i The News-Review, Roseburg, Or. Thur., Sept. 27, 1962 Local News Mrs. Lm Ferguson and daugh ter, 14, and son, 11, have moved from Coos Bay to Roseburg and are residing at 1205 SE Mill. Mrs. Ferguson is employed as a wait ress at the Snappy Service Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caloy have returned to Roseburg after a trip to Washington, D. C, where he at tended the AFL-CIO National Con vention. They were gone for a week making the trip by jet. Caley is , business agent of Local 1961 of the Carpenters Union. Mrs. Larry Stool and two daugh ters of Portland were here recent ly visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murray, ana wnn menas. Miss Linda Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Smith of Roseburg, has returned to Cam bridge. Mass.. to resume her stud ies at Radcliffe College, where she is a sophomore. She went to Fort- land last Thursday, where she was joined next day by her parents. She then boarded a jet plane for Boson. i -Miss Sylvia Caloy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caley, has left for Ashland to begin her sec ond year at Southern Oregon Col lege. m anA Mrs. Rav Has have re turned from Denver, Colo., where they spent several days visiting with their daughter and family. They made the trip by plane. Mrt Ann., E. Lonan of CHo. Mich hna arrived iv Roseburg to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ana Mrs. non rrasnour, aim family, on SE Mam btreei. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Piorcoy and sons, 14, 12, 10 and 7, have moved from Springfield to 987 N. Stephens in Roseburg. The former is employed as superintendent of streets by the City of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ken O'Louohlln, now reside in San Jose, Calif., visited friends In this city this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ritchson and daughters, 10 and 8, and son, 2, have moved from Ashland to Roseburg and are residing at 881 NE Newton Creek Road. Ritchson is a truck driver for Roseburg Lumber Co. ' Miss Joyce Burroway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burroway of Santa Rosa, Calif., formerly of Roseburg, has been here visiting her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Burroway and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murray, as well as other relatives and friends. She attended Roseburg Junior Academy here, be fore going to Santa Rosa to live a few years ago. Anna Leo Felt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Felt, has left for Salem to begin her studies at busi ness college. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Smith have moved here from Portland and are residing at 123 SE Hoover. Smith is employed by the Douglas County Road Department and Mrs. Smith is a meter maid for the City of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beach, who are vacationing in this coun try from Dhahran, Saudia Arabia, visited friends in Roseburg recent ly en route to Portland. They plan to return to the United States to live in New York City in Decem ber. Beach, a former Roseburg High School teacher, has been with Ramco Oil Co. for the last several years. Ur. I A rolhrum nf this citv Ursa a1iprt trt Portland Tuesday bv the death of her step-father. Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Clarno and sons, 11-years-old and 15-months-old, and daughter, 3, are newcom ers from San Francisco and are residing at 567 NE Shannon St. Clarno is the new minister for the Apostolic Church. ' Bud Dickerson, son of Mrs. Zel- ma Dickerson and the late Quintus Dickerson, left Sunday for Ang- win. Calif., to resume his studies at Pacific Union College, where he is a junior. Bud was graduated from Roseburg Junior Academy and Milo Academy and attended Walla Walla College at College Place, Wash., his freshman year. He spent the last summer work ing in the lumber industry. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Williams of Mountain View, Calif., visited their daughter, Mrs Edythe Lan- dis, in KoseDurg recently, rne lor mer has served many years in the Seventh day Adventist largest printing establishment, the Pacific Press, at Mountain View. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dana and children of Estacada visited over the weekend with Mrs. Dana's grandmother, Mrs. Guy Chamber lain, and with friends. Mrs. Dana is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Phillips, formerly of this city. She attended Roseburg Jun ior Academy and later served sev eral years as a teacher in the Seventh-day Adventist system of ele mentary schools. At present she is leader of the kindergarten divi sion of the Sabbath School in Esta cada Adventist Church. Mr. and Mr William CaWnJ.I. for and daughters, 10 and 9, and son, o, nave moved nere trom Coos Bay and are making their home at 1112 NE Fremont. Coffindaffer is in charge of construction for Evans Products. Bornie Paulson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Paulson, Airport Road has left for College Place, Wash., to resume his work at Walla Wal la College, where he is now a jun ior. He has been helping his father in the trucking business during the summer months. He served as leader of the youth choir in the local Adventist Church this sum mer and was a prize winner in Ricketts' Revue at the fair again this year. Bernie was graduated from Roseburg Junior Academy and Milo Academy before going to Walla Walla College. Demos Hit 'Destructive Proviso1 In Drug Bill WASHINGTON (UPI) Eight Democrats appealed today for the House to strike what they called a "destructive proviso" from the bill to tighten federal controls on the manufacture and sale of drugs, The appeal was made as the House prepared to consider legis lation which its backers hoped would prevent any new tragedy such as the birth of deformed ba bies caused by the drug Thalido mide. In a letter sent to all members, the eight congressmen urged their colleagues to eliminate an amend ment added by the House Com merce Committee Friday to the requirement that all drug adver tising carry a statement about pos sible side effects. The letter said the amendment, proposed by ' Rep. J. Arthur Younger, R-Calif., would destroy the new advertising requirement by permitting drug companies to skip publication of the side effects as long as they said such infor mation could be obtained by re quest. The eight Democrats said a Li brary of Congress study showed that 89 per cent of drug adver tisements contained little or no reference to the side effects of drugs. The letter also cited one case where the advertisers boosted a drug with claims of "almost com plete absence" of side effects. Un der clinical esting it added, the drug was proven to have a 27 per cent incident of such effects. In addition to the advertising provision, the bill also carried sections which would: Authorize government inspec tion of drug factories. Require drug makers to prove the effectiveness as well as safety of their products. Establish a system of stan dardized drug names. Set up procedures under which experimental drugs could be more easily withdrawn from use. Oakland Church Groups Schedule Meeting' Dares The Women's Association of the Oakland Community Presbyterian Church will meet Friday at 1 p.m. at the church with the English Settle nent Circle as hostesses. The Youth Fellowship of the church will hold its first fall meet ing at the church this Sunday. Jun ior high members will meet at 6:15 p.m. and senior high mem bers at 7 p.m. All young people in these age groups are invited to attend, ac cording to Edith Dunn, correspondent. Thur., Sept. 27, 1962 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 1 School Board Gets Report On Textbook Survey Roseburg School District Supt. M. C. Deller Wednesday night re ported to thn district board the re sults of a survey recently conduct ed of other school districts con cerning the furnishing of textbooks. Of 25 schools similar to Rose burg, he received replies from 22. One school reported it furnished textbooks for the ninth grade only. Otherwise none furnished the texts for grades 9-12. Two replied they provide music books and paper backs for certain subject matter areas. Thirteen replied texts are fur nished on loan to indigent pupils upon recommendation of qualified persons or agencies. Student bodies of 15 districts have a student book rental system while eight schools have a student book rental system. Only one district had texts han dled by an outlet outside of school. On the subject of rental fees, the survey determined that these var ied from $5 in the tenth to about $7 in grades 10-12. Three schools re ported fees of $7.50. Deller said at Roseburg High School cost for books in the ninth grade averaged $9.92, $16.76 in Hth grade and $12.08 in th 12th. However, he pointed out, by sell ing the books back to the student book store at the end of the year, the net cost of the books averages $5.17. Harry Jacoby, assistant superin tendent, said the rental system in volves establishing another book keeping system. It also makes po licemen out of teachers in regard to care and cleaning up of books, he noted. Deller observed that yearly need to purchase additional numbers of required texts and their subsequent revision makes the rental system one of increasing cost to a district. ALL TOO BRIEF LONDON (UPI) - British Rail ways said today it is scrapping a movie made three months ago showing happy worker-management relations in a railway car factory. Officials said they since have closed the factory and put 1,500 men oui or. worK. Of - jj L f V-L i - - . : -n Feature Value This Weekend At Safewayl Here's A Hint For... Homemade Applesauce 8 Apple Cinnamon Vx Cup Sugar Water, Wash apple, quarter and core. Add imall amount of water. Cook slowly until tender. Press thru Sieve or colander. Add lugar - cook until tugor it dis solved. Add Cinnamon to taste. Serve hot or cold. Extra Fancy Red Delicious Big, juicy apples, perfect for lunch boxes, after school snacks. Wonderful for your Waldorf Salad for Exterior Decorating In your spring garden BULBS from Holland Plant spring flowarlng bulbs Im ported from Holland. They are clean, healthy and will give you perfect flowers. Come in now and choose from our wide selec tion of tulip and other bulb. Russet- Potatoes 20-lb. bag Crisp for salads. d ii n Dell reUUCrS Delicious stuffed. Each Fresh Corn Plump, well-filled ears. Peak of season. Your Moneys' Worth More At Your Safeway Store! Moir Highway No. 303 can 7H gonime Cold brook Limit, please ICDeeinieii Facial Tissue Soft Pink; Pure White Box of 400 Dee Cireainra Snow Star . . . Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Neapolitan, Half Gal. 3iW r J Kal-Kan Kidney, with vui ruuus I sauce. 6 -or. can ... 2 33c Mmmmmm.mo a" sweet' delicious Aft fVUirgarine economical spread, l lb lit Canned Pop flavors 12-oz. can .... 6 for 59c Pie Crust Mix S; 37c Sweet Heart Skinless Franks 12-oi. Pkg. . . . . 39c Bubble Bath Motey. No bath tub ring. 12-oz. Flapjack Flour hSatf lib. Flapjack Flour cool weather. 4-lb. Crown FlourSrSS-p Fruit Cocktail DNoa 3f03nccyan 69c 43c 59c $1.13 27c Prices effective Thursday, September 27, through Saturday, September 29, at Safeway in Rose burg. We reserve the right to limit. 2 Apple For fresh v eating. Delicious baked. North Stephens Store Only. FREE Cocoa Cola and 7-Up CMll "I .-La..:i I JV V, W I dill Uh.lVIlll dill! M mm I J M Sardine Demonstration 0T -Up plUS deposit r Friday and Saturday 9 to 6 6 Pk King Size Coke Bakery Selections ' Fresh Rolls Dll Skylark Poppy Liiiiier rvuua seed. Pkg. 10 35' 35 Snails Mrs. Wright's, fresh pastry. Regular 43c pkg Each 39" Frozen Foods Kernel Corn French Fries Potato Patties - Leaf & Chopped Spinach Bel-air premium quality. Why not enjoy the best? , Regular size Package 6:1.00 V NON FOOD VALUES Wagner's Skillet iVi inch iron skillet. Excellent for pan frying steaks. $1130 ii Each Sponges DuPont Budget pack 29' Percolator Worthmore, 5-cup coffee maker. Each $1.59 re Pork .Roast Rff I ivSf Selected young steer '. UlStST UlYCr Livers. Vitamin rich lb. Short Ribs N (C M (rt 1$ S f7 S7 " mm- : iZidr J UU'. U L , ,5;. Njgtggl Eastern Corn-Fed Porkers . . . Roasts -Blade Portion Lean, finest Enjoy from true center chops from mid-western porkers. Pork at its finest ... Safeway. . . . . . . . . ...... Your choice of the Rib or Loin portion. Finest quality mid-west pork. .... Ring Around . The Roast Don't phI h up. pi tlicM whlh ' you fry tor turrouna your pork rooit , Ojdd color o wH i flavor. EXTRA LEAN U.S.D.A. CHOICE PLATE Rib Steak USDA Choice, well aged beef. lb. Ideal for braising or boiled dinner. ... Columbia River Fresh Salmon Fresh Chinook Baking Pieces lb. lb. 79c Rib or Loin half. Pork Loins 0","" Majestic Brand. Canned Bacon lb. Needs no refrigeration A real "Budget Special". Full beef nutrition at a low, low, price , lb For A Lower Total Food Bill ... Shop Safeway! 5 mm Apple Cflfe J&oke Full measure. Edwards 1 lb. 57c - 59 can aW mm COFFEE Itct. 1.13 MJB 2-lb. con . $1.17 MJB Instant $1.29 Instant Coffee Kfs,oJjU 9 M ADfiADIkIC Award. Looks good; iiinuvnitiiiii tastes better. I" hUC MIYCC Swans Down. Variety' vmui. mini. af f flavors 1 pkg. . Save 20c yQ-6-oz. jor .... I ' Save 20c TQ. 6-oz. jar l it. 45c :..39c Help Them In High School To Learn More - To Earn More THE GOLDEN HOME AND High School Encyclopedia Vol. No. 1 and 2 on sale now. Book No. 1, only ... All others $1.29 491 Hood River Fruit drink, 46 oz. can Mrs. Wright's all purpose mix. 40 oz. pkg. LALANI JUICE p!fL, 5 for M DIMCADDIC Highway Brond. C $ rlNEHrriX Half slices. No. 1 Vt flat 3 for 1 pnpif . RPAU.C Van Cam' Reo1 7 1 rUrVlA St DEMN3 family favorite 300 con for ' DOG FOOD Ti;s0nBdecbWo, con ........ y 33c TOMATO CATSUP IT: uL M 5 f0r $ 1 CUCUMBER CHIPS Sf.iSi-., 29c PIE SEASONING ?v& can 39c TREND DETERGENT 49c SCOT TOWELS Ie!!!!: 2 f 45c WHOLE CHICKEN 6 oi tin 98c TUNA 62Izodcarn 3 for 89c CRACKERS .1. 39c ANGEL FOOD cT". 39c l m. - Safeway medium cheese. ; rt ' f?7 Cheese ssg ; -J9 m Chunk Cheese, ,12 oz. Lucerne Orange & Grape Drink F.!!!.. 29c Lucerne Dairy Topping "Fl""" ' :........... 49c Lucerne Cole'Slaw RZ"Z: ...............I39c Creme de Fruit Salad feAL. 1 59c LARGE AA EGGS EXTRA LARGE EGGS Cream O' The Crop . Cream O' The Crop . 53c 55c Doz. Doz. COPYRIGHT, 1962, SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED