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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1962)
Parents Should Establish Good Help Children Study Habits B..L Cit I iiiutt DUMA JIUI 19 bvn-vusi Student Loon Program .LEGAL over the actual NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tta Friday, the 24th day of August. 1962 at the hour ol - PORTLAND (TPl) A Jow COst O'clock, in the lorenoon ot said day, at: i f ,,,inlc h the County Courthouse at Roseburg, Oregon I loan program lor Mudents has. arvd Cfjr,roorn A , bt tula as me been announced here by . lVO! tmw end place lor hearing obleclions, if any. assignments., sion of methods. It is also possi-: banks. i 8 Z 'oZJTSZ TZTTSSS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Thuri., Aug. 9, 1962 The News-Review, Re-ieburg, Or. 13 Help Wanted Men 15 Apartments For Rent 26 By DAVIO NYDICK UKI Education Specialist lheir responsibility can be called. Die that through discussion '.he haipn J. os.s 01 me nri "a-,, Douglas County, and tor in satiiement It's time now to make some ! supplementary. Teachers desire i child will be reminded of Ihellional Bank and t. J. ioiur 01 tnereor resolutions for the coininu school I parental cooperation but they do classroom instruction. In any I the U.S. National Bank revealed year. One should be able to help guide your child with homework, but don't do it for him. Remember your school days and the last-minute rush studying for exams? Obviously, you real ize how wrong that was. You can help your child to avoid develop ing similar patterns. Home assignments are an integ ral part of the education process. They fall into different categories. Some assignments are for prac tice while others are creative and require research, critical think ing, and the growth of ideas. There are, also, basic assign ments which may be preparatory as background for. a future les son.. Parents rarely have control MAXINE REVELL. Executrix of Irte Estate of not want responsibility taken lease, help should be aimed at tin-, the plan. j karl oscar revell. deceased. away from the student. demanding - how to solve the s They said the plan was worked -oFsoposfo ",0NB CHSN0B The concept of learning through , problem rather than a memori- ,out w'th United Student Aid NOTiCe is hereby given mat won discovery is basic to parental ! ration of steps. The teacher is Funds, Inc., a subsidized non- davtiw fa help. Do not specifically correct pleased to give further explana- j profit foundation. ln lne Cm'cll cnamber 01 tne city oi an arithmetic problem. Do dis- tion to an interested student audi Tne loans tt'oul(l 8" 10 . needy ROseourg. Oregon, at wnicn time obiections cuss the method for solving the problem and suggest revalua tion. You can help a student learn by asking searching ques tions which will help him to think. Practice type assignments re quire only limited assistance. The concepts have been taught in the classroom. The child should be encouraged to seek assistance when it is introduced by the teacher. In such cases, the par ent can help by following pro cedures indicated in the student's textbook. This will avoid confii- Glendale Resident Uses Boat For Charter Service On Coast By MRS. GERALD B. FOX Mr. and Mrs. Del McDiarmid. and sons of Glendale returned home ' Monday after spending three weeks at Winchester Bay ( where McDiarmid, used hfs 23-foot Chris-' Craft boat for charter fishing ex peditions, Tlie boat, christened the "Biggy-ButchV - for,, the , two! Mc T)iarmid sons (and. the fourth-boat to bear that name) was new this spring. . This week, . McDiarmid's brother; Darl McDiarmid' af Klam ath Falls, is operating the boat in charter"- service. Resident Convalesces Mrs.. Bill Nensteil,. who under went surgery at Josephine General Hospital early last month, is re ported to be making a good recov ery at home. One of her grand daughter Elandr Wilson of Port land) visited the Nensteils Sunday. Out-Of Staters Visit Friends In fiddle -v. By ERMA BEST A recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Halter in Rid dle was the- former's father, L. M. Halter qf Deadwood, S.D., who had been visiting a daughter in Peublo, Colo.t prior to. his arrival Here. , . He planned to visit his brother in Great Falls, Mont., before re turning home. Other recent guests were Mrs. Halter's brother, Otto Hamah, and Mrs. Hainan and their son, Tone, the gutter accompanied by a friend, Bill Cross. They are from Salt Lake City and had vis ited a brother lii Tacoma, Wash., and attended the World's Fair in Seattle before coming here. The ' Halters took their guests to Crater Lake during their visit.-They left for Napa Calif., to visit another Haman brother- : before-, returning home. Tour Members Visit Mr. and Mrs. George Henry had as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. Allen Krum, friends from Slating ton, Pa., where the two men for merly worked together. The Krums were members of a group of 40 on a 25-day western tour by bus. They has visited points of- interest from Chicago to the World's Fair, Se attle, and were en route to Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry drove -to Portland to bring their friends to Riddle for a visit, then .'"ok them to Grants Pass to ro ioin the tour. Also recent guests at the Henry home-were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Merrill of Portland. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carter were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lopcr and daughter of Corvallis. parent. ln this type of assignment a stu dent needs encouragement and developed over a period of time. motivation. You should help the child plan his own approach. The problem should challenge the thinking processes, but it should not be so difficult that frustra tion will result in discouragement, aimed at developing background and curiosity. Generally, help should be of a superficial nature in that a full understanding will be developed in the classroom. In regard to all assignments, make available the tools and at mosphere conducive to good study habits. Take an example from your local library. Prepare a qu.ei spot wun -writing area, The sales ,ota, for a of Oregon -f T'"" " ", u .f'X' Hast month was S2.702.30G. he said. Sales through July 31 oi mis cliirl.mtc u-hn h.ivn snllsfnelOl'V i will be heard, II any there art. to the records. No collateral would he lZST ,; iiiTiwcoS. needed, me money woiuu ue re payable in 36 monthly install ments starting five months after graduation, at six per cent simplo interest. M. L. Waldcn, president of the Oregon Bankers Association, said other banks are being invited to participate. Bond Sales Drop U.S. Savings Bond sales for the county for the month of July this vear were $63,616 down from $73. 031 from the same month last year, according to L. J. Fullerton, Douglas County savings bond chair man Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson were hosts last weekend to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hicks and-son, Tony, of Sixes, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson. and their daughter, Gail of Port Orford. Both families were in Glendale to attend the wedding of Miss Sally Jo Thompson, niece of Mrs. Hicks and Thompson.. Her cousins were members of the wed ding parly, Tony as an usher and Gail as' a candlelighter: Sally Buchanan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buchanan, who is sUying at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Otto Wirth of Medford and working at the 4-Minute Car Wash until school starts, visited her fam ily in Azalea last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts en joyed a weekend visit from the lattcr's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rayner and children of Vancouver, Wash. Business Trip Made lighting. The student should plan a sufficient period of time. Re search books are convenient to have at home, but they arc al ways available in the library. In total parents can help most effectively by guiding rather than doing. Supply the proper tools and atmosphere. - Keep responsi bility with the student and main- mercial III. The area to be reioned being a portion of the James and Strllike property on Wi'sl Harvard Orive, Tax Lot No. 571IM. and lying edlacent to the north line thereof, more particularly described as lollows tv wll: Beginning at a point on the North line ol the existing Business Zone III on the East line of the above described property, said polnl also being South 12.5 leel from the Southeast comer of Lot P Monte Vista Addition tj the City of Roseburr,, Douglas County, Oregon; Thence Westerly U3.5 feet more or less fo the West line ft said property; Thence North along said West line ?2.J feet to the South Line of the Monte Vista Ptal; Thence tail along said South Line of said Ptal to the South, east corner thereof; Thence South 17.5 feet mora or less to. the placa ol be ginning. Daled and first published this 26th day of July, lilt. FRANCES JELLISON City Recorder Roseburg, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES la Orefsa - 8 Mill - eat ssiata, II.!!; Im Malls. 5I.SI; 111 eaeatas. 11 M; III ItJI, SHU. Outsisa it Oreiia It Ml'-l - III ninth SI. 15; Una Heaths. IS.lSi lu til, SK'.sg- aaa int. Cirrm ml fiseeuff a. o. fliui -One ninth, SI. 75; lii ninths, Slg.Sli III list. SHOO fll Sink! ClM 10;. -Mail mill Apple Oats'll Cill Hauls Mill Sulicriiliin Mall ll Ilia la aitlnci WANTEO AT ONCE: Ambttlou! perlon will, car lo suoolv Rawleioh Prsducts to con sumer! In Roseburg. Opportunity 10 git Into furnished I bedroom apt. garag, own permanent business without previous j electricity paid. Easlslde. GY ra-; O. Bowles. OS M43? or Mrilt Rawleigh, 304 Adeline, Oakland. Calif. ; jTvenileounsei.or INSTITUTION and field supervision and rehabilitation of minors Involving counseling, guidance and social tou : cation. Must have MSW or have l graduated from college with malar in sociology, psychology, guidance or counseling and have at least two years experience in luvenlle social work. Salary range: MO 575. ! Apply: Oregon Civil Service Commis sion, Public service Building, Salem. Help Wanted Women 16 PAPER DELIVERY If your paper is not delivered Coll OR 2-3321 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM EXPERIENCED Betulv Ootritor. Phone day I OR J-4SS2." EvtS. OR 1-3.40 WANTED " a middle a'gad" woman to ill with elderly lady from 5 p.m. to 1:30 1' p.m. No oxtra work. Phono OR J''3 QUALIFIED Ex-stenos and secretaries wish Ing part tlmo work evenings, early morn ing $ and weekends. And willing to be gen erally helpful In home and oltlc. Write personal fact, and experience to News Review Box 491. LARGE clean 3 room and bath apt. U9. 1547 SE Pin. water. t-334. THREE ROOM" furnished apt, with bath. Adults only. No pets! 1453 SE Mill SI. ONE BEDROOM lurnlifed apt. 3 mi lei NO. of town. OR 3-43)1. evei 3-4741. ATTRACTIVE redecorated f BR "apts. Elect. heat, all uflt turn. Priced from US to MO. JI17 W. Harvard. OR M46T UNFURNISHED' f 3R duplex apt., electric heat, carport. Adults only, no pets. lOlf S. E. Roberts. AT T R ACT IV E 1 br furnapt. 1 blk Ironi P.O. Heat, garb, water, Idry fac. i turn. OR 3-3597 alter 5:30 or Saturday. furnished" ' TWO ROOM APARTMENT Near the hospital. S40 month, Including sowar, water, garbage service. Roseburg Realty Umpqua Hotel OR 2-3344 Work Wanted 17 year ago. LEGAL CALL FOR BIDS FOR DRILLING WELL Sealed bids will be received by the Common ,.,,l, I r ..;.!.. i Council of the City ot Winston, uregon, up .mil. uic pun-nidi iuiv vi iiuuutu. i t0 7:3o o'clock p.m.. Pacific standard I ime. The most effective learning is ; on Monday, me Mm day oi Auaust, in achieved - b-, self "discovery of ; 'o.tcVsed' TmTtMS. Knowledge ami concepts..- ; Mrs. Elrna Archambeaii, Miss Florence Johnson,- and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson, all of Glendale, were in Medford on business Mon day. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson includ ed Mr. and Mrs. John Schilling and daughter, Joan, of Portland and her sister, Mrs. Charles Schil ling of Aloha. , PORTLAND (UPI) Mr. and Mrs. Kay Buchanan otjrnarkot: Portland Markets WEDNESbAY PRICES inn lilt. . Bids may be lor-either a a-lnch or S-lnch well with casing and bids may also be re ceived In the alternative, each bid must specify the per-foot cost for said drilling. The well is lo be drilled to a depth where sufficient water Is obtained for city purposes k..t u.t in avaiaH inn (Pl Additional; Information can be received ; pavea ouraoar leacning areas are to am , from the undersigned. an alternate. TkA rttu f lAinttrtn" r.rwf& the riant to All classi'icatlons will be covered under the run.wslMU IUI-1) - U a I r y . . jcl any . , VS -r" ,ed',0Th, b Oder, Preouallllc marKCI : m? I Hon reoulrements of Sections J9.010 10 JIl.Ma PflRTT ATr IHPn V,rc ini H J KLEVE (inclusive, Oregon Revised Statutes, which 1 UK 1 LiAINLI 1 Ul liggS 10 M. J. m,l h. filer! wllh Ih. Clerk 10 days belore ' tuin.,nn n,uM dale for ooenlna of bids and for which forms ' ' may be obtained at Ihe office of the Archl- NOTICE OF PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE . tect. producers f.o.b. at ranch: AA extra large 34-37M:c; AA large 30 35'jc; A large 28-32c; AA me dium 22-27'jc; AA small 1518c. Eggs To retailers: AA extra large, 43-49c; A A large 40-45c; A large 39-42e; AA medium 34-38c; AA small 24 - 30c; cartons l-3c higher. Butter To retailers:, AA and, A prints G7c; cartons lc higher; B prints 66c. Cheese (medium cured) To retailers: 47 - 48'jc; processed American 5-10 lb loaf, 45-46Vic. Potato hies. 276 W. Broadway. Eugene. Oregon. Diamond 5-3.42. CALL FOR BIDS ! Pu.nnole 7 .. . . s ciauuaia ...... i , sea ed mas in duplicate tor me cunsirucnun Vear were MJS.'Jba, as C011ip.ucu iu,0( Jn ,aail, , he sulherlln Junior High S545 755 for the same period a ! school, Sulherlln. Oregon lor School District DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholic! An. - ' I n r .m,u uiiii k. rv.lun, hu I aivnvujt Or 3-6629 Mr. A. L. Loerls, District Clerk, at the i vouNG WOMEN of any faith needing con- West- Elementary Grade School, Sulherlln, i tidentlal advice may contact Catholic Char- Oregon unlit 6:00 o'clock P.M., pacltlc stand ard Time, August 7i, iva The plans, speculations and other contract documenls may be examined and copies thereof may be obtained at the olflec of Payne and Struble, A. I. A., Architects, 10O5 East Main Slreel, Medlord. Oregon and from the Office of the District Clerk at th. West Elementary School, Sulherlln, Oregon. A deposit of S2S.0O per set of drawings and specifications will be required. Any bidder upon reluming his set promptly will be re. funded his deposit and any non-bidder upon returning his set win be relunded one-half ot his deposit. This prolect Involves the construction of a block masonry and Irame structure of ap proximately 1600 square leet plus 1600 square feet of covered walk In Ihe base bid. Two Azalea have received word that their son, S-4 Cl Terry Buchanan is back at the Yuma Test hlation for temporary duty. WJMSyi and Ml-s.ayne Lewallch nt-p 'nninvinf? -ia J;stsit from their daughter, Mrs.1 DwightjBushby and children, Chris and Marsha of La fayette, Calif. Busby accompan ied them to Glendale Friday night, then returned to California on Sun day. The others are remaining through this week. Other guests at the Lewallen home Tuesday were their daugh ters Mrs. Grace Muse of Medford, and Mrs. Jess Frausto and her two sons of Grants Pass, and three of the Lewallen grandchildren, Connie,- Ccna, and Mark Hills, all of Ashland. Tool Thefr Reported Oregon Russet bakers 5 - 5.25: Long Whites 2.90-3; Calif. Round Reds 501b sacks size A & B 1.50 1.75; Long Whiles 3.80-4.25, few best 4.50; l)akara 4 - 4:75; Wash. Round Reds 2.75-3; Russet 3.15 3.40; Longi' Whitoi 2.75-3;: bakers 3.25-3.50. " : ., ; PORTLAND (UPI) Dressed chickens No 1 grade dressed to 32-39C lb; .cut-up, 38-42C lb; hens light type, whole drawn, 19 29c lb; light type hens, cut-up 21-34c lb; heavy whole 36 39c lb. - PORTLAND (UPI) (USDA) -Livestock: Cattle 300; individual steers standard 1045 lb at 20; cows can- ncr-culter 10-14; bulls few utility around 900-1200 lb 17-19. Calves 75; good-choice vcalcrs 24- 27; good - choice feeder calves 25- 27; small lot good 470 lb heif ers 21. Hogs 200; Tew small lots 1 to 3 grade 200-223 lb butchers 20.50 21.25; 1 and 2 sows 280-340 lb 1617. NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN that Mon. day, the ' 13lh day of August, 1962; at B:C0 o'clock p.m., a public hearing will be held in lne Louncu -i-namDer oi me -"r u, Roseburg, Oregon al which lime objections will be heard. If- any there are, to the proposed lone change ot. Ihe following de scribed property from Residential II to Res idential I. All of the following described area which is Class II Residential as of July, 1962, to.wll: All of that area bounded un the east by the west line of Ncbo Vista Homes as platted and filed In Ihe olfice ol the County Clerk, Douglas County, Oregon, on Ihe north by W. Harvard Avenue and on Ihe west and south by the pres ent Clly Limits. Daled and first published this 26th day of July, 1962. City Recorder Roseburg, 0r-?2an IN DEBT? DONT let bills cost your o&, your credit, everything you IP you are In debt bevond your ability to pay and sincerely want to get out of debt, see BUDGET Con sultants and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place lo pay all bills, at s pay ment you can afford. No security, no co-signers. ' NOT A LOAN CO.MPANY . Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg, Oregon Ph. OR 2-3591 433 SE Main St, 10 AUTO REPAIR, you furnish parts, quick service. Cad OR 2-11Q. BOOKKEEPING Mature woman capable ol takingjull charge. Local relOR3-SC02. PAINTING, WALL WASHING. Reasonable ratt-fc Phone OR 3-4613. BABY SITTING IN MY HOME, Rose School area. Weekdays. Ret. Req. OR 3tS364. CARPENTER" "and CABINET work by the hour. OS e-3413. SEWING. Druses, shirts, specializing In children's uome. reaionaoie. u f-utr. SPRAY AND BRUSH PAINTING Quality work,free estimates- or 3-uio. "SEWING AND ALTERATIONS OR 2-3125 ENHANCE VALUE, beautify with paint and wallpaper. Reasonable rates, tan jo ana Les OR 3-779. Where To Go CALL FOR BIDS COD CONSTRUCTION OF CITY HALL Sealed bids will be received by the Com mon Council of the ; City, of, Winston, Oregon, up to '7:30 ,oclockj p.m.. Pacific Standard Time, on Monday, the 30th day of August, 1962, In the city offices of Winston, Oregon, lor the construclion of a city halt. This contract is- to cover the construction of a one-story -building to be occupied and used as a cily hall. One ;et of drawings, spec ifications and forms of contract documenls may be obtained by bidders only from Bear, McNeil, Schneider, Bloodworth 8. Hawes, Architects, 5502 N. E. Gllsan Street, Porl land, 13, Orcqon, or office of Winston City Recorder, uoon a deposit of 535.00. The deposit made upon the procurement of drawlnqs, specifications and lorms of con tract documents will be refunded to actual bidders upon the return thereof in good con dition within Iwo weeks after the ooenlng of bids, but to non-bidders only If returned no later than two weeks prior to the bid opening. Additional prints may be purchased tar the cost of reproduction. All bidders must comply with Chapter 279, Orcqon Revised Statutes, relating to the qual ification of bidders. No bid will be considered unless fully completed In the manner provided in the "Instructions to Bidders' upon the Bid form provided by the Architects, and accompan ied by a certified check or a Bid Bond exe cuted ln favor of the City of Winston, Ore gon, In an amount not less than ten per cent of the total amount ol the bid, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into A base bid and one alternate are required. All proposals must be accompanied bv a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond made payable to School District 130-C In an amount of not less than 5 of the bid. The ' successful bidder will be required; to furnish a lalthlul performance bond In 'full amount of the contract price In accordance with Oreoon Revised Statute 279.510. The successful bidder shall carry Workmen's Compensation Insurance protecting his em ployees, and will be required to carry hudiic Liability insurance covering nimseii, nis em piovees, also school District 130-c, its diii- cersi agents and employees to the minimum amount of 150,000. for Injuries to one person and 4100,000 minimum for one accident.. He shall carry property damage Insurance In a minimum amount of $50,000. with a broad contractor's form ot enforcement at tached, protecting himself, his employees. School District 130-C, Its officers, agents and employees. All such Insurance policies ihall have endorsements thereon' requiring notice lo School District 130-C of at least 10 days prior to cancellation of any such Insurance, Me shall file with the Board ot uireciont ot the School District evidence that all such insurance is boinq carried prior to tne com mencement of anv work. 1 The Board ol Directors of School District 130-C, reservos the right fo reject any or all bids and to waive any Informalities. . BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS DOUGLAS COUNTY SCHOOL DIS t. TRICT - 130-C ' ' , )'' ;i'- -v-w 'SUTHERLIN, OREGON ' ' r. A. L. Loerts, District Clerk Published: August 2, 1962 August 9, 1962 Albert Fl Hammond, 3310 W. Sharp Ave., reported to the sher iff's office the theft of a complete set of mechanics tools from a shed at hie rnc.rl.-ini- a nvpr thf wppkfnrl Hammond is head mechanic at!' SP""8 ? "f"1" '" ""I m h! re ec. .', V .?, bi.'" " UIIU IUI gUUU-IIIUJUJ 1,1,1,.., shorn No 2 pelt 18.50; feeder lambs choice-fancy 70 100 lb 14- 15.50. Riverside Motors. The tools arc valued at S800 to $1,000. Officers arc investigating. rontrnct and nrovlde suitable Bond for the CUnnA finn. V,nin.r,l-,,1,0 Crfl.l9ll! ' .. h..-"" " JJ oiii-cp uuu, muv i,,,,,, --"ieven! the contract is awaroea 10 mm. i cnrinr Klnui'mer lamDs zu-zi:i ihe ciiy one 101 gouii-liiusuy i-HuiL-i; iu Jnd- , wislM(1 , jn,, day ol It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! Pleose publish the following classified od for days Enclosed $ . CASH RATES Be sure to enclose payment. uine . 3 Days 6 Days ' 30 Do. 2 $1 75 $2 50 S 5 50 3 2 50 3 50 7 50 3 25 50 9.50 5 t.00 5 50 1150 6 75 6 50 13 50 Above rates subject lo 50c service chcrge for credit Count 5 words per line. Be sure to count the address andor telephone number, ciosiificotion WRITE YOUR AD BELOW NAME ADDRESS Mail Your Classified Ad With Payment To The Classified Advertising Deportment The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon . . News-Review Classified Want Ads ' AARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Read For Pre fit Use for Results! r, Annn.t. . H. J. KLEVE City Recorder , Winston. Oregon - - TIMBER FOR SALE TIMBER FOR SALE. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. ORAL AUCTION BIDS will be received by the Dis trict Manager, Bureau of Land Management, 375 I'ark Avenue, Coos Bay, O-egon at 10:30 .m PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, on Friday, August 17, 1962, for all limber marked or designated for cutting. Before bids arc submitted, full information concerning the limber, the conditions of sale and submission of bids should be ob tained from the above District Manager. The right is hereby re served to waive technical defects in this advertisement and to reject any or all bids. The United Stoles reserves the right to waive any in formality in bids received when ever such waiver is in the inter est of the United States. DOUC LAS COUNTY, OREGON: O&C AND I'D: ORAL AUCTION: All timber designated for cutting on Uits 15 and 16 (S'nNE'a), SE',4 Section 8: Lots 11. 12. 13 and 14 (NW', SWW. SSEV. Section 8; SVV's Section 1(1, T. 21 S It. 9 V, W.M., estimated for the .purpose of this sale to he M03 M bil. ft. Doug las fir. (104 M bd. ft. Hemlock and 20 M bd. fl. Western redcedar. No bid for less than $19 90 p-r M bd. fl. for Hie Douglas fir; $.1.70 per M bd. fl. for the Hemlock and $:. 30 per M bd. fl. for the Western redcedar or a total purchase price of S1W3.910.5O will be considered. Access to the sale area is avail able via (1) Ihe Vincent Creek Road and Ihe Smith River - Sins- law River Federal Access System under the jurisdiction ot the BLM, .occ; 2l the Wells Creek - Vin cent Creek Road System lo Slate Highway No. 38 under Hisht-of-Way Agreement C 320 with Alernalinn al I'aper Company, road use fee S0 20 M. Minimum deposit with bid, $10,700 00. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL OR 2-3321 CASH RATES Advertising For Business Within Roseburf tndl Area Cord ol Thonks $1.50 I -Day rate 2 lines 1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines 1.75 6-Day role 2 lines .. P..50 30-Dov rote 2 lines 5 50 I -Day role 3 lines 1.50 3-Day rate 3 lines 2.50 6-Day rale 3 lines . 3.50 30 Day rate 3 lines 7.50 CREDIT Above titei subject to SO cents service entree for credit , DEADLINES Private Party Advertisin, ? P M. Day Prior to Publication, the llews-Revirw reserves the rfht lo clsssily, edit ot reject an, Classified Ad Cop, ADJUSTMENTS If' your adreitisemen! apeati incorrectly, notify us immediately. We vnll not be responsible lor more- than one Incorrect insertion Such reioonsibilitv Is limited 10 I cortect insertion ol idvertnement. itunll Will Nit ll Hill Mill tbu N Dili COMPLETE Picnic Lunches To Go . Plates - Spoons Forks - Knives Napkins - Cups And Food of course. ' Featuring Broiled Chicken ' from '' ' THE BROILER 719 SE Cass. OR 3-3445 TODD APARTMENTS 3-3 bdrm. apt., furnished or onfurn. Waler nd garb. terv. provided also heat In bwT. Ranti from US up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Aott. oas eoulpped OR 3-513 Winchester CI. Hot water heat OR 3-746 VI it a Homes Hot water neat or z-43bi Wettvui CI. Washer-dryer OR Mi4 Oakhlil Apts. Radiant Heat OR 3-4340 Kohlhagen Apts. Modern, reasonable rent Jackson SI. at tana Ave. ADULTS OR 31244 "AGood tac9 Ltva"- SOUTHGATE AREA TWO 1 bedroom apts. Water and garbage service pat i. Laundry facili ties. Lovely surroundings, private and quiet. Adults only. Sorry, no pels. Set or call at , Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 mi. S. Hwy. 99 OR 2-1438 CLEAN LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and steep ing rooms. Call OR 2-1581. MATURE LADY wishes work In mothirlss home live in. References. box 494 NewsRevlew. "riViTi'-rrK n a l il j uyAni wain i cu tvAiNn vvwimn in a j d j 25 Yaan experience In Ranch management i OQITi ADQ DOarU Phone OR 2-3044, H. O. LUCKIt, KI. t, Bex 584 A, Roseburg, Oregon. Rooms For Rent 27 28 Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call OR 3-4177 DIVING SCHOOL By National Certified Underwater Instructor. Next class starts Sept. Sth. Inlormallort contact RoselmrR Skin Diver's Supply 3,0 N. E. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-4111 Loans And Finance 21 ROOM AND BOARD 1M4 SE Pine. OR 3-70 Houies For Rent 29 WANTEO discounted contracts, also tquilita. Phont OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091. 17,750 CONTRACT of sale, 6 tnteret, S6000. Roil able buyer, wrut ru box u, Sacramento 10, Calif. REAL"ESTATE "LOANS to $3500, also "itvA mortaaacs. Automobile, lurniturt and sig nature loans. Laurentlde Industrial Finnnca Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fl- nanct corp. via 5b uax. m jHm. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to 11500 On motor vehicles and lurniturt 739 SE Washington OR 3-5381 Notices 11 I WILL NOT be responsible for debts other than mv own. Martin a. Bauer. Lost & Found 12 LOST 2 RHS class rings, man's '60, lady's '62. Generous rewaro. uk j-jao. FOUND Collie pup. Write Alicia Lamb, P. O. Box 200, wmsion. LOST 2 Suitcases, between Reedsporl and Roseburfl. Children's domes. Kewaro. -an OR 3-8057, or OR 3-3534. THREE LAMBS strayed here, owner please claim, pay ad ond garoen oamogo. usviq Slrlbllng, Plat I Road, Sulherlln. Call 2503. Help Wanted 14 CLAIMS representative. Farmers Insurance Group. ULD or college Degree requircu. Contact, C. L. Thompson, 1603 SE SJepheni. WANTED experienced pear pickers, men or women, picking 10 siarr arouno ugu, . F. G. Ewens.PhoneOR 3-7MI. uauTrh rh.rt-nlckers. Reolster now. CUII Hess. OR 3-I4IS. Rl. 3 Box 111. Field on Cleveland Rapids Rd. DINNER COOK, fry cook, top-flight wait ress. Island cale, apply UK a 10 I P.M. CLASSIFIED INDEX APARTMENTS FOR RENT 31 AUCTIONS 'I AUTO INSURANCE 79 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED io AUTOS FOR SALE II AUTO TRUCK PARTS 7! AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 3d BOATS AND MOTORS ii BUILDING MATERIALS ,1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .... 33 BUSINESS PERSONALS CARDS OF THANKS S COMMERCIAL RENTALS 3, EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 31 FARM EQUIPMENT 70 FARMS AND RANCHES 31 FLORISTS 4 FOOD AND PRODUCE S7 FUEL 4J HAY AND GRAIN II HEAVY EQUIPMENT 7! HELP WANTED t4 HELP WANTE.D MEN IS HELP WANTED WOMEN U HOUSES FOR RENT 3? HUNTER'S ATTENTION INCOME PROPERTY 37 INSTRUCTION I LIVESTOCK 63 LOANS AND rINANCE 71 LOGGING EQUIPMENT 7 LOST AND FOUND 13 LOIS AND ACREAGES ... 35 ISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ... 4S MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS ... 33 MISCELLANEOUS WANTEO .... 46 MOBILE HOME PARKS 31 MOBILE HOMES ... 33 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT ... JO MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SO NOTICES 'I OFFICE EQUIP7AENT SI PFRSONALS .... 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES ... 67 POULTRY AND RABBITS 61 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM AND BOARD ! ROOMS FOR RENT 77 SEtDS-NURSFRY STOCK SI SFYING MACHINES . S3 SPORTING GOODS .0.. S3 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 41 TRUCKS FOR SALE 76 WANTED TO RENT 7S WHFPE TO GO IO WORK WANTED II Help Wanted Men 15 ic vnn r j.rnina leu than SI 15 oar week you ere In the wrong business. For personal Interview phone OR 2-1391 between 7 and 9 p.m. -.. $10,000 . Maximum Insurance For each depositor : ; by the , -' 'FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORAXION When you bank at DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK 6fi2 SE Jackson OR 3-5571 Business Opportunities 22 EXTRA NICE ranch type 2 bdrm unfurn duplex. Carport, lawn. $80. OR 36932. ONE bedroom furnished cottage, close In. $40. Adults only.1333 SE Cobb. THREE "bedroom older house, acreage, $65 mo. Call OR 3-5620. FUWlSHED "cabin. Weekly rates. 4620 N.E. Stephens. Pacific MotoL CLEAN 4 room turnlsh-J cottage. OR 24270 or 1263 SE Stephens. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom house, on San- lord St. $40 mo. Call QP WiMO. TWO BEDROOM house, garage. No pels. References, ok ONE BEDROOM UNFURN. house, newly decoraled. 855 mo. OR 3-4966. ONE TO FOUR Bdrrn homes tor familial or single orderly. OP 36548. PURNISHEO CABIN, Wilbur. $35 mo. Pen'. slontra preferred. OR3-883S or OR 3-4953. FURNI5HED 1 bedroom house, near Sattway Drive In, $45 mo. Phone OR 3-3574. CLEAN, modern unfurnished ont bedroom house. OR 3-4897. SMALL modern'Kouse and barn, oh acreage, near Sulherlln. $50. Call Suth. 2140. ONE BR house, stove, refrigerator furnished. Weitslde across- from MarK's. or a-Aiii. H "CANYONVILLE 2 BR furn. house, S6 mo. OR pnriiy turn. rn; wv-wi UNFURNISHED 2 BR large home, electric heat and fireplace. Small living room. 3 blocks from Riverside School. $75. OR 2-4364 ' WINSTON Furnlsried 1 Bedroom dupltxi water gas and garbage disposal furnished. ' phQne os "8437!i :- ', ! - CLEAN 3 BR "unfurnished house. Lease to ! responsible party. $85 mo. Available Aug. IJ. OR 2-45- ATTRACTIVE 2 Bedroom house with built In electric range, about 4 miles West of . Roseburg, 850 mo. OR 3-6449, UNFURNTsHEO two bedroom house. $60. Reference required. 732 Cory. OR 2-3114, or OR 3-3220. ONE and Iwo bedroom ceblns. Water end garbage disposal furnished. $40 to 853. OR 3-3368, 2485 Diamond Lake Blvd. TEN space trailer court and I unit tpl. house, uooa income, mi ac atwn at. TRAILER COURT, 22 Spaces. Call OS 5747, Winston, Oregon SELL, trade or lease, all or part, hotel and coffee shop, E. Linn, tare oi noiti ianyw ville, or call 839-4641, Canyonvllle, Ore. WORKING SHARE - Brooking i Plywood, $3.75 per hour, vacation, noimays. me, sick and accldant Insurance pay. Call OR M855. . GAS GROCERY store with living quartan. 3 bedroom rental ana unnnisnea caoin. iw ft. highway 101. Write Hamilton, Star Route So. Soulh Beach, Ore. " Excellent Opportunity for husband and wife this going grocery store, well stocked, and in thickly populated community. Write to Box 493, News Review. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 TENWIDE 50' trailer, Ilka new, furnished. Adults only. Timber Town Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens. OR 3-6354. EXTRA nice ! or 2 bedroom modern furn lined trailers. Adults only, inquire peaceful Timber Town Treller Park. 2010 NE Steph ens, OR 36354. Mobile Home Parks 31 NOTICE LOG TRUCKERS WANTED Good haul, good pay, good logs Morgan Gr Engle, Inc. Days OR 3-7995, Eves OR 3-3C04 Auto Mechanic Must be experienced on Bulck and Ponliac. Excellent work ing conditions. Write your qual ifications or contact Mr. Hansen or Bob Legar at ROSEBURG MOTOR CO. Dealers for Buick Pontioc Cadillac A NEW TERRITORY DIVISION BY OUR COMPANY WW mean adding two young men to ( our staff, the positions pay a straight Hilary of over $400 per month plus commissions (both paid weekly!. To be accepted you must have the fol lowing qualifications: 1 Be over lege) age 2 Htfte high school fducat . 1 Like lo meet people 4 Own a good serviceable car 5 Be willing to be away from home four n-qhli a week (always home weekends) O tf you have the above qualifications and art looking for a ob with t future, write to our perwnnei men aoer at Bo 5041 A'ohe, Oregon, ho 7047, Sa'em, Oregon, gWe your full name age phone number and address. MOTEL IS UNITS, shade trees, roses, living quarters, plus service station. Only $33,000, 810,000 down. . APPROXIMATELY one acre, frailer court, large warehouse and apart ment building. Wonderful opportunity for right parly. Look only 812,500, good terms. THREE PLEX Furnished, freshly painted Inside and out. A sound In vestment end money maker. Only $11,000, will take good paper as part or low cash down payment. Lloyd A.Wilson REALTOR 10117 SE Stephens. OR 3-8.178 TRAILER SPACE. Walking dlstanco lo lown. 1421 SE 5H6TI Sf. OR 3-7I0S. TRAILER HAVEN lawns, loclcerl, concret. Barking and pillot. Qulsl. an ne tuning rlva. PRIVATE VIEW LOT Paved street end patio, large cabana with hot water tank. Plumbed ana wirea lor washer and dryer. Our first vacancy trt several years. Available about Aug. 15. $30 mo. on i year wait, see ai iJ4 eoen Lane. OR 2-1577. Mobile Homes Commercial Rentals 24 FURNISHED OFFICE Weslslde location. An excellent spot lor pro fessional or commercial service,. SM mo. 11,3 W. Harvard. OR z-isr. ACROSS highway from SOUTHGATE Commercial building, overall slzo 24' X 80', cement floor, fluorescent light ing, largo ceiled work room, wired. Sco (his fine location. Will lease all nr part. Reason able. OR 3 0193. OR 3-0091. Wanted To Rent 25 STATE HWY ENGINEER wants nice 3 8R unfurn. home by sepr. 10. uk itui. PRIVATE' GARAGE for automobile. Clost In. OKa-wei PERMANENT stW employee needs 3 or" BR home. Will lease. Call OR 3-8113. YOU NO COUPLE wllhout "children want lo rent modern homo, wun paiiurt ior horiet. Call OS f-S77. WANTED-"" rent or iea st," i'b'edToom house, References, adults. Permanent. Write L, K. Byrd 487 Walker Ave, Ashland, Ore, navy recruiter needs nice large 3 bed room unfurnished house, up to 1100, Im mediately, Call OR 3-5T1. WANTED to rent' or least acreage or home with crae. and barn, Looklnoglass, Winston, Olllard area. Phont Ot f-5582 or OS MSO. Lease with option BUSINESS man needs permanent 1 bedroom home. Prefer outside of town. References. Tom lulton, OR 1-8528. TIMBER TOWN Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens Ben ccommodahon for all slit Inn in Incl. all il.clrlci. Paved Sis., land leaped, big lawn, metered gas. 1 blocst trom 1,1, war. Adults Only, OR 3-8506 32 SELL EQUITY In J5t Pilgrim 10X50 It. trailer house, can jci sumenm. 8x4t LIBERTY 3 bedroom front kitchen, 87800. Cell OR 3-H83 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Complete . Line Trailer Supplies 1,10 NE Hlpnens OR3-33S4 SHADY POINT Trailer Sales tfovt Gives SCrH Green Stamps I Mi, So. Hwy. 99 OR 2-1438 "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N Crest Lakes 55' Mobile Homo. With 12' si 18' Living Room SEE IT NOW t . J Gr ) Trailer Sales Angelei Alistreom Traveloio 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. , OR 2-3441 It's Easy to use News-Review WanNAds In Person, by Mail or Phone 545 SE Main OR 2-3321 G i