Glendale Lad Drinks Gasoline, Develops Pneumonia From Fumes By MRS. GERALD B. FOX Billy Don Hale, son of Mr. and : Jlrs. Bill Hale of Glendale, is home I again and doing well after spending 1 '""' umici ucaiuicm at lhA .Insnnhino l-.onarsl Un,.i,l .,. S... - .1 .fs ":; " "rams i-ass, aro e i uiauis iui me auer-eiecis I m unutiioK wnue gasoline. uiiii&iug wiiue gasoline. TJulo k.j u-n ,; ,u. ,. Hale had been using the gasoline while working on his car. The youngster found the can and was drinking from it when his mother found him. He was rushed to the hospital immediately but develop ed pneumonia from the efects of the gasoline fumes on his lungs. Buy Clark Ranch Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stovall of Pittsburg, Calif., recently pur chased the Orval Clark ranch up Cow Creek from Azalea. Their daughter, Mrs. Marjory Truck, and her two pre-schoolers, John ny and Robin Lee, live with them. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have moved to Grants Pass. Mrs. Margaret Hill of Quines Creek drove to Salem recently to visit with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hilke. She has returned, bringing with her t her mother, Jlrs. Susan Tanner, who had visited for (he past sev en weeks with another daughter, Jlrs. C. D. Losey of Eugene and with the Hilke family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clayton of Quines Creek spent five days visiting with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. John son of Monroe. A few days earlier, the Claytons were hosts to her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown of Branson, Mo., who vis ited here for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Connie O'Roke and son, Billy, of Glendale drove to Eugene recently to spend the night with old friends, Air. and Mrs. Conrad Hildebrand. The following day they met Jlrs. O'Roke's fath er, J. G. JIcFeeters of Atchison, Kan. McFeeters will make an ex- Green Property Changes Hands By MARY WEIKUM Mr. and Jlrs. Robert Cannon, for merly of Castle St., have moved into their new home on Stella St. The property was purchased from llr. and Jlrs. Glenn Buckolz, who in turn bought the former Cannon home, and are now in the process of remodeling and improving the property. The Stitch and Rip and Knit Wits 4-H clubs arranged a comic style show which they presented at the Achievement Day program at the fairgrounds. On the Wednesday be fore the show the two groups met at lhe home of Mrs. Warren Eng riahl for a joint meeting and prac tice session, after which they en joyed a short social hour with re freshments. Mrs'. Engdahl is the sewing leader and Jlrs. Peggy Knaggs and daughter, Nancy, lead the knitting club. Warren Engdahl recently went to Olympia, Wash., to visit with his parents, who had not been in good health. Mrs. Engdahl remained here with her daughter, Kristine, who was sufering from the flu. Mrs. Oscar Amundson has re turned from San Francisco where she went to assist her daughter in her move lo Roseburg. Jlr. and Jlrs. Robert West are moving here after five years in San Francisco. West brought the furniture by truck while his wife and her mother trav eled by car. NOTICE OF 1963-1954 BUDGET MEETING In accordance with the provisions of the "Local Budget La w" (ORS 204.305 to 2M. 425) notice Is herebv given that the budget committee of the Roseburg Rural Fire Protection District, Douglas County, 'Oregon, in compliance with said law. prepared and adopted on Jlay 8. 1063, the budget estimates for the ensuing fiscal vear July 1, 10S3, to June 30, 1064, as set forth below. All persons are herebv notified that on the iflth day of June. 1003, at 8 p.m., in Fire Station at Roseburg, Ore gon, said "budget estimates mav be discussed with the levying board and any person subject to the proposed tax levy or levies will be heard in favor or against said proposals. .Sipnni : Jack Heetcr (Chairman Budget Committee) B. A. Smith (Jlember Budget Committee) Suction A " Actual Ependilures 3 Years Prior to Current ID "in (Jl niMtso mo-mi L"!'-"'?- 24,200.00 36,000.00 37,800.00 484.01) 700.00 700.00 900.00 1,200.0(1 1,700.00 170.00 200.00 200.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 700.00 700.00 900.00 1,000.00 1.500.00 1,500.00 1.000.00 1,528.00 1.000. 00 2.500.00 3.000.00 3.500.00 2.400.00 2.400.00 2.400.00 600.00 600.00 700.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 2.500.00 3.000.00 3.000.00 500.00 9O0.00 3.000.00 3.000.00 5.555.00 Section B SectiorTcT SUMMARY OF 111 Budget Summary Tar Total Estimated Expenditures (secuon a, Loiuuin 69,156.00 6) 17.51060 Total Estimated Amounts reserved for use Toul Estimated Expenditures and Re.enes 99,987-.) 86.666.60 6.915.60 Deduct Total t." .Section B. Col. b. 69 751 00 Amount .ecessary u. t&M AddEkAmVun, of'Taies that Will not be Reed 6 30 U.UtM Total Levy Section O TAX LEVY BREAKDOWN Itat'ide rrnrUrnilatioii and Not Exceeding Outside 6 per cent or 8 Mill Limitation and Not 61,728.00 7.(28.00 i; in Mill. Not Suniect Vabove i , , . . i tended Visit With the O'Roke fam- ily. i .Mr. and Mrs. Bovd Lenard and family of Glendale' and; her step- j miner ana molner, .Mr. and Mrs D....I r '. ... , "I io craier Lake recently. They re- poriea mat tne snow is still hank. li"""7" miusv u bull uank.- ! led up knee-deep in the area. At ; ported that the snow is still bank- one point they saw a large bear ' sittine nn his hanh n , cnm. I bank beside the road. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Woodrtim 1 of Tlll-nr-r visits etl. .." . their son-in-law and daughter the ! itev. ana Mrs. Lonnie bapp of Glendale. They Were accompanied by another son-in-law and daugh-j0" ter, Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Barnes of Independence. Mrs. J. W. Parker of Gresham is making an extended visit at the home of her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Jlrs. W. H. Corwin of Glendale. Jlrs. Corwin and her son, Ben Corwin, accompanied by Mrs. W. II. Fahl of North Bend, drove to the Portland area to at tend the Ice Follies, and brought Jlrs. Parker back when they re turned. Mrs. Fred Beerli, who spent four clays in the Josephine General Hospital undergoing treatment for a back ailment, has returned home. Jlrs. Elma Archambeau, w h o was under treatment at the Jo sephine Hospital for several days, is recuperating at her home. LEGAL advertisement for bids Sealed proposals marked "Proposal for W. Pilger Streel Sanitary Sewer Extension" will be received up to the hour ol 2:00 o'clock P.M. (PDT) on the 10th day of June, 1963 and then publicly opened and read. Proposals shall be addressed and delivered to the City Recorder, City Hall, Roseburg, Oregon. Any and alt proposals received alter the timo specified above shall be returned unopened. me contemplated work generally consists of 1467 llti. ft, of B" and 349 (In. ft. of 6" sanitary sewer pipe, standard manholes and other appurtenant wor. Plans, specifications, proposal form and Instructions may be secured upon a deposit of $15.00 at the office of the Cily Engineer, Roseburg, Oregon. Unsuccessful bidders will be refunded Fif teen dollars tSlS.QO) upon the return of each set. In good condition, provided the return is made within five (5) days after the date set for the opening of bids. All proposals must be accomoanled bv certified check cr bidder's bond, made pay- able to the City of Roseburg, Oregon, In an j amount not less than five (5) per cent of the amount bid. Bidocrs must be pre-qualif!ed In accord ance with the laws of Oregon. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, to waive any Irregularity or to accept the bid deemed In the best Interests of lhe City of Roseburg. Dated this 29th day of May, 1963. CITY OF ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON BY Frances Jellison City Recorder ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals marked "Proposal tor N. W. Lynwood Street Sanitary Sewer Ex tension" will be received up lo the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. (PDT) on the 10th day of June, 1963 and then publicly opened and read. Proposals shall be addressed and delivered lo the Cily Recorder, City Hall, Roseburg, Oregon. Any and all proposals re ceived alter the time specified above shall be returned unopened. the contemplated work generally consists of 407 tin. ft. of 8" and 193 lin. ft. ol 6" sanltorv sewer pipe, I standard manhole and 1 standard cleanout and other appurtenant- work. Plans. sDeclficatibns, proposal form and In structions may be secured upon a deposit of S1 5.00 nt the office oi me my tngmeen Roseburg, Oregon. Unsuccessful bidders will ba refunded Fif teen dollars (S15.00) upon the return of each set, In good condition, provided tht return Is made within live (51 days aner ine uaie sei for the opening of bids. AlUproposals must be accompanied by a certified check or bidder's bond, made pay able to lhe City of Roseburg, Oregon, in an amount not less than five (5) per cent ol the amount bid. Bidders must be pre-qualifled In accord ance with the laws ot Oregon. The right Is reserved to relect any or all bids, to waive any Irregularity or lo accept the bid deemed in the best Interests of the City of Roseburg. Dated this 29th dav of May, 1963. CITY OF ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON ' By Frances Jellison City Recorder uunaiu naiie.v (Secretary Budget Committee) Ralph Hospkins (Member Budget Committee) EXPENDITURES Year Current Years Expendltu Actual 1st i mo. Budget for year 22,199.96 387.12 8:11.62 1.005.37 450.00 637.54 2.119.04 764.60 2.426.41 740.25 612.41 467.00 1.500.00 555.00 3,166.12 44.100.00 700.00 2,000.00 200.00 900.00 1.500.00 2,000.00 1.000.00 4.556.00 2.000.00 700.00 500.00 3.000 00 1,01)0.00 5.000.00 RECEIPTS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, Levy Calculation Total All Funds 83.675.0(1 ncrciii mu - 614 70 92.362 80 ni. 7.614 70 M.M7.50 76.147 00 7.428 00 IJmitior., rCoM 'J"jlg... LEGAL REQUEST FOR BIDS CITY OF ROSEBURG mil receive bids marked "Petroleum Products B.O' lor tht ; p63-4 fiscal year at the Qitic or ine under- signed, 744 5. e. Rose Street, until 2:03 i P M. (POT), Friday. June 7, ISM, at time trvey will be opened. Rwjuirements and d cbnaitions are on file in the Recorder s a"- Tn. right is reserved to reieci any or FRANCES JELLISON City Recorder INVITATION TO BID oougias County Court win receive sealed i ' lhe courthouse. Roserwrg, Oregon i : .' .1 J purchase ol one only M ui. Yd. Hump truck and ton capacity tin d trailer. r:." ...IT, .'.',',. PrlMl Puoiiciy opened and read ; ;S " I ," ...... i 2 T"Z 2 : !ihflSin8 nt' Rtxm 17- courthouse, Rot- j instructions to bidders ' 8idrier shall seal their proposals and mark Z tor' cTT, m . i yo- dump truck and ii ton capacity j li1' deck ':','r . or,T Trade li There shall be no trade In. ' Reservations Douglas County Court reserves the right to relecl any and all bids, to waive any infor mality in bidding, and 10 award the pur chase to the bidder whose proposal is. in the court's opinion, to the best Interest ol Douglas County. Award of Purchase Award ot the purcnase will be made el a whole to one bidder. advertisement for bids Sealed proposals will be received by the Oregon State Gome Commission, 1634 S.W. Alder Street, P.O. Box 3503, Portland 8, Oregon, until 2 p m., Daylight Saving Time, on Friday, June 21, 1963, for the Construction of a POND DIVISION WALL AND ROAD RETAINING WALL at ROCK CREEK HATCHERY, n?ar Glide, Douglas County, Oregon, and wilt then and there be opened and publicly read a:oud. Bids received after the time 1ied tor opening the same will not be considered. Plans, specification., and forms of con tract documenls may be obtained at the olfict ol the Oregon State Game Com mission. All contractors shall comply with all state laws pertaining to tht qualifications ol bid ders, and particularly Oregon Revised Statutes 379.00a to 279.347, inclusive. Each proposal shall be made out on the Form ol Proposal contained In the contract documenls and shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond made payable to the Oregon State Game Commission ot the State of Oregon In an amount not less than ten per cent UOM of the total amount of the proposal. The Oregon State Game Commission re serves the right to relect any or all bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour sst fur the opening unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. OREGON STATE GAME COMMISSION By: P. W. Schneider. Director 1634 S.W. Alder Street P. 0. Box 3503 Portland 8, Oregon Dated: May 14, 1963. STATE TIMBER SALE nnl hlrit uflll h roreiued tw the State Forester at the Coos Forest Protective Asso- elation Headquarters, Coos Bay, Oregon, star na at 2 P.m., June i, ivgj tor certain designated timber located on two (2) sale areas, io wit: Dean Ridge No. 5 Timber Sale No. F-201.63-56. Portions of Sectilns 16, 21, 22, 26 and 27, T23S, R11W, W.M., Douglas County, Oregon. The sale area Is estimated to contain 4.696 MBF Douglas fir, 15 MBF hemlock, 10 MBF cedar and 140 cords of red alder. The minimum price, net scale, that will be considered Is J20.5O per MBF for No. 3 sawmill and better grades of Douglas fir. Except for purposes of road amortization the rats per MBF for lhe first lour million board feet of Douglas fir shall bt reduced by S6.90. All other species . and grades of timber shall be paid for at the following rates: hemlock 16.10 per MBF, cedar or other conifer species $1.50 per MBF. For conifer logs not meeting the requirements ot a No. 3 sawmill and belter grades, - the price gross scale shall be SI 00 per MBF. For all hardwood species lhe price, net scale, shall be SO. 50 ' per cord or $1 .00 per MBF. Sale award will be made on the basis of the highest price bid for No. 3 saw mill and better grades of Douglas fir and fast growth Douglas fir. Pur chaser shall be required to perform certain road reconstruction projects. Headwaters Stand Management No. 1. Timber Sale No. F-201.63-57. Por tions of Section 21, T33S, R10VV, W.M., Coos County, Oregon. The sale area is estimated to contain 781 MBF Doug las fir and 30 MBF hemlock. The minimum price that will be consider ed Is $13,490. Purchaser shall be re quired to perform certain road con struction and olher projecls. Purchasers shall comply with the provi' sions of Oregon Revised Statutes 536.805 and 536.810. Prospective bidders should examine a form of the timber sale contract flnd road use agreement at the office of tne State Forester at Salem or loos Bay, uregon. The State Forester reserves the right to waive minor technicalities and tht right to reject any or all bids. Roy Crain (Member Budget Committee) Thomas Stubblcfield (.Member Budget Committee) mi-iu General Fund: Personal Services Ind. Accid. Comm. Communications Election Expenses Secretary Expenses Utilities Insurance llyd. Inst. 4 Repair Gen. lint. & Operation Hyd. Stand By Emergency Fund Legal ti Audit Services Vol. Allowance Training & Education Sinking Fund Retirement Bond Payment Bond Interest 54.500.00 850.00 2,100.00 325.00 900.00 1 ,500.00 2.200.00 I .000.00 5,000.00 1,1 500.00 500.00 500.00 3.G0O.OO 1.000.00 5,000.00 2,600.00 15.000.00 1.312 50 S99.787.50 Fund and Receipt Classification Estimated for II4MS44 General Fund: Estimated Beginning Cash Balance 7.614 70 RECEIPTS AND TAX LEVIES 14 ltl4 BUD6ET SUMMARY 1 Bond Fund General Fund (Other) 76 1-47 TO 15.000.00 1.312.50 " ;r--:--:-':-; '."--'.'r Suction E The outstanding in - oeoiennes, i a, ,ne w.Mnci ; June 30. 1963 was: ) Building and Equipment j i?nr , , , , S Bond Interest 1.31250; . . j LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All sans havlno claims agnst tht E$- tete 0 Louis Lester Bell, deceased. ere here-; py notified to present ww. properiy veriiied - to tht undersigned el oNces t of Geodes, FelKer. wetio.-. cnmona, , Rseacrg, Douglas Count, Oregon, within : month from the date o th-s notice. ( Dated May 1. 1W3 i LOUIS HlLLMAN BELL. ' Administrator ot the estate of j LOUIS LESTER BELL, deceased. , . , ) ReouEST FOR BIOS FOR PHOTOGRAPHS county school District no 4 w,n receivi t,as ai tn. Business otnee. iie w" Harvard oivo- . w.v-' 11:00 AM. IPDTI, Wednesday. June ir. which time they will oe openeu. gpn, 0 elementary and lunior high chool :Hu3tntt me w .... ( dinoT'.TT bSS7o... " Vl Harvard !.." l .u,! L1 -, iiw nr all bids. WENDELL B SMITH BusmesK Manager NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANTS Published pursuant to section 5 of the act of July 23, 1955 (6 Stat. 367). To whomever it may con cern: PROCEEDING NO. BLM 63-3 (Oregon 013246). Notice is herebv given in pursuance of a proper Request for Publication heretofore filed in accordance with section 5 of tin; Act of July 23, 1955 ( 69 Slat. 3o7), and the regula tions thereunder (43 CFR 185.123 1S5.127). 1. That on JIarch 20, 1963, the State Director, Bureau of Land Management, whose address is 710 i. E. Holladay, Portland 12, Ore gon, tiled in the Land Office of the Bureau of Land Jianagement, De partment of the Interior, at 710 IJ. E. Holladay, Portland 12, Ore gon, a request tor publication of i:olice to all mineral locators or any person claiming under them involving a mining claim or claims located on all lands belonging to the United Slates and under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Laud Jianagement in the County of Doi'glas, Stale of Oregon describ ed as follows, lo wil: Willamette Meridian, Oregon T. 31 S., R. 3 W: sees. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25. 26, 27, 7$, 29, 31. T. 30 S., R. 4 W: sees. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. T. 31 S R. 4 W: sees. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19. T. 29 S R. 5 W: sees. 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 15, 21. 25. 29, 31, 35. T. 29 S., R. 4 W: sees. 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35. 2. That if any person claiming or asserting under, or by virtue of any unpatented mining claim lo cated prior lo July 23, 1955, any right, title, or interest in the vege tative surface resources and other surface resources, under such min ing claim, contrary lo or in con flict with the limitations or re strictions specified in section 4 of said act, as to the aoovc-cicscriD-cd lands or any part thereof, shall fail to file in the Land Office of the Bureau of Land Jianagement at 710 N. E. Holladay. Portland 12, Oregon, and within 150 days from lhe below-slated i'w.d of first publi cation of this Notice, a verified statement which shall set forth as to such milling claims: (1) The date of location; (2) The book and page of recor dation of the notice or certificate of location; (3) The Section or sections of the public land surveys which em brace such mining claims; or if such lands are unsurveyed cither the section or sections which would probably embrace such mining claim when the public land sur veys are extended to such lands or a tie by courses and distances lo an approved United States miner al monument; (4) Whether such claimant is a locator or purchaser under such location; and (5) The name and address of such claimant and names and ad dresses so far as known to lhe claimant of any other person or persons claiming any interest or in terests in or under such unpatent ed mining claim; such failure shall he conclusively deemed (i) to con stitute a waiver and relinquish ment by such mining claimant ol any right, title, or interest under such mining claim contrary to or in conflict with lhe limitations or restrictions specified In section 4 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (09 Slat. 367), as to unpatented claims located after that date, and (ii) to constitute a consent by such mining claimant that such unpa tented mining claim shall he sub ject lo said limitations and re strictions, and (iii) to preclude thereafter, prior lo issuance of patent, any assertion by such min ing claimant of any right or Idle to or interest in or under such mining claim contrary lo or in conflict with said limitations or restrictions. Section 4 provides, .generally, that unpatented mining j claims located aflnr July 23, 1955 ! shall nut be used for purposes oth cr than prospecting, mining, or processing operations, or uses reasonably Incident thereto; thai such claims will be subject to the j right of the United Slates to man-! ase and dispose of the vegetative i surface resources thereof sand to ! manage other surface resources j thereof; and that, except to the ! extent required for mining opera- tinns and uses reasonably incident i thereto or to provide clearance for j such onerations or uses, claimants of such claims shall not use or : dispose of vegetative or other sur 'face resources thereof; and that, except for clearance for such pur posts, any permitted severance or removal of timber must be in ac cordance with sound principles of forest management. Said seclion 4 also provides that any use of the!y A ri;KLA40rt7iwd he7rTng ale surface of anv such mining claim i m.dioiogsi. fittinn Benrone e.rtusivety i by the L'niled .Stales, its pcrmil j tees or licensees, shall be such j i as not lo endanger or materially interfere with the prospecting, min-1 ; in?, processing or reasonably incid- j lent ui,es by the mining claimant. I : fp J3te f fj,5( publication 0( N()tlc(, ,ha, Aw, , 1983. 1 Uard. March jg, ,Mj f.oHECKI (;h,ef. Minerals Section Bureau of Land Management nepartmeni of Imenor Portland, Oregon LEGAL INVITATION TO BID j Douglas County will receive SEALED bids el the Courthouse. RoscOurg, Oregon until 10:30 m., p o.i. June sin, isw for ine purchase or one only crawler type front-end toaoer wim enacnmenis. proposals win ot puoiiciy opened and read In Room 317. Counly Courthouse, Roseburg. Oregon prompt- r ei me time ano aaie aoove mennonea. Specif. calljns are on lilt with the County Cier of Douglai County and copies thereot may be oblainei at tne dike l the Pur- chasing Agent, Room 217 Courthouse. Rose- purg, Orego.i. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS rneir proposals and mark -n on the outside or the envelope Bul , 0, c, only eraser type fronltxvd loader with attach ment. id io be opened at 10:33 a.m., P.D.T. Trade to r " Oooalu County Court reur.u tne rlohl ' -lt an, and all ok,,, lo waive any fcrmatity In bidding, and lo a-vard tht purchase lo the bidder whose proposal, is In tne court's opinion, to tht best interest ol Douglas County. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL OR 2-3321 CASH RATES Aa.trtisinf rot Business Vfitnin (tolebutg 11491 A'U , - , - Cord of Thonks I -Dav rata 2 lines 3-Day rote 2 lines 6-Day rate 2 lines $2.00 ....... SI. 00 S2.00 $2.75 30 Day rate 2 lines ., $6.00 I -Day rate 3 lines $1.50 3-Day rale 3 lines $2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Day rote 3 lines $8.00 CREDIT Abovi utrs strtie:! to 50 cnti charge tor credit DEADLINES Private Party Armrtisint 2 P.M. Osy Prior ta PLblicsho.i. Tl-e Mev.s-Fteview resiivss tin rifril to clissily. eait or iei;:t any clissitied Ad Copr. ADJUSTMENTS - If your advertisement appeals incorrectly, notify is rmmeaijrely. We r.ill not be Irsooasibie 101 more than one incorrect Inserting Su;h responsi bility is limitco to a collect inseilion of Idval- tisrnient, Rtlunll Will Nit Bl Hill Mill tll W Days CLASSIFIED INDEX AIRCRAFT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 7 J6 AUCTIONS 44 AUTO INSURANCE 70 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ...L 7, AUTOMOTIVE WANTED 10 AUTOS FOR SALE II AUTO TRUCK PARTS 7! BOATS AND MOTORS 55 BUILDING MATERIALS 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ... !! BUSINESS PERSONALS I CARD OF THANKS ... 5 COMMERCIAL RENTALS J4 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ... 31 FARM EOUIPMENT 70 FARMS AND RANCHES 3 FLORISTS ,. 4 FOOD AND PRODUCE 51 FUEL 4J HAY AND GRAIN (I HEAVY EQUIPMENT 77 HELP WANTED 14 HELP WANTED MEN IS HELP WANTED WOMEN 14 HOUSES FOR RENT , ! HUNTER'S ATTENTION 9 INCOME PROPERTY 37 INSTRUCTION 10 LIVESTOCK 43 LOANS AND FINANCE Jl LOGGING EQUIPMENT 74 LOST AND FOUND 1J LOTS AND ACREAGES ... 35 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE .. 45 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS ... 73 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED .. 44 MOBILE HOME PARKS 31 MOBILE HOMES .... 37 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .. 30 MOTORCYCLES '.. 77 MUSICAL INSTRUMENtS 50 NOTICES 11 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 PERSONALS .... 7 PETS AND. PET SUPPLIES 47 POULTRY AND RABBITS ... 48 POWER SAWS , 71 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM AND BOARD 74 ROOMS FOR RENT : 37 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK .. SPORTING GOODS ' ... TIMBER AND SAWMILLS 53 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 41 TRUCKS FOR SALE 74 WANTED 'O RENT 35 WORK WANTED 17 WHERE TO GO 10 WANT ADS Are For Everybody ALTERATIONS . SEWINO SEWING ol all k'nds. Alterations a sper.lal. ly CallOR 3-M41 ORAPeRlES Custom made or aliered. "All work guaranteed. OR 3.S174. APPLIANCE REPAIR CALL AN EXPERT I'ast Guaranteed Service on all makes OF MAJOR APPLIANCES BERGH'S APPLIANCE OR 2-1661 616 W. Fairhaven U-Ssvv Stamps BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young. OR 3-7419 CARPENTER WORK, cabinets, patio, "car port, rernodlfng. No Job to small, reason able. No business Sunday. OR 3-8652. CUSTOM BUILT' homes? rtmodels, cabinets, carports, garages Fret esl, males, 100'- finance. Ph. OS 9-5157, Grady Roberson. FOUNDATIONS, houst raising leveling," re pair. Work FHA approved. Cement, block work, fireplaces. Fret titimttes. Cal Mergel OR 2-4341 or OR M844 I CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery- EXCAVATING, SAND, GRAVEL CARLSON'S CONTRACTING Set our ad under "MiS'-tiianeous For Salt" DOZING. ieveliifl;a!-,o jravll rock? river team and road matsrlals, Charles Kesly. OS 9-5117. BULLDOI P R. f yar d"Vndr? "l V. V ' oack'hoe all mounted em ntw track layer. On your joo your choice one or alt same price. J yard dump true on tvery )h. Also rosd materials. Hourly rates or bid Call OR J-HU. ! HEARING AIDS Service on all mokes. Pnonf OS t-5074. GARDEN EQUIPMENT Sates - Parts - Service SMALL AIR COCLEO ENGINES Jece'r Meers Rote Hoe Tillers Brioat - Str.lton - Clinton Lauson Power Products Wisconsin, etc- Le Bleu Motors J!f IE, Jarkso-i OR J-JSaT Sell Buv Pane Hirer To Pico Your Ad Dial OR 2-3J2I Classified Section Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An Onymeua OR 3-447 YOUNG WOMEr of any faith needing con. lidential advice may contact catholic cnar lues. 171 w. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Diamond 5.3447. IN DEBT! DONT let bills cost your ob, your credit, everything you ownt IF you art in debt beyond your abil ity lo pay and sincerely want to get out ol oebt, ee BUDGET CONSULT ANTS and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PI AN to you. One place to pay aM bills, at a payment you can alford. No security, no co signers, NOT A LOAN COMPANY BUDGET CONSULTANTS Licensed and Bonded Rosoburg, Oregon Ph. OR 2-3391 433 SF Main St. Lost and Found 12 FOUND Fishing, camping equip, on Fish take Rd. Owner claim at tanyonvme Police Station. TO per ion that found pearl ring In ladits rest room ai bod a rranivi i-iying n station, Sunday, please return to station and pickup cash reward. Help Wanted 14 ATTENTION; School classes. Churches, Scouts or organizations Interested In mak ing sjo. sen 14 bottles ot Nationally aovr Used vanilla. Call OR 3-370!, I to 10 a.m. Help i Wanted Men 15 EXPERIENCED YARDER ENGINEER -Call OS 9-544 evenings STEADY WORK lor logging truck. Call 9-43 alter PM. EXPERIENCED CHOKER SETTER Call after 7:30 p.m. OR 3-'B59 or OR 3-5115. MENWITH CARS,' route work selling Wat kins products. No experience necessary. No layoffs. Good commissions. 133 SE Sherl dnn, I to 10 a.m. SALESMAN To Sell Frigidaire Appliances Contact Mr. West Umpqua Valley Hardware & Appliance 635 SK Stephens Help Wanted Women 16 CAPABLE woman to cart lor 1 children dur Ing summer. OR 3-7107 after 5:30 p.m. WANTED Housekeeper" for" 2 eldorly per sons. 6 day weak, $15 per week. GY A-3S64. GIRL 17 or "over to stay wilh children 3 days a week. Newton Creek area, or have own transportation, OR 2-1176. WANTED mature lady lo live In and care tor two boys 11 and 13. Also light housework. Room, board, and small wages. 1002 SE bill. Atttr 6:30 p.m. (York Wanted 17 LAWN MOWING Yard care. 11.73 hour Call OR 2-1746. 531 Flood St. 1 CARPENTER' WORK - Pointing or gsnerai repair. Call OS 9-5334. LOVIr G CARE. "Children. Young flr er. My home. Reasonable. OR 2-1073, MATURE WOMAN- Baby sitting or ""iron inq. Your homo. OR J-4309. IRONING, (I sprlnde and st.irch) pick up and deliver, si tir.OR 1-4336. "IRONING SI HR? Laundry mending free. OR 3-6416 GRASS AND WEED MOWING ' OR 3-6145 CUSTOM TRACTOR ' ROTO VAT ING. Coll OR3-57M YARD WORK? rotolllllng and liwnmowlno". OR 3-6629 BUILDING repair and remodeling, reason able, fret estimates. OR 2-3494. " CARPENTER WORK AND REPAIRS CM. Hfltllcid,OR 3-3B2I CLEANING by lha" hour, experienced refer ences and car. C.ili OR 3-6370. PART TIME ExpT boo-tkoepfng, typlng?"dl( taphone, general elf let. Call OR 3-4714 LAND5C APING-TILLING-DOZING BULLDOZING, land clearing, levellng-by hour or contract. A. C, 5cl)Attenlerk 9-S471. custom' "tilling" wiri Ai lens tiller ."' Earl Clark. OR 3-3749. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING Harry and Don Wilson OR 3-3761 CUSTOM PLOWING, leveling " and grading Ed Luderman, Phont OR 3-4737 OLD ROTTED "cowand ihtp ftrlMiier. Jack May Landscaping Co. OR 3-7307. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING " Free estimates. OR 3-S64I CUSTOM ROTOTILLING, weed and brush cutting, 'coling mid grading. Call tvts. M. H. Foil, OS 9-5548. CUSTOM TILLING AND LANDSCAPING?S0" ROTOVATOR FERGUSON 3S TRACTOR SubSoiler. John Peterson. OR 3-6Bl. CUSTOM T ILyLlNG, New Ftrgu-.on 35 Diesel, new 50" rolovatcr. Vlrlis "Pal" Savage, Ol 6-1730, Glide, Beebe & Bowman CALL ANYTIME OR 3-3738 OR 3-8135 HOTOTIUJNG LKVEUNG LANDSCAPING LAWNS Sprinkling Systems Installed 1 Tractors to Serve Youl PAVING CEMENT WORK WANTED of iry kind. Ctll OR J;'76l ExPeRTeemtnt "worn". $iwaiM? drives patios, fret estimates. OR J-3J4J, UMPOIM EXCAVATION 8? PAVING . BL ACK1 OPPING - Stteciafl'lhg In drive ways nd parking !ol' OR 5-4417 PLUMBING LICENSED PLUrBER repairs, clean outs, remndels. new construction. Call OR J-7S4S, or OR 1-7M1 or OS V-IW . RADIO 1 TV REPAIR GOODWIN RADlO& TV ZENITH Sales & Service Guaranteed work on all makes FREE TUBE TESTING 2:..-,4 W Harvard Ave. Oft 3-7371 Evervone Reads SERVICE DIRECTORY " Ads In Classified . Dial OR 2-3321 Wd., May 29, 1963. The Newi-Re!ew, Roseburg, Or. 11 Instruction 19 PRIVATE TUTORING by certified teachers. Limited enrollment. OR3-4e2J or OR 3-4711 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS ' Call OS 3-7217 LEARN TO FLY Special Summer Rates Solo Course. . .$119. . .$9 a lesson Private ground school .. $3 a lesson Also HELICOPTER Lessons! ROSEBURG SKYWAYS Municipal Airport OR 2-3611 OR 2-4189 Loans and Finance 21 BUV discounted small contracts and equities. OR j-el3 or tvet OR 3-6091 Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up lo 51500 On motor vehicles and lurnlture l SE .Vethlnglon OR J-SJI1 LOANS-" Auto - Salary . Furniture PACIFIctitFINANCE fan. Dick BurdlcK Hi SE Stephens Manaoer OR 3-4eel Livestock Loans . Southern Oregon PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN 202 Medical Arts Bldg. Phone OR 3-3248 Put Yourself Into a BETTER CAR Willi a Quick, Convenient, Low Cost ; AUTO LOAN from DOUGLAS COUNTY ' STATE BANK 662 SE Jackson OR 2-4401 Business Opportunities 22 MOTEL I units. 9 wltti kitchens, 2 BR home. $10,000. Property or contracts on trade. Glnn Dalt Motel, Myrtle Creek, Ore. SELL OR TRADE Catt at 1549 S. E. Ste phcni. All equipped Including soil let cream machine, oit 3-40B5 after i p.m, MYRTLE VARIETY store (formerly Ben Franklin). Owner has other interests. Andy Rostron, Box "NN'S Myrll Creek, Ore. THE RED BARN RESTAURANT and Tavern, 15 miles east ol Roseburg, on North Ump qua rlvir and Highway. Phont Best Ras mus sen, OH2'l937. IDEAL trtlltr court proper! ySpec7for 30 trailers. Prtstnt Income from furnished cabins 1300 per month. $6000 down will hnndlt. Or will tradl equity. Call OR 3-4955, alter 3 p.m. Commercial Rentals 24 FOR LFASC Warehouse space 4 blocks Irom Jackson StOROOorOR 3-6040. WAREHOUSE for rent or least. 42 X 63 it., on railway spur. CallOR 3-4461 FOR LEASE Service station, lube equipment furn I shod. Low rental Phone OR 2-1 461 or OR 2-U72, or wrltt Box 99, Roseburg, Ort. ROSE 'STREET building, IOkI 10', 'now"oc cupltd by Lockwood Molon evailabla about July. OS 9-5002. SOUTH GATE DIST Formerly Bergh'i Ap pliance 30 x 90', parking. Lease all or subdivide. Building for least. CHI OR 3-6193 days, or OR 3-6091 tves. FOR RENT SMALL SHOP IN SOUTHOATE L. W. Metiger OR 3 7M PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANING CLEANING ATTIC GARAGE BASEMENT TRASH REMOVED Pre-Renlel House Cleaning. Minor Repairs Lawn and Yard Care lteasonnblc Kales OR 2-2773 or OR 2-1827 ROOFING FOR TOP QUALITY ROOFING call QUAL ITY HOOFING CO. OR 1 DM. SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AIAX Septic Service, tsn'-.s cleaned. Porrpt service. Reasonable. OR 3-4474. septic Tanks cleaned" Rossbiiri iahi. lary service pnone. OR 3-WS6. SAW SERVICE SAW SHARPENING Circular Band - Chain Htndtaws - Saw bar reconditioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE & Supply Co. 384 NE Mirinuiin Ave. Oil 3-4231 Near N saleway Market TOOLS RENTALS SERVICE PLOW SHARPENING, welding, ))S! SW Caitla Ave. Machine Shop. OR J-4487, FOR RENT Mttuilocri chain saws arty sire . McCulloch post holt auger McCuMoch stump auger HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales & Service OR 2-1272 Garden valley let Acres) Iium M-ward'i FOR Rf-Nf TRENCHERS From 3" to I" wide Up to 1' ' deep Powtr Iswn rake (for removing thatch) Aerator Many othtr items. LANSING & OLIVER 1531 SK SU'phcn OR L 3-0036 TRIE SURGERY .'RTE TRIMMING, topping, .u removing Irtiuft-J. Fret estimates. Ph 39 Oakland. WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nettling flow- ei etwrov-u credit, W.OMR WELL ORILLING Phon. OR Mill or Sulnerlin 403 Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE FOR RENT Roseland Court Motel - OR J W3J BUSINESS BUILDING with 0 streel park ing. Phont OR 34S04 Of OR 1-SM5. OREGON EGG PRODUCERS WAREHOUSE, lor Itast with option to buy. 13,000 sq. It. tvoor space wilh oltlc. dock loading tor trucks u.idtr cover. Also dock unloading; tor (r eight cars. Call Lae Brum! it id, OR 1-7400 or AI Bowiiflhauser, JC4 SE Ath. Street, Portland 14, Oregon. Wanted to Rent 25 WANTED by June 1 Furn. or partly lurn, 2 BR house or apt. References. OR 2-4130. REGISTERED NURSO wishes 3 bedroom home on Wtstsldt. OR 3-3535 alter PM. RECENTLY trans ter reel-Need modern V or 3 bedroom home In or near Rocburg. OR 3-7jJ4. LOCAL BUSINESS MAN wishes to lease 3 or 4 bedroom homo in nice area. Prefers 2 baths. Will pay up to a years rent in advance if necessary. Write co News Review, Box 655. Apartments For Rent 26 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. OR 2-3632 TWO BEDROOM rural burnished apartment fireplace, city water paid. OS?-54iO. COTTAGE "AT.7urnl5'hed."334 sTe, Rose SI. OR 3-B7S7 eves , ONE BEDROOM 'furnished apt. US' Call OR 3-6456 FURNiSHeb"bachelor" apt. Inqulrt 1015 NB Klamath alter 5 p.m. LARGE1 btdroomupstairsaDt. Furnished. Ciost to city cjnler. Call OR 3-7Q28. VERY nice" "lorn. 'apt7Nice. location, couplt only, no children. 1332 SE Oouglas. FURNISHED APARTMENT? ADULTS 741 S.E. JacKlon THREE room furnished opt. down town. Adults. OR 3-6570 a-'tcr- 5 o.m. MODERN"furnlihed apartment. Private en trance. Water, garbage servlct furnished. 5a month. 1314 W. Crestvlew. TWO bedroom apt. Ground floor, refrigera tor, range. Water, garbage sorv. furnished. Call OR 379840l OR JWWJ. ATTRACTIVE redacorntetf, l bedrbortfapts". tloclrlc heal, all utilities furnished. Priced from 160 to Q !ol7W Harvard. OR 2-1462. SUTHERLiN I UNION OAP ApfsTYbdmi sso. 1 udm, S40 mo, Furn. including water and elec. Suther1lp2128j)rOS9-5690. FURNISHED compact apt for tingle adults. Weslslde. Ground floor, parking near door. Private entrance and oalh. $50 month. OR M577. ADULTS ONLY Sorry no ea'ts or dogs. I bedroom nicely furnished apis. Pleasant surround inns, private and quiet. Hot waler garbage pnld. Automatic laundry tac. In quirt Shntiy r-olnt Trailer Sales. I ml. South BR, OR 2I433 Kohlhagen Apts. Mcuorn, leaionabtt rent Jackson St- at -Lam Ave. ADULTS OR 3-1244 "A Gocd Place To Live" COMPLETELY, FURNISHED Boautltul lu wide mobile homes comparable In ilio to moit apts., yat tht convenience ot private yaro, and parking adolnlng trail er Also smaller trailers available. Timber Town Trallo' Park. 2010 NE, Stephens. OR 3-6354 YODD ' APARTMENTS" 1-2-3 Bdrm. apts., furnished or unlurn. Wa ter and garb, tcrv, provided also heat lit some. Rents from 170 up. SWIMMING POOL Terraee Apts. gns equipped OR 3-5861 Winchester Ct.-Hol water heat . OR 3-7466 Vista Homes Hoi wa'.er heal OR 2-4388 Weslvue Cr.-Washoi-dryer OR 2-2549 3-7936 Oakhlll Aptj.t-Radlsnt Heat ' ' OR 3-4348 Rooms for Rent 27 LIGHT Housekeeping and steeping rooms also J bedroom house. OR 2-U8l. FURNISHED hskp. room. U til? pd. $35 rrtd. Single Mao. Nil SE Short. SLEEPING ROOMS Gentlemen. Bi;"S-E. Dlakely, V.'i Oiks S.E. Greyhound depot. NEW ROOMS-! ncludtng telephone and linen sorvlco tw per' month and up. Hotel Um,qua. OR 3-AU,' Room and Board 28 ROOM ANP BOARD, lunclici packed. OR 3-7049 HOME AND CARE tor elderly people. Nlct rooms. 5 miles south. OR ;.797v. GOOD Home cooking (S day week) $75 mo. s ml s. Jo Ann's Dordlng Hse. ur j-9y. HAVE VACAIICII-'S al Grandvlew Nursing Home. Just call OR 3-llOr. Houses for Rent 29 TWO bedroom unfurnished house, yard, gar age. Close In 170. call OR 3Xf. 3229 FLESER AVE 3 bedroom house. See between 6:30 end 1:30 p.m. SMALL furnished 3 room house. No pets. 160. OR 3-W62 "ert p.m. TWO BEDROOM "house, completiiy furnished, $60. OR 3-6S36. THREE BEDROOM unfurnished houst. Fire-, pi a eg, carport. N. E. District OR 3-7117. NEWLY" decorated 3btdrcom"houst." iii S. E. Brockway. OR 7-il 49. THREB bec'rooms, fireplace, utility, carport, Vi A. Good neighborhood. Shade. Ol 9-iJOS. LARGE 2 bedroom houst, 160. Call OR 3' 7780 buforo 5 p.m. UNFURNISHED'!?" bad room house. Available June 3rd. '0.J3R i-inv. THREE bedroom house? off ""Terrace" Ave". $75. Call OR 3-4926. ' THREE hid room heme, well to well carpet. 190. Call OR 3-3934. $75 3 hedroom haute, unfurnished. Inquire ; at 1340 SE Fuller Ion. FURNISMFO" CA1JIN -' WiltJUr?Utllltiis 1t eluded. OR 3-8B33. 'u n N ISM't O' "cabin? Week iT relet. ' M N Stephens, flcillr Motel. rue TO pnnR Bdrm nomas lor famiiiei or llnglt elderly. OR 3-6148 FOUR BHDROOM older home, Douglai" St.. MO. ("ho it Ol! 3-43B3. ONE "liSDROOM "h0Jse?"partly furnished" Westiioe. Iii. OR 3-6132. CLEAN 3 'room lurnlsri?d tablnVmltei west ol DIHard. Will rent to responsible couple. OS MI3J P'm' FURNISHED" oid bedroom cabin, "iso"per month. 248$ Diamond Lake Blvd. Phone OR 333S ON " BR turn, apt, Cpie preferred. Water, garbage erv.furn. Wash. fee. avail. W. OR 2-3017 or Inq. O. Valley Market. TWO tMdroom modern houst, 2 miles south. Fireplace, city water. J6S, OR 2-131 or OR 3-71W eveninqt. ! RENT FOR $M month or Vtii 'tor $S00 down Two bedroom house In Oillard. Appoa Imatety V4 pert. Cell OR 3-3)5! elter 6:30 weekdays. ONE " and 'two""rooms with" kitehtns, evrrv trtirto Included tli per week. Two bed room, kitchen, Everything Incl.j 25 per wk. Chlldr"n rifededt Rosehnd Court Motel. Mobile Homes (or Rent 30 I BEDROOM furnished frailer OR 3-2833 EXTRA NICE 1 er 2 bedroom modern fur nished trailers. Adutts only. Timber Town Traittr Par, JCio NE Stephens. OR 1-6354. I Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER SPACES AVAILABLE - Any lengm. Including all electric GREEN , MUAOOW TRAILER COURT. OR 3-267. THERE ARE still a fw choice irces avail able In Douglas County's onry "Four Star" mobile park. Compare the features: Heat ed poo', free bus tervice, spacious lots. $35 per month, town . COUNTRY MOBILE PARK OR Mobile Homes 32 le FT, ALUMINUM tamp trailer, 1713 SW Kndal!, OR 3-SB45 1.(4 PARAMOUNT t0',""! Mdroom. C- Trailer Haven, 4 N. E. Sterling. ! i 4