frozen whole kernel corn 2 cups milk Fry salt pork in saucepan until crisp. Add onion and saute gently until transparent. Add potato pat ties, water, salt, pepper and corn. Bring to a boil. Cover; reduce heat and simmer 3 to 5 minutes, or un til vegetables are tender. Add milk and heat thoroughly. Garnish with chopped parsley, if desired. Makes about 5 cups, enough for 5 to 6 servings. Cream Of Spinach Soup 1 package (10 ounces) fruzen chopped spinach 3''j cups vegetable liquid and milk 3 tablespoons butler 2 to 3 teaspoon grated onion 2 tablespoons finely diced celery 3 tablespoons Hour "A teaspoon salt Dash of pepper cup light cream or top milk 1 chicken bouillon cube Cook spinach as directed on pack age. Drain, reserving liquid. Add milk to liquid to make 3kj cups. Kids And Sandwiches Natural Combination SALAMI-COLESLAW There's lively flavor in this Sa lami Coleslaw Sandwich. Allow three slices of rye bread per serv ing. Spread 1-3 of the bread slices with mustard. Top them with cot to salami slices, then with pickle slices. Spread next 1-3 of bread slices with mayonnaise or salad dressing and top with coleslaw, tomato slices and crisp-cooked ba con strips. Place coleslaw slices atop salami slices. Spread re maining bread with mustard, then close sandwiches. Informal entertaining, an in creasingly popular American pas lime year-round, is apt to be even more casual in the summertime. When friends drop in for a cool drink and a little evening con versation on the terrace, you may find yourself wanting to invite them to stay and make it a party. With plenty of canned soups and the makings for hearty sandwiches on hand, you're never at a loss for ways to whip up a delicious last-minute meal for guests, un expected or otherwise. Since most households always have a jar of peanut butler on the pantry shelf, why not make this perennial favorite the basis of your planning for impromptu entertaining? The flavor of peanut butter goes so well with most other foods that it's a cinch to prepare out- of- the- ordinary combination sandwiches in minutes. Depending on what else you have available and the extent of your own imag ination, you can come up with a I sandwich that's different, yet de licious, with very little effort. For example, try peanut butter and crisp bacon, peanut butter and sliced banana, peanut butter and chopped onion, peanut butter and ham, or even peanut butter with sliced cucumbers and toma- i toes just to name a few possi I bilities. You'll be surprised how ! many adults will love reviving the i peanut butter nostalgia of their j childhood. Even better, try this idea for a new and sophisticated party-time FOR THE Meadow Brook Carton . . . Your Guarantee of Delicious-Energy Building Milk! At Your Door or At Your Favorite Store Produced By A Locally Owned And Operated Dairy sandwich Savannah Sandwich Loaf which can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for use later. If you prefer, you can reheat the sand wich before slicing and serving, or simply dish it up cold. Either way, for an appetizing soup com panion, what could be better than flavorful Bouillon-on-the-Rocks? Savannah Sandwich Loaf 1 loaf French or Italian style bread l'i cups bread crumbs 'a cup water "A teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Vi teaspoon Worcestershire sauce t cup finely chopped onion lA teaspoon pepper Vi cup crunchy peanut butter 2 .egg yolks, or 1 whole egg Aluminum foil Cut a V-shaped piece lengthwise from the top of loaf of French or Italian bread. Hemove piece and with a fork pull out soft bread crumbs so that an inch shell of bread and crust remains. Measure l'i cups crumbs and mix with water, seasonings, pea nut butter, egg yolks and meat. Pile lightly into bread shell, cov er with top crust and tie tightly with string in about three places. Wrap in aluminum foil and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) one hour. Cut into inch slices and serve hot. Or may be cooled in foil and chilled in refrigerator and served cold. Hakes 8-10 sandwiches. Almond Shrimp Filling Good Sandwich Spread Sandwiches are especial sum j mer favorites and "Almond Shrimp Filling" is an especially good sandwich spread with its crunchy roasted diced almonds and chopped shrimp. Almond Shrimp Filling 2-3 cup cooked or canned shrimp '4 cup roasted diced almonds 'A cup finely chopped celery ii teaspoon salt 'i teaspoon Worcestershire Vi cup mayonnaise Clean and chop shrimp. Blend Makes about 1 cup filling, well with all remaining ingred ients. Spread on bread for sandwiches. Sometimes you mothers feel that youngsters would just as soon have sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You also know that every child at some time or another runs into the kitchen with a "let me help I want to cook, too." Direct that young energy into simple sandwich preparation for lunch. "Allow" your very young ones to help and let old-enough youngsters prepare a simple sand wich meal menu an easy one that won't discourage his young eagerness. Nearly Every Child Can Help Gather together the bread and filling ingredients you'll need and set them out within easy reach of your young helpers. Even the youngest child can help you fetch and carry. Let the youngsters snrcad the slices of bread with softened butter or margarine. Al low older youngsters to blend to cether the filling ingredients, mash hard-cooked egg yolks and banan as. For salely s sake, do any nec essary (.'Hupping UClUlKllclUU. You might prefer using assorted dinner rolls instead of regular slic ed bread which may be a bit large ior small hands to nanaie. Also, rolls need not be cut into serving icccs, eliminating the need for tnives. Instead of cutting regular sand wiches with knives, give children cookie cutters for cutting sand wiches into easy-to-handle pieces. A youngster's favorite sandwich seems to taste even better to him when they're cute little animal shapes. Have a bowl of raisins handy for "eyes" and other facial features. Sandwich Meals Are A "Picnic Youngsters love picnics so have them carry their sandwich lunches to the backyard or porch. Provide brightly colored paper plates and drinking cups. Children arc es pecially intrigued with paper "china," making clean-up extra easy for you. Have lots of paper napkins avail able or give the kids hand towels or paper towels which serve both as place mats and efficient hand wipers.i After mealtime, gather up the hand towels and toss 'em into the washing machine. Keep the menus for sandwich meals simple. Children cannot usually cat heavy meals anytime, and when temperatures soar, it's difficult to interest them in food. Light yet nourishing sandwiches are so good for youngsters and help them stay healthy and full of energy. Enriched bread and rolls with their valuable nutritional con tribution of three essential B vitamins and the mineral iron en close healthful fillings. Menus featuring a sandwich plus a few crisp vegetable relishes, po tato chips and lemonade or milk is a child's idea of an elegant meal. Add a mug of soup or a "soup nog" a can of condensed creamed soup beaten until smooth and frothy with milk and a raw egg if you wish. Here are three sandwiches your children are sure to like. Each recipe makes six sandwiches, so, if the children arc doing the prep aration, you may wish to cut the portions to four servings to make mixing and assembling easier and faster. An older child will have little trouble assembling Bologna on a Bun. Have an assortment of rel ishes handv for decorating the plate, and a pitchcrful of milk ready to pour into glasses. Let the youngster serve the "meal." P.S. Have a camera ready to catch the proud grin on his face. Bologna On A Bun 3 tablespoons chili sauce 3 tablespoons manyonnaisc or salad dressing 6 enriched frankfurter buns Butter or margarine, softened 6 slices blogna Lettuce leaves Blend chili sauce and mayon naise or salad dressing. Spread bottom halves of buns with butter or margarine. Divide chili sauce mixture between top halves of buns and spread evenly. Fold bologna slices in thirds and place on bottom halves of buns. Cover with lettuce and close sandwich es with bun tops. Makes 6 sand wichos. No. of ingredients: 0. No. of utensils: 10. Total preparation time: 20 minutes. , Banana Peanut Butter Sand wich is also a good recipe for young cooks to try their wings on. It will be easier for them to mash the banana rather than chopping it safer, too. You grate and measure the orange rind ahead of time and refrigerate, wrapped in waxed paper. Banana-Peanut Butter Sandwich Va cup peanut butter Vi cup honey 2 teaspoon shredded orange rind cup chopped banana (1 mid- ium banana) 12 slices enriched white bread Butter or margarine, softened Lettuce leaves Blend peanut butler, honey nnd orange rind until smooth. Add banana and mix lightly until blend ed. Spread bread with butter or margarine. Divide peanut butter mixture between 6 bread slices and spread evenly. Cover with lettuce and close, sandwiches with remain ing bread. Makes 6 sandwiches. No. of ingredients: 7. No. of utensils: 9. Total preparation time: 20 minutes. Bacon and Egg Salad Sandwich is designed for older children who have already had some cooking experience. Younger children can help prepare the filling by stir ring together the ingredients (you've prepared them for mixing ahead of time) and spreading the filling on the bread. Bacon and Egg Salad Sandwich 8 slices bacon, diced 6 hard-cooked eggs, diced Vi cup mayonnaise or salad dressing ' 1 tablespoon prepared mustard 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion 12 slices enriched white bread Butter or margarine, softened Lettuce leaves Cook bacon unti crisp; drain. Combine bacon and eggs. Blend mayonnaise or salad dressing, mustard and onion and stir into egg mixture. Spread bread with butter or margarine. Divide egg mixture between 6 bread slices and spread evenly. Cover with let tuce and close sandwiches with remaining bread. Makes 6 sand wiches. No. of ingredients: 8. No. of utensils: 9. Total preparation time: 30 minutes. li desired, force spinach through a coarse sieve, or blend in elec tric blender until pureed. Melt butter in heavy saucepan. Add onion and celery and saute 1 minute. Then add flour, salt, and pepper and stir until blended. Add milk mixture and the cream gradually, stirring constantly. Add bouillon cube. Cook and stir over low heat until thickened. Add spin ach and heat thoroughly. Serve in bowls or cups. Garnish each serving with a dash of paprika. Makes 5 cups, enough for 4 to 6 servings. Chilled Spinach Soup: Prepare Cream of Spinach Soup, cool about 30 minutes, then emu inorougniy 2 to 3 hours or overnight. If a thinner soup is desired, add a lit tle cream or milk before serving. Serve in chilled cups. Strawberry Lemonade Punch 1 package (10 ounces) frozen strawberry halves, partially thawed 1 can (6 ounces) frozen concen trate for lemonade 134 cups water 2 bottles (7 ounces each) soda water Ice cubes Press strawberries through a sieve or ricer, or blend until smooth in an electric blender. Dis card or strain seeds. Place fruit puree in a small punch bowl. Add lemonade and water: mix well. Just before serving, add soda wa ter and ice cubes. Makes 10 serv inas. about 4 ounces each. For Picnic Thermos: Add the ice cubes along with the lemonade and water, mixing well. Chill thoroughly before putting into the thermos bottle ana carry the un opened bottles of soda along, to be added to each cup according to taste. .. , T ' , . 1 ; veal scallopini Veal Scallopini Simmering While You Relax On Patio Casserole Of Tuna Hot Weather Fare Make this hearty, delicious tuna casserole for really easy hot weather fare. Tuna combines in terestingly with a variety of in gredients, therefore it is ideal for casseroles. For versatility and economy, here is a best ever recipe tasty tuna is combined with colorful green beans, accents of r red pimiento, pleasant bland flavored macaroni, and savory sauce, then topped with crunchy potato chips. Tuna Chip Casserole 1 cup elbow macaroni 1 can (GW or 7 oz.) tuna 1 can (1 lb.) cut green beans, drained 1 can (10V4 oz.) condensed cream of mushroom soup Vi cup milk 1 canned pimiento, chopped 1 cup coarsely crushed potato chips Cook macaroni according to package directions; drain. Com bine all ingredients except potato chips in l't-quart shallow baking dish. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees F.) for 20 minutes, remove from oven, and top with potato chips. Bake 3 to 4 min utes more. Makes 4 to 6 servings. On those hot summer days when you don't feel like cooking a big meal, try this easy dinner dish. It's a hearty combination of veal cutlets, mushrooms and onions with a special blend of Italian-style seasonings. If you prefer sitting in a lawn chair to standing by (lie kitchen range, then use an extension cord for the electric skillet and prepare dinner on the patio. After you've browned Uic veal cutlets and add ed the remaining ingredients, just relax while the meat simmers. Keep an eye out for inquisitive youngsters who want to lift the iid on the skillet "to see what smells so good." The enticing aroma of this Veal Scallopini comes from the herbs and flavorings. Orcgano, the popu lar Italian-style seasoning, is in cluded, of course. The dash of gar lic salt and parsley flakes add their touches of flavor, too. The ingredi ent that blends and enhances these Distinction Is Given To Savory Meat Balls Do meat balls a flavor favor with chopped ripe olives, butter milk, onion and other seasonings for "Olive Meat Balls." They are no trouble at all to prepare, and the unique goodness of mellow ripe olives places them in a meat ball category of real distinction. Olive Meat Balls Vi cup ripe olives "A lb. ground lean beef "A cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon grated onion Vi teaspoon Worcestershire 1 teaspoon salt Pepper Fine dry bread crumbs Oil for frying Chop olives. Combine with beef, buttermilk, onion, Worcestershire and seasonings. Shape lightly into small balls and roll in crumbs Fry in small amount hot oil. Makes 6 servings. SPRINKLE WITH ALMONDS To make chocolate cupcakes as luscious as almond-mocha candy, frost them with packaged mocha frosting and sprinkle generously with roasted diced almonds. Add a little almond extract to frosting and sprinkle generously with roast ed diced almonds. Add a little almond extract to frosting for ex tra flavor goodness. Try these on your Bar-B-Cue Nothing Simpler Than Party Dips When it's parly-time, it's dip time and time for "Company Avocado Dip." Nothing could bo simpler to make in a mixing bowl or electric blender man uns com bination of California avocados, blue cheese dressing mix, sour cream and lemon juico. Suggest ed "dippers:" Carrot or celery sticks, cauliflowercttcs and green onions cut into short lengths. Most summer avocados from California have pebbled, almost black skins while other varieties are green skinned. The fruit inside is always the same, however light green yellow and velvety-smooth. Company Avocado uip 2 avocados 1 cup dairy sour cream 1 package (20 gm.) blu cheese dressing mix 1 tablespoon lemon Juice I Assorted raw vegetables halves; remove seeds and skin. Force fruit through sieve or wmz in blender. Stir or blend in sour cream, dressing mix and lemon juice. Serve with vegetables as "dippers." Makes Vh cUps. seasonings is lemon-lime carbon ated beverage. The natural oils of lemon and lime found in it are expertly blended; they bring out the best in other flavorings and foods. With such an easy main dish, make the rest of the dinner simple, too. Let the family help themselves to a tossed salad made of greens, tomatoes and cucumbers, and a platter of sliced bard-cooked eggs and cheese wedges. Add a basket of hard rolls, then for dessert can taloupe wedges and seedless green grapes. Patio Veal Scallopini 2 pounds veal cutlets, sliced H inch thick Vj teaspoon garlic salt Vt teaspoon pepper Flour VI cup butter or margarine 1 medium onion, thinly sliced Mi pound fresh mushrooms, sliced 1 teaspoon parsley flakes 'I teaspoon oregano Vj teaspoon snlt 1 bottle (7 ounces) lemon-lime carbonated beverage Season cutlets with garlic salt and pepper, then dredge in flour and pound lightly. Brown meat on both sides in butter in skillet. Re move meat and set aside. Add on ion and mushrooms to skillet and cook until lightly browned. (Add a little moro butter, if needed.) Stir in parsley flakes, oregano, salt and carbonated beverage, blending well. Add browned meat. Cover and simmer until meat is tender, about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Add more carbonated beverage if additional liquid is needed. Makes S to 6 servings. CAPTIVATING SALAD Fill golden rings of California midsummer cantaloupe with well seasoned cottage cheese or chick en salad. Garnish with crisp cu cumber slices or radishes for a captivating salad. Cantaloupe And Ham In This Hearty Salad Salds are an appetizing mainstay on meny lumnwar annus, and one like "Hearty Cantaloupe Salad" helps to explain why. It's a colorful, refreshing com bination of diccd:cantaloupe, cubes of ham and torn 9ulad greens well coated with dressing. For "Hearty Cantaloupe Salad," cut 1 cantaloupe into halves; re move seeds and rind. Dice melon to make 2 cups. Combine with 1 cup cubed cooked ham and 3 ta blespoons French dressing. Chill. Toss melon mixture with 2 cups torn salad greens and seasoned salt to taste; add additional French dressing or dairy sour cream or mayonnaise to coat all ingredients. This makes 5 to 6 servings. Grandma to be crowned OF HOT WEATHER DAYS Lot Grandma do your baking Joryoii js August specials: DATE FILLED OATMEAL RAISIN NUT KATHY KREMES GemdEis Cookies it your (roctfs 0 0 0