The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 06, 1963, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Newi-Review, Roscburg,, Ore. jTues., Aug. 6, 1963
Signing Of Test Ban Treaty Expected
To Moderate Debate On South Africa
UNITED NATIONS, N Y. (UPDI Before the debate started there , bers of the Security Council, were
Western diplomats today ex-j
pected the sinning of the test ban
treaty in Moscow to moderate the
Soviet Union s position in a de
bate on South African racialism.
The current relaxed atmosphere
in U.S. -Soviet relations, informed
sources said, may manifest itself
when the Soviets speak today in
the continuing debate on the
South African government's
apartheid policies.,
'Radical Right1
Doesn't Worry
GOP Chairman
chairman of the Republican par
ly is not worried about the in
fluence of the so-called "radical
right" on his parly.
William E. Miller, New York
congressman, told a news con
ference Monday he is not wor
ried about any party split next
"I do not know what the so
called ultra - right wing is," he
said. "I do not know who it is.
I do not know where It is."
"The Republican party is com
posed of the same kind of people
it has always had and 1 see no
evidence of its leadership falling
into the hands of an ultra group
of any kind or of being infiltrated
by such a group," he continued.
Miller, here for a fast check
on arrangements for next year's
f!OIJ convention, predicted that
the Republicans could win the
1SB4 election if they get a "fair
percentage" of the big city votes.
"We didn't just lose we got
clobbered in the big cities," he
said. He suggested that the Re
publicans have "gained muscle"
in metropolitan areas by setting
up headquarters, pushing get-out-
tne-vole campaigns, and directing
intensive appeals to minority and
lanor groups.
As lo the partv s choice next i
,..,.. r..- n ;,i.,.,i;..i .,.,, i;.i.,,
Miller said it would be a "wide
open" convention with the possi- 'anvciy a ovcu 101 iuciumuii in
bilily that a dark horse could win''1" '.' tnx-revi.sion-androduclion
the' nomination. ibill. The revision would bar use
Rut he listed Sen. Barry Gold-1 of the averaging device to lower
water of Arizona, Gov. Nelson A. I tax rates on income from gam-
Rockefeller of New York. Gov.
William Scranlon of Pennsylvania,
i.oy. i.eorgc Komney ni iwicmgnn ,
ami aen. inrusion morion oi lsen-
lucky as leading contenders.
Fair Reschedules
Famed Marionettes
The celebrated l.esselll Marion-
elles will return to the Douglas I
County fair, Aug. 14-18, for a
fourth engagement when they pre
sent their fascinating collodion of!
circus animals, clowns and variety
'l he performance has proven
popular with children and adults i
A nationwide reputation for large
... . :r..i ... . , .. . I
.11111 k-.iiii inu puppeis iniiows inoi iiniiiiiiii.-i-
Lessellis Marionettes ilo leave untouched all of the tax
From (heir collection of hundreds ! concessions enjoyed by the oil in-1
or puppets they have chosen Iheseldustry except the relief that big i
marionettes to entertain fairgo- oil producing firms got from a;
Cyco. lhe clown, who ride
unicycle and juggles at the same
time; two dancing rag dolls, whose
dance ends with a sensational ac
robatic trick : l.eo the Lion, who
has a mind nf his nun and finally
tames the lion tamer.
Others are Fleurette. lhe donkey.
who succeeds in disposing of
wayward balloon; Mike, the inon-
key on the flying trapeze; Boxo.
v,,,,,,,, ,.,, inuui.v i .ikim in
:iMfl ni'i-nhntif miminf ,i,.lc I
and acrobatic puppet acts
An old favorite, Winky. an elf
like character who has become a
national trademark ol lhe Lessellis
by registration Willi lhe U.S. Pat
ent Office, heads off this line ol
puppet stars and acts as master of:,,,,,,.. ....,. wu.u. ,1,-ivine i
Ralph B. Rogers
mm ii ,,,,,,. .1
I he body of Ralph B. Rogers. (,il
of Ravenna, Mich., has been sent !
lo Ravenna for funeral ami inter-
ment fiulay.
Rogers died Aug. 3 at a Canwm-.
ville hospital fi.llowiti" iniunes' re
rcivci! in an amomolMle a
July 27 near Azalea.
Rogers was publisher of several
rural newspapers in the Michigan
city anil active in civic affairs in '
in.ii. nic.1. i lie laiai acciiiem or-;
cut red as Rogers was on his way
home from a meeting of newspaper I
publishers in Seattle. ;
The body was sent bv plane from I
Portland Monday for services Kri-!
.1 - ni tl.n i i ...1....1: ..
ii.i ni t. .1. nn- ii.i-ina .lll-IIIIIIIIM .
f'hm-..h i.,i.. ...11 i 1..
Ravenna Cemetery. I
His wife, Gladys, injured in the
same accident, is still hospitalized
in Canvonville but is expected to
be released in about three weeks.
A daughter, Barbara, also injured, respondent. Days Creek and Louis Ashbuiigh Discharqed Pine St Mondav morninr
has been released from the hospi-! 0ver 500 persons from Tenmile, of Great Falls. Mont.: three il.uii;h- Mis. Muiilcriliiif Rose- ..''". "' .. ,','
tal. Rosehurg. Winston. Camas Valley ! lers, Mrs Bernice itarmon of Lo- Imrg: Viclnr Morse. Donald station owner, Dallas Ben
Survivors besides his wife and , other areas turned out and a; leta. Calif.: Mrs. Dorothy Lewis of Graham, both of Oakland: G ene '"'" s""' tbe defendant was one of
daughter Baroara include two oth-' net prolit of S-lHI was recorded. I Alturas. Calif , and Mrs. Babe Col- Carr. Je.inme I'arr, both nf Myrtle two women who came into his
er daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Car-! Money will be used te purchase i son of Port Orford. Ore.: five sis- .Creek; Trac Den'lev, Mrs. 'Ivan store to sell magazine subscrip
penter, of Kalamazw, Mirh., and ! 'ire fighting equiiment and to pay I ters, Flossie Collins of Long Creek. Fgelesion. both of Suillerliir (ilvnn turns He noticed the trading
.Mrs Richard King, of Indian lliv- nrncc prcmiMins on the newly-: Ore. ; Nita Branstetter and l.eona Wdhams. Winston. ' ' SI;imps .,.,., 80ne aftcr ,,c women
er, Mich.: one son, Ralph Jr., of : acquired fire truck, Mrs. I oats ! Rustic, both of Bridger, Mont . Ilea Douglas Community Hospital i.,t,
n. .i..i.:i.i ! sjiiH lll ..f I...- A .. ....I.... .,,,.1 ii . r llu-
i II 1-iiiin . nun ni- fci iiiiiii iiiiiii I'll. ;
Ganz Mortuary is in charge of:
local arrangements. '
. . A I J
I ncorporarion hskco
SALEM (I III Winchester
Ilav Investment Company,
Reedspoort firm which will110 ,"'s- t-oals.
charter vessels, has filed articles!
. ; :
i .U.,.
FoFrescr G. and Betly I.. Tay -
lor as4 UftSfo &. MMflgr we Hjj;
had been fears that Soviet dele -
Sale Nikolai 1. redorenko would
use the debate as a springboard
from which to atlack the United
States lor its own racial troubles.
The atmosphere of friendliness in
Moscow over the last week, how
ever, makes this unlikely, the
sources said.
There was little doubt, how
ever, that Ecdorenko would de
liver a slashing atlack on South
Alrica and its policies. I he So
viets have so far not spoken in
uie oenaie, wmcn began last
Britain also was listed to speak
at the session this afternoon. Brit
ish delegate Sir Patrick Dean was
expected to call for moderation in
dealing with the problem, while
at the same time calling for abo
lition of the whole theory of
Meanwhile, African members of
the United Nations readied a call
for an ironclad embargo on arms
shipments to South Africa.
Ghana, the Philippines and Mo
rocco, tbe thee Afro-Asian mem-
House Group Okays
Tax Relief Plan
For Professionals
Mouse Ways & Means Committee
j today gave its final approval to
SKI million in special tax relief
for professional athletes, actors,
authors and others whose incomes
The proposal, recommended by
President Kennedy, would enable
taxpayers to "average" their tax
able income over a five-year pe
riod in computing their tax bills.
This would permit a person to
avoid being thrown into an ex
tremely high tax bracket should
he suddenly strike it rich after
,,(,( aonR on ln0(k,sl inralm..
.... f.nmmii,.n miirio nnlv .inn
, . , r "
change in the draft of the pro-
,wl,ich il previously had ten-!
bling. or "wagering" of any kind
Moving swiftly toward the finish I
line in the drafting of a coinpro-
misP vers on of Kennedy's tax-1
I cutting program, the committee
Affirmed an earlier decision
ilo scale down the tax advantages
I of "trafficking" in real estate
which have been systematically
exploited by syndicates of in
vestors set up for that purpose.
The tougher tax rules would pro-
I diicc about $15 million in new lax
revenue' from profits from sale of
real estate.
Gave the administration a
surprise $30 million tax victory
! by reversing its earlier decision
i lo urant a snecial new lax break
I ,.. ...,,..., .it;.m nvuMi. 1
lives enioviiiL' lavish fringe bene-'
,i.i... :i... Al I ., ., .I.,i. ,l
temih iran lonercss nine years
Youth In Hospital
After Auto Mishap
Huh, 'H l.awson. 17. of Camas
Vallev, was Healed at Douglas i
Community Hospital Monday for in-:
,unes susiameii wnen ne was i
. . . , .
llospilal officials said l.awson'
was released after being treated. !
The accident occurred about 8 j
a.m. i
Douglas County Deputy Sheriff
' ! t'ii I'm-ninn ullill I Illl-Vllll lllltl.'ir. i
enuy went 10 sieep wniir nnving j
;home from work. His car lefl the j
I highway, traveled 293 fee. ami j
struck a telephone pole two park-
:ed vehicles and a telephone booth, !
.... 1
the deputy said.
,.ilws0-s r;. w
1 . "... , Z , i ;
. , , , . .. ' .
.... ., ,." .
( ""P'T ! lollage Grove, was also
ines' re. totaled. Also damaged was a pick- : .. t -accident
'"P owned by Robert W. Willis of Delia OlltlOnOUSe
Slar Route, Winston. J
totaled. Also damaged was a pick
lie is Die son of Don Willis of
l amas Valley, correspondent Lou-
isa Coats reported
I enmilp BetlPrll"
1 C" C
D -.fnrl
An 1.1,1. i. .. ..... .... .... .
cial. a benefit event staged Sunday !
' I-ockwood l-ark in Venmile by
'be Tenmile Volunteer Fire De-'
1 partnient was a huge success, ac-:
; cording to Mrs. Walter Coats, cor-1
, .. ;
Besides the attractions of Ice I
cream and home made pies and I
,,,, ii. nuiiitu in nil-
. rmnniunilv tln.r.. ti...r..
' i I
'' me eniwrc aim norse-
p.,,,,,..-. mi nn. iiun .ii.ui
j persons lingered to enjoy lhe so-1
inability of lhe occasion, according
",c i"r "".. " ' mo ucpari-
in i nrtt m- Ht-.iut-n
h V TPM EtlBPll f-MO bLim .lra...i
1 si'nvo from tile native conimti -
, vr. uccording to committee mem
1 expected to propose the embargo
in a resolution to me council ses
sion. lhe call lor an emnargo is
in line with U.S. policy as stated
by Ambassador Adlai Stevenson
last Kriday. It falls short of de
mands made earlier by some
African delegates for a resolution
which would expel or at least
suspend South Africa from the
international body.
Nixon Warns
On New Pact
LONDON (UPI) Former Vice
President Richard M. Nixon to
day "welcomed" the signing of
a partial nuclear test-ban treaty
but warned the Western alliance ;
not to weaken itself because j
"we've been burned before" by J
Soviet Premier Nikila S. Khrush- j
ehev. ' I
"Although there seems to be a ;
lhaw in the cold war, I am not !
as optimistic about the test-ban
treaty as many Western leaders,
Nixon said. "I think we've been
burned before once with the
spirit of Geneva and lhe other
time with the spirit of Vienna.
"Naturally, I welcomed the
signing of the treaty, hut lhe fact
remains as far as Khrushchev's
cold war activities are concerned,
they have not changed. Subver
version, espionage and support
of Communist fronts in Europe,
Africa, Asia and Latin America
are still his main goals."
Nixon spoke lo newsmen short
ly before his departure or the ,clcRill(.s. Ihe Japanese r'edera- i But the trade federation, the
United States after an eight-week , t,,,,, f Trauc Unions charged to-' largest labor organization in Ja
yacation in Europe Willi his fam- day. piin. announced it was pulling out
i'y- ' The second session of the Ninth of the current meeting although
"The spirit of Moscow should , " it intended to remain a member
be taken for what il is-an accept- i , . . of the Japan council against alom-
ance by Mr. Khrushchev of what lift flPtl AflPrC Flltf! 'e and hydrogen bombs
we proposed five vears ago," VUlUoll MltClb Mllll ! A federation statement said the
Nivni said ' 'il II Japanese Communist party sent
' ,? 5 ' HnilCIPn IC NOOflOn ' ",(,ri-' delegates to Hiroshima than
Nixon, who is now an attorney : I IUU3lly 13 I1CCUCU it was supposed to. The federa
in New York City, said the sign- I lion is allied with the Socialists,
ing of the treaty "obviously was i The Golden Age Club has con-j Both trade and Socialist sources
a tactical move bv Mr. Khrush- eluded from a study of housing in voiced fears the Communist mini-
chev. He is having internal Iron- ; the Roscburg area that more of it ' Oliver meant lied China's support
bles and he needs a pause on the is needed for elderly people. : ers might dominate the meeting.
Western fronl " The review of lhe housing needs I It opened Monday with a wither
"I think tint -inv ,,.,,, f elderly citizens was timed : in.-4 blast by Cliao 'u-Cliu. lead
i ininK mat .in non-aggies- :;,, , ,:,,, .,, :;. , ,,., i er of the Communist Chinese dele-
ho said. "There is no way such ,
a pact could possibly have the
'slap f approval' of lhe West -
cm alliance ,.,! il i in....i ,.i ;
the division of Europe.
Reedsport Planners
IlkriV HfimaC Prniort
j wim iwywvi poor.
, t, i , ,,. " was reported lhal al the lime
lhe Reedsport City Planning f ,,,, 10 t.PnsllSi approximately
Commission .Monday night reeoni-lu ,,,- c.c,n, ()f Hoscburg's popula
mended approval of International 1 tion was 65 and over. The lotal
Paper Co. s preliminary plal for a j was 1.313, of which 662 were males
200-lot Forest Hills homes develop- : ami 651 were females. Those over
n,1!nl- 50 number 3.052.
Thomas Payne, general manag-!
el nf IP's milii mid n.itii.i. til-,tit
construction at Gardiner, eslimat- 1
i ed that construction on the housing '
in-.i ,wl vti,il, I... nlli...,
. i ..,,,h , , na
about mid-September Willi the
start of construction in the No. i
group of 66 homes.
The planners' reeoniinendation is i
i,,,.,.,i ., n: r.,.,, .....i ,
arils. Street widths and per lot
j cost of development entered into
I much of the discussion belween
I the commission ami Payne. Pavue
j pointed mil that I'll A .standards
set a $12,500 to $16,500 price
j range for the homes if they are to
! serve the averace emnloves of llu
mini,,!,,.. .,,, ,,n,,,,. ....
, the ninimunitv, correspondent
Dawn Peseau reports.
al lhe
.ininii.i .
. t
Three Firemen Itiiured
. . . . '.
Fmhtina SchOO IB fJ7P
TACOMA (t'PI) Three fire-:
. illjllm, in ,,, ,
,,,,,, J nilV(.,. ,.ark Sen",
OisU it-fs educational television
;,, .,,.,,., 5li, . , clover ,
I Park vocational school just south
"' llm' l'"rly lu,la'
estimates placed
lhl. os
al more than Sloti.iioii.
Kim, .,-,! f.,,. n..u, v.,..
zena Olingiiouse. 70, of Old lligh-
way 99 south of Canvonville, will
be held in Myrtle Creek Wednes
day. She died suddenly in her
sleep at her home Saturday.
She was born in Centerville.
Iowa, Aug 22. 1S9L". She was mar
ried to James B. (Ring) tiling
I .. ., ,., . ,,
house M arch 3. 193i . at Reno. Nev
M,' hai1 ''veil in the area since
19-3. moving here from W ashing
ton state.
Survivors besides her husband
are two sons. Earl A: hhaugh of
",.,, ii ,i i.i.T iim . .iii.i it. .'n-
Vauchn of Springfield. Ore, two
brothers. Farley Summers of Cot-
l.iyi- illli; .lull lillllillll ,-iuill lllt-l
..f n i 1 1.1
i.ini'ii'-. nn- . i.' si .linn iiiiiinn
ana inree great granocniiiiren
i i uiit-iiii m-i u i-s win in- i it-it i in
the chapel of Gum Mortuary in
Myrtle Creek Wednesday ai 10
am. with the Rev Don t ampbell
; , ,IH. .aJinninc j.cwiomsi
i v niircn uiuciailM.
Tl... I....I.- .. .11 I... . 1 ll. VI.
' sonic Cemetcrv in limailn it
: iiesday afternoon fr gr.icnle
i mtvicps and mtcrmpnt.
. - .,-rr!"---.w rj
THREE-YEAR-OLD Lyn Seely. who last week had her hand
mangled by a bear, uses her left hand to hold a crayon on
her drawing board as her mother, Mrs. Ivy Seely, visits
her at Canoga Pork Hcspircl at Canoga Park, Calif. Little
Lyn doesn't know yet that doctors amputated her hand
last Friday. A circus bear mangled her right hand last
week when she reached into a cage to pet it, thinking
it was a large dog. (UPI Telephoto)
Japanese Communists Align
With China On Test Treaty
HIROSHIMA, Japan (UPI) World Conference against Atomic
Japanese Communists aligned with ! and Hydrogen Bombs opened in
Red China in opposition to the j Hiroshima today on the 18th an
Mnseow test ban agreement have ! niversary of the World War II
packed an international anti-nu-! obliteration of the city by an
.." ' ? "... , '
. .. .iiiiU .iiine u. inu ii.ii.miik
"' - ' '
ai-"v ,u ."'" '"""'
..... , ,, ,, ;
I III a llUlSlieil. IllC StllCIV UlKCIl
from records of lhe lilliO federal j
j census and the University of Ore-1
i gon's Bureau of Municipal Re-1
! search shows that the number of el-1
l I.. n n i ....!... : .l .1...
UUI I, IJIMIIJIU l.- illlll llli:
iivaili,biliy (,t bousing for them is
In the county, the total number
nf thiw Rrt :mrl river w.-w .1 W Thic
figure is important, the sludy indi-1
rates, because many people Would
hki t,i hvi ill in llni'luinr :ir,.;i ,
lhe survey shows that in liltitl, I
a total of 3.871 bousing units exist-j
ed ,n Roscburg. Of this number.
V',lv -1-4" wvre 1!'.!'.m,m
mi was ucicriiiuicii oui nuns m me
,-iiv In nniir loiiiliiinn
Ihat thev were virtually useless.
11 concludes: Since lhe maiorilv i
of the elderlv are in the low-in-
conic group, it is obvious that onlv i
poor housing is available to them."
This survey and its effect on the
fildot i1 i-jimt-v will hi f1iitwvif1
al Wednesday night's meeting in
the Citv Council chambers at 7:30.
Overdose Of Sedatives
Puts Man In Hospital
A L'! year-uld Winston m;ui is be
lieveil lo have attempted suicide
iimiiiiay uy uiMiig an I'veuioM' in
sedative drugs, according lo Win-,
I slon City Police.
" '''". '.n ' '
gens was reported in satisfactory
KSnUc h"t's cHlcr
, "'''i , " ,, 0 I i m
ihe l.vman home and S
ceiuicin n. i.yman oi i..i ,ior-
victim' iinconseiues.
said the annarent
attempt occurred at aoout 1 :3U
pin., reports I'liehe Mcltuire.
News-Review correspondent. In
vestigaion revealed I.yman. re
cently despondent, left suicide
notes to his wife and '.bree sons.
Hospital News
Visiting Hours
2 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m.
Mercy Hospital
U.l.l. 1 t .
In.lg: Mrs' Kenm-lh MiCiure. Sulh-
erlin: Paula Greenwood. Brock-
ledge. Fin.
Surgery: Jennifer Winterfeld. Jil-
lia l.aas. Jamc
l.Uto. all of
, Roscburg.
Medical: Kenneth l.wnan Mrs
Ronald Horner, Mrs Leon Dupper
l.l-MC! i.i:c K'U'ht'lle I Ml 1 1 1 1 1'
,-i '.. .. . ' '
ui yiiillies IllliMli
;itl of Roe-
imrg; Mr
Emmett Hav. Vireil
Ro.i Elliott, all of Win
stun; Mr
s, Huth liiggs. Myrtle
Monica Morse.
ixenneta Sthmnit, boib W .Jrtle
M9 Ryh?ii M toouh. I'aul CMav-tot-.
botn of nosfburc; Paul Kii-
Ji.itp, Oak'and
for signing a partial nuclear test
.,, ,,... ...hi, ii, ivi
Socialists at
the conference
want to condemn any sort ol nu
,.,.,. 0lin.- -nl Imvn nnn nn
r,.col-, j'n favor of the Moscow
pact. The "hard line" Chinese
Communist view is that nuclear
testing is bad only when it is
I....1 .,,,),. .h, II i.- .....wh.lnrl 1...
,1,11., ii il i.- .viiuii, i. ,i ,,j
i Western powers.
Bogus Creek Camp
I Gets Face Lifting
The Bogus Creek Recreation
! Area located approximately four
miles downstream from Steamboat
Kanttcr Station on the North Ump-
."a . Highway is in the process of
-luiiK .1 "CM lining inn.
. . ,, ,,,..,. ,,r n,n m
hanks to Hit tlloits ol me III-
'"an r
''' 1 '"CI. ' V!"'
vide visitors a more desirable pic-
nicking spot, reports Dick Harlan,
P"blic information officer al Steam-
boat Ranger Station.
Under the foremanship of t.or-
don White, the suppression crew is
clearing the area of snags, blow
down debris and poison oak. I hey
are also cleaning, widening and
rocking all of the trails within the j
picnic area, it is reported hy Mrs.
Arthur Selhy, correspondcM.
The regional crew is kept on a 1
standby basis for initial attack and j
olher firefighting duties that re-1
quire their capabilities on forest !
: fires anvwhere in Region 6. During !
their lax time, between fires, the
: crew directs ineir euons lo nuii-
vitlual districts for trail mainten-1
lance, recreation development and
lhlM. (ulk,s as assigned.
iher duties as assigned.
c k k.,ljc
wi ' ''.'
'tunning water is available in
the picnic and camping areas
al Bogus Creek.
UnmMP1 Plonrlc filliltv
wwiiimii ivmm j
To Charge Of Larceny
A 22 -year-old West Virginia wom
an waived Grand Jury hearing and
pleaded guilty to larceny from a
building when she appeared before
Circuit Court Judge Don Sanders
Judith Ann Adams of Mount
Cl ue was sentenced to serve five
lays ,he co,,n''
The woman was arraigned on a
complaint charging her with the
theft of trading stamps from Ben-
nett's Texaco Service at 609 SE
The defendant was arrested la
t r in the morning and admitted
the theft. Roscburg City Police re-
Hrted. No charges were filed
against the other woman.
'.)' Fit! IctiM. lattltlattll ItliltftK
939 f. E. Stephens 673-8164
Soviet Trtil$
Join Americans
In Quake City
SKOPJE, Yugoslavia (UPI)-So-viet
troops today joined American
soldiers who arrived ten days ago
to aid this city shattered by
About 500 Russian soldiers
brought 125 bulldozers and other
machines to help clear away the
rubble from the July 26 earth
quake which ruined the once
model city and killed an estimat
ed 2.000 persons.
Yugoslav officials said the So
viet army unit came after an
agreement was signed with the
Soviet government. A 250-man
U.S. Army hospital unit arrived
only two days after the disaster
and has been treating injured sur
vivors ever since.
The American medics said they
will stay as long as they are
needed. Today, Lt. Col. Vladimir
Gunjkov, the commander of the
Soviet unit, told newsmen his unit
also will stay as long as it is
The U.S. Army medical team
began treating patients as soon
as it arrived. Gunjkov no sooner
arrived by train with his bull
dozer unit than he, too, said he
wanted to start work immedi
ately. There is a great deal of work
to do.
Yugoslav officials, having end
ed their intensive hunt for bodies
in the rubble, mapped prompt
plans for rebuilding the city. They
announced this morning plans to
throw up prefabricated houses for
12,000 persons before winter sets
The 12,000 will form the nu
cleus of the workers rebuilding a
city which lost 85 per cent of its
dwellings in five seconds of trem
bling earth. About half the pre
quake population of 200.000 have
fled or been evacuated.
Umpqua Forester
Wins Promotion
David E. Note, former timber
sale officer on the North Umpqua
District, headquartered at Steam
boat Ranger Station, has been pro
moted and transferred to the Mt.
Baker National Forest in Washing
ton where he will assume the posi
tion of resource assistant on the
Darlington Ranger District, head
quartered al Darlington.
His newly acquired position of
resoun e assistant will include rec
reation management and timber
stand improvement, according lo
Dick Harlan, public information of
ficer at Steamboat station.
During the five years that Note
was stationed at Steamboat, he ac-
, quired experience in recreation
I management, large sale layout,
; large sale administration and fire
j control.
Note's wife, Beverly,' and two
daughters will accompany him to
' his new home and job in Darring
ton, reports Mrs. Arthur Selby, cor
respondent. With the advent of new arrivals
and recent transfers, the Slcam
: K.ii itmii'.ii- motion has cxDcrienc-
ed several personnel changes. Ray
Armstrong, formerly at the Little
River District, is now heading up
the timber department at Steam
boat. Ronald E. Waitt, former tim
ber sales layout officer, has as
sumed the position of small sales
Charles Timbcrman. now large
sales administrator, turned over
his job as silviculture assistant to
Wavne Nelson. Robert Booker is
now in charge of large sale layout
after turning over his responsibil
ities of road administration to Kirk
Otto D. Davis
Otto Durell Davis, 80, 119 SE
Houck St., Roscburg, died at his
home Monday evening.
Davis was born May 28, 1883, at
Allha, Iowa. He had lived in the
Roscburg area for the past four
years, coming here from Dubuque,
Iowa, lie married Edith Braython
at Waukoma, Iowa, on Feb. 29,
1904. Davis was a member of the
Congregational Church of Rose
burg. Surviving besides his wife ar
two sisters, Mrs. Carol Cross, Ker
sey. Colo., and Mrs. Sara Swart-,
Independence. Iowa; four grand
children; and 16 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held
Thursday at 10 a.m. at Long and
Shukle Memorial Chapel with the
Rev. Don Smith of the Weslside
Christian Church officiating. Pri
vate cremation will follow at the
Reslhaven Memorial Park. Eugene.
Moves To Portland
Jorgenson. former supervisor of
the Gifford Pinchot National For
est. Vancouver. Wash., has been
promoted to Assistant Regional
Forester at the l;.S. Forest Serv
ice in Portland.
Jorgenson has been auditor-in-charge
for four Western Regions
of the Forest Service for the past
two years.
Zenith Hearing Aid
Now ol
Chapman's Pharmacy
Every Wednesday
9 o.m. to S p.m.
Repairi BorteriesAccottoriel
for mott makes
I Public Hearing Scheduled
lFor Umpqua Basin Project
Public hearings on a tentative I
plan for water resources develop- J
ment in the Umpqua Basin are
scheduled for Aug. 1964 it was
announced this week by the Corps
of Engineers.
Henry Stewart of the Corps plan
ning branch in Portland, speaking
at a Roscburg (Area) Chamber of
Commerce forum Monday noon
made the announcement.
Following hearings, to be held in
communities in this area, a report
recommending basin development
will be ready for consideration
about Feb. 1965. Stewart said.
Speaking on "Water Resources
Planning for the Umpqua River
Basin," Stewart stated that the
goal is to develop a plan for com
prehensive development of Ump
qua River water resources. Eigbt
project functions must bt consid
ered, lie said, including water sup
ply, water quality control, flood
control, fish and wildlife preserva
tion, recreation and others.
Post-Mortem Is Conducted
On Body Of Playboy Medic
LONDON (UPI) Dr. Donald
Teare, the Home Office patholo
gist, conducted a post-mortem on
the body of Dr. Sephen Ward to
day lo determine officially what
drug the play-boy osteopath used
to commit suicide.
The operation lasted little more
than a half hour, but its results
will not be made known until the
official inquest into Ward's death.
The inquest will be held Friday.
Meanwhile the British press con
tinued to hammer away at the
case which at one point threat
ened to topple the government of
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan.
"There is deep disquiet among
the public, M.P.'s (Members of
Parliament) and lawyers at the
the Daily Herald said in an edi-
, torial today.
j Ward. 50, died last Saturday
from an overdose of barbiturates.
: He had swallowed the drugs the
previous Wednesday, hours before
i an Old Bailey jury convicted him
on two counts of living off the
earnings of prostitutes.
Ward faced a maximum pos
sible sentence of 14 years in jail.
But he died without regaining
consciousness, and never even
knew he had been found guilty.
Ward left behind notes saying
he was sorry lo "disappoint the
vultures" he felt were making
him a scapegoat for the sex-and-sccurity
scandal still reverberat
ing through Brilain.
June E. Larson
June Elizabeth Larson, 51, nf
North Myrtle Road in Myrtle Creek,
died suddenly Sunday at a Rose
burg hospital after a short illness.
She was born July 27, 1912, in
Chicago. She moved to (he Myrtle
Creek area in 1946 ft cm Chicago.
She was married lo Leonard Lar
son Oct. 17, 1953, in Canvonville.
She was a member of All Souls
j Catholic Church in Myrtle Creek.:
At one time she had been a buyer;
! for men's wear for Sak's in Chi-1
j cago. She served in the Canadian
WAAF during World War II. t
j She is survived by her husband,
j Leonard, of Myrtle Creek.
A reading of the rosary is sched-:
j uled for 8 p.m. Wednesday in the I
'chapel of Ganz Mortuary at Myr-i
I tie Creek. Kcquium mass will be at ,
All Souls Catholic Church Thurs
I day al 9 a.m. with Father Floyd;
j Dillon officiating. I
Edward Patitz
Funeral services for Edward II.
Patitz. 60, Dillard, who died at I
his home early Sunday, will be I
held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Long !
and Shukle Memorial Chapel with !
the Rev. Harry Olsen of the As- i
sembly of God Church of Molalla '
officiating. Interment will follow I
at Roscburg Memorial Gardens. I
Grass Fire Doused j
The Roscburg Rural Fire Depart-1
ment quickly extinguished a mi-
nor grass fire Monday on the Rob-:
ert Grecnley property, 23j.l .W
Calkins Road, Roscburg.
Firemen received the call at 3:15
p.m. No damage was reported and
cause of the fire is undetermined.
When our mind is clcudcd with gnef, we a'c readv to
help vpu m any wov ord eery way, tn a manner that
is truly pervcol end -rmiy understanding.
Frank and Jewell Long
A. F. (Tony) and Vera Shukle
Long & Shuttle
PHONE 672-261 1
The primary objective of the
completed project, he indicated, is
to utilize the potential to most near
ly satisfy the needs and wants of
the residents of the area.
Presently included in the study
are a proposed 360-foot dam on
the South Umpqua near Tiller, pro
viding 450,000 acre feet of water
storage or an alternate 275 to 300
foot dam near Days Creek provid
ing from 600.000 to 650,000 acre
feet of storage. Also on the draw
ing board are a 190-200-foot dam
at Galesville to store 75,000 acre
feet and a. 200-210 -foot dam at Hin
klc to store another 70,000 acre
Stewart concluded by indicating
that it is the desire of the Corps to
hold frequent meetings with dif
ferent groups in the area between
now and next fall to learn the
desires and opinions of the people
of the area to be affected by the
proposed project.
It was Ward, in his role as so
cicly osteopath and artist, who
introduced former War Minister
John Profumo to red-haired Chris
tine Keelcr. 21. Macmillan's gov
ernment almost collapsed when
Profumo admitted he" had lied to
the House of Commons about his
relationship with the girl.
Miss Keeler said she had been
having an affair with a Soviet
naval attache at the same time.
The naval attache, Eugene Ivan
ov, was recalled behind the Iron
Curtain before the scandal broke.
Young Adults Meet
Scheduled At T
An organizational meeting for
single young adults is scheduled
fur Thursday al the Y.MCA build
ing in Stewart Park at 7:30 p.m.
Club membership is primarily
for men and women 18-29 years of
age. Program activities will in
clude a variety of events centered
around the needs and interests of
single adults.
Wayne Schulz, secretary of the
YMCA, slated today that this age
group is the most "left out" in the
community in respect to whole
some social activities. A previous
YMCA adult club held events such
as parties, trips, dinners, discus
sion groups and participated in
community service projects.
All interested adults are asked
to attend Thursday's meeting.
Bloodmobile Slated
Thursday In Winston
The Red Cross Bloodmobile Unit
Will be in Winston Thursday at the
Winston Fire Department from 4
to 7 p.m.
Donors in the area arc invited lo
visit the Bloodmobile in order to ,
meet lhe sel quota of 50 pints.
This is the first time the Bloodmo
bile has visited in Winston.
The Evergreen Grange will be in
charge of the canteen. Other or ganizations
assisting are the Win-'
ston - Dillard Toaslmistress Club.
Winston Fire Department and the
Winston-Dillard Kiwanis Club. Dr.
Harry L. VanDermark. local phy
sician, will be in charge.
Viola Adams
A former Roscburg re.-ident, Mrs.
Viola Adams. 76. of Springfield died
Monday as the result of a car ac
cident at Redmond.
.Mrs. Adams and her husband re
sided in Roscburg for many years.
He was employed by the Southern
Pacilic Railroad until his death.
Mrs. Adams is survived by a '
daughter. Phyllis, of Bend; threV
sisters; and several nieces and
nephews. Mrs. Ray Brosi of Win
ston is a niece.
Funeral services will be held at ;
the Buell Chapel in Springfield
Thursday morning.
The city council Monday night
passed an ordinance making it
illegal to escape from the city
4 l )