34 OUT OUR WAY By J. R. William, Miscellaneojus For Sale 45 1 Miscellaneous For Sale 4$ 14 Th Nw-Rivlw Koteburg, Ore. Thuri., A119. 9, 1962, Real Estate Classified Section Mobile Homes 32 'H 10x41' 3 BR trailer house. 13500. OR 3-5M SELL EQUITY of 000 lor $1000 On Ooublt ELCAR Expanoo iraier uk .iom. ftoo EQU fTY i N X 35' IralUr In good con rfitlmv Would conildar trade for lot. imall. tr Iralltr or pickup. Call OR J 343I altar a p.m. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY BUT If you are smart, you will inspect our large and varied se lection of fine Bear Fleetwood Shasta mobile homes. Compare them for comfort, compare our prices. DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 at Winchester Good Buys in Used Trailers FOR DEPENDABLE TOWING Call OR 3-7272 Real Estate Wanted 33 WANTED 1 to 3 acrci building site for noma on river. Garden Valley area. Private party, wrira box 4 News Ktvitw. WANTED to buy unimproved acreage, close to Roseburg. Must hva water, write box 4v7, News-Review. Real Estate 34 POUR BR, Green Dlst. T6G0 iq. It. Fire place. 19600, $1500 down. Sutherlln 3050. THREE bedroom home. Wests Ida. Good loca- tlon. $7750, OR 3-1460, OR 3-4383. THREE bedroom house, on large corner lol. fenced In back yard, Westilde. Owner trans ferred. Call OR 3-JQBB. NORTH UMPQUA river ranch. Glide area, Water rights. William R. Magnets, Whist lers Lame, or 6-3145. NEW three bedroom home. Large lot. Cir culating fireplace. Come out and tee. Make ui an offer. Call OR 3-6775. BY "OWNER WestVlopes" home 3 bedroorm, 2 baths, fireplace, fenced yard. Double carport. Covered patio. Phone OR 3-5103. VlEW LOT nicely landscaped, 3 bedrooms, pots. tth, double garage, NE City, fire place, hardwood floors, $13,000. OR MSw, NINE ACRES, modern home, partly furn ished. May consider house trailer. Route l, Qiengary Road, box 753 OR 2-WbJ. fioRTH ROSEBURG, 3 bedroom horns, my equity. Call OR 2-3VB. LARGE 2 BR home, oil" furnace. Sell or trado. OR 3-6036. fi ACRES, 4 bedroom house, outbuildings, near Rsbg, $16,000. Terms, OR 3-6635 aves. 4t!LL EQUITY In now cozy two bedroom home on Newton Creek. Full price $6500. 1991 Parker Road. fjICE older house, 9 large rooms, 4 or i bedrooms. 2 baths, utility, tamlly room Vi acre, shade trees. sawtt. OR 3-S4I1. fiHREB BR home. Green Dli'r. Fireplace, narawooa noon. wsa, iiswj aown. en. Sulherlln 3050. THREE bedroom, hardwood floors, built-in range and oven. Fireplace, carport, view lot, sewer, Eastwood District. OR 2-42H. CVOAKES FERRY. Quality bull! home. 3 bedroom, Vi baths, big playroom, patio, largefenced yard, storage. OR 3-8278. TWO BEDROOM modern house, electric heaT, easy terms. Immediate possession. 1057 NEJJncolnPhone OR 3-3993 alterjl p.m. tHREE bedroom home, hardwood floors, fireplace, good residential district, near gtflde school and shopping center. See at 439 W. Broccoli. Phone OR 3-3635 eves. LARGER 3 bdrm home, on Luellen. Den, flag stone fireplace, w-to-w carpet, dishwasher, disposal, 2 balhs, 1 with ceramic shower. Lga tanced yard, covered oallo. OR 2-4255. TWO BEDROOM In town, fireplace, pat'o, carport, fenced yard. Exposed beams and cedar paneling, 14,900 terms. 1230 Ful lor Ion. OR 3-3486. THREE BR house, hardwood floors, fireplace, carport, aluminum siding, good well. West side Winston. $12,500. Will accept late mod el trailer. OS 95354. THREE bedroom house, large kitchen, sep arate dining room, fireplace, large cover ed patio, nice yard with sprinkling system, 325 W. Berdlno, Call OR 3-7324 alter 3 p.m, JUST COMPLETED In Qulntus Park J bdm home, 2 tiled balhs, all appliances in. Double garage, fireplace. Top soli In, $16,- M0. PhoneOR 3-8O50. THREE BR, family room, large kit., break fast nook, dining rm, ceramic tile kit bath, fireplace, dbl. garage, pallo. Terms. $13,950. OR 2-135. ONE BR house and small lot at 851 NE Jackson Si. Needs repairs. SJ500 wilh small down payment. If Interested, see Dave at Leuieu Motors, inc. TWO BEDROOM house, large kitchen and dining room combined. All fenced, big yard. Close to stores. Furnished or un furnished. Cora M. Wright, 315 So. East "I" St., Grants Pass, Oreoojv THREE BEDROOM" house,2 full balhVllra. place, hardwood floors. Attached double garage, 2 patios. Wfcll landscaped. On Vj acre ground. 1 mile south ol Roseburg Lumber $16,500. OS 9-8848. NEARLY NEW "4" bedroom house, "9 "balhs, targe living room with ((replace. Birch kitchen built-in oven and stove. Lennox heal piped to all rooms. Large lol, land scaped. 2888 W. Lorraine, or OR 3-5366. BY OWNER.' T B.RT'house "close' In. " Large llv. room, fireplace, din. room, Hither, nook, 1 B.R. down, 2 up, 11 balhs, Hdwd. Mrs., full cement basement, oil heat, sprin kler system, lovely yard, outdoor fireplace, garage. For price and terms see owner. ti 34 SE. Rose OR 3-6779 CLOAKES FERRY" " THREE BR, fireplace, lerg playroom, ,hoo. patio, fenced yard. Clote to Fuller ton School, shopping, Free soil lol. U3.S00 161 W. Bodie. OR 2-3773. WFLL BUILT, Westslde home, perfect con dition. Excellent neighborhood, 3 bedroom, famllv room, fireplace, birch kllchen, buil- mi 5noy fenced landscaped vard. PMv yard Double garage, paved sl sewer. Walk TO scnoot, Great bargain at $17,750. Dial OR 3-5493 SELL AND TRADE COMMERCIAL properly In Florence. 300 fr-el harbor frontage near 101 draw br.dge A hot spot. Will take about '1 cnih, h! In trade for Douglas County properly Pre tr-r house and some land, on price ol $70,000. Contact Geo. Bongs at DEAN VINCENT, INC. Realtor 1300 Mioh Euoei.: Oregon Southern Oregon Land Co. 223 No. Main Myrtle Creek 25 ACRES on North MvrHe Creek, anproiimately 19 acres uniier Irriga tion, with Irrigation System 3-brrf-room home with I bfdroom gvQ house. 2car carport. Good barn and shop, it 4.000. Will trade tor bed room home in Myrtle Crm. Southern Oregon Land Co. 223 No. Main St. Myrtle Crork Bus. Ph. 863-3861 Res. Ph. 863-3392 Frank Zimmers, Salrs Hep. I xi u oil a Ztmmcrs 34 LIVING ROOM, dining room combination, 2 large, 1 smell bedroom. Bath end Vi. CIom to schools and town. Excellent con dition. OR M02I. NORTH CMPQUA FRONTAGE Hava vmi bought your lot on Iho rlvar yel? Pricei from $1,600 to $3,400. Sea Roseburg Realty Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 WILLIAMSON REAL ESTATE NEWER HOME Sale or trade. What hava you? Beautiful split-level, 5 bdrms, 2l baths, 2 fireplaces. Oil heat. Owner leaving shown by ap pointment. VERY NICE 2 BR home with 1 BR separate collage. Souih of town. Full price $7000. Terms. VERY NICE 1 BR home with large lol, close In on Calkin Rd. Priced at $6950. Only $500 down owner will carry. 1157 N. Stephens Ph. OR 3-4302 Eves, OR 2-2941 Helen Glenn REALTOR Stop Looking Around EXCLUSIVE this fop quality home, 3 extra large bedrooms with double wardrobe closets, 26x15 living room with fireplace, formal dining room, 2 baths, oil forced air furnace, 1600 q. ft. area for family room. At tached garage, 6 yrs. old, large lot. Among choice homes on Elizabeth St. 10 Acres Near Glide ON N. UMPQUA HWY, large 3 bed room home wilh fireplace, 3-car at tached garage. Home beautifully land scaped. Ideal place for country living. In excellent condition. Nice trees and small family orchard. FOR RENT APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, V,i baths, living room, dining room, basement. $75. Corner Kane and Oak. Corner Kane and Washington OR 2-3692 Res. GY 6-3579 4 BEAUTIFUL LOTS CITY WATER and eleclrlclly avail able, near Super Market, LOOK only $400, good terms, or $300 cash. HURRYI THREE acres (2 huge lots) on North Umpqua river, garden soil, boat land ing, Shade trees. Close In. Phone OR 3-8578. LARGB MODERN 4 Bedroom home, on one floor freshly painted, lawn, shade trees, barn, a guest house, and 10 level acres, with Irrigation rights. $11,000, $1500 down. 259 ACRES, all fenced, seeded pas tures. Large attractive home, barn, outbuildings. Sheep Included at only $25,000 good terms. LISTINGS needed on large ranches and small acreages. CASH lor your contract, or mortgage. . Hurry while money still available. Lloyd A.Wilson REALTOR 1667 SE Stophens, OR 3-8578 Wiley's For Real Estate GRACIOUS LIVING In exclusive dis trict. Are you crowded in your pres ent home? Here Is plenty of roam large kitchen wilh over-slia dishwash er, built In range with 2 built in ovens, built In deep-lreeie and re tr'gerator, large dining area and large living room, bolh wilh best quality carpeting. Fireplace. 2 bod rooms down, wilh bath, and 3 bed rooms and bath up. Gas forced draft furnace, large utility room (could be ploy-room) 18u It frontage on pav ed slreet, double carport, lovely pallo, choice landscaping. Now priced at 936,500. 2 B.R. WITH POSSIBILITY OP THIRD. Paved street and sewer WESTSIDE attached garage plus car port. 75x90 ft, lot close to Fremont Jr. High. New roof and newly paint ed. Back yard Is fenced. Price $8950, as low as 3 down. 18 ACRES, 4 bedrooms on one floor, hardwood doors, wood heat, double garage, 2 miles from Melrose Store. Total price $13,500. CATTLE RANCH-1300 acres, 10 miles towards Glide, Good grass with 80A hay land. Lois ol water, 3 creeks and springs. Older 3 BR house, 3 barns, 3 leed sheds. Fences very good, some re-log timber. Has BLM leane plus open range. If you are a catlle man look this over. $75,000. EARL WILEY Real Estate 428 S. E. Main St. OR 2-21129 Oil 3 3403 OK 3-3903 Real Estate REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS PHONE OR 2-1413 TALK ABOUT A BUY Here it Is in this nice 3 bedroom home wlllf fireplace, hard wood floors, attached garage. Dig pallo, ' acre of limd wilh young orchard and wonderful garden, $12,51X1 wilh low down payment. DON'T MISS THIS Uii) acre placa wilh modern 2 bedroom home. 15 acres bottom laud, IM acres in grain and paMure. Chicken house and garage. All fenced and on good road and creek. $21,000 with terms. WILL TRADE TWENTY acres nice land wilh good 3 bedroom home, bain ami chicken house, for bedroom home in Roseburg. Call us for information. This place is on pavement and city wuiji'. NEAT TWO HKDItOO.M houiB on 2 lots at a bargain price of $4.9ofl wO, $400 down. Take a look! LOU BASSETT E. H. "Doc" POCOCK MARGE MARTIN G. F. REYNOLDS H. J. BAUER MUST SELL my I bedroom furnished home. $9,500 if sold by Aug. win. Ray uynes, 1083 NE Malheur. FOR SALE OR TRADE Apartment Hotel I APTS. plul living quarter, and V rental rooms. Good Income. Room tor trallet'a. Beautiful Ground.. HAMILTON HOTEL Phona IJ3-344S Glendele courtesy to Droneri FULLERTON REALTY APPROXIMATELY 5 acres, lust out side city limits, comfortable 2 bed room older home, barn, very good well. More ground available. S to, SO0, $1000 down. Immediate possession. $13,750 Westside expandable home, 3 bedrooms, den, living room, fire place, dining room, kitchen nook, extra large utility, carport. May as sume Gl loan. CLOSE IN neat 2 bedroom home, large living dining room, good kitch en, large bath wired for washer dryer. Oil heater and electric range Included. $5500, $1000 down. , 723 N.E. I Stephen! OR 2-3172 or OR 3 Roseburg Realty & Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 THIS WESTSIDE 4 bedroom li In "Cream Puff" condition. Nice lot, oarage and storage, trees, concrete foundation, nice lawns. Big rooms, 2 bedrooms and balh down, 3 and un finished balh up. Close to High School and markets. Walking distance to town. Gas heat too. . . .SI6.9SO with FHA terms. CHECK THIS!! Winston 3 bedroom, H Balh modern home. 75 x 145 lol, living room wilh fireplace, separate dining area, nice kitchen, fenced vard wilh waterfall and fishpond, lots of storage space, carport. This home Is In excellent condition. $13,000. , . try 3. down! I TWO BEDROOM supenvalue on Page road. 100 x 195 lot, huge oaks, 70' well plus clly water, Fireplace, gar age, concrete patio, nice lawns and shrubs. SI0.95O wilh FHA terms. 3 BEDROOM and family room, 1.7 acre river location with story.book landscaping and river view, picnic area beneath huge shade trees. Or culallng fireplace, hot water heal, separate utility room on porch. Large aluminum sided shop parks two cars and has lots more room tor a play, room or workshop. City water. Irri gation from river, everything In ex ceilonl shape. $19,500 and worth every oil. , 3 BEDROOM on Broccoli. . .close to everything. Modern in every detail, fireplace, dining area, fine kllchen, paved extra parking area, garage and enclosed patio, rare shrubs loo. Sea this. . .lust $14,950. Still choice lots available on the North River at Echo Bend and Sky Park. . .and they're not making any more river Ironlege. . .so HURRYII Evenings Call The Doyles OR 2-3553 GROW WITH WINSTON 1. MODERN 2 bedroom, living room, kilchcn and large utility. lj)t 45x145', very close in. $4,750, ?500 down. 2. NEAT Little 1 bedroom home. Heater and range go. Wonderful location. $4,500, $450 down. 3. V4 ACRE, newer 2 bedroom home with various fruits. $7,595, $1,000 down. 4. TWO bedroom home, some fruit. lot 100x313'. $5000 with $500 down. 5. BEAUTIFUL view 2 bedroom, den, living room 15 x 19 , kit chen with dining area. Patio area and lot 90x150'. $7,700, finance. 6. THIS neat 3 bedroom, living room, kitchen and dining area lovely privately fenced yard wilh patio area in shade, $9,300 with terms. 7. LIVING room 16x32', family room 20x22 , both have fireplac es. 3 bedrooms wilh large clos els, l'i balhs. Large kitchen wilh CitC dishwasher, and large util ity. Cool Top heat. Also nice 1 bedroom rental, now rented for $50. $14,950, $1500 down. 8. SEE this very fine constructed 2 bedroom home. Ready for in side finish. Nice view. Fireplace. I-till basement. Also anolher un finished 3 room house. Lot lOOx 100'. $6,000. We have a number of nice acre ages in this area. Also lots and lots of lots. Winston Branch Reynolds & Bauer Heal Eslale OS 9-5511 Nora Cracrotl Howard Cracrofl OR 20677 OR 2-3677 CR 2-3838 OR 3-8259 OR 3-6503 O 3-4504 OR 2-1085 -6998 VES, BUT AT 2 O'CLOCK M INFORAA.ATIVE ARTICLE-LET ( IW THE MORMIWO I'M 5, I ME REAP SOU THIS OWE ABOUT I AAORE INTERESTED IM THP CRISIS IN--UHSAy, J ) HOW I'M (5DIW6 TO I& V AREN'T YOU INTERESTED SOLVE THE PROBLEM Aw $&xj IN HOVV WE'RE GOING TO J V OF ROUSTING VOU S; T- SOLVE THE PROBLEMS ' V OUT OF THAT rxO V FACING US IN THE y BEDAT6.' M VV WORLD TODAY? t- . . ,-3 x- y ' cHSri WHY" MOTHERS GET GRAV m, b1 lHf, T fvs . ' I Real Estate 34 BY OWNER 2 bedroom house, close In, 2 lots, SO X 100'. Please no calls Friday eve nings or Saturday. Call OR 3-7329. TWO BEDROOM home, ,on sewer. $500 for our equity assume payments of $50 per month. OR 3-3874 alter 6 p.m. MAGNESS REAL ESTATE 1333 S. E. Stephens $8950 Lovely 2 W.m Weslslde home, In excellent condition and many nice features. Owner will sell with 3 down, balance under P.H.A, Choice Residential Area YOU should see this lovely large 2 bdrm home with beau) I ful landscap ing, on paved street and sewer. The owner will sell on FHA appraisal. Spacious 3 Bedroom LOCATED on nice residential street, many nice features such as, bath and yh, raised heart h fireplace, un finished basement gives loads of stor age, 90X300 lot. Price $12,700 Includ sewer assessment. Ftl Gl's lei us show you this. Immediate possession. $12,000 Terms Available COMPLETELY furnished 2 bdrm. home wilh 2 rentals and facilities for small business In DIMard. This Is one of the best deals we hava seen for a retired couple wishing additional income or wife wishing to make addi tional Income. TRADES DUPLEX In Winston. Owner will trde on 3 bdrm In Wlntton or Rose burg. tlO.OOO 3 bdrm Dlllard home. Own er wants trade on nlca Roseburg home. WE ARE MEMBERS of Roseburg Coop and Portland Multiple Listing Bureau. Come In and see our pictures of Portland properly. OR 3-5594 Evenings call: At Hoffman Iris Reiner! OR 3-5343 OR 3-4124 LACKEY REAL ESTATE An Exchange For Buyers & Sellers 243 ACRE RANCH, 21 Irrigated (more possible), good set outbuild - Ings, 3 bedroom home, river front age, full line equipment. $34,000. W down, $1500 yearly plus Interest. EX CHANGE Roseburg home. Whal have you? $11,450, $350 DOWN, Newlon Creek 3 bedroom, fireplace, dishwasher, pa tio, 2 car driveway, 450 gal oil tank. Nice. 377 ACRE RANCH, 84 flood and sprinkler Irrigated, 2 year around creeks and springs, dam, water right. 3 bedroom house, 50x60 barn, feed shed, weld shop, 50 ewes, complete line equipment. $45,000, 1-3 down, terms. EXCHANGE Roseburg home or 10' wide Irailer house. Let's go ranching. f 490 ACRE RANCH, $45,000, 29a down, $1500 yearly plus interest, near Rose burg, spring, 2 ponds, 4 room home, good set outbuildings, good fence. EXCHANGE home or business prop erty. 275 ACRE RANCH, 120 bottom land, 40 irrigated (most planted sub clover), River, creek and spring. 2 story home, stock and sheep barn, chicken house, 3 car garage, ma chine shed, full line equipment. $67, 500. EXCHANGE business property or home. 77S ACRE RANCH, natural pasture, large 2 bedroom home, new barn, lull and bench land, springs and ponds. Close in. EXCHANGE Income property or dwellings any area. $77, 500, $11,500 $7000 DOWN. $A5 mo. 840 sq. It. home. 3 lots (100x165 each), Page Road. Circulating fireplace, lovely yard and garden. Call lor (owing. 78.1 ACRE RANCH, 150 tillable, bal ance bill land, some limber. Good 3 bedroom home, new sheco shed. $47,750. $17,750 down, $iooo yearly plus 4 Inl. KEASEY ROAD (Hucrest). large 1 bedroom, lull basement, separate 2 bedroom garage apartment, double carport plus garage. Full basement, furnace Fruit and shade trees. $17, 500. 10 down. $XX. $300 DOWN, larga I bedroom. coe in. .75100 lot. carport, part redecorated. 4 ACRES WALNUTS. Sufherlin, small hnise, oood vveil, $4750, HOOO down. 20 ACRES. I Story 4 bdrm home. Garden Valley Horse barn, wood- ' srted and cnfeken house. $14,500. j CO-OP MEMBER t 368 SE Jackson OR 2-169 ' Del Nel50n i-mt Rene Peck 2-414 ; Bob Bwleen 7-33 Lots And Acreages 35 j ! THREE S75O0, iXW UJOO, termj i or cath discount. OR JJ117. LEVEL LOT. WetHide cltv water and sewer OR J-534 j LOTS 100 x 100'. In Greco, some on pave-j menl. Water In, sewer won. OR 3-1459. ! QltDE- 'iacr but tdtpg ' site onLltte 1 Ruer Road S2J50 cash. GY 4-JJ13 j TWO LOTS. '? rtocx north ofVortoomary Wardv on John St. Call OR 3-11K FOR SALE or fent I5 acev small N?ue ' and barn. vetroe OR h?th a'r ' 5 3 LARGE landscaped lot, equipped for 'trail' : horn, garage and ulltlty with washer "d dryer. $ mtn Muth of Roseburg Ceil , after S pm OR MM TROrtpr t-l Ira. r ""cholc tot at: Sutton Lai. ntt the coast imoroved, 1 eiet. in tr tri!tr let. il ler Or sell seosriTtiy. Lt&tor cash. OR -:).- ILots And Acreages 35 WINSTON 140 ft frontage on Main and Sher ry SI. $3500 cash, If sold this mo. OS 9-S773. ACREAGE Roseburg School Dlst. electric ity, phone available. OR 3-5913. Farms And Ranches 36 FOR LEASE 80 A, all or part. W-sprinkler frrig. can Oakland 36)3, write M. porsier, 714 N. 16th St., Phoenix 20, Ariz. Income Property 37 POOR HEALTH sell or trade 3 unit apt.. well located, cash or terms. OR 3-758B. SPECTACULAR FUTURE: Approx. 5 A., NW Roseburg, just at city limits, cozy, modern, low ceiling cottages. 3 BR, 1 BR. $4000 dn or trade for smaller clear home with $1200 cash. 1 BR brings $50 mo. Total price only $18,000. Balance $135 mo. FORS TER REALTY. Call Oakland 3613. Exchange Real Estate 38 TRADE Roseburg property for Seattle. Write snriner, 4030 wnnman Ave., ieanie. Timber And Sawmills 40 WANTED Douglas fir, cedar logs and cordwood in multiples of 8 ft. we load and haul If piled along accessible road. Keller Lumber Co. OR 2-1791. ATTENTION TIMBER owners and lodgers- Have late model D-e cat and unit Mo bile Loader. By hour or thousand. Ph. OS 9-8694. Building Materials 41 BOARDS SHIPLAP RUSTIC FENCING ALL GRADES, 2x4's end wider. Clean up loads at special prices. Custom cut tings direct from sawmill. PRICED FOR YOU Lumber Sales Co. Garden Valley near RR Tracks OR 3-7362 NOW Is The Time To Give Your Floor That "New Look" YOU can have New Pre-Finished FLOOR for only $34.20 (room size 12 X 12) 4X4 panels No underlayment required Nailed directly to subfloor Always opin I 111 12 Saturday. PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9-8781, Ext 70 Halfway Btw. Winston -Dillard REMODELING SALE J. W. Copeland Yards, Riddle Ore. SALE ENDS AUGUST 31 Inventory Must Be Reduced To Moke Room For Expansion. Come Early For First Choice! CASH & U - HAUL rLASTIC PIPE 75 Lb. Pressure i" I St per 100' 4 79 per IPO 1 7 7 per 100' IV 12. 99 per 100' V i" 17 59 per 100' 2 " 2 19 per 100' K1BKR CLASS INSI LATION 1 40 vy t"-i40' Ren 12 90 Vi-x 24--JIS Roll 7 V )'"16' .ie0' Ro'l 11.41 2 i"k 24-143' Roil 5 V 169 ALI'MINTM WINDOWS 3 0x20 4 0x16 5 0x26 4 0x40 5 0x40 6 0X40 I U 11 '0 13 19 SLIDING GLASS DOOHS 56' 5 WW 5 10X61 10 0 x 4 ALUSMUM SCREEN DOORS VI $9 KIBKR LASS O M '9 io n. Sr-' tt M It. Snf 7 11 S Colon to f-fe om COPELAND LUMBER Miles Off Freeway Riddle Oregon 874-2322 O 1 Gilding Materials 41 REJECT LUMBER U 50 per unit. C1D Lumber Co., Riddle, ore. TR 4-22BI. Vacation Homes "A" FRAME CABINS Complete struction partially complete con TO SUIT YOU Building, remodeling of all types Deady Lumber Co. 2 Mi. N. of Wilbur OR 3-7194 Fuel 43 ORY laurel wood, you haul. OR 2-3B0, O&C Fuel Co. Dry fireplace oak. and fir; also fir neater wood. OR 3.750s. 24" PLANER and mill ends. Call evenings, OR 2.2919 OAK WOOD, delivered or you haul. OR 3-3734 LARGER PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust - Blowe: or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1S24 WOOD PEELER CORE & HARDWOOD Red Diamond Fuel Co. Pond Lilies FREE SAWDUST 1767 N.E. Airport Road OR 3-5082 Wood - Sawdust Peeler Core Green Slab discontinued -August 31st Planer Ends Pond Lilies Dry Oak SUMMER RATES on sawdust for mulch ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FAHM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Frl. at 7 P.M. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munion, Owner and Auctioneer OR 35026 WE WILL HAVE No Auction Friday eve, Aug. 10 Open daily for sales and consignments Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munion, Owner & Auctioneer OR 3-5026 Sell Buy Rent Hire To Place Your Ad Dial OR 2-3321 TILE VINYL - ASBESTOS 9x9 Each .12' WALL BOARD & PANELING 4x8 V-Grooved Paneling as low as $3 t 3 60 x 4l 1 I Peg Board 7 99 3 M 4tI 3 I Part. Board 11 3 '9 4x1 S 8 Part Bord 3 19 1 65 4l 1 4 Stiff tree k 1 39 1 95 4il 3 ShMtrocfc I 2 35 4t 1 7 Sheetrock 2 09 HOYS EN PAINTS ODORLESS O R E E .M SbVI-GLOSS ENAMEL Quart $2 03 Gallon 6 44 BOYSEN KOROL1N HOUSE PAINT L inieed Oil bMe with water clean up. or 100 PURE HOUSE PAINT. Gallon S9 S-Gal tin 6.73 per gal. bovsen shake and rustic paint Gallon 15 33 S-Gal. tin 5.11 per gal. PORCH ND DECK ENAVEL or LATEX FLOOR PAINT Quart s; 03 Gal ton $6 63 QUALITY ROLLER SET Special t: 54 PLASOLUXER BRUSH SOK-tl I' 69 4 INCH WALL BRUSH O Sreoal 13 7 ltS4 Frlgidalrej automatic washer, $25. Call OR 2-Hll eves. KlRBY Upright Vacuum with attachments. sas. OK 4IV. FULL size bed, complete. $25. Tumbling mat.ylj. OR 3-l 51 etter P.M. ROYAL "Futura" typewriter with case, like new, tM. OR 2-4305 alter 4:00. PORTABLE typewriter in excel, cond. also 15 ft. chest freezer. OR 3-3'i- WESTINGHOUSF 21" TV, excellent una. $50. Call OR 3-4551. STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Call OS :U or OS f S67I or OS MW0 or OR 3-5959. TOP SOIL finest of loam soil, light and easy to handle. Charles Keeiy, OS f-iui. USED household furniture. Bargain prices. Earl smith Trailer Sales. OR 3-33. GEELECTRiCrange, $"lS. Call OR 2-2461 TD9 CAT; new 17 ft. Rogue river boat and trailer. Ben Huntley, Ph. 5W1. Myriie coini. ADMIRAL portable TV, new picture tube. tan after p.m. or j-jw ELECTRIC RANGE 140. Call OR 3-eOM 1950 OLDS engine transmission and rear end, $40. Call OR 3-BOIO. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payments. Horn's Apaiiance. or a-uie. CERAMIC lessons fret Wed Kilns for sale. Ceramic sup. Treve'a Ceramics. OS e-iiaj. USEOGuWbeugm, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE USED BATHTUBS and wash basins. SIS and 15. OR 2-4002. PORTABLE sewing machine with button Jwlemaxer. Perfect cond. $50. OR 2-4365. 11 FT. HOTPOINT refrlgerator-freeier, $125. Call OR 2-2243 FRIGIDAIRE double oven Flair range, like new. Phone OR2-3W. LADY KENMORE auto, portable dishwasher, like new, best offer takes, large square oak table, 3 leaves, OR 21347. - TWO SETS of wedding and engagement rings. One set with rubles and diamonds, one set with ust diamonds. Ca 1 1 OR 2-2222. TOP SOIL from new location. The best yod have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9-143. COMPLETE 1 Horse deep well let pump; Porter cable, 10 inch comb., radial arm Skilsaw. OR 2-4608- USED VACUUM CLEANER5, $10, $25, $35 and $45. 1332 N.E. Commercial Ave. Call O R 3-3591afterp.m. BUNK beds, sorlnos and mattresses, conven tional washer and treadle sewing machine. CAM OR 3-4042 ADMIRAL refrigerator, gas range, davenport and chair, 3 pc bedroom set, bed,-chest of drawers ana misc. items, dibi or i-stt. HAVE PURCHASED COLDSPOT, 30 cu. ft. upright freezer. Huve for sale 15 cu. fi. Frlgtdaireiprlght freezer. Excellent condi- tlon, $150. Phone O R 3-4907. SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, ruo shamDOoers, coffee urns, sew ing machines. SI per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE. OR 3-551 B. ONE MONROE calculator, 1 Simplex time clock and card rack. 200 Amp. CE shop welder, 1953 international 4 ton pickup, good condition. Phone 3236 Sutherlln. FIVE piece bedroom suite, dining .room table, with 5 chairs ana maioning out' fet; new foam rubber aueen size mat tress and box springs. Call OR 3-6376 or ORW4JJ. SUNDAYS ONLY MUMS, Clematis, Oleanders, Rhodies. 3000 canned shrubs. Pixi. Gardens. N. end Broad St.. N. W. of Airport. OR 34113. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC SMALL Coronado reler 45 LATE model Westlnahouse washer-dryer pair J275 WESTINGHOUSE r.nge, very good ... to All used appliances sold at Trowbrldgt Electric BACKED by the SERVICE DEPT 721 S. E. Oak Ave. OR 3-5521 RETREAD SPECIAL Any size passenger car tire. ONLY $11.87 plus tax. A&R TIRE CO. 2555 NE Diamond Lake Blvd PHONE OR 3-4421 FREEZER SUPPLIES Quick frozen to lock In the fresh flavor Save o.i 20 lb bags of fruits and vegetables GOVERNMENT GRADED Good or choice steer beef. Bring us your cutting and wrap ping work., Curing and smoking. WINSTON FOOD LOCKERS WINSTON, ORE OS 9-5133 WHY TRADE OFF Your not too old washei er dryer? Have it rebuilt cleaned and painted to like new condition. Parts and material guaranteed. Plus U-Save stamps BERGH'S APPLIANCE South city limits OR 2-1661 8 FT. refrigerated beverage case, excellent condition, $375. Bill Miller Implement 2660 N. E. Stephens OR 2-3671 New And Used Appliances And Furniture RAINBOW TRAILER SALES OR 3-7272 Old Highway 99, Winchester USED APPLIANCES I960 LADY KENMORE Com bination. Blue book value. $187. Our price with 90 day guarantee is only S150.00 CORONODO 15 cu. ft. chest freezer. Guaranteed ok. 120 we haul. U-haul $115 NORGE AFT. size refer with freezer across the top $80.00 REPO. RCA Victor Radio, TV and Stereo record player. Reg. $695 $595.00 HOTPOINT 2 door refer freez er combination. Sold for $500 new. See it to appreciate $130 OPEN Till 9 Mon. thru Fri. Open 7 Days A Week SOUTH STEPHENS HARDWARE & APPLIANCE 1212 SE Stephens. OR 2-3751 WANT ADS Are For Everybody Miscellaneous FRYPAN OWNERS Here's a HOT deal for a COLD trypan. We will factory calibrate and operational chek your Sunbeam trypan. THIS WEEK ONLY. FOR ONLY $2.95 ROGER'S RADIO & ELECTRIC 922 S.E. Cass n OR 3-4278 ATTENTION Now open for business. Vent's Second Hand Store, 4625 N.6. vepnens wmcrw. ter way. I a.m. 7 p.m. Sun. 12 a p m. MANURE $1 PICKUP LOAD Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur. Oregon Moving Must Sell Private collection Antiques, dishes, fllast ware, hanging table and miniature lamps, picture frames, buttons, rosewood squar grand piano, zither, marbletop furniture, guns, swords, bottles, music box, silver, sea shell collection, cabinets, books old and new. Also Bend Ix duomatic wisher-dryer, 5 pc silver tea service, saxopnone, 12 ga. trap gun, aquariums and equipment, misc. house hold articles. 137 SE Blakely Ave. Ph. OK 2-4724. REFRIGERATORS WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator Was $119.95 Now $89. 9 J NORGE refrigerator Was $89.95 Now $59.91 LARGE Frigidaire refer. Was $89.95 Now $69.95 GENERAL ELECTRIC refrig erator. . Large size. Very clean. Was $119.95 , Now $99.91 M. W. refer. Very good Was $89.95 Now $69.95 LARGE G.E. refer. Very good Was $119.95 Now $99.95 PHILCO refrigerator Was $69.95 Now $59.95 BIG reduction on all HOOVER model 86 cannister cleaners com-, plete with cleaning tools . . . SPE CIAL $44.95. Where Most People Trade For Quality and Service. Umpqua Valley Hardware 648 SE Rose OR 2-1616 CARTER APPLIANCE Kitchen Modernization SPECIAL GE Deluxe Kitchen GE Full Size Oven GE Hi Speed Cook Top (with infinite heat switch or push button) GE Matching Ventila tion Hood Your Choice of Colors Free Service Warranty $199 100 Financing Available on all Kitchen Modernizations CARTER TIRE CO. IK SE St.phim OR M391 WARD'S USED APPLIANCES LEONARD refer $49 MW 18 ft. chest freezer $85 PHILCO console 23 in. TV $55 WHIRLPOOL gas dryer. Lik new. $49 NORGE 40 In. electric range .. $65 MONTGOMERY WARD automatic washer $35 WESTINGHOUSE automatic wash er $35 KELVINATOR a door refer $59 GE refrigerator $49 WESTINGHOUSE Laundramat. (pink) : $33 GAS range $10 REPO Montgomery Ward 40 In. electric range $199 ZENITH 21 in. labia modal TV with stand $71 Stretch Your Budget With A Good Used Appliance From Montgomery Ward's . OR 2-4811 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WILW Iter, your organ or elm lo my homt. No chlldrM. OR 3-4171. WANTEb " uirtfurnTrur,ndmtir Rom burg Furniturt, 343 SE Jaricion, OR 9-5104. WANTED ANTIQUE colni, 91ml, ehln, glmwtrt. Iiwtlry, clocks. Prlscilla'l An- tlquM 34T SE Jackton. OR 3-1431. For Sale 45 O O