Markham Heads lockwood Sales Department spent four years in the navy. He has been employed in sales jvork since 194R and has sold for Lock wood Motors for the past one and a half years. He is an officer of the Moose Lodge. Bill and his wife, Virginia, have two children and live on Page Road in Winchester. Don Hurley Don has lived in Itoseburg for the past 27 years. He saw three years Navy service during the pe riod. He previously worked for five years for Bob Franks' Groc ery and operated Richies' Drive In with a partner for a period of 10 years. He has been working for Lockwood Motors as new car sales man for eight months. He is a member of the Lions Club. With his wife, Doris, and three children, Gary, Anita and Honda, Bill lives at Winchester. 2 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thurs.. Aug. 1, 1963 SALES DEPARTMENT personnel at Lockwood Motors include the above, left to right Bill Harper, Frank Stringer, Wally Crook, Roy Stulken, Frank Sumstine, Bill Ollivant, Fred Lockwood, John Markham, sales manager; Clarence Thomas, Don Hurley, Don Boehm and Gordon Smith. (News-Review photo) John Markham is sales manag er lor Lockwood Motors. He has been wilh the company 4'i years, of which three years he has been in new car sales. He has been a resident of the Itoseburg area 17 years, and has been engaged in auto sales 10 years. Markham, 44, and his wife, Marie, have a married daughter, another daughter, Jo Anne, at home and a son, Johnny. i Said Markham: "I believe that j our new sales facility, which is j second to none in Oregon, will of- I for belter sales service to the i prospective buyer or car owners than any dealership in Oregon. We ; intend lo do a volume new and ' used car business and arc equipped : lo take care of our customers in the best possible way." ! Bill Harper Hill, coach of the Lockwood Mo lors American Legion baseball team, has lived in Itoseburg for the past 12 years. He ha: been em ployed by the Roseburg school dis trict as high school baseball and basketball coach. Tommy Thomas Tummy has had two and a half years in automobile sales and six years sales in fuel. He moved to Roseburg in 11)60. He served in Ihc HI h Air l'orce over tour years. His hobbies are fishing and flying. He and his wife, Leona, reside on lillcyld route. Wally Crook Wally lias been in car sales since the first of the year. He works with Krank Sumstinc on Lockwood Motors uptown used car lot at the corner of Oak and Steph- j ens. Wally is a nalive of ltose- hurt! anil has lived here all of his; life except for four years in the U.S. Air Korco, Iwo years of which he spent in Ihe Kar Kast and two years in Nevada. He and his wife. Sally, and children Kathv and Curt, reside al Slif W. Hickory St. Roy Stulken liny has been in (be automobile business since lllfiti. lie was first employed wilh Reterson-Diill Mo tors in Cottage Grove as office manager. He moved with the com pany in 11159 to Itoseburg. He was ' employed with Mock Motors in Ullil as office manager and trans IVrcd to the sales department in , 1. UL He joined the Lockwood Mo tors sales force in March of 1963. Roy and his wife, Marian, have three girls. Kathy, Cheryl and Tor ri. The fanitlv resides at :U)ti!i NE ' h'ollctl. Don Boehm lon has been al Lctckwood's since September of He re sides at 1584 NW Almond with his wile and son. Before coining to l.ockwoud's he drove truck for Kershner Produce Co. He spent right years in navy avialion. He is a member of Ford Salesman's 500 Club and in 1962 attained the "50 Award'' for (ruck sales. Frank Stringer Frank first came lo Oregon in 11139. He spent four years with the U.S. Army in Ihe South Pacific mid has been selling cars for Lock wood Motors for over two years. He is currently an officer in the Sloosc Lodge. Frank and his wife and three children live on a ranch on Huberts Mt. south of Itoseburg. Bill Ollivonl Kill is a native of Roseburg, He LLOYD E. BAILEY ROOFING CO. extends their congratulations to Lockwood Motors on the completion of their spacious new building LLOYD E. BAILEY ROOFING CO. 1984 S.E. DOUGLAS 672-4854 CONGRATUIATIONS- Leckwood Motors It Was Our Pleasure To Have Assisted With Your New Building JACK PRESTON PAINTING CONTRACTOR Our Congratulations to LOCKWOOD MOTORS On Their New Building Heating, Air Conditioning and Sheet Metal By TOZERS 806 S.E. Lone, Roseburg and Western Engineers HEATING and SHEET METAL to Lockwood Motors ON THE FORMAL OPENING OF YOUR MODERN, NEW BUILDING Cabinets and Custom Millwork NELSON & PYLE WOODWORKING CO. 868 S. E. Parrott 673-3434 ROSEBURG GLASS CO. 237 S. E. MILLER AVE. 672-2685 EXTENDS THEIR CONGRATULATIONS TO LOCKWOOD MOTORS ON THE GRAND OPENING OF THEIR FINE, NEW SHOW ROOMS AND SHOP