10 Th Newt-Review, Roieburg, Llad&ifled Help Wanted Men 15 PART TIME opening lor man with man agement potential. Must be married, cur rently working. Rapid advancement lor right man. For Interview, phone OR 2-1391 between 7 and 9 p.m. WANTED AT ONCE: Ambitious person with car to supply Rawleigh Products to con sumtra In Roseburg. Opportunity to get Into own permanent business without previous Mrlene or eaollal Investment. Phone G. Bowles, OS 9-5437 or wrlla Rawleigh, 306 Adeline, Oakland, Calif. NOTICE LOG TRUCKERS WANTED Good haul, good pay, good logs. Morgan & Engle, Inc. Dayi OR 3-7995, Evei OR 3-3604 Help Wanted Women 16 EXPERIENCED Beauty Optrator. Phont flayi OR 2-45SJ; Evai. OR 2-3MO LIVE IN baby inter, 112.50 week. OR 2m Waitress wanted Muit be leget age, non union. Apply In perion at tne Jersey Lily. Sales-Clerical Classified Advertising We have an opening in our classified advertising department. This position requires accurate typing, spelling, pleasant telephono voice, some Saturday work. , Previous experience in of fice and-or sales (not nec essarily newspaper) is es sential to qualify for this job. An interesting job writing and processing classified want ads. For in terview appointment, DIAL OR 2-3321 THE NEWS-REVIEW Roseburg Work Wanted 17 BABY SITTING IN MY HOME, Rose School area. Weekdays. Ref. Reg. OR 3-5364. Reliable" 17 year old boy win do lawn work or what have you? OR 3-4083. RELIABLE girl wishes to be companion to elderly lady. Ret. Sutherlln, 220 or 4037. TRUCK DRIVING or shipping clerk. Ex perienced. Ca H3M5Oak la nd. WILL MANAGE OR LEASE service sla llsn In good location. Call 3825 Oakland. fARPENTER and CABINET work by the hour. OS ?-l3. TEWING. Dressei, ihlrts, specializing Tn children'! clothes, reasonable. OS 9-BB2T. SPRAY AND BRUSH PAINTING-Quallty worn, iroe cinmaiei, uk I'um. MATURE LADY wlihei work In motherleu home live In, Reference, Wrlla Box 494 Newt Review, OPEN SUNDAY These Firms Will be Open Sunday For Your Shopping Convenience. BOB'S FOOD CENTER Groceries Fresh meats Ice Cream Cold Beverages Open Sundays 9 am to 10 pm, 1127 NE Stephens. OR 3-7451 WARD CUMMINGS TEXACd Gold Bond Stamps Open All Doy Sunday 1230 W. Harvard OR3-SI20 It's Easy to Place . CLASSIFIED Mail Your Want Ad Today Pleosp nublish the follnwina t classified od for days Enclosed $ B. tun to tnclost payment. Count i wardi per line. Be lure to count the oddreii andor tele phone number. Clnssificotion .... WRITE YOUR AD BELOW NAME ADDRESS , Mall Your Clanlfled Ad With Payment To The Clashed Advertising Deportment, The Newi-Revlew. Roieburg, Oegnn News-Review Classif ied Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Read For Profit Use for Results! Ore. Sot, Aug. 4, 1962; Work Wanted 17 I PAINTING, WALL WASHING. Reetoneb'e I SEWING AND ALTERATIONS OR 2-312J j 1 SEWING end alterations; baby silting. Ri- liablt adult lady. OR 3-3953. ENHANCE VALUE, beautify with palnl and wallpaper. Reasonable rates. Call Jo and LCI OR 3-797?. COLLEGE STUDENTS" will make small con trad lo build fences, remove slumps, 019 ditches or what have you? Phone OR 2-449S between 9-12 a.m. Tom Kadala. Instruction 19 Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equities. Phone OR W1W Or OH 3HKI. REAL ESTATE LOANS to $2500, also 2nd mortaaasi. Automobile, furniture and tig nature loans. Laurent Ide Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fl nance Corp. 813 SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 72 SE Washington OR 3-5M1 Business Opportunities 22 TEN space trailer court end t unit epl. house, uood income. 1421 sb snort St. TRAILER COURT, spaces. Call OS 97,7, Winston, Oregon. FOR SALE, trade or lease Hotel and colfee shop. E. Linn, co Hotel Canyonvllle, or call I3?-4MI, Canyonvllle, Oregon. 8-UNIT MOTEL, five with kitchens, plui 2 bedroom home. S20.QW. terms. Take house trailer, property or contracts on trade. Clen Dale Motel, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. WORKING SHARE Brookings Plywood, S2.75 per hour, vacation, holidays, Hie, sick ang ecctoenr insurance pay. can uk 2-ie. GAS GROCERY store wllh living quarters. 3 bedroom rental and unfinished cabin. 150 tt. highway 101. write Hamilton, Slar Route so. south tieacn, ore. Excellent Opportunity tor husband and wife this going grocery store, well stocked, and in thickly populated community Write to Box 493, News Review, MOTEL 15 UNITS, shade trees, roses, living quarters, plus service station. Only $31,000, $10,000 down. APPROXIMATELY one acre, trailer court, large warehouse and apart men) building. Wonderful opportunity for right party. Look only $12,500, good Itrmi, THREE PLEX Furnished, freshly painted Inside and out. A sound In vestment and money maker. Only 111,000, will take good paper as part or low cash down payment. Lloyd A.Wilson REALTOR 1667 SE Stephens. OR 3-8578 Commercial Rentals 24 ACROSS highway from SOUTIIGATE Commercial building, overall si.o 24' X 80', cement floor, fluorescent light ing, large ceiled work room, wired. See this fine location. Will lease all or part. Reason able. Call OR 3-6193 or OR S-8091. Wanted To Rent 25 PERMANENT stale employee needs 3 or 4 bk home, win lease, tan or 3ii7. WANTED to rent or lease, 3 bedroom house. References, adults. Permanent. Write L. K. Dyrd. 467 Walker Ave. Ashland. Ore. OUR 2 boys 5 and 10 years want their own bedroom. I would like to rent or lease a 2 8R partially furnished house Aug. 15. Would prefer outside of town. Could pay to $75 mo. Call Tom Sutton at Clark's Studio, OR 3-826. Apartments For Rent 26 CLEAN, roomy furn. 1 BR duplex apt. Adults only. 2B46 Harvard Ave. OR 2-3258. FURNISHED apt. Spacious 1 BR, upstairs, Bloats downtown, 575 mo. ok 3-sjh FURNISHED 1 or 2 bedroom 'apt. Phone OR 31314 ONE BEDROOM furnished apt. 3 miles No. ot (own. OR 3-4381, eves 3-4741. LARGE clean 3 room ""and" bath furnl tiled apt, $60. 1547 SE Pine. A News-Review WANT AD CASH RATES Llntl 3 Davt 6 Davs 30 Davs 2 1 .75 J2 50 $ 5 50 3 2 50 3 50 7 50 4 3 25 4 50 0.50 5 4 00 5 50 1 1 50 6 4 75 6 50 13 50 Akw. rotei whiect to 50a tetviet charge lor credit. Apartments For Rent 26 ATTRACTIVE redecorated 1 BR apt. Elect. heal, all utll turn. Priced from 15 to WO. 2117 W. Harvard. OR 2-ti, UNFURNISHED Y br "duplex apt., electric heat, carport. Adults only, no pets. 1019 S. E. Roberts. SUTHERLIN Union Gap Apts. 2 bdrm, ISO mo., turn. incl. water, electricity. Ph. 2)21 or OS -. Kohlhogen Apts. Modern, reasonable rent Jackson St. at Lane Ave. ADULTS OR M244 "A Good Place To Live" South Gate Vicinity TWO nice 1 bdrm apts, lovely sur roundings. Private-quiet. Water, garb age paid. Laundry (acuities. Adults only. Sorry, no pets. Inquire at Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 mi. S. Hwy. 99 OR 2-1438 fURNISHED TWO ROOM APAHTMENT Near the hospital. $40 monlh. Including sewer, water, garbage service. Roseburg Realty Umpqua Hotel OR 2-3344 TODD APARTMENTS 1-2-3 bdrm. apts., furnished or unfurn. Water and garb. serv. provided also neat in twrte. Rents from ti up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts. gas equipped OR 3-SI43 Winchester CI. Hot water heat OR Vista Homes Hot water heat OR 2-4JS8 Westvue Ct. Washer-dryer OR 2-2H Oakhlll Apts. Radiant Heat OR 3-4340 Room And Board 28 ROOM AND BOARD 1364 SE Pine. OR 3-706 Houses For Rent 29 CLEAN 4 room furnished cottage. OR 2-3770 1263 SE Stephens. WESTSIDE Large 3 BR home, family room. S90 mo. 1 blk from Mark's. 3-54)7. TWO BR home with basement and furnace. Close- in. Ph. OR 3-3831. ONE BR house, furnished, S5S mo. Call evenings, OR 21470, or OR 3-6791. UNFURN. 2 BR house, garage. 1760 SE Main. OR 3-K95. TWO bedroom home, carpeted floors, tile bath, Glide, GY 6-3437. UNFURNISHED T bedroom house, on San- ford St. S40 mo. Coll OR 3-060. FOUR room house, 6 blocks from post office, 535 mo. Call OS 9-5301. TWO BEDROOM house, garage. No pets. References. OR 2-2268. FURNISHED cabin. Weekly rates. 4620 tS.E. iiepnens. racine MOiei. EXTRA NICE ranch type 2 ' bdrm unfurn duplex. Carport, lawn. $80. OK 3-6V37. ONE BEDROOM UNFURN. house, newly decorated. $55 mo. OR 3-4966. TWO BEDROOM CLOVERDALE HOUSE, $75. Call OR 2-2549 ONE TO FOUR Bdrm nomes tor families or single elderly. OP 3-6548. FURNISHED CABIN, Wilbur. $35 mo. Pen sioners preferred. OR 3-8835 or OR 3-4955. ONE and two bedroom cabins. Water and garbage disposal furnished. 140 to $55. OR 3-3368, 2485 Diamond Lake Blvd. WINSTON Unfurn. 2 BR, $50. Water, garb. serv. uouqiss pir court, 745 Main ST. days. OR 3-6723 before I A.M.: after 6 P.M. CLEAN Unfurnished Older Home Suiinble for 4 People References Required $65 mo. OR 2-2243 Mobile Homes For Rent 30 TENWIDE 50 trailer, like new, furnished. Aduirs only. Timber Town Trailer Park, 2010 NE Stephens. OR 3-6354. Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER SPACE. Walking distance lo town. mji at snori 5?. ok 3-7105. TRAILER HAVEN lawns, lockers, concrete parking and palios. Quiet. 499 NE Sterling Drive. TIMBER TOWN Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens Bejr accommodation tor all site frail ers, Incl. all electrics. Paved St.v, land scaped, big lawn, metered gas. I block from Safeway. Adults Only, OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes 32 TRADE 1.16 Acres river frnnlngc, south of Myrtle Creek on 99 business rt., for 25 to 35 ft. usrd trailer house In good con dltion, Ph 863-3208 Myrtle Creek. Shady Point Trailer Sales Full Lint of New, and Used Mobile homes, Travel and Camp trailers, Bl It more Nashua Santa Pa Parts & Accetsorlc Drpt. Fast Catalogue Service 1 ML SOUTH Hwy 99 BR OH 2-1438 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Complete Line Trailer Supplies 1900 NE Strphent OR 3-33S4 "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N " Great Lakes 55' Mobile Home With 12 x 18' Living Room -SEE IT NOW at J & J Trailer Sales Angclos Aifstreom - Trcivclera 491 NE Gordon Valley Blvd. OR 2-344) YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY HI T if you ro smart, you will ! inspect our large unci varied se . lection of fine Elaa Fleetwood Shasta mobile homes. Compare them for comfort, compare our prices. DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW trailer Sales Old Hwy99 at Winchester Good Buys in Used Trailers fOR DKI'ENTIAHI.K TOWINCI G Call OR 3-7272 32 1 SELL EQUITY In ' Pilgrim 10X50 ft. trailer housa.Call 30M Sutherlln. 1x44 LIBERTY 3 bedroom "front kitchen. 0. CllOR3-W WOO EQUITY IN I X ' trailer In good con dition. Would consider trade for lot. small er trailer or piexup. Call OR 2-2421 after 5 p.m. iiwuvuvuvwyvwii" wiiw'iiii Real Estate Wanted 33 WANTED 1 to 3 acres building site for home on river. Garden Valley area, private party. Write box 495 News Review. Real Estate 34 THREE bedroom home, Weslsidt. Good loca tion. $7750. OR 2-1460, OR 3-4383. SELL EQUITY In new cozy two bedroom home on Newtcn Creek, r-uii price kw. 2997 Parker Road. BY OWNER Westslopes home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, fenced yard. Double carport Covered pallo. Phone OR 35103. MUST SELL my 2 bedroom furnished home, $9,500 If sold by Aug. 17lh, Ray Lynes, I082NE Malheur. BEST NEIGHBORHOOD in Roseburg. 4 bed room home available Vi block from Senior High. 576 W. Chatham or call OR 2-2935 TWO BR modern home on acres level ground, plenty good well water, 6 out buildings and garage. OR 2-3995. THREE" BR house"," m baths, family room, 2 fireplaces, Westlnghouse appliances, dou ble garage. Also extra corner lot. OR 2-1220. TWO BEDROOM rnodern house, electric heat, easy terms. Immediate possession. 1057 NE Lincoln. Phone OR "3-3993 after 5 p.m. THREE bedroom house, on large corner lot. fenced In back yard, Weslside. Owner irans- ferred. Call OR3-70M. NORTH UMPQUA river ranch. Glide area, Water rights. William R. Magness, Whist lers Lane, GY 6-3145. NEW three bedroom home. Large lot. Cir culating fireplace, come out ana see. Make us an offer. Call OR 3-6775. $3,400 EQUITY for $2,000. Nice house, large lot, young fruit frees. Balance m monin. OR 3-7618. . Vh LEVEL ACRES, fruit and shade trees. Umpqua, 3 and 2 bdrm. home, wsw, khw down, $75 month contract. Oakland 2143. THREE BR house, hardwood floors, fireplace, carport, aluminum siding, good well. West side Winston. $12,500. Will accept late mod el trailer. OS 9-5354. THREE bedroom' house, large kitchen, sep arate dining room, fireplace, large cover ed patio, nice yard with sprinkling system. 325 W. Berdine, Call OR 3-7324 after 3 p.m. JUST COMPLETED In Qulntus Park 3 bdm home, 2 tiled baths, all appliances in. Double garage, fireplace. Top soli in, $16, 500. Phone OR 3-8020. THREE BR, family room, large kit., break fast nook, dining rm. ceramic tile Kit bath, fireplace, dbl. garage, pallo. Terms. $13,950, OR 2-1275. TWO BEDROOM In town, fireplace, patio. carDorl. fenced vard. Exposed beams and cedar paneling, $6,800 terms. 1230 Fuller- t0n. OR 3-3486. BY "OWNER 3 bedroom, excellent view, in Cloverdale. Fireplace, garage, patio, fenc ed bock yard. Leaving town. Ph. OR 3-8442 or OR 2-3432 for appointment. OLDER 3 BR modern home, close to town. Approx. 2000 sq. ft. 1 floor. Dishwasher, wall-to-wall carpeting, 2 fireplaces, forced air furnace, barbecue room. I'.'i baths. $17,000. For appointment call OR 3-8713. THREE BEDROOM house, 2 full baths, tire place, hardwood floors. Attached double aaraqe, 2 patios, wen lanascapea. un acre ground. 1 mile south ol Roseburg Lumber. S16,S00.O5 9-8848. NEARLY NEW 4 bedroom house, 2 baths, large living room with fireplace. Birch kitchen built-in oven and siove. Lennox heat piped to all rooms. Large lot, land scaped. 2BB8 w. Lorraine, or uk CLOAKES FERRY THREE BR, fireplace, large playroom, shop. pallo, fenced yard. Close to Fullerton School, shopping. Free soil lot. $13,500. 168 W. Bodie. OR 2-3772. 4 BEAUTIFUL LOTS. CITY WATER and electricity avail able, near Super Market, LOOK only $400, good terms, or $300 cash, HURRY! THREE acres (2 huge lots) on North Umpqua river, garden soil, boat land Ing, Shade trees. Close In. Phone OR 3-8578. LARGE MODERN 4 Bedroom home, on one floor freshly painted, lawn, shade trees, barn, a guest house, and 10 level acres, with irrigation rights. $11,000, 11500 down. 259 ACRES, all fenced, seeded pas tures. Large attractive home, barn, outbuildings. Sheep included at only $25,000 good terms. LISTINGS needed on large ranches and small acreages. CASH for your contract, or morlgaqe. Hurry while money still available. Lloyd A.Wilson REALTOR ' m1 SE Stephens, OR 3-8578 KELLER REAL ESTATE Roseburg $16,900 Newer 3 bedroom home, westside. 1' i baths, large living room, fire place, double garage, pallo. $1 1,700 We (Hide ? bedroom home, appli ances, fireplace, covered pallo, dead end street. $13,750 New 3 bedroom, built-in oven and range, fireplace, well arranged home. $21,000 New 3 bedroom home, txlra larqe family room. l'i baths, storage, built-in appliances. Wall-to-wall car pet. 8r:i S.K. Stephens Charliu Mumby George Keller OH 3-3610 OR 3-7318 OK 2-1935 Roseburg Realty & Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 CHFCK THISIt Winston 3 bl room, l' j EUth modern home. 75 x US lot, living room wtlrt fireplace, separate dnng area, nice kitchen, fenced yard with waterfall and fishpond, lot of storaqe space, carport. Thi home It In euHlenl condition. $1)000. . . try 3 down It TWO BEDROOM super-value on Pap road. ICO 195 lot. huge oaks, JO1 wHI plus city water, Fireplace. Qr aqe, concrete pai0, nice lawn and Shrubs. $10,950 With FHA terms. 3 BEDROOM and family room, l J acre river kxallon with story-book landsc tplng and river view, picnic aff tath hug shada fres. dr. culatinq fireplace, hot water heat. irparAt utility room on porch. Large 1 aluminum sided snoo par two cars a-id rws lots more room for a play room or worMhoo. City water. rrf Oi ion from ttver. everything in n cumt shape. Hv.Mtt and worth evtry cent 3 PfOtOOM on Brofiol' . Clo'f to every trying Modern in every dMmi, li'ep'scr. dming area, tine fcitcnwv pavpd extra nirMnq area, garage afl Hfosed P"o. rare shrubs too Srt Irtis. . ,ust tU.fO, O Suit chorea loti avaiU on the -Ncrtb River at Echo Bend and 5W varik. . and thtv ra not making iikj Kvenmgs Call 0q The Pojlrj OR 1J-VS Mobile Hornet Real Estate 34 1 NINE ACRES, modern home, partly furn ished. May consider house trailer. kouic 1, Gitngary Road. Box 753 OR 3-6352. FOR SALE CR TRADE Apartment Hotel 1 APTS. plus living quarters and 9 rental rooms. Good income. Room for traife. S. Beautiful Grounds. HAMILTON HOTEL Phone 132-3465 Glendale Courtesy 10 craters FULLERTON REALTY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Attrac tive older westside home. Large en try hail, living room, dining room, den, kitchen-nook, l'i bath, 2 nCi bedrooms up. Ulilily-garage, large shady fenced yard. Pleasant economi cal living for S9,v50. TRADE very neat, tidy 1 bedrccm home, plastered, hardwd floors, fir? place, bandy k lichen-dinette, carport and storage, school and cily bus at door. Need 2 or 3. bedroom home. S6.500 terms. CLOSE IN 1 bedroom home $5,500 at $50 mo., $1,000 dn. Rsnqa and oil healer Included. 723 N E. Stephen! r OR 2-3172 or OR 3-6998 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE 1333 S. E. Stephens $1950 Lovely 3 bdrm Westside home. In excellent condition and many nice features. Owner will sell with down, balance under F.H.A. Choice Residential Area YOU should see this lovely large 2 bdrm home with bcautilul landscap ing, on paved street and sewer. The owner will sell on FHA appraisal. Spacious 3 Bedroom LOCATED on nice residential street, many nice features such as, bath and h, raised hearth fireplace, un finished basement gives loads of stor age, 90X300 lot. Price $12,700 Includ aewer assessment. Fed. Gl's let us show you this. Immediate possession. $12,000 Terms Available COMPLETELY furnished 2 bdrm. home with 2 rentals and facilities for small business In Dltlard. This is one of the best deals we have seen for a retired couple wishing additional Income or wife wishing to make addi tional Income. f TRADES DUPLEX In Winston. Owner will trade on 3 bdrm in Win'ton or Rose burg. $10,0003 bdrm Dillard home. Own er wants trade on nice Roseburg home. WE ARE MEMBERS of Roseburg Coop and Portland Multiple Listing Bureau. Come in and see our pictures of Portland property. OR 3-5594 Evenings call: Al Hoffman Iris Relnert OR 3-5363 OR 3-6126 LACKEY REAL ESTATE An Exchange For Buyers 8. Sellers $7000. $650 down, $50 month, 2 bed room, Douglas St. 79X1B9 lot. Loaded with fruit trees, good garden, sewer ad, paved street. 6 PLUS ACRES, 71 walnut trees, some almonds. $4750. 5 miles East Sutherlln. Terms. $11,000. $350 down, 3 bedroom Newton , Creek, attractive "corner lot, fireplace, oil furnace, carport. Fenced backyard. $11,500. 3 bedroom Winston. Cash to Federal 6.1. loan or trade Roseburg higher priced home. 75X145 lot, fenc ed, insulated. Trees. Lovely home. - Near School. HAVE, lovely 3 bedroom, $13,000. Sep arate dining room, lireplace, b.nth with vanity. Located near Kelfr-y's Korner. Want small 2 bedroom or 45 or 50' trailer. What have you to ex j change? NEWTON CREEK. 3 bcd,ro3m, S13. 750. Large dining room, back porch, bath wllh vanity and heat lamo, fireplace. Immediate possession quali fied buyer, WESTSIDE, $13,750. Large 3 bed room, built-in oven, range, hood. 1 bedroom and living room wall panel ed natural wood. Near qradr and junior high schools. 10 down. F H.A. WORKMANSHIP unlimited, large 3 bedroom, U j bnlhs, quiet ara, larqe oaks, extra guosl room, covered porch and patio. $73,400. Top area. Quality here. Buy F.H.A. 1078 ACRES, 400 Tic res tillable 2 barns, fenced. $65,000. Owner will ac cept In or out of state prooerly, con tracts or mortgage as down payment. CO-OP MEMBER 368 SE Jackson OR 2-1659 Bob Came 2-1886 Dell Nelson 3-4077 DRIVE IN WOULD YOU like to be the rwopy owner ol a proven money maker? W have il and will be piad to show the books to Qualified prospect. These will show the profit from an eicellent kitchen, the beer license And the drive in. tt is enjoynq a qood business, has good community accept ance and ts well worth tne $77.. wo Vthich include a very qood corner location of 100X11? leet and all build ings. i down payment. RETIREMENT SUPREME 1 15.000 year Income on your own lot with 10 ground floor apartment units. 6 separate buildings with paved court yard Close to shopotnq center, schools. Vets, transportation etc. Built in oven, ranoe. and refriq. in lt units. Other money makers in con nection. HO.000 down payment. NORTH RIVER FINALLY WE found 'a TOO it. f.ir-t-age on the North Umpqua 300 n. deep With trees at Only J.IOOO Hi.rtv! Wp slili have J60 ft be'aw the tit with a 3 bedroom modern house At only 11000 down and S7S lull price-.' Sit on the ranch hOu ocrch and watch the fish go by, SI ,000 DOWN RIVER FRONTAGE 1S500 Ml price $0 month lor ? acres flrtd a j heoroom hc"e. Will tr adt for clear tr ai ler hou se. 5 BEDROOMS iDCE? ipxeet Sprtce acres i e pe.ichf a-d i 0t F-lhert Onfjoo, bar B O Pciy barn m,Mi eMte t the new low once of riy $J4 00. 7 miles WESTSIDE I Ht- DHOOM, llrer'r. w tsruft. tthed a-r eicioei fttui pved 1 , tidrwAiis. o" srer f ,ir tver (i.slricf. Nrw It3 Or;te io O' I "I Vo iTK'u J 'ffl t S i a iO- H'rance Asfc for Lei Aci'-' H. j. WINTER "A Vesf Trvsted Nam in Rm! ' Pi n r, a i, i ti .o 2S S. K. M;ttn St . INt-! riione ok i-7ot:i O Bso" Horn, Of ! RHa trcus . Ph. J jo (ft $ i Mtif Real Estate 34 LARGER 3 bdrm home, on LueHen. Den, flag stone fireplace, w-to- carpst, durmasher, disposal. 2 baths, 1 v,itn ceramic shaker. Lye fenced yard, covsracj pat 13. OR 2-55. SPACE! INSIDE and our 01 tnis 2 year o'd king-siie 3 BR heme. 0r IcM sq. ft ol conitonaole livng, 2 full bstfis, kiichM, dining room jni a li''i room DxV4' with a fireplace. Tne price has Uen reduced lo only $16,9M. FHA terms. $500 DOWN wllh you providing a good credit report wilt give immediate pos session ot this 3 BR home, plus a furnished detached rental in 0lerd. KELLER REAL ESTATE Winston Branch 5 Acres NEW 2 bdrm. home with "a base ment, colored bathroom fixtures, live stream, Palio Oh yes, a very nice 13x28 mother-in-law house. 6 miles from Winslon. Must be seen. $14,500. 6 Rental Units Two 2-bdrm. duplexes, one 2-fcdrm. home, one hew 3-bdrm. home. All in good repair. Price $49,000. $10,000 tin. Owner will trade for clear ranch t5-$20,000. $500 Down $7,950. 2 bdrm. Paved street And sewer. $66 per mo. Includes 5' Int., insurance and taxes. Beats rent- . Ing. Highway 42 at Junction OS 9-8442 Elton Zuver OS 9-53.19 REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS PHONE OR 2-1 41 3 ON THE BIG RIVER 115 ACIlESi 50 river bottom. 9 Acres of prunes netted $2, 000 Inst year. Very good 3 bedroom plastered home with hardwood floors. 2 barns, corn, hay,' plus fine garden, ir rigation system. 50 hoys, 16 steers -plus equipment. S50,- 000, $15,000 down. . 30 ACRES BEAUTIFUL building site with view. Shady spot lo park your trailer or build your home. Septic tank is in. Drilled well, lots of fruit trees. Only 55,900 51,000 or less down. Close to Roseburg. SOUTH OF TOWN ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom home on acre with carport, shop and storage space. Some fruit trees and berries. Also nice garden spot. Very good well. This property is priced to sell at 57,800. Owner might consider trade for small ranch. EVERYTHING TOPS 115 ACHES of which 35 acres is of the best bottom soil. Plus good hill hind with some, timber. A $20,000, 3 bedroom home with fireplace, separate dining room, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, 2 baths, basement with wood furnace. Home fully plastered with cove ceiling. All of this and more. $13, ' 000. Vt down. ! DESIGNED FOR EASY LIVING WELL constructed 2 bedroom home with play room or extra bedroom in H basement. Nice lining room with fireplace. Step, saving kitchen, gil furnace. Nicely landscaped. 5 blocks to cily center. $12,250. Terms. LOU BASSETT E. H. "Doc" POCOCK MARGE MARTIN G. F. REYNOLDS H. J. BAUER Douglas County Realty 1 Vis BATHS New borne on Westside. Lai'jie living room witb fireplace, furnace beat piped to all rooms, 3 good sized bedrooms, bircb kitchen and diiiinu. His Rarae. Free soil lot. S13.950. Fed. G.I. May lease until money available. WKSTSI.OI'HS Behind Mark's. New home under construc tion, l'i baths, 3 bedrooms, double garage, large sundeck. $15,900. Terms. ONK ACRE Another new 3 bedroom home with heal piped to all rooms, l'i baths, rainbow stone fireplace, double Rar aije. inside utility. On live creek, close in S15.500. Terms available. FUIiNISHED small two bedroom house near High School. On good foundation, small lot. S"i0 down. Total price SI500. TRADE for Albany or Corvallis Three bedroom modern home with dishwasher in birch kitchen, double carport. Five acres of good soil with irrigation system from river. Excellent site for subdivision. S22.00H. GROCKRY-SKRVR'E STATION - Situated in Myrtle Creek. Hoist and lube rack, lots of grocery fixtures. 1 acre, black top parking, S12.500. Will consider rent with option. Also trade for Roseburg property. 11 1 8 S. E. Stephens St., OR 3-4020 CRAIG SHORT OR 2-2 Iii5 NEW LISTINGS on N !, t-tir'itil ss x T rvM lor. c aC. Ha,S ;V"vn:j will 1i'I.;1 a-'S.'XUXi 1 B.-J'wn he f.e in q,--od ior..ViMi olhrr fh.-n tt.,. or lei. ticuvi with lew monihiy pjvmenis. A v-ny n.ci. wait atrsigod home. Groups r groi up with wF.-.is but would mate a nee hO"-e or r?ntal. This house aclioins the o-e lli!"d ah ove. l-sscoo :? Attractive 2 fd'oom ho on kv lot ai-.j jilted ou fo- w.ud rtlmct'.-r. MJn'od t-jrv cer.'m.c Ih'J rjr ,ii--t.ircli n fc.ttch.-rt, ?rpar'e cViiim room, r.f.e t-iji-rccm ri anurd gtrgp. s'SiS COivn. P,(.ince Gl Lwn pjv.iMe fcf S? 5 ocr fw.'Vi fr-cSfiirta prircril, lr-.;rrst, taes and trsurr-i:e. CTr ny censor, lease ecf'Wi. 4 llffrtXHV IS Atrei in fha ,v.."rcse area, t.ir 3 bfd'ccm hctre, gwJ wVe' suni'lv. !5 ;rr$ et cM.n ow-d pi.--t i-(J In gr?d st.i"d o' lotus ccve-. Cr-vi.1 bj sc. c'-r-d -i i go ivi sU'., r.in;!i. pfe. drw. jrairr-a.ifas in i;tt Yl I'lff QAk tr4, ".j -9. f..no ,'tc. stevenson9vEalty Stevenson Rejty S E. Qi ST PHONE OS 21614 o L. Real Estate 34 NICE olaer house, 9 large rooms, 4 or 5 Uidrccrni. 7 Oaths, uUl-ty, i,.mi,y r.;Om ace. sharja treai. S&PCC. OR 3-'41l. TV6" BeOROO.VhomerorT sswer. $500 for our tqyltv ds-nie payrr.snts of $50 pt-r month. OR 3-j'd74 after 6 p.m. TWO BEDROOM hc.te, largo kttch-n and dining room co-rbtned. Ai! le-CcJ, b g yord Cote to s'orc-. Fcn-mrs-d or un-(Lf.ii;hi-J. Ccr.i m. Wright, 315 So. Easr "I" S:., Grams Pass, bre?o.v Quiet Restful View ATTRACTIVE 1959 home on douDie view lots, ideal Itxtid-'i. 14 x 28 living room, vitw w:r.o'i, corner fireplace, 2 btirmi, 2 baini, large kitchen with bar. Utility rm, 2-levei patio and breei?way. Garaq?, work shop. Well closeted. Carrier lurrwee and air cor.diJioner. iiZ,5G0, FHA or Gl. Off Hwy. 99, ICO E. Jorgtns St. Winston. 9-514. TED SMALLE OR 2-3444 NEWER 2 BR homo on Terrace, lust above town, Ig. LR with fireplace, sop. din. rm., kit, 2 br and bain on main lloor. This home lias a full basement wiisre adaltio'ul brs and a bath could easily be added. $11,500 S1C0O dn, or will trade for pickup bui'aing lot or trailer house as par tial down. WESTSIDE 2 BR home on qood sized lo with garcen area, fireFlace, sep. dm. rtn, floor turn. $9,750. Will tratJe aulo, farm tractor, acreage, 6i par tial down. What have you? INVESTMENT 1-br apts. Fair mount St. $300 mo income. Built 1952. Minimum up'cto. 2300 sq. ft. Good occupancy. $13,000. Wilt consider clear home as trade in. "List With A Multiple Realtor" At 725 SE Chadwick St. Muriel Thomasson OR 3-5646 Alice Smalle OR 2-3444 CR 2-3838 OR 3-8259 OR 3-6503 OR 3-4504 OR 2-1085 Bob Johnson OR 3-0064 E Strptsif St. or Its dr,vf pmiroom, lew tars a'ld b'a vAiv fmr as No. c, -q tx:n 2 f.r.-r'.iifi. h.ifc.v3 I "tors cer?c -;rt, t' t- cfi.'n-tn. fc'e.tst r.c-:. abundant w'll t.-n.iv rr.-.aa S test ef'Cuin p'.v.icy B!.fc t."3 wt c.jt th n-"'v .: 'n- cc-vftrntfs c city 3t ed chi' - u - ""i lve td neeSs ycurlistings o O i y 3 5:7 Real-Estate 34 LARGE 7 8R home, oil turnact. Sell Of trjje. OR 3-6C-6 11 ACRF5. 4 Bedroom hous:, outb'iildings, near Ribg. Sl6,i0.jerrm. OR3-Bc35 tves. NORTH ROSEBURG. 3 bedroom homeT'.nv I equity. Call OR 2-39B6. DO YOU LOVE TO FISH? Here is the home j tor you. In restricted district in Winchester. ! 3 blocks from school, oast ottice and river. Nearly full sere lot, landscaped. 7 room home, plus bath, priced at FHA appraital. 0H J-291 BY OWNER. 3B r7 house"" close Irt. Lirga. 4iv. room, fireplace, din. room, kitcrer, noox, 1 B R, don, 2 up, Us baths, Hdd. Ilrs., full cement basement, oil heat, son.. j kler system, lovely yard, outdoor fireplace, voi awe. rui jjtite ana itrms sev owner, 346 S E. Ros OR 3-6279 NORTH UMPQUA-FRONTAGE' Have you bought your tot on the river yet? Prices from $1,600 to 53,400, See Roseburg Realty Umpqua Hotel Lobby CR 2-3344 Lots And Acreages . 35 WINSTON 140 ft frontage on Main and Sher. ry St. J350O cash, if sold this mo. OS 9-5773. ACREAGE Roseburg School Dlst. electric ity, phone available. OR 3-5913 THREE 10 A lots, S2S00, $3000. S35O0, terms or cash discount. OR 2-3312. LEVEL LOT, Westside city water and sewer. OR 3-5366 LOTS 100 x 100', in Green, some on pave ment. Water In, sewer oon. OR 3-8459. GLIDE o'i acre building site on Little River Road. S2750 cash. GY 6-33 H. TWO LOTS,. '3 hlock north of Montgomery Wards, on John St. Call OR 3-51W. LARGE landscaped lot, equipped for trailer home, garage and utility with washer and dryer. 5 miles south ol Roseburg. Call after 5 p.m. OR 2-1529 TRADE for travel trailer choice lot at Sutton Lake, near the coast. Improved, elect. In. 18' trailer on lot. All for S1700. Or sell separately. Less for cash. OR 3-7300. Sub-Division Property a ACRES, oak grove plus SO X 200 lot, on paved sireer. ugnis, water, sewer, sbooo. Cat! OR 3-7836 Farms And Ranches 36 FOR LEASE 80 A, all or part. W-sprlnkler irr'g. Call Oakland 3613, write M. Forsler, 714 N. 16thSt., Phoenix20, Aril, CO ACRES on river, irrtgatlonffruit trees, good buildings. On state hignway. Call 625-3309, Days Creek. TJnrber And Sawmills 40 WANTED Douglas fir, cedar logs and cordwood in multiples ol 8 ft. We load jnd haul if piled along accessible road, Keller Lumber Co. OR 2-1791. Si'ildinsE Materials 41 REJECT LUMBER - SI 2. 50 per unit. C&O Lumber Co., Riddle, Ore. TR 4-2281. NATIVE STONE For fireplaces, veneer, rock gar dens, patio's etc. Many colors available. DOUGLAS STONE PRODUCTS CO. OR 3-5827 OR 2-4255 OR 3-3972 BOARDS SIIIPLAP RUSTIC , FENCING ALL GRADES, 2x4's and wider. Clean up Icids at , special prices. Custom cut tings direct from sawmill. PRICED FOR YOU Lumber Sales Cov Garden Valley near RR Tracks OR 3-7362 Vacation Homes "A" FRAME CABINS Complete or partially complete con struction TO SUIT YOU Building, remodeling ot all types Deady Lumber Co. 2 Mi. N. o Wilbur OR 3-7194 REMODEL With CONFIDENCE SIDING SPECIALS , 4X8 Ponels 2" , 4" 8" grooves' Shiplap Edges $185 M PARWOOD PANELS 'i" 4x8 $1.98 4x8 S2.15 4x8 S2.82 V 4x8 S3 2H V 4x8 $4.26 Always open B ill 12 Saturdays PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9-8781, Ext 70 Hojf woy Btw. Winston -Dillard Fuel 43 O A C Fuel Co. Dry tlreplace oak end liri elso fir heater wood. OR 3-7SCI. LARGER PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN S.iudust - - Blower, or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 28H NE Douslas OR 2-1521 WOOD PEELER CORE & HARDWOOD Red Diamond Fuel Co. i'micl t.ilirs i-te SAWDUST ITiii N E. Auport Road OR 3-5082 Wood - Sawdust IVc-irr Core (ircon Shti) discontinued AuguM 31st I'i.tnor Knds Pnnd I.ihes Vry );ik Suv.fr RATES on Mwdut for mulct i ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 ! Audio 44 ns Auctioneering Services E51AIFS 0:SESS ClOsE-auTS H :v - Sell - Tralp Aye' :n ever Frl. at J P.M. Roseburg Auction Col V Mymcvi. Owir tna Auc.lionMf "!iscel!aneous For Sale 45 C5 ELECTRIC rH3.. iv Ca'l Ct 7 :! i Le't Winter PH. O I W 3 o