The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 31, 1962, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Ttu News-Review, Roseburg,
Melrost Servicmen
Resume Duty Stations
'.' Bob Wignon of Melrose has re
turned to Navy duty at Hunters
Point at Alameda, Calif., following
a leave at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lade
toot. Bob went hunting while home
and got his first deer, a three-point.
Back On Duty
Larry Cooper has returned to Ma
rine duty at Camp Pendleton in
California after his leave spent with
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Lucas. They enjoyed a deer
: hunting trip, to Eastern Oregon
' while he was home and were ac
companied by Larry's friend, Phil
Luizo, of Los Angeles, who is also
stationed at Camp Pendleton.
' Mrs. Warren Lucas has received
word from her brother-in-law and
lister, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Soren
son, and sons, Mark, Jim and Tom
my, who are now in Summit, N. J.,
visiting Sorenson's parents. Mrs.
Sorenson, the former Doris Durch
of Melrose, has recently undergone
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Westbrook
and family of Richmond, Calif., are
visiting bis sister, Mrs. Carless
Hamlin, and family.
' Jerry Bradford, 14, bagged a five
point elk on opening day of the sea
ion in the Callahan area.
Irrigation Districts
To Get Federal Funds
EUGENE (UPI) Oregon House
Speaker Robert B. Duncan, Dem
ocratic nominee for Congress in
the fourth district, said recently
he received word that the U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation has au
thorized $74,000 to complete irri
gation canals in the Medford and
Rogue Valley Irrigation districts.
Duncan also said the Talent dl
vllon will receive $439,000 to en
large the Phoenix canal, and im
prove the Phoenix lateral.
day, the 30)ti day of November, 167, et:M
aciocn a.m., m .., .wi. - i
in fk rmmh rmtrf House. RoilbUfO. DOUfl-
III County, Oregon, h.vo bMfl ftxad Id.
timo end place for htarlng objections, If
any to tha Final Account filed by In. under-
algnea in in. .ircuir .uuri w, n,w
Oregon for uougios i-ounir, rrwiwi. w-,,,,-
ment, and for me linemen, hiiui.
DATED and tint publlmedi Oclobar 11,
Executor ol tha Eslote of
uiiM h.r.hw .Ivan th.t November li
1MJ, at tha hour ot WHO a.m., In circuit
rNirtraam "A" at th. County Courlhouta In
Rouburg, Douglai County, Oragon, hai b.en
aat ai tha flma ana piaca tor in. nf.rniB
of oblectlom, If any there ba, to tha final
account of tho undersigned executor.
Dated and first published this Ird day at
October, ml. . .
Dete of lint publication! Hit day af Oct.
' ru.oi all UEMCHEL TAYLOR,
Executor of the Eitata ef HARRY
LEROY KELLAR, alu known
LEE KELLAR, Deceaieo.
Attorney for tha Eilate.
day, the 301h day of November, 192. at
:00 o'clock a.m.. In circuit Court Room "B",
In the Douglai County Court House, Rose
burg, Oregon, hove been fixed ei the time
and place for fleering obectloni, If eny,
to the final account filed by the undenlgnad
In th. Circuit Court of th. Stete ot Oregon
for Dougles County, Probete Deportment,
and for the settlement thereof.
DATED and lint published: October If,
Administratrix da bonis nwu d.t.a.
of the Etlete ol
No. liros
STATE OF OREGON, represented and
acting by Director of Volir.ns' Affairs,
PANY, a New York corporation, INDUS
TRIAL FINANCE CORP. ot Roieburg, an
Oregon corporation, and WILLIAM D.
By virtue of execution, decree and order
of sale Issued out ol the above entitled court
In the ebovo suit directed to me on the
lfth day of Oclobar, 1962, upon a decree en
ured in seio court aoove nemea on ine
lfth day ol October, 1963. In favor of plain
tiff, State of Oregon, acting and represented
by Director of veterans' Affairs, againii ae
fendents Lavern K. Howard. Ruth Howard,
Metropolitan Lite Iniurance Company, a New
York corporation, Induitriol Finance Corp. of
Roieourg, an uregon corporation, ana wu-
Hem D. Oreen, Jr. lor recovery ot the sum
of S4.6M.07 with Interest Ihereon at per
annum from November 15, 1961 until paid,
together with accrued Interest In the sum
of 111.61, together with the sum ol MJ.50
coif of title search for foreclosure, together
with the sum of 1500.00 eltornevs feet, to
gether with accrued life Insurance premiums
In tha sum ot S17.35, and (or costs ol and
upon said Writ of Execution commanding
me to moke sole of the following described
real property situate in Douglas county,
Oregon to-wlt:
BEGINNING .1 a lli Inch Iron pipe set
at the root of a tree on Ihe west corner
of Lot 14, on the south line of Minnie
Street: thence Eeiterly elong said south
Una of Minnie Street 175.66 feel to an
Iron pin at the point of beginning!
thence Easterly along tha said soulh line
of Minnie Street 135.46 feet to en Iron
pipe; thenca Southerly at right angles to
said lot and Minnie Street line 103.3 feet
to an Iron pipe on the line between Lois
14 and 131 thence South 56 Weit 135.46
feet to an Iron plpei thence Northerly at
right angles to said Lot Una 103.3 feet
to the point of beginning.
Ing: Beginning at a point on the south
erly side of Minnie Street, said point
being South 56' Weil 73.46 feel from
the most Northerly corner ot Lot 14,
Meple Park Addition to the Town of
Riddle, Dougles County, Oregon) thence
South 56' West 53 feel! thence Soulh
34 East 103.3 feet! thence North 56
East 53 feel: Ihenca North 34 Wait
103.3 leel to the point of beginning,
and being e portion of told Lot 14.
NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of laid Writ
of Execution, decree end Order of Sale and
In compliance with the command of said
Writ ol Execution I will on the 37th day
ot November, 1963 at Ihe hour of 10:00 o'clock
A.M. of sold day at the Iront door of Ihe
County Courthouse In Roieburg, Douglas Coun
ty, Oregon, a.ll at public .uctlon sublect
to redemption to the highest bidder for
cash In hand all the right, title and In
terest of the within named defendonts and
ach of them In tho reel property hereinbe
fore described which sold delrndents hed on
tha 11th dey of Merch, 1951, the date of the
real property mortgage being foreclosed here
with or Ihet any ol said defendants above
named may have ecquired since that data
and In and to tha above described real prop
erty or any part thereof to setlify the sold
Writ of Execution, Judgment and Decree
gelnst defendants wllh Interest, coitl end
attorney's fees end accruing coils of sale.
day ef October, 1963.
IRA C. byrd, Sheriff a Douglai
County, Oregon
By Arda E. Garrett, Deputy
Or. Wd., Oct. 31, 1962
Circuit Court of Douglu County Oregon,
nai iixm mo 26in aay of November, 1962,
at tht hour of 10 o'clock a.m., at tha tlmt.
and Circuit Courtroom "A" of tha Douglai
County Courthouia at Rostburg, Oregon, as
in piact tot rearing of oo actions, ir any
there be, to the Final Account of tht Ad
ministrator herein.
aay or ocTwar.
J. A. UNGER, Administrator of
int Estate of ALAR IK N. ARONS-
50N, deceased
Attorneys at Law
41 S, I. Main
Rostburg, Oregon
Cmm Na. 7711
In the matter of tht Guardianship Estate
CLARA T. STAR ME R, an Incompetent
Notice It hereby given that pursuant to
and by virtue of an order made and entered
In the above entitled Court and cause on tha
una aay or October, 1?62, signed by the
Honorable Don H. Sanders, Judge of tald
Court, the underslaned. a Coarrfian nt th
Estate of Clara T. Starmer, an Incompetent
person, will on and alter the 33rd day of
November, at tht hour of 10 o'clock
A.M., proceed to sail real property of said
estate at private sale for cash or for part
cash and part credit as may to the guardian
seem advisable, subect to the confirmation
w in ajDova nwiea lourr, said real proper
ty being situated In Douglas County, Oregon,
and being more particularly described at fol
lows, to-wlt:
PABCBL 1, Th.t -j i t in..,. .
. ftvt iivei vi lvi as, O,
North Park Addition, lying wssterly of the
old location of Pacific Highway (North Ste
phens Street).
PARCEL li All of Lot 7, Block 4, North
Park Addition, excepting the West i feet:
Excepting that Dorllm told fa th t.t.
Oregon for highway purposes, and also ex-
MiinB in- easr w feet thereof; and AH
of Lot I. Block , North Park Addition, ex
cepting the West 120 feet! Excepting that
HuiHuu ima ig me eiaio ot Oregon tor high
way DurnotM
Bids will be received by the undersigned
u.B.i ! 1 1 iw low unices or ueorge lu
oma In the Umpqua Savings l Loan Build
ing, Rostburg, Oregon.
GEORGE LUOMA, Guardian of the
Riiai or (.laka T. STARMER,
Published pursuant to section 5 ot
me Act or JUiy 23, 1955 (69 Stat,
To whomever it may concern:
rnuuKEUlWH NO. FS 62-31 (Ore
gon mail). (
Notice is hereby given in pur
suance of a oroner reaupst for nnh.
lication heretofore filed in accord
ance with section S of the Act of
juty a, i55 ( 69 Stat. 367), and
the regulations thereunder (43 CFR
1. That on May 1. 1962. tha CMet
Forest Service, Department of Ag
riculture, wnose address Is Wash
ington 25, D. C, filed in the Land
Office of the Bureau of Land Man
agement, Department of the In
terior, at 710 N. E. Hollarlnv Pnrt.
land 12, Oregon, a request for pub
lication of notice to all mineral lo
cators or any person claiming un-
oer uiem involving a mining claim
or claims located on lands owner!
by the United Statos and under
the jurisdiction of the Forest Serv
ice in the Counties of Douglas and
Lane, State of Oregon, described
as follows, to wit:
Oregon 012511 (FS 62-31). th
Rigdon Area. 6SR-19-11. Willam
ette National Forest, Douglas and
L,ane counties, Oregon.
The unsurveyed sections listed
are those which would probably
embrace the lands when the public
land surveys are extended to such
Willamette Meridian
T 11 I, R 2 B: Sees. 24, 25, 26,
35, 36, and those parts of sees. 33
and 34 within the Willamette Na
tional Forest. T 21 S, R 3 Ei
Sees. 19 to 36 lncl. T 21 S, R 4 E:
Sees. 13, 14, 15, 19 to 36 incl.
T 21 S, R S E: Sees. 30, 31, and
32. T 22 S, R 2 E: Sees 1, 2, 11,
12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 36, and those
parts of sees. 3, 9. 10. 15, 22.
26, 27, and 35 within the Willam
ette National Forest. T 22 S, R 3
E: Sees 1 to 8 incl., 10, 12, 13,
14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26 to
32 incl., 34, 35, and 36. T 22 5,
R 4 E: Sees. 1 to 6 Incl. and 8
to 36 incl. T 22 S, R 5 E: Sees.
2 to 36 incl. T 22 S, R 5 'A E:
(Unsurveyed) Sees. 8, 13, 16, 17,
20 to 29 incl., 32, 33, 34, 35, and
36. T 22 S, R 6 E: Sees. 8. 9.
16 to 21 Incl., 27 to 33 incl., and
those parts of sees. 10, 15, 22, 26,
34, and 35 within Lane County.
T 23 S, R 2 E: Sees. 1, 12, 13, 14,
24, and those parts of sees. 2, 3,
10, 11, 15, 22, 23, 25, 26, and 36
within (he Willamette National
Forest. T 23 S, R 3 E: Sees. 1, 2,
4 to 10 incl., 14, 15, 16, 17, .18.
20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31,
32, 34, 35, 36; partly surveyed
sees. 12, 13, and 24. T 23 S, R 4 E:
Sees. 31, 32, 34, 35, 36; partly sur
veyed sees. 6, 25 to 30 incl.: un
surveyed sees. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and
7 to 24 incl. T 23 S, R 5 E:
(Unsurveyed) Sees. 1 to 36 incl.
T 23 S, R SVi E: (Unsurveyed)
Sees. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16,
17, 20, 29; and those parts of sees.
12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 32, and
33 within Lane County. T 23 S, R
6 E: (Unsurveyed) Sec. 6, and
those parts of sees. 4, 5, and 7
within Lano County. T 24 S, R 2 E:
Those Darts of sees. 13 and 24
within the Willamette National For
est. T 24 S, R 1 E: Sees. 1, 2, 4,
5, 8, 10, It, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21 to
28 incl., 34, 35, 36, and those
parts of sees. 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, 29,
32, and 33 within the Willamette
National Forest. T 24 $, R 4 E:
Sees. 1, 2, 4 to 10 Incl., 12 to 20
incl., 22 to 30 incl.; partly sur
veyed sees. 31 to 36 incl. T 24 S,
R 5 E: Sees. 1 to 16 incl., 18 to
35 incl., and that part of sec. 36
within Lane County. T 24 S, R 5Vi
E: bees. 17 and 20; those parts
of sees. 8, 9, 16, 21, 28, 29, 32,
33, and of partly surveyed sec. 5
within Lane County. T 25 S, R 3
E: Sees. 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, and those parts of sees. 4, 8,
9. 15, 16, 17, 23, and 24 within the
Willamette National Forest. T 25
S, R 4 E: (Unsurveyed) Sees. 1
to ,18 incl., 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. and
those parts of sees. 19, 25, 26. 27,
28, 29, 30, 32, 33, and 35 within
the Willamette National Forest. T
25 S, R 5 E: Sec. 1; partly sur
veyed sees. 2 and 3; unsurveyed
sees. 4 to 12 incl., 17, 18, 19, and
those parts of unsurveyed sees. 13,
14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 29, and 30 within
the Willamette National Forest. T
25 $, R SVi Ei Sec. 5. and those
parts of sees. 3 ind 4 within Doug
las and Lane Counties: partly sur
veyed sees. 8, 9, and those parts of
sees. 10 and 11 within Douglas
County; unsurveyed sees. 15. 16.
17, 21, 22, and those parts of sees.
13, 14, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, and
29 within the Willamette National
Forest. T 25 $, R 6 E: (Unsurvey
ed) Those parts of sees. 18 and 19
within Douglas County.
2. That if any person claiming
or asserting under, or by virtue
of, any unpatented mining claim
located prior to July 23, 1955, any
right, title, or interest in the vege
tative surface resources and other
surface resources, under such min
ing claim, contrary to or in con
flict with the limitations or restric
tions specified in section 4 of said
act, as to the above-described
lands or any part thereof, shall
fail to file in the Land Office of
the Bureau of Land Management
at 710 N. E. Holladay. Portland 12.
Oregon, and 'within 150 days from
the below-stated date of first pub
lication of this Notice, a verified
statement which shall set forth as
to such mining claims:
(1) The date of location;
(2) The book and page of re
cordation of the notice or certi
ficate of location;
(3) The section or sections of
the public land surveys which
embrace such mining claim;
or if such lands are unsurvey
ed either the section or sec
tions which would probably em
brace such mining claim when
the public land surveys are
extended to such lands or a
tie by courses and distances
to an approved United States
mineral monument;
(4) Whether such claimant
Is a locator or purchaser un
der such location; and
(5) The name and address of
such claimant and names and
addresses so far as known to
the claimant of any other per
son or persons claiming any in
terest or interests In or under
such unpatented mining claim;
such failure shall be con
clusively deemed (i) to consti
tute a waiver and relinquish
ment by such mining claimant
of any right, title, or interest
under such mining claim con
trary to or in conflict with
the limitations or restrictions
specified in section 4 of the Act
of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367),
as to unpatented claims lo
cated after that date, and (ii)
to constitute a consent by such
mining claimant that such un
patented mining claim shall be
subject to said limitations and
restrictions, and (iii) to pre
clude thereafter, prior to issu
ance of patent, any assertion
by such mining claimant of any
right or title ito or interest in
or under such mining claim
contrary to or In conflict with
said limitations or restrictions.
Section 4 provides, generally,
that unpatented mining claims
located after July 23, 1955 shall
not be used for purposes other
than prospecting, mining, or
processing operations, or uses
reasonably incident thereto;
that such claims will be sub
ject to the right of the United
States to manage and dispose
of the vegetative surface re
sources thereof and to man
age other surface resources
thereof; and that, except to the
extent required for mining op
erations and uses reasonably
incident thereto or to provide
clearance for such operations
or uses, claimants of such
claims shall not use or dis
pose of vegetative or other
surface resources thereof; and
that, except for clearance for
such purposes, any permitted
severance or removal of tim-'
bcr must be in accordance
with sound principles of forest
management. Said section 4
also provides that any use of
the surface of any such mining
claim by the United States, its
permittees or licensees, shall
be such as not to endanger or
materially interfere with the
prospecting, mining, process
ing or reasonably incident uses
by the mining claimant.
The date of first publication ot
this Notice shall be Sept. 26, 1962.
Dated: Aug. 16, 1962.
Acting Chief, Minerals
Section, Bureau of Land
Management, Department
of the Interior,
Portland, Oregon
First publication: September 26.
5 Classification, compensation
and promotion of employees
Order adopting employee clas
sification plan
6 Contract awarded, re: North
Fork of Smith River Road No.
Deeds accepted, re: realign
ment of Singleton Road No. 79
Deeds accepted, re: widening
of North Umpqua Highway
Road No. 4
Order granting permit of en
try, Sec. 24, Twp. 22 S., R. 10
W., W.M.,
T Order to purchase property
adjacent to Charles V. Stanton
10 Deed and partial release of
mtg. accepted, re: Conn Ford
Koad No. 167
11 Deed accepted, re: realign
ment of Cow Creek Road No. 36
Resolution, renaming certain
roads in unincorporated areas
Order of election, re: Surprise
Valley Livestock District
12 Board of Equalization, minutes
of meeting of Sept. 4, 1962
Correction Order, re: Charles
V. Stanton Park
13 Order approving annexation,
Green Sanitary District
Right ot way easement grant
ed to Pacifio Power & Light
14 Partial release of Mtg. accept
ed, re: North Fork Smith Riv
er Road No. 48-A
19 Treasure pay from County
Park Sinking Fund, Charles V.
Stanton Park
24 Order to pay transportation of
25 Order to correct Final Order,
re: South Side Road No. 120
25 O r d e r accepting purchase
agreement, Carter Tirei Com
pany Inc.
Order to rent certain Park
Land to Everett Baker
26 Reapportionment, Justice of
the Peace Districts
Order awarding contract to J.
R. McAllister, Street improve
: ment
'Notice of transfer of jurisdic
tion, County Roads within
28 Order designating a County
Road, re: Cleveland Park
Road No. 275
Order accepting improvement,
re: N.E. Johnson and N.E.
Ward Streets
Order, re: Fire Protection of
certain County Lands
Agreement, Douglas Forest
Protective Association
Resolution, re: Vacation of
Redwood Drive, Yocum Acres
Order for hearing, re: Red
wood Drive
Date October 25, 1962
County Clerk
Ore St Univ Ext Svs $3,875.00;
ASSESSOR: Pac NW Bell $5.80,
Address Multi Corp $2.62, Co Surv
Prtg Dept $6.65, Roens Office
Equip $1.94, Chapman Bros $17.
94, Viking Stationers $27.06. IBM
Corp $10.00, Kilham Stry $27.66,
KSDg nook Store $21.69, TRAVEL
EXPENSE: Leland W Svarverud
et al $390.20, Shell Oil Co $2.87,
Standard Oil $10.76, Tidewater Oil
$16.04, General Roads $46.99. Rich
field Oil Corp $3.47, Standard Oil
co S2Z.64, union Oil of Calif S18.
83, Standard Oil Co $15.44, Shell
Oil Co $5.29, Union Oil Co $11.21,
Burroughs Corp $499.00, Lockwood
Mtrs $16.53, Hansen Motor Co $12.
91, Tidewater Oil Co $13.43, St Tax
Comm $5,287.50; BOUNTY: Don
Norris $2.50, John Finnie $10.00.
Robert Gaedecke $10.00. Helen
Gordon $10.00, James Ingram $10.-
00, Alice L. Smith $10.00, George
Wendroth $10.00, State Treasurer
$16,611.00; CLERK: Postmaster
$20.00, Dunham Prtg Co $335.40,
Systems $69.15, Pac NW Bell $12.-
00, Recordak Corp $111.69. East
man Kodak Stores $46.66, Railway
Express Agcy $5.64, M & M Print
ers $36.00, Roens Office Equip $50.
69, Umpqua Stationers $38.34; CIR
CUIT COURT: Ore State Bar $1.
25, Pac NW Bell $10.45, The Doug
las Fir Prtg $18.00, Viking Sta
tioners $.16, IBM Corp $45.20,
sters $8.36, Shirley McLaughlin
$5.00, James Pringle $8.36, Rob
ert Wandling $5.00, Lorena M. Wil
cox $5.00, Mike Wilcox $5.00, Ila
F. Chrysler $11.72, Richard A. Der-
rig $11.40, James L. Holmes $37.-
00, Wm D. Pollock $9.48, Chester
Sallee $11.80, Lewis Teller $5.00,
Roy Alspaugh $8.36, Donald W. Bo-
deen $39.90, Ellen F. Augustine
$37.50, J. Gwendolyn Mortensen
$51.90, Shirley J. Miller $67.50,
Edith M. Benson $39.10, Frank L.
O'Brien $47.10, Florence E. Mur
ray $44.30, Hubert F. McGinnie
ard Chandler et al $589.40; Clar
ence E. Lemon et al $86.60, JURY
MEALS: umpqua Hotel $83.60,
ler $90.00, B. R. Shoemaker MD
$20.00, J. McGlnty $35.00, G. Neu
ner $25.00, R. Stults $35.00. G.
Weigum $50.00; COUNTY COURT:
Pac NW Bell $16.40, The Sun Tri
bune $3.00, Port Umpqua Courier
$3.50, Ellison Ump Stock Mkt $16.
00, Umpqua Hotel $11.25, Stand
ard Oil Co $15.67, Shell Oil Co
$4.67, Standard Oil Co $24.84, Gen
eral Roads $22.71, Standard Oil Co
$16.00, Union Oil of Calif $6.03,
Signal Oil Co $38.71, Carter Tire
Co $1.50, Shell Oil Co $5.45; DIS
TRICT COURT: Postmaster $20.
00, Pac NW Bell $5.60, Roens Of
fice Equip $1.35, Rsbg Book Store
$14.09, Ore State Bar $1.25; WIT
NESS FEES: Dan Arrant et al,
$265.04; CONSTABLE: Postmas
ter $20.00, M & M Printers $12.
00, Rsbg Book Store $2.43, Gen
eral Roads $65.74; JUSTICE OF
THE PEACE: Calapooia Pac
NW Bell SS2.85, Mid Ore Prtg $8.
64, Pac NW Bell $6.90, W. C. Wat
son $22.83, W. C. Watson $40.00;
Drain W. T. De La Vcrgne $40.
00; Glendale A. V. Mohr $40.00;
port 'The Courier $135.58, West
Coast Tel $23.15, Orin B. Collier
$40.00, Canyonville Cal Pac Util
ities $11.50, Nina W. Pictzold $54.
64, Nina W. Pictzold $50.00, Jury
Fees Jean Ulnm et al $41.60;
JUVENILE: Pac NW Bell $37.30,
Western Union $15.13, The Photo
Lab $.67, Rsbg Book Store $20.57,
Ricketts Music Store $11.20, Trav
el Expense L. Carstcnsen $19.
90, Kenneth L. Miller $14.00, E. E.
Shippen $22.55, A. M. Pitchford
$8.40, Shell Oil Co. $2.67, Standard
Oil $12.22, Tidewater Oil Co. $2.65,
Signal Oil Co. $13.14, General
Roads $61.40. Firestone Stores $36.
85, Lockwood Motors $22.16, Stand
ard Oil Co. $62.36, Signal Oil Co.
$7.48, Standard Oil Co. $17.78,
Shell Oil Co. $1.78. Union Oil Co.
$10.93, Lockwood Motors $1,196.85,
Foster Care Opal Herring et al
$484.19, J. C. Penney Co. $30.07,
Donald M. Jcppesen MD $8.00;
COURTHOUSE: Roens Office
Equipment $15.12, Pitney Bowes
Inc. $136.29, Ore Water Corp $121.
20, Pac Power & Light $639.75, Cal
Pac Ulilities $88.20. Otis Eleva
tor Co. $76.89, DuFrcsne Electric
$18,60, Easterday Sup Co. $14.88,
Rsbg Garbage Disp $17.00, Eugene
Overall Laundry $45.00, General
Roads $42.90, Packer Scott $237.
04, Madson Stokes $19.00, Rsbg
Color Center $56.76. Tozers Sheet
Metal $6.25. J. C. Sporting Goods
$68.50, Umpqua Valley Hdw $13.
85, Coen Sup Co $34.40, Farm Bu
reau $13.66, Hebard Supply Co.
$.181.35, Harris Plmb It Heat $62.
80, Hufham Signs $5.60, Pac NW
Bell $700.75. Cal Pac Utilities $80.
Thompson $1.25, Postmaster $10.-
00, Pac NW Bell $32.05, Douglas
Fir Prtg $46.40, IBM Corp $49.00,
Umpqua Stationers $116.80, J. C.
Sporting Goods $1.00, Rsbg Book
Store $37.49, Travel Expense
Shell Oil Co. $35.22, Reedsport
Motel $6.00, Hansen Motor Co. $9.
60, Standard Oil Co. $4.92, Shell
Oil Co. $15.34, James H. Harris
MD $140.00, Emma L. Handy $7.
25, Chris Studio $2.50; ELEC
TIONS: Tozers Sheet Metal $3.50,
Gardiner Volunteer Fire $30.00,
Douglas Fir Prtg $59.35; FAIR
GROUNDS: Do Co Fair Board $25,
TURES: Underwood Corp $990.00,
Roens Office Equip $325.50, Pac
Motor Trucking $7.82, Umpqua
Stationers $74.52, Ore St Civ SVS
Comm $45.88, Earl Plummer $9.92,
Pac NW Bell $6.58, Mid Ore Prtg
Inc. $314.68, Umpqua Stationers
$80.55, Rsbg Book Store $263.05,
Roens Office Equip $891.75;
$27.92, Recordak Corp $21.51, Myr
tle Creek Mail $3.00, The Photo
Lab $.85, Rsbg News Review $21.
00, Rsbg Book Store $12.67, The
Sun Tribune $3.00, Port Umpqua
Courier $3.50, Ore St Board of
Health $5.00, Douglas Fir Prtg $12.
60, Co Surv Prtg $1.20, Travel Ex
pense B. R. Shoemaker $12.90,
Alice Kelley $21.89, Lavenia Mil
ler $29.34, Erma Plett $49.73, Ber
nice Smith $41.13, Nettie A. Ul
mer $70.25, R. D. Anderson $18.
51, B. B. Bailey $75.17, T. J. Os
borne $80.17, Central Lincoln PUD
$1.74, West Coast Tel $11.40, Gen
eral Roads $240.13, PERS $111.10,
PERB $181.36, State Industrial Ins.
$76.30, New Service Laundry $8.
65 Cutter Laboratories $1.80, Jour
nal, of Nursing $5.00, Ore St TB
Hosp $1.00, Surgical Sales Inc.
$54.85, McKay Drug $19.14, Ump
qua Valley Hdw $11.20, Robert T.
iwata MD $375.00, F. W. Wool
worth Co. $4.49, The Photo Lab
$6.03, Standard Oil Co. $271.17.
Pac NW Bell $17.50, Pac Power
& ugnt $z.uo, L. n. Butcher Co.
$63.90, General Roads $86.79, Le
Bleu Motors $8.74, Lumber Sales
$19.15, Orchard Auto Parts $19.05,
Standard Oil Co. $50.70, Farm Bu
reau $73.11, HEALTH DEPART
MENT Child Guidance W .i
H. Peckham $22.42, Rsbg Book
Store $5.72, PERS $5.61, PERB
$29.41, SIAC $2.73; HOME: Pac
NW Bell $24.50, Umpqua Station
ers $16.50, General Roads $5.84,
Rsbg Weld & Mach $5.50, Drive
N Save Mkt $6.99, Farm Bureau
$40.87, Harris Plmb & Heat $25.
30, City of Roseburg $329.80, Ore
Water Corp $87.29, Pac Power &
Light $163.47, Cal Pac Utilities
$36.76, Rsbg Garbage Disp $10.00,
General Roads $1.40, Specialized
Parts $1.92, Farm Bureau $31.01,
Hebard Sup Co. $154.95, Douglas
Cable TV $6.50, Latham Whsl Dist
$153.71, Co Home Patients Accts
$200.00, Amer Hosp Sup Corp $118.
80, H. W. Baker Co. $618.87, Pierce
Freight $8.40, Van Waters & Rog
ers Inc. $86.11, Pierce Freight $3.
00, Ore Nev Cal Faster Fr. $4.67,
surgical Hales $93.00, Western Surg
Sup Co. $28.00, Wyeth Lab $10.52,
McKesson & Robbins $229.74, Mc
Kay Drug $27.50, Cal Pac Utilities
$32.59, Pattersons Bakery $79.20,
Rsbg Whsl Prod Co. $98.57, Dept.
of Finance $6.25, R. E. Johnson
$150.90, Boyer Meat Co. $471.76,
Van Dine Meat Co. $196.95, Ump
qua Dairy $126.52, Melrose Dairy
$352.67, Minani Inst Foods $51.10,
Drive N Save Mkt $7.48, Webers
Bakery $13.20, Valley Wholesale
$382.99 .Pierce Freight $18.26, Pat
tersons Bakery $73.20, Umpqua
Dairy $153.49, Hudson House Inc.
$138.03; JAIL: Pac NW Bell $4.05,
M & M Printers $89.25, Don's Re
frigeration $8.00, Rsbg Garbage
Disp $8.00, Rsbg Weld It Mach
$18.34, Brodie National $11.50, So
Stephens Hdw $7.35, Howards Mens
Store $9.00, J. C. Penney Co. $107.
28, Farm Bureau $6.75, Church
Drug Store $1.80, Rsbg Pharmacy
$30.45, Lindell Clinic $72.50, Dr.
Lee J. Lacey $5.00, Mercy Hosp
$373.20, Pattersons Bakery $128.99,
Rsbg Meat Co. $113.78, Rsbg Whsl
Prod Co. $60.66, Skylark Cafe $12.-
Boyer Meat Co. $24.55, Ump
qua Dairy $90.79, Farmer Bros Co.
$111.05 Pearson Mkt $163.89, Moun
tain View Dairy $79.52, Drive N
Save Mkt $14.28, Latham Whsl
Dist $45.62, Webers Bakery $31.87,
Valley Whlsl $146.68, Pattersons
Bakery $96.60, Umpqua Dairy $98.
18, The Photo Lab $11.70; LANDS:
Pac NW Bell $2.15, The Photo Lab
$1.65, Rsbg Book Store $5.13, Gen
eral Roads $17.99, Robert E. Kis
chel $14.00, Robert E. Kischel $10.
00, Standard Oil Co $3.00, Hansen
Motor Co $4.00, Mason Bruce &
Girard $756.73, Rsbg News Review
$142.77, County Surveyor $250.00,
Coos Forest Prot Assn. $644.84;
$1.35, Pac NW Bell $3.00, Rsbg
Book Store $13.15; PARKS: Post
master $1.50, Ore Water Corp $2.
91, Pac NW Bell $26.70, Pac Pow
er It Light $16.09, Roens Office
Equip $5.00. U. S. Lawn Bowling
Soc $1.00, Bus Equip Center $25.
83, Simmons Carbon Co. $19.43,
The Photo Lab $12.24, Rsbg Book
Store $3.69, Standard Oil Co. $3.
71. General Roads $24.11, Union
Oil Co. $8.58. Orchard Auto Parts
Co. $4.03, Farm Bureau $2.50,
Walts Radiator Shop $3.00, Canyon
ville Hdw $5.30, Lockwood Motors
Inc. $2,206.89, Farm Bureau $9.00,
W. E. Wieprecht $4.63, Ray Cham
bers $12.96, Ray ChanVbors $75.00,
City of Winston $5.00, Winston Dil
lard Water $103.39, Ore Water
Corp $3.40, Clarence Hahn $134.00,
Rsbg Garbage Disp $8.25, Rsbg
Shingle Co. $117.81, Pac NW Bell
$14.25, Pac Power & Light $74.58,
Cal Pac Utilities $21.25, Rsbg Lum
ber Co. $20.45, General Roads
$340.40, Suburban Gas of Rsbg $10.
78, Packer Scott $26.24, Madson
Stokes $8.75, Canyonville Hdw $7.-
59. fire Equipment Co. $2.50, Coen
Sup Co $36.20. PARKS: Gen-etsen
Bldg. Sup. $3.15. Lockwood Motors
Inc. $4.50, Standard Oil Co. $5.15,
Farm Bureau $3,20, Hebard Sup
ply $60.00, Harris Plmb It Heat
$10.96, Consolidated Sup Co. $52.
02, Rsbg Sup Co. $3.41, Amer
Steel It Sup $20.91, Reedsport Mill
Co. $44.00, Sup tt Svs Hdw lnc.l
$18.96. Suiters Bldg Sup. $3.30.
Winston Chain Saw $7.50, General
Roads $39.33, Moore Steel SVS Co.
$237.88, Canyonville Hdw $3.40,
Coen Sup Co. $31.00, Rsbg News
Review $25.20, Pierce Freight $4.
58, Gerretsen Bldg Sup. $.90,
Farm Bureau $10.61, Harris Plmb
It Heat $1.75, Hufham Signs $32.
40, Hufham Signs $5.75; PUBLI
CATIONS: The Drain Enterprise
$6.93, The Mail $65.00, Rsbg News
Review $392.28; PUBLIC EM
TEM: State Tax Comm $179.52,
PERS $1,204.03, PERS $557.50;
$158.40, PERS $2,114.82, St Tax
AL INS: St. Tax Comm $10.00,
SIAC $810.82, IHA $1,728.96; SHER
IFF: Postmaster $20.00, Amer
Photocopy Equip $341.80, Dicta
phone Corp $62.00, Pac NW Bell
$104.60, Western Union $27.89, Dept
of Motor Vehicles $34.00, George
F. Cake Co. $5.87, M tt M Print
ers $69.35, Pac NW Bell $67.15,
Cal Pac Utilities $39.34, Suiters
Bldg Sup $37.21, Roens Office
Equip $7.35, Dudes Gun Shop $7.
25, G. A. Thompson $18.00, West
Coast Tel $16.95, Rsbg News Re
view $21.00, Rsbg Book Store $34.
45, Industrial Electric $4.21, Pac
NW Bell $16.45, Travel Ira C.
Byrd et al $135.00, Shell Oil Co.
$125.58, Standard Oil Co. $44.99,
Tidewater Oil Co. $266.57, Cliffs
Mobile Svs $22.63, Union Garage
$232.69, Signal Oil Co $119.33, Geo
F. Cake Co. $224.93, Crown Radio
St TV $9.20, Reedsport Garage
$26.40,- General Roads $7.04, Mo
bil Oil Co. $37.12, Richfield Oil
$36.58, Specialized Parts $1.47, J.
C. Sporting Goods $10.50, Orchard
Auto Parts $7.90, Standard Oil Co.
$99.28, Tidewater Oil Co. $355.15,
Union Oil Co. of Calif. $137.32, Sig
nal Oil Co. $320.85, Carter Tire Co.
$129.40, Texaco Inc. $374.52, Stand
ard Oil Co. $123.56, Shell Oil Co.
$196.58, Union Oil Co. $129.01, Ira
C. Byrd et al $125.00, Western Way
Rental $7.02, Howard A. Frew
$34.87, Hertz Corp $33.62, Umpqua
Gun Store $12.20, J. C. Sporting
Goods $16.80, Rod & Reel Tr Sales
$65.15, Valley Weld & Mach Wks
$9.25, Umpqua Valley Hdw $4.00,
Bob Leber Studio $27.80, The Photo
Lab $52.53, Aliens Western Goods
$27.85, J. Weiner & Co. $48.00, F.
Morton Pitt Co. $79.73, Weiners
$44.00, Nudelman Bros. $29.50,
Hansen Motor Co. $8,032.13; CIV
IL DEFENSE: Pac NW Bell $.15,
Pac NW Bell $44.40, Pac Power &
Light $23.79, Standard Oil Co. $3.
60, Tidewater Oil $22.44, General
Roads $6.50, Standard Oil Co. $4.-
66, Tidewater Oil Co. $13.67, E. W.
Roelle $250.00, Clara O. Dot Fi
berbt $3.65, Rsbg News Review
$9.67, General Roads $16.10, Pierce
Freight $26.35, E. W. Roelle $5.
00, Daystrom Inc. $211.13; TAX
DEPT: Postmaster $3.00, Pac NW
Bell $22.70, Kilham Stry $5.26,
Rsbg Book Store $1.21, General
Roads $12.01, Carter Tire Co. $5.
00, Shell Oil Co. $2.00, Pitney Bow
es Inc. $21.00; VETERANS: Pac
NW Bell $8.85, Rsbg Book Store
$.36, Travel G. V. Blomgren
$37.20, Smith Signal Service $30.
00, Roy O. Young $36.25, East Side
Mkt. $15.00, Brookside Mkt. $15.00,
Payless Drug Store $8.65, Model
Market $20.00; GENERAL SUP
PLIES: Viking Stationers $29.23;
SURVEYOR: Postmaster $20.00,
Pac NW Bell $3.20, County Clerk
$5.00, Roens Office Equip $30.75,
Kilham Stry $5.14, Umpqua Sta
tioners $72.65, Rsbg Book Store $2.
16, Travel Expense General
Roads $56.74, Union Oil of Calif.
$12.77, Carter Tire Co. $36.40, F. R.
Harvey $1.00, Farm Bureau $.76;
TREASURER: Pac NW Bell $.40,
Friden Inc. $103.58, Bert Laurance
County Clerk $11.00, Shell Oil Co.
$3.63, Standard Oil Co. $33.58, Sig
Fett $12.02, General Roads $13.19,
Standard Oil Co. $35.86, Shell Oil
Co. $2.74, Pac NW Bell $7.95, Post
master $20.00, Co Surv Prtg Dept
$50.05, General Roads $3.12, Leu
pold It Stevens $5.24, W It L.E.
Gurley $358.00, Coen Supply Co.
$14.00, Orchard Auto Parts $3.94,
Gerretsen Bldg. Sup. $1.70, Rsbg
Book Store $.63; Standard Oil Co.
$10.08; WATERMASTER: C. O.
Bartcls $102.48, F. R. Harvey $4.00,
Pac NW Bell $23.05, Umpqua Sta
tioners $3.02; WELFARE AGEN
CIES: Villa St Rose $5.00, PUB
LIC WELFARE: St. Pub Welfare
Comm $15,973.00, St Pub Welfare
Comm $6,075.00, St Pub Welfare
Comm $13,559.25, St Pub Welfare
Comm $21,180.75, St Pub Welfare
Comm $619.50, St Pub Welfare
Comm $8,222.00, St Pub Welfare
Comm $3,063.00; PLANNING COM
MISSION: Co. Surv Prtg Dept.
$10.20, Roens Office Equip $18.00,
Umpqua Stationers $3.84, Rsbg
News Review $21.00, Port Umpqua
Courier $3.50, Standard Oil Co. $4.-
67, General Roads $13.19, James
E. Slattery $3.50, Standard Oil Co.
$9.26, Shell Oil Co. $1.51, Roseburg
News Review $11.19; COURT
HOUSE: Hansen Plmb $11,315.25;
DOG CONTROL: General Roads
$31.90, Do Co Humane Soc $275.00,
Pac NW Bell $2.80, Hansen Motor
Co. $4.72, Pacific NW Bell $33.05,
Howards Hdw $9.30, PERS $9.02,
PERB $11.87, SIAC $8.64.
BER 1962
County Clerk
IN PAYMENT OF: Culverts, con
crete, freight, right of way, asphalt,
capital, gas, diesel, oil, grease, in
surance, lumber, tires, parts,
equipment rental, rock tools, sup
plies: Bakers Saw Shop $90.00,
County Surveyor $110.65, The
Douglas Fir Printing Co. $49.00,
M & M Printers $84.85, Mid Ore
gon Printing Inc. $12.45, Carl Settl
er $62.00, Winston Sand St Gravel
$33.60, C. H. Davidson $34.40, Tri
City Redv Mix $44.00, North Doug
las Redi-Mix $782.10, State Dept.
of Agriculture $20.00. Chemco Mfg
Co. $44.25. Hebard Sup. Co. $31.
05, C. McDermott $114.78, Rose
burg Book Store $14.18, Sig Fett
$316.20. Specialized Parts $489.26,
A & R Tire Co. $35.38. Allen Parts
& Equipment Company $91.32,
Art's Machine k Welding Shop
$9.00, Bearing Sales St Service
Inc. $23.16, The Bowman Products
Co. $16.50, Benz Spring Co. $133.
58, Cardinal Tire Service $218.40,
Clyde Equipment Company $14.17,
Chrystalite Tile Plant $94.08, Cur
tin Service $4.00, Walt Edmond
Motors $41.50, Flegel Supply Co.
$43.62, Flury Supply Co. $124.96,
Lakey-Bogen Truck Station $138.96,
Lane Rotary Brush Co. $361.50, Le
Bleu Motors Inc. $59.19, Munnell
St Sherrill Co. Inc. $55.66, Pacific
Diesel Power Co. $5.63, Quality
Tire Svs $5.00, Rays Truck Parts
$29.55, Thompson Ford Sales $2.
78, Valley Tire Center $33.08, Pass
Creek Paving Co. $8,515.02, Pre
Mix Concrete $2,052.70, Whipple
Logging Co $1,225.00, Castor Mixed
Concrete $1,784.75, Morse Bros.
$44,928.97, Armco Steel Corp $3,
517.98, Reedsport Mach Works $78.
57, Allen Box $247.00, American
Photocopy S142.03, Coast Communi
cations $9.00, Industrial Electric
Co. $3.18, PP&L $161.11, B St Z
Bryant & H. Jossee $245.00, E St
M Boise St A St Maymie Upde
grave $40.00, Barcus Motors $85.
61, Burr Sullivan Inc. $55.15, Cram
er Mach Co. $207.37, Cruits Re
placement Parts $17.83, Feenaugh
ty Mach Co.v $144.00, Loggers
Contractors Mach Co. $794.40,
Moore Steel Svs $806.19, O K Tire
Store $127.33, Pape Bros Inc. $225.
72, Carl J. Peetz $14.55, Reeds
port Auto Parts $68.18, Rogers St
Kuni $96.00, Saw Svs St Sup $28.30,
Schetky Equip Corp $347.02, Senter
Tool Svs $106.25, Umpqua Indus
trial Sup $35.29, Union Oil Co. $110.
57, Walts Radiator Shop $78.42,
Dwayne Buell Agency $9,154.17,
Rsbg Paving Co. $30,478.82, Ump
qua River Navigation Co. $1,794.
35, Beckley St Thomas $35,476.80,
Ed A. Miller Contractor $1,851.00,
Morse Brolhers $31,260.90, Ameri
can Steel & Supply Co. $1,463.84,
Air Mac Inc of Oregon $1,686.00,
Alaska Steel Co $1,744.39, V St G
Brandt St E Brandt St Donald S.
Kelley-Attorncy $1,000.00, F. Lange
$8.32, Pac NW Bell $31.50, West
Coast Tel $50.25, Jackson St Giles
Motor Parts $471.33, Pac Power
Light $3.73, Pac Power & Light
$2.00, Mobil Oil Co. $425.94, R St L
She.ll Service $197.88, Walts Tow
ing $25.00, Zucks United Radiator
Svs $12.00, Ore-Nev-Calif Fast
Freight $3.00, Leys Variety Store
$4.70, PP&L $8.00, Ernies Rich
field $4.40, Hansen Motor Co. $154.
28, Joes Chevron Station $7.00,
Standard Oil Co. $92.40, So. Ore
gon Diesel St Electric $78.00, Doug
las Oil Co. of Calif. $1,224.75, Shell
Oil Co. $16,850.18, Pacufuc Con
crete Co. $10,712.55, Richfield Oil
Corp $1,507.60, Morse Bros. Inc.
$1,352.00, American Bitumula St As
phalt Co. $18,217.82, Tidewater Oil
Co. $1,535.58, H. Chickering $15.65,
County Clerk $9.50, O. Holmes
$285.00, Pac NW Bell $10.05, Water
works Suppliers Co. $49.71, Pac
NW Bell $11.60, PP&L $2.00, Rich
field Oil Corp $35.80, Trowbridge
Electric $62.00, Balzar Mach Co.
$695.09, A. J. Ellison $26.72, Kar
Products Co. $28.68, Texaco Inc.
$56.22, Tidewater Oil Co. $26.70,
Winston Sand St Gravel $12,097.95,
Union Oil Co. $4.49, Pierce Freight
Lines $17.50, Cal Pac Utilities $10.
00, P. Maresch $40.64, Ed A. Mil
ler $5,107.00, Fir Grove Motel $92.
00, Central Lincoln PUD $21.44,
Pac NW Bell $13.15, Northwest
Indl Laundry $197.36, Oregon Wa
ter Corp $26.58, Woodbury St Co.
$320.46, Shell Oil Co. $11.60, Pierce
Freight Lines $6.24, REA Express
$10.33, Unigas $39.60, Joe Book
shnis Inc. $3,490.13, Ed A Miller
$7,833.00, Ray Puckett Insurance
Agency $1,742.60, Cal-Ore Mach
inery Co. $9,094.01, Douglas Coun
ty State Bank $1,593.62, J. McAl
lister $11,914.10, Public Employes
Retirement System $2,399.60, Pub
lic Employes Retirement Board
$3,035.34, Industrial Hospital Asso
ciation $1,806.64, State Industrial
Accident Commission $4,183.27,
Douglas County District Attorney
$20.00, Gerretsen Building Supply
$69.87, C. M. McDermott $41.85,
Orchard Auto Parts $118.07, South
ern Oregon Battery St Sup Co.
$550.61, Pacific NW Bell $23.40,
State Dept. of Agriculture $104.61,
Grady St Lorene Fennell $300.00,
Umpqua Insurance Agency Inc.
$10.00, US Dept of Interior $15.00,
Auto Parts Inc. '$15.18, Cal-Pac
Utilities Co. $32.22, Carter Tire
Company $414.56, Harris Plmb St
Heat $2.54, Kendall Motor Co. $42.
81, Lockwood Motors Inc. $182.02,
Pierce Freight Lines $13.15, Rose
burg Glass Co. $138.94, Rsbg Lum
ber Co. $406.08, Rsbg Supply Co.
$86.43, The Sherman Williams Co.
$3.33, Truck St Industrinl Equip Co.
$51.62, City of Drain $9.30, City
of Sutherlin $3.75, Douglas Electric
Coop $482.11, The Douglas Fir
Prtg Co. $131.20, PP&L $8.64, Win
ston Sand St Gravel $66.40, Ump
qua Stationers $28.35, Daily Jour
nal of Commerce $25.00, Frankel
Carbon Co. $12.00, Pac NW Bell
$24.50, Beckley & Thomas $4,171.
65, Joe Bookshnis Inc. $2,663.50,
Roseburg Sand St Gravel $1,151.05,
Castor Mixed Concrete $1,031.25,
Norris Paint St Varnish Co. $5,
380.04, Pacific Powder Sales Corp
of Ore. $1,579.92, Pre-Mix Concrete
Pipe Co. $1,504.80, Winston Redy
Mix $1,035.75, Armco Steel Corpor
ation $1,343.65, Roens Office Equip
$17.47, Co. Surveyor Printing Dept.
$81.15, City of Reedsport S3.00,
Douglas Elec. Coop $9.10, Reeds
port Auto Parts $115.29, Allen
Parts & Equip Co. $95.98, City of
Roseburg $15.00, Pac NW Bell $94.
05, M & M Printers $106.85, PP&L
$2.00, Carl J. Peetz $129.57, Bar
cus Motors $70.22, Bearing Sales
St Service Inc. $12.20, Brents Ex
change $245.53, Bunting Tractor Co.
$348.81, Chrystalite Tile Plant $30.
92, Lakey Bogen Truck Station
$42.23, Motor Supplv Co. $54.67,
O K Tire Store $280.62, Parker
Tirecap Service $S55.8S, Pearce
Upholstering $40.00, Rays Truck
Parts $13.28, Roseburg McCulloch
Co. $2.50, Sutherlin Tire Sales &
Service $48.90, Kilham Stry $4.63,
Ellisons Stockade Motel $56.00,
J. Wm Unruh $10.00. Clyde Equip
ment Co. $609.11, Pearl Thornton
$160.00, J St B Patton $400.00, W.
Henry & D Henry St S. Henrv St
J. Henry $525.00, Mid Oregon Prtg
$24.60, Roseburg Book Store $69.
25, Madson Stokei $300.69, Tri City
Water Dist $8.00, West Coast Tele
phone Co. $2J.20, Jimmies Electric
Motor Shop $61.50, Roseburg Book
Store $5.85, Woodbury St Company
$175.98, Cramer Machinery Com
pany $221.90, Elkton Garage $7.45,
Glenns OK Tire Store $4.95, L.
Hughey $7.03, Le Bleu Motors $23.-
83, OK Rubber Welders of Drain
$13.00, Ore-Nev-Calif-Fast Freight
$6.00, Pacific Diesel Powder Co.
$16.54, Schetky Equipment Corp
$990.34, Senter Tool Service $105.
73, United Electric Svs of Spring
field $17.22, Valley Tire Center
$768.48, Roseburg Paving Co. $2,
982.95, Pass Creek Paving Co. $8,
855.46, Sig Fett $2,192.35, Moore,
Steel Service Co. Inc. $1,067.79,
Travel Expense $332.50. WAR
1962: R. Hascnyager $349.79, J.
Gailey $315.11, B. Schrank $312.77,
A. Berkshire $301.99, F. Haas
$316.38, C. Humphreys $314.61, G.
Emrich $181.67, A. Smith $92.75,
Victor Bakala $306.79, G. Emrich
$125.00, L. Rand $251.42, D. Busen
bark $236.59, C.' Christiansen $217.
59, R. Holmgren $176.51, A. May
$813.67, G. Grubb $546.84, H. Mor
rill $471.17, H. Gallap $505.57, H.
Brown $224.67, N Totton $302.02,
B. Winter $280.72, L. Busenbark
$323.40, Zsolt Fekete $220.22, R.
Gausnell $308.57, G. Jackson $299.
47, K. Hebard $261.83, B. Ball $255.
64, L. Liles $264.19, C. Perry $300.
97, G. Baughman $540.32, M. Skel
ton $364.17, Wm B. Glen Jr. $313.-
79, F. Huff $317.65, G. Hash $327.
42, D. Garrett $371.82, D. Johnston
$415.18, W. Pallin $409.75, B. Rog
ers $417.43, N. Walker $349.79, D.
McWhorter $307.62, W. Bulmer
$298.60, R. Curry $287.06, G. Hei
,chel $304.07, Roger Johnson $293.
29, F. Lange $287.38, R. Pinard
$293.07, W. Hughes $385.52, F.
Rountree $316.78, G. Arrowood
$331.87, A. Erwin $395.62, T. Er
win $361.89, M Goin $349.35, G.
Thackrey $296.48, G. Ducharme
S339.97, J. Walin $304.17, A. Koch
$211.55, K. Jones $317.39, V. Wolf
er $314.31, C Wolfer $286.87, E.
Melton $371.80, T. Beall $324.22, G
Casebeer $365.97, E. Weber $332.-
84, A. Green $296.53, I. Carlton
$295.22, K. Smith $344.19, D. Poore
$311.11, L. Starnes $292.39, C. John
son $301.89, E. Sanderson $397.52,
M. Durkee $336.94, A. Donoho $348.
61, D. Turner $318.37, H. Carey
$303.38, K. Brown $293.26, C. Os
born $318.38, H. Roberson $315.03,
L. Moore $293.61, W. Cooper $373.
42, M. Stone $357.94, C. Wulff $372.
51, N. Atherton $329.17, H. Lander
$290.81, H. Trent $317.91, W. Car
ter $295.22, E. Maddox $277.25, R.
Holm $318.38, A. Jones $289.89, A.
Case $281.29, S. Colley $342.67, C.
Minter $328.04, K. Leonard $334.
04, L. Surgeon $332.85, C. Madison
$323.23, G. Madison $337.73, C.
Palmateer $289.62, O Gaffney $303.
18, J. Brock $329.12, H. Peach
$356.77, W. Elliott $326.51, H. Hall
$265.88, E. Reedy $306.51, L. Reedy
$327.16, F. Hedrick $382.54, B.
Gurney $339.93, J. Gribble $377.59,
J. Thornon S349.35, G. Rockwell
$290.82, A. McDonald $286.63, J.
McLeod $304.18, J. Engle $334.27,
R. Wheeler $297.85, T. Colley $307.
04, O. Snyder $280.24, L. Hughey
$364.17, R. Gaugler $344.89, R. Bil
lick $345.31, J. Peck $353.12, D.
Woods $304.03, S. Earl $301.64, L.
Murphy $304.04, J. Davidson $285.
00, H. Burlison $295.23, R. Spring
er $279.11, E. Frederickson $267.
47, C. Craig $279.41, L. Patterson
$374.06, M. Underwood $353.75, O.
Mote $305.36, T. Cox $307.31, C.
Gaylor $287.46, D. Adams $308.56,
C. Westlund $294.58, W. Gaylor
$325.09, E. Roop $286.44, B. Scrib
ner $293.04, C. Packer $355.60, K.
Neavoll $342.06, J. Packer $334.89,
J. McClinton $326.73, E. Bartlett
$326.72, G. Cox $387.97, J. Stigers
$314.96, S. Darby $417.12, P. Ma
resch $335.42, M. Eckley $316.40,
P. Backlund $372.71, B. Churchill
$310.73, H. Eaton $365.77, E. Erick
son $378.17, O. Garrett $352.72, J.
Gillialand $363.73, R. Griffin $381.-
85, R. ,Huff $335.98, L. Johnston
S394.03, AI. Ludwig $427.07, R.
Major $454.36, F. Miller $418.40,
H. Parker $429.38, C. Payne $411.
33, L. Robison $351.81, J. Runge
$354.98, I. Stembridge $411.07, J.
Toi $360.92, R. Turpin $388.10, E.
Vance $319.10, O. Williams $421.-.
69, V Windom $413.83, C. Singer
$368.97, R. Langholff $386.82, W.
Wilson $310.80, D Sand $379.93, O.
Powell $369.56, E. Thiele $341.58,
J. Sand $229.26, C. Johnson $328.49,
F. Hogg $209.09, N. White $325.81,
F. Tinker $368.31, H. Trusty $336.
95, R. Van Slyke $343.17, R. Han
son $356.54, D. Hardman $372.13,
D. Hatfield $355.09, L. Heath $349.
67, J. Baker $333.69, R. B e a I
$375.49, C. Beecroft $394.51, N.
Conn $354.40, K. Conn $389.11, D.
Fast $355.79, W. Hyde $331.94, H.
Kaiser $389.50, L. Maddox $367.-
70, W. McCraw $274.35, S. Norton
$412.63, A. A. Olson $420.98, E.
Rand $347.09, D. Shaffer $376.11,
L. Sutton $310.49, A. Moore $371.-
80, R. Page $407.17, R. Abeene Jr.
$349.22, C. Cooper $389.68, F. Un
derwood $347.16. A. Hall $359.52,
F. Moore $353.69, E. Taylor $317.
23, F. Alberding $387.15, T. Brini-
I ger $331.35, B. Chasteen $303.53,
i J. Davis $315.35, C. Holteen $320.
149, S. Moore $316.84, C. Rhodes
! $284.45, J. Stubbs $322.82, E. Wil
! son $288.23, B. Beal $300.98, R.
.Hunt $321.28, O.' Scott $146.31, J.
sojka $303.46, K. Banter $314.36,
A. Grino $286.85, J. Harvey $293.
17, E. Lister $339.73, W. Smithee
$299.39, B. Harem $60.44, D.
Fritz $123.95, J. Flynn $198.22, L.
Stults $339.87, L. McCraw $241.88,
B. Sanderson $163.54, W. Holden
$62.18, G. Joelson $122.15, C. Hol
teen $142.24, M. Murphy $77.42, R.
Peterson $75.10, C. Coffell $555.66,
R. Bakala $162.56, T. Kolberg $187.
48, F. Reed $281.56, G. Langholff
$150.82, D. Lewis $204.63, L. Hink
$163.54, B. Smith $231.86, J. Aten
$212.12, O. Hutton $261.08; Em
ployes Deductions US Nat'l
Bank $11,743.90, St Tax Comm $2,
276.90, PERS $2,423.82, A. Oliver
$41.14, PERB $3,035.34. IHA SI.
462.29, AFSCME $227.80, County
Clerk $4.70.
TOBER 1962.
County Clerk