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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1962)
ikiTEQrcTiMR VISITORS In kin and chHdren, Lansing and Terri, who were guests of Mrs. Hawkins parents, Mr and Mrs. Art Friend, and her sister, Georgia Friend. Major Hawkins has complet ed nearly 20 years in U.S. Army service, serving in Germany, Japan, Korea, Georgia, and Florida and has just completed three years in Aloska. He is now being transferred to Hollywood, Calif., where he will be liaison officer for the Army in television and movie work. (Picture by Barbroy's .Studio). ' Shower Is Given For Mrs. Hoskins A bridal shower was held for Miss Arlene Hayden at the home of Mrs. Kenneth L. Jones at 473 SE Rust St. Lovely gifts were presented to the bride-to-be by Miss Marjorie Martin, Mrs, Lester Frost, Mrs. Dclbert Nelson, Mrs. Richard Pow ell, Mrs. Dolores Kavany, Mrs. Fern Craig, Mrs. Jan Brown, Mrs. Char Lee Ball, Mrs. Bobbie Hor ton, Mrs. Blanche Martin, Mrs. Kenneth Jones, Mrs. Laura Hamp ton and daughter, Carolyn; Mrs. David Grubb, Mrs. Verden Hockett and Mrs. Mel Crabtree from North Bend. Sending gifts were Mrs. Evan Sitlon, Mrs. J. P. Motschcnbacher and Mrs. Fred Stever. Housewarming . Given At Drain A surprise housewarming was given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ness of Drain. A large group of friends from the Drain Church of Christ gathered for a social hour and toured the newly-completed borne. The group presented the honored couple with a gift. Mel Prescott, Mrs. Glenn Cole and Mrs. Kenneth Ottinger sang a song that was writ ten especially for the Nesses and tho occasion. - Bonnie Moorhous Bride Of July 23 The marriage of Bonnie Moor hcus and Jerry Briggs took place July za in J-JI Monte, Calif., witli tho Rev. George officiating. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. W. Terry of El Monto. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Moorhous of Santa Rosa, Calif. She attended schools In Wilbur and Roseburg before moving to Eureka, Calif., and la ter to Santa Rosa, where she was graduated from Montgomery High School. Bonnie also attended Santa Rosa Junior College, and beforo her marriage she was employed by the City of Santa Rosa Plan ning Dept. Tho bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Briggs of Eu reka. Ho attended Eureka HiRh School. He is a corporal In tho U.S. Marine Corps and has recent ly returned from a year of duty In Okinawa and Japan, Tho couple plans to live In 2(1 Palms, Calif., whero Cpl. Briggs is stationed. RED HAVEN PEACHES for Conning and Freezing Coma Now-Short Supply BURKS' BLUE FRUIT STAND Dillard OS 9-8876 iw MONTGOMERY WARD 1481 N.E. Stephens WAE3DS WILL BE OPEN UNTIL Hoddv VoIIbv recently were Major and Mrs. Hirsohle How- Linda Sherman Is Honored At Shower On Friday Night Mrs. Audrey Clark and M 1 a s Judy Preston were charming host esses when they entertained at the Ladies clubhouse in Tenmile Fri day evening at a bridal shower to honor Linda Sherman. Floral arrangements were used In decoration. Games were played, prizes being won by Mrs. Rena Mills, Mrs. James Powers and Mrs. Neal Smith. Miss Sharman opened her many lovely gifts. She was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Roland Thiess, and Miss Cheryl McDaniels. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses to the guest of honor, Miss Sherman; her mother, Mrs, Erta Sherman, her sislers, Mrs. Roland Thiess and Mrs. Jean Rust; Mrs. Wayne Breit enbucher, Mrs. Grafton Tyler, Mrs. Matthews Reunion Is Held At Bogus Creek Park Site Bogus Creek Park on the North Umpqua River was the scene of a reunion of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Matthews of Res- ton. This is the first time that that their family has been togeth er since 19S5. Special guests of honor for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matthews and sons. Steven Mat thews and Michael Robinson of Fairbanks, Alaska. They arrived in Douglas County after a 10-day auio inp uiroufiii tne Yukon Ter ritory and British Columbia via the Alaska and the Trans-Canada highways. Those attending the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Matthews of First Anniversary Observed An outdoor barbeque party in celebration of the first wedding an niversary July 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mount was held at the Mount home near Coffee Creek west of Tiller. Mount made all arrange ments for tho event and tended the barbeque. A lovely tliree-tlored annivorsary cake baked and decorated by Mrs. Richard Freese of Tiller was serv ed. It was iced in white and ac cented with yellow roses. Gifts to the Mounts wore In keeping with the paper anniversary theme. Cli maxing the enjoyable evening were champagne toasts at midnight. Erlebachs Entertain Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Anton Erlcbach en tertained at their home overlook ing the South Umpqua River near Tiller Sunday in celebration of the birthdays of their granddaughter, Joan Gcrvais, and hor mother, Mrs. Frank Rye, both of Grants Pass, whose anniversaries occur red during the previous week. Outdoor picnic facilities wore set up in the spacious yard for tho ovent, including a grill ovor which tho youngsters roasted marshmal lows. OR 2-4811 Louis Diedrlch, Mrs. Rena Mills, Mrs. Dean Dwight, Mrs. Jack Clare, Mrs. Charles McDaniels, Cheryl and Linda McDaniels. Mrs. Neal Smith, Mrs. Maxine Mason, Miss Bonnie Vance, Miss Idella Ledbetter, Mrs. James Pow ers, Mrs. Elmer Powers, Mrs. Norman DeGnath, Mrs. Ronnie Anderson, Mrs. Ted Anderson, Mrs. Maurice O'Connell and the hostesses, Mrs. Clark and Miss Preston. Sending gifts were Miss Donna Bourassa, Mrs. Harold Vance, Mrs. Don Hinch Sr., Mrs. John Rath key, Mrs. Byrd Smith, Tony Thiess, Mrs. Verne Maisenbach, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hinch Jr., Mrs. Wallace Preston and girls: Mrs. Laddie Crlppen, Mrs. George Butts and Mrs. Walter Coats. Reston and the following sons and daughters: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mat thews and sons, Rickey and Clark of Lookingglass; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willis (Virginia) and fam ily, Cindy. Jenny, Benny and Dickv of Tenmile; Mr. and Mrs. Roy uecicer (.Elaine) ana lamuy, Rod ney and Anita of Cleveland Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kenworthy (Lillian) and daughters. Saundra and Kay of Roseburg: and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matthews and sons, Steven and Michael of Fairbanks, Alaska. . .. Another son, Douglas, was un able to attend the reunion as he is with the U.S. Navv in San Bieaa. Calif. Invited to celebrate with the young couple were Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Clauson, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon R. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freese, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jenks, Argle Matthews, Robert Sit ter, Guy Sabin and Edward L. Rife, all of Tiller; Miss Mavis Grimm of Tri City; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sitton of Myrtle Creek, and Miss Susan Vcrnand of Manhattan Beach, Calif., cousin of Mrs. Mount, who has been visitting here. She was maid of honor for her cousin a year ago. Mrs. Erlcbach baked the cake honoring Mrs. Rye. Chocolate and heart-shanrH it and featured white candles. Mrs. itye Baked and decorated the cake in honor of her daughter. It was iced in white and trimmed in pink with pink candles. Present for thn mlnK the Gorvais girls, Joan, Jean, Jane and June, thoir mnthm- kih d.. and small son Frankle all of Grants ioss; mr. and Mrs. Ivan Edwards of Roseburg, brother and sister-in-law Of Ml Rvn- Me ont M. Arthur Bigelow and five children of Shady Cove; and Mrs. Bigclow's parents, ntr. ana sirs. Charles Col lins of Tiller. Picnic On Patio Enjoyed' By Club Mrs. Hugh Ritchie of Garden Valley was hostess to the Garden Valley Women's Club Thursday at lis annual picnic. A picnic dinner was served at 12:30 in the Ritchie patio to Emma l-ong, Peggy Layer, Margaret Booth. Mamie Teeter, Belle Ew ens, Wilma Pon. Carrie Sinclair, Gcorgine Kohlhagen, Ellen Post and Addle Schneider. Ruby Boyd of Lloydmlnister, Sask., Canada, was a special guest. The first fall meeting of the club will be Oct. 4. HELEN SAAR KINDERGARTEN OPENS SEPTEMBER 4 TVO CLASSES DAILY 9;00 to ll:CO o.m, $10.00 Per Month REGISTER NOW ''lotus knight porter 52 8 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Surprise Shower Monday Fetes Mrs. Jimmy Foster Mrs. Jimmy Foster of Azalea was honored at a surprise pink and blue shower Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Dick Darrow. Mrs. Darrow was assisted with the shower by Mrs. Arnold Dalke and Mrs. Paul Schimp. Three games were played, ana Mrs. Jack Smith was awarded a prize in one of them. Other win ners will be announced. After the gifts were opened, the hostesses served refreshments. The cake was pink, decorated in deep er pink tones with baby booties on top ana a ruffle effect on the sides. Birthday Club Picnic Held For Members And Husbands The Birthday Club held its an nual picnic for members and their husbands at Dr. John Meyer's resi dence in Canyonville Sunday eve ning. Steak was the order of the day with the men doing the honors at the barbecue. Members and husbands attending the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Herbert, OES Matrons Enjoy Potluck Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chiavaras of Azalea were hosts Sunday after noon for a potluck dinner held for worthy matrons and worthy pa trons of Eastern Star Chapters in Southern Oregon and members of their families. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. George Findlay of Alpha Chapter, Ashland; Mrs. Bob Breck enridge, and D. H. Lloyd of Chap ter 64, Kerby; Mrs. Leda Trahern ana Walter Sweetland of Josephine Chapter, Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Adslt of Mistletoe Chapter, Riddle; and Mrs. Howard Chiavaras and Howard Edson of Glendale Chapter. Others present included Mrs. D. H. Lloyd, secretary of Western Star Chapter, Kerby; Mrs. How ard isason, secretary of the Glen dale Chapter; Mrs. Walter Sweet- Sandstede Home Gathering Scene Mr. and Mrs. .Ralph Sandstede held open house in the garden of their attractive home on W. Hazel Driday evening for the members or the Class of 1942 and their hus bands and wives. About 50 entoved the evening. Acting as hosts and hostesses for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Sandstede, Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Jonnson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rho den, Mr. and Mrs. Del McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Pyle, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bourassa, Mr. and Mrs. Mer ritt Burt and Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Kennerly Jr. The Class of 1942 held its 20- year reunion Saturday evening at a banquet and program. Picnic Luncheon Enjoyed Tuesday A rfollcihtfnl nitntn Itin.hin ,.,., held at the Winston Community ram, luesnay, Dy mcmocrs oi tne WinstOn-nillnrH Rninhnu, ClarAan Club. Hostesses were Mary Musick ana uieanor smgiey. The $185 grant from Sears and Roebuck was rornivflH hv thn nlnh president, Martha Danchock. uuests enjoying the outing were Pat Barron, Linda White, Sandra White and daticMpr. T.isn Mum. bcrs present were: Daisy Fox, maruia uancnock, uonme Nelson, Ethel Lynch, Neva Conrad, Mary White, Betty Nielsen, Beth Gordon, Arleta Grenske, Robbie Lee Coop er, Alice Hill and Marie Counts. Lees And Harmons Hosts At Sunday Potluck Picnic The North Wtmwiiifl Rivni nlrnii spot on the Darwin Lee property at Riversdalc was tho scene of a potluck picnic on Sunday. Hosting the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Dar win Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Don Harmon. Swimming and visiting were enjoyed during the day. Enjoying the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Slritzke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kruse and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Phillips Jr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Swimming Party Is Given Christopher Mehl, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mehl of Glendale, or 1 ;00 to 3;00 p.rrv Ages from 4 Years CALL OR 3-7365 BEVERLY BROOKE Ore. Tiies., Aug. 7, 1962 Tbe cake had been baked by Mrs'. Verne Newton. Those present were the honoree and Mrs. Verne Newton, Mrs. Dick Darrow, Mrs. Paul Scbimp, Mrs. Arnold Dalke, Mrs. Gerald Brady, Mrs. 0. H. Clark, Mrs. Roy Sny der, Mrs. Steve Drew and her mother, Mrs. Maude Crisswell of Almonta, Wash.; Mrs. Leo Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth Foster, Mrs. Jack Smith and Mrs. Henry Gaedecke. Gifts were sent by Mrs. Lowell Traweek, Mrs. Ben Phelps, Mrs. Lawrence Worley, Mrs. Owen Mo bley and Miss Jan Mosley. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoverson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Musser, Mr. and Mrs. George McClane, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ringen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chappell and Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Moore were unable to attend. The club presented three lovely lamps to Mrs. Meyers, the hostess. And Patrons At Azalea land, patron, Josephine Chapter; Bob Breckrenridge and children. Kathleen, Bobbette, David and Ross, of Azalea. The adults spent the afternoon visiting while the children swam in Starveout Creek. Luncheon Given For Mrs. Graham A charming informal noon lunch' eon was given Friday at Ruth Bradley's Oak Tree Inn. Mrs. Paul Geddes was hostess for the occa sion which honored the birthday of Mrs. Blaine Graham. The honoree received lovely gifts from those attending the party. A lovely birthday cake highlighted the delicious luncheon. Present to honor Mrs. Graham were Mrs. G. I. Dunagan of Eu gene, Mrs. R. A. Briggs, Mrs. Dale Williamson, Mrs. Rex Rob erts, Mrs. Roger Smith, Mrs. Clark Hayden (Bev Lyons), Darl Ann Loin and Mrs. Geddes. TO MARRY Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stadia, Winston, an nounce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Carole Ann, to l.narlie White, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Lossond White, Dillard. Both the bride-elect ond bride groom-elect were graduated trom Douglas High School, the former in 1962 and the latter in 1959. A late Aug ust wedding is planned. (Pic ture by Borbroy's Studio). Kruse, Mrs. Neil Christian and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Cot trell and family. Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Conn and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Anstin Kapptinai and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rill Matthews and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Denton and family, Mrs. J. M. Burkhart, Mr. and Mrs. Lee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Harmon and family, Larry Aamot and Terry Fitzger ald. , celebrated his birthday Monday at , swimming party given at his home. Hostesses were Candace Wells, Helen Shepherd, Darlene Ball and Karen and Jan Mehl. Tables were set beside the swim ming pool and decorated to simu late the beach. Those present Included Mrs. Dean Garrett and sons, Scott and Ronnie; Mrs, George Wells and Candace and Ray: Mrs. Roy His- song and Debby and Randy; Mrs. t red smitli and Scott and Kelly; Larry Brady; Frank Fonfara; Tommy and Gary Prestianni; Hel en Shepherd; Darlene Ball; Helen, Jan and Billy Mehl; Mitchell Swan- K )Y Keith Atterbury Is Complimented Mrs. Keith Atterbury entertain ed Sunday at the traditional annual Dirtnaay dinner honoring her hus band. Family members were pres ent for the feast which was held outdoors at the Atterbury home. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Atterbury, Kenneth Pickens and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Planken- horn and son, Jimmy, all of Med- ford; Mr. and Mrs. Dee Atterbury ana cnuaren, Bonnie, mil and Su- sanne, all of Sutherlin; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Atterbury, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Doyle. Holly Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Atterbury and children, Donna, Ann, Wayne, Kent and Chris; and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Atterbury. Kunkle Family Enjoys Reunion The annual reunion of the Kun kle family was held in Eugene Sun day at the Skinner's Butte Park recreation hall. Hand ball, visiting and a Bountiful dinner were enjoy ed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Purley McCready, Sharon, Coleen, and Kenneth McCready, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kunkle, Mrs. Caroline Kun kle, Mrs. Ross Jacky and David Jacky, Mrs. Eunice Kunkle, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bcr natzki, Greg and Michael Bernat zki of Blue River; Mr. and Mrs, Gene Kunkle, Bill and Jane Kun kle, Mrs. Jessie Kunkle, Chrystal and Patricia Conkun, all of Sa lem; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Low ell and Daniel Lowell, Mrs. Bill Kunkle, Steven and Janet Kunkle, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. James Kun kle, Dixie, James, John and Di ana Kunkle, Goshen; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bernatzki. Drain: Mr. ana Mrs. mcnara Kunkle, Corneli us; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kunkle Kim, Cheryl and Kelli Kunkle, Alo ha; Mr. and Mrs. William Kunkle and Michael Kunkle, Beaverton; mr. ana Mrs. Ainert steuer. Rose burg; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lowell ana Gordon and Darla Lowell and Mrs. Jennie Lowell, Myrtle Creek Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koch from Kansas, who are here visiting with the Bud Lowell family. Reno Marriage Event Of July Marie Russum of Drain and Floyd Harmon were married Fri day, July 27, at 3:30 p.m. at Reno, Nev., by the justice of the peace. i ne Dnae wore a Dlue suit trim med with black braid. Her acces sories were black. The bride has lived in Drain for a number of years and is employed by the U. S. National Bank. The bridegroom lived in Cottage Grove and has been employed by Bott s oarage for a number of years. or their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Harmon went to Seattle. They are now at nome in Drain. Mrs. Fankboner Given Surprise Mrs. Elizabeth Fankboner of Garden Valley was honored at a surprise farewell party Wednesday evening, uuests collected at the entrance of the Fankboner road and went in a band to her home. Gifts were presented to the honor ed one and the pleasant hours were spent in visiting. those attending were Mrs. Ado na Malifait and Roxana and Kathy. Mrs. Walter Osborne, Phyliss Peck, Donna Peck, Opal Stork, Peggy Hughes, Maneta Coe, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Weston, Joe Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hartley. Mrs. Clem Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Tinker and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Salberg and Ray and Jack, and the guest of honor s husband, Ray Fankboner, and son, Jimmie, who also received special gifts. Mrs. Fankboner will join her hus band in Los Angeles later this month. Steak Fry Held At Hockett Home Alpha Iota Chapter of Beta Sig ma Phi held its annual steak fry at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ver den Hockett. Members and husbands attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. George Lar son, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gingery, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Jones, Miss Marjorie Martin, Miss Ar lene Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. R. El wood Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Von Schriltz, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pingleton and the host and host ess. Mr. and Mrs. Hockett. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Lopez, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Heid rick and Roger Brinkman. Betrothal Told Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Sutton of Riddle announce the engage ment and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sylvia, to Kenneth Nichols, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nichols of Riddle. The wedding has been set for Friday, Sept. 7. Hiva fun Squara r - IM7 na K f.r JsJ .' (orb fewl I . , T v. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM J. DYE, above, of San Jose, Calif., whose marriage took place in Carson City, Nev., July 7, visited recently with relatives and friends in the Winston orea. The bride is the former Flavia Rhodes Wertman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rhodes of Winston. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stafferd Summer of Kansas City, Mo. Yoncalia ; Complimented Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daugherty of Yoncalia were honored guests at several occasions recently, hon oring their 50th wedding anniver sary. On Friday evening, mem bers of the Yoncalia Assembly of God Church gave a party in their honor. The party was held at the church, which was beautifully dec orated with colorful summer flow ers. Music was featured during the evening, with two songs written by different members. Mr. and Mrs. Daugherty are charter members of the church. Mrs. Leroy Hop kins had baked a beautifully dec orated cake which was served with coffee and punch. The members presented them with two beauti fully upholstered lawn chairs. On Sunday afternoon open house was held at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Loyd Emery. A long table, set under the large maple trees in the yard, was cov ered with a lace cloth and held a large decorated wedding cake, baked and decorated by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kirkelie. Visiting was enjoyed by many friends and rel atives. Mrs. Ben Emery, niece of Mr. Daugherty, served the cake. Mrs. Henry Byron and Mrs. Elmer Bragg served coffee and Mrs. Le Roy Hopkins and Mrs. Knopp serv ed coffee and punch. Mrs. Howard Loyd had charge of the guest book. The Daughertys' four daugh ters: Mrs. Joseph (Raye) Spenser from Sebastopol, Calif.; Mrs. Charles (Ruthelma) Barrett from West Covina, Calif.; Mrs. Leland (Edriss) Morse from Toledo, Ore.; and Mrs. Loyd (Irene) Emery, to- Pizza Party Held At Daniels Home ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Daniels en tertained friends at a pizza supper in tneir Winston home patio Sun day evening. The delightful meal was prepared by Mrs. Catherine Divita, a house guest of Mrs. Fran Allen. The evening was spent visiting and playing cards and croquet. Those attending were Mrs. Ray Oliver and daughter, Cheryl; Mr. and Mrs. Les Wolf and baby son; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McGuire, Miss June Dale Hutson, Mrs. Catherine Divita, Larry Williams, Mrs. Fran Allen and son, Gordon; Mrs. Brian Counts, Miss Jessie Counts, John Dyhre and son, Chuckle; Mrs. Cor rine Tarlton, Miss Debbie Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Daniels, Vicki and Phillip. September Rites Planned By Pair Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harry, Can yonville, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Ann Louise Harry, to Lt. James Wendell Hull of Champaign, 111., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Morty Hull of Champaign. The bride-elect was graduated from Oregon State University in June, 1962, and the bridegroom elect was graduated from the Uni versity of Illinois and is presently stationed at Camp Adair Air Force Base in Corvallis. Mr. Hull and Miss Harry an nounced their engagement at Ford's Restaurant in Portland July 29. The wedding h planned tenta tively for Sept. 9 at the Tri-City Presbyterian Church. Danca Stay Young! SQUARE DANCING ith Phil Booker of ineouver, B.C., Caller ;riday & Saturday UGLAS AUGUST 1549 ROSEBURG Couple gether with 21 grandchildren and two great grandchildren, were present to greet their many friends. All four of the girls were born and reared in Yoncalia. Elmer Daugherty came from Owensville, Ind., to Yoncalia in 1902, and together with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grade Daugh erty, settled on the farm where they now live. Mrs.. Daugherty (nee Blanche McClarnen) came from Wichita, Kan., in 1910. They were married in the Methodist church parson age July 24, with the Rev. Oren Wall performing the ceremony. Among the guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Silas Turpin of Roseburg who were also present for the anniversary party. M r s. Turpin and Mrs. Daugherty are sisters. On Monday night a family re union was held at the Emery home in their honor. The Rev. Morse of Toledo was unable to be pres ent at the anniversary party due to church commitments. Joseph Spenser from California was also unable to attend, but flew up for the reunion. A fried chicken dinner was serv ed under the large maple tree to the following: Mr. and Mrs. El mer Daugherty, Yoncalia, Mr. and and Alan Spenser from Sebasto pol, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barrett, Krista, Margaret, Jean nie, Mary Lee, Charlie, Johnnie and Kenneth Barrett from West Covina, Calif.; the Rev. and Mrs. Leland Morse, Gary, Linda, Beth, Anita and Steve Morse from To ledo; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Emery, Kathy Sharon, Buddy and Mike Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lloyd, Debbie and Robin Loyd and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Emery and Syd ney, all of Yoncalia; and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Emery, Eugene. Those present at the open house Sunday afternoon, besides the im mediate family, were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bragg, Mrs. Henry Byron, Earl Walton, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Turpin, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Raynond Knopp and Mrs. Ray Atkindon, Drain; Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClamon of Cottage Grove; the Rev. and Mrs. Hoot man, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kel son Mrs. Tom Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Luce, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Eric Stensetb, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner and Air. and Mrs. Cerel Sumner, Mrs. Neva Gray and Mrs. Corine Gray, all of Rose burg; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Loyd and Mr. and Mrs. Art Hutckins, Drain; LaVery Sheum, Ashland; Mrs. Earl Vaughn, Gertrude Sor lien, Palmer Fortier, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner and family, and Mrs. Agnes Johnson of Elkton and Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Brawn. General Electric Mobile Maid "WIFE SAVER" NEW 1962 MOBILE MAID $ 138 Priced From .. - !-. i rr NOTHING DOWN No Payments Til October Ciller Appliance 266 S. E. Stephens OR 2-3393 ; sin, arty Mehl ad tbe honoree