The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, July 30, 1962, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Th News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., July 30, 1962
Senator Makes Unsuccessful Try
To Halt Filibuster On Satellite Bill
Democratic Leader Mike Man
field made an unsuccessful bid to
day to break a filibuster against
the administration space com
munlcationi bill by offering
end it to the Foreign Relations
Committee for study.
His proposal was rejected
least for the present, by Sen
Wayne Morse, D-Ore., leader of
the liberal filibustering group,
Morse Indicated he wanted to
discuss the proposal further with
There appeared little Immediate
hope that tne Diner aeaaiocK
over the communications satellite
legislation would be broken soon
Mnrne told United Press Inter
national that he would agree to
Stuck Gas Pedal
Perils Youngsters
A vounE driver was knocked un
conscious and fire was caused in
the car when the gas foot feed
went to the floor board and stuck
at 1:30 a.m. today, city police re
-Wilms Doris Dolan, 17, of 482
NE Winchester St., told officers
at Douglas Community Hospital
where she was taken that she had
stopped to let out a passenger on
NE Tahoe Ave. east of ME Fulton
St.. then started backing up,
The foot feed went all the way
to the floor board and stuck. She
lost control and the car ran back
ward into a tree. She said that
was all' she remembered.
Officers said the car hit the tree
with the left rear fender with such
force the frame of the car buckled
in the middle. The front seat tore
loose from the floor. The motor
came back Into the fire wall break
ing the distributor cap, tearing
loose the radiator hose and the
wires shorted causing the fire.
The fire department was called
and put out the fire, then finding
the girl unconscious called the po
lice department and Walt's Am
bulance. The car was registered to Arthur
and Edna Dolan. He told officers
he repeatedly had the car in the
garage to have the foot feed fixed,
but it never was.
Four children in the car, ages
10 to 14, were not injured.
Frogman Completes
557-Mile Marathon
ASTORIA, Ore. (UPI) A por
sistcnt former Air Force frogman
owned lorao sort of marathon
swimming record today.
Spencer Campbell of Orofino,
Idaho, finished a 557-mile swim
from Orofino to the Pacific Ocean
here Sunday.
.The 25-year-old Campbell, who
hopes to be offered a college
scholarship for his efforts, arrived
in the afternoon to tho cheers of
two beauty queens and an esti
mated 1,000 persons.
Waiting on tho shore were Toni
Eltro, Miss Astoria, and Diane
Walker, queen of the Orofino
Lumberjack Days.
Home Break-in
Told To Police
Clifton Ranne, Umpqua Star Rt.,
Box 56 A, reported to tho sheriff's
office that while he was on vaca
tion his house was entered and
several items of value taken.
Melton Edmunson, Winston, re
ported vandalism to a vacant house
he owns west of tho Dillard church.
In Roseburg, Doris G. Plyer,
1102 SE Main St., reported to city
police the theft of a tire and wheel
sometime after 5 p.m. Friday.
Sandra Blore
Sandra Blore, 4-montih-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Blore
of NE Stphens St., Roseburg, died
at a local hospital Sunday. .
Funeral arrangements will be
announced later by Wilson's Chap
el of tho Roses.
Oak &
i v i -y - at - m
n ill ,1 III . HI HH IIIi '""V ?
: SO- ( -if j'i'.
Mildred Wilson
let the bill go to committee only
if it were locked up there until
after November elections.
Mansfield told newsmen he
would not immediately order
around the clock Senate sessions
to break the filibuster but would
keep the Senate in session until
about 10 p.m. tonight in an effort
to exhaust the talkathon.
The leadership indicated It was
willing and ready to call the
around-the-clock sessions if that
was the only way to tumble the
roadblock that Is preventing con
sideration of the bill.
The object of all-night sessions
would be to wear down the small
band of Democratic liberals who
are opposed to. the measure. They
claim that the bill's plan ' to set
up a privately owned and govern
ment regulated space commun
ications corporation would
amount to a give away of public
resources. 1
The current filibuster, part of
which stalled the Senate in a 10-
hour and 12-minute Saturday ses
sion, is aimed at a motion by
Democratic Leader Mine Mans
field, Mont., to bring the bill up
for action. Virtually unlimited de
bate could still follow on the bill
itself and proposed amendments.
Assistant Democratic leaner
Hubert HumDhrev. Minn., said
that some of the Democratic lib
erals "may have done irrepara-
Two Counts Hold
Medford Father
Arthur Dale Scevers. 36, Med
ford, has been booked at the Doug
las Countv lail on two charges,
one of obtaining money by false
nrntenses (worthless checks) ana
th nthor on a show cause order in
connection with alleged failure to
support his minor children.
Scevers was arrested in me-iora
and returned here by a deputy
Linnie Victory Holbrook, 54, of
731 NE Alameda St., was commit
ted to the Douglas county jail ior
two days and fined $100 and $5
costs, by the court of District
Judge Gerald R. Hayes Friday on
a charge of driving a motor ve
hicle with suspended operator's li
cense. Powerline Starts
Blaze In Forest
Three acres of timber and brush
were burned in the North Ump
qua District of the Umpqua Na
tional Forest Sunday when a pow
erline touched timber in a power
line rieht-of-way. '
Forest Service officials said the
fire occurred near the North Ump-
aua River near Boulder Creek. The
line is a distribution line to f orest
Service improvements.
Crews from the Steamboat Rang
er station and the Toketee Ranger
fought the fire.
Palomino Horse
Reported Found
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tremorsdorf,
Happy Valley Rd., have a palo
mino goldlng in their pasture mat
may be claimed by tho owner.
Thev reported to the sheriff's of
fice the horse was around their
place and wouldn't leave. They
thought it had gone one evening,
but next morning found it in tneir
front yard, after it had eaten a
goodly share of the snruos and
They put It In their pasture for
safe keeping.
Legion Committee Meet
Schduled For Tuesday
Tho executive committee of
Umpqua Post 16 American Legion
will hold a meeting at 7:311 p.m.
Tuesday at the Roseburg Chamber
of Commerce office.
According to Bruce Mcllis, ad
jutant, convention reports will ba
heard and plans made for instal
lation of officers in September. All
newly elected officers are urged
to attend.
of The
Kant Streets Phone OR 3-4455
Meredsjn Wilson
ble damage" to the cause of civil
righta by filibustering against the
Other congressional news:-
AID The Agency for Inter
national Development (AID) said
today some of its press officers
were mistaken in their comments
about a subject under investiga
tion by a congressional subcom
mittee. The agency's chief infor
mation officer said in a letter to
Chairman John E. Moss, D-Calif.,
of the House government infor
mation subcommittee that "my
people" were wrong when they
stated that mixing of American
and Communist foreign aid did
not constitute a misuse .of funds.
Congressional investigators were
looking into reports of nuch hap
penings at the time .
Weekend Mishaps
Claim Five Lives
By United Press International
Two parsons were killed in traf
fic accidents and two persons
drowned in Oregon Sunday, bring
ing the number of accidental
deaths, during the weekend to
A sixth person died of burns re
ceived nine days earlier.
Killed Sunday were: James
Wooten, 67, Prlneville; Wesley
undsley, 44, Richmond, Calif.;
Tony Clapanno, 4, Roseburg, and
George Dolczal, 37, Albany.
Wooten was killed In a two-car
collision near Bend. Seven other
persons were hospitalized at Bend
as a result of the accident.
Lindsley died when his tanker
truck filled with hydrogen gas
went out of control and overturn
ed near Chemult. Fire equipment
was rushed to the accident site
but no gas escaped.
The Ciapanno boy drowned in
the Coos River at Charleston and
Dolezal drowned in the Little
North Fork of the Santiam River
near Salem after diving into the
water and saving his 10-year-old
Mrs. Iris Smith, 50, Depoe Bay,
was killed in a one-car accident
near Newport Friday night. The
accident was not discovered until
Saturday night.
A 43-vear-old woman died in a
Portland hospital Friday night of
burns suffered in a fire earlier
this month.
The victim was Judy Armstrong
of Portland. She was burned in
a fire at an apartment In North
east Portland July 18.
State Police Halt
Youthful Runaway
A 15-year-old boy came into the
Roseburg office of the Oregon
State Police Sunday about 5:30
p.m. and asked for assistance to
get to his home In Grants Pass.
Upon questioning by the officer
on duty, It was learned the boy
was a runaway from Taft. Further
questioning determined he had stol
en a bicycle in Eugene and ridden
it to Roseburg, police said. He
abandoned the bicycle here before
he came into the patrol office.
The boy was turned over to the
Douglas County juvenile officer.
Arthur Cole
Arthur Cole died in Portland Fri
day following a long illness, ac
cording to word received by Rose
burg relatives. Two brothers and
two sisters, Florence, Violettc,
Maynard and Lloyd Cole, reside in
Roseburg. Other survivors include
his wife, Bessie, Portland; daugh
ter, Juanita Ellcrtson, Boring; a
granddaughter; a grandson; and a
great-grandson. Funeral arrange
ments are to be announced later.
1 tutu-urn. k
Our customers lay thoy ap
preciate the intelligent woy
we serve them.
. ORCHARD 3-443
n.1i. e lev .
JUDY KNIGHT, a Canyonville High School product now
living in Roseburg, is 5-2, weighs 115 pounds, has brown
eyes' ary blonde hoir. Her favorite sport Ss swimming.
She is a candidate for queen of the Douglas County Fair.
(Bob Leber photo).
Air Show Crash
EVERETT (UPI) An Air Force
Board of Inquiry today was pre
paring to investigate the crash of
a twin-engine T39 jet transport at
Paine Field just south of here
the crash claimed the lives of
Col. Kearie L. . Berry, 43, Paine
base commander, and Lt. Col. Le
roy D. Tate, 41, an Air Force
plant representative at North
American Co. in Los Angeles.
The plane, believed to be piloted
by Tate, crashed after it overshot
the runway while landing. Hun
dreds of persons on hand for the
annual air show at Paine Field
saw the plane cross the end of
the runway, crash through a bar
rier and smash into a dirt em
bankment. An Air Force spokesman said
and then our doors are closed FOREVER - and by then every item must be sold at some price - not
what it cost, but what will it bring?
Regular Tuetdays Vednesdayi Thundayl Fridays Saturdays Mondays Tuesdays Vednesdayi Thursdays Fridays Saturday
ITEMS or CROUP Prle Pric p,ic" Prl" p'lc p,i" p,iM p,i" Pri" Pri" 'riea Lat
To July 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. J Aug. 4 Aug. 6 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug, 9 Aug. 10 DAY
Glri, Capri.. Handbag ort.d add, 3,. gjfc" j"" 3
eid:i:r.Vd,GI',,,,J "J 398 144 i p i" 99C 88C 77C 66C lTliTTic"
Gd.b;9,..Gir',Sw''n'B"ch,ow', 498 l88 1" I44 P 1" 99c 88c 66c 44c 22c 11c
lilill Stirti - Mltiraity Ciprli - Girls Mil dull C8 44 022 Oil 199 188 166 144 122 OO A A OO
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698 2" 2" V 2" 2" P P P p 88c44c
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lUm Ills Miril iKlltm - lilin Kill Skills 1 4. J J J 4 4 3 i L L I I
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Iriiiil S.iH - IMin mil - . ' 1 1 1 1 v v ' O I O J n 3
Ladles better drones - 1 end 2 .lete 49" 16" 1 5" 1 4" 1 3" 1 2" ll81 1088 9" R88 88 1BS .
Knits, Many other better Items 7 0 0
Iodic, coot. . Formal. . Suit, . 49" g88 7' 88 58 A 2" Q88 088 88 488
Cocktoll dresies "
1 Group Ladies Better Coots 7998 38" 34" 31" 28" 26" 24" 22" 1888 16" iF 8"
1 Group Ladiei Better Coots 4998 28" 24" 23" 22" 21" 20" 19" 18" 16" 12" 8"
FIXTURE Fr FOR Al Ff J Cash Regi.tert Mirror. Mony Other Items
riAIUIVCd V rVI JALCS Display Cabinets Mongers No Reasonable Offer Refuted
Claims Officers
the pilot had reported trouble with
the plane's hydraulic pressure sys
tem before landing.
The officers had taken the air
craft up for an orientation flight.
Tate had flown the plane to Paine
and it was being displayed in the
air show but had not yet officially
been assigned to the Air Force.
Berry took command at Paine
last May. he was a 1943 West
Point graduate, World War II
aombat veteran and holder of the
Distinguished Flying Cross. He
was married and had two chil
dren, the oldest of whom is a
cadet at the Air Force Academy
in Colorado.
Berry jointly commanded Paine
Field and the 57th Fighter Group
assigned there.
Arizona Mother
Awaits Judge's
Abortion Ruling
PHOENIX (UPI) - A Superior
court judge was to rule today
on a mother's suit seeking court
approval for an abortion because
she fears her fifth child may be
horn deformed.
However, an attorney for Mrs,
Sherri Finkbine, 30, said Sunday
ne would advise her to drop the
suit and go ahead with the opera
tion if public attorneys give as
surances she will not be prose
cuted. -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finkbine
and the Good Samaritan Hospital
sought a declaratory judgment
permitting the abortion because
Mrs. Finkbine took the drug
Thalidomide, believed by author
ities to have caused thousands of
malformed babies in Europe and
other countries.
The plaintiffs 'want legal au
thority to terminate the preg
nancy because Arizona law- pro
hibits an abortion unless it is
necessary to save the life of the
Attorneys were seeking a
speedy settlement. Pysicians say
thev must perform the operation
within the next two weeks or they
will have to resort to a Cesarian
Judge Yale McFate said he
would either dismiss the suit
against the state and county to
day or begin weighing medical
opinions calling for an abortion.
Attorney Walter Cheifetz said if
he is given assurances his client
will not be prosecuted he will ad
vise Mrs. Finkbine, a local tele
vision personality on a children's
show, to proceed with the opera
tion immediately.
Thalidomide was never ap
proved for use in the United,
States, although it is believed to
have caused as many as 5,000 de
formed births in Europe.
Mrs. Finkbine's husband, a high
school teacher, bought the drug
for use as a tranquilizer while in
England. ... . ;
Mf. Hood Fire Fought
The fire suppression crew from
Wolf Creek returned to its head
quarters at 3 a.m. today after help
ing battle the fire in me Mt. Hood
National Forest. .
This Umpqua National Forest
crew has 14 men. ; 1
Kennedy To View A Report
That May Influence Tax Cut
dent Kennedy may get a look to
day at one of the economic re
ports that will influence his de
cision on whether to ask Congress
for a tax cut this year.
Government statisticians worked
through the weekend to prepare
figures on the nation's employment
situation in July. The report is
expected to be ready for analysis
oy Kennedy and other nign ad
ministration officials today or
Tuesday. It will be made public
Between now and the middle of
August Kennedy will review fig
ures on other areas of the econ
omy. He has said he will be in
a position by then to decide whe
ther the economy is lagging. If
the answer is yes, he may ask
Congress to reduce taxes.
Figures Considered Important
The job figures being prepared
for Kennedy carry an important
Winnie's Recovery
Remains Indefinite
LONDON (UPI) -Sir Winston
Churchill, 87, is "getting on nice
ly" but prospects- of moving him
from the hospital at present are
"very indefinite, his wife said
Lady Churchill said the former
prime mimster, recuperating from
a broken thigh bone, was visited
Sunday by Lord Privy Seal Ed
ward Heath at Middlesex Hospi
tal. Churchill broke the bone June
28 in a fall in his hotel suite at
the start of a vacation in Monte
Mill Fire Doused
Rosburg Rural firemen at 8:30
p.m. Sunday made a run to the
Sun Studs mill to douse a sawdust
fire which was burning under
ground. DU PONT '501
Nylon Carpets
And Quality Wool Carpets
Phono OR 2-1501
i reading on the seasonally adjusted
unemployment rate, tor June it
showed that 5V4 per cent of Amer
ica's work force was unemployed
and looking for jobs. The admin
istration has called anything over
4 per cent too high.
I A significant rise in the' unem.
ployment rate this month would
intensify pressures on Kennedy to
seek an immediate tax cut. A de
cline, or an insignificant change,
would do little toward helping him
make up his mind.
Congressional views are sharply
divided. Assistant Senate Demo
cratic Leader Hubert H. Hum
phrey called Sunday for an im
mediate $7 billion tax cut.
Douglas Not Convinced
But another liberal Democrat,
Sen. Paul Douglas, of Illinois, said
he was not convinced economic
conditions warranted a tax cut.
He said Congress should wait un
til there was clear evidence that
the nation was headed for a re
cession. Two New York Republicans,
Sens. Kenneth B. Keating and Ja
cob K. Javits, sided with Hum.
Republican national Chairman
William E. Miller said taxes
should be cut only if federal ex
penditures are reduced sharply at
the same time. Miller said there
was no evidence to indicate that
Kennedy was dropping "demands
for excessive expenditures."
, (Paid Advertiw"
Available to you without a doctor's prescrip
tion, our drug called ODRINEX. You must
low ugly tat In 7 days or your money
back. No strenuous exercise, laxatives, mas
sage or taking of so-called reducing can
dles, crackers or cookies, or chewing gum.
ODRINEX Is a tiny tablet and easily swal
lowed. When you take ODRINEX, you still
enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you
like, but you simply don't have the urge (or
extra portions because ODRINEX depress
es your appetite and decreases your desire
for food. Your weight must come down, be
cause as your own doctor will fell you,
when you eat less, you weigh .less. Get
rid of excess fat and live longer ODRINEX
costs $3.00 and Is sold on this GUARANTEE:
If not satisfied for . any reason lust return
the package to your druggist and get your
full money back. No questions asked. OD
RINEX is sold with this guarantee byi
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