Thurt., May 9, 1963 Th News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 3 BYRD'S coTt MARKET The Super Market That Will Not Knowingly Be Undersold On Everyday Shelf Prices Catholic Physician Requests Research . On Birth Control WASHINGTON' (UPI)-A noted : mmm, Stalls? W EVERYDAY LOW SHELF PRICES ON FAMOUS FOODS PLUS VALUABLE U-SAVE STAMPS V nn . tp in ihiunis ronca Beans Hunts Tomato Catsup -Hunts Fruit Cocktail Pwd. or Brown Sugar Spaghetti & Cr. Beef AA Extra Large No. IVi 20 oz. bottle No. 300 can C & H Pure Cane Sugar Mb. pkg. Chef Boy Ar-Dee No. 1 tin BYRD'S Orgon Grown and Graded 1-doi. ctn. Pure All Vegetable Oil colored quarters 1 lb. ctn. Mehs Canned Pop your choice of five flavors 12 ox. can 51.00 51.00 51.00 8100 51.00 279' 61.00 11100 : f i mpPJI Moihat Dam ! BYRD'S SUMMER HOURS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SALAD SHRIMP T"! VIENNA SAUSAGE POTTED MEAT Armour's 5 oz. can Armour's 3'4 oz. can innAnrrn r JiniMkUFr seapakt imruiticv jMiiiiiiEj No. V4 can . Seapakt 6Vi oz. can . ST HI HI SERVED FROM 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. FRI. & SAT, CRAB MEAT FACIAL SOAP 5 MANNING'S COFFEE CHOCOLATE CHIPS 31.00 51.00 549c 61.00 59 . 39 your cholct of grinds 2 lb. ca Nestle's 12 oz. pkg. mi i nirifi cr Lav Cno,iee LULL riVIALCJ 22 oz. jar VOLUME SALES MEAN LOW DISCOUNT PRICES AT BYRD'S ONE-STOP PRODUCE DEPARTMENT The Original Home Of GUARANTEED Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 39c :C 5'l 31.00 STRAWBERRY PRESERVES SESt. 69c GREEN SALAD OLIVES St 31.00 I CCI IC C A I T your ehoico of plain O OCc LC jLIE jAL I or iodized 26 ounce shaker J, J ChlillO A real treat for winter tired taste buds big, plump, fresh picked red berries that go so well with shortcake or over the top of fresh Umpqua Vanilla Ice Cream. Buy and enjoy this treat for your Mother's Day Dinner. c my KRAFT CARAMELS Your choice of five flovors. LB. CELERY HEARTS FRESH ROMAINE tender crisp, Sno-Boy Fresh celery, large package the green that adds so much to your tossed solods, 2 extra large bunches 29' 25' KELLOGG'S BREAKFAST CEREALS Catholic physician has called on the National Institutes of Health to set up immediately "at least 10 major research centers" to work on new methods of fertility- control. Dr. John Rock, emeritus profes- sor of gynecology at Harvard ' University and codeveloper of the-' oral contraceptive pill, made the plea at a luncheon meeting spon- sored by the Planned Parenthood Federation world population emer gency campaign. "Catholic doctrine today is no obstacle to a massive program at government action on the popula tion problem," Rock said. "Many. J Catholic scholars are as concerned with the tragic consequences of overpopulation as are non-Catholics." He noted that the late Pope Plus Xll and other "authoritative church leaders" have urged great- , er scientific research to perfect ' the rhythm method of birth con trol which Catholics find morally acceptable. Rock said ho had no doubt that -a massive research program would quickly lend to variety of "im proved, reliable, natural methods ' of fertility regulation" which would be acceptable to all religious" groups and cheap enough to be introduced on a mass scale in un derdeveloped countries. Ho said it is "tragic" that the Mil is spending "only about $3 million a year for fertility re-' search out of a budget of. close to $900 million." Calling for a scientific effort comparable to the wartime Man hattan Project which developed tho atomic bomb, Rock said that the. threat of overpopulation is so grave that "scientists must be attracted to work in this field" even if other, medical areas are temporarily" neglected. I Republicans Hit Aid To U.S. Idle Plan Of Kennedy By United Press Inttrnational . Rcbublicans called attention Wed nesday to an anll-dlscriminatiou regulation in an effort to defeat an administration plan to boost aid- for communities with chronic un employment. In a minority report accom panying the $445 million authori zation bill, a group of Republi cans printed the text of an anti discrimination regulation which governs use of facilities built with federal aid under the area redevelopment program. Tho regulation, published Jan. 4 in the Federal Register, previous ly had received Uttlo attention. Because it is "a comparatively new addition" to the program, the Republicans said they re printed the text "for the benefit of members who may bo inter ested." Without expressing any view on the merits of tho rrgulation, tho GOP report called specific atten tion to two of Its provisions: uno that Dors racial segrega tion or other such discrimination in nursing homes built with tho program's help. The attention fo cused on (his could make it more difficult for Democratic leaders to line up votes from Southern Democrats. A provision that exempts from the anti discrimination rules ill hotels, molds or other f n c i 1 i -les intended for occupany for pe riods of less than 30 days. This ;ouId make it moro difficult for Northern Democratic liberals to otc against an attempt to A-rilc a tougher anti-aiscrimina-.ion amendment into the bill. Adoption of such an amend nent would, in turn, make it still nore difficult to win Southern iouthern votes for the legislation. Other congressional news: Rsttrictiont: The House Com mitteo on Un-American Activities hoped to wind up a two-day hear ing on whether there should be further restrictions on travel by U.S citizens to Cuba. The com mittee, as usual, refused to dis close the identity of witnesses who would appear today. ' CORN FLAKES '1 OS. BCD10"- DAK lid DDAM " CllflAD CMATlC I hi pkg. cuoennen uucat 12 - pkg. roriCTcn ci aicc 10 01. I lVSJ LIS I LHIILJ SUGAR SMACKS CI I AD DrtDC 8 01 pkg. YOUR rumrv0 n in FF i j 1 1 1 Aivy i ivf 1 Li' U U ZS ZS I NOW YOU KNOW By United Prtis International The greatest area covered by a single growth Is that of the wild box huckleberry, a mat-forming evergreen shrub specimens of which have ben known to cover up to three acres, according to the Guinness Book of Records. Delicious Ripe Green Salted In The Shell AVOCADOS -225' PEANUTS 37' V mm Sunkist Excel N.e 'N Juicy V ' 7. mm HI iriMrr inch ii n Mnrtimnt II itfiet triij ttrnil Inltr, Mir II, IM1, Milt Ml nilici ititii IK tirinl Iiiikit nit. wi rmm Hi hilt ti Inn i.iilllin. m mil Ii Itiun. titrj ill ml ill nt ncMiiimil iihhih ft umlKliM f anif nlMlil. 930 W. HARVARD 2 BLKS. W. OF COMMUNITY HOSPITAL TOPS IN QUALITY! LOW IN PRICE