Tsnmile PTA For School Picnic On May 31 By MRS. WALTER COATS Plans for a school picnic were begun at the recent meeting of the Tenmile PTA. The picnic will be held May 31 with Mrs. Uoyd Thomas as chairman. Volunteers to help with arrangements are needed, it was announced, and those willing to help are asked to contact the chairman. Budgtt Outlined Supt. George Corwin of the Dil-lard-Winston district was guest speaker at the meeting and out lined details of the proposed school budget. He cited the need for an additional bus. more teachers and funds for building maintenance. Also on the program was a group from Mrs. Thclma Leigh's first grade presenting a square dance and a demonstration on physical fitness. Mrs. Barbara Nelson was install ing officer for ceremonies induct ing the new officers. The Rev. James Black, retiring president, was presented with a past presi dent's pin. Incoming president, John Anderson, announced t h e nest PTA meeting for May 27. New officers will be installed at the next meeting of the Olal.'a Tenmile Home Extension Unit set for May 28. Program for this meet ing will be on the care of hard wood floors. At the last meeting of the group, .Vrs. Glen Good was elected chair man tor the coining year. To serve with Mrs. Good will be Mrs. C. W. Wilson, vice chairman; and Mrs. Albert Young 11, secretary treasurer. A Chinese dinner was a feature of the meeting, carrying out the year's study of China. Members Weather Recording Equipment Undergoes Inspection At Tiller By MRS. MILTON HAMMERSLY Weather recording equipment I at the Tiller Ranger Station re ceived its annual inspection recent ly by Frank Beers and John Co paranis of the Department of Com merce, Weather Bureau, in Port land. From here they went to Rose burg for a stop at the supervisor's! office before continuing on to jmi gene and a visit to the Willamette National Forest headquarters there. Tiller Checked Early Beers said weather equipment at other ranger stations of the Ump qua National Forest will be check ed on another trip, probably later in May. Because Tiller normally experiences dry weather earlier in the season than the other stations, it is among the first to he checked each year. The two men travel in a pick-up camper vehicle. designated the Fire Weather Mobile Station, which con tains necessary equipment for their work as well as overnight accom modations, as much of their travel takes them to areas where other facilities are not available. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClelland and son of Eugene were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Looney and sons. The Looneys took their guests to sev eral local points of interest, in cluding Andraeiff Meadows, up river from South Umpqua Falls, where they had a picnic. On Sun day, Looney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gayland Looney of Camas Valley were visitors. Lou Billups drove to Medford re cently to bring his mother, Mrs. Kathryn Billups. hack to their home at the Tiller Ranger Station, after she had spent several days Azalea-Glendale HEU Elects New Officers For 1963-64 The Azalea Glendale Home Economics Unit meeting at the i Grange Hall recently, elected newt officers as follows: Mrs. Harold Estes. chairman: Mrs. Ed Booth, j vice chairman: Mrs. David Miller,; secretary-treasurer; and Mrs. I.c Roy Dixon, alternate secretary treasurer, i Ltssoni Announced Mrs. Bill Wunsch gave a report, on self-help medical lessons which she and Mrs. Ed Stein have been: taking at Canyonville. Plans wcrej made for holding such a course in Glendale on Thursdays at 10 a.m. at the City Hall. The next meeting of the unit was set for May 16. The program will be huilt around the theme,, "The Care of Hard Floor Cover ing." It is also planned that the movies taken wticn the HEU held a comic fashion show of grab bag hats, dresses and purses will be shown at this meeting. The clothing was modeled after it had been purchased as a sales gimick for raising money for the II EL' Scholarship Fund, and there was no effort made to match an of the clothing to the size or style The May meeting will be the last one of the year, correspondent Mrs. Gerald Fox reports. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Opperman. DANGLING FISHERMAN SALSA1.ITO. Calif. itPh Kiremen. police ollicers and a Coast Guard helicopter rushed Saturday to a point near Golden Gate Bridge, where a boy was reported dangling oicr a cliif at the end of a rope Rescuers found an Air Force sergeant fishing nonchalantly at the bottom of the bluit. He ex plained that he had been lihing at the same spot for years bv lowering himself down the clilf on a lOO foot rope. MokeS Plans ;also discussed the cookbook they ; are planning. Mrs. Maude James of Maywood, Calif., was a guest ; at the meeting. California Visit Recent overnight guests of Mr. in Tenmile were Mrs. Brietcnbuch er's brother and sister-in-law, .Mr. and Mrs. Edward Petersen of ;Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Breiten bucher entertained at dinner for her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Petersen of Long Beach. Calif., her .brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and i Mrs. Walter Petersen and grand daughter, Connie demons all of Roseburg, and Mr. Breitenbuch crs brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Smith of ldleyld. .Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wilson have as their guest Mrs. Maude James :of Maywood, Calif. Mrs. James : is spending her vacation at the ; Wilson home. The little Rustlers 4-H livestock I Club met Friday at the home of IMike and Bunny St. Clair in Tcn I mile. Roll call was answered by I naming diseases an animal could i get and suggesting prevention and I cure. Mike St. Clair gave a dem onstration on animal diseases and i methods and equipment for treat ing. Greg Standley, vice president, was in charge of the meeting. Frank von Borstel, County 4-11 agent, showed two films. The next meeting will be at the Carl Burr home on May 10 at 7:30 p.m. Members of the Senior Mixmas ter 4-11 Cooking Club made sal ads, using their own recipes, at their last meeting. James Cross and Mrs. Dee Farmer were guests of the club. visiting her niece, Mrs. Leota Lew is. The Billupses lived at Medford before moving to Tiller. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins drove to Shady Cove recently tol spend a day with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Bigelow and children. While there. Mrs. Collins assisted with preparations for the birthday party scheduled the following day for 6-year-old Anne Marie Bigelow. Fishermen Have Luck John T. Utley and Walter W. Whitford took limits of trout at Lemolo Lake on a recent over night camping trip. Assistant Ranger and Mrs. Rob ert D. Clauson and children drove to Cottonwood. Calif., recently where they met Mrs. Clnuson's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Waddell and children, who had driven north from thoir home in San Jose, Calif. The three Waddell children, Mary Leo, Bry an and Tommy, all pre-schoolers, returned with the Clausons for an extended visit while their father reeuperatesfroin a recent illness. Joe Matthews, gradcrman for the logging firm of Albcrti 4t Boyd of Myrtle Creek, cleared snow from the road up Dumont Creek' over the ridge toward Myrtle Creek April 29 and moved up to 2 feet of snow in the operation. More precipitation was measur ed at the Tiller Ranger Station during the month of April, when 4.38 inches were recorded, lhan had occurred during at least the previous five years. Highest amount during that time was 3.13 inches in 1960 and lowest. 1.38 inches in 1959. For the period of j Oct. 1962 through April. J963, total of 31.83 inches has been re corded. accompanied by their daughter, Lucille, and their niece. Dairy Elst. returned recently Horn a trip to San Deigo w here I hey were called by the serious illness of Mrs. Opperman's mother. Mrs. Henry Sage. Before returning home, they visited Tiajuana. Long Beach and Disneyland as well as scenic points in San Francisco. The Rev. Arnold Dalke, pastor of the Azalea Community Church, was the devotional speaker for a box social and youth party given at the Village Missions Church in Bridge. Ore., recently. Girls Make Trip Several Glendale 4-11 girls were among a group of about 50 older girls who were rewarded lor their years of 4-H work with an all-day trip to Eugene recently. Mrs. Lewis Price. Glendale Ele mentary School faculty member and 4-H leader, chaperoned Ruth and Penny Price, Barbara Van Norman. Mary Lou Anderson. I.ina Robinson and Ethel Harris, on the trip Each of Glendalc's entrants in the District Federated (iarden Club poster contest, lrma Blevins, seventh jrade. and Judy Blomme, sixth grade, took third places. Each had been a first place win ner in. the local contest. Michael Guinan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Guinan. has been award ed his doctor's degree in research physics at the University of Cal ifornia in Berkeley in which he is doing additional rcseaich while us ing the special equipment he built before his degree was granted. He is. in addition, a member of the university staif. Dr. Guinan is married and has two msall sons Mis Maurice llager of Glendale. wh't was released from Forest Glen Hospital recently, is reported to be making an excellent recovery from surgery. Her sister. Mrs. Bill McGinty of Fruitland, Idaho, is here and plans to spend another week or ten days assisting in the Hager home. !Oakland Couple Returns From Hawaiian Vacation By EDITH DUNN air. ami uis. n. v. onuses uae, return from i vacatioD ra wan. ! Tr.w.l P.U J.t rk.. ir, k.. i; !... Pm.ti.nri t man nm nri .r. i rived in Honolulu at 10:50 p.m. oecause oi ine time cnange. They made their headquarters at i the Waikiki Biltmore and enjoyed I tours from there. They made a ! I Puerto Rico To Receive Pacific N-West Lumber ; SEATTLE (LTD Simpson Tim- her (.0. omciais nave predicted that approximately 10 million board feet of Pacific Northwest ; down in national forests of Ore lumber will be shipped to Puerto j gon and Washington by the Co Rico this year aboard foreign : lumbus Day windstorm has been ships. Gus Hubbard, Simpson traffic manager, said his firm has book ed its second order of the year, 800,000 board feet, for shipment from Olympia to San Juan, Puerto Rico, aboard a Japanese ship, the Kazakawa Maru, in late June. Simpson said the Japanese quoted a rate of $11 per thousand board feet below the best quotation giv en by American shipping firms. LEGAL " CITATION Case No. 7t4 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TK( STATE OF OREOON FOR DOUOLAS COUNTY PROBATE DEPARTMENT In tht Matter of Ilia Estate of ALBERT M. ROWE. Deceased. TO: John H. Hendricuson, Betty Sue Rowe and Barbara Jean Ellis. Individually and as Administratrix of the Estate of ! vlsees and heirs' unknown, if any there j D' ,he Y0nsl H"""''50'' "' 'S all ds. i thorized representative at the of- iN the name of the state of ore- flCe of the Forest Supervisor, Fed- GON, Yoy are hereby commanded to ao-! . ntr n -i V pear In tne Circuit Courtroom "A" in the I CTal Office Building, Roseburg, County Court House in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, at 1:00 o'clock A.M. (DSTI, . on the 3rd day of June. 1963, to show i cause. If any there be, why an Order Kl,nd.,?r id the above estate, as prayed lor in pe-! tition on file herein. PARCEL NO. 1 Lois 2, t. 1. 10. 11, 13, and 15 el Section 16. Tovnshtp 30 South. Range 4 West of the Vrlllamelte Meridian, Doug las County, Oregon. PARCEL NO. 1 Lots Nine m and Ten 110) of Replat "B" of Pinkerlon's Homesites. Rose burg, Douglas County, Oregon. PARCEL NO. 1 BEGINNING at the interior L corner of Geo. T. Day Claim No. 47, Town ship 30 South, Range 4 West, Willam ette Meridian; thence South 330 feet along West boundary of Donation Land Claim No. 47, to a 1" x IB" bolt; thence East 132 (eel to B 1" x 30" pipe; thence South 330 reel parallel to West boundary of said Donation Land Claim No. 47, to a is" x II" pipe; thence West 137 feet to a V x IB" bolt in Wesl boundary of said Donation Lpnd Claim No. 47i thence South 725 feel along wesl boun dary of said Donation Land Claim No. 47 to a n" x 24" pipe at Its inter section with the South line ot Section 10, Township 30 South, Range 4 West, Wil lamette Meridian; thence west 176 leaf to Southwest corner of said Section 10; Ihence North 8' 36' Wesl 504.8 feel; thence North 1 08' West 765 feet to a pipe; thence North 8?a 52' East 70 leet to a pipe; thence North 1 0B' Wesl 1:0 feet; Ihence South 86 52'. West 52 ,'toet to a pipe; Ihence North 1' 52' ' East 401.5 leel to South boundary of the above mentioned Donation Land Claim No. 47; thence East 201. 5 teet along, South boundary of said Donation Land Claim Mo. 17, to place of beginning, . EXCEPTING therefrom . that one acre . tract lormerly used tor school purposes and described is; Beginning at a point 193 feet South of tne interior L corner ot George T. Day Donation Land Claim No. 47, Township JO South, Range 4 West, Wlllamelle Meridian; Ihence Soulh 7ff feet; thence West 2C9 leel; thence North 2C9 leel; thence East 2C9 feet to place of beginning. In Sections 9 and 10. Township 30 South, Range 4 West, Wil lamette Meridian, Douglas County, Ore gon PARCEL NO. 4 BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of Donation Land Claim No. 47, Ihence North 33.C4 chains 10 County Road; Ihence N. 14 30' V. 20.21 chains to V7est boundary of Donation Land Claim No. 47; thence South 1.99 chains to Northwest corner of the 1 acre tract of Phoebe Boyles; thence East 2 chains to the Northeast corner of said 1 acre tract; thence Soulh 5 chains to the South east corner of said 1 acre tract; thence Wesl 2 chains to the Southwest corner of said 1 acre tract and West boundary of said Claim No. 47; thence Soulh II chains to the Soufhvesl corner of said Claim No. 47t thence East 70 chains to the p'ace of beginning, all in Sections 10 and 15, Township 0 Soulh, Range 4 Vtest. Willamette Meridian, Douglas Coun ty, Oregon. ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM that certain 5 acre tract 01 land conveyed by Ida M. Montgomery and James M. Mont gomery, wife and husband, to School Diftrlcl No. IS and Union High School District No. 10, each being a body cor porate of Douglas County, Oregon, said deed being dated February 77, 1921. recorded Merch 26. 1978. on page 134 of Volume 90 of the Deed Records of Doug las County, Orenon. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM thai tract of land conveyed to Raymond L. Spore and Leona Spore, husband and wife, bv deerl recorded March 21, 1941, In volume 107, page 377 of the Deed Records ol Douglas County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows; Be ginning at a point 748 3 feet North of the Southeast corner ot the George Day O.L.C. No 47 In Township 30 South, Range 4 Wesl, W.M., in Douglas County. Oregon. Slid beginning point being at the intersection of the North line of the property ovned by School District No. 15 and Union High School District No. 10. wnere the same intersects the Count Road; thence North 0' 51' East 7CB.3 feet to the Northeast corner of that cer tain Iract of land conveyed by Julia H. Starrell to Albert M. Roe. by deed recorded on page 377 of volume 107 of the Deed Records ot Douglas County, Oregon; thence North II- 59' We't 960 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 550 leet; thence South 17' 43' East 455.4 leet; thence South fi' 31' East 39)5 teet; thence North II' 74' East 477 1 feet to the point of beginning AND ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that tract of lard transferred to Scnor.1 District No. IS by a decree of the Or rult Court of Ihe State of Oregon for Douoias County in the cae entitled "School District No. 15 e Oouglas Coun. ty. Oreoon vs. Rolstyn B'ldnes. the ad mlnislraior of the Etrete OI Albert V. Row. Oecead et al." an-s described as follows; Beginning at tne Southwest corner of the r.eo. T Day Donation Land Claim No. 47, in Section 15. Tov.n shp 35 South, Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian. jn Drjijg'as County. Oregon; thence North S6C.0 feet a'on.g tne v,esl liie ol slid cisim; thence North 74' X' East 415.0 feet, more cr lets, fa tne wt line ot ire present school Disiricr no. 15 oroserry as de scrioed m Volume 9?, page 134 of the Ded Records of Douglas County, Ore oon. thence South 0 Yl' East IC4C fel to the Southwest corner of Sc-onl property; thence South 17' 3D' East 455 4 feet to Ihe Southeast corner of School property: thence North 01 3C- West 120 5 feet along East line of Schnel ' p-nperty; thence South 4' 55' Easf 711.5 feet to the South line of D L C No 47. thence South H' 3' West Ml I feet to tne place of beginning. Dougia Counly. O'-.ci PARCEL NO. 1 LOr THOEfc Oi Less me East 15 teet. Pinertone Homes. tes, Roseburg. Doug las County. Cegc. and LOT FOUR 141 Less th East 11 feet, p.nkerton's Horenres. Roseourg, Ooif ias County, Oregon WITNESS mv hand and seal of said Court tffived this 35th day of April. 1963 G D. MTLLENBECK Cere By INA UPOESRFF Deputy , trip by observation plan? to all islands in one day The plane ' ' tree lOpS. 0er iaige pineapple plantations of Lanai Island aml: large sugar cane plantations. They saw large cresSc of growing Later they visited Pearl Harbor. Bridges had been in the area many times during World War II, and he noted many changes in the ships anchored there. They visited; Halway Mark Nears On Forest Salvage Sales PORTLAND (UP I) More than 40 per cent of the timber blown sold, the U.S. Forest Service re vealed. Sales to April 1 totaled 484,147, 000 board feet, according to Re gional Forester J. Herbert Stone. Stone said about 709 million i Panther Creek Salvage Sale No. I board feet remain to be sold, and 'Oral auction bids will be received most of that will be gone by July ! by the Forest Supervisor or his an 1. The Forest Service hopes tothorized representative at the of have all salvageable timber out f'ce of the Forest Supervisor, Fed of the woods by next May. ; eral Office Building, Roseburg, An additional 40 million board Oregon, beginning at 2:00 P.M., feet was downed by a storm Iune 6- f01' a" merchantable March 27, Stone said, but he called lumber marked or designated for it little more than normal winter storm damage. LEGAL National Forest Timber For Sale Plusfour Thinning No. 1 Sale Oral auction bids will be received Oregon, beginning at 2:00 P. M. June 6, 1963, for all merchantable uitiuer niai-h-eci or ucsignatcu tor cnl'cing 270 a.crcs, more or less, within see - uons a., i6, it. zs ana 33. r. 28 SI5.45 for Douglas-fir and pine and S.. R. 2 W. .W.M., surveyed, in the I $2.00 base rate plus an additional Umpqua National Forest. Oregon. ! $5.15 for western hemlock and oth The estimated volumes are: 178.-1 er species, and $2.15 for slash (lis- 000 lineal feet of Douglas-fir poles ana piling, 20 M board lect of age rates payable for each species Douglas-fir logs and peeler blocks will be increased by the amurtir.a and 10 M hoard feet of western tion rale in effect for lhat species hemlock and other species of logs. I when the unamortized estimated The minimum acceptable bid is as j cost of the main haul roads has follows: Douglas-fir poles and pil-becn amortized by timber scaled, ing $0.17 per lineal foot, Douglas-! The unamortized estimated cost is fir logs and peeler blocks $26.45 S3.592.00. Amortization rates arc: per M board feet, and western Douglas-fir and pine $3.85 per M hemlock and other species of logs board feet, western hemlock and $10.45 per M board feet. This in-! other species $1.28 per M hoard chides the following rates for stumpagc: $0.16 per lineal foot tor Douglas-lir poles and piling, $3.00 base rate plus an additional $21.90 per M hoard feet for Douglas-fir logs and peeler blocks and $2.00 base rate plus an additional $6.90 per M board feet lor western hem lock and other species of logs, and $0.01 per lineal foot for slash dis posal for Douglas-fir poles and pil ing and $1.55 per M board feet for Douglus-fir logs and peeler blocks and western hemlock and other sDecics of lues. The nrires bid for slumpage shall be consitl - ered as tentative rates suhjecl to auartcrlv calendar adjustment tin - ward or downward bv 0.5 of I lie ; months period following the qunr difference between the average of ; tcr for which the adjustment is the i.onthlv Douglas-fir region in-, coniiiuieu. in no eveiu. um-nri, dices, as calculated bv Ihe Forest 1 sl,al1 ,l,e payment rates for earh Service for the three previous ! quarter be less than the bnse rates months, and the following base in- "-s staled above. When the adjust dices: Douglas-fir logs and peeler, d rales by species arc lower than blocks 103.02(C) and western hem- 'he base rates, the difference he lock and other species of logs . '''n the total dollar value of the 91.68(A). Such adjustments in the : timlicr cut at adjusted rates price for stumpage shall be appli-1 an(l at ''asc rates will be record cable to limber scaled during the cri "r species. The stump-three-months perioil following the ! KC rate for a species will not be quarter for which Ihe adjustment 1 increased above the base rate until is computed. In no event, however. 1 1 IK subsequent admitted rates above shall the payment rates for each tl,e base rate will develop an nc quartcr be less lhan the base rates cumulated total dollar value for as stated above. When Ihe adjust-1 ,h,e sl,ccies in excess of the record ed rates bv species are lower than:pd accumulated difference for all the base rates, the difference he-! species. If the contract period is tween the total dollar value of the I extended,, the Forest Service shall limber cut at adjusted rates and ' redetermine the rates for stump at base rates will be recorded forl'W a"(l required deposits as of each species. The slumpage ratc'anl effective on the day fo lowing for a species will not be increased ""Kinal termination date, hut above the base rale until the suh- redetermined ra es for each spe sequent adjusted rates above the f'os produL-t shall be no lower than base rate will develop an acotl. the rale effective immediately pn mulatrd total dollar value for the or, l" . 'he effective date of the species in excess of the recorded extension plus the following in accumulated difference for all spe- "eases in stumpage rates per M cies. Sealed bids will be publicly ""f .fccl " f"llo,w,; I)oulas f'r opened and posted at the ollice of!?'"' "ln? '7'' "nd, western hem i , J'nmd ' si,n.rs.i.r r.1 s im l'ck and nllicr species $1.38. Seal- P M on .lii.e e. in,!:: All those ed bid will he "permmcd immedi - ately to continue auction bidding. A money orilcr, bank ilraft, cash- l.-'. n- r.n. lilir.,1 -hoi in II,. ,, of S3.100.0U nius. accompanv nach , . , . . i a , bid, to be applied to Ihe urchase price refunded, or rclamed for ap - pilldUUN ,U ...J I ...INI .ST. .....- VT oi state. . requei.il-.. chaser, contract tPrin will perm, Ul tl.li.rr. ... ainuinc ui payment up to the value of the per formance bond. If an oral bid it declared to be hifih at the closing of the auction, the bidder must im mediately coniirm the oral bid by submitting it in writing on Forest ?er.c.r uis ui.... . ic ... ieet any and all bills is reserved. Forest Service bid forms for use ! in submitting sealed bids and full i information concerning the timber, i the conditions of sale and the sub 1 mission of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger. Olidc Ranger Station. (Hide. Oregon, or ! the Forest Supervisor, Roseburg I Oregon, before bids are submitted FIRST SOLO DRIVE WINDSOR. F.ngland (Uf'li Pnncess Anne. Wjicen Klizabclh'a 12-year-old daughter, made her first solo drive Sunday, a 400 yard spin around the prisate ....... ....i. si-..i --.4i- i. ctuusiu:. u. .in.., v-asi.c in i.i-i lamer a niltiKn car. But she must wait another five , " " "' ,,r m . ,np puniic nisnuavs. me minimum drivinc it men for orin-i uiisinu me esen itir prtn eiiei is it. a large sugar plant and a pine- h,1c ciy unt-re oue million They spent a Sunday with Les-j tee f'inrraito lnrm I1.U..HiU'aim.' i:,.inli,.n r.1 niiun,i i, u ..;...... i f , ri.-,t ..lj ,h Tk.!ir p.ri iir.nHn.r i,i j.. tilree attended the Episcopal cnuron wnere Lingcade sings in the choir each Sunday. Thev later attended a Presbyterian church ; and took in the sights of the city ' of Honolulu. Cingcade was on hand to bid the i visitors goodbye when they left by ! jet which took two hours and 40 ! minutes to i-eturn Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crouch and j children and Mrs. Pearl Bramlnerl spent Sunday at Coos Bay visiting Crouch's cousin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stewc and LEGAL Klot.-li:....T u.. c c i NotionalForeit Timber For Sale cutting on an area embracing 450 acres, more or less, within sec tions 15, 16. 19, 20, 21, 22. 29, 30, 31 and 32, T. 20 S., R. 1 E., sec tions 23 and 36, T. 26 S., R. 1 , and section 1, T. 27 S., R. 1 V W. M.. surveyed, in the Umpqua National Forest, Oregon. The es timated volumes are: 1,100 M board feet of Douglas-fir and pine, 200 M board feet of western hem lock and other species. The mini mum acceptable bid per M board feel is as follows: Douglas-fir and pine S20.60. western hemlock and other species S9.30. This includes j the following rates, per M hoard , feel tor s uniuaec nc Incline etc- ; posit for sale area betterment: , $3.00 base rate plus an additional ! posal for all species. The slump- feet. Amortization of estimated main haul road costs is computed on 80 per cent of the estimated tim ber volume. The prices hid for stumpagc shall be considered as tentative rates subject by quarter ly calendar adjustment upward or downward by 0.5 of the difference between the average ot the month ly Douglas-fir region indices, as calculated by the Forest Service for the three previous months, anil the following base indices: Doug 'las-fir and pine 103.02(C), western i hemlock and other species 91.68(A) ; Such adjustments in the price for 'stumpagc shall be applicable to 1 timber scaled during the three eel bids will be publicly opened 1 and posted at the office of the ! f' June 6, 1963. All those who sub- mittpd 8 SattMactory SCalCd OKI , ! . liu, ,, ,M ,s,st.s.:i, c"n','nl,e JTT&A orr or, bank r.1 rail, ca.s h fr ft or err- , tifir, ',, heck in ,' smn of S3J(HJ.M ml5t a(,com n , Mch T1. to be ,,:,, , nllP.h.,. nri(. r. i f"".l. or retained for application , , , tlamagen, accord- o tC con,jlj()n, ,a,c. requested bv the purchaser, eon tract terms will permit fellini! of i timber in advance of payment up io C va1((, of jhc pprforlnnt.P bond. If an oral bid is declared to ,, tie tiaanl ca- mint immediately or (Mir. I a. ii.L s.sra.iiir, ui sue ..- rmutm the oral hid by submittins it in writing on a Forest Service hid form. The riliht to reject any and all bids is reserved, forest Sersicc bid forms for u.'c in sub mitting sealed bids and full infor mation concerning the limner, the . con(iiir)n, f ,aic sn, the submit- sion of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger. (Hide Ranger Station. Glide, Oregon, or the Forest Supers isor, Rosebnra, Oregon, before bids are auhmittcd HOTICf OP PINAL HCARINO NOTICE IS HEPLfSY GIVEN lhat Tues day, t 4!n day of June. IH1. at Id a'ciocf a m in court Room A, Court House, Douglas County, Roseburg, Oregon, has been fired for time and place lor heai OTft,,0,, i, ,., ,M , ,M account filed by the undersigned "": " 0,,t " "" '' MMlhesl this am in ei way, usi victor j miceili, Aomnista ; (,r flf lpf f(11 w 0B4tt i MlCELLI, Oeceasea . sons, Boyd and Bruce, visited Sun- aay wiwi diuues parents ai tan. j At the recent meeting of the i.. .-i i. ' votions and read an article. "Be-I ing at Peace in Restless Times. Also on the program were Mis W-.,Uavic am!..'M,rs- A1,a, biu. .ma. n tfmiiis aiiu .sirs Crouch served refreshments. r-t .:... !:.! WIII0Mian$ VISIT j, By MRS. C. W. HENOERER ! Ir- "d Mrs. Russell Ross of Calimesa. Calif., are paying an ex - :temlcd visi'. a the .home of Mr. dim .1119. I ll'U .ill, dull. Peggy I.evenhagon spent a re- cent weekend at her home in Elk- ton to attend the junior-senior ban- ! quet and prom. She has returned I1" Portland where she is attending Northwestern School of Commerce. .nr. ana airs, nay nuiim.in spent recent weekend in Portland at! the home of their daughter, Mr. and .Mrs. Warren Endicott. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bunker and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Jinimey Bunk- er and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bunker, all ot fcagio point, were weekend guests at the Allen Blako home. Glide Mothers Attend Weekend At University By MRS. ARTHUR SELBY Several Glide matrons w hose sons and daughters are students al Oregon Slate University, attended tne .Mothers Weekend at the uni versity, starling Friday evening and continuing through Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Mi'Clure. whose daughter, Marijean, is a junior, accompanied by .Mrs. Howard Tur ner of lioscburg, whose daughter, Caroline, is also a junior, left Fri day. They stayed at their daugh ters sorority house, Alpha Omi- cron li. Mrs. T. E. Shrum Jr. and Mrs. Maymc Sendelbach, whose sons are both sophomores, and M r s. Bert Meloy, whose son, Hill, is a senior, attended the celebration Saturday and Sunday. Joe Holland, engineer of the Lit tle River district ol the Umpqua national forest, has hecn trans ferred to the Arcadia Forest Service Equipment Development Center at Arcadia, Calif. Hud Jenk ins, formerly assistant engineer. succeeds Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Holland and sons, John ami Charles, lelt last week for their new home. Calvin Christensen, principal ot Glide Elementary and Junior High, reports 11 Glide students won gold awards at the Science Fair held recently at the Fairgrounds. The following were winners: John Manilsas and Dennis Schlocman, lourih grade; rnula , Anderson Sally Gadc, Susan Sciplc, and .Marilyn Miller, fif 111 grade; James Huscby and Craig Hickman, sixth grade; and Susan Connine, Janet i I'nce and Duane Ainann, eighth grade. ALTERATIONS . SEWING SEWING ol all kinds. Alterations a soerial. IV Ca OR 3-SS46. DRAPFRIES-Custom made'lr eiteredAll work guaranteed. OR 3-5174. APPLIANCE REPAIR CALL AN EXPERT Fast Guaranteed Service on all makes OF MAJOR APPLIANCES BERGH'S APPLIANCE OR 2-1661 6ti W. Falrheven IMavt Stamp BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry e" Young. OR J-74l BUILDING repair and remodeling," reaion ahle, tre estimates. OR 2-U9i. CARPENTER" WORK - Roomi, piloi,"car. ports, garages He. A. Slawion. 307 Sulh. CUSTOM liUILT homesrremodeli, cabinet, carponi, garages t-ret animates. 100 finance. Ph. ot 315, Grady Roberion. CARPENTER WORK, cabinets, pallo, car pon, remoatiiing two ob to small, r-Msoiv able. No bJilnecft Sunday. OR 3S632. w "1"QU " ra-iing leveling, rt. work, tirep;ares Free estimate! Cat fergel OR 7-U$ Or OR J 1144 FOUNDATIONS "Unaerprnnlngs, "Complete structural ptt control. All work according to eMA specifications. Free Inspection. Real's Connlruction and Termltt control. of jo;;s c CHILD CARE Tlkivy TrtTn I... mr-rnsr I UN I lul J INUrSjCKT Stale Approves- Wlnstoi. OS I-M31 Mother Goose Nursery ' OP 31141 i XCAVATING, SAND. GRAVEL i wzing. leveling.- also gravel rockfrivcr loan- and road materials. Cherlfa Keely - OS 0.51 1. I ; HEARING AIDS : HENRY A KIRKLANO certified hearing aid j audloiogist. F.ltinf Beilt.-iie e-clusirei I S-rvice on a'l rn.iv.ei. Pfone OS a-SC?.. ' i GARDEN EQUIPMENT J & J Garden Equipment I ffls Sotens, Giison. Simplicity i MOvrRS-Bo"n. Tore. Lawn oy, vard 11, l.an Ms.vcr Sharpening tales Service Rentals ?nr.'JV.Harsarii OR 3-3(01 SARDEN EQUIPMENT Sales - Parts - Service SMALL AIR COOLED ENGINI.S Jacobton Movrars Roto-Moe Tillers Brlggs I. Stratton Clinton Lauson Poner Products Wisconsin, lie. Le Bleu Motors 111 II. jactaon OR Hit' Mon., May 6, 1963 The News-Review, Roteburg, Or. II Medford People w V ISlt I n Valley ' By MRS. DAVE THRUSH Weekend guests at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parrot in Camas Valley were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfacnder from Medford and their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dean Pfacnder. WSCS Is Hosted Eight women of the Camas Val- ley Women's Society of Christian service oi we .sicuiuuisi inurcil met recently at the home of Mrs. Robert Wheeler and spent the day tying a quilt. They brought a sack lunch and Mrs. Wheeler served sal- ad and cuke. Mrs. Jack Wilson ; gave the worship service and .Mrs. Ernie Wheeler, had the lesson, "The Biblical Foundation of Mis- sions." The sub-district meeting in j Roseburg was discussed. j.r. an( jirs. Fred Ashton from i MlHi0rd arc visiting their sons and ; daughters-in-law. Mr. and .Mrs. L. I B, Ashton. and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ashton in lamas Vallev. iir mtri Mrs A C llrnu-n have ; returned to their home in Camas Vnllev from Wickiun Lake, where , u, knnnt two weeks fishina. Thev ,-epurl fishing to be very good at I (6 lake. Classified Section AIRCRAFT APARTMENTS FOR RENT AUCTIONS AUTO INSURANCE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE .... AUTOMOTIVE WANTED .... AUTOS FOR SALE AUTO TRUCK PARTS ISOATS ANO MOTORS BUILDING MATERIALS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS PERSONALS CARD OF THANKS .... COMMERCIAL RENTALS EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ... 10 5S II FARM EQUIPMENT lit FARMS AND RANCHES 34 FLORISTS t FOOD ANO PRODUCE FUEL HAY AND GRAIN .. HEAVY EQUIPMENT HELP WANTED SI 72 HELP WANTED MEN IS HELP WANTED WOMEN 16 HOUSES FOR RENT Jf HUNTER'S ATTENTION ......... INCOME PROPERTY 3 INSTRUCTION 11 LIVESTOCK 63 LOANS AND FINANCE 31 LOGCINC, EQUIPMENT 74 LOST AND FOUND I? LOTS AND ACREAGES . ... 3S MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE .. 4S MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS ... 33 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED .. 46 MOBILE HOME PARKS 31 MOBILE HOMES .... 33 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .. 30 MOTORCYCLES . . 11 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SO NOTICES 11 OFFICE EQUIPMENT SI PERSONALS . . 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES .. 47 POULTRY AND RABBITS ... 61 POWIiR SAWS ... 71 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED ROOM AND BOARD ROOMS FOR RENT SEEDS NURSERY STOCK 33 59 St-UK I INU GOODS S3 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS .... 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 41 TRUCKS FOR SALE . 76 WANTED TO RENT ?! WO.tK WANTED 17 V M 1: K L IO GO 10 INCOME TAX. BOOKKEEPING Bookkeeping Service Inrorrtj Tax Returns Per tone Ilia Survke Call OR 3 691 Income Tax Service Sonya White 635 W. FairhavL'ii Permanent location Just on Harvard OK Phono INTERIOR DECORATING INTI-PIORS - Custom and commercial. Pran-.es Alexander. Oeceralor. OR 3-1413 LOANS Loans Auto - Salary . Furniture Pacific Industrial Loans Pacific Finance Loans Dick Durilicli llnnajjcr (141 SH SlPilicns OK 3-mm LANDSCAPING-TIUING CUSTOM PLOWING, leveling and grading Ed '.uderman, Pnone OR 3-4733 OLD ROTTED cow and sheep fertiliser. Jack May Landscaping Co. OR 3-130. 0R NO CUSTOM POTOTILLtllG narrs wnsn-LMs j-jes . . . . CUSTOM III . ING . LANDSCAPING " ROTOVAIOR-PERGUSGN 3S TRACTOR Free e-.timates John Peterson, OR 3-6341 1 CUSTOM OToTILLING. weed and brustt i culling, e.'ilino end grading. Call eves Foss, OS I-S54I. Beebe & Bowman CALL ANYTIME OR 3-3738 OR 3-8135 ItorOTII.I.INU LF.VF.1.IM. I.ANDSCAI'I.N'C LAWNS Sprinkling Systems Installed 3 Tractors to Serve Youi PAVING BLACK TOPPiNO Soecfaiiruig in drK- wayl and purging ton. OR 2 CEMENT WORK WANTED Ol any kind. Call OR 3-776t EPfeftT c'tfrtent ' wt. SldawatVs. drlvtli pvo Wrrt Ml"! Opt i PLUMBING LICENSEO PLUMBER - repairs, clean outs, remensls. new construction. Call OR J-IISJ, or OR J-mi or OS tiJCI. , ."'J". RADIO t TV REPAIR GOODWIN RADIO & TV I ZENITH Soles & Service Guaranteed work on all makes FREE TUBE TESTING 2564 W Harvard Ave. OR 3-7571 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL OR 2-3321 CASH RATES Ao.erMn For Busiest ftittin Rcuel Tiaje Aril i Card of Thonks S2 00 ; I -Day rate 2 lines SI . 00 3 Dav rote 2 lines S2 00 6-Day rote 2 lines $2.75 JU urjy role l lines So.UU l-Doy rate 3 lines 51.50 j a.Qov rale 3 lines S3 75 ; 30-Day role 3 lines $8 00 CREDIT A:o.i ntt tutiea to so cettr sii..:i cyiri tor credit DEADLINES ri,sti Pert? Aatia tirt 1 P M. Oi Prior to Pdfilicit'O.i. Ttie I.cas Fe.itk reserves ti rift to classify, edit or rei set a.i classified AO Cop. ADJUSTMENTS If tour i9ieni!c.7ient ippti'S incorrectly, noti'r us immeoijte!,'. V.e v. ill not bs ltsoor,siDla for. more ttian ore inrorrtcl insertion. Sucn resooasi silitv is limited to a cone,-! insertion ot adver tisement. elnadl Will Nat ll Held Mere laaa C4 Oiyt Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcaholld An- onymoui OH 3-66 VOUNG WOMEN of Vnv'lhnertfnVcon' fldentliil odv c m.iy contact Catholic Char- Ites, 27 W Broadway. Eugana. Ortgon. Diamond 53442. 4VNNiipNaaarVWarvaWVkVVVVVV,ra Business Personals 8 LAWYERS, others, 10 tine to patent JO volumo selling Inventions. Wrlla u News Review Dox 640. WANTED. Partneror Iru-cslor-in securely established private business. Abova aver age returns plus percentage of gross. Ref. erences furnished. Write Dox on, ea The News Review. Notices 11 WILSON STUDIO For Information, vt. F.. Erma Wilson 3-367 Lost and Found 12 LOST Laoy'i whlla gold watch Sat. In own Town Kaieuurg, plndtr call 3267 Sutherllrt. Reward, Help Wanted 14 APARTMENT MANAGER. Handy, re I la bit couplt. Bondablo. Wrllt Nawi Ravltw, Box " N'-E UV.NGquarltriitl as (or oldtr woman or couplt In rtlurn for vary light Cutlti. Clost-ln. Wrllt Box iU C'O Ntwi-Hevltw. WANTED AT ONC E" "Man Vr"wrnanwith car for Rawlelqh buslntst In Roseburg. Buy on time. Wrltt Rawtaigh, 30 Ada line, Oakland, Calif. Help Wanted Men 15 ARE YOU tht man for this job? Top flight company U txpandlnq In this area and Is Intertstad in men with burning deslrt t move into the 0,000 class. IF YOU are neat, own a car and do not mind working hard lor potential ot 170,000 per yoir. v. will Interview you. Men with management potential will ro celve preference Call OR 2-4354 for ap pointment. M EOTcWArEDT ' Chrysler-Plymouth experience preferred CONTACT DAVE WEAVER ' (Shop Foreman) McKAY MOTORS HJ0SE Stephens The Pople's Mcrket f'loce Is the News-Review Classi fied Went Ads PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANING CLEANING ATTIC GARAGE BASEMENT TRASH REMOVED Pre-Rental House Cleaning Minor Repairs Lawn end Yard Care Ite.isonablc Hales OR 2-2773 or OR 2-1827 ROOFING FOR TOP QUALITY ROOFING call OUAL. jJTY ROOrlHO CO. -JR 3-I3H. SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Seol'c Service, tenhs cleaned. Pompf eervlce Reasonable. OR 3-1474. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED-RosaburoTSaril. tar service Phone. OR 3-33SS. SAW SERVICE "saw sharpening-" Circular Band - Cfialn Hanrinws - Saw bar reconditioned ALt WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE & Supply Co. ,1 381 NE '.'linnntin Ave. OK 3-4231 Merr N Safevsey Maria! i TOOLS . RENTALS . SERVICE PLO'.V SHARPENING, welding J3S3 IV COItlo Ave. Machine Shou. OK S-4M7. . FOR RENT VcCuMoch chain si ,,r tin McCuMocf out holt aivgi. rVeCullixri itgtTD lugir HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales & Service OR 2-1272 Oar dart Valley Jcl - Acroil ftotn M-Ward ! FOR RENT ! Porvtr lawn raki nor f amoving thatenj. Atratc Offaitri tor I LawntOf mort fVrrv-t'ltart I LANSING & OLIVER ; l.Vil ,SK. Stephen?, Oft 3-6638 I TREE SURGERY .'REE TRIMMING, looo'ng. arnj removing. ' insured. Free estl.-nates. Ph. f!7 OaHand. avvww.. i uiei . esaniiuA Wflt DRILLINO Water Well Drilling Nothing down en aoprowu credit. MOHR WELL DRILLINO OR 1)331 SP Jackson Everyone Reads The SALES AND SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS IN CLASSIFIED