The unusual no-trump is a new convention and it is still In a state of change. Every expert uses it in lome fashion, but they disagree on the exact method. All agree on one thing, though. It is intended to show a two-suit hand. This particular two no-trump overcall of the diamond opening showed a heart-club two-suiter. Probably North did not have quite enough to force his partner to the three level, but unusual no-trump addicts go out of their way to use the bid. East's three diamond call was strictly competitive. South jumped to five clubs because he expected to make that contract, and was willing to play a slam if North wanted to continue. At this point West came up with a perfectly outrageous double West was looking at 16 high card points, but when you double a n aw a iaaatstwaaw1 7 iAST TMtS TOMI&MT Notorious Landlady with Kim Novak-plus DAMN The DEFIANT Dorii Day in "JULIE" ' plus ... ill Color , . Pleasure of hi Company thru TUESDAY ONLY TJ rtSTlMH IWTUMrtimilt! IAN FLEMING -am UrsuwANDRESS ptui CO-HITi Minotaur OstMATHIAt Bim robanna OrCmtrr . tctiuvriNe u!i.'iM.i.).'a "Ugly American" .torts Wed. Tonight Wort Disney's "MIRACLE OF THE WHITE STALLIONS" Robert Toylor-Liri Palmer plus "FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON" Red Buttone - Fabian Peter Lorre Both in color Box Office Opent at 8:15 Show Starrs at Dusk - .. . Thi following radio and television programs or printed at frea public tarvieo fro News-Review reader. AM program listing ara published at received from the respective stations. The News Review doet not accept re sp en sib i Dry for vat lotion from original schedules furnished this newspaper KPIC-TV Ch. 4 CHANNEL 2 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 70O-Todv 9:0O Yoga for Health t:3J-PIv Your Hwnch-Color 10:t0 Price li Right Cohir 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Imorw-on Coter 11:30 Truth or Consequences ll:S5-Day Report 13:00 Ben JerrotJ 12:25-New 17: 30 The Doctors 1 :09 Lorttte Youoo KBESTV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ItM Caeteln Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30t Love Lucy 10:00 The McCoys 10:30 Pete and Gladys 11:00 Love of Life 1t:34-CB News 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:4s Guiding Light I?:0o-Colleoe of th Air 13:30 As The World Tumi 1:00 Password 1:30 House Perfy 2:00 To Tell Tho Truth news KOIN-TV Ch. 6 G UNNEL 83 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ?:30-wearr Forecast 7:3S-Csrlot'. 100 Caeiain Kangs'M t 00 Calendar :30 I Love Lucy 10:06 The McCoy! ID 30 Pete and Gladys 11. C0-Leve Of Life lt:30Seareh For Tomorrow 11-4-Guidinfl Liflhl UDONew 11:S3-HI. Neiohbor KEZI-TV Ch. 9 CHANNEL 6 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:QBcornpaM (Mon) For Yevr information (TueO Frontier! In Science (Wed! Top (Thuril Adventure. In Llvlnf (FrfJ 11 -3ft-Sever. y 1J:30 Tereisee Ernie Forfl 11 30 Father Knoi Best 10O Gencrw Hospital i;i6TBA RADIO PROGRAM KRNR 1490 KC. 18-Hr Progromming KOEN 1240 KC. 6 A.M. fo Midnight f CBS Network mu.c, newt, weotherlABC Network muirc newt, weather! Unusual No-Trump Usage Varies By OSWALD JACOBY (Written For NEA) high contract you do so in tricks, not points, and West was not looking at many tricks. His ace of spades looked pretty NORTH 11 AQ7 AQ1072 S 4KJ96Z WEST (D) EAST AAJ4 4. 10961 VK965 VJS KQJ94 4A 1075 32 Q 7 SOUTH 4.K853 81 8 A 10 15 43 North and South vulnerable West North Eut South It i N.T. St 5 Double Pass Pass Pass Opening lead K good, but his king of hearts prob ably had its head on the chopping block. In the diamond suit there was no opportunity for more than one trick and a good chance of no tricks at all. Finally, the queen of clubs repre sented a liability. South had gone to five clubs without the queen. He had to have compensation some where. Still, West doubled and in one respect he was lucky. Both oppon ents held a diamond and South did not make an over-trick, even though he did make his contract Improva, your bridgo gamtl order your copy of "Win at Bridgo With Oswald Jacoby." Juit send your name, address, and 50 conrs to: Jacoby Bridge, Newi-Roviow, P, O. Box 1248, Roseburg, Oregon and a copy will b mailed to you. Or if you prefer, copios may bo purchased at the NiwsRtview office. Q Too, South, bold: AQ(S VK8S OAQS A5 What Is your opening bid? A One club. Toe have M points, too much for ma opening no-tmmp In any intern, and 700 hoeM select a bid which as moat likelr n tot a reaponoe from partner. TODAY'S QUESTION Your partner responds one Hem Inond. What do yon do now? j Answer Tomorrow Tonight "WHO'S GOT THE ACTION?" Dean Martin-Lona Turner plus "LISA" Stephen Boyd-Dolorei Hart Gate Opens 8:00 Show at 9:00 ' 1:30 You Dor't Sey 2:00 Match Gam 2:35 Afternoon Report 2:30 Make. Room ior Daddy (Mon-Wed.) 3:30 Be My Guest (Tues 4. Thurs) 2:3ft-Bev's Kitchen (Frl) 3:00 TV horns Journal (Mon. only) 3:00 Spectator Matinee (Tues-Fri) 3:15 Social Security (Mon only) 3:3ft-Wire Service (Mon only) 4:30 Lon Ranger S:00 Capt. Shipwreck MONDAY 5:30 Cartoon J.-00 North west Newt 4:15 Huntley-BrlnMey t 30 Oeputy 7:00 Sea Hun 30 Jane Wvman 3:00 Secret storm 3:30 15 doe ot Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '43 4:54 American Newsstand MONDAY 5 00-Alvln 5:30 Rin Tin Tin 4:00 Your TV Weathermen 4:05 Channel 5 Report 4:1S-News 4:30 VcHale's Navy 7:00-My 3 Sons 7:30 Dak etas 130 Lucille Brnl Show 9:00 Danny Thomas )J:jO-i The World Turns 1:00 KOIN Kilchen 1:30 House Party J:00 To Tell The Truth i:30-The Millionaire 3. 00 Secret Storm 3 Edge ot NigM 4:00 Cartoon Circus IMS-Early Shew J:4S Newicene 4: ItWelter Creit-ife MONDAY 1-30 Rlpcord 7 -00 Trails Wett 7:30 To Tell The Truth I no I've Got A Secret t 30 Lucy Show ; 00-Day m Court 7:75 Midday Nei ): Jar Wymen 3:00 Oueen t-or A Dif 3:30 Open Hout 1:00 American eendsta.Td 4 JO Discovery 5 0& Jack's Karroo Clubhouse S:J0 M.icfcey Mouie MONOAY I Htw Nine 4 30 Whirlybtrut 7 00 Theate- J00 , , 7 30 Oafotas I 30 R'fiemen Plane Carries Biggest Cargo EDWARDS AFB, Calif (VPD- A B377 "pregnant Guppie," the world s largest airplane, has car ried aloft the largest cargo ever carried by an airplane. Nicknamed because of its bloat ed midsection, the plane recently airlifted a "dummy" second stage of the Saturn I missile to this flight test center from Los Ange les, 125 miles southwest of here The cargo, only a shell but the same weight and size as a "live" S4 stage of the Saturn I, weighed 20.379 pounds and measured 41 feet long and 18 feet in diameter. There was no engine, propulsion system or other equipment in the "dummy." The 127-foot-long Guppie weighs 91,000 pounds and can carry more than 71 tons of cargo. Its expand ed midsection more than triples the original stratocruiser's freight potential of 29,187 cubic feet, mak ing it the largest plane in the world in terms of cubic capacity The plane and its cargo will be flight tested here. When certified by the Federal Aviation Agency, the Guppie will carry flight stages of the giant Saturn 1 to Cape Canaveral, Fla., and may be used by the National Space Agency for similar jobs to save haulting time. Space cargo currently is trans ported by ship through the Pana ma Canal. Births Mercy Hospital HARRIS To Mr. and Mrs. David L. Harris, Rt. i Box 1221, Roseburg, June 8, a son, Carl Anthony; weight 8 pounds 7 ounc es. SPRANDO To Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Sprando, 2346 W. Crest view, Roseburg, June 8, a son, Phillip Anthony; weight ( pounds 7 ounces. GOIN To Mr. and Mrs. Earn est E. Goin, Box 23, Sutherlin, weight 6 pounds lMt ounce. NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. Leland R. Nelson, Rt. 1 Box 176, Sutherlin, June 11, a daughter, Lorinda Kay; weight 6 pounds 3 ounces. SIMON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Simon, Winston, June weight 7 pounds 3 ounces. PYNCH To Mr. and Mrs. James P Pynch, Rt. 1 Box 396, Roseburg, June 11, a son, .lottery James; weight 7 pounds 15Vi one- es. Mercy Hospital SCHMIDT To Mr. and Mrs Wayne A. Schmidt, 514 W. Ballf, Roseburg, June 3, a son, David Lynn; weight 7 pounds 2 ounces. GOODIN To Mr. and Mrs. Billy C. Goodin, Rt. 1 Box 65 P, Sutherlin, June 3, a son, Billy Wade; weight 7 pounds 6 ounces. NICHOLS To Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Nichols, 1623 SE Doug las, Roseburg, June 3, a daughter, Dena Renee; weight 7 pounds 2V4 ounces. McDOWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. McDowell, 1594 SE Douglas, June 4, a son, Duane Lee; weight 7 pounds 4 ounces. MARTIN To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Martin, 438 W. Hazel St., Roseburg, June 4, a son, Tim othy John; weight 8 pounds 3Vi ounces. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Lee Smith, Box 12, Rt. 1, Rid dle, June 6, a son, Vernon Lee; weight 5 pounds 8 ounces. 7:30 Movie Color :30 Art Llnkletier 10:00 Brink ley Journal color 10:3O Story Of 11:00-Report 11:15 Tonight Show Color TUESDAY 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 4: 00 Northwest News 4:15 Hunt ley-Brink ley 4:30 McKenzie't Raiders 00 Lloyd Bridges 7:30 La ram la 1:30 Empl'e 9.30 Dick Powell 10:30 Chtt Huntley Reporting 11:00 Report HPS Tonight-Color 9.30 Andy Griffith 10:0077 Sunset Strip 11:00 ABC News Final TUESDAY 5-00-Sky King 5:30 Quirk Draw McGraw 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:0S Channel 5 Report 4:15 CBS News With Walter Cronklte 1:30 Tha Deputy 7:00 Paiiwo.'d 7:30 Marihall Dillon 1:00 Lloyd BriCges 30 Red Seiton 9: 30 Jack Benny 10:00 Gerry Moore 11:00 ABC News Fine) f : 00 Danny Thomas 1:30 Andy Griffith Show 10:00 Password 10-30 Stumo the Stars 11:00 N-oMJCene 11:1$ Flying Dxtor TUESDAY t 30-Hong Kong 7:30 W.anhai Dttion l:0O-Llovd Bridges Show I 30 Red 3l.el.on Hour : 30 Jaek Benny Program 10:00- Garry Moore Show 1100 Nighttcene JIMS Happy Ttm 11:30 Johnny Staccato V ro S'oney Burn 10 '.00 Ben Cay I1:00-ABC News 11:1$ News Nne Flnat TUESDAY 1-90 News Nine IS News I jo The Filoerti 7 00 The Jetone 7 30 Combat I 30 Hawaiian Eye 30 Untouch sb'es 10 30 Ed.e Adams Special 1100-News 11:lNews ? Final KYES 950 KC. Down To Dusk lrvjerndenfmusie, news, weather. thrush May WASHINGTON (UPI) Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev may have set the clock back six months in negotiations for a treaty banning nuclear tests. The text of the Kremlin leader's interview with Pravda, received here, makes it clear that though he at no point flatly withdrew his offer of six months ago for on site inspections in a nuclear test ban, he strongly implied he may have decided to do so. Washington officials had no im mediate comment on Khru shchev's interview pending study of the text. Unless Khrushchev clarifies his remarks, however, the interview appeared to reduce what little hope there had been for success of U.S. British-Soviet nuclear test ban talks scheduled to be held in Moscow in mid-July. The offer had been included in a letter from Khrushchev to President Kennedy last December i FAST PAIN RELIEF THE MODERN DRUG FOR PAIN 100 Tablet Size $1.29 PIUSLSURY HSOJ) BISCUIT MK ft m mm CAKE MKB TOWMIEI AAliK DIL1T Tl VAN BRODES CEREALS CRUSHED PINEAPPLE SUNSWEET 1 Vi Lb. MARKET PRUNES BARBECUE SAUCE FRENCH DRESSINGS Maiolo Reg. or Spicy Red Snapper 35( Perch NEBERGALL Sausage , SPECIAL DRIVE 'N Prices Good save services Monday - Tuesday p",, s',m r" $oU 9 Personal Money Ordert Wednesday poyroii cheek cshoei J. n , aav Floor Polisher For Hette une 17. 18,19 m r . . Film Processinf Reneg On 19. In that letter Russia for the first time since 1961 accepted the principle of inspection on Soviet soil. The letter also agreed to placing three unmanned seismic monitoring stations, or "black boxes," on Soviet territory as a further guarantee against secret underground tests. The December letter, and an exchange of letters between Ken nedy and Khrushchev which fol lowed in January, raised hopes for a test ban agreement after a long period of negotiating dol drums. But in test ban talks which fol lowed negotiators failed to agree on the number of annual inspec tions. The West reduced its ear lier demands to seven a year. The Russians stuck to two or three. In the text of Khrushchev's in terview received here, the pre mier specifically repeated his De R0CKM0UNT Reg. 39c Pkg. 100 Count Standard Size FLATFISH For Lakes or Streams Assorted Sixes Values to $1.20 Family Pak . Pkg 20 oz. Pkg. Open Pit 28 ox. Bottle 39' Rolls 1 lb nl Roll JJ Inspections cember agreement to the "black boxes." But (nspections by West sites, Khrushchev charged, would oniy oe - inspection ior me pur pose of espionage." Movie Showtime Monday, Juna 1, IIU CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sulhtrlln) Box ottlct opent it 1:15 p.m. show Itirtt at dusk.. "Miracle ot the Whit. stallions" and "Flvt WfAi In a Balloon" TR1 CITY DRIVE IN (Trl-Cllyl Galtl opan S p.m., show at f. "Who's Go Iht Action?" and "Lisa" Juna It, 1111 CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sulhtrlln) Bon ottka opens at 1:15 p.m.. show starts at dusk. "Miracle ot the White Stallions" and "Five Weeks In a Balloon" TRI CITY DRIVE IN (TrKlly) Galas open at p.m show at f. "Who's Got the AcllonT" and "Lisa" ENVELOPES 399' NEW SHIPMENT 59' Duncan Hines Early American Reg. 41c Butter Pecan & Applesauce-Raisin only 33c WHITE KING SOAP k,., 89c 99c BABBIT CLEANSER ...- . 10 39c TEA BAGS Tree Tea 48 Count Pkg 49' 39c CHUBBY DOG FOOD 1279e 39c C.H.B. SALAD DRESSING , . , '1.49 19' ICE CREAM Meadow Brook li Gallon 69' 8 oz, Mon., June 17, 1963 The If Your Paper Has Not Arrived By 6:15 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Between 6 17 P.M. Saturday Only 3 To S P.M. Recti ueod rang, rtfri g rotor, washer, dryer or TV for oi littU $5 per month. FIRST- 0 F SHOP THE DRIVE-N-SAVE WAY AND SAVE! TS Tube of Jiffy 40oz.Pkg. Reg. or Drip 2 Tin Carnation Instant1 8 Qt. Pkg. Waldorf 4 Roll Pack RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS Freih Market Bunches CORN Large Full Eon 429' DELICIOUS APPLES 10 TOMATOES e ,19' News - Review, Roseburg, Ore, $' RENT. TV A 1963 WESTINGHOUSE PER MONTH offer small service charge 721 S. I. Oak - THE - WEEK 8 31? SPECIAL DRIVE N SAVE SERVICES Hunting & Fishing License Duck Stamp - i Year Around . Lay-Away 3W 29 39Jc t