The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 05, 1963, Page 12, Image 12

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12 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., Aug. 5, 1963
Washington Logger Tops Events At Sutherlin Fete
It's all over but the shouting as
far as Sutherlin Timber Days is
concerned but the echos of axe
on wood and power saws slicing
through logs still ring throughout
the town following one of the most
successful timber events ever
staged in the Sutherlin community.
Beginning with the crowning of
Queen Charlene Forney at Friday
night's dance at the legion Hall
and resuming Saturday morning
with two parade events, the Kid
dies Parade and the Grand Par
ade, there was no let-up in the
pace of activities until the final
awards were made late Sunday
New Violence Erupts
In Chicago Race Row
Two Men Injured In Plane Crash
ASHLAND (UPI) -Two Ashland
men were injured one critically
when their light plane crashed
23 miles east of here Saturday.
Aboard the single-engine Ces
sna 172 were Jim Collins, 28, the
pilot, and Orlie Wright, 56, a pas
senger. Collins was taken to the Rogue
Valley Hospital at Mcdford where
he was reported in critical con
dition with multiple head injur
ies. Wright was taken to the Ash
land Community Hospital where
he was listed in fair condition
with a fractured nose and Wright
had bad lacerations.
Stale police said the aircraft ap
parently lost power and was at
tempting to land in a small clear
ing when its wing hit a tree. The
men were looking for stray cat
tle, police said.
The plane was demolished.
Mrs, Clarissa Harris, 68, South
Orange, was killed and her hus
band, William, 70, was injured
girls' fourth; high climbing. Dwight Car-1 A!! first place winners received Bv unjted Press International : ing a demonstration Saturday,
penter. first: Paul Easier, Spring- handsome trophies, that of best; Chicago's raciallv troubled : were being held. More than 600
field second: Malcolm Harper a. , being "biggest ! South Side had another outbreak j demonstrators were arrested Sat-
Port Angeles, Wash., third and . bfa , . nr .-inlpncp Sundav nieht but po i , . ? ,
Louis Kloewer, Castle Rock, fourth, and tallest." Cash awards "J11 v urday but many women and all
In the standing Work ehnn-! also garnered by the winning con-j . ,...- nf whilR teen-agers children were released.
ping competition, two Australian ! ,estanls- gathered at an intersection fol-
champs, Tom Kirk and Bill John-j According to Mrs. DcMuth, both lowing reports which authori-
ston. battled it out with Kirk cmer- the barbecue dinner staged Sat- tips Hkrounted that a Negro !
Mnncn IjtdflP W 1037 I rinL- flracc Vallpv falif .l,;.-,! nira tha uinnnr I nnic k'noit'ar lirHni1 ovnnina -.nrt thn "ln rtor'c t l I n.n.-A ;ntn thai
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Near perfect weather with cool land John Miller, Garden Valley, won the jousting event and Alvin breakfast" which began at mid- block. Police attempted to break) Bere lu ',Ln ,,,t" uuurs lonay 10
mornings and sunny afternoons lourin; axe mrowing, Liwignt Car-! Kusseil 01 buinemn was namea nignt ana went on into tne wee;UD the sathermg and youtns scui-1 sixteen negiuea.
afternoon. AH events were well of God, second; marching
attended. ; marching unit from Ballard. Wsh
Named best all-around logger in first; Sutherlin High School Band,
the two-day logging competition : second, and Gardiner Band, third,
was Dwight Carpenter of Castle i Winners of separate logging
Rock, Wash., who received a tro-j events are listed as follows: Pow
phy donated by Roseburg Moose j er saw bucking, Ray Silvey, Cres
Lodge. Presentation was made by cent City, Calif., first; Doc Par
Vcrn Lorentz, junior governor of ret. Winston, second: Martin Hed-
Other developments:
Nashville, Tenn. Two previ
ously segregated high schools
made things just right for specta
tors and contestants alike, accord
ing to Mrs. Jerry DcMuth, corre
spondent. The Kiddies Parade un
der the sponsorship of the Suther
lin Garden Club started the day
penter, Castle Rock, first; Milton
Mayfield. Williams, Ore., second;
Frank Wiltrout, Grants Pass, third,
and Doc Parrel, fourth; hand
bucking. John Miller, first; Mervin
Intz, Dexter, Ore., second; Bob
Bull of the Woods" champion in i small hours drew large crowds. iripH with the officers
the event which featured boxing Music for both Friday and Satur- j Police arrested 35 vouths
Saturday and at 11 a.m. the Grand Waihel, Brownsville, Ore., third
Parade rolled into view with re-jand Don Mayfield, Williams, Ore.,
portedly a record number of en- fourth,
tries. I Others Win Awards
Gene Walker was Grand Pa
rade chairman. Winners in this
on the unsteady perch of
High Act Thrills
Providing one of the big thrills
was the high-climbing act of Mal
colm Harper who staged a hair-
raising performance ascending
event were: Commercial division,
Pacific Power & Light Co.; non
commercial. West PTA, first;
c,.n.ln., ,l,nr. i.: i u..:u i rtinei H-uii ii-kiuii, secunu, anu
for-two slipped on loose gravci I Sutherlin Business and Pro fession
and fell over. ' al Women s Club, third; religious,
- . Methodist Church, first; Assembly
100-foot pole with a supposedly
Others are: Chopping, Mervin broken safety belt. Jack Culver
Lentz, first; Bill Johnston, New and his son Jack Culver III, 9
South Wales, Australia, second; year-old log rolling specialist, en
John Miller, third, and Martin ' tertained the crowd with a log-
Hcdrick, fourth; log rolling, John: rolling act. For a demonstration both in parade and logging events
Wikhcim, Bremerton, Wash., first; of power saw skill, Ray Silvey: and their appreciation of the co
Jack Culver, Sutherlin, second; j cut out a chair from a log in a operation of residents of the coin
Art Dorsey, Springfield, third, i matter of minutes to delight the munity in making the 1963 Timber
Bernue Kloewer,
rolling: day night dances was by Bill Bor-1 disorderly conduct and the other
icher and his Oregon Jazz Band. teen-agers dispersed. There were
I Reigining over all activities was ! demonstrations by white crowds
Queen Charlene Forney who made! most of last week in a predomi
the presentations of trophies at the nately white neighborhood of
conclusion of the logging events I South Chicago into which several
Sundav. i Negro families had moved.
Summing it all up, General i Three thousand Negroes
rhDirman urrv ii.u PnruHn I marched through downtown Indi-
Chairman Gene' Walker exDressedi anapolis, Ind., Sunday in support
their eradication with the large'of President Kennedys
number am. quality of the entries, ! rights program
both cases
fori but results
action in
strictly voluntary.
from the fact there
There were
More than 200 Negroes Sunday
held a prayer vigil outside a
Gadsden. Ala., jail where hun
dreds of Negroes, arrested dur-
Castle Rock, i spectators. Days a success.
t .
are no Negro high schools in the
Farmville, Va. Negroes end
ed a daily series of racial pro
tests in their Price Edward Coun
ty town Sunday but demonstra
tions were expected to resume to
day. Clarksdale, Miss. Aaron Hen
ry, Negro civil rights leader
jailed for participating in an anti
segregation demonstration, was
free on an appeal bond Sunday
after spending six days in jail.
Montgomeiy, Ala. Three Ne
gro women will be hired by the
police department to supervise
traffic at crossings near Negro
schools. Commissioner Lester B.
Sullivan said the women would
be chosen from a group of 25
who took examinations last week.
New York The social Action
Council of the United Church of
Christ urged 15,000 ministers and
lay leaders Sunday to participate
in the scheduled mass civil rights
demonstration in Washington
Aug. 28.
ART DORSEY of Springfield is about to lake o swim in his log rolling match with John
Wikheim of Bremerton, Wash. Log rolling competition was another popular feature of
Sutherlin's Timber Days celebration over the weekend. Wikheim won first place in the
event. Dorsey finished third.
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ONE OF THE MOST difficult of events in a logging con
test is the standing block chopping competition in which
the participants use a hand axe on o standing log. pic
tured above is Bill Johnston of Australia. He placed second
in the event.
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MAN'S EARLY ATTEMPT at flight was cleverly coined in this cntrv bv West PTA in the
Sutherlin Timber Days parade Saturday. The entry won first place in the non-commercicl
MERVIN LENTZ (hanaling the sow) shows crowd attending
Timber Days logging contest the art of hand bucking o
log. But his effort was only second best, because John
Miller of Garden Valley ended up as the first place winner.
Lentz, shown with unidentified assistant, is from Dexter,
Ore. (News-Review Photos)
B. C. Fishermen
Return To Boars
About 6,000 British Columbia sal
mon net fishermen were back on
the fishing grounds today after the
United Fishermen and Allied
Workers Union called off a strike
Saturday over salmon prices.
The strike which bogan 22 days
ago cost the industry an estimated
$10 million.
Union Secretary Homer Stevens
announced that fishermen had vot
ed 86 per cent in favor of accept
ing a recommendation that the
dispute with the B.C. Fisheries
Association be referred to a single
arbitrator and that fishing be re
sumed al 3:30 p.m. Sunday.
The union and the Fisheries
Association have not been able to
agree on the matters to be re
ferred to the arbitrator, but the
two sides will attempt to settle
this in further meetings.
Federal Fisheries Minister H.J.
Robichaud and B. C. Labor Min
ister Leslie Peterson said if the
two sides cannot agree on the
terms of arbitration, then this
mutter should also be referred to
the arbitrator.
FIRST PLACE WINNER in the religious division for the Timber Days parade was this
entry sponsored by the Methodist Church. Theme of this entry was "Religion on the Ore
gon Trail."
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RAY SILVEY of Crescent City, Calif., waits signal to start
in the power saw bucking competition. Silvey won first in
this contest.
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THIS SMART-STEPPING drill team which came to Suther
lin ol the woy from Ballard Wash., to compete in the
marching division of the Timber Days parade didn't go
home disappointed
ing competition
The.vroupi.x'k first place in mnrch-
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REDDY KILOWATT CIRCUS was the theme for Pacific
Power & Light Co.'s colorful entry in j-e Timber Davs
parade. It caught the fancy of the udges ond earned first
pdSe honors in the parade's commercial category.