The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 07, 1963, Page 6, Image 6

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DICK WILLIAMS, star righthander of the Lockwood
Motors mound statf, is congrorulated by coach Bill Harper
after tossing a four-hit 8-1 victory over Sargent Construc
tion (Madison) to even the state Legion playoff series at
one game each. The two teams are set to clash again
tonight at 8:30 at Legion Field. (Bob Leber Photo)
Mays Puts Giants
Back In NL Race
UPI Sports Writer
Those front-running Los Angeles
Dodgers must realize by now that
tho National League pennant race
is as hot as Willie Mays' bat
happens to be.
The Dodgers are five games in
front of the Giants and the St.
Louis Cardinals and they're coast
ing along with a tidy three-game
winning streak.
Willie's average dipped to .240
in mid-season and this looked like
the worst season ho ever has had
in tho majors. But he's riffling
that bat with six hits in his last
eight trips to the plate and he's
raised his season average to .290.
The message to the Dodgers is
loud and clear falter and you'U
pay tho penalty of blowing a sec
ond straight pennant.
Mays hammered out a triple
and two singles to lead the
Giants' 12-hit attack Tuesday night
in a 3-1 victory over the Houston
Colts. It was the first time the
Giants beat the Colts in Houston
in five games.
Tho Dodgers downed the Chi
cago Cnhs, 4-1, (ho Cardinals
topped the New York llets, 4-3,
the Pittsburgh Pirates defeated
tho Milwaukee Braves, 30, and
the Philadelphia Phillies scored a
7-1 triumph after a 6-4 10-inning
loss to the Cincinnati ltcds in
other National League games.
In the American League, New
York beat Washington, 1-0, after
an 8 - 5 loss, Baltimore downed
Cleveland, 6-4, Detroit routed Bos
ton, 10-1, Kansas City shaded Chi
cago, 4-3, and Minnesota defeated
Los Angeles, 5-1.
Jim 13 u f f a lo went eight innings
and allowed six hits to win his
fourth straight game without a
loss for the Giants while Hal
Brown suffered his seventh defeat
against four wins. Mays tripled
and scored in the fourth inning
Pee Wees Set
Final Action
The final round of Pec Wee base
ball action for teams in thp Rosc
burg area is on lap Thursday.
The. Ilosehurg program is spon
sored by the Kiwanis Club, the
City of Hoscburg and the school
district. Darl Thornton served
co-ordinator of tho program and
wishes to thank the sponsors and
the parents of the boys who com
Thursday's schedule includes:
Eastwood Field
High School Giants vs. Kaslwood
Orioles, 8 a.m.
High School Braves vs. Eastwood
Bulldogs, 9:45 a in.
High School Cardinals vs. East
wood Twins, 11 a.m.
Hich School Pirates v K,l ,,l 1
Athletics. 1 P.m. l'
High School Dodgers vs. Knsl
wood Vikings, 2:15 p.m.
Riverside Field
Riverside vs. Green Hams, 0:45 j
a.m. I
Riverside Yankees vs. Riverside
Tigers, 11 a.m.
Riverside Angels vs. Riverside
Indians, 1 p.m. J
Joseph Lane Field
Fullerton Reds vs. Winchester
Red Sox, 8 a.m. j
Fullerton Cougars vs. Winchester
Wildcats, 9:45 a.m.
Fullerton Bearcats vs. Winches
ter Wolves, 11 a.m.
Fullerton Cubs vs. Winchester
Senators. 1 p.m.
Fullerton Mcts vs. Winchester
White Sox, 2:15 p.m.
Diesel Engine
17S0 N.E. Stephen! 673-6156
and contributed a key single in
the sixth when the Giants scored
their final run. Jim Wynn had two
hits for the Colts.
Maury Wills paced the Dodgers'
10 hit attack with a double and
three singles and Don Drysdale
pitched a six-hitter and fanned six
for his 14th victory against 12 los
ses. Drysdale, now gunning for his
second straight 20 - win season,
halted Billy Williams' 12-gamc hit
ting streak.
Bobby Shanty. 1 2-3-innings of
close-out relief pitching helped Ihc
Cardinals deal the Mcts their 15th
defeat in 17 games. Ken Buyer,
Julian Javier and Tim McCarver
had two hits each for the Car
dinals, with Boyer driving in the
winning run with a fifth - inning
single. Galen Cisco suffered his
loth loss against seven wins.
Don Caidwell shut out the
Braves with four hits for eight
innings and Al McBean closed it
out in the ninth to earn Cardwell
his eighth win against 12 losses.
Key blows in the Pirates' throe'
run seventh inning were a single
by Itobcrto Clemente, a double
by Donn Clendenon and a single
ny Jim I'agliarnni.
Pete Dose's two-run homer and
three hits by Vada I'inson led the
Beds lo their opening-game tri
umph at Philadelphia but the Phil
lies won the nightcap on the
strength of three doubles by John
ny Callison and the three - hit
pitching of Denis Bennett. Joey
Jay suffered his tGlh loss against
tour wins for tho Beds.
Lumberjills Win
Sportsman Trophy
Hoseburg's Lumberjills came
home from the womeu's state A
softball tournament at Salem last
weekend with two trophies.
In addition lo finishing third in
tournament play, the Lumberjills
were awarded the sportsmanship
trophy by the Salem Junior Cham
ber of Commerce.
The sportsmanship trophy gives
the local girls three pieces of hard
ware for the season as they cap
lured the state B crown earlier in
the year.
Jackson's Wholesale sponsors the
Lumberjills, and Doy Cram serves
as coach and manager.
Portland Colts Get Win
1'OltTI.ANl) (lll'l) Portland
defeated Tacoina 5-0 and Hilo,
Hawaii, edged TriCily 1-0 in
eight innings as Ihc Northwest
Regional Cull baseball tournament
opened Tuesday niclil.
Portland Plays Hilo al 9 p.m.
in the winners' bracket and 'la
coma meets Tri-City al 6:30 p.m.
in the losers' bracket of the four-
.1.... .I....KI ... .
'"' ' " ""irmly
Stan Williams Fires One -Hit Game
UPI Sports Writer
Opposing hitlers who consider
Dun Drysdale a menace to life,
limb and batting average are
hereby warned that the American
league now boasts a bigger-than-life
duplicate in Slan Williams.
Williams, a 6 4, 240 - pounder,
can match his former Dodger
teammate in sire and he throws
a mean enough fast hall to corn-
pare with Drysdale. Only trouble i
is. Williams hasn't enjoyed as i
much success getting the batters1
' out.
All this is alKiut to change, how
ever, boasts Williams. His solu
tion? To pitch with the same mo
tion as Drysdale.
Whatever the answer, it worked
with huge success Tuesday night
when Williams gave up just one
hit In leading the New York Yank
ees to a 10 victory over Wash
ington in the second game of a
twi night doublrhctfler after the
Williams Wins As
Tickets Set
For 3rd, 4th
Playoff Tilts
Reserved tickets for the fourth
game of the 1963 Oregon American
Legion baseball championship ser
ies being staged at Legion Field
went on sale this morning at Coen
Building Supply Co.
Season ticket holders will have
until 1:30 p.m. the day of the game
to purchase the same seats for
Thursday's battle between Lock
wood Motors (Roseburg) and Sar
gent Construction (Madison) of
Portland. After the 1:30 deadline
all remaining reserved seat tickets
will be sold on a first-come, first-
serve basis. The box office at Le
gion Field will open at 6:30 p.m.
Roseburg and Madison are cur
rently knotted at one game each
in the best-of-five playoff scries for
the state title. Madison won the
opening battle 20 in 10 innings,
with the local powerhouse bouncing
back with an 8-1 triumph Tuesday.
Tonight the two teams will clash
in the third game of the series.
with the fifth game scheduled for
Friday if necessary. Game time
each night is 8:30.
Coach Bill Harper will send ei
ther Ron Westbrooks (8-2) or Ro-
jelio Gutierrez (5-0) to the mound
tomgh to face Madison's Steve
Chamberlain (5-3). Thursday's
game will probably find Roseburg
ace Ran Cool (13-1) and Sargent's
Keith Lampard (10-0) locking horns
for the second time, with Cool out
to avenge his lone loss of the sea
son which came in Monday's ex
tra inning opener.
In The Majors
By United Press International
W. L. Pet. GB
67 43 .609
63 49 .563 5
63 49 .503 5
58 51 .532 m
61 54 .530 8'j
59 54 .522 D'i
57 56 .504 11 14
54 56 .491 13
43 70 .381 2Wi
34 77 .306 33Vb
Los Angeles
San Francisco
SI. Louis
New York
Tuesday's Results
Ixis Angeles 4 Chicago 1
St. iouis 4 New York 3, night
Pittsburgh 3 Milwaukee 0, night
San Francisco 3 Houston 1, night
Cincinnati 6 Phila 4, 1st, twilight
Phila 7 Cincinnati 1, 2nd, night
Wednesday's Probable Pitchers
St. Louis al New York liroglio
(12-7) vs. Jackson (614).
Cincinnati al Philadelphia Ma
loncy (17-3) vs. McLish (10-7).
Los Angeles al Chicago Kou
fax (18-4) vs. Ellsworth (15-7).
Milwaukee at Pittsburgh
(night llendley (6-8) vs.
Schwall (65).
San Francisco al Houston
(night) Sanford (10-11) vs. Far
rcll (9-8).
Thursday's Games
SI. Louis at New York
los Angeles at Chicago
Cincinnati at Philadelphia, night
Milwaukee al Pittsburgh, night
American League
New York
lxis Angeles
Kansas City
.560 8
.553 8'd
.515 9A
.495 15
.478 17
.470 18
.459 19
.439 21
.369 29
Tuesday's Results
Baltimore 6 Cleveland 4, night
Detroit 10 Boston 1, night
Kansas City 4 Chicago 3, night
Minnesota 5 U Angeles 1, night
Washington 8 New York 5, 1st twi
New York 1 Wash 0, 2nd. night
Wednesday's Probable Pitchers
Boston at Detroit Nichols (1-2)
vs. Bunning (8-11).
Minnesota at I.os Angeles
(night) Kaal (10 8) vs. Mc
Bridc (12-7).
Chicago at Kansas City (night)
Pirarro ( 13-5) vs. Wickersham
(8 9).
New York at Washington
(night) Downing (7-3) vs. Rid
7.ik (2-2).
Cleveland at Baltimore (night)
Donovan (6 10) or Grant (7-10)
! vs. Pappas (10-6).
Thursday's Games
' Minnesota at Us Angeles
! Boston at Detroit
I New York at Washington
Chicago at Kansas City, night
I Cleveland at Baltimore, night
Senators had taken the opener.
; 8 5. It was the best ellorl turned
in by Williams since joining the ; Phils took the nightcap. 7-1; and Reliever John Wyatt got the vic
Yankees last winter. the lxis Angeles Dodgers beat the, lory.
Struck Out 11 j Chicago Cubs. 4 1. in a day con ' Jim Gentile drove in four nins
The only hit off Williams was
a third inning double by Don
Blasingame, and the powerful
righthander struck out 11 and
walked only one.
The Kansas City Athletics
knocked second - place Chicago
eight full games behind the Yank-
pes by edging the Whito Sox, 4-3;
the Baltimore Orioles defeated
the Cleveland Indians. 6 4: the i Hit Two Homers
Detroit Tigers routed the Boston! Chuck Cottier smashed Iwo horn
Red Sox. 10-1; and the Minnesota 'ets for the Washington Senators
Twins downed the lxs Angeles including a derisive three run
Angels. 5 1. blow in the sixth inning that sent
In the National LeaKtie. the San j Yankee starter Wlnlcy Ford down
Francisco Giants topped the Hous-to defeat.
ton Colls, 31; the St. Uniis Car-1 Pinch hitter George Alusik sin
dinals nipped the New York Mcts. gled home the winning run tor
4-3; Pittsburgh whitewashed Mil- i Kansas City ttilh Iwo out in the
waukee. 30; the Cincinnati Reds
won a 10-inning, 6-4, decision over
ST w 4 .
r.j.v "
iA'y J
RACING towards home place with the tie-breaking run in the top of the second inning
is Roseburg's Mike Markham as Madison catcher Harlan Nelson waits in vain for the
throw from the outfield. Markham score!! when Dick Williams singled to right and the
Lockwood Motors crew was on its way to an 8-1 victory over the Portland team in the
second game of the Oregon Legion playoffs. (Bob Leber Pho'l )
Brutal Scrimmage Is Held
By 'Smarting' GB Packers
6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Wed., Aug. 7, 1963
Listen Clay Fight Es Off;
Terrell May Face Champ
NKW YORK (UPI) Heavy j !y disappointed because of
weigh! champion Sonny Liston ton's withdrawal from the
was scheduled to begin arranging tember fight, "just because
his big switch today from inde- scared lo death of me."
pendent promotion lo that of!
Madison Square Garden.
The switch, l.iston said, would
entail abandonment of his pro
posed Sept. 3()th defense against
young Cassius Clay at Philadel
phia, and the arrangement, in
stead, of a December defense planned lo
against some lesser contender on'Garden
home television for promoter
Harry Markson of the Garden.
That December contender may
be Kinie Terrell, the Chicago
If Sonny docs swing over lo Ihc
Garden, il could be one of the
most momentous moves in box
ing history a move that might
begin boosting the Garden back
to the big-fight promotional su
premacy it enjoyed until 1056.
op contender Clay, visiting
New York, said he was grievous -
Griffith Diagrams Secret Plays For Jury
At Two-Hour Session In $1 Million Trial
ATLANTA (UPI) Georgia)
coacn douuny i.nmin, a prime Georgia when Bulls was promol
witness in the $10 million libel i cd lo athletic director, said he
suit Wallace Rutls is pursuing i considered the information help
against the Saturday Avening Post ful to the Alabama team prior to
diagrammed plays Tuesday which
he said were the secrets alleged
ly given Alabama coach Paul Bry
ant. Griffith drew the formations on
a blackboard in federal court
where the Post is attempting to
prove to a jury the truth of an
article carried in Ih
last spring. The Post said Butts
gave the secrets lo Bryant in a
telephone conversation accidental
ly overheard by Atlanta insurance
man George Burnett.
Griffith, who succeeded Bulls as
; Philadelphia in the first game of
a twi night doublehcader but the
Williams, who retired the last Roberts gain his fifth straight Iri
19 Washington batters in order, umph for Baltimore. Roberts was
got the only run he needed for
his fifth victory in eight decisions
I when
Tony Knock tripled in the
i eighth
inning and came home on
Richardson's sacrifice flv.
' Bcnme
Daniels was the victim
.bottom of the ninth "inmnc after
i the White Sox had tied th
e score
f It 1
lie's Uston countered with,
Dig mouth Clay doesn t fight any
body till I gel him next year be
cause the firsl good man he
meets will knock his head off."
it was Liston. himself, who an
nounced in Philadelphia that he
visit Markson and his
matchmaker, Teddy
Brenner, in New York today and
discuss possibilities of a home
television defense possibly at
Miami Beach, Kla., or Las Ve
gas, Nev., in December.
And it was also Liston who an
nounced he was postponing his
proposed defense against 21-ycar-old
Clay at Philadelphia's Munic
ipal Stadium until next year be
cause of "tax problems." Total
gate, television and other receipts
Irom the Clay fight were expect
ed lo approximate S7 million
head coach of the University of
the 19G2 Georgia-Alabama game
which Alabama, a 17-point favor
ite, won 35 lo 0.
Testified For Two Hours
Griffith testified for two hours
and 45 minutes in the federal
courtroom crowded with some 20
i spectators.
tie was me nrsi oi a nuniDer
of coaches or assistants whom Post
attorney Welborn Cody said he
planned lo call to the witness
Additionally. Cody said he
wilh three
runs in the top of the
' with two homers to heln Robin
, touched for three home runs and
; finally gave way to Stu Miller
in the eighth inning.
George Smith, playing in only
, his second major league game.
collected two doubles and a triple
and Frank l.ary coasted behind
a nine-hitter for Detroit.
lee Stance. (4 3, treated to a
three-run lead in the first inning,
shut out I ,os Angeles on two hits
for seven innings and after yield
ing a run in the eighth needed re
lief help from Bill Dailey in the
ninth. The Twins' early rally was
culminated on a two run single
by Bob Allison and another run
producing hit by Earl Battey
Dean Chance (10 121 look the loss.
By United Press International
Although the Green Bay Pack
ers wear the title of champions
they receive no special privileges
when it comes to hard work.
Coach Vincc Lombardi, still
smarting from the 2017 defeat
administered by the College All
Stars last Friday, sent his squad
through a bone-crushing 15-min-ute
scrimmage Tuesday which
many observers termed "brutal."
The Pittsburgh Steclers, who
meet tho Packers on Saturday
night in Miami, were hard at
work to duplicate the All-Star vic
tory which snapped Green Bay's
.. , ;,,,,. elrinil al 1Q
The Detroit Lions were duly
impressed with rookie Larry rer
geson of Iowa, who scored the
All-Stars' first touchdown against
the Packers. Ferguson was par-
ticipating in ms lust scrimmage
with the Lions.
The Chicago Bears received
welcome news when linebacker
Tom Bcttis' injury, suffered on
Sunday, was reported to be only
a severe elbow sprain, rather
than a dislocated elbow as first
Del Shofner and Dick Modze-
lewski, two stalwarts on the New
York Giants, rejoined workouts
Tuesday, but the New York club
sliced five others from the roster
to reduce their squad to 52 play
ers. Those cut were veteran line
backer Dick Lassc. .lohn Mum
mey, Stan Morgan, Joe Taylor,
and J. R. Williams.
The St. Louis Cardinals held
brief contact drills Tuesday while
five rookies from the College All-
Stars, including Don Brumm of
Purdue, Bill (Thunder) Thornton
of Nebraska, and Bob Paremore
of Florida received their first pro
fessional workouts. '
The Washington Redskins ran
through such a ragged morning j
drill, that head coach Bill Mc- j
afternoon scrimmage which fea
tured two near-fights and a good
blocking exhibition by rookie full
back Dave Francis of Ohio Stale.
to show movies at to
day's hearing of the game, the
third session of the multi-million
dollar libel action.
Griffith, 39, said that the infor
mation about the two formation
would have helped Alabama con
centrate on Georgia's key plays.
Cody asked Grilfith if the notes
Burnett took of the Butts-Bryant
call reflected the two formations
that Griifith considered vital.
"Yes sir, they do," Griffith re
plied. "They show both the . for
malions we planned to usa and
did use."
Admitted Loan
However, Griffith, who admitted
that Botes had loaned him money
and had helped establish his ca
reer as a football coach, said on
cross examination by William
Schroeder, Butts' chief attorney,
that the formations wcrp v.idcl
used in the previous season of
1961 not only by Georgia but the
other Southeastern Conference
Butts, who resigned as athletic
director last February when pub
lication of the Post story became
imminent, has never denied that
he made a telephone call to Bry
ant. But both he and Bryant, who
has also sued the Post, have de
nied that vital inlormalion was
j exchanged
LAUREL, Md. (UPI) - The
dailly double was worth a whop
ping $1,346.80 at Laurel Tuesday
when 53-1 longshot Trentino paid
Sill 00 in the first race and Rub
ber Stamped (S7.C0) took the sec
ond. lost
fist ICtrH IllOllaciU Mlllt
939 S. E. Stephens 673-8166
Even Series 1-
jWestbrooks Or
Slated To Pitch
.. niiei rci i ers i
niv Williams Droved to be the I In t:ie sixth frame Manning walk
"it " na,mSt.PcZ0od Motors, e.d, stole second, took third on a
onmliipr fnr Lockwood Motors,
tossing a nifty four-hitter to put
the defending state champs back
on even footing with Sargent Con
struction (Madison) of Portland in
the best-of-five series for the Ore
gon American Legion baseball
crown Tuesday night at Legion
While Williams was enjoying the
view from the top of the mound,
three Madison hurlers found the
going rough as Roseburg combin
ed six hits, 12 walks and seven
Sargent's errors for eight runs and
an 8-1 triumph.
The victory for Lockwood's even
ed the series at one game each
alter the invaders from Port
land had posted a 2-0 W inning win
Monday. In addition to evening the
slate, Roseburg's win insured a
fourth game would be played
Tonight the two teams will bat
tle for the edge in the playoffs.
Ron Westbrooks (8-2) or Rojelio
Gutierrez (5 0) will pitch for Rose
burg, with Steve Chamberlain (5-3)
set as the tentative starter for Mad
ison. In rolling to Tuesday's victory,
Williams found the sailing smooth
after the initial frame and the
trouble in the first inning was caus
ed by three Roseburg miscucs.
The talented right-hander came
through with flying colors as he
struck out 12 batters, walked
three and limited the hard-hitting
Portland club to just four sin
gles. Williams' no-hit bid was spoil
ed in the bottom of the sixth in
ning when Dave Schacher led off
with a single.
Madison sent a parade of pitch
ers lo the mound usinfi three be
fore the nine-inning battle was end-
ed. Chamberlain started and was
phot-p-prl with the loss after giving
.. ,.,, ,...., in tho cppnnrt inninff
The lanky southpaw was removed
with one out in the third.
Snrypnt's nnpned the scoring in
the first inning with a single un
earned run. Phil Bushman was safe
on a fielding error, then was forc
ed at second by Schacher who in
turn was forced by Keith Lampard.
However, on the relay from second
on Lampard's grounder the ball
was thrown wild and the runner
ended at second. Ron Lucas was in
tentionally passed and Tom Alldrin
i iuea
high fly to leit tiem wnicn
was dropped, allowing Lampard to
Roseburg came back in the top
.. I of the second wHh two runs to
move out in front to stay, lorn
Morrison and Mike Markham drew
back-to-back walks to open the in
ning. With one away Jerry Bou
cock sent a grounder at the first
baseman who turned and fired wild
to second base. Morrison
on the bad throw and
continued around the basepathsi
when Williams singled sharply to
right field.
A combination of walks, an er
ror and a booming triple ny Jim
Beamer gave the winners three in -
surance runs in the fourth stanza
Boucock drew a free pass to start
the rally and was sacrificed to
second by Williams. Mike Blom
berg walked and both runners mov
ed up a base on a wild pitch.
Artie McDonald's ground ball
was booted as Boucock crossed the
plate. An attempted double play
on Bob Manning's grounder ended
as a fielder's choice and Blomberg
scored on the play. Beamer then
smashed his three-bagger to the
base of the lell-centurfield wall to
Umpqua Tennis Tournament
Entry Blanks Now Available
SPTS Umpqua Tennis 2-36 gen boys 14-and-undcr singles and dou-
Lntry blanks for the Umpqua
Valley Open Tennis Tournament to
be held at the Stewart Park courts
Aug. 16-18 are now available.
Blanks may be picked up at the
YMCA building in Stewart Park or
from Al Hoffman at the Roseburg
High School athletic office. Entries
must be returned to Hoffman by
Aug. 14.
The Umpqua Valley Open is be-
ing sponsored by the Roseburg Ten-
nis Association. Action will be
held in nine categories. The brack-
ets inciuue men s singles ana dou
bles, women's singles and dou
bles, junior men's singles and dou
bles, boys 16-and-under singles and
Sports Calendar
Legion Baseball
State Finals
Sarjo"! Construction (Madison)
vs. Lockwood Motors (Roseburg).
8:30 p.m., Legion Field, Roseburg.
Legion Baseball
State Finals
Sargent Construction (Madison)
vs. Lockwood Motors (Roseburg),
8:30 p.m., Legion Field, Roseburc.
Church League
North Roseburg vs. Vets Pa
tients, 6:30 p.m., VA Diamond I.
CONCRETE 500-1500 Gal.
12 in. to 48 in.
Permanent Installation
And Free Esti motes Call
PIPE CO ... 672-2694
score Manning.
throwing error ana scored when
Beamer tuea out deep to center-
neiaer Busnman. iwo more runs
crossed the plate in the seventh on
singles by Boucock and Williams,
a walk and two errors.
At the plate Beamer was the hit
ting star for the Lockwood Motors
crew. The veteran catcher drove in
two runs with a triple and a sin
gle in three official appearances.
Williams aided his own cause with
a pair of base raps for four at
Schacher accounted for an even
50 per cent of Sargent's hits with
a 2-4 record.
In Tuesday's game fielding took
a backseat to Williams' pitching
performance, though Roseburg'
played errorless ball after a shaky
first inning.
Despite seven errors made by his
teammates, the fielding play of
the evening was Lampard's grab
in right field of a hard smash off
the bat of Manning. Manning pick
ed on a fat pitch and sent a lower
ing fly to deep right which Lam
pard snared just short of the
boards while going away from
the infield.
brlirbl t , "A"1
Riichm.n. rl A fl A n
BiomDerg.iT i u u schacher,3b 6 0 0 0 Lampard.rf
Manning 5 7 0 1 Jtfc.s. f
Bemer.c 3 0 2 2
Morrison.rf 3 10 0 Lindbtad.lf-2b
Markham,2b 3 110 J'50"'?,
Chamb I n, p 5 0 0 0 Lambcrl,p
4 0 2 0
4 10 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 10
4 0 10
2 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
10 0 0
0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
10 0 0
Boucock,3b 3 2 10 Brown, If
j , 2 , Linacr la!
0 0 0 Jogicliki.c
Totals 36 S a 4 Totals
33 I 4 0
Roseburg ' - 030 301 2008
Sargent Const. 100 000 0001 4 7
E Blomberg, McDonald, Markham, All
drin, Smith 3, Lindblad, Nelson 2. PO-A
Rsbg 27-9; SC 27-9. LOB Rsbg 14; SCI.
3B Beamer. SB Manning 3, Morrison. SH
! Pitching RtCOrd
IP n r er Db so
9 4 1 0 3 12
! sF-Bcamcr
j cnamberiain il s-3i
2 13 2 2 1 3 3
1 33 3 3 0 3 1
i Lambert
Lucas S 3 3 0 6 1
WP Lambert, Williams. Balk Chamber
lain. Lucas 2. PB Ncison.
Umpires Meyers, Walker, Shaw. T 2:41.
Alt 1.814.
Klamath Falls Ruthers
Down Canadians 14-2
KELLOGG, Idaho (UPI) Kla
math Falls walloped New West
minister, B.C., 14-2 in the first
round of the regional Babe Ruth
baseball tournament Tuesday
Riverton, Wyo., defeated Ketchi
kan, Alaska, 11-3, Aberdeen,
Wash., scored a lfi-3 victory over
Wallace, Idaho, and Great Falls,
Mont., tonued Kellogg 9-4 in other
! opening games of the eight-team.
i aoudle-eliminalion meet.
Klamath Falls rolled up an 8-1
lead against the British Columbia
team in the first three innings of
seven-inning contest.
boo Williams pitched a rour-hit-
, tor and catcher Dave Lyman hit
three-run homer for the Oregon
Klamath Falls meets Great
Falls al 8:30 p.m. and Riverton
faces Aberdeen at 6 p.m. in win
ners' bracket games tonight.
Pro Cage Game Slated
Angeles Lakers and the San Fran
cisco Warriors will meet in an
exhibition professional basketball
I game here Friday, Oct. 11.
USLTA rules will govern all play
during the tournament. Players
will be expected to serve as um
pires and linesmen if requested to
do so during the tournament.
Junior players will be limited lo
three events, and must report to
the Stewart Park courts by 8 a.m.
i Aug. lb". Play in the men's events
will begin at 6 p.m. the same day.
j Trophies will be awarded to the
: first place winners in each division,
with medals being presented to the
runner-ups. In order to assure tnai
every participant will play at least
two matches a consolation bracket
for first round losers is being con
templated. 7
For further information contact
Tom Keel, city director of parks,
or Hoffman. Keel is serving as
tournament director.
I 11
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