10 Th Nowt-IUviow, Kotoburf, LEGAL NOTICI OP PINAL IITTLIMINT Tha undorilgnod, Enacutor ot lha Estato of Mlnnlo Lm Dockar, Dacaasad, has Iliad In tha Circuit Court of tha itato ol Oragon far Douglaa County, tha final account ot hit administration, and tha Court hat tlxad Mon day. Juna 17th. 1963, at 10:00 o'clock In tha soronoon or aaio day. aa rnn nma, . ri.it rmrt bmhi "a" In tha Courthouse at Rotaburg, Oragon. aa tha placa. lor haarlng oolactlons. It any, to aald tlnal account or to tha tartlamam or saio asiaiy. Datad, May nth. I'M. JOHN WESLEY DECKER. JR.. Fiatutar Of tha Ellata Ot MINNIE LEE DECKER, Docaatad NotrOnalForestTimber For SoU ' StraddU Salt Oral Auction bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, or hii authorized representative ai me m fire of the Forest Supervisor, Fed' eral Office Building, Roseburg, Oregon, beginning at 2:00 P.M., June 25, 1963, for all merchantable timber marked or designated for cutting on an area embracing M acres, more or less, within sec tion M, T. 30 S , R. 1 W.. W.M., surveyed, in the Umpqua National Forest, Oregon. The estimated vol umes are: J 600 M board feet of DoucUt-rir and pin. 100 II board fret sewnse cedar and other iro- Tfce minimum acceptaote bid per 3 feet is aa follows: Douglas-fir and pine $15.20. incense cedar and other species $5.35. This include tbe following rates, per M board feet for stumpage includ ing deposit for sale area better ment! 13 00 base rate plus an ad ditional 111.75 for Douglas-fir and pine, $4.90 for incense cedar and other species and $0.45 for slash disposal for all species. The stump- age rates payanie lor eacn species will be increased by the amortiza tion rate in effect for that species when the unamortized estimated cost of the main haul roads has been amortized by timber scaled. The unamortized estimated cost is $36,354.00. Amortization rates are: Douglas-fir and pine, $12.51 per M board feet, incense cedar and oth er species $4.09 per M board feet. Amortization of estimated main haul road costs Is computed on 80 percent of the estimated timber volume. The prices bid for stump age shall be considered aa tenta tive rates subject to quarterly cal endar adjustment upward or down ward by 0.S of the difference be tween the average of tha monthly Douglas-fir region indices, as cal culated by the Forest Service for the three previous months, and tha following base indices: Douglas fir and pine 97.35(B). Such adjust ments in the price for stumpage shall be applicable to timber scal ed during the three-months period following the quarter for which the adjustment Is computed. In no event, however, shall the payment rates for each quarter be less than the base rates as stated above. When the adjusted rates by spe cies are lowor than the baso rates, the difference between the total dollar value of the timber cut at adjusted rates and at base rates will be recorded for each species. The stumpage rate for a species will not be increased above the base rate until the subsequent ad justed rates above the base rate will develop an accumulated total dollar value for the species In ex cess of the recorded accumulated difference for all species. Sealed bids will be publicly opened and posted, at the office of the Forest Supervisor at 2:00 P.M., on June 25, 1983. All those who submitted a satisfactory sealed bid will be permitted Immediately to continue auction bidding. A money order, bank draft, cashier's or certified check In the sum of $4,300.00 must accompany each bid, to be applied to the purchase price, refunded, or retained for application to any claim for damages, according to the conditions of sale. If requested by the purchaser, contract terms will permit felling of timber in ad vance of payment up to the value of the performance bond. If an oral bid Is declared to be high at tha closing ot the auction, the bid der must Immediately confirm the oral bid by submitting it in writ ing on a Forest Service bid form Tha right to reject anv and all bids is reserved. Forest Service bid forms for use In submitting sealed bids and full Information concerning the Umber, the condi tions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger, Cow Crook Hang er District, Tiller, Oregon, or the Forest Supervisor, Roseburg, Ore gon, before bids are submitted. r IN THI CIRCUIT COURT OP THI ITATI OP ORIOCN IN AND FOR OOUOLAt COUNTY Cata Na. 7S11 CITATION ON SALI OP RIAL PROPIRTY In tha Mallar of tha Itlala ol ALICe lOUELlA JWTW. Deceased. TOl ALL THE UNKNOWN HEIRl-AT-lAW and NEXT OF KIN of ALICE LOU EL- LA SMITH. OecoetM. IN 1HI NAM! OF THE STATF OP ORE GON: You ara haraby commanded and cited lo appaar In tha abova-anlltlad court and mat- far wllhin 71 davl. from tha da a of tha tint publication of thlt Citation, la show cauia. If any vlata, why an errtar of sale of tha raat proparty of laid estate, situeted In Douplat County, Oragon, daKrlbad ai follows, to-wit: BEOINNINO at I point which la North SI degrees ' Eait II).! teet and South 01 degrees 10 Eait in 5 taat trom tha quarter cornar common to Section f, Tewnihlp Tt Soulh, Ranga West, wtl lamalta Marldlan, Oougiaa County, ca pon, and Sactlon 11. Township n Soulh, Ranga a Watt, Wlllamatta Marldlan, Doug laa County, Oregon) thence North aa de grees 33' Wait 343 3 faat to tha cantor Una of County Road Na. 13li Ihanca Southeasterly eel faat along aald County Rsad center Una) Ihanca South It de grees 33' Eait to point which It Soulh 3 degrees 10' Eait from tha point of be ginning) thanca North 3 dagratt 10 Walt to lha point of beginning. Escept that per. firm conveyed fa Douglat County tor road ' Purposes. to pay tno ententes of admlnlslrallen or and cieims agelnsl aaid ailata. by Maradith Wilson, tha duly appointad, quallllad and act ing admlnlslrator of lha abova antltlad ai lata, should not ba mada ai prayad for In lha Million of (aid administrator on flhl herein. witness my hand and tail af uw court th, ath ay at M,y. ttu. O. D. MYLENIECK. County Clark by Ina Uadegrefl, Daputy lio" '"' pu,1-iCtkni IT PAYS TO PATRONIZR NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Of. So., Mny 25, 1963 LEGAL no. um SUMMONS IN TMI CIRCUIT COURT OF THI ITATi OF ORIOON FOR DOUOLAl COUNTY KAI-ION JEUNG, r mint i ii, VI. PO LINO JEUNG TOt FO LINO JEUNG, Dtfervdini: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE OON. you r fquifd 1e ppr and nwir th complaint Iliad tqtintt you In the ibovft-antltltMl uuh within a otriod e ii wMki from ttw data of tht tint publication of this aummoni. If you fill lo antwtr, for want tharaof. tha plaintiff will ftDoiv to Ina coon lOT ina ratiar prav ad for In Mid complaint, a succinct tUtt- mant ot which u ai toitow: That uDon tha oravar of tha plaint I If, dacraa ba mado and onltftd granting unto him an bsoluta dacraa of divorca from you, tha dafandant; nd for uch olhar nd furthar rallat 11 It ttva court may warn aqultablo. Thlm lummani ti irvad UDon you DV publication In accordanca with an ordar of tha abova-nimM couri maaa sna innrtq on May U, 1H1. Dtad and first publlthad May I. GEODES, FILKift, WALTON & RICHMOND A1 lor nay for Plaintiff FmI Olfk Box ll Roiaburg, Oragon Notional Forast Timber For Sal Vena Ridge Sale Oral auction bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, or his authorized representative at ine of fice of the Forest Supervisor, Fed eral Oifice Building, Roseburg, Oregon, beginning at 2:00 P.M., June 25, 1963, for all merchantable timber marked or designated for cutting on an area embracing St acres, more or less, within section 7, T. 29 S., R, 1 E., W.M., sur veyed, in tha Umpqua National Forest, Oregon. The estimated vol umes are: 2,300 M board feet of Douglas-fir and pine, 200 M board feet of white fir and other species. Tht minimum acceptable bid per M board feet is as follows: Douglas-fir and pine $21.00, white fir and other species $9.05. This in cludes the following rates, per M board feet for stumpage including deposit for sale area betterment: $3.00 basi rate plus an additional $17.45 for Douglas-fir and pine, $2.00 base rate plus an additional $6.50 for white fir and other spe cies and $0.55 for slash disposal for all species. The stumpage rates payable for each species will be increased by the amortization rate in effect for that species when the unamortized estimated cost of the main haul roads has been am ortized by timber scaled. The un amortized estimated cost is $, 838.00. Amortization rates are: Douglas-fir and pine $3.60 per M board feet, white fir and other species $1.37 per M board feet. Amortization of estimated main haul road costs is computed on 80 percent of the estimated timber volume. The prices bid tor stump age shall be considered as tenta tive rates subject to quarterly cal endar adjustment upward or down ward by 0.5 of the difference be tween the averago of the monthly Douglas-fir region indices, as calculated by I ho Forest Service for the three previous months, and the following base indices: Doug las-fir and pine 108.69(D), while fir and other species 91.68(A). Such adjustments in the price for stumpage shall be applicable to timber scaled during the three months period following the quar ter for which the adjustment Is computed. In no event, however, shall the payment rates for each quarter be less than the base rates as stated above. When the ad list ed rates by species are lower than the base rales, the difference be tween the total dollar value of tho timber cut at adjusted rates and at base rates will be recorded for each species. The stumpage rate for a species will not be increased above the base rate until the sub sequent adjusted rates above the base rale will develop an accum ulated total drjllar value for the species in excess of the recorded accumulated difference for all spe cies. Sealed bids will be publicly opened and posted, at the office of the Forest Supervisor at 2:00 r.M., on June 25, 19B3. All those who submitted a satisfactory scaled oia win tie permitted immediately lo continue auction bidding. A mon ey order, bank draft, cashier's or certified check in tho sum of $2.- 800.00 must accompany each bid, to ua applied to the purchase price, refunded, or retained for applica tion to any claim for damages, ac cording to the conditions of sale. If requested by the purchaser, con tract terms will permit felling of timber in advance of payment up to the value of the performance bond. If an oral bid Is declared to lie high at the closing of the auc tion, the bidder must immediately confirm the oral bid by submitting it in writing on a Forest Service bid form. The right to reject anv and all hids is reserved. Forest Service bid forms for use in sub mitting sealed bids and full in formation concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and the sub mission of hids should be obtained from the District Hanger, Soulh Umpqua Ranger District, Tiller, Oregon, or the Forest Supervisor, Roseburg, Oregon, before bids are submitted. INVITATION TO BID Douglai County Court will ,K, lEU.ri J?.', J! '""X"'- wburg. Oragon "l'l 10 10 am. POT Juna llh. Uutor .L"'t',. - on mp trvca ana II ton capacity I. It dact trallar. Proposal! ,ll M publicly nranad and raad m Room lit, County Cwrlhou.a, Roiaburg. Oragon piomoliy at tha lima and data ahovy manllonH. Spaclflcalioni ara on Ilia with ma County CHWS. of Dougu, County and coplal tharaof may bo ooiainad at lha nir .... chasing Aoant, loom 311, Courlhousa. sa- INSTRUCTION! TO IIDOERI Iddars shall saal thalr o.oo..,.i, and mart on lha outiicfa of tha anvalooai Kid tor purchava af ona only 3-0 cu yd. dump truck and 11 ton capacity fill daca trallar To ba optnad 10:30 o.nv, p D.T. Trada In Thyra shall b nt trada kv Rasanralians Douglas County Court rasaryas tha right So raiaci any ano an etoi, ,a waiva anv mtor mahty In bidding, and ta award tha our- chasa to tha b-ddar whosd proposal Is, in tha court's opinion, tg Ina bast Intarast gt Douglaa county. Award 01 Pwrthasg Award af tho pu,chasg wiH bo mado aa a Wheat sg ong ptddar. LEGAL NOTICI OP FINal. ACCOUNT In tha Circuit Court ot tha Slala ol Oragon tor tha County of Douglas, Probata Dapart- mant. In tha Mallar ol tha Ittata of LESLIE H PFAFF, Dacaasad: Nollca I haraby olvan that tha undarilonad. ai administratrix ol tha aitala of LESLIE H. PFAFF, Dacaatad, has Iliad har final ac count In tha Circuit Court of tha Stata of Oragon for Douglaa County, Probata Dapart mnt, and thai Monday, tha 3rd day of Juna, ItU, at tha hour ot 10:00 o'clock In tha tora noon of aald day In Courtroom A of laid court hava baan appointed at tha tlmo and placa for tha haaring of oblactlona tharato and tha settlement tharaof. Datad and lint published. Way Uth. 1H1. MARGARET V. PFAFP Administratrix NOTICI OP PINAL IITTLIMINT Notlco la haraby givan that tha undar slgnad, administrator of tho Ettala of Jamas Hanry Malsnar, Dacaasad, has fllad his Final Account In Iho Circuit Court of tho stata of Oragon for Douglas County and said Court has fliad Monday, Juna 3, Ifa3, at 10:00 a.m. In tha Douglas County Courlhousa In Circuit Court Room A In Rotsburg. Oragon, as lha tlma and placa tor haaring obltclions, If any thara ba, to said Final Account and tor tha settlsment lharaol. , DONALD S. KELLEY Administrator of tha Ettala of JAMES HENRY MEISNER, Dacaasad. NotionolForest Timber For Sole Straight Croak Sal Oral auction bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, or his authorized representative at the of fice of the Forest Supervisor. Fed eral Office Building, Roseburg, uregon, Deginning at 2:00 P.M., June 25. 1963. for all merchantable timber marked or designated for cutting on an area embracing 274 acres, more or less, within sec tions 7 , 8, 9, 16, 21., 22, 27 and 28, T. a a., it. 1 w., w.M., surveyed, in the Umpqua National Forest. Oregon. The estimated volumes are: 1.500 M board feet of Dnue. las-fir, 800 M board feet of white fir and other species. The mini mum acceptable bid per M board feet is as follows: Douglas-fir $17. 25, white fir and other species $8.35. This includes the following rates, per M board feet for stump age including deposit for sale area Betterment: 13.00 base rate nlus an additional $11.85 for Douglas-fir, $2.00 base rate plus an additional $4.95 lor while fir and other spe cies and $2.40 for slash disposal for all species. The stumpage rates payable for each species will be in creased by the amortization rate in effect for that species when the unamortized estimated cost of the main haul roads has been amor tized by timber scaled. The unam ortized estimated cost is $10,917.00. Amortization rates are: Douglas- fir $7.72 per M board feet, white fir and other species $2.59 per M board feet. Amortization of estimated main haul road costs is computed on 80 percent of the estimated tim ber volume. The prices bid for stumpage shall be considered as tentative rates subject to quarterly calendar adjustments upward or downward by 0.5 of the difference between the average of the month ly Douglas-fir region indices, as calculated uy ine f orest service for the three previous months, and tho following base indices: Douglas-fir 108.69(D), white fir and oth er species 91.68(A). Such adjust ments in the price for stumpage shall be applicable to timber scaled during tho three-months period fol lowing the quarter for which the adjustment is computed. In no event, however, shall the payment rates for each auartcr be less than tne base rates as stated above. When the adjusted rates by species are lower than tho base rates, the difference between the total dollar value of the timber cut at adjust ed rates and at bast rates will be recorded for each species. The stumpage rate for a species will not be increased above the base rata until the subsequent adjusted rates above the base rate will de velop an accumulated total dollar vnluo for (he species in excess of the recorded accumulated differ ence for all species. Scaled bids will bo publicly opened and post ed, at the office of the Forest Su pervisor, at 2:00 P.M., on June 25, HKi.l. All those who submitted a satisfactory scaled bid will bo per mitted immediately to continue auction bidding. A money order, bank draft, cashier's or certified check in the .sum of $2,400.00 must accompany each bid. to be applied to the purchase price, refunded, or retained for application to any claim for damages, according to the conditions of sale. If requested by the purchaser, contract terms will permit felling of timber in ad vance of payment up to the value of the performance bond. If an oral bid is declared to be high at the closing or the auction, the rudder must immediately confirm the oral bid by submitting it in writing on forest iiervico Did form, the right torject any and oil bids is reserved. Forest Service bid forms for use in submitting scaled bids and full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger, South I'mpqua Ronger District, Tiller, Oregon, or the Forest Su pervisor, Roseburg, Oregon, before bids are submitted. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 13 1, Order of sale, certain Forest Land to International Paper Co. 1, Order correcting description, re; part of See. 22, Twp, 22 S, R. 10 W, W.M. 1, Resolution, re: height, length, and weight for Trucks 2, Order, re: Realignment of Shoe string Road No. 44 1, Order, reappointing Lawrence Michaels to Rudget Committee 4, Order, issue tax deed, Royal Maynard Hatfield et ux ' $, Resolution, reappointing l-ostcr i F. Nielsen, comm. of Housing Authority ! 8, Order of sale of tax foreclosure resl property 9, Order appointing Supervisors for Douglas Countv Dog Con trol 9, Order reappointing Ralph E. Haggard, Constable for tslen dale Dist. 9, Order reappointing Ernest E. Morgan, Constable for Reeds port Dist. It, Order for hearing, re: Dissolu tion of Riversdale Rural Fire ; Dut. I 11, Contract awarded to Hameri lorporation, re: Tyee Road No. S3 It Poy To Parroniio Niwi-Rovitw Advtrtiter LEGAL 12, Order to issue license to search, Mineral rights on County owned land 12, License to explore mineral rights, Beckley ic Thomas Rock Products 12, Lease agreement with Rose burg Translator Corp. 12, Bid accepted from R. M. Wade (V Co. for fencing material 12, Order accepting deed, re: Tyee Road No. 33 15, Resolution, re: realignment of Metz Hill Road No. 74 15, Final Order, re: realignment of Cole Road No. 91 17, Order accepting deed, re: Rose burg Melrose - Umpqua Road No. 13 17, Final Order, re: Dillard-Brock-way-Lookingglass Road No. 47 18, Final Order, re: Hubbard Creek Section of Edenbower-Millwood Road No. S 18, Order accepting certain real property for Scottsburg Park 22, Temporary easement issued to Forest Service, pt. Sec. 4, Twp. 21 S, R 11 W 22, Order to issue tax deed to Rob ert Dollar Company 22, Order to purchase certain land near Milo for recreational use 22, Order, re: witness fees and mileage 22, Order for an election, re: Dis solution of Riversdale Rural Fire Dist. 24, Order to issue correction Deed to Ozra M. Pcttcy et ux 24, Order for Hearing, re: North Umpqua Sanitary District 24, Order, tax refund to Robert J. Cowan 24, Order accepting rock storage agreement (Calapooia Stock pile 24, Assignment o f Calapooia Stockpile Site 25, Order appointing C. E. Reece as manager of the Abundant Food Program 25, Lease Agreement with W. M. Kennedy, building at 2660 N.E. Stephens St. 26, Order accepting deed, re: Roggs Road No. 274 29, Plans and specifications, re: Tyee Road No. 33, Brockway Lookingglass Road No. 47, Cole Road No. 91, Hubbard Creek Road No. 6, Mclrose-Roseburg-Umpqua Road No. 13, and Melrose-Flournoy Valley Road No. 51 30, Order to Issue tax deed, pt. Blk 17, Browns Addition to Oak land 30, Order to issue Quitclaim deed to James N. Gourlcy et ux Date May 15, 1963 G. D. MYLLENBECK, . County Clerk GENERAL COUNTY WARRANTS DRAWN FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1963: ADVER TISING & PUBLICITY: Porter Adv Agency $912.00; ASSESSOR: Pierce Freight $3.00, Address Multi Corp. $3.11, M (V M Printers $33.15, County Clerk $1.00, Pac NW Bell $9.90, Postmaster $10.00, Inter Assn. Assr Off $1.50, Postmaster $86.38, General Stores $3.00, Co. Surv. Prtg. $31.00, Consolidated Freight $2.95, Carter Tire $23.06, Standard Oil $71.53, Shell Oil Co. $26.07, Tidewater Oil Co. $7.87, Gen. Roads $67.00, Unin Oil Co. $6.05, Lockwood Altrs. $22.37, Hansen Alotor Co. $26.40, Recdsport Gar age $28.00, Inter Bus Mach. $70.00, Carter Tire $11.50; BOUNTY & PREDATORY ANIMAL CON TROL: BOBCATS at the rate of $2.50 each to the following: Guy Cutlip $2.50, Garry Michael $2.50, Fred Asam $2.50, Chas. Jackson $10.00, Melvin H. McCord $10.00, Marion Enlow $2.50, Gene Young $2.50, Robert Jennie $2.50, G. W. Kammcycr $35.00; COYOTES paid at the rate of $10.00 each to the following; Chas. Jackson $130.00, Lowell Lousignout $10.00, Rodney Trotter $10.00, Lcnard Ross $10.00, Larry Yount $5.00, Marion Enlow $20.00, Robert Jennie $10.00, Chas. Strode $10.00, Richard McDonald $10.00, G. W. Kammcycr $20.00, Catherine Paker $10.00, Floyd E. White $10.00; CLERKS: Xerox $354.20, Pac N W Bell $10.70, Roens $1.35, Recordak Corp. $42.87, Post master $15.50, Postmaster $50.10, General Stores $15.54, G. D. Myllen- beck $46.35, Comm. Ins. Agcy. $266.67: CIRCUIT COURT: Hut ham Signs $12.80, M & M Printers $65.60. Pac N W Bell $14.75, Mid Ore Prig. $15.35, Postmaster $5.05, Trowbridge Electric $41.95, Post master $.06. General Stores $4.77, Harold E. Brown $63.84. Edwin C. Anderson $16,28, Helen Fslhe $56. 00, Edward West $56.00, Eleanor Ball $56.00, Mcrritt P. Burt $63.04, Ravmond Sarvela $52.00, Jeanette 11. Bourock $41.96, Lyle Buell $7.08. Laura Cressey $8.20, Dick Cranial $7.08. Willie Dennis $5.00. Harold Fornev $7.08. Lovd Freamnon $8 -20. Keith Hubbrll $6 12. George Riffe $5.00, Dorothy Wills $5.00, Ben Serafin $7.08. American Bar Assn. $5 00; JURY TRIAL FEES 4t MILEAGE: Frances P. Cooke Et AI $5,953.68: TRIAL JURY WIT NESS FEES A MILEAGE: Ken neth I.inder Et al; $44.48: Umpqua Hotel $41.45; J. E. Campbell M D $.1000, Wm. 11. Jones $35.00, Ger ald O. Kabler $50.00, Geo. W. Neu ner $35.00, Thomas Garrison $25 -00, D. R. Dimick 5225.00, J. V. l.ong $35.00, Ed Murphy $.15.00, Sjiencer W. Yates 35 00, Geo. l.uo nn $.15 00. Donald A. Dole $35 00. Ralph J. G. Wvcoff $189 90; COUNTY COURT: Tac N W Bell $6 90, Postmaster $5.38. Earl Plum mer $4 06. Pac N W Bell $ 70, Postmaster $1.08, General Stores St 87. Standard Oil Co. $15 08, Shell Oil Co. $4 74, Union Oil Co. $4.47. Signal Oil Co. $15 92, Ray E. lloer ner $22 50, General Roads $53.25. Union Oil Co. $12.11; DISTRICT COURT: $2.70. Postmaster $1000, General Roads $1245, Gerald R. Hayes $57.76; JURY FEES V MILEAGE; Dorothv L. Anderson Et Al $1,864 54; WITNESS FEES & MILEAGE: Thomas R. Wood $8. 20: Sherman R. Dunham Et Al $18960; CONSTABLE: Pac N W Bell $1 10. Postmaster jrooo, Gen Stores $1 00: TRAVEL EXPENSE: Buy Rite Tire Co. $11.50, G n. Rosds $65 65, Carter Tire Co. $41 -14; J. P CAI.APOOIA: THE DRAIN ENTERPRISE $55 .. F.c N W Bell $24 65. Ward C. Watson $000. JP DRAIN: Pae N W Bell LEGAL $9.40, Warren De La Vergne $42.10, W. T. De U Vergne $40.00, J P GLE.NDALE: Gen Stores $4.25, Jack B. Day $40.00; J P REEDS PORT: Orin B. Collier $40.00, J P CANYONVILLE: Cal Pac Utili ties $7.80, Nina Pietzold $6.30, Nina W. Pietzold $31.80, Nina Pietzold $50.00: JUVENILE: Bus Equip. Center $22.03, Pac N W Bell $33.90, Postmaster $10.00, Postmaster $60. 10, Western Union $2.75, Gen Stores $29.00; TRAVEL EXPENSE: Lee Carstense $18.45, Julian A. Helleck $14.55, Kenneth L. Miller $13.50, Ernest E. Shippen $17.20, Standard Oil Co. $24.37, Shell Oil Co. $7.22, Signal Oil $17.89, Julian Helleck $9.80, Hotel Umpqua $6.25, Fire stone Stores $2.80, Carter Tire $80.54; FOSTER CARE: J. L. Un terwegner $90.00, Beth Scheer $78. 00, Lucille Barlow $118.00, Verlie Jones $88.29, Irene Blehm $42.00, Paula Howard $110.00, Opal Her ring $515.55, Dorothy Williams $199.60, Carmen Bennett $23.00, Shirley Wise $420.00, Drain Variety $7.96, J C Penney $78.06, Dr. Clif ford J. Hein $5.00, Lees Pharmacy $1.70, Blanche Gray $33.00, Lucille Barlow $95.00, Shirley Wise $544.75, Opal Herring $595.88, Verlie Jones $211.75, James Untergegner $90.00, Beth Sheer $75.00, Edna Thompson $60.00, Stanley Walker $102.00, James Apperson $150.00, Dorothy Williams $180.00, Paula Howard $62.95; Dr. H. G. Miller $145.00; COURTHOUSE: Gen Stores $10.00, Ore Water Corp. $84.34, P P & L $644.71, Lansing & Oliver, Eugene Overall Wry $30.00, Rsbg. Gar bage $25.00, Umpqua Valley Hdw. $19.19, Orvillcs Fixit Shop $12.10, Otis Elevator $79.71, Tozers S6.14, Trowbridge Electric $1.60, Farm Buo $97.91, Du Fresne Elec. $97.55, J. C. Sport Gds. $2.50, Coen Supply $15.05,. Gcrretsen Bldg. Supply $5. 44, Otis Elevator $79.71, Pierce Freight $2.95, New Service Laun dry $7.75, Gen. Roads $29.19, Pac N W Bell $709.60, Rsbg. Fuel Oil $547.76, Cal Pac UtiliUes $23.04; DIST ATTY: Robert Schumaker $.50, Pac NW Bell $65.95, Postmas ter $18.86, Gen. Stores $39.25; Han sen Motor $11.98, Standard Oil Co. $24.37, Shell Oil Co. $5.60, Texaco $11.34, Texaco $24.65, Gen. Roads $2.52, Vcrden Hockctt $6.25, Avery Thompson $8.50, Avery Thomp son $40.00, Stevens Ness $58.62, Chris Studio $14.00; ELECTIONS: Rsbg. Office Mach. $58.00, Post master $10.70, Postmaster $77.39; FAIRGROUNDS: Doug County Fair Board $4,600.00, Doug. Co. Fair Board $3,500.00; FURNITURE & FIXTURES: Chapman Bros. $540. 00, Chapman Bros. $900.00: HEALTH DEPT.: Nursing Outlook $8.00, Pac N W Bell $14.45, Record ak Corp. $22.00, Postmaster $57.49, General Stores $10.05, Petty Cash $17.83, Photo Lab $4.05, TRAVEL EXPENSE: Bernice Smith $88.09, Ron Anderson $107.45, Thomas Os borne $70.86, Bruce Bailey $97.00, B. R. Shoemaker $63.45, Lavenia Miller $73.32, Thomas J. Osborn $114.62, Ronald D. Anderson $100. 05, Bruce B. Bailey $96.14, Ethel Wilton $54.10, Nettie A. Ulmer $68. 31, Irene Howard $5.13, Rosalie M. Gruclzke $67.30, Bernice C. Smith S6SR7. EriM Plctt 137.56. B. R. Shoemaker $64.04, Erma Plelt S102.73. Erma Plctt $1.00. Nettie A. Ulmer $86.30, Alice F. Wulff $9.95. So. Oregon Battery 514.95, Central Lincoln PUD $1.74, West Coast $12.35, General Roads $326.- 68, PERS $102.58, I'EKB $218.31, SIAC $10.44, New Scrv Laundry $3.92, Cutter Laboratories 516.80, Parke Davis Co. $74.40, Wycth Lab. $2.80, McKay Drug $3.50, Surgical Sales $57.72, urs. rurrer tt. ai. $85.00. Long It Shukle $75.00, L. H. Butcher Co. $861.25, P P & L $1.25, Farm Buo. $22.02, Wyco Interna tional $95.45, Van Wan rog tquip. $11.70, Van Waters & Rogers $228. 00, Gen. Roads $21.45, Hugh J. Byrkit $13.48, Wm. H. Peckham $42.21, Dr. E. Keuhn $96.00, John nys Tov House $13.61, Diet. Corp. $62.00, Pac N W Bell $24.65, News Review $7.00, Gen. Stores $12.50, HiiEh Bvrkit $40.98, Wm. Pdkeliom $86.06, Dr. E. Kuehn $68.00, PERS $26.60. PERB $80.29, SIAC $3.09; HOME: U S Nat'l Bonk $6.00, Gen, Stores $1.00, Pac NW Bell $25.80, Gen Roads $7.76, Pearce Upholster ing $2.50, Rsbg. Glass $1.65, Ore Water Corp. $41.84, Pac Power & Light, $163.47, Dohrman Hotel Sup. $1.98, Harris Vlmii. 546.53, He bard Supply $15.60, Doctors Sup, $188.00. Sori! Products $5.76. Rsbg. Radio 4- TV $5.00, Packer Scott $19.60, Trowbridge Electric $6.23, Farm Buo $29.80. Industrial r.lec trie $.15. Thompsons Barber Shop $22.50, Douglas Cable TV $6 50, Latham Wlisl $141.07, Co. Home Pa- t cnts Acc. $250.00. O N C S5.80. Os mund & Co. $71.55, Mc Kesson 4 Robbins $318.05, Wycth Lab. $9.12, Warren Teed $'J9.25, Amer. Hosp Sup. $15.05 McKay Drug. $34.65, Surgical Sales $31.71. Cal Pec Util ities $34.09. Rsbg. Fuel Oil Svs St. 192.22. Ralnh E. Johnson $151.80 Hudson House $168.33, Franks Food Mart $357.36. Dutchess Boned Tky, Rsbg. Poultry $100.58. Van Dine Meat Co. $130.46. Rsbg. Wholesale $67.12. Boyer Meat Co. 582 08, Mel rose Dairv $315.79, Marsh Ranch $5.W. Valley Whsl. $576.10, Ump qua Dairy $103.48. Williams Bakerv $75.72, Webers Bakerv $7.92: JAIL Zenna Keller $20.00, Pac N W Bell $8.55, Consolidated Checm. SS8 15, S. Stephens Hdw. $18 00. Rsbg. Welding $10.95, Northwest Envelope $58 22, Du Fresne Electric $18.20, J C Sporting Gds. $7.50, Lr Lee I.ncey $5 00, Rsbg. Pharmacy $1.45, McKay Drug $7.50, Doug Comm Hosp. $15.00. Donald E. Clark $62. 00, Fluhrer Bakeries $109.69, Fram er Brothers $95.60. Rsbg. Whole- sail $48.12. Pearsons' Market $97.. 39. Ore. Egg Producers $4680, Mountain View Dairy $77 05, Valley Whsl. $258 14, Umpqua Dairy $96.- 68. Latham Whsl $14.40, Wahls Rsbg. Meat $199.21. Webers Bakery $54.37; LANDS: Countv Clerk $2. 00. Pac NW Bell $2 45. General Stores SS .48. Co. Surv. Prtg. $ 75 Union Oil $2 19. Robert E. Kischel $7 40. Sue of American Foresters $17.00, Hansen Mtr. Co. $3055. Lands; Standard Oil Co. $3.10. Gen Roads $10.78, Stevenson Realty $500 00, News Review $22 38. John A Brenda Gardner $65.33, County Surveyor $500 00, John A Brenda Gardner $44 86; COUNTY LIBRA RY: U S Postmaster $10.00. U S Postmaster $S9 00, Rsbg. Book Store $4.91, Koens Office Equip $7.29. Mid Ore Prtg. $53.45, Bro Dsrt Indust $50.00, Demco Libr Sup $29 00, General Supplv $4 94. Gavlord Bros. Inc. $17.05, Pac NW Bell $305, Roens $7 29. Pac NW Bell $3.00. Postmaster $67.72. Gen Mores i4 94. General Roads $39 00, R. R. Bowker $7 SO. Chas. M. Gard ner $7.80, MrNaughton Lbr. Co. LEGAL 1420.00. Pac NW Biblio Cent $255.- 05, Perc B. Sapsis Ine. $22.56. Nat Baseball Congress $1.45. r . . A. Owen Publish Co. $4.09, Pickwick Bookshop $113.70, Doubleday it Co. $197.28, The Baker Taylor Co. $2, 147.07; PARKS DEPARTMENT: Hufham Signs $5.65. Ore Water Corp. $2.10, Postmaster $12.00, Pho to Lab $.83, Rsbg. Book Store $1.53, Tidewater Oil Co. $34.84, General Stores $34.48, Pac Power A Light $19.47, Tidewater Oil Co. $23.41, Hansen Motor Co. $4.36, Orchard Auto Parts $4.50, Tidewater Oil Co. $21.58, American Steel $3.75, News Review $7.20, Le Bleu Mo tors $3.25. American Steel $3.44. Or chard Auto Parts $2.68, Ranchers Vol Fire $16.00, Union Oil $4.66, Trowbridge Electric $146.24, P P A L $32.33, Farm Buo $54.00, Ger retsen Bldg. $1.00, Rsbg. Glass $5.24, Le Bleu Motors $1.50, Win ston Dillard Water $6.06, Sig Fett $7.59, United Chemical $41.00, City Lbr. A Bldrs. $.21, Union Oil Co. $4.24, Pac Power A Light $9.95, Hansen Motor Co. $4.80, Cal Pac Utilities $5.50. Roseburg Welding $5.50, Ray Chambers $80.76, Lees Sport Shop $4.29, Hansen Plmb $6. 00, Edelweiss Ski Club $366.00, Su burban Gas Svs $28.49, Lansing A Oliver $147.67. Drive A Save $4.00, Chrystalite Tile PI $62.29, Canyon ville Hdw $14.99, South Stephens Hdw $ 7.28, Umpqua Bldg. Supp. $266.38, Farm Buo $3.98, Coen Sup $11.61, Gerretsen Bldg. $4.55, Lath am Whsl $11.90, Le Bleu Mtrs. $.25. Carl J. Pectz $24.85, Sherwin Williams $3.80. American steel $23.53, Menasha Corp. $25.00, Co. Surv. Prtg. $2.90, County Surveyor $269.70, Palmberg Const. $24,839.32, PUBLICATIONS: The Mail $216.- 49, NewsN Review $353.72; St. Tax Comm $179.52, PERS $1,255.91, PERS $605.00; SOCIAL. SKCUK ITY: St. Tax Comm. $153.40, PERB $2,738.98. PERB $1.00; IN INSURANCE: Siac $132.51. Siac $10.00, Siac $847.64, Coom Ins. Agcy $7,016.78, 1HA $1,761.44; Sher IFF: DeDt of Motor Veh $34.00. Cal Pac Utilities $13.85, Pac N W Bell $125.80, Pac NW Bell $38.15, Postmaster $35.00. West Coast Tel $8.85, Industrial Elec $3.59, Rsbg. book store 57.07, Carlson nation Hav $13.04, Western Union $24.01, Mid Ore Prtg. $4.65,. Lindseys Hob by $2.00, Rsbg. Book Store $5.85, Gen Stores $3.00, Pac NW Bell $27:45, Cal Pac Utilities $21.45, Rsbg: welding $2.50, I. Byrd Et Al $135.00. Derrick No. 2 $7.30. Car ter Tire $159.80, Richfield Oil $81. 70, Umpqua Drug $1.00, Mobil Oil $.54.23, SHERIFF: $5.00 Roseburg Skyways, Standard Oil Co. $126.45, Shell Oil Co. $10.61, Union Oil Co. $90.93, Texaco $70.53, Signal Oil Co. $137.44, Tidewater Oil $292.16, Tidewater Oil $107.02, Richfield $21.37, Gen Roads $6.23, Carter Tire Co. $168.73, SIAC $60.63, I. Byrd tt At 5135.00. Comm ins. Agency tnssa r r h;.i.iH,n. 01 ci it Walts Towing $18.00. Norman Neal $68.00, Merle Jensen $44.27, Char lotte amnn w.w, Lewis travel Svs $428.55, R E A Express $3.45, ur. j. unrun 525.00, Parker Pub. $6.34. Photo Lab. $7.29. Bluemen- thai Uniform $42.40, Vallev Tailors $13.50, Wciner's $25.00: CIVIL DE FENSE: Roens $17.55, Postmaster $.20. Pac NW Bell $37.70, P P A L $22.09, Pac. NW Bell $7.45, Tide water Oil Co. $24.64, E W Roelle $250.00, Industrial Elec. $1.33; TAX DEPT: Poc NW Bell $4.15, Roens $4.05, Postmaster $1.00, Postmas ter $45.50, General Stores $5.20, McKay Motors $9.87, Standard Oil Co. $4.93, General Roads $8.56, IBM $35.00, Monroe Calculator $30.00, Pitney Bowes $32.50; VET ERANS: Pac NW Bell $9.00, Re cordak Corp. $39.64, Gen Stores $5.10, Geo. V. Blomgren $50.08, Geo. V. Blomgren $22.24, Drive N Save $15.00, Village Market $35.00, Marks Shopping $15.00. Byrds Mark et $20.00, Roy O. Young $23.60, Pac Power A Light $32.53; GEN ERAL SUPPLIES: Frankel Carbon $45.00. M A M Printers $15.00, Mid Ore Prtg. $19.95, Rsbg. Book Store $48.93, Umpqua Stationery $32.44, Viking Stationers $108.98; SUR VEYOR: County Clerk $1.50, Pac NW Bell $2.90, Trowbridgd Elec. $28.30, Postmaster $1.00, General Stores $1.92, Fred M. Darby $55. 30, Fred M. Darby $63.66, Dels Barllcy Repair $47.18, Sig Fett $2. 40. Standard Oil Co. $4.10, Union Oil Co. $4.14, General Roads $62. 29, Farm Buo $6.85. Rsbg. Book Store $36.59. F. R. Harvey $1.00, Vallev Welding $400.00; TREAS URER: Pac NW Bell $.40, Post master $2.00, Bert Lawrence $10. 40; WATER RESOURCES: Coun ty Clerk $13.00. Pac NW Bell $7.20, Gen Stores $7.95, Standard Oil Co. $10.52, Thomas H. Hubbard $201. 65, Harry Dayton $4.80, John Stand Icy $4.80, Robert Kellv $2.80, US Geo Survey $2,200.00, Rsbg. Sand A Gravel $9.45, Farm Buo $58.72, Coen Supply $7.50. Industrial $.15. Carlson Hatton Hav $6 90, U S Gcog Survey $10.40, Co. Surv. Prtg. $46.20; VETERINARIANS: Postmaster $10.00; WATERMAS TER: C. O. Bartelj $28.24, Pac NW Bell $14.55, Co. Surv. Prtg. $3.70, Gen. Stores $3.25., C. O. Bartels $112.24; WELFARE AGEN CIES: Louise Home $6.79, Louise Home $8.55: PLANNING COMM: Co. Surv. Prtg. $2 30. Pae NW Bell $1.40, Umpqua Stationery $1. 80, Postmaster $ 66, Norman Compton $17.92. Donald B. Har mon $3.36, Carl M. Hill $20 80, Hen ry Weber $4.00, Victor A. Pomerlo $46.80, Carroll G. Peetz $9.75. James E. Slatterv $8.10, Standard Oil Co. $9.60, General Roads $20.28, Victor A. Pomerlo $6.00, The Cour ier $1.11, J. K. Gill Co. $40.61, DOG CONTROL: Citv of Roseburg $96.00. Pac NW Bell $32.75, Han sen Motor Co. $30.70 Gen Roads $31.46. Rov Medlev $7.50. Harold Nichols $5 00. Darlev Ware $5.00, Delbert Langdon $52 00, Harold Mc Cormack $68.00. Svlvan Barager $7.00. Otto Matthews $7.00. Ted lwandowski $7.00. Harold Nichols $24 00. Kruse Brothers $34 00, Sin t hing $12.75. W. R. McKirdv $35. 00, A. E. Rice $14 00. Marion Krebs $10.00. Glenn Abbott $2 25, Alva B. Copeland $15.00. Geo. Sundberg $12.00. C. V. Weaver $19. 00, Robert Bryant $7.00. Jim Lewis $5.00, Lee Reding $5.00. Mid Ore Prtg. $2150. Pac NW Bell $3.40, Kency Credit Svs $275 00. Doug. Countv Roads $31 47, PERS $5 33, PERB $1993. SIAC $9.13: LAW LIBRARY: West Publishing $15. 40, Shepards Citations $130.00. R. Wayne Stevens $27.75, Bancroft Whitney $7.50, Matthew Bender $20 00, Howard Appling Jr. $4 .50. West Publishing $23 60; VITAL STATISTICS: V. R Thomas $2 00, Mamie WiLson $25 00. Dorlthv L. Fox $1 00. J. A. Unger $ 50, Govern ment Food Distribution: W. M. LEGAL Kennedy $350.00, PERB $8.01, SIAC $.79. DATED THIS IS DAY OF MAY 1963 GENERAL ROADS WARRANTS DRAWN FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1963 in PAY MENT OF: Culverts, concrete, frieght, right of way, asphalt, cap ital, gas diesel, oil, grease, jnsur ance, lumber, tires, parts, equip ment, rer.tal rock tools, supplies: Eugene Dietzgen Co. $186.48. C and K Petroleum Equip. Co. $32.00, L. J. Hughey $1.50, Ley's Variety Store $3.20, National Radio Lab A TV $4.40, Reedsport Auto ParU $48.09, Umpqua Bldg. .Supply Co. $11.82, The Bowman Prod Co. $42.- 33, Hyslop Paper A Supply Co. $2. 35, Industrial Elec Serv. Co. $68. 17, Pierce Freight Lines Inc. $15. 11, R. L. Shell Service $443.40, A A R Tire Co. $4 00, Air Mac. Inc. $7.80, Automotive Parts A Mach. $10.96, Burr Sullivan Inc. $6.70, Da vis Indust. Prod Co. $79.37, Flury Supply Co. $161.53, Moore Steel Serv. Co. Inc. $243.92, O K Tire Co. $427.26, Reedsport. Logging Supply Co. $42.96, Reedsport Out door Shop $98.75, Richfield Oil Corp. $306.68, Saw Service A Sup ply Co. $119.46, Tower Mtr. Co. $9.71, Winston Chain Saw $32.55, Palmberg Constr. Co. $1,014.00, Sig Fett $1,048.64, Shell Oil Co. $3, 352.23, Pacific Motel $64.00, Wood burv A Co. $162.40, Calif. Pac UtiliUes Co. $915, The Doug Fir Prtg. Co. $147.60, Ora Welker S2. 00, John L. and Isobel S. Wingler $34.38, Douglas County Title $22.50, Pac Power A Light Co. $3.39, Pac. Power A Light Co. $20.15, N W Ind. Laundry Co. $350.29, West Chemical Prod. Inc. $51.70, Carl J Peetz $286.65, Amer. Optical Co. $54.10, Balzer Mach. Co. $72.94, Fruehauf Trailer Co. $163.14, Gen eral Paint $36.96, Hansen Motor Co. $4.02, Kendall Motor Co. $223.- 34, Mobil Oil Co. $231.46, Peters De Laet Inc. $18.44, Pitchford Mack Sales $467.65, United Lines Inc. $21.60, J. H. Baxter A Co. $2,265. 88, J. D. Walling $12,812.64, Harry C. A Agnes L. Russell $25.00, Blake A Rachel Baird $1,000.00 Floyd W. A Lucretia E. Ross $280.00, James H. A Josephine R. Baird $871.00, Hugh Miller A Zuidon Whitmore $162.00, Gordon L. A Beulah B. Childers A R. T., Dora A J. W. Fuller $170.00, Elmer A Betty Baird $380.00, Marvin A. A Marth B. Lee $180.00, Donald Roy A Dor othy Baird $40.00, R. L. Meyers A Robert F. Bradley $162.00, George N. A Mildred R. Dunaway $300.00, Donald D. A Winnie Baird $175.00, Cleo W. A Christella R. Hoyle S262.O0. Becklev A Thomas $572.40, Fir Grove Motel $40.00, Pac NW Bell $77.35, Arthur L. and Rose B. Kittelson $120.00, Monterey J. and Lucille Gose $135.00, Ronald K. and Norma J. Meyer $211.00, Fred erick C. and Helen M. Schulze $442.00, Rudolph H. C. and Edna C. Mever $723.00. Thomas Donald Ol- livant $452.00, Elijah E. and Louise Ollivant $186.00, Ray A. and Ar mella Wittrock $480.00, Raymond and Beulah Buell $784.00, Douglas County Title Co. $37.50, Western Anln Assoc. Store $71.95. Mrs. J. D. Anglin $30.51, Paul Maresch $71.84, National Chcm searcn corp. $202.00, Texaco Inc. $614.53, Tide water Oil Co. $731.21, Leon K. Fink $1,000.00, Beckley A Thomas $20, 629.95, Central Lincoln PUD $20.44. West Coast Tele $17.25, Shell Oil Co. $9.08, John A. Rocder and Ar nold and Shirley Gurney $203.00, Clifford A. and Bertha L. Bucknell $150.00, Foy Walter and Hattie Mae Jones $110.00, Willis A. and Fran ces J. Erickson $907.00, Lester and Evelyn Richardson $275.00, John A. and Mary P. Rinaldi $395.00, Robert H. Franks $140.00, Pierce Freight Lines Inc. $28.22, John A. Roedcr $1,058.00, Hiram B. and Mclbe L. Germond $4,776.00, Tim ber Tractor Co. $69,000.00, Pac Mo tel $32.00, Carlson Hatton A Hay $6.96, Texaco Inc. $36.51, County Surveyor $17.70, Ray Puckett Ins. Agency $87.05, Unin Oil Co. ot Calif. $110.90, Morse Bros. $27,351. 36, Bureau of Land Management $1,242.95, Ore State Highway Com mission $191,000.00, Public Employ es Retirement System $2,216.62, Public Employes Retirement Board $3,448.35, Industrial Hospital Assoc. $1,774.16, State Industrial Accident Comm. $4,060.00, Douglas County Clerk $7.50, Daily Journal of Commerce $61.60. Fir Grove Motel $44.00, The News Review $50.97. Postmaster $25.00, Roens Of fice Equipment $7.20, City of Drain $16.20, City of Sutherlin $3.75, Doug Elec Coop Inc. $28.70, John A. Dye $16.93, Pac NW Bell $33.85, Reeds port Auto Parts $59.91, West Coast Tel $17.60, West Coast Marine $21. 50, James C. and Agnes Veach $1.00, Red Kain $175.75, Ore Water Corp. $23.52, South Ore Battery A Supply $575.26, Allen Box $75.00, Auto Parts Inc. 512.91. Motor Sup ply Co. $13.78, Pac Mtr. Trucking Co. $2.95, Timber Tractor Co. $109. 63. Howard Cooper Corp. $1,401.12, Sig Fett $9,520.00, Carter Tire Co. $2,318.67, M A M Printers $188.55, Postmaster $23.34, Rsbg. Book Store $60.75, Umpqua Stationers Inc. $394.51, County Surveyor $161. 10. Chris Studio S30.50. Clyde Equip ment Co. S2.017.10, City of Reeds port $3.00, Robert Minter $42.15, Tri Citv Water Dist. $3.00. Pre Mix Concrete Pipe Co. $858.90, Rsbg. Sand A Gravel Co. $11.05, Castor Mixed Concrete Inc. $793. 25, Ideal Concrete $656.46. Gerret sen Bldg. Supply Co. $30.63. Allen Parts and Equipment Co. $347.61, Bearing Supplv Co. $600.65, Or chard Auto Parts Co. $275.96. Rsbg. Glass Co. $161.29. A A I Parts A Service Co. $103.48, Bearing Sales A Serv. $44.03. Bunting Tractor Co. $136 83, C-V Auto Parts $5.86, J A H Loggers Supplv $150.90. Lakcy Bogen Truck Station $64.05. Lock wood Motors Inc. $708.53. Ore Ne vada Calif Fast Freight $20.86. Ravs Truck Parts $60.20. Sutherlin Auio Supply $2.91. Wilde Tractor A Mill Supplv $15.20. The White Mo tor Co. $92 36. Winston Sand A Gravel Co. $47.85. Alaska Steel Co. $1.292 58. Umpqua River Naviga tion $1,725.00. Pac NW Bell $7.50. Reedsport Plumbing Co. S3. 16. C. M. McDermott $13.41, Munnell A Sherrill Inc. $109 03, Roseburg Book Store $7.16. Rsbg Color Center $1.08. Arts Mach. A Welding Shop $3.00, Capitol Saw Shop $19.85. Chvrstalite Tile Plant $7.35. Walt Edmonds Motors $1500. Guthrie Mach. Co. $316 29. Jovin Brake Supply $45 59. Keystone M a c h. Works Inc. $44.20, Le Bleu Motors Inc. $26 66, Loggers A Contractors 1 Mach. Co. $1.30, Minnesota Mining A Mfg. Co. $143 00. Morris A Shir I ley $1 50, C. J. O Neil A Co. $5 97. jPapeBms. Ine. $479 64, Peters De i Lattt Inc. $43 19, Reedsport Logging LEGAL Supply Co. $13.03, Reedsport Mach. Works $4.00. Reedsport Outdoor Shop. $139.45, Reedsport Auto Elec. $12.58, Thompson Ford Sales $17.98, Tower Motor Co. $3 78, Walts Ra-. diator Shop $12.40, iucas nauiaiur Service $10.80, Rsbg. Paving Co. $3 901.33, Fred Lange $35.00; WAR RANTS DRAWN IN PAYMENT r.F FOREMEN A CREWS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1963: Vic tor F. Bakala 5404.17, Leta u. Rand $249.97, Doris M. Busenbark $214.87, Corinne Christiansen $185. 91, Ruth Holmgren $169.01, Roscoo Hasenyager .$347.50, Jay E. Gailey un av Ren G. Schrank $310.68, Alvin H. Berkshire $287.30, Floyd S. Haas $327.90, Claude iiumpnreya $312 52, Robert N. Sutherland $286.. 22, Alfred B. Smith $92.26, A H. May $731.58, George E. Grubb $540.76, Harry C. Morrill $444.14, Homer M. Gallap $459.00, Hilda M. Brown $213.11, Glenn S. Baugh man $423.95, William Betts Glen Jr. $311.69, Glenn L. Hash $315.42, Don E. Garrett $369.42, Dennis M. Johnston $412.78, Willaim B. Paulin $392.35, Bruce R. Rogers $405.15, Norman S. Walker $347.50, D. M. McWhorter $305.53, William L. Bui mer $296.60, Ronald D. Curry $285. 17, Garry A. Heichel $314.18. W. Roger Johnson $314.18, Fred O. Lange $285.49, Russell T. Pinard $290.27, Norman V. Totton $292.50, Bruce W. Winter $286.46, Lawrence E. Busenbark $321.60, Zsolt Fekete $224.85, Ruben J. Gausnell $309.27, Gerald N. Jackson $292.67, Kirk' L. Hebard $252.48, Bobby B. Ball $255.21, Leonard K. Liles $262.55, Cecil W. Perry $298.97, E. J. Mel ton $369.40, Thomas E. Beall $349. 31, George B. Casebeer $380.66, Al bert Green $306.90, I. F. Carlton $304.95, W. Keith Smith $358.02, Dale E.. Poore $320.72, Linard L. Starnes $304.79, Charles O. John son $312.18, W. G. Cooper $371.02, M. M. Stone $370.26, C. F. Wulff $373.16, N. S. Atherton $312.87, Hen ry R. Lander $300.33, Houston J. Trent $313.81, W. A. Carter $304.95, E. M. Maddox $286.68, R. D. Holm $328.20, A. C. Jones $300.18, A. A. Case $301.06., L. L. Paterson $387. 62, M. W. Underwood $364.81, Ottiu Mote $315.08, Troy L. Cox $316.95, I. Dale Adams $318.04, Cliford N. Westlund $304.30, E. R. Roop $287. 38, Fran R. Hcdrick $380.14, B. I. Gurney $358.60, John B Gribbla $408.99, John E. Thornton $368.18, G. W. Rockwell $312.18, A. A. Mc Donald $304.09, J. E. McLeod $342. 29, J. Wm. Engle $365.17, R. Wheel er $325.92, T. E. Colley $337.89, O. C. Snyder $290.33, Wm. T. Hughes $378.12, F. B. Rountree $327.89, H. G. Arrowood $343.76, A. L. Erwin $397.46, T. A. Erwin $353.77, M. R. Goin $364.67, G. I. Thackrey $323.- II, G. O. Ducharme $306.31, J. O. Walin $313.80, Andrew H. Koch $314.07, K. G. Jones $368.91, W. L. Wolfer $313.10, Joseph Sojka $295. 98, R. Z. Barker $312.18, A; Grino $244.88, J. A. Harvey $302.68, ii. M. Lister $287.38, W. Smithee $301.40, R. D. Page $390.61, R. E. Abeenu $363.94, Clyde Cooper $365.08, F. B. Underwood $335.96, A. L. Hall $335.68, F. S. Moore $82.17, E. A. Tavlor $398.90, F. J. Alberding $398.87, T. E. Brinigar $323.77, B. T. Chastcen $316.70, J. N. Davis $230.29, C. A. Holteen $315.40, S. M. Moore Jr. $290.98, C. Rhodes $295. 79, J. G. Stubbs $315.20, E. D. Wil son $320.83, B. F. Beal $306.51, E. R. Sanderson $370.12, D. D. Turner $356.83, M. C. Durkee $335.81, A. L. Donoho $371.46, H. D. Carey $300.82, K. W. Brown $315.03, C. R. Osborn $328.20, H. L. Roberson $314.12, L. T. Moore $303.90, F. L. Hogg Jr. $341.70, N. W. White $334.18, S. Colley $340.27, C. M. Minter $330.40, K. Leonard $339. 44, W. L. Surgeon Jr. $344.05, C. N. Madison $296.88, G. F. Madi son $307.45, C. Palmateer $299.79, O. W. Gaffney $278.34, C. H. Pack er $353.20, K. Neavoll $354.41, J. J. Packer $346.90, J. L. McCIinton $305.98, E. L. Bartlett $338.18, G. W. Cox $106.19, J. D. Stigers $329. 81, L. J. Hughey $353.62, R. J. Gaugler $347.23, R. H. Billick $357. 46, J. A. Peck $355.50, D. E. Woods S317.23, S. A. Earl $301.80, L. F. Murphey $313.81. J. C. Davidson $312.17, H. Burlison $304.95, R. Springer $289.40, E. E. Frederick son $277.23. C. Craig $289.46, R. C. Langholff $384.42. W. Wilson $387. 66, D. N. Sand $381.67, O. H. Powell $371.13, Ed Thicle $342.81, J. H. Sand $347.23, C. E. Johnson $329.50, F. Miller $393.88, H. K. Parker $462.75, C. W. Payne $441.68, L. B. Robison $391.25, J. S. Runge $343. 12, I. R. Stembridge $409.57, J. H. Toi $362.28, R. B. Turpin $375.65, E. C. Vance $218.78. O. O. Williams $376.72, V. M. Windom $416.51, C. C. Singer $329.91, S. W. Darby $414.33, P. T. Maresch $333.22, M. C. Ecklcv $359.40, P. A. Backlund $387.83, B. W. Churchill $325.07, D. C. Cooper $353.24, H. L. Eaton $361.71, E. E. Erickson $361.16, O. G. Garrett $364.86. J. J. Gilliland $381.06, R. F. Grifin $397.11, R. C. Hanson $206.85, D. E. Hardman Jr. $365.19, R. C. Huff $346.15, L. L. Johnston $408.18, M. A. Ludwig $424.39, R. H. Major $388.69. J. T. Brock $414 85, H. O. Peach $368.63. V. L. Elliott $338.44, H. A. Hall $358.74, L. D. Reedy $340.90, D. Hsl field $355.84, t. L. Heath $347.27, J. R. Baker $345.94, R. A. Beal $384.36. C. L. Beecroft $346.79, N. C. Conn $365.93. K. Conn $402.38. D. D. Fast $364.78. W. C. Hyde $385. 16, H. G. Kaiser $402.69, La Favette Maddox $347.33. Wiley L. McCraw $373.16. S. B. Norton $373.16. A, L. Olson $437.05. E. O. Rand $337.58. D. K. Shaffer $373.16, L. M. Sutton $518.03, F. R. Tinker $383.49. H. Trusty $352.59. R. Van Slvke $365. 41. C. A. Gaylor $296 88, W. L. Gav lor $335.48: TRAVEL EXPENSE: $318 50; EMPLOYEES DEDUC TIONS: ,U S NATIONAL BANK $11,154.70, STATE TAX COMM. $2.168 75. PUBLIC EMPLOYES RETIREMENT SYSTEM $2.599 38 PERB $3,448.35, INDUSTRIAL HOSPITAL ASSOC. $1,427.64, A F S C M E $181.25. COUNTY CLERK $3 75, NORTHWEST INDUSTRI AL LAUNDRY $67.50. DOUGCO $47$ 00, CITY OF ROSEBURG $20. 00. DATED THIS 15 DAY OF MAY 1963 G. D. MYLLENBECK, County Clerk.