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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1962)
i 16 The News-Review, Roieburg, Or. Mon., July 30, 1962 1481 NE Stephens OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 OR 2-4811 mmw m n fl l"l ITN tl i; MONTGOMERY WARD mi m V.V MmaM M MmM 1 i If If 11 lim PRICES EFFECTIVE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY! ''iSf Garden 7&y Clubs Use Tuberous Begonias For Spectacular Effects Tha tuberous begonia has al ways been a spectacular flower. but Improvements from year to year nave built It into an unbe lievable class. Color Rar Wide The color range of the plant is wide: yellow, orange, pink, salmon, apricot shades, white and about every conceivable shade of red. The double camellia type Is the largest; flowers from 5 to 8 inches '. in diameter, resembling the large camellias and roses. ' The flmbriata or carnation type is a popular bedding plant and flowers resemble tne carnation ana are used in corsages. The fimbriata plena type Is dou He frilled; also called the carna tion type. This group has been greatly improved in the recent year. It is strong, makes a ousny growth and is very desirable for beddine and pot plants. Flowers of the ruffled camellia type are as large as the regular camellia variety, this type was derived from crossing the camellia flowered with the fimbriata type. Other types available as seed lings are double rose bud, single crested and single frilled. Isolate For Best Effect Tuberous begonias ore show-offs by comparison, most flowers seem pale and insignificant. That is why it's a good idea to use them by themselves, not In mixed plantings. If you do combine them with other flowers, it is best to let the begonias dominate and use oth er plants as foils or backgrounds. Some planting suggestions are: begonias in shrubby borders against solid plantings of ever green shrubs such as boxwood, myrtle, camellia, holly and yew; or, begonias with ferns. This is a natural association as they both enjoy the same warm humid con ditions. The maidenhair, deer and Brauns holly ferns are low to me dium in height and combine beau tifully with begonias. Wooduardia and sword ferns make effective rich green backgrounds. ent. They are particularly effec- live in redwood and brick faced beds the red in their leaves and stems picks up the color of oricK and wood. Jtememoer mat Dcgonias are one-way facing plants. If you are planting seedlings, face the plant me way tne leaves are pointing. If you plant tubers directly where they will bloom, you will have to snut uie wrong facing olants aft er the leaves have formed enough to determine the direction. There are three reasons why the ziowers arop on tuuerous Degomas, over-watering, over-feeding , and too warm weather. They do re quire more water than the average garden plant, but remember, there is a limit. Too much water can cause trouble. Water often enough to keep the soil always moist but not soggy. Good drainage is very important. One reason why the standard gowing mixture consists of peat moss, leaf mold and sand: or leaf mold, light loam and ma nure, is that such mixtures allow water to pass through and yet are absorbent enough to dram a suf ficient quantity the plant needs. Fertilising Outlined A begonia tuber is like a potato. It has in it all the makings of a new plant, that's why there is no need to fertilize at the start. If you fertilize heavily during early stages Of growtn the plant becomes leggy and ungainly. - Usual procedure is to start feed ing after the plants are well-established. Some growers give first feeding at the bud forming stage. Fertilizing begonias is more a mat ter of how much and how often. than what type fertilizer to use; for good results use one on the acid side or with neutral reaction. It is easy to tell by the appearance of the plant when it needs feeding. If the leaves are light green and cupped upward the plant will take a feeding. If leaves are dark green and tend to crimp downward, do not feed. It is not necessary to grow the Many growers prefer wooden plants in full shade. Commercial boxes to any other type of con- tainer for begonias. Wood holds the moisture better tnan clay pots. There is also a pleasing compatl hility between the container and the dark rich leaf mold used as a growing medium. Many variations are possible using cedar and red wood boxes. Good Drainage Needed Begonias thrive in raised beds where soil has been specially pre pared and the drainage is excell- Circuit Court Complaint Sumner Iron Works, Inc., of Washington vs. the Martin Bros. Container & Timber Prod ucts Corp. Plaintiff asks award of $1,500 as amount alleged due for engineering services provided for defendant between July 29 and Oct 31, 1960, In tha nature of engineer ing details for a sawmill chipper installation Intended for defend ants use at its Oakland plant. Plaintiff alleges that the detailed plans for the installation were de livered to defendant on or about Sept. 9, 1060, and that defendant has failed to pay any part of this amount. Complaint also asks award of interest, costs and dis-biirsemonls. Ivan Brown vs. State Industrial Accident Commission. Plaintiff asks re opening of his ease and grant of award of permcnent par tial disability equal to 10 per cent loss function of an arm for un scheduled injuries suffered in an accident March 29, 1961, at the Monroe Lumber Co. Judgments Joseph R. Cook vs. State Indus trial Accident Commission of Ore gon. Claim remanded to the defend ant for payment of an increased award of 12!4 per cent loss function of a leg for injuries to his right knee. Mary F. Plummor, by her guard- ian ad litem L. F. Plummcr.vs. Cark Wikstrom. Jury finding for the plaintiff in the sum of $1,500 general damages and $121.10 spn cial damages. Judgment issued in accordance with the findings. Douglas County vs. Xalstyn Brid cos, administrator of the estate of Albert M. linwo, deceased, and Elsie M. Howe, his widow. On sti pulation of the parlies, judgment for the defendant in the sum of $475 granted as compensation to be paid bv reason of the approprla tion of the properly of the de fendants for Deals Creek Road im provement. J. N. Crrazan Co., dba Dayton Tire Sales Co., vs. James N. Gour Icy, Forrest Gourlcy and Robert Gourlcy, partners, dba James Gourley It -Sons. Default of defend ants, judgment granted plaintiff in sum of $1,273.96 and costs. growers in the coastal area grow their begonias under 50 per cent lain, which means the plants get naif tne available sunlight all day. Morning and late afternoon sun and regular overhead watering are just what tuberous begonias get in their native jungles in Cen tral and South America. The tuberous begonia is gen erally a very healthy plant that suffers little damage from pests. Slugs and snails are probably the only pests that are a real threat. Remember to put a ring of bait all around the planting area, but not too close to the plants. The bait attracts the snails and in vites them into the planted area and you want to attract them away from the plants, not to them. Un der certain conditions in some areas other pests are attracted to the begonias. Aphis are found to some extent but attack only rare ly. Cyclamen mite is a pest to watcn for if Degonias are grown in a green house. In the northwest, the brachyrin- us weevil, or strawberry-root wee vil has become a wide spread en emy, in the fall, alter yon nig your tubers, examine them closely for weevils and weevil holes. If the weevil is inside, dig it out and dust the incision with charcoal dust. Before storing for winter dip tubers into lindane or chlordanc. Stem rot causes much trouble In soil to which manure has been added. Putting sharp sand around the stem usually will prevent the rotting. Flowering plants should always bo kept clean. Uo sure and remove old flowers and stems. If they fall in the crotch of the leaves, mold may start. When picking the flowers, leave all of the stem on the plant. The cut you have made will start stem molding immediately and if you leave tho stein it will fall off be fore the mildew appears will pre vent it but is not effectivo once the mildew forms. There are many varieties of the tuberous begonia. Look for two less familiar types Begonia bol iviensis and the nuiltiflnrin. They aro quite different and really easy to use in the garden, ADLAI CEES PREMIER ROME (UPI)-Adlal Stevenson, U.S. Ambassador In .he United Nations, conferred Tuesday with Italian Premier Amintoro Fanfani. Stevenson planned to lcava for Greece t4day. LOOKINGGLASS CLUB Members of the Lookingglass liarden Club held their July meet ing at the home of Mary Jarohv Roll call topic was "Proper Use of the Hag." Mildred Ollivant re ported on the flora of Australia. Show Planned Plans are progressing toward a Fall Flower Show on Oct. 11 Willi Dorothy Holing ns chairman and Louise Ollivant co-chairman. Committee chairmen are as fol lows: schedule, Mildred Fisk: stag ing and properties, Jeanrtle la erts; arrangements and entries. Mary Jaeoby and Bessie Wylie; classification and placement, .Mil dred Ollivant; Junior enlries. Mary Jacoby publicity. Aethel 01- livnnt; conservation and educa tion, Aurrlia Brenden; plant sale, Louise Ollivant; hospitality and guest book, Adda Ollivant: refresh ments, Dorothy Boling; judges, flinry jncooy, q A special meeting has been scheduled for further planning, Friday afternoon, Aug. S, at the home of Adda Ollivant in Ollalla. BIG WARD SAVINGS Oil OVERSTOCK AND SPECIALLY-PURCHASED MERCHANDISE! -i -rm.-n.-v'j kTl C05 0(2a sale! Jamaica shorts SUMMERTIME VALUES FOR LITTLE GIRLS 27 raj 17 REG. 1.00 to 2.98 Easy wash 'n wear 100 fin cotton Sizes 7 to 14 . Stock up now Mom, it's a value you don't want to missl Cutie Jamaica? have zipper side open ing and side pocket. Hurry in while they fasti opsins' mm .m. mmmm. m. V goes? JJmV 17 cool wear for summer! GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHER SETS Gay, colorful pedal pusher sets gmm . ri with sleeveless fops. They're all Q f Ctrl 1 3 cotton in a gorgeous assortment I Mil of colors and styles to please ' SIZES 7 to 14 REG. 1.97 to 3.98 21308 GOB QS5 PIMA MIST PASTELS REG. 1.29 SHANTUNG REG. 98c B O T H WIG G220 mm mmmss O O LUEj 9p ilsttp all beach towels TOWEL PRICES NOW GREATLY REDUCED Enjoy new horizons of fashion fun . . . plus Ward thrift. Big Ft( O assortment of screen printed iIH F cotton terry towels. 36x68". W U F Reg. 3.98 deluxe towels. 2.77 mm save! FASHION STRIDE CASUAL SHOES Cool, comfortable styles with open toe and back. Detailed leather uppers, cushioned in soles, wedge heels, long-wearing soles. 5 to 1 0 in group. 2 97 mm PLASTIC CLOTHES hampers NOW ONLY 77 is REG. 12.95 0