2 The News-Review, Roieburg, Or. Thun., Aug. 9, 1M2 N 11 A LOCAL NEWS Dr. and Mrs. Thomaj McGtht have moved here from Tacoma and are residing at 948 W. Nebo. They have a son, 2V4, and a daughter, 1. Dr. McGehee is with the VA Hos pital staff. Mr. and Mrs. Chester B. Swan. ten are newcomers from Anchor age, Alaska, and have purchased the home at 744 W. Fairhaven. Sor enson is with the Bureau of Land Management. AT DRIVE-N-SAVE MARKET Cottage A (.km Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cook have moved to this city from Chemult and have purchased the home at 582 W. Hazel. Cook is an account ant with the firm of Walpole and Hamberg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Caylor and daughter, 13, have moved from Tu lare, Calif., to 855 SE Flint St. Gay lor is with the Eugene Veneer at Glide.' Mr. and Mrs. William McCaslln and daughter, 18, have purchased the residence at 3408 NW Hooker Road. McCaslin is a career man with the Navy and plans to retire here in a few years. The family has been residing in Chula Vista, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Caylor and son, 1, have moved to Roseburg from Tulare, Calif., and are resid ing at 855 SE Flint St. Gaylor is with Koseburg Lumber Co. u- -J Mr. nnnalfl It. Taatarl and son, 4, and daughter, 3, have moved to Roseburg from Las Ani mas, Colo., and are residing at 878 W. Corey St. Teeters is employed at the VA Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Confreres and sons, 14 and 12, and daughter, 10, have moved here from San Jose, Calif., and have purchased 11 acres on Icabod Lane, where they are building a new home. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Goodwin of Gardiner, spent the weekend in Roseburg with friends and attend ed the annual Buckeroo Square Dance Club's weekend picnic and outing at the Ray John ranch on the North Umpqua. Mrs. W. E. Buchanan, mother of Mrs. B. A. Young of Roseburg, died Wednesday morning in Eu gene, following a long illness. She js survived by her husband, Dr. Buchanan, of Eugene, four daugh ters and one son, W. E. Buchanan Jr., who Is a motion picture and television actor in Hollywood. A daughter, Kate Burchanan, who is dean of women at Humboldt State College In California, is a former Roseburg High School English teacher. Mrs. Rutiell B. Rummtl Is back at her home in Roseburg, follow ing several weeks in Los Angeles caring for her mother, Mrs. James A. Groves. She was joined there by Mr. Rummel last Thursday and they spent a few days at the Bev erly Hilton Hotel, which is man aged by her brother, Robert r?,.ni,aa hatnva nmna north. En route home they stopped in Fres no to visit Mr. and Mrs. Roy Becm, former owners of Cavalier Lodge In Roseburg, who now havo a ranch there. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bcem are doing nicely since being badly injured In an automobile ac cident here last February, how ever, their daughter, who was in the same accident, is still confined to Sacred Heart Hospital in Eu gene, where so receives treatment for a fractured back. Mrs. Howard Partlion has re turned to her homo in RosebuiR, following a month's vacation trip to Europe She made the trip over the Polar route by Luthansa Air lines to London and Munich, where sho was met by her son, Captain Frederick R. Foyc. She spent part of her time there with him and his wife and children, Shcrl Helen and Steven. They took licr on a 3,000 mile trip all through Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Itnly and to Paris. France, where they attended the Follies Bcrgcro. at Wcisbamlen, Germany, Mrs. Pattison visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Roger Foye, who is living there with her son-in-law and daughter, Lt. Col, and Mrs. A. G. McGuire and three children. Mrs. Pattison reports she liked Switzerland the best of the European countries, because of the friendliness of the pcoplo and the cleanliness of the country. She also enjoyed touring the Mediter ranean coastline by automobile. In London, she saw the play. "Oliver Twist," and enjoyed louring to places of interest. She returned home via Pan American World Airways. Tall tint. Limit 6, Av Quarts Yubon KRAFT JAMS & JELLIES Packed in New 10 ox. Tumblers Strawberry Jelly Blackberry Jelly Red Currant Jelly Blackberry Jam Boyienberry Jam Mix or Match Grope Jam Peach Jam Apricot Jam Apricot-Pineapple Orange Marmalade All Purpose Cream Flake II X 111 lv I Mix r Motch 4y vc I Tangerine Juice t" lVI Golden Holly O 111 Limeade 6 oz. ;n O I jj Ever Rich ' I COFFEE Reg. or Drip, 2 lb. tin FROZEN FRUIT JUICE Lemonade 595' Golden Holly or Minute . mm l$tl& Maid C 9l Jl I IPillshury Flour Kraft " Coffage Cheese 25 lb. bag Qts. "J SrKMlTENNK All Purpose 3 lb. tin 43' 95' 1.57 55" Armour's Star Canned Meats ROAST BEEF . 49' CHOPPED BEEF . 39 Treat LUNCHEON MEAT ; 39c CORNED BEEF 49 Corned , BEEF HASH v- 3100 Zee ZEE PAPER PRODUCTS TOILET TISSUE ; 31.00 Zee WAX PAPER 3L00 Zee Asst. colors NAPKINS 101.00 Chiffon FACIAL TISSUES - 5$l Chiffon ... .: v DINNER NAPKINS ; 5 M New Crop, Oregon Strawberries Sliced & sugared, Limited Supply, 30 lb. tin Hunts Yellow Cling Ghirardclli's PEACES Halves or sliced, Vi tins 99c Inst. Chocolate Family size tin 579 591 Regular or Super KOTEX I2's 2 boxes V Fruit Cocktail Cut Rita, Now ' ttf Snid" PLASTIC WRAP ,0ro; LT CATSUP 303 tin . 589c 499' Economy Site 70C Horn,1'' f" f(c Instant Nestea vi0l .'" Vienna Sausage V; JV" Moawttt Mouil mmmr VVhito Stot, Light Moot 4 Aar InstantCoffee ,0oi.iar 3 ChunkTuna ,,tini 007 Large 20 oz. btl. Try)h $ Crescent Toppings y y on Ice Cream ( Inltont Colin M 1.1 P. 97 caffein 10 oz. jar . 97 caff free, 5 oz. 79c CucumberChips j.2";. KroH Af F'i'ki". Reg. r Now Livtr J. ffe SALAD 01 L SsrH. 39 Canned Dog Food . 999 Bagley PEARS Salad pieces, w-48?. dog food ?rk"r" Siikyou FtMitona m gf Bottled ft m fkjk PEACHES H-- 489 '76' POP Ol.OO 1.19 Muihroomi :r 489" Tillamook Medium, 2 lb. loaf (? Mike yow n sundM, "splits," 7 )J mi pultils with crescent lop- It pints in 1 vaneir 01 oencious (f favors: strawberry, caramel, pine- i) alibis, uuiieisbvuii onu biiuwidir, ' rtalipini.. WAMilua Inrt In, I k cake tilling! or icings, CRESCENT V . Spit Merclianfi $inco 1663 J CHEESE Regular or Peonut m mm ' 'flC tlt M&MCANDIFS 0 " 45c PAPER PLATIS,n 7 100 count pkj. Applon Way ttr wndr Ht Aar PIZZAMIX (kl 39c MIXED PICKLES 4T r -ttw . it mm m mm, mm r mm i r mwm mm a mwm mm m m m 11 - xi Mcar nd Product pricti in fhii od tfftdivt through Sorurday, Aug. 1 1 Grocery prices ffarrivai tkrauah jj Sunder. Aug. 12 we reserve tne right to limit. No to tit te dcotert. 01 GUARANTEED RIPE lb-3 TKCCrtOB SEEDLESS er RED CARDINAL f Washington No. 1 Red Have'n PEACHES Local Gravenstein Large Sunkist .10' .1?! o o o