The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 24, 1962, Page 11, Image 11

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    History Class Expands By Use Of TV
NEW YORK (UP1) - The rais
ing of an eyebrow, the turn of a
head these things can be a tip
off to a teacher of a complicated
subject whether he is "getting
through" to his class of 30 or so
Dr. John It. Coleman, who
this week begins teaching the
biggest class in the history of
education, won't have the . benefit
of student reaction in preparing
and delivering his lectures. His
classroom is a television studio
and his students thousands of. the 161 half-hour lessons will be
them - will be in their own liv. broadcast on a national network
I (the rn umbia Broadcast ne Svs-
Dr. Coleman, professor of econ
omics and dean-elect of the di
vision of humanities and social
sciences at Carnegie Institute
of Technology in Pittsburgh, is
the "national teacher" of a col
lege - credit economics course,
"The American Economy," to be
broadcast by some 235 television
channels this year. The first of
Stock Market Hits Retreat
Following Halting Advance
Weekly Stocks
United Press International
NEW YORK (UPI)-Wall Street
broke out in a cold sweat late
last week in the face of a brand
new, snowballing stock market
Following a halting advance in
the opening session, the market
leveled out briefly, began to
tremble on its foundations and
then buckled. By Friday afternoon
it was in a state of free fall,
wrapoed in late ticker tape.
Tickers fell behind at Thurs
day's close, again Friday morn
ing as traders waved goodbye to
600 in the industrial average and
again near the week's close as
the senior indicator pushed below
Reasons Feeble
Stop loss orders were touched
off as some investors rushed to
cash in melting paper profits
made during the last three
months of recovery. This aggra
vated the decline and dumfouneleu
the analysts, the majority of
whom said all week that the re
cent uptrend would quickly re
assert itself.
In terms of the industrial av
erage, technicians were hoping
for firmer support between 585
590. Below this, they said, is the
crucial 570-72 support band,
a violation of which, would be
taken as a signal that the pri
mary downtrend of the first half
year was being resumed.
The reasons ottered tor ine
abrupt resurgence of bearish sen
timent were feeble and insuf
ficient to people who saw dollars
floating down the drain.
Check Hoped For
The continued bland business
picture, the lack of improvement
in international developments, a
disappointing 1 per cent drop in
the short position wmen gives tne
market an underlying cushion of
buying support, and some un
nerving news on individual indus
tries such as aircrafts and metals
were the explanations immedi
ately put forth.
Encouraged by an endof-the-wcek
report that steel operations
are turning upward, some brokers
were still hoping that the decline
would be quickly checked next
week. They reasoned that since
industrials are at a point roughly
marking the rally peaks of June
and July, technical considerations
may now warrant aggressive re
sistance to selling pressure.
Standard & Poor's inclusive 500
stock index closed at 57.69 for a
week-to-week loss of 1.20.; The
agency said this was the equiva
lent of a $6.2 billion loss in paper
Trading for the five day period
swelled to 17,597,070 shares from
14,634,055 the week before and
15,915,210 in the same week of
tern) Monday afternoon (Sept. 24)
l?r playback by individual sta
tions at a time they choose.
Excited And Challenged
The ruggedly handsome, 41-year-old
PH.D. says he feels ex
cited and challenged by the op
portunity to bring to a large au
dience a solid, broad - based
course in economics, a subject
educators found was lacking in
many Americans' high school and
college curriculum. The impetus
for the course came, in fact, from
a report by the national task
force for economic education
which found that half of the coun
try's high school social studies
teachers had not studied econ
omics themselves.
"I have a great responsibility
on my shoulders," Dr. Coleman
said. "I'll have the biggest aud
ience ever for an economics class
on the first day. My job is to
linlfl them."
Dr. Coleman believes he will
actually have two audiences.
There will be the general public,
to whom he believes the course
will be helpful in making every
decision involving their own econ
omics and in their role as voters.
Teachers In Audience
The other part of the audience,
smaller but at least as import
ant, is the high school leacn-
ers. Dr. toieman saia. many
high school teachers feel unpre
pared tb teach economics. If the
course is not helpful to these
teachers, then 1 have failed," he
Dr. Coeman said he win "lec
ture with a quiet pitch" on top
ics from national output, banking,
corporate activities, monopoly
and competition to labor organi
zations, government spending,
world trade, and comparative
economic systems.
The teacher savs he believes
some of his lessons will be high
ly controversial because of their
subject matter the proper role
of government in the economy,
America's trade policies and the
comparison of economic systems.
Dr. Coleman said it would be his
Illinois Trip By Azntaa Woman
Is Prompted By Father's Death
Mrs. Willard Ponsonby of Azal
ea left recently for Illinois where
her father is critically ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tanner
have returned after1 spending two
weeks at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Rosella Wilson, who had ma
jor surgery Aug. 30. Mrs. Wilson is
recuperating satisfactorily. ,
Francis West of Glendale re
ceived word that her mother had
died in Tennessee. He made the
trip bv jet to attend her funeral.
Charles Hatton, 77, of Sims, Ark.,
died Sept. 12 from a stroke, accord
ing to word received by members
of his family in Glendale. He was
buried in Rocky, Ark. He is sur
vived by 10 children, two of them,
. Floyd Hatton and Mrs. Coy Stovall,
residing in Glendale.
Recent guests at the Gene Hart
man home in Glendale were his
nieces, Karen and Karla Stern of
Klamath Falls, who spent t w o
weeks here before school started.
Anniversary Celebrated
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brooks
of Medford, old neighbors and
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Johnston of Glendale, visited them
recently, taking them out to dinner
in honor of the Johnston's 42nd
wedding anniversary. Bad luck dog
eed the occasion, however, for the
axle of Brooks car broke opposite
the Loe Cabin where they ate din
ner. Since repair parts were not
immediately available, Mr. and
Mrs. Brooks spent the night at tne
Johnston home, and Mr. Johnston
drove them home the next day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lyons of
Glendale enjoyed a week s visit
from their brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart of
Plunkctville, Okla., who have since
left. '
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pugh
and daughter, Cheryl Miller of
Glendale, moved to Medford re
cently. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hartman and
family of Glendale attended the
Pendleton Roundup. They visited
for a few days at the same time
with Hartman's brother, Bill Hart
man, and his family in Pendleton.
Returning home, they visited the
zoo in Portland.
China Radio
Raps Slavs
tokvo (UPI1 Red Chin's offi
cial radio denounced Yugoslav
President Tito's brand oi neu
tralism" today as an attempt to
whitewash "U. S. imperialism.
Th attack on Tito, quoting an
editorial in the official Peiping
"People's Daily," was broadcast
on the eve of Russian President
Leonid Brezhnev's arrival in Yu
goslavia on an oiticiai vi&u.
function to analyze, not take a
point of view.
"But I'll have guests who will
take a position vigorously," he
Guest List of Notables
The guest list includes Presi
dent Kennedy, former President
Eisenhower, former U. S. Budget
Director David E. Bell, onetime
Secretary of Agriculture Charles
Brannan, Walter W. Heller of the
President's Council of Economic
Advisers, India's ambassador to
the United States, B. K. Nehru;
AFL-CIO Vice President Walter
Reuther, industrialist J. Irwin
Miller and educators from Har
vard, Carnegie Tech, Columbia,
Princeton, the University of Chi
cago, Yale, Swarthmore and oth
er universities.
"The American Economy" is
sponsored by the Learning Re
sources Institute, the American
Economic Association, the Joint
Council on Education and the Na
tional Task Force on Economic
Education. It was financed, to a
large measure, by 99 of the na
tion's largest corporations.
Not Influenced
Dr. Coleman was most adam
ant that the corporations who
helped finance the course had not
attempted to influence its content
or point of view.
I m very sensitive about that.
1 can assure you in the strongest
possible terms that 1 would not
have participated if there had
been any pressure," Dr. Cole
man said. "The support from Bus
iness comes without ties. Our
course will be objective.
Dr. Coleman, a native of Cop
per Cliff, Ontario, received his
B.A. degree from the university
of Toronto. He earned an M.A.
and Ph.D. from the University
of Chicago. Before joining the
Carnegie Tech faculty in 1955, lie
was affiliated with the University
ot Chicago and Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Dr. Cole
man, Ins wife and their five chil
dren live in Pittsburgh.
Some 300 colleges in the United
States are allowing credit for the
television economics course. Text
books to supplement the on-the-air
instruction have been pre
pared with Dr. Coleman's aid.
The 161-unit course will con
tinue through May 24 for those
stations which begin broadcasting
it Monday. Some stations do not
plan to begin it for a week or
two after its debut on the net
work. The urogram will he tele
cast at various times of the day
by individual stations.
Notice Is hereby Qivon that October 22, 1962,
at the hour of ?:30 o'clock a.m., In Circuit
Courtroom ft In the Courthouse, Roseburg.
Douglas County, Oregon, has been llxed ai
the time and olaca tor hearing oblecllons.
p.,,i an 1 "" ' ,ne ,,nBI account mea uy in
The newspaper refeireCl to an undersigned. In th Circuit Court of ... the
"ion tor uouyi'is v,ouni.
JANET L. CORKRUM, Adrn.nlstra.
of the Estate ot william
'Walk -In' Heart On Display
At Oregon Science Museum
A "walk-in" heart a massive,
anatomically correct version of the
real thing was opened to the
public Aug. 21 in the Oregon Mu
seum of Science and Industry,
where it has been placed on perma
nent loan by the Oregon Heart
Dedication of the giant heart, the
third to be built in the nation, cli
maxed almost three years of ardu
ous planning and construction. The
heart, located in the museum's
west wing, will be seen by ap
proximately 300,000 persons annual
ly. In addition to the heart itself,
a series of educational exhibits are
displayed in cases surrounding the
Principal speaker at the opening
ceremonies, held in the OMSI Au
ditorium, was Dr. John J. Samp
son of San Francisco, president
elect of the American Heart Assn.
Kenneth C. Hume, president of
the American Heart Assn. Kenneth
C. Hume, president of the Oregon
Heart Assn., formally presented
the heart to Marsh M. Corbitt,
president of the Oregon Museum
of Science and Industry. The tape,
opening the heart actually an
EKG tape normally used to meas
ure the electrical activity of the
heart was cut by Tom James,
11. the son of Mrs. John Warren of
Hillsboro and one of the first
youngsters to have open-heart surg
ery at the University of Oregon
Medical School.
The idea for the heart exhibit
was first developed in 1959, with
preliminary planning and actual
construction continuing for four
years. Actual construction of the
heart, built at a cost of more than
S20.000. required 14 months. The
heart was financed primarily by a
bequest from an anonymous do
nor. The heart measures 13 feet wide
by 22 feet long and 1-1 f?et high.
Used during its construction were
"005 lineal feet of heavy steel wire,
52 sacks of plaster, 2 bales of ce
dar fibre, 350 gallons of epoxy res
in, 14 boxes of fibre glass strands.
interview Tito gave Washington
Post Columnist Drew Pearson
which questioned the Peiping line
that war is inevitable between
East and West,
"The underlying purpose or
Tito's interview is obvious. . .
the Red radio said.
"Modern revisionists (meaning
Tito) are trying to make people
believe that U. S. imperialism
will no longer fight any war for
colonial interests, for markets
. und to liquidate the socialist
(Communist) system.
"All such fallacies of the Tilo
ites are designed to make people
believe that U. S. imperialism is
not the No. 1 enemy of world
peace, and thereby enable U. S.
imperialism more bojdly to com
mit aggression and to prepare for
war." i
Case No. 151
Mrs. Ray F. Becker of Portland.
L ...... on n tUa hnarf nrnioH anrl
a member of the OHA board, said EMAAYST!RLA., Sane"' do!"'
kdav wife nt Kenneth E. Gray, Sr.
he It married; end, also, all other person!
or parties unknown claiming any right, ti
tle, estete, lien or Interest In the real
property described In the Complaint herein,
v Defendants.
GRAY, wile ot Kenneth E. Gray, Sr.. II he
Is married; and, also, all other persons or
.....(-. ..nb,nuM rinimlno any right, title.
estate, lien or Interest In the real property
traffic in both directions; his heart rermTHE name of the state of
would have held 15,000 gallons of 1 Tc,TJ,
filed against each of you in tne bdovb en-
that if Paul Bunyan's heart were
13 feet high, Paul himsell would
have been about 285 feet tall
twice the height of Portland's 15
story Public Service Building. One
of his feet, planted across the Sa
lem freeway, would have blocked
Hospital News
Visiting Hours '
2 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m.
titled court and causa on or peiore tour
weeks from the date of the first publication
ot this summons. If you fall so to appear
and answer said complaint, then Dlalntlff, for
want thereof, will apply to the court for the
relief prayed tor In said complaint, a suc
cinct statement of which is as follows:
For order ot the Court requiring and dt
rectlna the defendants to pay to the
plaintiff at least $3,876.4? and i in
terest per annum thereon from at least
August 10, mi, until paid, .together with
SSOO.OO as and tor plaintiffs attorneys
tee and the plaintiff's costs and disburse
ments In this suit Incurred; and .in the
event ot the failure of defendants to pay
plaintiff said sums, that then the defend
ants and each of them, and all persons
holding bv, through or under them be de
creed "to hove all ot their right, title and
Interest In and to Contract One (a copy
of which contract was attached as Ex
hibit "A" tg the complaint filed herein!
the sublect matter thereof and the prop
erty covered ' thereby, terminated and
strictly loreclosed to that thereafter none
of the defendants or any person holding
by, through or under them, or any of
, them, shell have any further right, title,
lien, claim, estate or Interest in or to
said property or any part thereof: and
for fudgment In any event against Ihe
named defendants and each of them tor
the sum of S500.CO as and tor plain
tiff's attorney fees and tor plaintiff's
costs and disbursements In this suit In
. curred; and tor such other, further re
lief and remedy as to the Court appears
m-et and lust In the premises. Said
contract One is dated May A, 1W0 and
covers: Lots 7 and I, Block 23. Kinney's
I Addition to Roseburg, Douglas County,
1 Order for hearing, re: Surprise
Valley Livestock District
2 Amended final order, re: North
Fork Smith River Road No.
3 Order to abandon street im
provement, re: N.W. Lester
St., N.W. Almira St., N.W.
Flora Ave., and N.W. Martin
Ave. in Lehrbach Homes
6 Order to enter agreement with
Winston - Dillard Rural Fire
Agreement with Winston - Dil
lard Rural Fire District
Resolution, establishing a Doug
las County Sinking Fund
Amended Order, re: length,
weight and widths limits (mo
tor vehicles)
Canvas of vole, re: Roseburg
Rural Fire Protective District
7 Order incorporating contiguous
Territory, Roseburg Rural Fire
Dr. B. R. Shoemaker, appoint
ed County Health Officer
8 Acquisition of real property,
re: Beals Creek Road No. 94
10 Order, Levy of Fire Patrol As
13 Bid accepted, re: Mobile Ra
dio Equipment
13 Acquisition of real property,
re: Conn Ford Road No. 167
14 Order to issue Quitclaim Deed,
part of Lot 6, Fisk Fruit Farms
15 Order vacating Alley in Jones
Addition to Roseburg
17 Contract awarded to J. R. Mc
Allister, Street improvement
21 North Umpqua and Cascade
Lakes Highways, Ordered
through Highways
21 Dance Hall license issued to
Yoncalla Saddle Club
22 Bid accepted from Cal - Ore
Machinery Co. for steel cutting
23 Deed accepted, re: Dillard
Brockway Road No. 47
23 Order for hearing, re: Green
Sanitary District
24 Ray E. Doerncr and Harold
Woolley appointed to Board of
Deed accepted, re: County
Nursing Home
27 Appropriation for predator con-
trot program
30 Bid accepted, Insurance, vehi
cles and off highway equip
ment 31 Engineering Service, Winches
ter Bay Tidclands Park and
Boat Basin
Date: Sept. 18. 1962
County Clerk
Mercy Hospital
Medical: Ernest Fenn, Mrs. Jack
Wallace, Mrs. Frank Reed, Dr.
Charles Wilson, Mrs. John John
son Jr., Mrs. Thomas McGchec,
Mrs. E. R. Smith, Mrs. Jerome
Roberts, all of Roseburg: Mrs.
George Cross, Sutherlin; Marcia
Whitcfield, Mrs. Violet Pitts, Mrs.
Anna Ireland, all of Winston; Mrs.
Elmer Williams, Oakland.
Surgery: Irvin Wright. Rose
burg; Ronald Brandt, Winston
Mrs. Kathryn Kennedy, Riddle
Mrs. Russell Lee, Myrtle Creek
Arthur Wuthrich, Sutherlin.
Karen Nitchke, Mrs. Joe Horn
and daughter Kerri Jo. Glen Ed
wards, Sirs. Lyle Morrison, Mrs.
Bob Stevens and daughter Jenni-1 Nation thereof once each week tor tour (41 i WARRANTS DRAWN FOR THE
fer Jay. Mrs. Charles Hibler and j s"c"Vi,e w," .1' H -17. o.i. . MONTH Or AUGUST 1962: AD
son Charles William Jr., James Lo-1 X'p'.Vr 'oi .,I TZ?., "Jrw4 1 VERTISING 4 PUBLICITY: Ore
gan. all of Roseburg; Allen Case- try statute, pubnthed and issued in Rose-; Motor Co. Assn. $400.00; Roy Ad
beer. Mrs. Arnold Hansen, both of . V $H cffcSSSi. on .!" Advt. S750.M; Assessor: Co.
Glide; Howard Hall. Eugene; Rus-' senders, judge o the abovt-entitied court .Surv Prtg Dept. $16.10, Addresso
ell R9rinn Mrc Alino t)a,. kn,t, t made on August t, 1i2. eranh Corn. 313.15. Rshtf. Book
of Sutherlin: 'Mrs. Ted Green and .JJfJil',' ,pr,ub,'.c.Vi00 ""' "mw" " " I Store $42.89, International Assn. ter $40.00, Postmaster 851.57. Rsbg.
son Mark Allen, Warren Wanes,
of Winston; Mrs. Elmer Williams,
$36.09. Tidewater Oil Co. $7.38. Ad
dressograph Corp. $1.61: CLERK:
Portland Stamp Sz Seal $13.75, Post
master $46.00. Postmaster $11.68,
Rsbg. Book Store $.73. Recordak
Corp. $116.13, The Mail $29.25, Dun
ham Prtg. Co. $124.70, Sun Prtg.
Co. $81.15. Xerox Corp. $4.40; CIR
CUIT COURT: Postmaster $2.91,
McGraw Hill Book Co. $82.80, Sun
Prtg. Co. $9.65, Grand Jury Wit
ness Fees & Mileage W. Bu
chanan et al $184.00, Trial Jury
Fees & Mileage L. McClendon
et al S2787.64, Trial Jury Witness
Fees & Mileage S. Drew et al
S478.56, B. Shoemaker S30.00, J. E.
Campbell $10.00, Horace G. Miller
$10.00, G. Carlson $25.00, D. Dim-
mick $35.00, C. Felker $150.00, P.
Geddcs $70.00, W. Green $35.00. D.
Kelley $25.00. G.' Kabler $25.00:
COUNTY COURT: Postmaster
$.18, V. Jackson $9.20, General
Roads $55.89. E. Plummer $6.00,
Tidewater Oil Co. $5.30; O & C
COUNTIES Assn. $1757.70; DIS
TRICT COURT: Postmaster $20.00,
Rsbg. Book Store $8.22, Douglas Fir
Prtg. $94.80, Koke Prtg. St Litho
$162.73, M & M Printers $47.30,
Shcpards Citations $30.00, Wiiness
Fees & Mileage I.. Oliver et al
$100.28; CONSTABLE: Rsbg Book
Store $22.07, M & M Printers $13.
75, General Roads $54.12, McKay
Motors $11.40; JUSTICE OF THE
PEACE: Calapooia Pac NW
Bell ' $26.85, W. Watson $40.00;
Drain Pac NW Bell $17.95. W.
De La Vergne $40.00; Glendale
A. Mohr S39.66, A. Mohr $40.00
Reedsport West Coast Tel $23.
65, O. Collier $40.00; Canyonville
N. Pictzokt S16.00, Cul Pac Utit
ities $12.75. N. Pictzold $50.00, Jury
Fees & Mileage L. Oden et al
$15.76; JUVENILE: Postmaster
$20.99, J. HEIleck S1.80, Rsbg. Book
Store $1.57, A & R Tire Co. $3.10,
Dictaphone Corp. $10.39, Marboro
nooks S7.95, Travel Expense L,
Carstensen et al $123.58, General
Roads $73.09, West Coast Airlines
$16.45, F. Suit MD $50.00, Firestone
Stores $27.00, Foster Care B,
Gray $57.00, O. Herring $155.89, V.
Jones $208.60, M. Merk $95.00, I,
Blehm $138.00, Lees Pharmacy $1
70, D. Allred $80.00, C. Hein $3
00, W. Wiltse $5.00, Unger Funeral
Home $90.00, G. Lcnci $15.00, It
Richie $10.00. R. Galloway $25.00
II. Miller $25.00, Douglas Comm
Hosp. $5.00, Rsbg. Dental Clinic
$10.00. J. Harris Ml) $50.00
Light $618.95, Ore Water Corp.
$105.58. City of Roseburg $314.28,
Otis Elevator Co. $76.89, General
Roads $.71, Coen Sup. Co. $23.30,
DuFrcsne ISlec $6.50, Otis Eleva
tor Co. $76.89, Eugene Overall
Laundry $30.00, Rsbg. Color Cen
ter $15.78, Rsbg. Garbage Disp
$17.00, Rsbg. Weld & Mach S157.83,
Vanco Products $18.81, General
Roads $19.95, Cal-Pac Utilities $96.
master $1.70, County Surveyor $85,
76, F. Frear $24.00, Rsbg. Book
Store $1.93, Douglas Fir Prtg. $18.-
55, County Clerk S12.00, W. Sharp
Co. Clerk $5.50, Sun Prtg. Co. $21.-
90, I Kidd-Clerk $5.00, T. O'Dell
$35.42, Dennis & Co. Inc. $15.00
FIXTURES: Chapman Bros. $378.
50, Royal McBce Corp. $397.50.
Rsbg. Book Store. $3.65, Mid Ore
Prig. $8.81, Rsbg Book Store $17.-
94, Berghs Appliance Svs. $200.00;
HEALTH: Poslmaster $68.24, Re
cordak Corp. $12.69, Douglas Fir
Prtg. $17.15, Travel Expense D.
Donnelly et al $538.28, Central Lin
coln PUD $2.28, Reedsport Plmbg.
Co. $4.85, West Coast Tel. $13.25,
County Surveyor $25.00, PERS
$125.43, PERB $195.07, SIAC $111.-
75, McKay Drug $1.00, Wyeth Lab.
$4.12, Do. Co. Health Dept. $25.00,
R. lwata MD $5.00, R. lwata MD
$310.00, D. McCowan $163.50, A & R
Tire Co. $2.50, Rsbg. Whsl. Prod.
$45.46, Dels Bartley Repair $19.39,
L. H. Butcher Co. $600.00, Railway
Express Agcy $6.25, Pac Power &
Light $2.00, Pac N W Bell $8.75,
Wyco International $42.50, Walts
Towing $10.00, William H. Peck-
ham $40.09, Amer Orthopysch Assn
S2.00, PERS $20.59, PERB $44.43,
HOME: Rsbg Book Store $2.60,
Pac NW Bell $24.90, General Roads
$16.23, Fire Equip. Co. $24.00, Mad
son Stokes $9.52, Pearce Upholster
ing $26.71, Pac Power & Lifht
$167.39, Ore. Water Corp. $101.70,
Ralph E. Johnson $16.00, Blue
Star Tmbr. Prod. $28.00, Du Bois
Chemicals Inc. $93.30, Gcrretscn
Bldg. Sup. $1.00, Rsbg. Garbage
Disp. $10.00, Douglas Cable TV
$6.50, Lath Whsl Dist. $86.70, Co.
Home Patients Acct. $200.00, Wyeth
Laboratories $30.68, Harvard Av
enue Drugs $5.15, Western Surgi
cal $40.20, McKesson It Robbins
$204.47. Douglas Comm Hosp. $5.53.
Cal Pac Utilities $33.14, Rsbg. Fuel
Oil Svs. $519.42, Browns Valley Ha
ven $3.60, Boyer Meat Co. $74.40,
Ralph E. Johnson $107.40, -Wcb-
ers Bakery $a.28, Melrose Dairy
$316.62, Sanders Farm $47.51, Drive
n Save Mkt. $173.68. Rsbg. Whsl.
Prod. $141.88, Rsbg. Poultry $96.56,
Valley Whsl. Co. $297.93, JAIL:
Rsbg. Book Store $10.36, Consoli
dated Chem $562.26, Brodie-Natl.
of Ore. $12.80, Rsbg. Surplus Sales
$35.59, Rsbg. Color Center $101.73,
Rsbg. Garbage Disp. $8.00. Rsbg
Weld 4 Alach. $4.65, Church Drug
$3.00, Roseburg Pharmacy $11.43,
Lindell Clinic $85.50, Richard Me
Donald $5.00, Pearsons Mkt. $157.
55, Ore. Egg Prod. $32.85, Mountain
View Dairy $94.43. Webers Bakery
$13.00, Roseburg Meat Co. $160.56,
Garland Rainville $165.00. Farmer
Bros. Co. $92.60, Valley Whsl. Co.
$229.11. LANDS: Co. Stirv. Prtg.
$6.70, Postmaster $7.56, Rsbg. Book
Store $20.79. Sun Prtg. Co. $29.05,
Robert E. Kischel Travel Ex
pense $7.00, Robert E.Kischcl $21.
40, Cardinal Tire Svs. $71.85, Gen
eral Roads $15.50, Wm. & Violet
Wilshire $20.00. Buo. of Land
Managmt $100.00, Do. Co. Title Co.
$22.50, Rsbg. Rural Fire Prot. $25.
00, M. II. Foss $80.00, County Sur
veyor $250.00. LIBRARY: Blake
Moffitt & Towne $55.69, Bro. Dart
Ind. $181.25, Child Bonk Council
$30.00, Dcmco Libr. Supplies $21.05,
Gaylord Bros. Inc. $85.40, Time
Savings Specialties 55.58. fosimas
Mon., Sept 24, 1962 The News-Review, Roteburf, Ort. Il
george luoma $20.00, Rsbg. Office Mach. $8.50, Book Store 517.49, tisng. coior L.en-
Atiorney for Plaintiff jM & M printers $7.65, Ore. State ter $7.72, Pac NW Bell $4.30, Pay-
Sr,. o'r." '; University $210.00, General Roads less $1.98, Gen. Roads $43.78, Af
filiated Pub. $23.67, Binfords &
Mort Pub. $2.59, Caxton Printers
Ltd. $4.74. Child Tourist Pub!. $5.
92, Doubleday & Co. Inc. $89.50, En
cyclopedia Americana $229.50. F.
W. Faxon Co. $1.00, Chas. M. Gard
ner Co. $32.10. McNaughton Libr.
Inc. $497.49, Baker & Taylor Co.
Army Map. Svs. $5.00, Ore. St.
Parks & Rec. S12.00. Bus. Equip.
Center $12.13, Am. Institute of Pk
Ex $15.00. Postmaster $20.00, Post
master $1.56. Rsbg. Book Store $7.-
54, Amer. Inst, of Park Ex. $15.00,
Marks Dept. Store $1.73, Pac Pow
er & Light $14.13. Ore. Water Corp.
$2.64, Pac NW Bell $16.20, W. E.
Wieprccht, et al Travel Expense
$126.13, General Roads $23.60, El
lisons Ump Stockade $33.00, Gen
eral Roads $84.19, Amer Steel &
Sup. $24.25, Bearing Sales & Svs
$1.94, City Lbr. & Bldr. Sup .74,
LeBleu Motors Inc. $4.50. Sig Fett
$4.81, Ainer. Steel & Supp. Co.
$2.87, Moore Steel Svs. Co. $1.19,
Roseburg Supply Co. $9.60. Rav
Chambers , $11.52, So. Umpqua
Disp. SVS $27.00, Art L. Andrus
$37.50, Suburban Gas of Rsbg. $4.-
78, Jack W. Brown $9.00, General
Roads $91.61, Winston Dillard Wa
fer $81.05, Bearing Sales i SVS $2.-
56, Ray Chambers $75.00, Rehco
Corp. $46.15, Nat'l Parks Assn. $4.
50, FlOry Supply $48.82, Keystone
Mach. Works $7.20, Pac. Power &
Light $67.11. Madson Stokes $11.48,
Gcrretscn Bldg. Supp. $44.20, Pac.
NW Bell $14.25, Rsbg. Garbage
Disp. $6.75, Rsbg. Paving Co. $4.23,
Rsbg. Lumber Co. $53.10. Allen
& Son $1.60, General Roads $6.30,
Deis Bldg. Sup. $2.10, Cal Pac.
Ulililies S4.02, Amor Sleel & Sup.
$165.56, Indl. Elec. SVS .43, Coen
Supply Co. $86.89, Carslens Furn.
Co. $174.73, Consolidated Supply
$121.07, Beckley tc Thomas $25.50.
Roseburg Neon $15.00, Rsbg. Sand
& Gravel $213.00, Chrystalite Tile
PI. $33.44, Madson Stokes. $538.20,
Gcrretscn Bldg. Sup. $3.20, Coast
to Coast Store $10.63, Salmon Har
bor $607.20, Ben Hays $15.00, Er
nest Lee $28.00, Umpqua River
Nnvigat $1400.00, Frank L. Tavlor
Hdw. $78.23. Tom Llllcbo Constr.
$7302.66. Reedsport Plumb Co.
$715.95, Umpqua Bldg. Sup. $38.98,
Umpqua Ind!. Sup. $95.35, PUBLI
St. Tax Comm. $179.52, PERS SI.-
206.59, PERS $557.50, SOCIAL SE
CURITY: St. Tax Comm. $158.40,
ITY: PERS $201.60, St. Ta'x Comm
St. Tax Comm. $10.00, SIAC $840.-
13, IHA S1732.96, SHERIFF: POST
MASTER: $1.30, Pnc. NW Bell $18.-
75. Dept. of Motor $34.00, Rsbg.
Book Store $3.13, Cal Pac Utilities
$41.05, Pac NW Bell $17.41, Pac
NW Boll $68.29, West Coast Tel
$9.45, Ira C. Byrd et al $135.00,
Academy Ideas Inc. $106.49. Gen
eral Roads $8.94, Tidewater Oil
Co. $290.41, Derrick No. 2 $10.37
Dudes Gun Shop $9.95, O K Tire
store S3.00, Mobil Oil Co. $26.02
Richfield Oil Corp. $39.09, Union
Garage 5153.46, Ira C. Byrd et a
$125.00, O. J. Shanafelt $183.30,
Lewis Travel SVS $135.00. Bill
Mohr $18.00, George F. Cake Co.
$16.88, Ira C. Byrd $10.00, Coast
communications $47.34, Coen Sup
ply Co. $6.28, Fir Grove Motel S30.-
00, Ira C. Byrd $5.17, Ira C. Bvrd
$200.00, Valley Tailors $24.00, Blu-
mcntnal Uniform S225.45. Gail Car
nine $4.00, CIVIL DEFENSE: Post
master .16, Pac Power & Light
$20.31, Pac. NW Bell $44.40, Tide
water Oil Co. $13.63, Umpqua Indl.
Sup. $4.35, E. W. Roelle $320.00,
Indl Elec SVS $4.25. Carlson Hatton
& Hay $96.82, Rabg. Cabinet &
Sup. $25.00, E. W. Roelle $250.00,
General Roads $24.15, Carlson
Hatton & Hay $18.58, Ray Puckett
Ins. Agcy $79.30, TAX DEPT:
Postmaster $19.89, Mail Well En
velope Co. $568.33, II i M Print
ers $40.90, General Roads $10.66,
Burroughs Corp. $70.33, Fridcn Inc.
$52.00, VETERANS: Recordak Corp
5Z.4H, ine I'ooa Mart 510.00, Geo.
V. Blomgren $24.48, Drive N Save
Mkt. Inc. $20.00, Vedders Market
$15.00, SURVEYOR: Rsbg, Book
Store $4.73, County Clerk $2.00, Frl
den Inc. $70.00. Smith Corona Mar-
chant $53.00, Fred M. Darby $41.
60, General Roads $63.77, James W.
Byron $2.49, Hunts Chainsaw $1.00,
Rsbg. Book Store .68, COUNTY
TREASURER: Ore Fin. Officers
Book Storo .36, General Roads
$16.78, G. F. Larson $14.40, County
Surv. Prig. $35.25, Dept. of Soils
master $20.00, WATERMASTER:
Supt. of Documents $1.70, C. O.
Bartels $38.80, D. Van Nostrand
Co. $12.50, Rsbg. Book Store $1.15,
WELFARE: Louise Home .67. Vil
la St. Rose $5.00,' PLANNING COM
MISSION: James E. Slatterv $1.38.
Co. Surv. Prtg. $4.60, Rsbg. Book
Store $26.18, Coen Supply Co. $2.80,
Glovers Moaern Floor $28.25, Trav
el Expense James E, Slattery $92.
55, Victor A. Pomcrlo $6.00, Gen
eral Roads $11.78, Buo of Munic.
Research $265.00, COURTHOUSE
CONSTRUCTION: Hansen Plmb. &
Heat. $14,083.92, DOG CONTROL:
William Johnson $93.50, Don Fru
echte $13.00, Ben Serafin $7.35, Do.
Co; Humane Soc. $275.00, General
Rds. $19.58, Texaco $4.20. Parker
Tirecap SVS $1.50, Pac NW Bell
$.13.05, Rsbg. News Review $3.00
Alice C. Owen $56.50, PERS $6.53
PERB $11.88, SIAC S8.72, VITAL
STATISTICS: V. R. Thomas $2.00,
Mamie Wilson $47.00, Hazel M.
Green $1.00, J. A. Unger $2.00.
PAYMENT OF: Culverts, con
cretc, freight, right of way, as
phalt, capital, gas diesel, 0 i 1,
grease, insurance, lumber, tires
parts, equipment rental, rock, tools
supplies: Pass Creek Paving Co.
$11,986.62, Morse Bros. Inc. $47
646.16, Rsbg. Paving Co. $10,350.08,
Rsbg. Sand & Gravel Co. $0,264.05,
Union Oil Co. $11,163.60, Winston
Sand 4 Gravel $4,772.50, Castor
Mixed Concrete Inc. $1,821.14,
Douglas Oil Co. $1,874.78, Alaska
Steel Co. $16,590.25, Industrial Sup-
Cn Csnl9,5 ",V,,,plerLoggin1gl"- - Contractor $1668.73, Ted
Co. $9,359.97, Pre-Mix Concrete r,,l..ii tunj ai r - "t
Pipe Co. $4,700.79, Shell Oil Co. LSt 'p'
$10,377.37, Widing Transportation
Inc. $3,903.14, Bureau of Public
Roads $225,000.00, Morse Brothers
$39,029.44. American Bitumuls 4s
Asphalt Co. $16,494.66, M. C. Lin
inger cl- Sons $41,186.88, Bceklev &
Thomas $24,206.79. J. D. Walling
$8,216.10, Postmaster $20.00, Co.
Surveyor $300.00, Douglas Fir Prtg.
Co. $13.33, Eugene Dietzgen Co.
S75.02, Ore State Highway Dept.
$16.00, Rsbg. Book Store $22.01,
Roseburg. McCulloch Co. $6.00,
Rsbg. News Review $18.00, Special
ized Parts $455.50, Supt. of Docu
ments $7.50, Frankel Carbon &
Ribbon Co. $1.00, Coast lo Coast
Stores $4.49, Douglas Fir Prtg. Co.
$96.10, King De Frecse $418.75, In
dustrial Electric Service Co. $29.
79, Pac Power & Light $8.00, Citv
of Sutherlin $10.00, ,Carl Sethe'r
$12.10, Tri-City Water Dist. $8.00,
J. D. Walling $48.75, City of Rsbg.
$15.00, Mid-Ore Prtg. Inc. $153.10,
C. M, McDcrmott $50.62, NW In
dustrial Laundry $148.30. Pnc Pniw.
er 4- Light $155.15, Woodbury Ji
Co. $412.29. Munroe Scalo &.-..:.
$355.00, Pac Power & Light $'00
Pac Power & Light $3.58. Dirti'.
field Oil Corp. $59.28, L. G. 4U E.
oicmmerman $550.00, Norman
Weatherly $20.00. Norman Cnmn.
ton $20.00, Co. Clerk $4.00, Luther
Vinson 545.00, A & R Tire Co.
S262.05, Allen Parts k F.nuin rVi
$146.48, American Steel & Supply
$656.51, Amanns Flvinff A S:( nn
MHcnine welding 53. 00, Bar
CUS Motors Inc. $58.97. Boarinc
Sales & Service Inc. $19.08, Car
dinal Tiro Service $174.75, Clyde
Equipment Co, $59.50, C-V Auto
Parts $1.75, Foonaughty Machinery
Co. $191.61, Sig Fett $928.97, Flegel
Supply Co. $322.50, Flury Supply
Co. $267.88, John M. Fleck $100.00,
General Paint $230.18, Gerretsen
Bldg. Supply $179.58, Glide Chevron
Station $9.80, Hansen Motor Co.
$5.41, Hunts Chain Saw Sales &
Serv. $1.00, Independent Distribu
tors $65.13, Indl. Radiotronics $32..
70, Jackson t Giles Motor Parts
$508.58, Jovin Brake Supply $23.50,
Kar Products Inc. $48.60, Lane
Rotary Brush Co. $269.50, Le Bleu
Motors Inc. $1.95, Mack Trucks Inc.
$12.50, Minnesota Mining & Mfg.
Co. $825.20, Mobil Oil Co. $439.07,
nioore Bieci service lo.,
Motor Supply Co. $109.70, Munnell
: snernu inc. $01.26, Miller Bros,
Garage $6.75, C. J. O'Nell ii Co,
$23.85, Pane' Bros. Inc. $913.63
can j. reetz 54.75, Pierce Freight
uncs inc. sa.u3. reter J. Pon S68.-
56, R. L. Shell Service $671.25, Rid
dle General Store $1.00, Rsbg.
s-.iass 1,0. KSbg. SUDDlV Co.
$67.51, Saw Service Jc Supply $19.-
, senter Tool Service Inc. $99.07,
Jack" ,
Trusty Construction $5810.42, Park
er Tirecap Service $1113.39, Pac.
Powder Sales Corp. of Ore. $1092.
19, Joe Bookshnis Inc. $4402.63,
Umpqua River Navigation Co. $2.
536.63, Ed A. Miller Contractor
$3672.00, Whipple Logging Co. $1,-
017.05, Whipple Logging Co. $3948.
75, Roens Office Equipment $9.05; "
1962: A. Mav $813.67, G. Grubb
$546.87, H. Morrill $467.57, H. Gal
lap $465.61, II. Brown $224.66, M.
Buchanan $86.87, V. Bakala $406.79,
L. Rand $251.42, D. Busenbark
$236.58, G. Holden $238.56, C. Chris
tiansen $224.22, R. Holmgren $101.
53, R. Hasonyager $349.80, J. Gail
ey $315.11, B. Schrank $312.78, A. '
Berkshire $302.00, F. Haas $330.00,
C. Humphreys $314.62, G. Emrich
$306.67, A. Smith $92.76, C. Packer
$355.60, K. Neavoll $342.06, J. Pack
or $334.89, J. McClinton $326.73, E.
Bartlett $326.73, G. Cox $387.97, J,
Stigers $329.01, R. Langholff $386.
82, W. Wilson $375.01, D. - Sand
$369.29, O. Powell $363.85, E. Thiele
$331.49, J. Sand $347.00, C. Johnson
$318.43, G. Baughinan $509.73, M.
Skelton $304.17, W. Glen Jr. $313.80,
F. Huff $317.06, G. Hash $327.42, .
D. Garrett $371.82, D. Johnsten
$415.18, W. Paulin $381.22, B. Rog-:
ers $252.55, N. Walker $361.30, D.
MCWhortor $307.63. W. Bulmer
$298.60, R. Curry $287.07, G. Hei-
cnet $304.08, W. Johnson $296.45,
F. Lange $287.39, R. Pinard $291.24,
N. Totton $302.03, B. Winter $280.
73, L. Busenbark $323.40, Z. Feketa
$196.12, R. Gausnell $308.57, G.
Jackson $299.47, K. Hebard $261.82,
B, Ball $263.78, L. Liles $272.33,
J. Flynn Jr. $236.91, D. Fritz $246.
36, L. Stults $256.91, C. Perry $300..
97, S. Colley $356.17. C. Mlnter .
$323.53, K. Loonard $334.04, L. Sur-
guun jr. MJZ.Bb, (j, Madisgit 5359.
61, G. Madison $374.31, C. Palma.
teer $289.62, O. Gaffney $303.18,
E. Melton $371.80, T. Beall $324.23,
G. Casebeer $365.97, E. Weber
$332.84, A. Green $206.54, I. Carl
ton $39.48, W. Smith $344.21, D.
Poore $311.12, L. Starnes $289.89,
C. Johnson $301.89, E. Sanderson
$397.52, M. Durkce $323.56, A. Dono
ho $348.61, D. Turner $331.11, H.
Carey $303.37, K. Brown $293.25,
C. Osborn $318.37, H. Roberaon
$337.84, L. Moore $294.75, B. Sand
erson $320.07, L. Patterson $374.05,
m. imuerwooo. $333.74, O. Mote
$305.35, T. Cox $307.33, C. Gaylor
$290.56, I. Adams $308.55, C. West
kind $294.57, W. Gaylor $326.23,
E. Roop $286.44. B. Seribncr S2R1.
76, W. Hughes $385.52, F. Rountree
Standard Oil Co. $138.60, Sutherlin ?2014'H' Al'rowooa $338.71, A.
auio supply ,56c, Sutherlin Hdw. f'w'" '"""a. urwin $374.37,
& Bldg. Supply $52.52, Thompson uo.ln u. Thackrey $297.-
I'orci sales 53.50, Tidewater Oil Co. "ucnarme 53ZB.3Z, J. Waltn
$154.83, Tidewater Oil Co. $728.26, $319.95, A. Koch $314.94, V. Wolfer
Timber Tractor Co. $391.60, Ump.
qua Tractor vo. 58.92. united Elec
tric Service $32.09, Vallcv Tire Cen
ter $28.25, Walts Radiator Shop, uo. fjierk 5875.00, Stockade
Motel $231.00, Carl Campbell $312.-
su, unem. to. Mfg. Co. $69.00, Pac
NW Bell $7.95, Pac NW Cell $11.60,
Pac. Power & Light Co. $2.00. R.
F. (Jack) Randall $3.44, J. H. Bax
ter & Co. $187.50, Beckley & Thom
as 527.30, Jims Alobll Service Cen
ter $17.87, Reedsport Auto Parts
$59.65, Umpqua Bldg. Supply $20.
60., Umpqua Indl. Supply Co. SI.-
00, Williamsons Outboard Shop
M.iu, zcneroacn raper to. $218.59,
Henry H. Miller Contractor Inc.
$7400.00, Ed A. Miller Contractor
$3892.00, Pac. Concrete Co. $29.-
346.68, L. Chilwood, A. Chitwood,
C. Chitwood, R. Chitwood, H. Chit-
wood ic a. tnitwood $4880.00, Allen
Box $60.00, Co. Clerk $21.00, Co.
Surveyor $35.00, Shell Oil Co. $5.60,
John M. Fleck $350.00, Pac. Power
Si Light $824.65, Pierce Freight
Lines $26.04, Loyd Spanglcr $120.
00, M. C. Liningcr & Sons $1566.00,
Joe Bookshnis Inc. $3049.29, Yon
calla Tele Co. $1618.77, Beckley 4c
Thomas $23,912.25, O-N-C Fast
Freight $3.00, Rsbg. News Review
$15.01, Cal-Pac Utilities Co. $8.75,
Du Bois Chemicals Inc. $121.00, Sci
entific Research Co. $79.09, Balzar
Machinery Co. $220.20, Elkton Gar
age $6.45, Joes Chevron Station $1.
90, Pac. Motor Trucking Co. $3.16,
Weed Control Service Inc. $52.66,
Pac. Power it Light $8.05, Ore.
Water Corp. $35.08, F. D. Coon Sc
A. J. Rice & Betty Rice $800.00,
Pierce Frt. Lines Inc. 514.51, Rsbg,
News Review $27.54, Railway Ex
press Agcy. $7.00. Central Lin
coin PUD $16.46, Pac. NW Bell
$14.45, Friden Inc. $52.00, Cruits
Replacement Parts Inc. $76.10, Cia
mor Machinery Co. $124.24, Mack
Trucks Inc. $6.06, NW Indl. Laun
dry $72.50, Ed A. Miller Contract
or $4942.00, PERS $2457.94, PERB
$3270.34, Indl. Hospital Assoc.
$1839.12, SIAC $4420.95, Travel Ex
pense R. Pinard et al $315.00,
Rsbg. Book Store $79.28, Umpqua
Stationers Inc. $173.20, City of
Drain $10.05, City of Reedsport
$3.00, Douglas Elec. Coop. $7.30,
Rsbg. Fuel Oil Service $187.50, Tri
City Water Dist. $8.00, Gerretsen
Bldg. Supply $8.11, Indl. Radiotron
ics $52.40, Pac. NW Bell $113.95,
Umpqua Valley Hdw. $9.84, Un
derwood Corp. $235.00, Auto Parts
Inc. $8.87, Bearing Supply Co.
$197.63, Bunting Tractor Co. $475.68,
Cal-Ore Machinery Co. $51.50, Con
solidated Freightways $3.00, Doyles
Sales & Service $15.00, Lockwood
Motors Inc. $530.15, Motor Supply
Co. $49.59, O K Tire Store $4.75,
Ore "Ag" Chemicals $34.00, Pierce
Frt. Lines Inc. $20.34, Rsbg. Glass
Co. S77.73, Rsbg. Supply Co. $189.
80, O-N-C Fast Freight $6.14, Elli
sons Umpqua Stokade Motel $70.00,
City of Sutherlin $9.65, Douglas
Electric Coop. Inc. $7.30, Orchard
Auto Parts Co. $149.35, Pac NW
Bell $18.80, Pac Power St Light
$4.00, Norris Paint Sc Varnish Co.
$401.00, Norman Weatherly $40.00,
Norman Compton $40.00, Brents Ex
change $118.36, Cal-Pac Utilities
$73.03, Carter Tire Co. $733.04, So
Ore. Battery & Supply Co. it Ore.
Welding Supply $575.04, Sutherlin
Tire Sales St .Service $15.00, Timber
Tractor Co. $210.12, Henry H. Mil-
$414.31, C. Wolfer $265.22, K. Jones
$88.05, W. Cooper $373.42, M. Stone
woi.m, f. tvuiff $372.31, N. Ather
ton $314.19, H, Lander $266.93, H.
Trent $304.03, W. Carter $295.23, -E.
Maddox $277.26, R. Holm $306.
94, A. Jones $289.89. A. Case 12B3..
91, F. Hodrick $382.54. B. r.nrn.v
$333.08, J Grlbble $379.95, J Thorn
ton $342.81, G, Rockwell $290.81. A.
McDonald $287.72, J. McLeod $292.
07, J. Engle $326.63, R. Wheeler
$294.90, T. CoUoy $319.28, O. Sny
dor $280.24, D. Hatfield $355.09 L.
Heath $349.67, J. Biker $344.48, R.
Beal $360.70, C. Beecroft $329.42, N.
Conn $358.01, K. Conn $400.42, D.
Fast $352.19, W. Hyde $424.33, H.
Kaiser $393.26, L. Maddox $397.74,
W. McCraw $360.71, S. Norton
$415.83, A. Olson $424.74, E. Rand
$363.08, D. Shaffer $372.S1, L. Sut
ton $437.23, F. Tinker $371.87, H.
Trusty $340.50, R. Van Slyke $412.
74, O. Button $276.03. B. Smith
$266.00, L, Hughey $364.17, R. Gug-
ier jaa.08, n. BUcK $345.31, J.
Peck $344.39, D. Woods $312.80, S.
Earl $292.08, L. Murphey $304.03,
J. Davidson $300.22, H. Burllson
$295.22, R. Springer $279.11, E.
Frederickson $287.47, C. Craig
$279.11, L. Shipley . $274.12, H.
Peach $366.29, W. Elliott $326.51,
H. Hall $346.58, E. Reedy $330.66,
L. Reedy $340.15, F. Hogg Jr. $334.
08, N. White $323.81, G. Langholff
$286.44, S. Darby $419.58, P. Mar
esch $335.42, M. Eckley $332.09, P.
Backlund $402.35, B. Churchill $321
50, H. Eaton $377.83, E. Erlcksoh
$375.58, O. Garrett $355.22, J. Gil
llland $354.05, R. Griffin $401.02,
D. Hardman Jr. $387.77, R. Huff
$342.35, L. Johnston $381.59, M.
Ludwig $443.37, R. Major $376.94,
F. Miller $301.68, H. Parker S450.-
28, C. Payne $457.50, L. Robison
$376.37, J. Runge $374.34, I. Stem
bridge $428.86, J. Tol $363.42, R.
Turpin $380.59, E. Vanco $327.37,
O. Williams $431.81, V. Wlndom
$415.18, L. McCraw $316.04, C. Sing
er $421.62, A. Moore $371.80, R.
Page $436.98, R. Abeene Sr. $342.
06, Ci Cooper $546.09, F. Under
wood $360.62, A. Hall $408.88, F.
Moore $355.93, F. Alberding $395.
95, T. Brinigar $331.37, B. Chas
teen $325.10, C. Coffell $375.34. J.
Davis' $318.64, C. Gilkison $487.42,
C. Holteen $323.77, S. Moore Jr.
$316.86, C. Rhodes $346.91, J. Stubbj
SJ.ia.brj, B. ileal $318.65, R. Hunt
$294.30, O. Scott $63.64, J. Sojka
$283.59, E. Taylor $358.98, R. Bark
er $301.89, A, Grino $466.13, J.
Harvey $301.54, E. Lister $481.41,
W. Smithee $320.27, J. Aten $286.
44, R. Bakala $274.76, L. Hink
$287.56, W. Holden $278.32, C. Hol
teen $312.01, G. Joelson $297.83, B.
Kirkpatrick $261.60, T. Kolberg
$276,25, D. Lewis Jr. $294.83, M.
Murphy $278.32, R. Petersen $228.
57, F. Reed $333.75, E. Wilson
$299.59, R. Hanson $372.98, L. Ad
mire $62.77, R. Gaynor $226.31, M.
Brundage S199.59; Employees De
ductions Fed Tax $12,710.10, St.
Tax $2,520.40,. PERS $2,500.58,
PERB $3,270.34, IHA $1,473.38,
AFiSCME $232.75, Co. Clerk $4.75.
Dated this 18th day of September
1962. I
County Clerk