12 Tha N.wi-R.vl.v, Roseburg, CHECK ASMAVAL i H H rssr UM H i i 1 ii j TALIMOL U.S. BRITISH DETAILS OF RISKS involved In using the drug rholidomide raised apprehension about suppliei of the drug which may heve been brought into this country unknowingly from overseas where it was widely sold as a sedative. Names of products which contained thalidomide are displayed in the drowing above. They were not sold in the U.S. but some doctors received samples. If such drugs ore in your medicine cabinet turn them over to health authorities. If Your Paper Hat Not Arrived By 6:1 5 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Between 67 P.M. Saturday Only 3 To 5 P.M. LARIAT ROOM RESTAURANT 611 S. Wednesday, AUGUST 15th Under New Management Of HAROLD OAKLEY Chaf for 7 yaars (or Mm of Hio mo famous rittaurantt In Lot Vogoi. OPEN DAILY from 6 A.M. To 10 P.M. Serving Breakfast Anytime . BUSINESS MENS Luncheons from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. 95e to $1.25 AND DINNER for the entire family. Every one it invited. Children welcome. Wo olio otor to oil banquets mi private partial. COCKTAILS served We Hope To See You All Soon! YOUR HOSTS.... Harold and Marilyn Oakley Tho toll.wn. radio ni MleWilon .refrains cm print. ai fro public unlet for Newa-Ravlaw roorfon. All profram llitlnfi or. publlih.d ao revived from Hie raieectlv. stations, Tho Now. Review dots not ott.pl Niponilblllty for miction from orfolnol tch.dul.l furnlih.o' this nawipopor. KPIC-TV 'Ch. 4 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY !:00 Yogi For Health 1:30 Play Your Hunch W:oo-PrlM le mohi 10:30 Conoantrathin 11:00 Your First Impranlons 11:30 Truth or Consequtnc 11:55 Day Report 12:00 Jan Murray 13:35 NBC Nlwi 13:30 Romper Room 1:00 Young Doctor Malona 1:30 Our Five Daughters 1:00-Makt Room For Daddy VaSIo" service til StUVICI tUN!t!0 PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV li Maoooiio It Tim 1IN HI tllini ll BlNll Villi) III KBES-TV Ch. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 1:45 Copco Show (Tuet) 1:54 CBS News (except Tuesday) 10:0O-Lovt of Lite 10:30 Search For Tomorrow 10:45 Guiding Light 11:0O Jane Wyman 11:30-As The World Turns 13:00 Password 13:30 House Party 1:00 Bingo l:30-To Tell The Truth 1:54 CBS News 3:00 Secret Storm JiJO-Edgi Ot Night KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIOKT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 Farm Weather 7:45 Carloon lime 1:00 Captain Kangaroo f:0O-celendar 0:30 I Lovo LUCV 10:00 Verdkl ll Youri I0:3o Brighter Day ll:00-Lovt 01 (.lit 11:30 Search For Tomorrow llMi-Gulomo Ugnl M:0O HI Neighbor IIijo-Ai Tho World Turni KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 11:30Yourt For A Song 11:00 Jan Wymen Show 13:30 Camouflage 13:54 ABC Mid-day Report 1:00 News f Mid-day 1:15 Airman's World (Mon 1 Canadian Travel (Wed) American Newsreel (Frl) Oregon Farm Journal (Tu(l.. Thuri) 1:30 TV Bingo 3:00 Day In court 1:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen For A Oay RADIO PROGRAMS KRNR 1490 KC. 24-HOUR PROGRAMMING CBS Network-music, news, weather KQEN KYES Or. Thurf.., Aug. 9, 1962 YOUR MEDICINE m i. , m nil 'i i- - m rm i TAUMOLCWPPtX 6RHfCN VAL6IS CANADA I. CASS e rso-Hers'i Hollywood 3:55 Afternoon Report 3:00 December Brldt 3:30 Public Service Mon) 3:30 Men Into Space (Tim. Wed, Thur) 3:30-Homt Show Frl 1:45 Ffature Shortl (Frl) 4:00 Public Service (Mon., Frl.) 4:00-Talk of the Town (Tuti., Wed., Thuri) 4:30 Captain Shipwreck THURSDAY 1:30 Huckleberry Hound :00 Northwest Newt 4:15 Huntley-Brlnkley 4: JO The Beachcomber TOO Shannon 7 : 30-Th t Outlaw LOST YOUR LICENSI TO DRIVE? SEE ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICI Installments Avalloblo 939 S. E. St.ph.nt OR 3-11 64 3:00 Johnnie Linn Show 3:30 Kaleidoscope THURSDAY 4:30-Mlghly Mouse 3: CO-Uncle BUI Show 5:30 Roy Rogers 4:00-Your TV Weathermen 4:05 Channel I Report 4:15 News 4:30 Sports Roundup 4:45 Kalier'a Korntr 7:00 Frontier Circus 1:000 tile and Harriet 1:30 Shannon :00 Sea Hunt 9:30 M Squad 10:00 Password 10:30 Brenner HOO-KOIN Kitchen 1:30 Home Party l:00-The Mllllonalrt J:30-To Tell The Truth 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30-Edo ot Nlghl 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15 Early Show 5:45 Newicene o:15-Nevl THURSDAY :10 Sea Hunt f.OO-Rlpcord 1:30 Accent 1:00 Frontier Clrcul 3:30 Opm House 4:00 American Bendliand 4; 30 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse (Mon-Wed-Frll 1:00 Jack's Kartoon Clubhoutt (Tuni-Thurs) 1:00 Teen Beat (Tuet, Thuf) THURSDAY 1:30 Broken Arrow 4:00-News Nine 4:15 Evening Report :JO-Cimmaron City 7:30-0111 and Harriet I 00 Scandinavian Festival :30-M Squad t:00-Ay Three tons :30 The Lew and Mr. Jones 1240 KC. 6 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT ABC Network-music, news, weather 950 KC. DAWN TO DUSK Independent-music, news, weather. CABINET SOFTENOM v WEST GERMANY EIRE Car-Truck Crash Claims Lives Of Californians CRESCENT CITY, Calif. (UPI) Frederick Archie Hawkins, 42, Blue Lake, and hit 'woman pas senger, - Victory Lorraine Rowe, 43, Crescent City, were killed early Tuesday in a highway acci dent five miles north of here. The California Highway Patrol said they were traveling south on U.S. 101 in a pickup truck when a logging truck coming out of a side road attempted to halt at a stop sign but skidded on wet pavement onto the main highway. Dhe pickup crashed into the rear dual wheels of tho log truck, driv en by Melvin Lefte, 48, Harbor, Ore. TONIGHT "The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse" Glenn Ford - Charlet Boyer In Color "The Night'fighters" Robert Mitchum -Lea J. Cobb Soi oHIco Oooni. 7:1 S Show ot Duik I: JO-Dr. K I Ida re f:30-The Lively Ones 0:00Mllch Miller 11:00 Report 11:15 Trips t Tlpl 11:30 Tonight FRIDAY 5:30 Science Theater i: 00 Northwest Newi :15-Huntiey Brlnkley 4:30 Perry Mason 7:30 International Showtime l:30-The Detectives f: 30 The Glamour Trap 10:30 Out Huntley ll:00-Riport 1): l$ Front Row Center For Tho Fintit In WEDDING INVITATIONS ond ANNOUNCEMENTS Mil MAM PRINTERS ORckirt 14)11 11:00 News Final 11:15 Slag $ FRIDAY 4:00 Around the Home 4:15 Clly Police 4: 30-Uncle Bill Show 5:30 Huckleberry Hound 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel S Report 4:15 News 4: jo Rawhide 7:30 Route 44 1:30 Law of the Plalmman t: 00 The Country Show f:30 Twilight Zone 10:00 Untouchables 11:00-News Final 11:15 Stag 5 t:0O Brenner t:30 Zana Grey Theater l0:0O-CBS Roeorll 11:00 Nlghttctno 11:30 Broken Arrow FRIDAY jiM-Hlghway Palrol ;:00-Death Valley Daye 7:30 Rawhide :30-Routo ee t: soFather of tha I ride 10:00 Twilight Zona 10:30 Eyewllneia ll:0O-Porllend Wreitllnt 11:45 Nlghlicene .0:00 The Untouchables 11:00 ABC News 11i15 Newt Nine Pinal FRIDAY S W-KIt Canon 4: 00-News Nina 4:15 Evening Report 4:30 Mr, Megoo 7:0O-Th Honeymooneri 7:30 Margie 1:00 The Hathaways 1-30 Th Fllnlilones 00 Jt Sunset Strip 10:0O-Rlvrboat i; 1 00 ABC News ll:15-News Nine 11:30-EiKore Theater forfait"1"" '"" 9 Jjbmorrout Thursday, Aug. t Timber City Chapter of Swoet Adelines, Inc., Riverside School room 19, 8 p.m. Call OR 2-4313 for information. Army R.sorve, 1614 W. Harvard 8-10 p.m. Rouburg Rotary Club, Umpqua Hotel, noon IOOF, IOOF Hall on Jackson St. 8 p.m. Roxburg Lions- Club, Umpqua Hotel, 6:30 p.m. Civil Air Palrol, at the airport, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Woman of Roioburg Country Club, clubhouse, noon luncheon fol lowed by weekly bridge play. Elks, Elks Lodge, 8 p.m. Barborshop Singing, Ricketls Music Store, 8 p.m. Umoaua Duplicate Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m. For information call Mrs. Walter Ulrich, OR 2-1468. Driver's License Examiner, 837 SE Roberts, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Douglas County Mounted, begin riding at 7 p.m., potluck at 8:30 p.m., Fairgrounds. Christian Do-Han, Glide Church of Christ, 10 a.m. Umpqua Mlnaral Club, Espicopal Parish Hall, Roseburg, 7:30 p.m. Canine Courtesy Club, home of Bob Butts at Kelley's Korner, 7:30 p.m. Evergreen Grange Homo Eco nomics Club, Grange Hall, 10:30 a.m. Bethtl 72, Job's Daughters, Ma sonic Temple, 7:30 p.m. Pythian Sisters, at the KP Hall, 8 p.m. Roseburg Chapter of DeMolay, Masonic Temple, 8 p.m. Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxil iary 2468, Veterans Memorial Building, 8 p.m. Women of Roseburg Couotry Club, luncheon and bridge at Elks Temple, 11:45 a.m. Northslde Sunshine Club, annual picnic, Umpqua Park, 12:30 p.m. Bring covered dish and own table service. CLOSED TONITE FRI-SAT-SUN-MON Special Engagtmtntt BEN HUR winner of 11 Academy Awards Adults $1.00 Kiddle. S0 OPEN e 7i1S . One Complete Show Nightly I Friday & Saturday Edgar Allan Poe'i "THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM" 4 Vincent Price plus Earth Attacked From Outer Space! "THE DAY THE SKY EXPLODED" plus Color Cartoon Doors opto, 6:45 Show ot 7:00 TONIGHT "STATE FAIR" Pat Boone - Bobby Darin Pamela Tiffin -Ann Margaret Tom Ewell - Alice Faye "THE PURPLE HILLS" Gene Nelson -Joanna Barnes Kent Taylor Garts Optn 6:45 Show Starts at Duik BOTH tMIATRajT1'' Opan 7:15 Optn 7:15 Show 7:30 only Shows at Dusk L rrr- TECHNICOLOR' Co-Hit ... at Starlit only: QFAUDDIN O'CONNOR Friday, Aug. 10 Christ's Ambassadors of the Win ston Assembly of God Church, 7 p.m. on first Friday following first Wednesday. Sheriff's Posse, at the Fair grounds, 8 p.m. Potluck at 6:30 p.m. Home Group of Alcoholics An onymous call OR 2-4059, 8 p.m. Umpqua Radio Club, at the clubhouse on Klamath Ave., 7:30 p.m. Driver's License Examiner, 83' SE Roberts, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club Umpqua Hotel, 12:30 p.m. This is an open club and all bridge play ers are welcome. Anyone desiring Past Noble Grands, rummage sale in basement of Odd Fellows Hall, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. St. Paul's Lutheran Women's Guild, rummage sale at St. Paul's parish house on corner of Corey and Military, 8 a.m. to noon. Daughters of Union Veterans, regular meeting at the Veterans Memorial Hall, 8 p.m. St, Joseph's Altar Society, rum- age sale at Roseburg Woman's Clubhouse, 8 a.m. Leave rummage at clubhouse after 7 p.m. Thurs day or call OR 3-8432 or OR 3-8256. JSZLa 300 COUNT iTt $rtclkl FILLER PAPER W fC'&r S?4 1 OFFICE : L-y : mjfl' 33 Colleg, RuU f M v 2-Pc. Thermos COWHIDE BRIEF BAGS r- A I I f I iikiru ISITC AND ATTACHE CASES J My ,..,, um I Handsome! Rugged! Scratch- M mm tarn alio A resistant "Merflex" finish, ex- ftl if .-jol ' . W ft I tension locks, other features. aaJ, TO U I plui Fed. fox eaaaaBfc,l TO T MM I with Built-in - Vlll - I V .fC 1 '' ''. 5h.rp.er - HI ' -C 1 ll l 1 - - SPECIAL. WHyr . ft 1 school 1 6Ji" rr c l.TT" set 1 (B) (rS co; Y l .49 Extra Refill Jkjk M , 19 1 -T X I J.62 Va1 sF V r? -' ' j ' , H -Js&e&sd- J.WO. a Water Proof Missei' mS BABY PANTS CREW SOCKS VI jhSST ComfortabU v 100 Orion Aerylie Pl Lsf'eastt' J EMiiy"" Lf,t Fa,hion A C iiSiXiJ!2lSr Cleaned ,. m I oiJiiti V Bor? j-ffvL 487c 'Sr3W Mk 1 School Shoes ,,.,. Chil(Jrtn.( 3' Designed with room for 2-Pc. SleeperS PANTIES young growing feet r rMllMH COTTON SLIPS Leotherwitheomposition ! 1 T Celanese Acetate 100 Cotton ,0le' I Colon Pnk J eA I'1 J IS AA Lae" " i AO Siie. 8Vi-3 7 77 Moiie.Aqual 0 h Af IjD Trim0"'"1' ,UU 3.98 Value .... All I Siiee 1-4 .... ' 14 "WW Siiet 4-14 nil NEWBERRYS SAVES YOU ON YARD GOODS I m FALL WOOLENS I r.iKir.uAU 1 B, I UVi L REMNANTS i Ul .Plaids Solid Flannel. PLAIDS .Juvenile; f It! Textured Weave 1 ,70 " Nightwear 1 .Ton. On Ton. , M SUMP B0U"T-d 'W soum 17 U M0yd..ength.l liy 54"toi6" Yd. 50UPS T-1 yd. JFtAYV stn tuns-a n WASH N' WEAR tfA 36" PERCALB dark prints & solids , COTTON MMM PRINTS ( J.J.TlQUJe6nniCO. OP FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9:00 p.m. . : cr- I Movie Showtime Thursday, Am. I, IMI INDIAN THEATRE Doori open ?:!. One complete tho at 7:30. "Bon Voyage" 1:07 only. STARLITE DRIVE-IN Opan 7:19. Slwwa start at dusk. "Tho Wondara of Aladdin" and "Bon Voyaoo." PINE DRIVE-IN Cloatd Wed-Thur. TRI CITY DRIVE-IN - Box oHIca opana :!. Show at dusk. "Slala Fair" and "Tha Porplo HUH." CLOVERLEAP OKIVE-IN (SolMrlinl Box ollca opens at 7:15. Show starts at dusk. "Tha Four Morstmon Of Tha Apocalypse and "Tho Nlghtllghlan." Friday, August II, mi INDIAN THEATRE Doori opan 7:13. Ona complala show at 7:X. "Bon Voyage" at 1:07 only STARLITE DRIVE-IN-Opon 7:13. Show a start at dusk. "Tho Wondara of Aladdin" and "Bon Voyage" PINE DRIVE-IN-Opsn 7:13. Shows start at dusk. "Ban Hur" at 1:30 only CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN (Sulharlln) Box office opans at 7:13. Show starts at dusk. "Tho Four Horssmtn of Tha Apocalypsa" and "Tht Night Fighters" TRI CITY DRIVE IN Box office onana :43. Show at Dusk. "Slala Fair" and "Tho Purpla Hills" BENETTA THEATRE (Winston) "Tha Pit and tha Pendulum" and "Tho Day Tht Sky Exploded" GRANGE PARTY SET South Deer Creek Grange will sponsor a card party Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the hall. The public is invited to attend. There will be prizes and refreshments. The Grange will not hold its reg ular Saturday night meeting Aug. 18 because of the Douglas County Fair. Presbytery Installs Installation services for the Rev. Neil W. Brown, new pastor of the Oakland Community Presbyterian Church, were held at the church last Sunday, reports correspondent Edith Dunn. Members of the South west Oregon Presbytery were in charge. Visiting ministers taking part in the ceremony were the Rev. Ralph R. Hawthorne of Whitespires Unit ed Presbyterian Church of Albany, brother of Mrs. Brown; the Rev. Richard Rorbaugh of the ' Tri City Presbyterian Church; Myron Modtrn Ballroom and Dixittland " J3rW s. ALvnr.i 9 Oakland Minister Spady, elder of the Bandoa Prea. byterian L.nurcn; ana uie iw. nu ert Nash of the Myrtle Creek church. The Rev. Timothy Dalrymple, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Bandon delivered the sermon. The Rev. Mr. Dalrymple and the Rev. Mr. Brown were graduated in the same class this year at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary at Pittsburgh, Pa. Special music for the installa tion ceremonies was furnished by the church choir. DANCE With Tha Ray Moore Combo Wed. at 8:30 DOUGLAS AUGUST 15-19 ROSEBURG