12 Th Newi-Review, Roieburg, Classified Section Personals j DRINKING PROBLEMt Call Alcoholics An onymoui or VOUNG WOMEN ol any faith needing con fidential advice may contact taingnc 11 lei, 271 W. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon, Olamond 5-3642. IN DEBT? DON'T let bills cost your lob, your credit, everything you own! IP you are In debt bevond your ability to pay and sincerely want to get out of debt, see BUDGET CON sultanti and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place to pay all bills, at a pay ment you can afford. No security no co-signers. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Rnsehure. Oreeon Ph. OR 2-3591 433 SE Main SI Where To Go 10 UP THE CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE Can b a real touch iltuniloa, But at least you won't go hungry WIICU JUU IIP. JJ1...I1U .uut... t irum THE BROILER All you need is the appetite, we have the rest. Plates, Utensils, Napkins, Cups, Broiled Chicken, Salads, Rolls and Dessert So .the next time .you're up the creek, be sure and have a lunch from, ' THE BROILER TIB SE Cass . OR 3-3445 Banquet Room Available At No Extra Cost REGULAR FAMILY PRICES Noti 11 ces I WILL NOT ba responsible for debts other lhan my own. Martin A. Baker. i I WILL not be responsible for any debts olher than my own. Stanley L. Dean. Lost & Found 12 LOST 1 RHS class rings, man's '60, lady's '62. Generous reward. OR 3-3589. Help Wanted 14 WANTED bean pickers. Register now. CUM Hess. OR 3-8695. Rt. I Box ail. Field on Cleveland Rapids Rd. DINNER COOK, frv cook, top-tllflhl wait ress. Island Cafe, apply OR 34334, 3 to 9 P.M. - rinnrr- Help Wanted Men 1? IF YOU art earning (ess than II H par week you are In the wrong business, for personal Interview phone OR 21391 between 7 and P. fWO NEAf appearing men to work with local American Legion Auxiliary. Year around work wllh better than average earnings. If Interested see Mr. Fisher, or Mr. Vllet, Rose Hotel Monday through Wednesday B-9 a.m. 7-8 p.m. WANTED-AT ONCE: Ambitious person with car to supply Rawleigh Products to con sumers In Roieburg. Opportunity to get Into own permanent business without previous experience or capital Investment. Phone G. Bowles, OS 9-5437 or write Rawleigh, 306 Adeline, Oakland. Calif. NOTICE LOG TRUCKERS WANTED Good haul, good pay, good logs. Morgan & Engle, Inc. Days OR 3-7995, Eves OR 3-3B04 Local Man needed to represent na tional concern In this area. Married man preferred. Must have good car. Knowledge of tractors and machinery helpful. Sales experience not neces sary. We train If hired. Drawing account when qualified. For person al Interview, write, qualifications, ad dress and phone number to Emit Smith, Dept. LI, P.O. Box 392, Dal las, Texas. Auto Mechanic Ihis( bu experienced on Btiick and Ponliac. Excellent work ing conditions. Write your qual ifications or contact Mr. Hansen or Bob Legat at ROSEBURG MOTOR CO. Dealers for Buick Pontioc Cadillac Help Wanted Women 16 EXPt-RIINCPD Beauty Operator. Phone rJays OR 2-45M; Eves. OR 3-360 WANTED a middle" aged woman to sit with elderly lady irom 5 pa la I: JO pm, No etrn work. Phone OR 3-7336. Work Wanted 17 BriOKKIrtPINO Mnluri woman cphl. ol Iflhinu lull ctaroe. Local f,l. OR 3-WOJ, PAINTING, WALL WASHING. R.aionabl, rate!. Phont OR 3 4ili BABY SITTING IN MY HOME. Ro School a.ea. Weekdays. R.I. Rpq.OR 3-S344 CARPENTER and CABINET KOcH by th hour. OS -S!3. tEWING. Drmr-i, hir's, ipec'fllii'no !n childreirs ciothes.reaionable. OS 9 1879. IPRAY AND BRUSH PAINT ING Quality work, free estimate OR MHO. SEWING AND ALTERATIONS OR J-3m INHANCE VALUE," beautHy'wIth palnt'and wallpanw. Rrasonable rates, Call Jo and Les OR 3-79; ftATURE LADY wishes work"rnothefifVs home live In. Relerences Wrilt Bo 494 News Review. " WANTED RANCH WORK tS Years enperlence In Ranch manaofrnffnl Phone OR 2 J044. H. O. LuiMe, m. j. Box 64 A, Roteburo, Oregon, We will ba glad to help you word your wont od for Best Results. Dial OR 2-3321 Ore. Wed., Aug. 8, 1962 Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Cll OR 1-4177 Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, alto aqultlea. Phone OR 3-6193jWj)R 3-4W1. $7,7 CONTRACT of sale, 4 interest, $4000. Refiable buyer. Write PO Box 22 M, Sacramento 10, cam. REAL ESTATE LOANS to $?30, also 2nd mortaaoes. Automobile, furniture and sig nature loam. Laurentlda Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fl nance Corp. 113 SE Oak. OR 3-44M. Family Finance Horn Owned and Operated LO.nl Up 10 1SOO On motor vehicles and lurnllurl m SE Waiftlnglun OR J 5S1 Our Bank Is Always Open After Banking Hours On Week Days Week Ends - Holidays use our Night Depository Service DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK 662 SE Jackson OR 4401 Business Opportunities 22 TEN space trailer court and a unit ept, house, oooa income, hzi &t won i. Trailer court, n spacei.cai.6s 5J4J, Winston, Oregon. SELL, trade or leaser all or part, hotel and coffee shop. E. Linn, Care of Hotel canyon vflle, or call 639-4641, Canyonvllle, Ore. 8-UNIT MOTEL, five with kitchens, plus 2 bedroom noma, $20,000, terms. Text nouse trailer, property or contracts on trade. Glen Dale Motel. Mvrfla Creek. Oregon. WORKING SHARE Brookings Plywood, 13.75 per hour, vacation, holidays, life, sick and accldsnt Insurance pay. Call OR 2-1 BS5. GAS GROCERY store with living quarters. 3 bedroom reniai ana unfinished cabin, iso ft. highway 101. Write Ham I lion, Star Route So. South Beach, Ore. Excellent Opportunity for husband and wife this going grocery store, well stocked, and in thickly populated community. Write to Box 493, News Review. MOTEL U UNITS, shade trees, roses, living quarters, plus service station. Only (33,000, 110,000 down. APPROXIMATELY one acre, trailer court, large warehouse and apart ment building. Wonderful opportunity for right party. Look only $12,500, , good terms. THREE PLEX Furnished, freshly painted Inside and out. A sound In vestment and money maker. Only til, 000, will take good paper as part or tow cash down payment. Lloyd A.Wilson REALTOR 1607 SB Stephens. OR 8-8578 Commercial Rentals 24 ACROSS highway from SOUTHGATE Commercial building, overall size 24' X 80', cement floor, fluorescent light ing, large ceiled work room, wired. See this fine location. Will lease all or part. Reason able. OK 3-6193. OR 3-6091. Wanted To Rent 25 STATE HWY ENGINEER wants nice 3 BR unfurn. home by Sept. to. OR 3-5707. PRIVATE GARAGE lor automobile, Close In. OR 3-5361 PERMANENT stole employee needs 3 or 4 BR home. Will lease. Call OR 3-B112, WANTED to rent or lease, 3 bedroom house. References, adult). Permanent. Write L. K. Byrd. 467 Walker Ave. Ashland, Ore. WANTED to rent or lease acreage or home with acreage, and barn, Looklngglass, Winston, Dlllard area. Phone OS 9-5582 or OS e-B980. Apartments For Rent 26 LARGE clean 3 room and bath furnished apt. $60. 1547 SE Pine. fHREE ROOM- furnished apt. with bath. Adults only. No pels! 1451 SE Mill St. 6NE BEDROOM furnished' apt. 3 miles No. ol town. OR 3-4381, eves 3-4741. ATTRACT I VE "redecorated "i BR apt. Elect". heal, all ulll turn. Priced from 165 to 180. 2BW W. Harvard. OR 2-1442. UNFURNISHED t OR duplex apt., electric heat, carport. Adults only, no pets. 1019 S. E. Roberts. ATTRACTIVE 1 br turn. apt. 1 bIK from P.O. Heal, garb, waler, idry fac. turn. OR 3-3597 after 5:30 or Saturday. FURNISHED TWO BOOM AI'AliTMENT Near lha hospital. (40 moult), including sever, waler, gaibaqe sr-rvlce. Roseburg Realty Umpiiua Hotel OK 2'XMi TOI)nAPAlTTMENTs" 1-2-3 bdrm. apts., furnlthwj or unfurn. Waler !..i.T'd '" "" '"Sea Estate Swire. Rent I rem 168 up. i SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apis. g.u equipprd OR 3-M3 Winchester Ct.-Hol w.itcr heat OR 3-74M Vista Homes Hoi waler heal OR 1-4 ins Wfslvue Ct. Washer-dryer OR 2-349 Oakhlll Apls.-Kadlanl Heat OR 3-4.H0 Kohlhagen Apts. Modern, reasonable rrnt J.KKson St. at Lane Ave. ADULTS OR 11244 "A Good tlace Ta Live" SOUTHGATE AREA"" TWO1 bedroom apt Water and garbaq ifivkt naid Laundry facili t'Pi Lovely surroundinqs, private ad quif. Adults only. Sorry, no pell. See or call at Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 mi. S. Hwy. 99 OR 2-1438 Rooms For Rent 27 CLLAN LIGHT HOUSI Kri PINO and llp ino room Call OR I-HII. Room And Board 28 Houses For Rent 29 o- EXTRA Nit E ranch Ivpa 3 bdrm unlurn dupla. Carport, lawn. SW OR 3a3. SITE for your d r e o m home could be in "Lots and Acreages". Take a look! 29 FURNISHEO cabin. Weekly rates. 420 N B Stephens. Pacific Motel. CLEAN 4 room furnished' cottage. "OR 1-3270 or 1263 SE Stephens. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom house, on tan- tord St. $40 mo. cl!opw' . TWO BEDROOM houso, garage. No pets. References. OR 2-2268. ONE BEDROOM UNFURN. house, newly decoraled. $55 mo. OK 3-4S66. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or single ejderly. OP FURNISHED CABINV Wilbur. $3J mo. Pen sioners preferred. OR 34835 or OR 3-4955, FURNISHED 1 bedroom house, near Safeway Drive in, $45 mo. Phone OR 3-354. CLEAN, modern' unfurnished one bedroom house. OR 3-497. TWO BR partly furnished "house. Green DliT. can alter s p.m. uk 3-3oj. ATTRACTIVE" 2 Bedroom house with built In electric ' range, about 4 miles West of Ro&etxirg, ijo mo. uk j-w. CLEAN, unlurnlshed older home. Suitable for 4 people. References required, US month. Call UK 2-Z24J. UNFURNISHED two Dedroom house. (60. Reference required. 732 Cory. OR 2-3124, or OR 3-3220. ONE and two bedroom cabins. Water and garbage disposal turmsned. u to . OK J-JJ6B, uiamono Lane orvo. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 TENWIDE 'W trailer, like new, furnished. Adults only. Timber Town Trailer Park, 2010 Nc stepnens. uk j-ojm. extra "nice "V" or" 2 bedroom modern furn ished trailers. Adults only. Inquire peaceful Timber Town Trailer Park. 2010 NE Steph ens. OR 3-6354. Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER SPACE. Walking distance to town. 1421 SE Short SI. OR 3-7105. TRAILER HAVEN lawns, lockers, concrete parking and pallos. Quiet. 499 NE Sterling urive. TIMBER TOWN Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens BesV accommodation for all size trail ers, Incl. all electrics. Paved Sts., land scaped, big lawn, metered gas. ) block from Safeway. Adults Only. OR 3-8506 . Mobile Homes 32 '50 10x48' 3 BR trailer house. $3500. OR 3-5886 SELL EQUITY of $3000 for $1000 On Double ELCAR Expando trailer. OR 2-1574. SELL EQUITY In '59 Pilgrim 10X50 ft. iraiier house, call 3086 suinerlin. 8x46 LIBERTY 3 bedroom front kitchen. $2900. Call OR 3-8893 $800 EQUITY IN 8 X 35' trailer In good con dition, would consider trade for lot, small er trailer or pickup. Call OR 2-2428 after 5 p.m. EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Complete Line Trailer Supplies 1980 NE Stephens OR 3-33M SHADY POINT Trailer Sales Now Gives S&H Green Stamps 1 Mi. So. Hwy. 99 OR 2-1438 "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes 55' Mobile Homo With 12' x 18' Living Room -SEE IT NOW at J & J Trailer Sales Angeles Airstream Traveleze 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-3441 YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY BUT if you nro smart, you will inspect our large and varied se lection of fine Bear Fleetwood Shasta mobile homes. Compare them for comfort, compare our prices. DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 at Winchester Good Buys In Used Trailers FOR CKI'KNnAIlI.K TOWING Call OR 3-7272 Real Estate Wanted 33 WANTt'D 1 to 3 acres building site for home on rlvrr. Oararn vaiioy arfa. private party Write box 4VS News Review. j WAN1ED to buy unimproved acrenqe. close In Roseburg. Musi have water. Write Box j 497, Nfws-ReviPW 341 THREE bedroom house, on Inrga corner lot, tencwd 'n b.ick vnrd. Weslslde, Owner trans ten ro. Call OR3 Mle NORTH "UMPQUA rlvrr ranch. Glide area, Water rights. Wlllkim R. Magness, Whist Ifis Latifl. GY 6-.U4S, Nt.W Vlirre bedroom honipr iaroe lot. Clr culating tireplare. Come out and see. M.iKe us an oflor. ("all OR 3-7;5 BY OWNER WcMlppe home, 3 bedrooms, J b.,1M, fireplace. frnciMl yard. Double carport Covered p.illo. Phone OR 3-5103. 2' 7 LF.vr L ACRI S. fruit and 'shade Irre. Umpqua 3 ami 2 bdrm home, SWW, KkSJ iton. Si's month contract. Oakland 3IJ. VtfcW LOT nicely landapod. 3 bedrooms, p..n. tn, douMe garaor. NE City, fire place, hardwood floor I, t13.tXX OR 3-aM. NINf ACRl-S. motern home, partly furn isht'd Vav tmiMder house lri-r. Route 1, Gleta.v H mj flo iSi OR 1WS1. NORTH ROSfPURG.'.i bedroom noma, ,-ny equity. Call OR ?-! LAHviF: J BR homt, oilrurnate. Sell 0 trade 0 JJ4 )l ACRt S. 4 bedrm house, outbuildings, ne.tr Hbg I16.iXX. Trrm,. OR 3WS eves. St;lL fQUITV In new COJV I wo btrpom home on Ni'.i Cteek. f-ull orice W500. mt P.uKer (Jid, NICE oldfr hotise, larp rooms'. 4 or J bedrooms. ? b.ilfis, uMlly. trtmlly room acte, sh.idf trres istoO OR 3611- 1 H K ( F RR home , C r ten Dl. F i r p Iflc e . MrjwotMl fleers. MJMJ. tiv down. t'h. TMREF hfrdrocm, hardmxl Hpo--s. btVr rangf and o-n 'irfCMce. carport, view lot sewer, Littvd 0lricf. OR MS THRTF bedroom heme, hardwocxf tloors, (repiare- jx! reimenhal dilrit, near grade school and shopping center See at U W. Broccoli Phona OR eves. LARCt R 3 Mr m hone. on Luelien. Qj) v Una-, sf! tsre.-ilAce w to carpet.- dihwahff. d'tpotiM I baths. I itrt cetamic shor. j Lg fenced yjfd, covered patio. OR 7-iSS. 1 Houses For Rent OUT OUR WAY PlPOM-TCAKE-m. 5-&-ST.' . I TAKE IKJ WASHINGS J I POW'T YOU IP I HAVE TO.' IT WORRV, CAM, WOULP KILL ME TO ) ( AAA ALWAYS ' 'SEE HIM A RACK WINS OF BOWES PULLING ( WE'LL COME I f AMASHWASOM" I I AMP SEE . JUST BECAUSE YOU YOU. l.CTS.' I A HAVE A NEW TOY.' J ' Ji. NO, HE'LL NOT f T , , be sou? J j!..L; y ' S" J.R.WILUAAAS BOKNJ FIFTY YEARS TOO SOON ?,X"'. 8'B Real Estate 34 MUST SELL my 1 bedroom furnished homo, v,iw ir soio dv Aug, iin. Kay cynesj 10B2 NE Malheur. TWO BEDROOM modern house, electric; heat, easy terms. Immediate possession. 1057 NE Lincoln. Phone OR 3393 after 5 p.m, TWO BEDROOM In town, fireplace, patio, carport, fenced yard, exposed beams and cedar paneling, ,8W terms. 1230 Ful lerlon. OR 3-3486. THREE BR house, hardwood floors, fireplace, tarpon, oiuiimium siumy, goog wen, nesi- side Winston. Si 2,500. Will accept late mod el trailer. OS 9-5354. THREE bedroom house, large kitchen, sep- araie oining room, nrepiace, large cover ed patio, nice yard with sprinkling system. 325 W. Berdinu, Call OR 3-7324 after 3 p.m. JUST COMPLETED In Qulntus Park 3 bdm home, 2 tiled baths, all appliances In. uouuie garage, nrepiace. Top soil in, 516, 500. Phone OR 3-8020. THREE BR, family room, large kit., break fast nooK, cnning rm, ceramic tile kit bath, fireplace, dbl, garage, patio. Terms. $13,950. OR 2-1275. BY OWNER 3 bedroom, excellent view. In Clover aaie. Fireplace, garage, patio, fenc ed back yard. Leaving town. Ph. OR 3-6442 or OR 2-3433 tor appointment. ONE BR house and small lot at 852 NE Jackson St. Needs repairs. $2500 with small down payment. If interested, see Dave at Leuieu Motors, inc. TWO BEDROOM house, large kitchen and dining room combiner. All fenced, big yard. Close to stores. Furnished or un furnished. Cora M. Wright, 315 So. East "I" St., Grants Pass, Oregon. THREE BEDROOM house, 2 lull ftaths, tire- place, hardwood floors. Attached double garage, 1 patios. Well landscaped. On xh acre ground. 1 mile south of Roseburg Lumuer. ste.sw, ub v-btHB. NEARLY NEW 4 bedroom house. 2 baths. larqe living room with fireplace. Birch kitchen built-in oven and stove. Lennox neat piped to all rooms. Large lot, land scaped, 2888 W. Lorraine, or OR 3-5366, OO YOU LOVE TO FI5H? Here Is "the home for you, In restricted district In Winchester. l diocks from school, oosf office and river. Nearly full acre lot, landscaped. 7 room noma, plus oath, priced at FHA appralial. OR 2-2916 BY OWNER. 3 B.R. house close In. Large liv. room, tireplace, din, room, kllcher. nooK, l B.R. down, 2 up, Vt baths, Hdwd, firs., full cement basement, oil heat, sprin kler system, lovely yard, outdoor fireplace, garage. For price and terms see owner. 346 S.E. Rose OR 3-6279 . CLOAKES FERRY THREE BR, fireplace, large playroom, shop, patio, fenced yard. Close to Fullerton School, shopping. Free soli lot. $13,500 168 W. Bodie. OR 2-3772. Quiet Restful View ATTRACTIVE 1959 home on double view lots, Ideal location. 14 x 28 living room, view windows, corner fireplace, 2 bdrms, 2 baths, large kitchen with bar. Utility rm, 2-level pnllo and breeicway. Garage, work shop. Wcl! closeted, Carrier furnace and air conditioner. 112,500, FHA or Gl. Olf Hwy. 99, 180 E. Jorgens St. Wlnslon. 9-5148. NORTH UMPQUA FRONTAGE Have you bought your lot on the river ye'? Prices from $1,600 to $3,400. See Roseburg Realty Umpqua Hotel Lobby CR 2-3344 TOWN & COUNTRY REAL ESTATE TWO bedroom home, nice kitchen and nook, dining room, large living room, utility. Lot siie 170x100', 2-car garage, close lo school. $11,7C0, terms. FOUR bedroom home, larqe living room, large kitchen and dmtng room comb. Utility room, hiirdwood tloors. tireplace, garaqe. lawn and shrubs. Green District. $13,S00, terms. 50 ACRES ol beautiful larm land, all new modern house and larm btiiidinas, plenty of water. Jut the place to raise beef cattle. iil.SOO. terms. WE have some excellent trailer lots, city water available. Very reasonable. COOP MEMBER 1348 SIS Stephens OR 2-1316 Evenings Krueger OR 2-1994 Scanland OR 3-8117 4 BEAUTIFUL LOTS CITY WATER and electricity avail able, near Super Market, 1.00k. only S400, good terms, or SJ00 cash. HURRY! THREE acres 12 huge tots) on North Unipqua river, garden toil, boat land ing. Shade trees. Close in. Phont OR 3MS. LARGE MODERN 4 Beofoom home, on one Moor treshlv painted, tawn. shade trees, barn, a gueM house, and 10 level aires, with irrigation rights V 1,000, 1W0 Cvn. ACRES, all fenced, needed p-m- Hires Large attractive home barn, outbuilding. Sheeo included t only ii,00O-good terms, l.lSTINC-0"'edet on i ranches and iman acreages. CASH for vour Contract, or morf.i.ig Hu-ry whife money still available o Lloyd A. Wilson REALTOR ltifi" SK Stephens. OR 3 ,V78 BtrtER HOME BUYS Etrday in Classified 34 FOUR BR, Green Dist. 1600 sq. ft. Fire place. S9BO0, S1S0O down. Sulherlin 3050, JOHN M. FLECK REALTOR 55 ACRES. . Filly tillable, 25 A. Wilh IRRIGATION rights to year round creek running through prop erty, tenced, 5 room house, located on main highway. Asking SI 8,000. 21 ACRES. . Quiet retreat, minute to Mark's, lots of oak, fir, laurel. 2 bedroom comfortable home with own water well and ssrlngs, garage, chicken house. Future possibilities ex cellent. $12,500 with, S3.5O0 dn. NEWTON CREEK. . .3 Bedroom, freshly redecorated Inside and out, fireplace and paneling, dining room, attractive kitchen with eating area, alt. garage, ideal for expansion, cor ner lot $11,500. Shown by Appointment , OR 2-251 1 Branch Office 433 W. Military Ave. (West of Oak St. Bridge) FmA Leslie Black, OS 9-8612 Wiley's For Real Estate GRACIOUS LIVING In exclusive dis trict Are you crowded In your pres ent home? Here is plenty of room large kitchen with over-size dishwash er, built In range with 2 built -In ovens, built In deep-freeze and re frigerator, large dining area and large living room, both wilh best quality carpeting. Fireplace. 2 bed rooms down, with bath, and 3 bed rooms and bath up. Gas forced draft furnace, large utility room (could be play-room) 180 ft frontage on pav ed street, double carport, lovely patio, choice landscaping. Now priced at $26,500. J B.R. WITH POSSIBILITY OF THIRD. Paved street and sewer WESTSIDE attached garage plus car port. 75x90 ft. lot close to Fremont Jr. High. New roof and newly paint ed. Back yard Is fenced. Price $6950, t as low as 3b down. 18 ACRES, 4 bedrooms on one floor, hardwood floors, wood heat, double garage. 2 miles from Melrose Store. Total price $13,500. CATTLE RANCH 1200 acres, 10 miles towards Glide, Good grass wilh boa hay land. Lois of water, 3 creeks and springs. Older 3 BR house, 3 barns, 2 feed sheds. Fences very good, some re-log timber. Has BLM lease plus open range. If you are a cattle man look this over. $75,000. EARL WILEY Real Estate 428 S. E. Main St. OK 3-3403 OR 3-3903 Real Estate fSI on 2-2(129 llOl & Es W loKft REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS PHONE OR 2-1413 ON THE BIG RIVER 115 ACIiKS. 50 river bottom. 9 Acres of prunes netted $2, 000 last year. Very Rood 3 bedroom plastered home with hardwood floors. 2 barns, corn, hay, plus fine garden, ir rigation system. 50 hogs, 18 steers plus equipment. S5i, 000, $15,000 down. 30 ACRES BKAUTII'TI, building site with view. Shady spot to park your trailer or build your home. Septic tank h in. Drilled well, lots of fruit trees. Only $5.S)0fl $1,000 or less down. Close to Roseburg. SOUTH OF TOWN ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom home on 3i acre with carport, shop and storage space. Some fruit trees and berries. Also nice garden spot. Very good well. This properly is priced to soli at $".800. Owner might' consider trade for small ranch. EVERYTHING TOPS 115 ACRES of which 35 acres is of the best bottom soil. This good lull laml wilh some tim.,r. A $20,000, 3 bedroom home with firif lace, separate dining room, breakfast nook. hardw'd floors, 2 bai-. basement with wood furnace. Home fullv plastered with cove ceiling. All of this and more. $-13,-000? din. 0 DESIGNED FOR EASY LIVING W ELL constructed 2 bedroom home with play rogn or extra bedroom in -' basement NOe living iqiu with fireplace. Step saving kitchen, oil furnace. Nicely landscaped. 5 bloRs to city center. $12,250. Terms. LOU BASSETT E H "Doc" POCOCK MARGE MARTIN G F. REYNOLDS H. J. BAUER ,8MA By J. R. Williams Real Estate 34 THREE bedroom home, Westslde. Good loca lion. $7750. OR 2-1460, OR 3-4383. LIVING ROOM, dining room combination, 2 large, 1 small bedrooms. Bath and Vi, Close to schools' and town. Excellent con dition. OR 3-3021. FOR SALE CR TRADE Apartment Hotel 5 APTS. plus living quarters and 9 rental rooms. Good Income. Room for trailets. Beautiful Grounds. HAMILTON HOTEL Phooe 832-3465 . Glendale Courtesy to brokers FULLERTON REALTY 1 APPROXIMATELY 5 acres, lust out side cily limits, comfortable 2 bed room older home, barn, very good well. More ground available. $10,500, $1000 down. Immediate possession. $12,750 Weslslde expandable home, 2 bedrooms, den, living room, (Ire place, dining room, kitchen nook, extra large utility, carport. May as sume Gl loan. CLOSE IN neat 2 bedroom home, large living dining room, good kitch en, large bath wired tor washer dryer. Oil heater and electric range Included. $5500, $1000 down. 723 N.E. Stephens OR 2 3172 or OR 3-6938 Roseburg Realty & Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 CHECK THIS! I Winston 3 bedroom, lVj Bath modern home. 75 x 145 lot, living room with fireplace, separate dining area, nice kitchen, fenced yard wilh waterfall and fishpond, lots of storage space, carport. This home Is In excellent condition. $13,000. . . try 3 down II TWO BEDROOM super-value on Page road. 100 x 195 lot, huge oaks, 70' well plus city water, Fireplace, gar age, concrete patio, nice lawns and shrubs. $10,950 with FHA terms. 2 BEDROOM and family room, 1.7 acre river location with story-book landscaping and river, view, picnic area benenth huge shade trees. Cir culating lireplace, hot water heal, separate utility room on porch. Large aluminum sided shop parks two cars and has lots more room for a play room or workshop. Cily water. Irri gation from river, everything In ex eel lent shape. $19,500 and worth every cent. 3 BEDROOM on Broccoli. . .close to 'everything. Modern In every detail, fireplace, dining area, fine kitchen, paved extra parking area, garage and enclosed patio, rare shrubs too. See this. . .just $14,950. Still choice lots available on the North River at Echo Bend and Sky Park. . .and they're not making any more river frontage. . .so HURRYII Evenings Call The Doylcs OR 2-3533 CR 2-3839 OR 3-8259 OR 3-65Q3 OR 3-4j4 OR 2-1085 34 WELL BUILT, Westiidl tionw. ptrlMl con- anion. Excellent neighborhood. 3 bedrooms, family room, flreDlsce. birch kitchen, built- in?.. Shady fenced landtcepeg Yerd. Play yard. Double oaraoe, paved St., tewer. Walk to school. Great bargain al SI7.7SO. Dial OR 3-5497 WILLIAMSON REAL ESTATE NEWER HOME Salt or trade. Wnal have you? Beautiful split-level, 5 bdrms, 2'.i bat to, 2 fireplaces. Oil heat. Owner leaving shown by ap pointment. VERY NICE 2 BR home with t BR separate cottage. South of town. Full price $7000. Terms. VERY. NICE 1 BR home with large lot, cloie In on Calkins Rd. Priced at $6930. Only 100 down owner will carry. 1157 K. Stephens 1 I Ph 0R 3"4302 - Eves. OR 2 2941 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE 1333 S. E. Stephens $89S0Lovely 2 bdrm Westslde home. In excellent condition and many nice features. Owner will sell with 3 down, balance under F.H.A. Choice Residential Area YOU should see this lovely large 2 bdrm home wllh beautiful landscap ing, on .paved street and sewer. The owner will sell on FHA appraisal. Spacious 3 Bedroom LOCATED on nice residential street, many nice features such as, bath and V), raised hearth fireplace, un finished basement gives loads of stor age, 90X 300 lot. Price $12,700 Includ sewer assessment. Fed. Gl's let us show you this. Immediate possession. $12,000 Terms Available COMPLETELY furnished 2 bdrm. home with 2 rentals end faclllttes for small business In Dillard. This Is one of the best deals we have seen for a retired couple wishing additional income or wife wishing to make addi tional Income. TRADES DUPLEX In Winston. Owner will trade on 3 bdrm In Wintton or Rose burg. $10,0003 bdrm Dlllard home. Own er wants trade on nice Roseburg home. WE ARE MEMBERS of Roseburg Coop and Portland Multiple Listing Bureau. Come in and see our pictures of Portland properly. OR 3-5594 Evenings call: Al Hoffman Iris Relnert OR 3-5343 OR 3-6126 ROYO. YOUNG & Son Older 3 Bedroom Home CLOSE IN home on paved street and walking distance to business district. Some furniture can be bought separ ately. Including almost new Oakland heater and Monarch electric range. M.80O for 1000 ft. of floor space. Terms. New Unfinished 3 Bedroom 100' x 100' LOT plus a good size cabin that could be moved onto an adjoining 100' x 100' lot at SB.000 for a rental. House has roof and siding on wllh partitions In the rough. Move In and finish as you go. Full base ment with garage space. M.000 for house, lot and large cabin. Winston Area. Get Settled For School 2 BEDROOM, older home to settle an estate. In Rose School area. Needs some paint but at $4,000 you can paint It several times. 5 discount for cash, or Vi down, bal. at $50 per month. Taxes $55. 50' x 100 lot. Lots And Acreages 40 ACRES of ground at $3,000 and 80 acres at $5,500 on terms In the Roberts Creek area. SEVERAL NICE level lots near M. Wards with a 2 bedroom home. Good location for motel, trailer park, med ical clinic or duplexes. I GOOD lots on Newton Creek Road. OTHER good business and residen tial lots. SEE US for farms of all sizes. y'slRoy O. Young and Son v0 J Realtors 733 S.E. Cass Ave. Pacific Bldg. Phone Office Oft 3-6471 3-4671 Friday, UKSJJ se, VES Sunday and Evenings except Call LeNoir Km OR 2-295H JIM BEVANS REAL ESTATE HAVE A PARTY LOVELY PARTY room tor teenaqers or adults. Built specialty for Happy Hours. Attractive bar and back bar. Nice back yard with patio for out door living In the summertime. Very nice 2 bedroom home, excellent view. Extra nice kitchen, basement, forced air furnace. Downtown location. Out of stale owner. Vacant now. Price, $14,500 with FHA terms. 0 Down S YEAR OLD 3 bedroom home. At tractive, neat and clean. Very lovely kitchen, tile bath, fireplace, hdwd. lis., plastered, nicely landscaped yard. Let us show you today. $13,000. RIVER FRONTAGE APPROXIMATELY 3 Acres close In. 3 Bdrm. home with hdwd floors, fireplace, good garden ground. Owner transferred and mult sell. $13,500. Small down, purchaser can assume $13,400 Fed. Gl loan. Don't pass this one up. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT QUICK POSSESSION. Now vacant. 2 Bdrm. home, neat end clean. Wall to wall carpet. Nice concrete patio. City sewer. $6,950. , INCOME PROPERTY ONE BDRM HOVE. Very neat and clean and now rented. Owner needs 10 tell. $3 000, full price wilh $500 down. "RIVER RANCH APPROXIMATELY vj A, half m permanent pasture 9S Irrigated Ir r!ion system, tractor O imf stock. Viivily spring water for 3 bedroom home. Fenced. Price, $S3,S00 with 7'l down. i jSi Real Estate 957 NE Stephens Ph. OR 2-3731 Day or Night L HtcM J?:U Dwothy Jonea P. O. Coon, Reneh Salesman -f?M Real Estate 1 Real Estate 34 BY OWNER 2 bedroom house, close In, lots, SO X 100'. Please no calls Friday eve nings or Saturday. Call OR3-73?9. TWO BEDROOM twme.' on sewer. $500 for Our equity assume payments Of $50 per month. OR 3-3874 after i p.m. 2'j A, 4 BR home, concrete founda tion, good well, 2 miles East. Re duced to $6950, some terms possible. THREE BR home with detached rent al, 109 ft Hwy frontage In Dillard, $500 down. Very easy terms. FOUR BR home on Westside, price reduced to $11,500, excellent location. LACKEY REAL ESTATE An Exchange For Buyers & Sellers 243 ACRE RANCH, 21 Irrigated (more possible), good set outbuild ings. 3 bedroom home, river front, age, full line equipment. $36,000. 29 down, $1500 yearly plus Interest. EX CHANGE Roseburg home. What have you? $11,450. $350 DOWN, Newton Creek S bedroom, fireplace, dishwasher, pa tio, 2 car driveway, 450 gal oil tank. Nice. 327 ACRE RANCH, S4 flood end sprinkler Irrigated, 2 year around creeks and springs, dam, water right. 3 bedroom house, 5OxB0 barn, feed shed, weld shop, 50 ewes, complete line equipment. $45,000, 1-3 down, terms. EXCHANGE Roseburg home or 10' wide trailer house. Let's go ranching. 490 ACRE RANCH, $45,000, 29 down, $1500 yearly plus Interest, near Rose burn, spring, 2 ponds, 6 room home, good set outbuildings, good fence. EXCHANGE home or business prop erty. 275 ACRE RANCH, 120 bottom land, 60 Irrigated (most planted sub clover), River, creek and spring. 2 story home, stock and sheep barn, chicken house, 2 car garage, ma chine shed, full line equipment. $67, 500. EXCHANGE business property or home. f . 775 ACRE RANCH, natural pasture, large 2 bedroom home, new barn, hill and bench land, springs and ponds. Close In. EXCHANGE Income property or dwellings any area. $77, 500. $11,500. S2000 DOWN, S65 mo. 840 sq. ft. home, 2 lots (100x165 each). Page Road. Circulating tireplace, lovely yard and garden. Call for showing. 763 ACRE RANCH, 150 tillable, bal ance hill land, some timber. Good . I 3 bedroom home, new sheep shed. $42,750, $17,750 down, $1000 yearly plus 4 int. KEASEY ROAD (Hucrest), large 1 bedroom, full basement, separate 2 bedroom garage apartment, double carport plus garage. Full basement, furnace. Fruit and shade trees. $17, 500. 10o down. $9300. $300 DOWN, large 2 bedroom, close in, 75x100 lot, carport, part redecorated. 6 ACRES WALNUTS, Sulherlin, small house, good well, $4750, $1000 down $65 month. 20 ACRES, 2 story 4 bdrm home, Garden Valley. Horse barn, wood shed and chicken house. $16,500. CO-OP MEMBER 368 SE Jackson OR 2-1659 Del Nelson 3-4072 Major Miller 3-4907 - Gene Peck 2-4534 Bob Bodeen 2-3636 Lots And Acreages 35 WINSTON 140 ft frontage on Main and Sher ry St. $3500 cash, if sold this mo. OS 9-5773. ACREAGE RoseburgScnool Dlst. electrle lty, phone available. OR 3-5913. THREE- 10 A lots, $2500, $3000, $3500, terms or cash discount. OR 2-3812. LEVEL LOT, Westslde city water and sewer OR 3-5366 LOTS 100 x 100', In Green, some on pave ment. Water in, sewer soon. OR 3-8459. GLIDE 4'i acre buiiding site on Llttli River Road. S2750 cash. GY6-3313. TWO LOTS, Vj block north of Montgomery Wards, on John St. Call OR 3-5183. LARGE landscaped lot, equipped for trailer home, garage and utility with washer and dryer. 5 miles south of Roseburg. Call after 5 p.m. OR 2-1529. TRADE for travel trailer choice lot at Sulton Lake, near the coast. Improved, . elect, in. 18' trailer on lot. All for $1700. Or sell separately. Less for cash. OR 3-7300. Farms And Ranches 36 FOR LEASE 80 A, all or part. W-sprlnkler irrig. Call Oakland 3613, write M. Forsfer, 714 N. 16th St., Phoenix 20, Ariz. 80 ACRES on river. Irrigation, fruit trees, good buildings. On state hignway. Call 825-3309, Days Creek. Exchange Real Estate 38 TRADE Roseburg property for Seattle. Write Shriner, 4030 Whitman Ave., Seattle. Timber And Sawmills 40 WANTED Douglas fir, cedar loos and cordwood In multiples of 8 ft. We load and haul If piled along accessible road. Keller Lumber Co. OR 2-1791. ATTENTION TIMBER' owners" and loggers Have late model 0-6 cat and Unit Mo bile Loader. By hour or thousand. Ph. OS 9-8696. Building Materials 41 REJECT LUMBER $12.50 per unit. C8.0 Lumber Co., RiddleOre. TR 4-2281. NAflVESTONE For ' fireplaces, veneer, rock gar dens, patio's etc. Many colors available. DOUGLAS STONE PRODUCTS CO. OR 3-5027 OR 9-4255 OR 3-3972 Vacation Homes "A" FRAME CABINS Complttt or partially comolett eon. Struction TO SUIT YOU Building, remodtling of all typts Deady Lumber Co. ?. Mi. N. of Wilbur OR 1-7194 NOW Is The Time To Give Your Floor That "New Look" YOU can have a New Pre-Finished FLOOR for only . $34.20 (room size 12 X 12) 4X4 panels .No underlaymont required Nailed directly to suhfloor ATwaya optn I ill 1! Sarvrdayi PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WEHOUSE O O OS 9-8781, Ext 70 Halfway Brw. Winston -Dillard 0 TJ