Grocery Shopping ACIOSS J Cut meat 6 Food tiah IVtgitible 12 Kind of steak 6 Altai 7Rojsl F Invert i Panraylvaoisj city 10 Wingrtiptd MEilst 14 Writer Gardner uftJtkug H Droop JlSSf 17Sp.nijh.unU i!tiZto IB Defeat 20 Joke 22 Greek letter 24 Falsehood 25 Fruit elks insredlent 29 Arm bon 27 Part of a track 28 Journey 30 Western state 29 Dried fruit 31 Observe 33Pi mode 32Urobate aaTumuu producers 37 Cut 39 Entice 41 Used the groceries 42 Stones 44 Insects HIHelp 49 Viewer Without a sest iSS Meet diihe 67 South merlcsa ! country INGuido'ihigb note CO Snare 61 Landed 62 Noise 63 Kalian money 64 Red and Black 65 Unhappy Essential being DOWN 1 Seafood 2 Jugged 3 Miners! rocki 4 Annoy 5 Cooking fuel '''P PAGWOOP--H JL THEY'RE HAVING I A GINT SALE OF V SMOKEO STURGEON AT7He SUPER- r V 1NARK6T r-j 'k-7 f p IHrTiVIHIfl look AT Y4t P ( BECAUSE FEWER HOvV COME FEWER ) "I 'SUPPOSE S. d I S SfEOPLE WATCH J PEOPLE WATCH rl ( rfS BECAUSE j fI S1 rrl lr VEfclRAMBACKFROWnl'KITCHENi I BjaPlaf N0.I HADrK SEEN THEIR FACES 1 1 ICOULWT HEAR WHAT RME1 PtSCRIBS I 1 "4 BUT H050 W WAS W 5I6HT! TWO MEU BUT I DIP SEE A CHAP GET OUT WAS SAO, BUT WHEM THVHIWmAND HIS CAR' STHIS HAH HAPV'O EH WAITWQ IM THAT PASSAGE rAM VBuV 0 AllD AS SOMETHINSU CHAP LEFT M A HUPP, I HE MAY NOT 86 j B li l WHAT " MAGIC? OH, NO MERELY THATS IT.' DRAW jl I THERE.'VOU SEe,OOOLA...) YOU OUGHT TO 1( MAGIC h3 I A OUAINT CUSTOM OF I IT IN, PRINCE.' I ( WHERE ONCE HE WAS Z.. A PERFECT BE ASHAMED , A THIS f OUR ENLIGHTENED A. TAKE A GOOD V MASTER, I'M NOW EXAMPLE OF MV OF YOURSELF, TvfV TIMES... HERE.' I OEEP DRAG.' THe ONE WHO ZOTH CENTURY lYOUBIGAPe.' rTnATT WMY?WHAT JfWe FIGURED HeH fSQ HE SLUED ITTpTHF VT" WroJtZ DID ME Do WELL-- rVAIGMT IMPROVE" FACE OF HIS DRIVER JGfti A f ZtiHT THIMI WITH IT? A-Uf--- HIS GOLF GAME ten r WANTINS-A PHOTci OF I HE WAS , V - ,, . Wy it fri" i war L IjWWiKnlf HERES THE ONLy ARTICLE L, I HE'S PRACTICALLY A 1 1 I HE'S RUNNING TOWARD 1 7 Wv Clrta OF CLOTHING EVER IDENTIFIED AIALKIN6 SOUP BONE.1! 1 TUt rUIB Btf I YOU'RE PART tVERYTHINQ, S AS LONGING TO "RIBS" I IF VOL) VEREASOUP Ll uo,V.'tfL, T VALTER,SO YOU MUST BE L FlNKNAGLE.'.'- HEIGHT: 6-3, j BONE, WHERE WOULD HOUSE.'.r-?? j PART K&GW'VUHOS J VOU &URY YOURSELF? j J E1 Antww to Pratfall Punlt ill 12SIES So Horse's gait 3ft Butter ingredients ' 40 Corn centers dODlstsnt (prefix: 51 Operstic solo 82 Lamb's pen nsme 43 Hale nickname S4 Discord goddess) 45 MUk producers oauonllicts 47 Acta MGrsf - 4t liealth resorts' 89 Conjunctive I B 13 li'l B It B I H U 116 HI rz ra rc i? a n rrV-iH n 1 ' 1 aBT-g J LJ STBTBT b"V S-io pi M" H "R Sf V" n rr s t -in b IT nt? In ' """"c H 1 1, jm pi b" ujrrr ST a T sr n s 53 U S5 5J I 71 LOOK HOU) THIS USED HAS SUOiilN RI6HT UP THR0U6H THIS CRACK IN THE SIDEWALK.. " 1" I'M GOING TO ON TH AT ) l i 12 Tht Nwi-Reviw, Roseburg, Or. Frl., July 27, 1962 If Your Paper Hat Not Arrivod By 6:15 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Between 6 & 7 P.M. Saturday Only 3 To 5 P.M. FROM NINE TO FIVE TTp-T jV ""r"' "I don't mind working overtime. It only bothers me when I hove to work regular hours." ( S OH VES..THEVLL 00 THAT. JUST 6IVE THEM THE SLI6H1E5T OPEN INS And they'll come throu6h r NONE CF US LIKE 4 SMOKED STURGEON ) JO By Jo Fischer STUPID WEEDS! ) iae I 1 A- JUST BECAUSE W6 DON'T ) ' LlkC IT, IS NO REASON FOOPAPSING up j LEGAL NOTICI TO CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION OF NORTH FORK OF SMITH RIVER ROAD DOUGLAS COUNTY, ORIGON SEALED bids will bt rtctivt4 by the Court' ty Court of Douoltii County at the Court- houM in Rosburg, Oregon, et 10:30 A.M., P.5.T., August tor contt'ueton North Fork of Smith River Road No. 4IA approximately 1J.J miles northeast of Gardi ner, Oregon. The ob consists of clearing, grubbing, exca vation, rock surfacing, fencing and drain age. The principal Hems are: 1. Excavation Items 319,500 cu. yds. ' 1. ,300 lln. ft. assorted culvert pip. 3. 41,000 cu. yd of material In base, 4. 3,100 rods of woven wire fencing, plus various other minor Items. Bidders will be required to submit prequall ticetlon statements. Specifications are on tile with the County wrv ui ivuufliai -ouniy, ang copies inert of may bt obtained at the office of the County Engineer, Room 2lf, Courthouse, Roseburg, Oregon. Douglas County reserves the right to reect ray in aia uiu or 10 waive any informal- lly in bidding. DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT V. T. JACKSON, County Judge E. R. METZGER, Commissioner RAY E. DOERNER, Commissioner NOTICE OF SFECIAL ILKCTION NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 31st day of July, 1942, between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at tha dI rnrintF- set forth, there will be submitted to tha qua tilled voters of Rosebura Rural Fir Pca. tection District of Douglas County, Oregon, in quonwi vj incorporanon oi eacn of the Units "E", Revised Unit "F", Revised Unit "G", Unit "H" and Unit "I". dtxa-rlKawl In tha Order of tht County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, dated June 75. 19?. also Unit "J", as hereinafter particularly described, as additional territory as a part w ara Kguourg rturai t-irt protection Dis trict. NOTICE. Is further olven that an M Ht there will be submitted to lha aulltliH tur. within Units "E", Revised Unit 'F" and Revised Unit "G". herInjiftr nariirni.rtu ).riuBH hi me uruer or int touniy court of Douglas County, Oreaon. dated Jim. 9. 1962. said Order baino a nart hrnr. t th. piotvs ncrcinarier set tortn, the question of whether said separata territories should be Included as a part of tht Roseburg Rural nil rfuietiion uniriCT. The places (or holdlna of iid r-aatniiu. elections shall be as follows: sectors or present Roseburg Rural Fire Protection District: Rural Fire Station, 150 Garden Valley Road, Roseburg, Ore gon. Electors of Unit "E", commonly referred to as South Green Area: Evergreen Grange Hall, Highway 47. Electors of Revised Unit "F", common ly referred to as the Garden Valley Del Rio Area: Larry Thomas residence, 15 Royal Oaks Drive, Ridge wood. Electors of Revised Unit "G", common ly referred to as tha Looklngglass Area: Looklngglass Grange Hall. Tha Order of thn fount Tahi mi.a June 35, 1952. above referred to Is as fol lows, to-wit: ORDER SETTING FORTH BOUNDARIES AND SETTING ELECTION DATE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF j THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY In the Matter of the Proposed Incorporation of Additional Contiguous Territory as a part or ROSEBURG RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. OPF. GON This matter eomlno an rMiilarlv w hur. Ing before the County Court of Dotiaiji County, Oregon. . IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that heretofore on tha 17th day of May, 1952, this Court made and entered an order de claring Its Intention to hold a hearing upon the proposed Incorporation of additional con tiguous territory as particularly described In said order as a part of Roseburg Rural Fire Protection District of Douglas County, Oregon, and by said order did call a hear Ing before the Court on the Mth dv nr June, 1962, In the County Court Room in ine Douglas County Courthouse In Rose burg, Oregon, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on said i date. That notice of said hearing and the time and place so fixed was duly given by publication In the Roseburg News Review, a newspaper oi general circulation in said territory, there being no newspaper pub lished within said Fire Protection District or any or the Units proposed to be an- nexea; thbt sAld notice was published in am iicwspftpBr in ine issues oi May 25, June 1 and June t, 1962, as more fully appears from tht proof of publication In file herein; Said Petitions DrOOOied tha InrArnnrallnn of additional territory as a part of said Flrt Protection District, commonly referred to in the Courts order above set forth as Unltt "E", "F", "G "H", and "I", and IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that at tht time set for the hearing there were more persons Interested In attending said hearing than there were facilities available In the County Court Room and thn hear ing was accordingly moved to Circuit Court KOOm B n Sa d Court Hmk jinri all nm,. ions Interested and present at the appoint ed hour were notified Of laid rhana aI th place of hearing, and IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE, COURT that at the hearing there were ob- lecnons 10 ine inclusion or portions of said Units "F" and "G". SMld ohlM-Hnn halnn In particular as follows: 1. Mr. Edward M. Murphy, attorney of Roseburg, on behalf of a number of resi dents residing within Unit "F", commonly referred to as the Garden Valley Del Rio Area, appeared on behalf of said residents and pointed out to the Court that a por tion of said area had recently been the basis of a petition for tht formation of Rlv ersdalt Rural Fire Protection District; that the Court acted upon said petition and has called an election to be held within said area upon the Question of the formal inn of said Rural Fire Protection District. Un- aer wese circumstances, the Court was of tht opinion, and It was agreeable to tht representatives of the Roseburg Rural Fire Protection District, that the area voting upon tht question of the formation of Rlversdale Rural Fire Protection District be excluded from the Garden Valley Del Rio Area, more particularly referred to In these pro ceedings as Unit "F", Messrs. Russell Denial, Darrel Coorjer. John OMIvant and a number of other resi dents of the Flournoy Valley area within tht said Unit "G" oblected to the Inclusion ol the Flournoy Valley area within the said Unit. It appearing to the Court that r-tournoy vauey area was represented In the hearing and most of said property own ers desired that their property bt excluded from said Unit and tht Court was of tht opinion that said area should be excluded. j. Mr. Ray Borden asked that portions af his property commonly referred to at tha Happy Valley Ranch bt txcluded from tht arta but was satisfied that other portions bt Included. Likewise, Mr. John Telford, an owner in Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 6 West, obecllng for himself and on behalf of Stanford and Helen Buetl, like wise owning property in said section, ob ject to tht Inclusion of their property within said district. Tht Court was of the opinion that the Buell property being In tht North half of tht North half of said section should bt txcluded, but that tht Telford property lying on both sides of the Happy Valley Road should remain within tht proposed Unit. 4. i nere were oiner individuals appear ing In person af said hearing asking that portions or all r their property be exclud ed, but the Court was of the opinion that the boundaries should only be changed as indicated on tht Revised Unit "G", attached to this Order. The Court heard other ob jections to tht Inclusion of other proper ties within said Unit "G", Including tha written petition of C. W. Heard, owning property In Section 3, Township II South, Range 1 West. IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that at said hearing there were no oblectlons made at to Unit "E" or any suggestions for tht change of boundaries of said Unit, nor were there any ob actions or suggestions as to Units "H" and "I". NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY OR DERED that a special election be held on the 31st day of July, 1967, at a place within each of the proposed Units "E", "F", and for annexation, said place to bt se lected by the County Clerk and there be submitted to the qualified electors within each of Ut Units "E". "F" and "G" pro posed for annexation, and also within tht present boundary of tht Roseburg Rural Ffre Protection District, tht question of In corporating each of the additional territories, to-wit: Units "E", "F", and "G", herein after particularly described ai a pM of the Roseburg Rural Flrt Protection District Of Douglas County. Thai or me iimn so proposed tor an nexation as a part of the existing Rote buro Rural Fire Protection District, the boundaries af Units "F" and ' are here by changed in the manner setyortr, in the Revised Units f and "G", ettatrw-d to his Order ana hereby made a part hert is If completely set out herein. That the boundarlts of Units "E", "H" and "I" shall not be changed and man o described set forth on exhibits ' E". "H". and , attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. PATRONIZE NEWS R F V I (5 W ADVERTISERS LEGAL That tht Units so changed and lha Units to bt voted upon at said election art par ticularly described as follows: A. Unit "E", commonly referred to as South Green area and as described In Ex hibit "E". attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. Revised Unit "F", commonly referred to as tht Garden Valley Del Rio arta, but with the area of the proposed Rivers dale Rural Flrt Protection District excluded therefrom and said Revised Unit "F" being mora particularly described In Revised Ex hibit "F", attached hereto and made a part hereof. C. Rtvlsed Unit "G". commonly referred to as tha Looklngglass arta, but with tht Flournoy Valley area excluded and with particular changes In tht boundaries of said proposed area, all as mora particularly de- KriDcg in Kevisea txnion attached hereto and made a part hereof, That all of tht owners and holders of real properly within said Units "H" and "I" petitioned for annexation and no elec tion is necessary within said Units and "I". IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the County Clerk shall appoint three ludoes and three clerks tor election for each of said units c , "F", and ' G , and also for the election within tha Roseburg Rural Fire protection District! name int piece tor hold ing of such election within each of said Units "E", Rtvlsed Unit "F" and Rtvlsed Unit "G", and within said District; post nonets thereof j prepare ballots for ust at said tlection; and conduct tht election In ine manner provided by law. UAitu mis ism day of June. i7. COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON By V. T. JACKSON County Judge By S- RAY E. DOERNER County Commissioner By -s- E. R .METZGER County Commissioner ATTEST: -s- G. D. MYLLENBECK County Clerk and Clerk of said court UNIT "E" COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS SOUTH GREEN AREA That ctrtaln area within boundarlts de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point where tht South trn Pacific Railroad Co. Intersects the South Boundary of tht W. R. Foster DLC No. 45 In Section 14, T. 28 S., R. i W., which Is also the south boun dary of the Roseburg Rural Fire Dis trict; Thenct West on said boundary to tht southwest corner ol W. R. Foster DLC No. 45; Thenct North on west lint of said W. R. Foster Callm to section lint between sections 11 and 14. T. 2S S., R. 6 W.i Thenct West on section lint to southwest corntr ol Lot 19 Flsks Fruit Farms; Thence North on west Una of said Lot 19 and Lot 17 to the south line of Lot 4 In said Flsks Fruit Farms; Thence West on south Una of Lot 4 t the southwest corner of said Lot 4; Thenct North along the west lines of Lots 4, 3, 3, and 1 to the northwest corner of Lot 1; Thenct east along tha north line of said Lot 1 to the east lint of Section 10; Thence North along the Section line between Section 10 11 and Sections 2 & 3 to the northeast corner of Lot 1, "Rose burg Home Orchard Tracts, Plat "H"; Thence West along the north line of Lots 1, 3, 3, 4, & 5 of said "Roseburg Homt Orchards Tracts, Plat "H", to the east bank of the South Umpqua River; Thence upstream, along the east bank of said river to the south lint of Sec tion 15) Thence East on section Una to section corner common to Sections 14, 15, 22, ft 23; Thence North on section lint to tht quarter corner common to Sections 14 and 15; Thenct East to the west boundary of tht S. Marsh DLC No. 44; Thenct South to the southwst corner of Claim No. 44; Thence East on said Claim boundary to tht Southern Pacific Railroad; Thenct North and West on the , Railroad RW line to the west line of the S. Marsh DLC No. 44; Thence North along said west line to the south line W. R. Foster DLC No. 45; Thence West along said South line to point ol beginning, all being In Sections 3, 10, 14, 15, and 16, T. 28 S-, R. A W., W.M. EXHIBIT ' E " REVISED UNIT "F" COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS GARDEN VALLEY - DEL RIO AREA That certain area within boundaries de scribed as follows: BEGINNING on West boundary of Rose burg Rural Fire District on Ihe Garden Valley Road at a point 8.57 chains West of East boundary of Section 10, Township 27 South, Range 6 West, Wil lamette Meridian, said point being the Northwest corner of the property once owned by C. M. Cook and described In Volume 83, Page 286 of the Deed Rec ords of Douqlas County, Oregon. Thence South along thn West boundary of property owned by Cook to tht South west corner thereof; Thence West along North boundary of property owned by Daniels and Hunt as described In Volume 107, Page 304, of the Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon, to the Northwest corner there of. Thence South to South boundary of ti'is North half of North half of Section 15, Township 27 South, Range 6 West, W.M.; Thence West along the South boundary of North half of North half of Section 15, and South boundary of North east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 16, Townshlo 27 South, Range 6 West. W.M., lo the South Umpqua River. Thence downstream and follow ing the center of said stream through Sections 9 of Township 27 South, Range 6 West, to the South line of Section 4, T. 27 5 , R. 6 W.; thenct East along the South line of Sections 4 and 3, said Township and Range to a point In tht East line of the Jacob Jones DLC No. 43; thenct Northerly along Ihe East tine of the Jacob Jones DLC No. 43 to tht N.E. corner thereof; thence Westerly along the North line of said Jacob Jones DLC No. 43 to the S.E. Corner of the Bethel Way DLC No. 51; thence Northerly along the East line ol said Bethel Way DLC No. 51 to the Northeast corner of the South half of said Bethel Way DLC No. 51; thence Westerly along the North line of tht South half of said Bethel Way DLC No. 51 to the West RW lint of Garden Valley Road; thence Northerly along tht West RW line of said Road to Its in tersection with the centerline of tht North Umpqua River; thence downstream In a Westerly direction along the centerline of said river to the East line of Sec tion 33, T. 36 S., R. 6 W.) thence North following the Westerly secllon lint of Section 33 and 78 of Township 26 South, Range 6 West, W.M., lo a point 1370 feet North of Ihe Southwest corner of said Section 31; thence East to tht East lint of said Section 28; thenct South to tht center ol said North Ump qua River; thence upstream following the center of said river and to the North tine of Section 23, Township 76 South, Range 6 West, W.M.r thence Easterly fallowing the South line of Section 14 and 13 of said Township and Range to the Northeast corner of said Section It; thence South to the center of said North Umpqua River to the Northeast corner of tht District as presently existing; thence following downstream along a por tion of the now existing North boundary of said District to tht Easterly right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence Southerly along the said railroad (said line being along the Westerly boun dary of the existing District) In said area to the North lint of Edenbower Orchard Tracts; thence following the . presently existing boundary of said Dis trict in a Westerly direction and along the approximate North lint of said Tracts to the Northwest corner of Lot 7 of said Tracts; thence Southerly and West erly along the boundary of said Eden bower Orchard Tracts to the Section line between Sections 1 and 2, Town ship 37 South, Rangj i West, W.M.; thenct Southerly along Westerly Section line of Sections 1 and 12 to Intersec tion of Westerly Section line of Section 13 with North boundary of Isaac Jones DLC No. 65. Township 27 South, Range 6 West, W.M.f thence West to the North west corner of tht Isaac Jones DLC No. 65; thenct Westerly to Intersection of said line extending to Garden Valley Road; thenct following tht center of said road In a general Westerly direction to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING what may bt commonly refer red to as tht Wart and Welker properties particularly described as follows: bvjinning on the West boundary of Roseburg Rural Flrt Protection District along the Garden Valley Road at a point 1.57 chains Welt of the East boun dary of Section 10, TownsNo 37 South, Range 6 West, Willamette Meridian, said point being tht Northwest corner of th prooerty once Owned by C. M. Cook and described In volume 83, Page 786 of the Deed Records of Douglas County, Offpon; thence Northerly to the North right of way line ot C-erden Vauey Road; thence fot-owlfig along the North rght of way line of said Garden Valley Road to a point where the same intersects th Northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 3. now vacated LAUREL CREST PLAT 'B") thtfH North atong tht Easterly boundary of the Jacob Jones OlC No. U and thfnce Northerly alQnq the Wet erly boundary of the Wiutam Witwvi DLC No. ; thenct WenterS alnng the Northerly boundary af the Be'hel Way LEGAL DLC No. 51, to tht Easterly right of way line of Garden Valley Road; thence North and along the Easterly right of way lint of said road to the Southerly boundary lint of RIDGEWOOO: Thenct Easterly along tht South line of RIDGE WOOO to tht S.E. corner thereof; thenct Northerly along the East line of RIDGE WOOD and tht extension thereof lo Us intersection with Fisher Road; thence following tht Southerly and Easterly right of way lint of the County Road com monly known as Fisher Road to a point on tht South line of the James Mc Kinney DLC No. 47; thenct Easterly, Northerly, and Easterly again alonq th external boundarts of said OLC No. 47 to tha Northeast corner of Lot 8, Sec llon 23, Township 26 South, and Range 6 Weil, Willamette Meridian; thence South along the East line of said Lot 8 and thence East along the Northerly line of Section 26, ol said Township and Range, lo Its Intersection with the North Umpqua River; thence upstream and along the Southerly bank ol said river through said Section 36 and Into Section 25 to a point where said bank inter sects tha East line of tht Northwest quarter of Iht Southwest quarter ol Section - 35, said Township and Range; thenct South and East along the South erly boundaries of the properties once, or now, owned by Chester Morgan, Mar tin A. Paul, and G. W. Gillian In the Northerly part of Lots 17 and 10 In said Section and thence Easterly to th Westerly right of way line of the re located Pacific Highway In said Section 25; thence Southerly and along the West erly right of way lint ol said Highway through said Section 25 and Section 36 of said Township and Section 1 of Town ship 27 South, Range 6 West to Ihe North line of Edenbower Orchard Tracts; Ihenca Westerly to the Northwest corner of Lot 7 of said Tracts; thence Southerly along the Westerly boundary of the Joseph Lant DLC No. 61 to tha Southeast cor ner of Lot 2 of Section 2 of Township 27 South, Range 6 West, (together with the North 30 feet of Lot 8 of said Tracts); thenct Westerly to the Southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of Section 2; thence Westerly to the Northwest corner of Lot 35 ol said Edenbower Orchard Tracts; thenct Southerly to the North line of the Isaac Jones DLC No. 65; thence Westerly and Southerly along tht boundaries of said DLC No. 65 to the North line of the L. E. and J. E. Bui .ler proper!; thence Westerly along the North line of said Butler property; thence Northerly along tht Easterly right of way line of Garden Valley Road to the Russ Brlggs properly In Seciion 11; thence around the exterior boundaries of the Russ Briggs property; thence West erly along said road to the Arlle Taylor properly In said Section 11; thence around the exterior boundaries of said Taylor property and the W, C. Jarvls property; thence Westerly along the Northerly right of way of said Road to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING such portions of the above described area as have heretofore become a part of said District by Individual petition Including, without limiting Ihe tore going, what Is commonly referred to as the Crystallte Tile Property and Keller Saw mill property. EXHIBIT "F" REVISED UNIT "G" COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS LOOKINGGLAS5 AREA BEGINNING at the V corner common to Sections 33 and 34, T. 27 S., R. 7 W., W.M., Thence East along the E-W centerline of said Section 34, to the S. W. corner of the parcel of land described In Vol. 99, Page 166 of Deed Records of Douglas county, Oregon; Thence North along the West boundary of said parcel to in rt. w. corner inereot; Be ing a point In the South line of the NEVS NE'ai of said Section 34, Thence West along said South line to the S. W. corner there of; Thence North along the West line of said NEV4 NE'j of Section 34 to the line between Sections 27 and 34; Thence East, along said line lo the corner to Sections 76, 37, 34 and 35; Thence South along Ihe line between Sections 34 and 35 to the S. W. corner of the NW'-i NW'i of said Sec tion 35; Thence East along the South lint of NW' NW'i, NE'4 NW'A AND NW'A NE Section 35 to the S. E. corner of last said subdivision; Thence North along the east line of last subdivision, and the east line of the West Vi of the SEVi of Section M to the N. E. corner thereof; Thonce East along the north line of said parcel to the S. E. corner of that parcel of land de scribed In Vol. 13B, Pane 540 ol Deed Rec ords of Douglas County, Oregon; Thence Northeasterly along the Easterly boundary of said parcel and the Easterly line of that parcel described In Vol. 128, Page 542, said Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon, and the northeasterly prolongation of last said line to its Intersection with the lint between Sections 33 and 26; Thence East along said section line to the corner of Sec tions 23, 24, 25 and 36; Thence South alonq th! line between Sections 25 and 26 to the Vj corner common thereto; Thence East alonq the E-W centerline ol Section 25 to the V, corner of said Secllon 25, T. 27 S., R. 7 W., and Secllon 30, T. 27 S., R. 6 W.; Thence North along the line between Ranges 6 and 7 West and the line between said Sections 25 and 30 lo the corner to Sections 24 and 25, T. 37 $., R. 7 W., and Sections 19 and 30, T. 27 S., R. 6 W.; Thence East along the line between said Sections 19 and 30 to the Vi corner common thereto; Thence North along the West line of the SW' SWVi SEV4 of said Section 19, to the N. W. corner thereof; Thence East along the north line of SWW SWA SE'4 to the N. E. corner thereof; Thence North along the west line of the NEW SWVi SEV4 to the N. W. corner thereof; Thence East along tht north line of said NE4 SW'i SEV4 and the north line of SE'4 $E'a of Section 19 to the line between Sections 19 and 30 at the N. W. corner of that parcel of land described as West 5 acres of SWVi SW'-i of Section 30; Thenct East, South and West along the Northerly, easterly and southerly boundaries of last said parcel lo the corner to Sections 19, 30, 29 and 30; Thence South along the line be tween Sections 29 and 30 to the corner to Sec tions 79, 30, 31 and 32; Thence West along ine lint between sections. 30 and 31 to ine 'm corner common thereto; Thence South along the N-s centerline of Section 31 to the S. E. corner of the NVj NWV of Section 31; Thence West along tht South boundary of said NVi NWVi of Section 31, T. 37 S., R. 6 W., and tht South boundary of tht NVt NEW of Section 36, T. 27 S., R. 7 W., to its Intersec tion with the west line of that parcel of , land described In Vol. 152, Page 177, ol Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon; Thence Southerly to the N. E. corner of that parcel of land described In Vol. 86, Paga 531, of Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon; Thence Southerly along the east boundary of said parcel to lis intersection with the ' lint between Section 36, T. 27 S-. R. 7 W., and Section 1, T. 28 $., R. 7 W.; Thence West along said section lint to the N. W. j corner of tht NEVi of NW'i of Section 1, T. 38 $., R. 7 W.; Thenct South along west I line or said ne'4 nw" to ine s. w. corner i thereof; and continuing south lo the most northerly N. E. corner of tht A. L. Todd D.L.C. No. 39, T. 31 S., R. 7 W; Thence; South along an east boundary of said D.L.C. lo Its intersection with the Northerly RW i line ol the Dlllard-Brockway-Looklngglass County Road No. 47; Thence Easterly along i said Northerly Rw Line to lis Intersection with the North line of said A. L. Todd D.L.C. No. 39: Thence East alono sa Id North line of said D.L.C. to its Intersection with the Westerly boundary of a parcel of land described in Vol. 317, Paoe 587, Deed Rec ords ol Douglas County, Oregon; Thence North along said boundary and alonq the west boundary of that parcel described in voi. 145, Page 607, Deed Records ot Doug las County, Oreaon, to tht line between Sec tions l and 17; Thence East along said section line to the corner to Sections 1 and 13, T. 28 S., R. 7 W and Sections 6 and 38 S , R. 6 W., and alono th line between said Sections 6 and 7 to the west boundary of th J. M. Harrinoton O.L.C. No. 40. T. 38 S., R. 6 W.; Thence alonq the west and north boundary of said D.L.C. to th i, W. corner of Government Lot 3, Section 6; Thence North along the line be tween iov-t. lots J and 4, ine west line of the NE"4 SE1 and the west line of Gov't. Lot 3 ol Section 6 to tha South boundary of the H. Saxton D.L.C. No. 37. T. 78 S.. R 6 W.; Thence West and North alonq the sourn ana west boundaries et said D.L.C. to tht North R W line ot County Road No. 76-B; Thence East along the North R-W lint of said Road and the extension thereof to its intersection with the west line of the Mtnara u.L.t. no. 3?; Thence Southerly along the west line of said D.L.C. to tht North R w lint of County Road No. 36; Thence Easterly along said R W line to its Intersection with the East line of Section 4, T. 21 S., R. 6 W.; Thence North along the East line of said Section 4 to the N E. corner of Gov't Lot 5, Section 4; Thence test aiong me south boundary of th free tional N'i NW' of Section 3 to th left bank of th South Umpqua River: Thence following th said left bank of th river uosiream to tfe in between Sections 9 and i 10. T. 28 S. R. 6 W.; Th-x-e North ato-a ' said line and the tin between Sections O ang to in n. e. corner oi th 5't 5' 1 1 of said Section i; Thence West along tht north boundary ot said 5'i S'i to the tine between Sections 4 and 5. said Township i and Range; Thence South along said line to ! th corner to Section . J, 8 and 9; Thenc West aiong the line between Section 5 and I and and 7 to an eat boundary ef th afofesaid J. M. Harrington DLC. No. $. j T. 78 , R. 6 W; Thfc Srtuth and W-;t ! aong an east and south boundary e said; LEGAL D.L.C. to th N. E. corner of Govt Lt , Section 7; Thence South along tht cast tin of Govt Lot 9 and th ast line of Iht SW'4 Of the NEVi Of Section 7 to th E-W V line 01 said Section 7; Thence Westeny along th E-W Vi Section lln of Section 7 to th West lln of the aforesaid Harrington D.L.C. No. 40; Thence South along said West lln lo th center of Looklngglass Creek; Thenc downstream, along th centerline of said creek to the Northerly RW Lin of a (or, said Dlllard-Brockway-Looklngglass County Road No. 47; Thenc Westerly along said Northerly RW Line and the Northerly RW Lint of Swan Hill County Rocd No. 132 lo Its intersection with th west boundary of said J. Hartin D.L.C. No. 37, T 28 S.. R. 7 W.; Thenc South along In east lint of Gov't Lot 4 in Section 13, T. 38 $., R. 7 W., to tht South lint of said Section 13; Thenct West along tht South lint ol said Section 13 to the S. W. corner of said Gov't Lot 4; Thenct Northerly along Iht west lint of said Gov't Lot 4 to tht N. W. corner thereof; Thenct East along tht north lint of said Gov't Lot 4 to tht west line of said J. Hartin D.L.C No. 37; Thenct North along said D.L.C. boundary, and tht west line of Gov't Lot 8, Section 13, T. 28 S., R. ' 7 W., and Us Northerly prolongation to h centerline of Looklngglass Creek; Thenct downstream along th centerline of said creek to the east line of tht aforementioned A. L. Todd O.L.C. No. 39; Thenct North along said D.L.C. line to the South RW lint of the aforesaid Dlllard-Brockway-Looklngglass County Road No. 47; Thence Westerly along the south RW line of said County Road No. 47 to the N-S Vi section line of said Section 12; Thence southwesterly to a point In tht west lint of said A. L. Todd D.L.C. No. 39, 200 ft. south of tht N. W. corner of the T. E. Olllvant property as described In VoL 64, Page 185, Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon; Thenct Northerly along said D.L.C. Una to the N.W. corner of said OMI vant properly; Thence Northeasterly along th North line of said Olllvant properly to a point In the centerline of Looklngglass Creek; Thence upstream, along tht centerline of said creek to its confluence with the centerline of Ollala Creek and continuing upstream along the centerline of said Ollala Creek to Its Intersection with tht north line of the Nathaniel Huntley D.L.C. No. 47, T. 28 S., R. 7 W.; Thence West along said D.L.C. line to the East RW line ot tht Tenmll County Road No. 108; Thenc South along said RW line to Its Intersection with the south line of said Huntley D.L.C; Thence West along said south line of D.L.C. to the S.W corner thereof; Thence North along a west line of said D.L.C and the Northerly prolongation thereof, to Its Intersection with the Easterly prolongation of the South Una of Gov't Lot 1, Section 15, T. 26 S R. 7 W.7 Thence West along said Easterly pro longation to Its intersection with the South erly prolongation of the line between Lots 2 and 3, Section 10, T. 28 S., R. 7 W.; Thenc North alonq said prolongation, said line, and the west line of the A. M. Johnson D.L.C No. 45, T. 26 S., R. 7 W., to the S. E. corner of the NVii NW'4 Section 10, T. 38 S., R. 7 W.; Thence West along said south line and tht south line of the N'j NEVi Section 9, to the S. W. corner thereof; Thence South along N-S centerline of Section 9 to the center thereof; Thence West alono the E-W centerline to th S. W. corner ol the EV NWVi of Section 9; Thence North along the west line of said EV4 NWVi to the line between Sections 4 and 9; Thence East along said section line to Iht Vi corner thereof; Thence North along N-S centerline of Section 4 to the N. W. corner of S'i SEV said Sec tion 4; Thence East along the north line of said S'j SEVi to the line between Sections 3 and 4, T. 28 S., R. 7 W.; Thenc North along th line between said Sections to tha S. E. corner of Gov't Lot 1, said Section 4; Thence West and North, along a south and west boundary of said Lot 1 to the N. W. corner thereof, being a point In the Una Deiween t. it 5., R. 7 W., and T. 28 S.. R. 7 W.; Thence west along said Township Line lo Ihe S. W. corner of the 3EVi of tha SWVi of Section 33, T. 27 S., R. 7 W.; Thence North and East along the west and north line of said SEVi of the SWVi of said Section 33 to the N. E. corner thereof: Thence East along the north lint of the awa oi me 5EV4 ot said section 33 to lha east line of the property formerly owned by E. L. Lewis as described In Vol. 95, Pag 533, Deed Records of Douglas County, Ore gon; Thence Northerly along the East lint of said property to the E-W V Section lln of said Section 33; Thence East along said V Section line to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT "G" UNIT "H" COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS That certain area within boundaries da- Ocqlnnlng at Ihe Intersection of tht cen terline of Deer Creek and the east boundary of 3rd Brook side Addition to Roseburg, as platted and filed In the Clerk's Office of Douglas County, said point being at a southeast corner of the present Roseburg Rural Fire Dis trict boundary; Thence, Northsysterly along the centerline of si Id Deer Creek, to its Intersection with the line between sections 16 and 21, T. 27 S., R. 5 W., W.M., said line being also the south boundary of the Samuel Harkness DLC No. 41; Thence East, along said Section and DLC line to the southeast corner of that parcel of land conveyed to A. L. Price, as described In Vol. 101, Paqe 112, of Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon; Thence North, along the east boundary of said Price Parcel to the North Umpqua Highway, County Road No. 4; Thence across said North Ump qua Highway to Ihe west boundary of Kester Road, County Road No. 86; Thence north, along said boundary of Kester Road to Its Intersection with the easterly prolongation of the northerly boundary of said 3rd Brook side Addi tion; Thenc west, along said prolonga tion, to the northeast corner of said 3rd Brook side Addition, being a north east corner of the present boundary of said Roseburg Rural Fire District. Thence South, along the east boundary of said 3rd Brookslde Addition and the present boundary of said Roseburg Rural Ffre District, to the point of beginning being In Sections 16 and 21, T. 27 S., R. 5 W., W.M., Douglas County, Oregon. EXHIBIT "H" UNIT "I" COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS NEWTfsN t-DBBV ae That certain area within tvumHari.. as follows: BEGINNING at thai Mnrlh...t ,... ...... ., , -. i, nvicuutg urcnaros Co. as platted and tiled In Volume 4, Paq 60, Plat Records of Douglas County, Ore gon; Thence Northerly along the east Una ", erenjion inereot lo the North RW Line of Newton Creek Road; to the Southeast corner of Lot 56 of said suoaivision; inenct Northerly along tht east line of said Lot 56 lo tht northeast corner of said Lot 56; thence Westerly along th North line ol Lots 56, 55, and 54 of said subdivision the Nnrthwttt rnrnar Hi t .( ra. au Southerly along the west line of said Lot Westerly along the north lln of said Lot jo iu m rwinwei! corner tnereof; thenc Southerly alonq the West line of said Lot 53 to Ihe Southeast corner of Lot 43; thenc Westerly along the South lln of Lof 43 to a point In the West line of the W. L. Miller prooerty as described by Instrument No 193647 Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon: thenr-a t. nut hard, aiun k. ia... line of said Miller property and the West .mc di ncwion uaxs Manor- as platted and filed In Volume 12, Pag 6, Plat Records ot Douglas County, Oregon, and the extension thereof to Ihe South RW line of said Newton Creek Road; Thenc Westerly along he South RW line of safd Road to Its In tersection with the East RW lint of Parker Road; thence Southerly along the East RW lint of said Parker Road to the Northwest corner of Lot 148; thence Easterly along th North Lin of said Lot 148 to the point of beginning, all being in Tract 1, Plat .1, Roseburg Orchards Co. In Sections 6 and 7, T. 27 y. R. 5 W., W.M. , EXHIBIT"!" , UNIT "J " : Unit "J", above referred to, Is commonly referred to as the Soggs Road Area and .Is particularly described as follows BEGINNING at the Intersection of th Watt line of Secllon 1, T. 36 S.. R. 6 W., WM, with th Northeasterly line of "McNary Sub division" as platted and Sued in Volume 7 of Plats. Pag 5. Records of Douglas Coun ty, Oregon; thence Southeasterly along th Northeasterly lln of said "McNary Subdi vision" to a point In th North Lin of "Boggs Orchard Tracts" as platted and filtd In Volume 4 of Plats. Page 76, Records of Douglas County, Oregon; thenc Easterly along th North line ot said "Boggs Orchard Tracts" to th N. E. cornr of Lot H ol said ''Boggs Orchard Tracts"; thenc Southerly along th East lln of said Lot to th North line ot Lot 33 of said "Boggs Orchard Tracts"; thenct easterly along the North Lln of Lots 33. 35. 37. 39, 4t rd 43 to th N . E . corner of Lot 43 of sa !d "Boggs Orchard Tracts"; thence Southerly aiong the East Lln of Lot 43 and 42 to point In lh south line of Section l, T. 38 S . R. 6 W.; thence Westerly along th South Lin of said Section 1. to th s. W. corner of said Section 1; thenc northerly, along tn west lln of said Section 1, to th point of beginning. Q TO Orr)r of tht County Court, dated Jun 45, 1961. I G. O. Mytleootck o O Myllnbct, County Cl Douglas County, Oregon