It's Money In Minutes When You Sell The Classified Ad Way. OR 2-3321. Miscellaneous For Sale 45 USED GUNS bought, sold, traded. UMPQUA CUN STORE FOR YOUR McNess products, call Johnnie Black,OS 9-5191. Prompt delivery, TWO refrigerators, bolh'good working ccne. 6S each,take choice. OR 3-7940. USED BATHTUBS and wash basins. $15 and IS. OR 2-4002. . 'S3 k T. chev. pickup, $400. 2 apt. size tlec. ranges; 8" table saw; 4" loinler. Other misc. Items. OR 9-5613. 8 FT. refrigerated beverage case, excellent condition, $375. Bill Miller Implement 2660 N. E. Stephens OR 2-3671 FREEZER SUPPLIES Quick frozen to lock In the fresh flavor Save oi 23 lb baas of fruits and vegetables GOVERNMENT GRADEO - Good or choice ateer beef. Bring ui your cutting and wrap ping work. Curing and smoking. WINSTON FOOD LOCKERS WINSTON, ORE OS 9-5133 GRAY'S Repossession Specials S Piece bedroom set !.. $89.00 Bunk beds ! $20.00 Hide-A-bed $60.00 Davenoes and chairs, from $15 to $50 Mattresses. From $5 to $24 Box springs from .. $5 to $19 Lamps with shades $4.50 ea Coffee tables. From $3 to $9 Lamp tables. From $4 to $10 : $1 DOWN (an approved crcdfM TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET ; GRAY'S. Home Furnishings Of Roseburg Inc. ,1345 NE Stephens St. OR 2-4455 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WILL store your organ or plant) In my home. No children. OR 3-4878. WANTED used furniture and mlsr Rose burg Furniture, ?43 SE Jackson, OR 3-5104. WTrfTED- ANTIQUE coins, guns, china, glassware. Jewelry, clocks. Prlscilla's Aiv tiques. 247 SE Jackson. OR 2-1421. WANTED large old fashtoncd kitchen l wood range, in good condition. Call 146, i Camas Valley. Musical Instruments 50 BABY GRAND PIANO OR 2-3061 HOME and BUSINESS SALES and SERVICE DIRECTORY To List Your Firm Here DIAL OR 2-3321, Ask for Classified ALTERATIONS SEWING of all kinds. Alterations a special ty. Call OR 3-S846. APPLIANCE REPAIR DOUGLAS COUNTY Filter Queen sales. Serv lea and supplies. 2044 W. Military Ave. OR 2-4233 " PARTS SALES SERVICE MAJOR - SMALL Generally I day service Bestr stock of appliance parts In .ounty TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC , HI SE Oak OR 3-5521 CALL AN EXPERT Fast Guaranteed Service ' on all makes. NORGE and EASY. Washers and Dryers Also Easy Spin-dry Exclusively at BERGH'S APPLIANCE OR 2-1661 South City Limits. U-Ssve Stamps AUTO REPAIR - SERVICE AUTO SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC . TRANSMISSIONS General Auto Repair OR 33157 . 419 SE Rosa at pak Roseourg, Oregon UUaltu UVHnhl Res. OR 3-5720 Res. OR 2-3398 Swede Mlckelson BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young. OR 3-7419 FOUNDATIONS, house raising, leveling, re pair. Work FHA approved. Cement, clock work, fireplaces. Free estimates, Cal Mer ge!. OR 2-4345 or OR 3-6344. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL WIRING, supplies. Open t days wk. Lansing 8, Oliver, OR -463a. EXCAVATING, SAND, GRAVEL EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING Call OP -14i: SHALE, rlverioam, sand and gravel, also dozing and back hoe work. Frank Fern- worth. OS 9-5697. tToZINO. levelTng; also gravel rock, river loam and road materials Charles Keely, OS 9SII7. FLOOR FINISHING COVERING MIKE'S FLOOR SERVICE. 15 years epr- lence. Laying, sanding and finishing. OA floors reflnished. OS v-ssz. FURNITURE REPAIR ALL KINDS FURNITURE REPAIR-reflrlsb- Ing. Free estimates. Ptcfcup deliver. Wil son Furniture. OR 3-6I4I. 158 NE Currier. HAY BALING COMBINING Call OS 9.5643. otter 1 pn LANDSCAPING TILLING CUSTOM TILLING, weed-brush cutting, grad ing, leveling. OS 9 U4J eves. M. H. Foss. Musical Instruments SO CLOSE OUT . SALE On Discontinued Line Thomas Organs Due to the merger of the two stores, we have 4 F Thomas Organs (Brand New) Will Socrifice At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES RICKETTS MUSIC, INC. Corner Cass & Jackson OR 3-3202 Sewing Machines 52 Rent A Singer , Sewing machine $6.00 per month Free pickup and delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. SSB 5b Jackson. OR 3-734B Sporting Goods 53 12 FT. CAMPER trailer, real good condi tion. Price $225. Call Myrtle Creek 863-3990. SCUBA diving equipment OR 3-B013 alter 6 P.M. FOLDING CAMPING trailer. 1st white house on Curry Rd. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS If bought from us we Install free, If gun Is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. 3-1415. Boats And Motors. 55 16 FT CABIN boat, M H motor and trailer. ?JL-?5!!GY 6-3423, after 5 p.m. 15 FT CLIPPER CRAFT boat, molor -trailer and accessories. OR 2-1855. - 1960 SKAGIT 14 ft. boat, 40 H. motor and trailer. Equity for sale, best offer takes. Call OR 2-1087 15 FT. RUNABOUT, excellent condition. Mot or, trailer and accessories. Priced lor quick sale. Call OR 35894. LOANS Loans Auto - Salary Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdick Manager 644 SE Stephens OR 3-6668 ' PAINTING, DECORATING PAINTING, exterior and Interior. Reason able rates. Free estimates. OR 2-1210. PAINTING Interior and Exterior ' Paper hanging Minor alterations OR 3-4592 Kirk OR 2-4249 PAVING UMPQUA EXCAVATION , PAVING. Spe cializing In paving drivewaysparking lots. Ph. OR 2-4612. PIANO SERVICE PIANO TUNING, repair, cleaning, and de moting. Harold Baxter. 3-3202 or 2-4056. ROOFING FOR TOP QUALITY ROOFING call QUAL ITY ROOFING CO. - OR 2-1389. SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned. Prompt service. Reasonable. OR 3-8474. 5E.-TIC TANKS CLEANED Roseburg Sani tation Service, Phone. OR 3-3334. SHEET ROCK WORK REPAIR AND remodeling. Wall board, tap ing and finishing. Free estimates. OS 9-5387 or Sutherlln 3855. SIB Builders, TOOL RENTALS DO IT YOURSELF And Save Lube lob 75c, Oil change 20 per cent off with lubes. Change motor, mufflers, rellne brakes, S1.00 per nr. Roselund Union Station 2050 NE Stephens OR 2-9033 FOR RENT McCutloch chain saws any size McCullocr. post hole auger McCulloch stump auger HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales & Service Garden Velley Jet. Across from M-Ward's OR 2-1272 TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 2352 SW Castle Ave. AAachine Shop. OR 3-4687. WELL DRILLING CULLETT BROTHERS WELL DRILLING Terms. Phone Canyonviile 839-4929 Water Well Drilling Nothing clown on approved credit. MOHR WELL DRILLING OR 9-3321 1773 SE Jackson THIS ll three line Newt-Review classified Cent only $3.50 for 6 days. 1o ptacf your , want ad uni or a-wzi. Food And Produce 57 1 SWEET CORN, you pick, . per tack. M. O. Knapp. Garden Valley GREEN BEANS U-Plc. M. O. Knapp. Gar den Vai ley, OR 3-31 i SWEET CORN, pickling cucumbers, sum mer squash at Alton Owen's Diitara mxi. CHERRIES Blngs, Royal Anns, Lamberts HERCHER'S DULARP GARDENS SWEET COR N to r "canning or freezing. Please call In orders, alto, Gravensteln ap pies. M. O. Knapp. Garden Vly. OR MaljL BEANS CARL SCHMIDT, GARDEN VALLEY YOU PICK. Beans, cucumbers, dill squash and corn. A. J. Rice. South of Ford's Mill. Business Rt. 99. APPLES Ortley, Newton. Marsh Ranch, Looklngglass. Bring containers. OR 3-4485. Hay And Grain 61 OATS AND RYE GRASS HAY, also rye grass hay, call OR wn. NICE CLEAN oats and vetch hay, (25 In barn or 130 delivery. OR ALFALFA HAY Mountain Grown. II you want fhe best can tell on test T.D.N, or Protein. Tulelakt Growers As- soc let Ion, phone 667-hm, Tuieiane, Cali fornia. L.C.P. PELLET MILL CUSTOM PELLETING ALFALFA-BARLEY PELLETS HOG PELLETS HOG SUPPLEMENT WE HAVE developed a pel let. for lamb feeding that has given excellent results. See us for your feeding needs. Your most ECO NOMICAL SOURCE of feed in Dsuglas County. L. C. PERRIN Rt. 1 Box 89, Oakland Call 2833 Livestock 63 PACK MULE. 100 lbs. Ted Toiler, erlln. Ph. 2719. 400 YOUNG EWES, 1 and 2 years. Cal OR 3-7604 WOOL received dally, Nichols Store, Winston Ore. Phone OS 9-8907. WANTED Fat and feeder lambs. Call OR 2-3787, Al Brown. CALVES for sale. Camas Valley. 1 mile south ot town, call 176. HORSESHOEING Call GYosy 6-3335 FOUR year old Palomino Stallion 1400. Gentle. OR 3-5689. SADDLE HORSES. Call after p.m. GY 4- 3510, any time weekends. I ALF WELSH 2 year gelding, 1 year colt, t fillies. Phone Oakland 377s or 421. SUFFOLK RAMS, Call Harold Crouch, Oak land 2767. BABY CALVES, beef or dairy. Also soma Charolalse. Call Riddle 174-2244. SORREL GELDING, Vt QuertertlOrso, ' Arabian, spirited. OR ,3-8505. FOUR year old Bay Quarter Horse Morgan gelding. OR 3-5739. ONE ROUGHOUT saddle padded seat, also Hamley Formflter. OR 2-9039 ' GENTLE S gallon milk cow, fresh July 1st. OR 2.2951. TWO milk cows, 1 young, 2 calves. Con slder trade. Call OR 3-8386 after 4 p.m. GAMING QUARTER HORSE and Saddle. OR 3 8013 after 1 P.M. STARTED CALVES Phone OR 3-6858 WANTED - Cattle ot all kinds. UN 3-4253 or UN 3-3464, myrtle creex. w. A. piacnerr. 60 BLACK. AND grey faced ewes, 3 years old. Disease tree. S15 each. Oakland 3229, YEARLING CORRIDALE RAMS Julian Hatfield. OR 2-3994 HOLSTEIN BULL, 2 years old, from Mllo Dairy hard. Or will trade for Hereford bull. Call OR 3-5804. REGISTERED Suffolk sheep all ages. Rams and awes, $25 each. 125-3331, Days Creek. FIVE Shetland pony mares, 2 geldings, 42 to 46" tall. Sell or trade. Clifford Pulman, Rt. 1 Bex 230, Sutherlln or phone 2880. 150 AGED EWES, $6 a head. Write J. f. Powell at Rt. 1, Box 48, Oakland, or call Yoncalla, VI 9-2465. Registered Polled Hereford Sale 43 COWS, 2 and 3 years old, with caives. 30 long yearling heifers, open. O. E. Clay, ton, 425 N.W. Garden Valley Rd. GR 2-1284. CALVES From California Gr.ioe A dairy. Buy at WRIGHT place, WRIGHT price, WRIGHT time. Wright's Calf Ranch, Cleve land Hill Road, 1 mile past Melrose Store, OR 3-5943. EXHIBITOR Tandem Horse Trailer At RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Old Highway 99, Winchester OR 3-7272 Douglas Livestock Market WE are buying sheep and lambs of all kinds. Call for latest mar ket information. We receive wool daily. Phone OR 2-4071 Ask For Jim Lewis SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION . Phone Sutherlln 2146 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good active merket tor all kinds of livestock. . G. A. Brown, Welgtjrnaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Schrlcker and Son, Owners Mgrs. Pets & Pet Supplies 67 FREE PUPPIES Cell 839-4202 Cenyon vllle. Riddle Road near Rod and Gun Club. AKC Registered Boston Terrier puppies. Ph between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. OR 3-7652. "POODLE TRIMMING AND BATHINO" OR 3-7339 Mlnialur, Oachshund pups for sale. Call OR 3;5990 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society ant. mel Shelter OR 2-2907. REGISTERED Pomeranians. Call OR 3-323$ 672 N.E. Alameda HOUND I males, females. Call OS 9.3255. AKC Registered Peke puppies and mother, OR 3 3037 or OR 2-4606 CHIHUAHUA or Poodle pups! also Chihua hua or Poodle stud service. OR 3-3694. BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES Cell Ell Senders, OR 3-4902 JACOBS' KENNELS. Boarding cats and dogs. 1245 NE Stephens. OR 3-6293. . lOY POMERANIANS. All colors. Lu-EI-ln Kennels. OR 3-2903. TO GIVE AWAY 4 kittens, 1 OR 3-7604. REGISTERED Oachshund pupp'es, sSO eech. 4249 S.W. Hanna. OR 3-7776. REGISTERPO Miniature male poodle, cream colored, 7 months old. House broka and loves children. OR 3-71 SI BART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cats and dogs. v mile NE of Diamond Lake Blvd. on NE Rifle Renge Rd. OR 3-7514. OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG Mixed breeds as welcome as purebred, BOLEN KENNELS OR 3-4012 REGISTERED POODLE PUPPIES Also 3 i mo. old reg. Poodles. Call Riddle 674-7344. FOR SALE 3 female Miniature cVllia pups, 8 weeks old. wonderful for children. OR 3-5804. LET YOUR dog enjoy his vacation as well as you. Place nim tn an air conditioned kennel. At our kennel they are always cool. We also sell pet supplies end etotlonery. Poodle trimming a specialty. Impcresl poodle Kennels, OR 2-1552. Poultry And Rabbits 68 V.'VNTEO - Young doe rabbits Farm Equipment 70 THRASHING MACHINE good shape OR 3-7150 WANTED IN Ford tractor, good condi tion. Phone Oakland 3140. NEED LUMBER? FOR FRAMING and sheathing houses, barns and outbuildings, 2x4 studs, " boards and 2" construction lumber. Available In most sixes al wholesale prices. Umpqua Mfg. Co. I ml. S. on 99 BR OR 3-7411 WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? You will find new and used farm equipment and supplies for LESS at Ranch Equipment Sales Days CreejjC Uised Su n . Ph. 8350241 Heavy Equipment 72 CLETRAC CRAWLER, B D--40 Hydraulic blade, Winch, canopy. Best offer. '53 GMC i ton pickup, good cond. OR 2-3B13. Logging Equipment 74 TWO YARD load.r and dump trucks, rental or contract. Frank Farnworth. OS 9-5697. WANTED truck to haul logs. OR 2-3466 RD-8 Caterpillar, 5561, Azalea. $2000 cash. Phone. 137 EXTRA CLEAN, TOM A with drum and itoier. See at Flury Suoply Co. Price $5 000. M. B. Emmlt, can OR 36269 evos. 9.4 K.W. A.C. 130-240 volt generator rain proof, powered by 15 HP Continental en glne. Used only 400 hours. $525 cash. OR 3-5427 or OR 2-4255 WRECKING OUT two D7's, 1 RD7, 1 TO 18, 2 DB's and 1 TD14A. Parts for sale. Also stock Splcer drive lines, steel reaches, Aberdeen stakes. For tale or trade, 1 D7 and 1 D4 Caterpillar, 1 Coos King yarder with dlesel mtr. 1 Lincoln portable welder. Douglas Machine & Welding OR 3-3444 1735 Diamond Lake Blvd. LOG LOADERS CRANES tales and Service ENGLE & PERSON 1511 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 2-4332 Alter hours Ph. GY 4-3347 Auto-Truck Parts 75 FOR SALE Used truck tanks and tank trailers, various capacities. Wire, phona or write Beau Pipe and Tank corpora' tlon 13005 N. Burgard St., Portland 3. Oregon. Teiepnone Av 6-3631, Trucks For Sale 76 '51 FORD Vs ton pickup, 6 cyl., 4 speed trans, or 2-4704. '48 DODGE 1 T, with duals OR 3-7850 PROFIT From Classified Ads BARCUS MOTORS BIRTHDAY USED CAR SPECIALS '61 COMET 2 door hardtop. Lots of extras was $2095 NOW '60 MERCURY 4 door station wagon. Full power. was $2195 NOW '59 DODGE 4 door sedan. Automatic, R&H, See this was $1395 NOW '59 RENAULT 4 door sedan. A true economy car was $695 NOW '58 FORD Fairlane sedan. Complete overhaul was $1295 NOW '54 PONTIAC 4 door sedan. A good dependable car ........ was" $445 NOW '61 RAMBLER 4 door station wagon. Overdrive was $2195 NOW SEVERAL OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM! - All sale Priced. Come In And Shop Before You Buy ABOVE PRICES GOOD 'TIL AUG. No Payments For 45 Days ' TERMS TO SUIT YOU Open till 9 P.M. Man. thru Frl. Sat. 6:30 P.M. Open Sundays ) ?M to 7 PM Lockwood Motors Used Cars NEW FLEX-A-MATIC FINANCING '60 RAMBLER American 2 door ledan. Motor tires, finish like new. Price Down pmt. Monthly pmt, $1245 $125 $62 1956 MERCURY Montclalr' 2 door hardtop. Radio, heater, Merco-O-Motic, full power, slick. Price Down pmt. Monthly omt, $848 $85 $43 '59 FORD 6 cyl. 2 door sedan. Standard trons. 38,000 ocutal miles. Price Down pmt. Monthly pmt. $1198 $120 $59 1957 MERCURY 2 door coupe, R&H, Merc-O-Matic. This cor was re conditioned and ready for sale, some metal domoge wos done by us. Approximate price of rcijoirs Is $190 cost, " Price Down pmt. Monthly pt. $550 $50 $29 Payments Including Interest and Life Insurance Are Approximately Within A Few Pennies. OPEN SUNDAYS 10 to 4 LOCKWOOD MOTORS TWO BIG USED CAR LOTS Oak & Rose Streets OR 3-6334 Trucks For Sale 76 MACK TRUCK, LF, Peerless trailer. Inquire Shell Stat lon,Canvonvl lit. 1154 DIAMOND Tshorl 'logger. Permit In", cluded Makean offer. Phone OS9-5W. OUTSTANDING SHAPE 'biGMC 4-spced pickup. $365. New palnt. radla. OR 3-'Ca4. 1943 CHEVROLET army truck, 4 wheel drive, 1947 motor, In good condition, (375. See at Umpqua Store. Phone 1938. '51 FORD. ecyt truckwith 14 "it? Ilalbed, and stock rack. All In A-l cond. MOO. CallGY 03135 '33 MODEL B FORD 1 ton trick, good nape. 3 wheel luggage trailer, phone OR yH after 6:30 p.m. FOR SALE or trade 14 ton Ford pickup, with Cattle camper, will lake 15 ft, trail er as part. Call 3t02 or write Martin Nichols. PO Box 366, Oakland, Or 9 CHEVROLET V, ton pickup. 4 spd. trans., H.D. wheels, gd tires, appro. 32, 000 actual ml,, never In woods; clean. $550. Also 10 FT. CAMPER w-cabover bed, sleeps 4, $350. OR 34740. PICKUP '59 INTERNATIONAL H Ton, heavy duty Inquire at HOWARD COOPER Corp. Diamond Lake Blvd. Motorcycles 77 '51 HARLEY Davis 74, 5200 Call OR 3-5995 1959 DUCATI motorcycle, good condition, S300. can alters p.m. uk 3-473B. v 1962 BSA motorcycle, Super Rocket. Excell, cond., priced for quick sale. 769 Chris tian St., Myrtle Creek, 863-4391 . HONDA The trail machine for r . Hunters Fishermen Campers Sports models too. Sales Service Parts DUDE'S GUN SHOP . AND SHOOTING RANGE, OR 2-2862 Vi miles east on N. Umpqua Hwy. Automotive Wanted 80 CARS PICKUPS WANTED Your best cash Prlcel Before you sell see: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 1328 SE Stephens OR 2-3421 Cash On The Line For Your Late Modal Car or Pickup Highest Prices Paid NAPIER Auto Sales ' 1240 SE Stephens OR 2-224 USED CARS - PICKUPS WANTED Cash or trade for equity. Johnson and Whelchel 1358 SE Stepnens ' OR 3-6391 (on approved credit) Autos For Sale 81 For The Best Quality Used Cars in Town '61 BUICK Special 4 door sedan, fully equipped. For discriminate mg $94QS people 7 u '61 CHEVROLET Corvair 4 door station wagon, $0 1 Q C Standard trans, .... I 7 J '61 FORD Fairlone 4 door sedan Standard trans. R&H, low mileage, . SIORH local. Sharp . I'JU '61 FALCON 2 door sedan, Low mileage, very $17QR clean. Stick shift. I' 'J '60 PONTIAC Bonneville hardtop. Power steering and brakes. R&H, automatic trons. Immac ulate condition. A dream car for '2695 only . '60 CHEVROLET V8 Biscoyne A door sedan. R&H. Powerglide, In beautiful turquoise,, low mileage and '17 OR , sharp I 7 -J '60 VOLVO 4 door sports sedan. Exceptionally low . mileage, like new , ; $1 CQC throughout, U' J '59 FORD V8 4 door sedan. R&H, automatic, This car has been completely IOQ overhauled I O 7 O '58 CHEVROLET V8 4 door station wagon, Exceptionally clean, R&h, T5QR Powerglide IOJ '55 FORD V8 2 door Ranchwagon. Far above average $XOR for only , O J NAPIER Auto Sales Hlllman Sunbeam Sales and Service 1240 SE Stephens St. OR 2-2243 '1995 $2095 M295 $645 M195 $395 $2095 5th Barcus Motors, Inc. Better Buys at Barcus Dodge Chrysler Imperial Simca N. Stephens at Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-5566 1956 0LDSMOBILE 88 2 door hardtop. Radio, heater, Hydramatlc, 4 new tires, black and red. Sharp. Price Down pmt. Monthly pmt. $748 $76 $39 1957 CHEVROLET V8 4 door wagon. Radio, heater, Powerglide, Al condition. Guaranteed Price Down pmt. Monthly pmt. $1098 $108 $53 1959 EDSEL Ranger 4 door sedan, R&H, 6 cylinder, Standard trans. A-1 guarantee. Top shape. Price Down pmt. Monthly pmt. $1298 $130 $65 1430 SE Stephens Street OR 2-1441 . Mon., July 30, 1962 The News-Review, Roseburg, Or. 15 Autos For Sale SI 1153 CHEVROLET 3 dr. Powerglide, good condition, sirs cash. GY e-3S47. 1949 HUDSON, ISO or will trade for deer rule. See at Roseburg Skyways, Rose burg Airport, or call OR 2.36)1. Jalopy Junction One Mi South Old Hvy 99 Phone OR 2-4661 55 PONTIAC, J door S3IS 54 FORD V6. 4 door station wagon .. SI65 '54 DODGE, new tires, clean 1395 '53 PONTIAC hardtop - 1100 52 PONTIAC hardtop, runs good ...... 8125 51 STUDEBAKER VI 95 CHEVROLET plckvw 4 speed I95 '54 FORD VI, 4 door, new paint 8395 CASH FOR CARS Used Ports - Auto Wrecking AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BEST BUYS No Gimmicks No Hidden Cost We Stand Behind Each Deal '61 OLDSMOBILE 88 4 door. Power steering and brakes. Automatic trans, $07QR R&H, 19,000 miles 7 J '60 PONTIAC Bonneville coupe. Power steering and brakes. Automatic trons. R&H, New tires, $970 Low mileage 4-1 7 J '61 COMET 4 door. Automatic trans, Deluxe trim, 101 engine, 1 Q Q S white .:. 7 7 J '61 RAMBLER Classic 4 dr sedan, 6 $1795 cylinder I i 7 J '60 CHEVROLET 2 door sedan. 6 cyl. Standard 1 RQS trons. New ttrei J 7 J '59 FORD Convertible. Standard tram, power steering and RteH' 1 895 '56 CHEVROLET 4 door BelAir V8, automatic $TQR trans, R8.H 7 J '56 RAMBLER 'AQ1 Station wagon J 7 J '55 DODGE Station wagon . 495 '52 CHEVROLET (two of them' to choose JlOR . from) ea. 4ij COMMERCIALS 'tjl CHEVROLET 'A ton pickup. 4 speed trans, SO 1 Q C commercial tires .... 'I'" '61 CHEVROLET Vi ton pickup, Long wheel base, wide bed, 3 speed. 13,000 $1 QQCL miles, Gem top .... 7 f '61 STUDEBAKER Ka ton pickup. 6 cyl., Overdrive, $17QK custom cab. canoDV. ' w '5? GMC Vi ton pickup. Long wheel base, Wide bed, 4 speed tram, T3QR 1 270 motor IJ" J '58 DODGE Yi ton pickup, 6 cyl. 3 speed QQ R tron 7 7 J '59 VOLKSWAGEN Bus tQQR Low mileage ' 7,J '56 INTERNATIONAL A ton pick up. Long wheel base, 4 speed, power steering, commercial wheels and 895 55 CHEVROLET Vi ton pick, up. 3 speed AQR tram. U 7 sj '54 INTERNATIONAL Vi ton pick " up. Long wheel R4S - base, 4 speed J" J '52 JEEP station wagon. AtZ( 4 wheel drive J" '49 CHEVROLET Subuf $1QC ban 4 speed trans i 7 J '54 JEEP C-J-5, Winch hubs, .'1395 '55 JEEP C-J-5 ...... .'1295 ...795 '59 15 ft. Trailer house . '62 8 ft, CHINOOK $1 0 7C Deluxe camper .... I O J 62 8 ft. 6 In, side d I n et t chinook $1 eye camper I J J NEW 1961 10 ft. CHINOOK camper with side dinette and 4 cu. ft. gal 17QR refrigerator I 7 J I SPEED boat, motor $OQC and trailer O'J Also APACHE camp trailers FRANK'S USED CARS 840 SE Stephens OR 3-3131 We will be glad to help you word your want od for Best Results. Dial OR 2-3321 Autos For Sale 81 BODY MAN SPECIAL '57 Chevrolet 2. door. 8350. OR 2-3242 or OR 2-2175. 53 PLYMOUTH Savoy, 1 owner, 54,000 ml. . consider trade tor camper, OR 3-4720. 51 FORD 4-door, reconditioned motor, new paint 00, 6160. OR 3-4662. 1955 OLDS 81 4 dr. sedan. Good condi tion, p-steerino. 1450 cash. Ph. OR 2-1738. 1954 FORD, axcelTent condition, good fires. rut. .w. un 4-64T.. JEEP, new rlotor, Uli Call OR 3-7673 FOR sale or trade, '52 Ford V6i 'S3 Cfiev., ooin i poors, call or 3-8384 after 4 p.m. '40 LARK 4 door swian. o cylinder, "good iirvi, tt.vw mini, ot Ojoy. It54 DeSOTO convertible). Full power, good conamon. win Taut pickup iradt in. Call OR 3-6237 eve. IMS DODGE SEDAN, 1921 Frank'ln sedan. Mil studttuktr President, 1934 Model T small truck. Coll 139-4479, Canyonviile, be tween 9 and S, weekdays. RAMBLER Custom Wagon, 1959. Beautiful corai ana wnne. k earning sears makes bed. Good tires, R 4. H. For sale by original owner, S1595. Set at 911 Falrhaven. THESE CARS REDUCED From Last Weeks LOW PRICES '62 Falcon '2095 4 door, standard trans, 101 h.p. deluxe trim, green and white. Ex-Riddle driver train- ng car. '61 Falcon 1765 Automatic transmission, radio, heater, deluxe trim, '57 Pontiac '995 Nine passenger wagon, V8 automatic nice condition. '56 Pontiac .'645 Nine passenger wagon, auto matic and air-conditioned. '55 Buick 545 ROADMASTER, 2 door hard top, power windows, power seat, power steering, power brakes. '55 Buick '545 CENTURY, 2 door hardtop, power steering, nice local car. '55 Plymouth '245 SIX, 4 door sedan, standard transmission.' NEW & USED CAR DEPT. OPEN SUNDAYS 1 to 4 WINETROUT Ford Sales At The Bridge; In Myrtle Creek DIAL 863-3151 It's Easy to us News-Review Want Ads In Person,' by Mail or Phone 545 SE Main dk 2-3321 13)