10 The News-Review, Roseburg, Drain Parents Are Invited To Sixth Graders' Program One of Drain Grade School's sixth grade social studies classes will present a program Friday at 10:35 a.m. for the two fifth grades and the other sixth grade class. Parents are invited. The program will be a radio-type show and will be about the study program. Back After Visit Kittie McMullin, who has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jim Straube, at Applegate returned home this week. Out-of-town relatives who were dinner guests at the home of Grace Moorman after the funeral of Edna Masse were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Grant and family of Zcra dale, Wash., Ethel Carlon, White Fish, Mont.; Beverly Purdecn, Portland: Marjorie Aroark, Cor- vallis; and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harvey. Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cellers and family of Paradise, Calif., were visitors at the home of Cellers' sister, Sylvia Mattoon. The Cel lers family continued on to Albany to visit Mrs. Cellers mother. Tim Gundcrson. son of the Rev. Mrs. Rudolph Gunderson, visited over the weekend, ile was ac companied by a friend, Wayland Wagnor of Caldwell, Idaho. Out-of-town relatives here to at tend the funeral of Floyd Nutt were Mrs. Gretchin Nave, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Surface and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bennett, all of Scio; Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Young and Mr. and- Mrs. Percy Kleeman of Salem; and Miss Alice Shrader of Ewing, Neb. Mrs. Jim Sutton of Grants Pass was an overnight guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cellers. Mr. and Mrs. Cellers and their guest then went to Pendleton to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cellers and family. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cellers. He is an insur ance adjuster who has accepted an advancement transfer and will report to Kalispell, Mont., to as sume his duties. His family will join him as soon as arrangements can be made. Mrs. Hugh Whipple substituted for Mrs. Sylvia Mattoon while she attended the funeral of her brother, Fred Cellers. Grading work was done last week on the roads around the school grounds. Mrs. Melba Prescott is back teaching full time. School Office Moves Drain Public Schools ovvice has been moved from the grade school to the Randall Building. Miss L. C. Mathis, reading con- aultant, from a text book publish ing company, was at the grade school recently, explaining some of the techniques of teaching read ing to the students. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Watson of Yacolt, Wash., wore here for tho funeral of Mrs. Watson s brother. The Watsons wero guests at the William Cellers home. Mrs. Floyd McBride and family LEGAL NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARINO Pursuant to ORS 477.045. notice li hereby ; given that a public hearing will be held at , the Lane County Courthouse. Eugene. Ore-: gon, on Friday, March 22, 1943, at 2:00 P.M.. tor the purpose ot providing all owners of lands an opportunity to he heard on matters pertaining to the budgeting of mon eys required to defray the cost of tire protection and suppression within I he bound aries of Ihe Western Lane Forest Protective Association District and lor privately owned lands in Western Lane and Douglas counties within the boundaries of the Sluslaw National Forest. A copy of the tentative budget for the fire district may be Inspected at the Western Lane Forest Protective Asso ciation otilce. Vencla. Oregon. OREGON STATE. DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY D. L. PHIPPS. STATE FORESTER NOTICE TO DEALERS PURCHASE OP 1-ONLY . TRACTOR-SCRAPER COMBINATION DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON SEALED bids will be received by Douglas County Court at tho Courthouse, Roseburo, Oregon unlit 10:30 A.M., March 22, 1963 and men publicly opened and rend for the purchase oi 2-only rubber mounted tractor and scraper combination for Douglas County Road Department. Specifications are on tile wllh the County Clark of Douglas County and copies thereof may be obtained at the of'ice ot the County Engineer Room 219, Courthouse, Roseburg, Oregon. No person may withdraw hit bid after the hour set for opening. Douolat Countv reserves the riant to niin-t any or all bids or to waive any Informality in ' DOUGLAii COUNTY COURT V. T. Jackson, County Judge E. R. Melrqer, Commissioner Ray e. Owjrner, Commissioner CLASSIFIED INDEX APARTMENTS FOR RENT U AUCTIONS 44 AUTO INSURANCE 79 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 78 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED SO AUTOS FOR SALE ) AUTO TRUCK PARTS 75 BOATS AND MOTORS 55 BUILDING MATERIALS 41 BUSINCrS OPPORTUNITIES ... 22 BUSINESS PERSONALS A CARD OF THANKS b COMMERCIAL RENTALS 24 EXCHANGE RTAL EbTATIi ... 31 FARM EQUIPMENT ;o FARMS AND RANCHES 36 FLORISTS 4 FOOD AND PRODUCE ...... w FUEL 43 HAY AND GRAIN t HEAVY EQUIPMENT 72 HELP WANTED , U HELP WANTLU MEN 15 HELP WANTED WOMEN 16 HOUSES FOR RENT 29 HUNTER'S ATTENTION 9 INCOML PROPERTY 37 INSTRUCTION 19 LIVESTOCK 63 LOANS AND F!NANCE 21 LOGGING EQUIPMENT 74 LOST AND FOUND 12 LOTS AND ACREAGES . 35 MISCELl ANEOUS FOR SALE . iS MISCEI LANCOUS RENTALS 23 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED . 46 MOBILE HOVE PARKS .... 31 MOBILE HOMES . 32 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .... 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ... . 50 NOTICES H OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 PERSONALS 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES 47 POULTRY AND RABBITS . U POWER SAWS 71 REAL ESTATE . 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM AND BOARD g ROOMS FOR RENT 27 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK .... St SPORTING GOODS jj TIMBER AND SAW MILLS 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS .... 41 TRUCKS FOR SALE 74 WANTED TO RENT 25 WHERH TO GO m ip WORK WANTED . . .. 17 Ore. Tues., Mor. 12, 1963 of Vale and Steven McBride of 1 Corvallis visited several days at; the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jimi visit in the Portland area before returning to Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Card and Richard and Berry of Klamath falls were recent guests at the home of Card's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dale McMul lin. Berry participated in the state Wrestling Tournament at Corvallis. Episcopal Women Schedule Speakers At the regular luncheon this Wednesday of the Women o St. George's Episcopal Church, a pro gram on "Christian Social Rela tions" will be given by two out standing Oregon authorities on the subject, club spokesmen reports. The Itev. John Vance, rector of Christ Church, Lake Oswego, is chairman of the Department of Christian Social Relations for the Diocese of Oregon and has been the main leader in getting the Episcopal Church's program for housing for the aged under way. lie has done extensive traveling and research on this subject. Accompanying him will be Mrs. Gordon Shattuck of Salem, an ex pert on the state legislature, and charged with the responsibility of examining all new legislation intro duced at Salem in the light of Christian moral principles, such as those relating to race relations, in dustrial relations, capital punish ment, and many other subjects. The Department of Christian So cial Relations also deals with such current problems as Cuban relief and resettlement of refugees; the church and the migrant worker; the alcoholic; the down-and-outcr on skid row; and related situa tions. Mrs. Eldon Calcy is president of the Women of St. George's and will preside at the meeting, with the speakers being introduced by Mrs. George Corwin, vice president and program chairman. The noon luncheon and program will be held at the parish hall pre ceded by corporate communion at 10:30 a.m. Members of St. Ther esa's Guild of the Winston-Green area will be hostesses. HOME and BUSINESS SALES and SERVICE DIRECTORY To List Your Firm Here DIAL OR 2-3321, Ask for Classified ALTERATIONS . SEWING SEWING of all kinds. Alteration a ipoclaf- ty. t-aii uk j-5Ba. DRAPERIES Custom made or altered. All work guaranteed. OR 3-5124. APPLIANCE REPAIR OAY-WAY Appliance, Buy-Sell-Repair liia SE Cobb. OR 3-6773 CALL AN EXPERT Fast Guaranteed Service on all makes OF MAJOR APPLIANCES BERGH'S APPLIANCE OR 2-1661 South City Limits U-Savt Stampi BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry I. Young. UK J-4IV CARPENTER WORK Cabinets, patio, car port, remodeling. No ob loo small. Reas onable. No business Sunday. OR 3-8652. CUSTOM BUILT homes, remodels, cabinets. carports, garages Free estimates. 100a finance. Ph. OS 9-5857, Grady Roberson. FOUNDATIONS, house raising, leveling, re pair, worn hriA approved, cement, block work, fireplaces. Free estimates. Cal Merge! OR 2-4345 or OR 3-8844 FOUNDATIONS. Underpinnings, Complete structural pest control. AH work according to FHA specifications. Free Inspections. Raat'i Construction and Tcrmltt Control. OP 3 3216 CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery Tiny Tots' Nursery State jDovffd winslon, 09-50)1 EXCAVATING, SAND. GRAVEL DOZING, leveling; aho gravel rock, river loam and road material). Charles Keeiy. OS 9-5117. HEARING AIDS HENRY A. KIRKLAND certified hearing aid audlologlst. Fitting Belllone exclusively Service on all makes. Phone OS 9-5074. GARDEN EQUIPMENT J & J Garden Equipment TILLERS Solent, Gllson, Simplicity MOWERS Boltn, Toro, Lawn Boy, Yard Man Lawn Mower Sharpening Sales Service Rentals -..Jj?ry?i'j PJ? 33,1,1 INCOME TAXBOOKKEEPING INCOME TAX $5. Wilms Moody 282 W. Shtfwoo, OR 1-3676. HAVE YOUR RETURNS prepared by ex perl, your home or mine. Reasonable rates. Ptiont OR 3-4740 tor appointment. TAXES TAXES" TAXES Flit Mrly avoid the ruth Call OR 3-4991 Income Tax Service Sonya White 635 W. Fairhavcn Permanent location Jul! oft Harvard Phono 01! 3-50)7 INTERIOR DECORATING LOANS Loans Auto - Salary . Furniture Pacific Industrial Loans Pacific Finance Loans Dick Bimlick .Manager U SB Stephen! OK 3-6468 QoklanderS Report Birth Of Twin Grandchildren By EDITH DUNN Mr. and Mrs. Oren Gilderslceve of Oakland have received news of the bir.h of twin daughters to their; son and daughter-in-law, Mr.- and Mrc Vnrti ( iilrlprclppvp ff flip Har bor, Wash. The new arrivals, born; March 6, have been named Teresa 1 and Tamara. .! Mother Visited Mrs. Frances Crist of La Puen ta,' Calif., formerly of Oakland, is spending two weeks with her moth er, Mrs. Pearl Harvey, and her sister, Airs. Paul Schulze. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McFet ridge of Gold Beach spent the weekend with Mrs. McFetridge's mother, Mrs. B. F. DeVore. Astoria Seeks 'Sister' 1 ASTORIA, Ore. (UPD-Astoria is seeking a sister city and believes it has found one. A formal invitation will be is sued to Walldorf, Germany. City Council members said Walldorf was a town of about 8.000 located 25 miles south of Heidelberg. Walldorf is the birthplace of John Jacob Astor, the merchant who sent the expedition that founded Astoria in 1811. Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL OR 2-3321 CASH RATES Advertising Foi Business Witflin Roaeburf Trade Atei Card of Thanks - $1.50 1-Day rare 2 lines $1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines 1.75 6-Day rate 2 lines ....... 2.50 30-Doy rate 2 lines .- 5.50 1 -Day rate 3 lines ..... H 1.50 3-Day rate 3 lines 2.50 6-Day rote 3 lines 3.50 30-Day rate 3 lines 7.50 CREDIT Above rIts subject to 50 centi service charge for credit ' DEADLINES Private Party Advertising 2 P.M. Day Prior tl Publication. The News-Review reserves the right to classify, edit or reject any Classified Ad Cop. ADJUSTMENTS . If your idvertisement appears Incorrectly, notify us Immediately We will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is limited to a correct Insertion of advertisement. Refunds Will Nat Ba Ueli Uora Than 6ft Oays LANDSCAPING TILLING CUSTOM ROTOTILLING, weed and brush culling, levollng and grading. Call eves. M. H. Foss, OS 9-5548 Or OR 3-6363. MASONRY WORK BRICK laying, fireplaces, decorative, patios. New permanent resident, all work guar anteed. Freg estimates. Don Rabern,' 863 3511 Myrtlt Creek, evenings. SAVE MONEY NOW, WINTER RATES Foundation, fireplaces, pallos, roofing, rt modtling. ALUMINUM SIDING Financing up to 13,500. No down payment, up to 5 years to pay. FREE ESTIMATES,. ECONOMY ROOKING CO. All work fully guaranteed. OR 3-6629 PAVING EXPERT cement work, pallos. Frea estimates. RADIO & TV REPAIR GOODWIN RADIO b TV ZENITH Sales & Service Gtinmnlecd work on all makes FREE TUBE TESTING 2554 W Harvard Ave. OR 3-7571 ROOFING FOR TOP QUALITY ROOFING call QUAL ITY ROOFING CO. OR 3-1389. SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS COMPLETE sewer, backhoe. rololillfng and landscaping work OR 3-8852. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Rorburg Sanl lory Service. Phone. OR 3-3356. Circular B.ind Chain SAW SERVICE SAW sharpening" Handsaws - Saw bar reconditioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE & Supply Co. 384 NE Shannon Ave. OK 34234 Near N Snleway Market TOOLS - RENTALS - SERVICE PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 7351 5W (.asllt Ave. Machine Shoo. OR FOR RENT Sanders all types Floor polishers Rug shampoo machine Automotive equipment LANSING & OLIVER 501 SK Stephens OK 3b't6 FOR RENT McCulloch chain saws any McCulloch poit hole auoe. McCulloch ilump auger HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales & Service OR 2-1272 Garden Valley Jet Across from M Wiird'i TREE SURGERY "REE TRIMMING, tocoing, ami removing Insured. Free esN.natM. Ph. 222 OjHand. TREE SERVICE Trevj looped, trimmed or reiifuvtd. Exper ienced Prto" OR J7P4I. WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nothing do on arcrovtu credit. MOHR WELL PRILLING OR 2-2321 1772 SE Jackson PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! 5 WE wish to take flhli meant to thank the many people tor their blood donation, lor our ion, Nolle. j Mr. and Mrj. Nolan Blcklortf Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An onymous OR 3-6629. YOUNG- WOMEN of any faith needing "con lidential adv'ce may conlacl Catholic Char lies. 278 W Broadway, Euoane, Oregon. Diamond 5-36.7. Notices 11 JOB INFORMATION Call, 'ornia New eighty live million dollar dam protect. Long joO. Top pay, "Job News," 35c and stamped envelope. LMCO, 8 x 463, Kirkland, Wash. Help Wanted Men 15 MAN WANTED to icrvc Rawleigh Products to consumer In Roseburg. Good year- a round earnings. No capital required. Write Rawleigh, 304 Adeline, Oakland, Calif. MEN WOULD YOU LIKE to Increase your present Income enough to take care of those extra bills? If you are able to spend 2 hrs an evening and 6 hours on Saturday on a part-tlm? job phone OR 2-1391 alter 7 p.m. TWO M E NhV"wouTdlTk eloeMntosaics work. This Is a permanent job with a good future. Salary and commissions above aver age. Must bo away from home Monday to Friday, WRITE TO Sox 1594, Portland 7, Ore. - SALE SMEN AMBIT tOUSBorid and dl 7 gustcd with your present grind? Adven turous enough to break tradition and change to a profession where you control your own Income? Why not learn a profession and earn at th; same lime. If you have personality and like people, learn to sell and earn while you learn. Train with ex perienced qualified teachers. Success comes only to those that wan It. Large commis sions, good bonuses and side benefits. For Interview write Box 605, The News Review. NEED Sewing machine and" vacuum cleaner specialist. See Mr. Ry der at Montgomery Wards. Help Wanted Women 1 6 Woman combination presser, silks and wools. Must be experienced. Top wages if you quality. Apply RlrWIs Cleaners, Riddle Ore. aVILSERVICirCLERKsteno 2 needed for clinic office Must have knowledge of typ ing, shorthand and dictaphone. Some pre vious experience in doctors office or clinic preferred. Call OR 2-3311, ext. 16 (or ap pointment. Work Wanted 17 MIDDLE aged lady wants housekeeping lob. Live In. Call OS 9-5050. BABY"siTTtNG"wanted; by day or evening. Three sttlers available. OR 3-7543. LOVING" CARE for ctilldrcn by young grand- mother. Phone OR 2-1073. SHEET ROCK, nailing, taping and texture painting. Reas. Freeest. OR3-4053. CARPENTER "wort or repairs by tho hour. ORJJ-3821 ATTENTIONS and restyling of all ladles clothing. Alt work guaranteed. OR 2-2603. ROTOT'iLLE R "wnrk to be clone, by the piece. No fob loo small or too big. Call OR 2- 4524; ask for Leo Miller. ONE fo twenty" tang loggers available for work. PHf'NE OR 3-2760 Douglas County Log Truckers Association. Instruction 19 BEGINNER and Intermediate piano lessons. Classical and modern. Studio at Rlcketl's Music Store. Sharon Wanner. OR 1-3461. Loans and Finance 21 WILL BUY 1st or 2nd contracts and morl gages. Call OS 9-5313 between 5 and 7 p.m, WANTED, discounted contracts, also equities pnone or or uk 3-oovi. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to 11500 On motor vehicles and furniture 739 SE Washington OR 3-5581 Short Term Loans To Farmers and Stockmen Southern Oregon PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN. 202 Medical Arts Bldg. Phone OR 3-3248 Our Bank Is Always Open After Banking Hours On Week Days Week Ends - Holidays use our Night Depository Service DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK 6S2 SE Jackson Oil 2-4-101 Business Opportunities 22 INDEPENDENT Service Station tor lease. Fully equipped, ready to qo. OR 2-1 Wt. FOR SALE Rock-crusher sfte.Huge sup ply hard rock. On county road. Olalla Dis trict, 13 nil" (rom Roseburg. Alfred Per ron, Winston. Fh OS 9-M69. 8- UNIT MO' ECf lvo"with MtchensTplus a 1 bedroom home. $20,000, terms. Take hous trailer, property or contracts on trade Glen Date Motel, Myrtle Creek, Ore. ROUTE MAN WANTED WE ARE lookino for a reliable peisrm to service n confection route In this area. All accounts fully established and turned over to you for service. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING REQUIRED. Collecting ind de 1 llvering to retail accounts in your own car Is all that is required, Can be handled In spare time hours to supplement an existing Income. i00 working capital re quired to start. Can net consistant month ly Income to start and much more when route is expanded For lull information write Confection Route, Box 609, The J News-Review. Commercial Rentals 24 ' ROSE STREET BUILDING, KNItO. Now housing Lock wood Motors aval labia about July or August. Phona OR 9-5003. WESTSIDE OFFICE GROUND FLOOR- off street parking, out side entrance. Private bath. Dos, chairs, file cabinet furnished. Good tor Real Es tate, insurance or general otfica work. $50, H-J W. Harvard. OR 2-1577. ' Wanted to Rent 25 RELIABLE sa'es executive just tracer red 1 to in s area newels i beoruom home. Call i OR 2-:e53 WANT to renf jmalf trailer house, suitable for slnglt man ho l comifg from Den-i mark to work on our ranch for 1 year. Webster Brtacs, Rt. 1, Box 312, Myrtle ' Crrc i-4f3 Apartments For Rent 26 j ONS BDRM fum. court apt. Near store and hospital. Adults. Reasonable. OR 3-WI. I Card of Thanks Apartments For Rent 26 ROOMY furn upstairs apt. Water and gar- bacje serv. furnUSAdults. OR 3-7193. SMALL DUPLEX, partly furnished. See after 5. 737 W.JVfiarton FURNISHED 2 room, 'bath, utllitiees! 230 NE Ivan, Ncrttipt. Call OR 2-2339, alter 4 pm. ONE bedroom furnished downstairs apt. Near Saleway Drive In. 50.CaH OR 3-357i. EX T R A N t C E furn i she'd apt Suitable for coup 1 1 or small family OR 3-OS4. ONE bedroom furnished Apt. Adults pre- ierre. ZB Httzer 51. THREE-room (urnlihed apt S45. j Call OR 3-3452 r ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex. Elect, heat! and carport. Adults only. No pets. 1019 1 SE Robert Ave. I FURNISHED bachelor Torment. S40. Close i in. B46 SE Brock way Avenue Apis. OR I 9039 or OS 9-5690. CANT KEEP WARM? See thi sTarge 2 jedroom apt Hot water heat provided. OR 2-4383 orOR 3-4340. 5UTHERLIN UNION GAAPT5TT"bdm. S50 1 bdm. $40 mo. Furn, Including water and elec.Sutherlln 2126 orOS 9-S690, THREE rooms and bath. Private entrance. Off street parking. Lights, water, and gar bage service furnished. Adults. 320 S.E. Plno.J blk Not Farm Bureau. OR 2-3409 ADULTS "ONLY, "rib pets' 1 bedroom fur nished apts Pleasant surroundings, quiet. Private, hot water and garbage paid. Au tomatic laundry facilities. Inquire Shady Point Trailer Sales. OR 2-1438. BACHELOR APT. - ATTRACTIVE. Compact. Furnished. Large closet. Ground floor, Eastside. Adults. $40 a mo. OR 2-1577. Apf. With Fireplace ATTRACTIVE furnished ground floor apt. Weslside. Wood paneling, beautiful kitchen, bath with tile shower, parking near door. Adults. S65 a monhi. OR 2-1577. Kohlhagen Apts. Mcocrn, reasonable rent Jackson St. at Lane Ave. AOULTS OR 3-8244 "A Gocd Place To Live" TODD APARTMENTS t-2-3 Bdrm. apts., furnished or unfurn. Wa fer and garb. serv. provided also heal In tome. Rerfts from S70 up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts. gas equipped OR 3-5863 Winchester Ct. Hoi water heat OR 3-7466 Vista Homes Hot water heat OR 2-4388 Westvue Ct.--Washer-dryer OR 2-2549 OaxnMl Apts. Radiant Heat OR 3-4340 Rooms for Rent 27 ROOMS FOR RENT 605 S. E.-Masher SLEEPING ROOMS Gentlemen. 817 S. E. Biakely, IV blks SE al Greyhound Depot. NEW ROOMS including telephone and linen service 160 per month and up. hoici Umpqua. OR 3-4441. SLEEPING ROOM, close in. Phone OR 2-4697 SLE EP IN CT ROOMS -lor "men. QuietTcioseln, private ent., TV lounge. Reas. OR 3-7864. Room and Board 28 HAVE NEW ROOMS on ground floor lor elderly people at Jo Ann's. OR 3-7979. HAVE VACANCIES at Grandview Nursing Home. Just call OR 3-8302. Houses for Rent 29 OLDER count'y house. Rent with option or sell. Adultspreferred. OR3-3672. FURN. SHED "cabins, utilities Included. Wil bur. Phone OP 3-8835. FURNISHED" cabin. Weekly rates. 4620 N.E. Stephens. Pacific Motel. CLEAN 2 bedroom house. Inquire 2546 W. ! Alamosa Court. j ONE TO FOU R Bdrm "homes for families or single elderly. OR 3-6S48. ' THREE bedroom unfurnished duplex. Carport and utility room. SBO a mo. OR2-3987 fwOBEDROOMunfurnished. S45 moV 420 Darrell St , Winston. OS 9-569lh TWO bedroom" home, Ctoverdiile Disi7S75 mo. Phone OR 2-1073 COMPLETELY furnished cabins. Wincheslei Village, Or 2J945 "ONE bedroem, like new, sell or rent. Coll OR 3-8379 . FIVE ROOM partly furnished house. Adults only, no dogs. OR3-81I9. TWO bedroom duplex, garage and front yard. West side. OR 3-6522. ONE BEDROOM house, "furnished. Adults. Call a J452 SE Mill St. COTTAGE, 1 bdrm," SM "mo!" Water and gar bage paid. OR 3-7127 or 2720 W. Langenberg. ONE BEDTOOM cottage. Lookingglass area. OR 2-2776 evenings WINSTON-ne bedroom house, partiy furn., water and sewer paid. Call OS 9-5248. TWO BEDROOM "house aT 915 Cedar.. S50 ' a month. Call OR 2-3565 after 3 p.m. REDECORATED maiP 2 BR unfurn. house, near Fullertor IV. Inside util, garage and storage area. $70. Ref. OR 3-70J7 eves. FURNISHED cabin. Proofroom, f.V. kitchen and bath. Laundry, garb fac. $45. 2571 N. Stephens. OR 3jOBl,Bob-HilTrailer ourt. MILL STREET 1 bedrooms, P bath. Also 1 room sleeping cabin. Send name and phone numbu- to P. O. Box 663, Rsbg. TWO rom ho-jse, with 2 stoves, suitable for couple with small child. $40 mo. Phone OR 2-2559 THREE ROOM clenn furnished cabin. On Rice Creek, miles south of Dillard. Will rent 0 resp. couple. OS 9-5132 after 6 p.m. VERY" COMFORTABLE 3 bedroom"home. Fircpiace, wall to wait carpet. Wired for ranae and dryer. $37.50 mo. or lease with Option. OR 2-4255 Or OR 3-5827. WESTSIDE LOCATIONS 1 Bedroom, $i5 3 Bedroom, 7 b-lths. $60 2 Bedroom. Lookingqlass Rd., $65 J Bedroom, 2 bath, $65 TED SMAIXE REAL ESTATE 812 V. Harvard Ave. OR 2-1888 lMobile Kotneslor RenL3J! EXTRA NICE I or ? bedroom modern fur nished trailers Adulti only. Timber Town T-ailer Par, 2010 NEStepnens. OR 3-6JH Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER HAVEN i 99 N E. Sterling. Con crete parking, patios, lockers, lawns. Quiet. TRAILER SPACE "available at Winchester Vlhaqe on North Umpqua river. OR 2-1945 " PANORAMIC VIEW PRIVATE tot lor any site trailer. On paved street. Large Cabana with water heater, wir J and plumbed for washer and dryer. Paved patio. Off street parking, 1733 Eden Lane. Loasa at ijO per month. OR 2-1577 TIMBER TOWN Trcifer Park 21)10 NE Stephens Best accommodation for all siie trail ers, In I. all electrics. Paved Sts., land scaped, bio lawn, metered gas. block from Safeway. Adu'ts Only. OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes TAX CLEARANCE SALE! STARTS MARCH 12 ENDS MARCH 30 OUR ANNUAL MARCH LIQUIDATION SALE Each and every mobile home, travel and camp trailer, NEW OR USED, also on factory direct orders REDUCED 10o OFF FULL PRICE! EXAMPLE 10 5 ft Eiwnding model, ccmslete wifrt Awning Pr.ce S&S.V YOUR DISCOUNT is SX5 YOUR PR'CE is MlsSM The lCa? can be c;eMed toward down payment. Trade- terms, on approves cred it. , , .SAfl Green Stamps on all cash received too! It Shady Point Trailer Sales cj Insurance PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 1 Mile South, Old Highway 32 23' 19S7 Kr-tN SKILL trailer. Good cond. Rtfr sonable. OR 3-4316 ahe; 5. 4?'8 WIDE ABC TRAILER. I bedroom. OR 2-3949 40x8" FLAMINGO "7 BR trailer. Full length aluminum awning. Ec. Cond. OR 2-4635. 1959 PLEFTWOOD,-2 bdrm. " 10x50. $3,500 Phone OR J-774S FOR SALEor trail in Winston, equity "in bedroom, 10 wide mooile home and ap pro. 1 flvru if desired. OS 9-S16S. 'S3 KIT Golden State deluxe 10x49, 2 bed rooms, fill bath, front kitchen, wall oven, built-in range, coioted fixtures, air cooler. 13500. Call Sulherlin 3362. 1962 BILTMORF, 3 bedi oom, 10x55. Washer and dryer, Expando living room. Trade 12500 equity for 3 bear oom home with acreage. OR 3-3407. 10 X 50'SPACeMASTERbbUe home, de luxe model, washer and dryer, $3750. Call after 6 o.m or Sundays, OR 3-4251, or see at 1768 NE Eden Lane. GILLEY Trailer Homes NEW '63 FLEETWOOD 55' 2-3 Bedroom Deluxe USED TRAILERS SUPPLIES 1980 NE Stephens OR 3-3356 ANGELUST Great Lakes Traveleze New and Used Trailers J & J TRAILER SALES 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-3441 TODAY Is the best time to drive out to RAINBOW Trailer Sales And see what's NEW Exciting! Surprising! Different! Winchester OldHiway99BR Good Used Trailers Reliable Towing OR 3-7272 Real Estate 34 Vj ACRE of river bottom, Hucrest School Dist. 1200 so, It, ranch style home, 3 good sized bedrooms, separate dining room and utility. Fireplace, an in good conam Fruit trees. Ideal tor children. $13,500 with good terms Call OR 3-4988. OACCDI ID1 M Realtv & lns.5a p'Krsais ' ffi&W OR ? - 3344 Umpqua Hotel Lobby NORTH ROSEBURG, near the Free way. 4 bedroom, 2 baths, circ. fire place, elect heat, garaqe, patio slab, separate utility room. Clean and neat. Approved for Fed. G.I. with 100o financing to qualified buyer, or owner miqht consider lease option at $100 per mo. $10,300 Full Price. WONDERFUL VIEW from this 2 bed room homa, cicf -nd cozy and closa In on Maihur S ;t. Patio and play house in back, garage, economical floor furnace. Excellent neighborhood, arte priced al S10.I5O See thistl DONT WAIT. . . .hurry on this one. 4 bedroom spacious home. In excel lent condition. All rooms are KING SIZE. Living room. Dining Room, Den, two fireplaces, full basement with practically new Montag forced air heat, tub and otait shower in mam bath, sun deck, oversize dou ble garage, and only 4 blocks Irom downtown on a lovely view lot. Beau tilulty iandscapea with camellias, azal eas, lots oi bulbs, and a sprinkler system too. Almost 3,000 sq. ft. of floor space, plus the basement, and v,e defy you to find a better buy!!!. Just $17,500. full priJe, on FHA in sured loan Mi RTLE CREEK Lovely 3 bedroom, home on viev lot. Built in appliances, a nice brafcfas' bar, fireplace, dou ble garage, playhouse for the kids. The owner will take a smaller Rose burg home in trade. This is an ex ceptionally nice home, priced al $21, 500. GREEN AREA 2 bedroom on an acre of good soil. This Is a truly nic home and ii excellent condition. Larqe carport, separate utility room, compact kitchen, and tar enough from the neiqhbors to assure privacy. Younq family orchard, apples, peach es, pears, berries and grapes. It's vacant, and ust waiting to adopt an owner. $9 500, and worlh Itt $1,000 DOWN or consider less from responsible buyer! Here's a 3 bed room home close to Rose school and swim pool Owner has moved away and says SELL IT. Large upstairs that can easily ba finished for extra sleepinq quarters, double garage .and oil heat. .Oniy $8,300 for a LOT of house. $165 PER MONTH Income from these three close-in apartments. A good in vestment in Income property, $14,000 and make your own terms. Ask us for details. WE ALSO have excellent Trailer Park and Motel properties. Choke River toll and acreages. Roseburg Realty OR 2-3344 EVENINGS CALL Jim Doyle OR 2-3553 Martha Thomai OR 2-3562 Joyce Doyle OR 2-3553 Place Your Ad Today! 32 99 OR 2-1438 .Mobile Homes Real Estate 34, FOR SALE or lease A modem J BR home on 3 A. In J3arden ValieyOS THREE-BRT tlJi Mth Winston. Very nice. Will go FHA.$i2O00wnerJqS-5i95. TTR ACTIVE." close" in. fum. SI. 200. terms, $3,600 cash. RenUS. OR 3-7583. THREJdrooms. Close to Jo Lane School. 513.500. Will consider propeny. uk j-" alter 6 p.m. EQUITY in 2 bedroom house, located near US tywood. Large flagstone fireplace. Ph. OR 2-7BZ6- between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. ifF ACSES,1 bedrooms, 1 2-3 baths. Good well, laroe barn $4,300 equity lor $3,500. Phone OR 3-775 CLEAN 2 bedroom furnished house In Win stun. On blacktop streo sewer and city water. $5000. $1000 down or small trailer as part payment. Call OS -S117. TWO BEDROOM" Vwme In Yoncaila. Com bination livi.igdining room, utility room. Wired 220. Lots of shrubs and flowers on large lot. Call Sutherlln 2715. FOR'SALE-or trade 2 bedroom house In Myrtle Creek Excellent condition. Newly decorated and ready to move into. Phone OS 9-87W MAGNESS PEAL ESTATE VACANT NOW WESTSIDE 2 bedroom ranch Knotty pine living room, nice kltihen wllh bar, large utility,, S85O0. Nothing down to Fed. G.I. or $300 down F.H A. 8 ACRES Glide area, easement to North Umpqua. This Is an excellent building spot, located about 12 miles from Roseburg. $5300. Terms. 8 ACRES Melrose Area. $3500 $500 down. ii'i ACRES Large 2 bedroom home, fenced pasture, irrigation system from Little River. $8500. $1,000 down. I'.j ACRES on Live Creek with cabin $3700. Easy terms. 2 ACRES Sutherlin Area. Excellent re tirement oroperty 2 bedroom home, small barn, fenced pasture and gar den area. $9400 $3900 down. THIS CHOICE property must be seen to be appreciated located In Melrose area. 2.24 Acres live Creek border ing front yard, nice targe 2 bedroom home with fireplace, spring water, good barn, shop room. The total price ust $12,000. 1333 S. E. Stephens OR 3-5S94 Evenings call OR 3-6126 DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY WESTSLOPES: Beautiful new home with full basement and 2 batlis. Three bedrooms on the main floor, dining, natural kitchen with builtin appliances, Swedish stone fireplace in the view living room, balcony sun porch. Another fireplace in the finished basement, utility, living area and recreation room, full bath with tiled shower down. This is a brand new home ready for your inspection. S24.900. WESTSLOPES new 3 bedroom home on large corner lot with an East front. Sliding glass doors off the dining room, fireplace with natural wood wall, step saving birch kitchen, full bath with tile around the tub, attached garage. A prime location on paving and curbs and a very desirable neighborhood. $13,900. FHA or Gl terms. KEASEY ROAD Buy now and choose your color combinations for this new 3 bedroom home with double garage, l'i baths, breakfast nook plus a dining room, zapalla kitchen. SU.900. FHA or GI terms. NEAR YMCA Lovely Gold Medallion Home with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, natural stone fireplace in large living room, another in the den, double garage. $18,500. Shown by ap-. .pointment only. FURNISHED $2950 total price. Small home near Benson School. In city limits. $175 down. Bal. monthly. LOTS LOTS Two view building lots on the East side of Reser voir Street, overlooking the city. 132 ft. by 160 feet. On paving and sewer. $1500. FORCED SALE Newer 3 bedroom home in the Green District Excellent spot for log truck with pump and storage house and parking space. Carpeting, fireplace, central heating, in side utility, garage. See this one now. COLONY MARKET Two bedroom home with recreation room added. Utility, kitchen, large lot. $8500. 1 1 18 S.E. Stephens St., The Johnsons OR 3-6064 NEW LISTINGS S.W. CARNES ROAD 3 bedroom newer home on large 80 X 140 foot fenced lot. Attractive home with hardwood floors, fireplace, attached garage, excellent kitchen, separ ate dining room and good bedrooms with sliding mahogany doors on large wardrobe closets. Paved street frontage, sewer all in and paid for, fruit trees and berries, city water and priced to sell at $12,500. NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY TO QUALIFIED FEDERAL G. I. Owner may consider $1500 down on contract. S.W. CASTLE STREET 3 bedrooms (or 2 bedroom and large family room, spacious living room with circulating fireplace, large utility room, hardwood floors, wall to wall carpeting, sunny kitchen and large fenced lot with lawn and shrubs, etc. A good newer home on paved street and with sewer in and paid for. NO DOWN PAYMENT NEC ESSARY TO QUALIFIED FEDERAL G. I. FHA financing available or you may pay $3700 down and assume Federal G.I. loan of 4' per cent with monthly payments of $81.50 including taxes, insurance, principal and Interest. Total price on this fine home is only $10,900. TAVERN, RESTAURANT, BUILDINGS, LOT AND EQUIP MENT. A going business ready for you to take over. Situ ated in small community. Living quarters over businesses is very nice and has 2 bedrooms, living room, full bath room, etc. Total asking price is only $38,000 with $15,000 down. Call for full particulars. MAKE STEVENSON REALTY YOUR G. I. INFOR MATION HEADQUARTERS. . . COME IN AND LET US ESTABLISH YOUR ELIGIBILITY AT NO COST TO YOU. WINSTON 3 bedroom home situated on the West side. Good corner lot with paved streets and city sewer. Large attach ed garage, hardwood floors, wall to wall carpeting, nice bedrooms, full bathroom, spacious kitchen, good dining area, fireplace and excellent surroundings. NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY TO QUALIFIED FEDERAL G.I. 5 per cent down on contract. See this home today. DOLL HOUSE Small compact lot, 1 bedroom home with carport, inside utility, large bedroom home and being sit uated in the North Jackson Street area. Priced at only S3SO0 with down payment of $1250. GOOD INVESTMENT . FOR RENTAL. ACREAGE 9'i acres of land in the Garden Valley Area. No buildings. 4 acres of producing pears, abundant water from 2 good wells. Priced at S9.000 with $1,500 down. Ex cellent building sites. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Mntr of liMoiont Brokers CO-OP wllh 1! ojirllcloatlng" member!. fl, Stevenson Realty (OOj 967 S- E- PNE ST. PHONE OR 2-1614 lonard, OP. 1771 1 fcSooln, 34 NICE 2 bedroom home, attached utility and garage. Harawoo- floors, fireplace, fur nace. I'i acres 3 miles west ol Glide. CaU GV M103 TWO-BEDROOM home on 'j acre. Irriga tion system from year round creek. Good well, garder spol ti, terms available. Call 874-2316. Ridde.Or8. TWO BDRM home, completely redecorated. Ideal for eiderly couple. Walking distant to town Oi' heat, garage. Fenced yard. Easy terms OR3-374L TRADE equity In furnished 1 bedroom house, city sewc and paved street. Balance $2700. For clear late model pickup or fiberglass boat and trailer. OR 2-3767 LARGE-?"bedroonfi home. 100x100' view lot. Fireplace, utll'ty carport. Rose School Olst Dead ?nd St. Sower In and paid. $9500. Would take pickup as part down. Could assume present 43jaa loan or refinance. OR 2-3630 ROYO. YOUNG" & SON. REALTORS CHOICE 2 bedroom home, 100x186 lot. Large living room and bedrooms. Ex tra good fireplace. A very nice view. Yourc for only 18500. $1500 down, bal, by the month. Five miles out. NEW 2 bedroom home. Double car port; nearly an acre with garden spol. Cily water; all fences. Neat and clean. $9700. BEST paving little business we know of. Paying a good net with all hired help. Well established In present lo cation l.r a number of years. Best lo cation in town. $20,750 total price, and ' at $4000 net above all expenses in cluding help, you can't help but win. This won'l wait. Two can operate. Situated in nearby town. TIME to get out and start that gar den. Belter than 30 acres of good farm land that wltl support a goodly number of stoc! on the new seeding of perm, pasture, plus fruit and gar den ground On a live stream. This Is better than average. $16,500 total price, which includes farm home. 10 miles out. 733 SE Cass Ave . CkP OR 3-6671 Pacific Bldo. Evenings, except Friday, Call LeNoIr Kruse OR 2-2(58 Phone OR 3-4020 Craig Short OR 2-4565 0R 3.5477 Stevmwn; 0R 3.374 Real Estate